I usually wake up 4.30-5am. Love being up at this time, especially walking and watching the sunrise with no one around. But I need lots of sleep so my bedtime is 8pm!
Living in a student city, everyone is still out and partying at that time 😭 definitely not peaceful. Here 7am is when the party goers leave the streets for good, but by then everyone’s up for their work day! The joys of living in cities that never sleeps
I found waking up at 5a.m made me more productive in the sense that I spend 2 hours reading and Journaling and doing my planner and just start my day with slow self care so I actually have it in me to do all of my stuff for the day without neglecting myself ❤
When I slept well,In my dreams,I did this to do list: 5:15 am-wake up 5:17 am-skincare,brush my teeth and wash my face. 5:20am-Made amla squash juice with honey. 5:25am-Went for a morning walk. 7:00 am-Shower
I wake up at 5 am since the last 5-6 years, because I have to be at the office at 6.30 am. I have a child and a full time job, and of course the house hold chores. Waking up so early doesn't make me do more things. It makes me very-very tired by the end of the week. It might be fun for a week, but not for ages.
I hear you. With childcare and full time job, waking up by 5am feels tiring as I'll still sleep later and not be that productive especially in the afternoon when the tiredness hits 😢
For you, you would need to get up earlier if you want a slow start to your morning. Sounds like youre burnt out and drained which is absolutely expected when you have children and work full time so i understand. Maybe if you can get some time in for yourself in the morning, you can feel more energized for your day. I used to work 10-7 and i would get up at 5am to read, journal, workout etc. I hated my job but forcing myself to get up and take care of ME before having to BE for others, really helped. I now have a 20 month old and been working on getting up early again lol. I hope you can find a routine that helps! ❤
It would not work for me during weekdays as I have full time job and need to back to office at 8:45am. Sometime even need to work overtime till 8 or 9 pm. Quite tired and I can’t sacrifice my sleep time,,, maybe I can try it during Saturday or Sunday😂
I go through different phases, but I prefer waking up super early. I have chronic anxiety and depression, as well as many sleeping disorders, but I find that waking up early (and ofc going to bed early as well) literally improves every aspect of my life. It does get hard sometimes because my friends are mostly all night owls and my part-time job keeps me awake till midnight some days out of the week, but it is very worth it.
Vanessa, you are helping me so much in maintaining discipline in my life. You showed me self discipline can be fun... God bless you with everything you want younger sis 😘😘
Hi Vanessa! I usually wake up around 9:30am in the summer, and 7am during school season! it's curantly 10pm for me and this gave me a burst of motivation and im gonna try and wake up at 5am tomorrow!! New Sub!! #5amCrew
Thank you for being you & for being one of my favorite youtubers! You’ve taught me so much! You’re the best inspirational human being I know 🤩 What did we do to deserve all this content? You’re literally sunshine in human form! Love all your videos and your energy 🤍🩵
I had to start waking up at 5am for my job which is at 6, but one thing I learned was prepping the night before so I don't feel stressed waking up in the morning feeling like I had a lot to do. So I make my lunch and breakfast the day before. I also work out after work so I don't have to wake up at 4am because me personally I cannot do it. So I work out around 3pm so that around 2 when I get off I can decompress since I am always on my feet at my job and walking or running around everywhere.
I’m currently doing my 4th year of medical school with clinical rotations. Therefore I need to wake up around 5 am to commute to the hospital where I start at 7:30am. I don’t mind the waking up early, I do mind going to bed early.. still a struggle for me! Loved the vid♥️
Love your vlogs. You are one of my favorite UA-camrs. I am awake at 4 am on days I have to open at Starbucks. Other days I’m up at 5-5:30am with no alarm. My scheduled is all over the place cause I’m training new baristas. If I sleep in any later it’s usually after either asthma flare ups or flare up with heart condition that will completely drain all my energy.
