Venezuela and Guyana; What’s it all about?

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
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  • @PearlOfTheQuarter23
    @PearlOfTheQuarter23 9 місяців тому +67

    Guyana is a peaceful nation and one of the fastest growing economies in the world, meanwhile Venezuela is a failed nation under the rule of a dictator. Jealousy and greed and creating an authoritarian base in the hemisphere is part of the plan.

    • @alexpernia6559
      @alexpernia6559 9 місяців тому

      mentirosa guyanita, es territorio VENEZOLANO SIEMPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +11

      They Venezuela is jealous of Columbia as well because Columbia doing way better than them economically.

    • @mdgev2001
      @mdgev2001 9 місяців тому +4

      Guyana is a country which is growing but with almost no infrastructure and until this time poor , Venezuela despite being in crisis has a good infrastructure and it will get out of this sooner or later, in fact since 2022 things are improving even if they are still very bad, the Maduro' s regime will need to go so Venezuela can be again what it was. But Esequibo is 🇻🇪

    • @alexpernia6559
      @alexpernia6559 9 місяців тому

      @@madant22 jajajajajajajajajaajajajajajajajajajaja VENEZUELA ES SUPERIOR aplastada

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +14

      @@mdgev2001Essequibo is and always will be 🇬🇾

  • @janrobertbos
    @janrobertbos 9 місяців тому +18 is all about GREED...

    • @obsidianjane4413
      @obsidianjane4413 9 місяців тому

      And more specifically OIL...

    • @rwaitt14153
      @rwaitt14153 9 місяців тому +5

      If you watched the video Ed makes the argument that it's about political posturing for internal consumption. But okay, let's go with the simplistic and vague explanation of "greed" for an irredentist movement ramping up out of nowhere.

  • @FrequentFlyer_MIA
    @FrequentFlyer_MIA 9 місяців тому +1

    VZ will do nothing

  • @alejandrorausseo8001
    @alejandrorausseo8001 9 місяців тому

    En primer lugar, ese no es el mapa. Donde esta el nombre de Guyana es la zona que Venezuela reclama con todos los documentos que le otorga su titularidad a diferencia de Guyana que no ha presentado ningun documento valido..Ese territorio se llama Guayana Esequiba y es territorio venezolano.

  • @GTgaming69
    @GTgaming69 9 місяців тому +94

    I would love a series covering conflicts in Africa that arent being talked about. Your videos on Myanmar are a large part of the reason i tell anyone who will listen to me about whats going on there. You’re quite literally one of the only people on this platform who seem to give a damn.

    • @yossefworetaw2243
      @yossefworetaw2243 9 місяців тому

      Looking at my country Ethiopian the only African country that didn't get colonized. Ever since 1970s Ethiopian is at war amongst defrant tribes. And me regret why they didn't just colonized so Ethiopian can have stability

    • @yossefworetaw2243
      @yossefworetaw2243 9 місяців тому

      Africans got so much ego problem.that they don't want too be the bigger man. Sometimes I hate to say it as a black man but sometimes we afrian need a white man to show us how to maintain order and civilised

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 9 місяців тому +2

      @@yossefworetaw2243 Colonization was not Africa's problem, its the tribal mindset Africans are stuck with. Africans know it yet each tribe wants to keep the borders Europe left them with cause that one tribe wants to dominate the rest. Coexisting is the best option but that tribal mindset is hindering them for doing so.

    • @yojoe4830
      @yojoe4830 9 місяців тому +1

      @@yossefworetaw2243 Actually, Ethiopia as colonized for a few years in the 1930s by Italy, but luckily with Italy's defeat and withdrawal in 1943, and under British 'protection' for another four years, not officially regaining its freedom until 1947. That said, unless you were an English colony, you'd be screwed as the French, Germans, Portuguese, Spanish tended to keep people poor and ignorant. The British at least trained folks to be civil servants and soldiers, so they could do the fighting for the British.

    • @More_Row
      @More_Row 9 місяців тому

      wow so generous of them@@yojoe4830

  • @killbot1974
    @killbot1974 9 місяців тому +182

    Honestly surprised it took this long for Venezuela to do this. Almost SOP for a failing nation to start a war to distract the population from how bad things are.

  • @corvusglaive4804
    @corvusglaive4804 9 місяців тому +8

    Why does EVERYBODY find it impossible to pronounce this country's name properly!?