I came across this video because I have also googled "how to get up at 5 am"😅 I really want to start this amazing routine. I wake up at 6 am everyday but still feel that I need so badly that extra hour. Being a working mom I just can't find time for activities and training. Thanks for video. I really needed to see it💪🌺
Think you just gained another follower. I'm a fellow Torontonian more to the west though so Etobicoke, and it's nice having another Torontonian on UA-cam. Everyone I see is mostly from the US not saying its bad just it's nicer to have someone where you, yourself is from you know.
ahaha mine was too, hence the challenge for myself, i'd say it's a lot easier to slowly reset you schedule. when mine is out of whack i usually do 10 minutes earlier bed and wake up per day til i'm at a consistent time! 💌
I love getting up early because my everyday life is busy and rushed so just taking my time in the early hours is so peaceful and I like the atmosphere in the morning when it's quiet and dim
The video documents the creator's experience of waking up at 5 AM every day for a week. The goal is to test whether waking up early improves productivity and whether it's feasible to become a morning person. The creator typically wakes up around 7:30-8 AM but wants to try getting up at 5 AM for a more productive routine. The video follows the creator's daily experiences, including morning workouts, meals, outdoor activities, and work tasks. Waking up at 5 AM led to increased productivity, but the creator finds the routine unsustainable due to the early bedtime required.
@@Fatima00480 actually on the first week it was hard bcs I used to sleep at 5:00am but then it became smth usual and it's so good. You will have a lot and free time and you will notice that ur laziness (if u got ofc) will gone slowly
Its easy getting up early, I usually naturally wake 3:30am-4:30am (probably high cortisol lol). But the challenge is finding what to eat throughout such a long day.
Cool video!! Thanks for testing this. I feel like I would thrive as well with a 6 ish am wakeup time and having my slow morning. 5 am I think I would get burn out.
Your videos are really Nice and inspirational and you have taught so much thought out your videos. Your videos are So pretty and aesthetic. Love you videos and Your energy!! 😊🌺
Honestly I can’t wait to move to London and actually have a coffee shop to go to that early in the morning. It’s so hard to wake up early where I currently live because it’s such a small town and all the small businesses don’t open until 9am 🥺
Waking up at 5a.m. is something else like I normally go to sleep at midnight but despite getting 5 hours of sleep I am somehow very productive during the entire day ❤
I naturally wake up 5 a.m without an alarm because I had to prepare my lunch box when i was high school student for 3 years. I am having a trouble that recently sleeping time is more shorter than last year, but I wake up same time. I want to sleep a one more hour😭😭
Okay this is pretty random but if you cut off the chives a hand's breadth above the ground, they will grow back better than if you tear them off completely :) also this video is so aesthetic I love it
Thanks for the motivational video! What app do you use as your alarm clock?? I did have the Hatch alram clock but it had so many glitches and was not worth the money so I'm on the hunt for something new.
👟 Check out Vessi styles at www.vessi.com/vanessatiiu. Use code VANESSATIIU for 15% off your order. Free shipping for CA, US, AU, JP, TW, KR, SGP
Very informative video. Thanks for sharing
just bought some, thank you so muchhhh
Yesss you’re going to love!! 🫶🏼
is KR Korea?
I usually wake up 4.30-5am. Love being up at this time, especially walking and watching the sunrise with no one around. But I need lots of sleep so my bedtime is 8pm!
HOW? It seems so impossible for me to wake up this early. And it doesnt matter how early I sleep the previous night
Same! ❤ but I sleep late 😫
Living in a student city, everyone is still out and partying at that time 😭 definitely not peaceful. Here 7am is when the party goers leave the streets for good, but by then everyone’s up for their work day! The joys of living in cities that never sleeps
@@lilp3903 lowkey sounds fun
Omg guess what! When you showed 9:23pm I looked up and my clock said 9:23pm. I did not plan that at all! How cool!
I found waking up at 5a.m made me more productive in the sense that I spend 2 hours reading and Journaling and doing my planner and just start my day with slow self care so I actually have it in me to do all of my stuff for the day without neglecting myself ❤
When I slept well,In my dreams,I did this to do list:
5:15 am-wake up
5:17 am-skincare,brush my teeth and wash my face.
5:20am-Made amla squash juice with honey.
5:25am-Went for a morning walk.
7:00 am-Shower
Also 8:00am-Journal and study
The epic motivation I was waiting for. Thank you for being such a wonderful human being, and inspiring us to become our best selves.
aw no thank YOU for always enjoying my content and continuing to support me
Ja, das ist eine tolle Motivation
I wake up at 5 am since the last 5-6 years, because I have to be at the office at 6.30 am. I have a child and a full time job, and of course the house hold chores. Waking up so early doesn't make me do more things. It makes me very-very tired by the end of the week. It might be fun for a week, but not for ages.
I hear you. With childcare and full time job, waking up by 5am feels tiring as I'll still sleep later and not be that productive especially in the afternoon when the tiredness hits 😢
For you, you would need to get up earlier if you want a slow start to your morning. Sounds like youre burnt out and drained which is absolutely expected when you have children and work full time so i understand. Maybe if you can get some time in for yourself in the morning, you can feel more energized for your day. I used to work 10-7 and i would get up at 5am to read, journal, workout etc. I hated my job but forcing myself to get up and take care of ME before having to BE for others, really helped. I now have a 20 month old and been working on getting up early again lol. I hope you can find a routine that helps! ❤
It would not work for me during weekdays as I have full time job and need to back to office at 8:45am. Sometime even need to work overtime till 8 or 9 pm. Quite tired and I can’t sacrifice my sleep time,,, maybe I can try it during Saturday or Sunday😂
I go through different phases, but I prefer waking up super early. I have chronic anxiety and depression, as well as many sleeping disorders, but I find that waking up early (and ofc going to bed early as well) literally improves every aspect of my life. It does get hard sometimes because my friends are mostly all night owls and my part-time job keeps me awake till midnight some days out of the week, but it is very worth it.
Even though I’m watching this video one year after …….. I think your video just motivated me and definitely tomorrow will try it 😊
yay she’s back..i love this so much, definitely making me feel motivated to wake up early and get into a healthy routine
get it girl!! hope you have a lovely week xx
Vanessa, you are helping me so much in maintaining discipline in my life. You showed me self discipline can be fun... God bless you with everything you want younger sis 😘😘
Hey Vanessa, we love you! keep inspiring people all over the globe. Sending love from Australia!!
Aw thank you so much!! Sending love back from Toronto!!
Hi Vanessa! I usually wake up around 9:30am in the summer, and 7am during school season! it's curantly 10pm for me and this gave me a burst of motivation and im gonna try and wake up at 5am tomorrow!! New Sub!! #5amCrew
Thank you for being you & for being one of my favorite youtubers! You’ve taught me so much! You’re the best inspirational human being I know 🤩 What did we do to deserve all this content? You’re literally sunshine in human form! Love all your videos and your energy 🤍🩵
aw thank you maria, your comments always make my day!! ❤️
watching this at 11 PM with my 500 ml size iced coffee
I had to start waking up at 5am for my job which is at 6, but one thing I learned was prepping the night before so I don't feel stressed waking up in the morning feeling like I had a lot to do. So I make my lunch and breakfast the day before. I also work out after work so I don't have to wake up at 4am because me personally I cannot do it. So I work out around 3pm so that around 2 when I get off I can decompress since I am always on my feet at my job and walking or running around everywhere.
We need more videos like this Vanessa❤
you're such a inspiring human ❤❤ love you
vanessa i really love your videos!! it’s very comforting💗
aw thanks babe!! sending u love 💌
Girl, I love loveeeee your vibe ❤✨
You inspired me to wake up early tomorrow!
I’m currently doing my 4th year of medical school with clinical rotations. Therefore I need to wake up around 5 am to commute to the hospital where I start at 7:30am. I don’t mind the waking up early, I do mind going to bed early.. still a struggle for me! Loved the vid♥️
Wow i’m so proud of u❤
Good luck with that🍀
ah go you that's amazing!! 💌
Love your vlogs. You are one of my favorite UA-camrs. I am awake at 4 am on days I have to open at Starbucks. Other days I’m up at 5-5:30am with no alarm. My scheduled is all over the place cause I’m training new baristas. If I sleep in any later it’s usually after either asthma flare ups or flare up with heart condition that will completely drain all my energy.
I came across this video because I have also googled "how to get up at 5 am"😅 I really want to start this amazing routine. I wake up at 6 am everyday but still feel that I need so badly that extra hour. Being a working mom I just can't find time for activities and training. Thanks for video. I really needed to see it💪🌺
Think you just gained another follower. I'm a fellow Torontonian more to the west though so Etobicoke, and it's nice having another Torontonian on UA-cam. Everyone I see is mostly from the US not saying its bad just it's nicer to have someone where you, yourself is from you know.