  • @skaford
    @skaford 9 місяців тому +8

    I am Venezuelan. There is not logistics way to invade Guyana. Only the maritime way but Venezuela is lacking of ships to do it. Even with the air support will be difficult. This was done only for politics purposes for the electoral elections of 2024

    • @MisdirectedSasha
      @MisdirectedSasha 9 місяців тому

      There are at least two rivers that flow between Venezuela and Guyana, which are used by local civilians for transportation. Venezuela could use these to invade Guyana, as most of the population centers in Essequibo are accessible by river.
      The downsides are that:
      1) these rivers are quite dangerous; fatal boating accidents are common in peacetime.
      2) the Guyana Defense Force knows about them and a river is a great place for an ambush. Small, lightly equipped Guyanese formations on the riverbanks could potentially defeat much larger Venezuelan forces coming down the river thanks to the inherent vulnerability of small boats.
      3) Venezuela's supply lines would be very long and easy to cut off.

    • @travelertuber9487
      @travelertuber9487 9 місяців тому

      Yep, today in strategy terms an offensive is a mission imposible unless brazil allows the use of it roads to travel directly to the heart of the jungle safer (which is highly unlikeble). During the 50s with Marcos Perez Jimenez would have been a complete different story though.

    • @skaford
      @skaford 9 місяців тому

      @@travelertuber9487 Venezuela never had intention to develop that area. Venezuela lost a lot of territory with colombia and Brazil and never shoot once.... This is the same. Is a territory lost. Guyana is the only one executing sovereignty in the area. Venezuela can have an army. But it can't feed it...

  • @charlesmoss8119
    @charlesmoss8119 9 місяців тому +11

    This really is dictator 101 - and some poor people living people lives will have their world destroyed - it’s all sooo sad 😔

  • @uingaeoc3905
    @uingaeoc3905 9 місяців тому +36

    As Venezuela has the largest 'reserves' of Oil and that it is completely bankrupt and if it claimed the Esquibo territory successfully or by warfare then presumably Venezuela will become even more indebted and insolvent.
    The Venezuelan army is to keep Maduro in power.

    • @gustavoaragon866
      @gustavoaragon866 9 місяців тому +2

      Whatever are the internal issues the fact here is essquibo does belong to venezuela. If you don't know the deep root of this issue i suggest you educate your self instead of just stroking the keyboard to show your dislike for maduro.

    • @uingaeoc3905
      @uingaeoc3905 9 місяців тому +3

      @@gustavoaragon866 the FACT is I have educated myself. Venezuela did NOT EXIST when Britain acquired Guyana from Holland. There was only a Spanish possessions in SA. Just because a third rate nation like Venezuela claims something and makes threats does not make it real.
      It is the same with Argentina's ''claim' to the Falklands it did not exist when the UK acquired them.

    • @justmynickname
      @justmynickname 9 місяців тому

      OK. but id doesn't change the fact that Esequibo legally belongs to Venezuela and that USA is going for south-american oil.

    • @uingaeoc3905
      @uingaeoc3905 9 місяців тому

      @@justmynickname Utter twaddle - WHAT 'legal system' claims legality in this matter?
      The US is self sufficient in Oil and Gas.
      If the Oil belongs to Guyana then it is still 'South American Oil'. .
      I suggest you get yourself a basic education in simply English terminology, before you write about international relations.
      Incidentally, I suggest you change your User Nalme to '$#1T-4-8R@1NZ' as it is appropriate for you.

  • @madant22
    @madant22 9 місяців тому +22

    Venezuela never had the Essequibo territory. If that’s the case how come they never had control of the land Brazil has between the Brazilian and Guyana borders. By logic wouldn’t have control of the Rormira region and some the Amazon land the Brazilians have. Shouldn’t that be Venezuela land also according to them? That’s how you know Venezuela been lying about this form the beginning.

    • @miltreonarts3943
      @miltreonarts3943 9 місяців тому +1

      Dejaron de estar en los mapas de Venezuela debido a otros tratados sí aceptados, no sea absurdo.