I was literally thinking today that has Vanessa uploaded a video and then I got a notification!!! 🎉❤
hehe yep!! new video ❤️
girlie i wish mine was like this after watching this i realized my sleepings schedule is literally so fcked up
ahaha mine was too, hence the challenge for myself, i'd say it's a lot easier to slowly reset you schedule. when mine is out of whack i usually do 10 minutes earlier bed and wake up per day til i'm at a consistent time! 💌
I love getting up early because my everyday life is busy and rushed so just taking my time in the early hours is so peaceful and I like the atmosphere in the morning when it's quiet and dim
The video documents the creator's experience of waking up at 5 AM every day for a week. The goal is to test whether waking up early improves productivity and whether it's feasible to become a morning person. The creator typically wakes up around 7:30-8 AM but wants to try getting up at 5 AM for a more productive routine. The video follows the creator's daily experiences, including morning workouts, meals, outdoor activities, and work tasks. Waking up at 5 AM led to increased productivity, but the creator finds the routine unsustainable due to the early bedtime required.
i love your videos so much ❤❤i'm very proud of you, you motivate me so much even when i'm not feeling good sometimes, you always keep me up 💕
This is hands-down my favourite Vanessa Tiiu vlog ever
I'm going to try the same! I'm going to start this on Monday!!! Get me back to share with you guys! 🎀
How was it!?
@@Fatima00480 actually on the first week it was hard bcs I used to sleep at 5:00am but then it became smth usual and it's so good. You will have a lot and free time and you will notice that ur laziness (if u got ofc) will gone slowly
Its easy getting up early, I usually naturally wake 3:30am-4:30am (probably high cortisol lol). But the challenge is finding what to eat throughout such a long day.
Cool video!! Thanks for testing this. I feel like I would thrive as well with a 6 ish am wakeup time and having my slow morning. 5 am I think I would get burn out.
1:29 What is the name of the alarm app?
Default on iPhones :)
I love these kinds of videos, thank you Vanessa! 😍
Thanks girlie 🫶🏼
I love how peope wake up at 5am to be productive and I have to wake up at 5am to take the bus to school 💀
This will sound crazy, but start my shift at work at 5am. And for be to be functional enough, I have to have my first alarm go off at 3:50-4am.
Your videos are really Nice and inspirational and you have taught so much thought out your videos. Your videos are So pretty and aesthetic. Love you videos and Your energy!!
"I already know I look awful" Meanwhile her being literally the prettiest girl when she's JUST woken up
Vanessa how do you manage to motivate people so much 💗 I love you. greetings from Turkey 💌
I wake up at 2:45am for work so 5am is like a lay in for me 😂
Hi Vanessa🥰 Wow what an awesome idea!:) You change your life into a better one💖 Also i’m always so proud of you cooking yummy dishes👨🏻🍳💋
thank you!! ❤️
Thank you for your motivation. I'm so glad to follow to you and watch your videos. You're my no.1 motivator 🥹🫂
Thank you for your share! So inspiring. Which app do you use for your sleep schedule? The one which showed the number of hours? Thank you!!
it's just the iphone clock app! and thank you!!
@@VanessaTiiu how do you set it up? I'm having trouble finding where in the clock app to do this
@@makennaboyum7179it is in the health app you click sleep schedule and it allows you to put bedtime/wakeup time
Hi hi what was the app you used @1:30?
Hi vanessa I hope you are doing great just wanted you to know your videos make me very happy and I love your work❤
The cutest person in my entire world ✨⭐️
Honestly I can’t wait to move to London and actually have a coffee shop to go to that early in the morning. It’s so hard to wake up early where I currently live because it’s such a small town and all the small businesses don’t open until 9am 🥺
А я очень хочу переехать в Нью Йорк,но из за проблемы с политикой русским не дают визу,удачи вам с переездом :)
Thank you for the motivation and inspiration! ❤️
sending love girlie ❤️
Honey, you are such a good vibe 🥰. You inspire me
Weeee love you queen V!💚💗💚💗💚💗
Aw ilyyyyy 🤍🤍✨
Whenever I heard your voice, I feel that I have to work very hard. And I am happy, too. Thank you so much:)
I have to wake up at 4/4:30 for work but I also love staying up late so I go to bed at 12am 😂
What is the song tha sounds in minute 8:00?