    • @WordLight-m8q
      @WordLight-m8q 9 місяців тому

      @@miltreonarts3943Absurd? Come on. Ed just showed Maduro holding up a map showing Essequibo as part of Venezuela.
      Putin's excuses for invading Ukraine were similarly thin. It doesn't take much of an excuse. There are border disputes all over the world. We can't wait for Putin to find them all and exploit them.
      Obama did a terrible thing by letting Putin off the hook for Georgia (or was it Chechnya?). Then he invaded Crimea with his Little Green Men. Then he said the Russians in Donbas and Luhansk were being mistreated. He has troops in Moldova. He coordinates with Iran and China. Time to wake up, world.

    • @68Boca
      @68Boca 9 місяців тому

      It's an interesting juxtaposition. You see it used often in current times. Although the reject colonial era per se, but use it sometimes for their advantage. It's not just Venezuela, Argentina, Morocco, even China in the South China Sea.

  • @jim-kp5he
    @jim-kp5he 9 місяців тому +6

    south american saddam husain

  • @MisdirectedSasha
    @MisdirectedSasha 9 місяців тому +25

    It's a bit questionable how Venezuela would get its troops to Guyana's population and administrative centers. The only road between the two countries goes through Brazil and it's dubious whether the Venezuelan Navy is up to landing an invasion force on the coastline.
    The only other option for the Venezuelans would be to send an invasion force down two of the larger rivers flowing between Venezuela and Guyana. They seem to have suitable coastal and river boats for it, but invading this way really limits Venezuela's ability to leverage its advantages in numbers and equipment, and sailing small boats down predictable river routes would allow relatively small Guyanese forces to inflict massive damage on them with a little luck and good planning.
    Not to mention, the rivers themselves are somewhat treacherous and fatal boating accidents seem common, even among locals who have used them to get around their whole lives.

    • @scothf1273
      @scothf1273 9 місяців тому +1


    • @aritakalo8011
      @aritakalo8011 9 місяців тому +1

      ​​@@scothf1273well they sure can drop them, but how to support them then.
      Initial paratroopers by definition would be a smallish and light weight troop. To bring in more they would have to either capture an airport or seaport. Then hold it. Not to mention its one thing to fly in with jets for ground support. Another to bring in lumbering cargo lifters.
      Since Brazil, USA or anyone else could quickly do the Afghan war thing and supply MANPADS to Guyana military. It can't do anything against the sukhois and F-16s, but it will bring down a cargo plane in either landing glide or take-off climb.
      Most the issue would be Venezuela absolutely could nip a tiny bite near the border and what is Guyana gonna do. The area is equally inaccessible to them and Venezuela absolutely has the strength to hold that bite they took.
      It wouldn't give them satisfaction outside "I said I would invade and I did" and solidify the stance of there being an on going dispute.

    • @MisdirectedSasha
      @MisdirectedSasha 9 місяців тому +1

      @@scothf1273 airborne operations are always risky and doubly so in remote, wooded areas.
      Venezuela has some helicopters that could be used to move small units around in support of ground operations, but I don't think they're up to doing an airborne operation as their main effort.
      Also, maintenance levels for all Venezuelan military vehicles are a bit uncertain and I certainly wouldn't want to ride one of their helicopters over hundreds of kilometers of jungle.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      @@scothf1273 They got 3 C-130´s in total and who knows if any of those can fly

    • @scothf1273
      @scothf1273 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ReZel80657 4 C-130hv and 8 chinese transport planes plus some mi 8, mi17 and some eurocopters. They wouldnt need much against guyana except if the US or some other nations step in to help guyana.

  • @ridhobaihaqi144
    @ridhobaihaqi144 9 місяців тому +10

    Remember falkland war?
    At that time... argentina facing an economy breakdown, but to "hide" it... the goverment declare war to UK and trying to take falkland island.
    And they lost 😂😂😂

  • @SimeonTurney-i5z
    @SimeonTurney-i5z 9 місяців тому +5

    Guyana need to buy weapons sir what are u waiting for till more of the top soliders to die Ail are you weak stop let jaegdeo tell u what to do u are the leader not him remember he sellout Guyana telling Venezuela he will give them a gateway to the sea so blame him he needs to share the oil money with the black people too and not buying weapons he fall Guyana people

  • @duderanch108
    @duderanch108 9 місяців тому +9

    Maduro sounds like Argentina's Galtieri before the Falklands war....