What u put inside smoothie spinach or cabbage
it’s currently 5:42 and i still didnt sleep😳
The yogurt bowl looks fantastic!!❤🎉😊 OMG! Then we get to lunch.
Another amazing video Vanessa always have great vlogs 🩶🩶
You look so pretty girlll💕
my favorite lifestyle vlog by Vanessa! ❤
Thank you for motivations 😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
aw sending love!! ❤️
@@VanessaTiiu your little fan from Uzbekistan who falls in love with you 🌝💞👧🏻
I wish I could still wear my hair down after working out or even waking up. Mine gets to oily
ou're such a inspiring human ❤❤ love you
Where is your couch from ?
thank you for testing this for us❤❤it was so interesting to watch it
I’m part of the 5am club and I have the 9pm bed time as well. It seems so early but once I get to bed I crash so hard hahah
The smoke here in Ottawa was horrendous too 😭😂
ah no! i hope it's better there now as well xx
Bro I loved this video I’m gonna do this cause I have three dogs a fish and a bunny so I will definitely try this out
First as usual... Love YOU so much 🎉🎉🎉❤🎉❤🎉
I loved this video ❤
Thank you!! 💌
I love the blue outfit! Where are those from??
Might try this while I try to finish my thesis on time 🙈 probably gonna be soo tired tho
I could smell the smkoe down in Tennessee
Me here watching the video when i wake up at 4 and go to bed at 11:30.....
hiii what camera do u use?
I wake up at 5 am. My school starts at 7:15 so I don’t really get to make a whole morning routine kkkkk. So I just hate it 🥰
1st cmt😂🎉
I reallly like Ur energyy❤❤
I am a wedding planner out in BC so if you and Allen want any advice, let me know.
hey girl, thank you!! send me a msg on IG ❤️
whats the app in the beginning?
Can't wait for 600K Subscribers and I am so so so excited to watch this vlog you are my inspiration and I wish you have a best day 🤗💫💗
thank you ❤️❤️
Honestly, i can wake up at 5am easily but at around 10am i need to take a nap 😂
That salmon bowl looked so good. Can you share the recipe?
girl! whats in that spicy salmon bowl?!? looks so good!
Waking up at 5a.m. is something else like I normally go to sleep at midnight but despite getting 5 hours of sleep I am somehow very productive during the entire day ❤
Vanessa I love your videos. I hope you put Arabic subtitles. Have a nice day💘
me on college: waking up at 5am for a semester (sometimes at 4...)
oof i remember those mornings too, you got this babe!
Hello, greetings from Argentina , I consider myself a fan of your videos and I loved the moving vlog. I hope you have a great time! ✨✨
Thank you!! 🤍
vanessa i am so love you thank you for the motivation and please give we the more vedio like that video
im starting this from next week! actually lookng forward to it. im not a nght owl.
yes girl get it!! it was such a good reset and challenge for me ❤️
Love the music so much❤
I naturally wake up 5 a.m without an alarm because I had to prepare my lunch box when i was high school student for 3 years. I am having a trouble that recently sleeping time is more shorter than last year, but I wake up same time. I want to sleep a one more hour😭😭
Okay this is pretty random but if you cut off the chives a hand's breadth above the ground, they will grow back better than if you tear them off completely :) also this video is so aesthetic I love it
ah thanks for the tip!! xx
i noticed that waking up earlier gives me a lot more energy than waking up later.
agreed!! especially being on a consistent schedule in general whether it's 5am, 6am or 7am
Am I the only one watching how to be a morning person at 1am?!😂
you look so much like millie bobby brown in the beginning lol. (compliment!! You're gorgeous I love your smile. ;))
Thanks for the motivational video! What app do you use as your alarm clock?? I did have the Hatch alram clock but it had so many glitches and was not worth the money so I'm on the hunt for something new.
I've been thinking about waking up at 5am for a week too but I think I won't be able to handle it! You did a great job Vanessa ❤
thanks poppy!! and i definitely say go for it, but maybe start easier with a 6am week! 💌
watching this at 5am (except i didnt sleep yet😭)
Love it!! Btw what camera do you use?!
Never been this early yeeey new video 🥰🥰❤
aw thank youuuu ❤️
Sometimes I get up at 6 am and some days 1:30 pm. LOL