    • @Argentvs
      @Argentvs 9 місяців тому +1

      Galtieri was appointed president a few months before the operation and everything was already in motion since 1981 following planning as far as 1968. Simply, Argentina realized UK was using us promising negotiations later while we took the cost of maintaining the islands, without any intention whatsoever to negotiate under UN decolonization resolution 2065/1962. So a back up plan was being cooked to force negotiations.
      It was not only a military crazy wimp out of the blue. Galtieri wasn't even the author he just put the face and signature.

    • @duderanch108
      @duderanch108 9 місяців тому +1

      Thank you very much for the clarification. @@Argentvs

  • @martinryan2370
    @martinryan2370 9 місяців тому +29

    Britain should send troops to help Guyana as the French do in Africa as we have a moral duty to help the Guyanese.
    Remember troops train there.

    • @SanityMustPrevail
      @SanityMustPrevail 9 місяців тому +2


    • @SanityMustPrevail
      @SanityMustPrevail 9 місяців тому +1


    • @traderboi2662
      @traderboi2662 9 місяців тому +2

      Like Palestine , Britain has a hand in so much conflict in the world! 😱

    • @martinryan2370
      @martinryan2370 9 місяців тому

      @@mxlzzu if you're spending 7billion on the Ukraine which is second most corrupt country after Russia.
      I'd rather help someone who needs it

    • @alexanderdavila3089
      @alexanderdavila3089 9 місяців тому

      Crees q esa hipótesis ya no fue estudiada y vnz no se preparó con:
      Corea de Norte
      No me imagino esos yigadista locos
      Ya masburro tiene preparado por algo lo hizo

  • @emptyhad2571
    @emptyhad2571 9 місяців тому +100

    Full support to Guyana 🇬🇾

    • @alexpernia6559
      @alexpernia6559 9 місяців тому +10

      territorio 100% VENEZOLANO

    • @mdgev2001
      @mdgev2001 9 місяців тому +7

      Esequibo es de Venezuela 🇻🇪

    • @asscheeks3212
      @asscheeks3212 9 місяців тому +14

      ​@@alexpernia6559you know you're in the wrong when even left wing Brazilians go "ayo, Venezuela, what are you doing?"

    • @GARDENER42
      @GARDENER42 9 місяців тому

      @@alexpernia6559 Fanciful leftist nonsense.

    • @GARDENER42
      @GARDENER42 9 місяців тому

      @@mdgev2001 Except it isn't.
      Your leftist dictator can't even fix the economy despite having more oil than any other country on earth.

  • @stewartcarroll304
    @stewartcarroll304 9 місяців тому +27

    This is getting little to no media coverage so thanks for enlightening us , Ed. What is the UK government stance? Do we not have a treaty with Guyana being a Commonwealth country or am I to naive?

    • @corvusglaive4804
      @corvusglaive4804 9 місяців тому

      The current UK government are made up of people just pandering to the right wing, they're not bothered by what's going on. You can say what you want about Major and Blair but if they were still in charge the RN would be parked off the Guyanese coast tomorrow.

    • @dawnsamuel1749
      @dawnsamuel1749 9 місяців тому +5

      Since Venezuela started having issues lots of Venezuelan refugees have moved into Guyana.

    • @waynegabler6570
      @waynegabler6570 9 місяців тому

      Colonial Europe would 'come to their rescue', by hiring their NATO partner, the US, like always. Almost always, support for extending colonial rule, anywhere, seems to be on the decline, with France and England being politely asked to leave and don't look back. Is that how the 'con works' Colonials want to keep going like the in the past. Citizens start to 'complain' so the Colonial power hires the US to act like heathen terrorists, that is promoted by 'the people' now asking colonial powers to 'strengthen their control' until the 'terrorists are defeated'. Deceptions involved from start to finish..

    • @WordLight-m8q
      @WordLight-m8q 9 місяців тому +9

      Brits should certainly send a carrier on exercise. Guyanese need a lot of gear very fast.

    • @gustavoaragon866
      @gustavoaragon866 9 місяців тому +1

      Well the british are the cause of this issue. Drawing borders on a map of a land that never belong to them

  • @bbhjh8536
    @bbhjh8536 9 місяців тому +8

    This place has been a part of Guyana for centuries. All of a sudden Venezuela wants to claim it because of the oil? Why are these people allowing greed to destroy others? People in the region need to come together and defend Guyana while condemning Venezuela outwardly!!

    • @kervonfarley1332
      @kervonfarley1332 9 місяців тому +3

      I agree with you. We need peace no war no dispute in none of the Americans at all. We are neighbors countries must get alone with one another. I have friends from Venezuela 🇻🇪 they left doing Maduro been in office. I doubt they would want to go back to Venezuela 🇻🇪 my heart goes out to them. I know how hard it is for them. I have family in Guyana 🇬🇾. I am from Barbados 🇧🇧 we are peaceful people we don’t start conflict with other people. I hope the President Maduro comes to his senses and see that this a bad decision he is doing. Venezuela 🇻🇪 needs to start to improve its resources they have oil and other natural resources. Let Guyana 🇬🇾 have their own resources not take it from them is not the answer.

    • @nemo6282
      @nemo6282 9 місяців тому +1

      they have been arguing over this territory, on and off, for many decades, with no settlement
      Guess it wasn't important until some offshore oil was found,

    • @markwilliams6378
      @markwilliams6378 9 місяців тому

      Because Venezuela is a failed state and is looking at Guyana with dollar signs. Maduro is channeling his inner Putin but will fail miserably

  • @patrickm.4754
    @patrickm.4754 9 місяців тому +12

    Ah, the good ol' conflict caused by territorial claims based on the British drawn maps.

    • @Pyjamarama11
      @Pyjamarama11 9 місяців тому

      Conflicts over land have existed for tens of thousands of years before maps were invented

    • @JohnSmith-gd2fg
      @JohnSmith-gd2fg 9 місяців тому +1

      This is less about maps and more about the leaders of a nearly bankrupt country needing a distraction.

  • @giovanni-ed7zq
    @giovanni-ed7zq 9 місяців тому +3

    Alot of american companies in guyana so if venezuelan military and wagner invade, they dealing with US military. americans have 20 carriers and it would just take 1-2 carrier strike groups to wipe venezuela.

  • @PiersLawsonBrown1972
    @PiersLawsonBrown1972 9 місяців тому +41

    I think that one part of this story that you may have overlooked is how the Venezuelan military would be able to achieve this. For starters, there are no road connections between the two countries direct on the boarder as it is all swamp, jungle and mountains. The only indirect routes would be a land invasion via Northern Brazil, which I doubt they would like too much, or the least likely, a sea invasion, but given the Navel assets that Venezuela has, that would take it a very long time indeed. I suspect that this is as you stated in closing, bluster on Monduro's part to try and sway next years election results, although given how 50% of eligible voters returned 95% agreement on the referendum that independent sources say no one turned up for, I suspect he will win in a landslide.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +8

      If they are insane enough to cross the boder and take the 174 road south from Pacaraima its flanked by hills and jungle to the north which would make it easy to block the road and if they do get south there is a bridge across the Surumu River which can be blown and if they get across that they either have to take the RR-171 dirt road east to the town of Surumu that has another bridge or they have to keep going south down the 174 road to Boa Vista which is a major city

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +13

      It’s funny Venezuela not disputing the land Brazil has on their border because they know Brazil can easily fight back as the bigger more powerful country. But they want to pick on Guyana!!! Smh

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +13

      @@ReZel80657Brazil definitely not gonna let Venezuela in through air or land crossing their borders. Remember a few years ago Venezuela tried to send their migrants to cross the Brazilian borders and the Brazilian army stopped them and send them back and Venezuela migrants tried to fight the Brazilian military just to bulldoze there way into settling illegally in the country? That happened like 2-3 years ago. It keeps happening from time to time and Brazil is not allowing it.

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +3

      @@ReZel80657but I can see Suriname trying to help out Venezuela in this dispute because their might be still angry about the Tiger border dispute. Suriname recognizes Maduro as a presidential leader over the opposition leader in Venezuela. I can see Venezuela trying send their troops into Suriname or using Suriname troops to help attack and annex Guyana through their borders. I can see Venezuela eventually double crossing Suriname and taking claim to Tiger territory too themselves because the Maduro seems conniving and wicked. I can see Suriname eventually playing a foil in this Guyana protecting it’s rightful land. I won’t be surprised by that scenario.

    • @MisdirectedSasha
      @MisdirectedSasha 9 місяців тому +1

      There are also at least two rivers flowing between the two countries that the locals use for transportation. They would provide a possible route for an invasion if Venezuela has enough boats of the right size, but there are obviously some huge risks if they were to do this.

  • @lightningspirit2166
    @lightningspirit2166 9 місяців тому +3

    What is Venezuela doing with all the oil, for its people to be living in poverty ? and America kick Venezuelas arse !

  • @joselitostotomas8114
    @joselitostotomas8114 9 місяців тому +17

    That's going to depend if the OAS labels the Venezuelans the aggressor and a coalition of willing contributing forces to the U.S. to stop them. The USN may have to park a battle group in the Caribbean to prevent Venezuela from doing something stupid.

    • @katieandkevinsears7724
      @katieandkevinsears7724 9 місяців тому +3

      Well...The Venezuelan navy had a ship sunk by a cruise ship. They aren't exactly the best navy on Earth.

    • @joselitostotomas8114
      @joselitostotomas8114 9 місяців тому +1

      @@katieandkevinsears7724 Which means if they are invading, they'll go through Brazil, which means they'll end up fighting at least 2 countries from the get go.

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому

      Or the USA may ignore the situation, let it escalate and intervene later to change the regime in Venezuela, which would possibly open the country up to exploiting their massive oil reserves? Yup, I could definitely see how this war could work out extremely favourably for the West. 👍

    • @fernandomarques5166
      @fernandomarques5166 9 місяців тому

      Venezuela has the capabity right now to transport a brigade sized element by sea for a naval landing but they'd be unable to keep them supplied or properly escort the transports, the navy has such a severe lack of ASW capabilities that a single modern submarine would be enough of a threat to prevent them from landing and more than enough firepower to take out any landing force they could assemble.

  • @shero113
    @shero113 9 місяців тому +14

    Almost twenty years ago I lived in Trinidad. Venezuela has a (sea) border with Trinidad, and has made noises about Trinidad being really part of Venezuela. One can easily swim between the two countries, the distance between land is very little. This claim has, as these things often do, some merit. Trinidad is technically not an island but an extension of the Venezuelan mountains, with one pass flooded (hence, it's an island). It is therefore unlike any other Caribbean island, being part of the continent. Trinidad also has oil, which made it invaluable to the British and Americans in WWII (and the western hemisphere's biggest naval base of WWII - and many wrecks from the U-Boots sinking ships off the shore).
    At the time we knew of Venezuela making claims on Guyana, and to a lesser degree, on Trinidad (but not Tobago, the other part of the nation).

  • @guyanasun4361
    @guyanasun4361 9 місяців тому +15

    The Venezuelan claim comes from a nation that doesn't exist anymore. Grand Columbia. The Guyanese claim goes back thousands of years prior to the British. Guyana is a native American nation with Afro and Indo European mixed people. This is why it holds an indigenous American name, native American headress presidential seal, Golden arrow head flag and national dish. The country is built on Dutch, French and British foundation but holds native American roots and people. Large parts of Venezuela exist in Guyana (Guiana shield) but they claim Guyana is a colonial country?

    • @jeise-rx8no
      @jeise-rx8no 9 місяців тому +4

      oh please, the vast majority of natives only live in the esequibo region, and are barely connected with their capital, which doesn't even care about them, and many of them speak their native languages ​​instead of English,
      but I think you seriously misunderstood the demographics there, 43.5 of the population comes from mainland India, as the British loved taking people from one colony and placing them in another.
      30 percent are descendants of enslaved Africans brought by force.
      16 percent are mixed between them.
      and only 9 percent are indigenous.

    • @GARDENER42
      @GARDENER42 9 місяців тому

      @@jeise-rx8no And NONE of them want to be ruled by the socialist dictator Maduro...

    • @donnapieters4694
      @donnapieters4694 9 місяців тому +9

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@jeise-rx8no: You appear to know very little about Guyana. Guyana is the only English speaking country in South America, with a population comprising people from six different races, including the First Nations people who have been there for millennia. Yes First Nations people do speak English, because in the schools in their communities they are educated in English. As a Guyanese I can assure you that the English language is a unifying force for a population who with the exception of the First Nations people all originally came from elsewhere. Some in chains, having been stolen and trafficked from Africa. The rest, from India, China and Madeira were all taken there by the British as indentured labourers to replace the enslaved following the abolition of slavery in the British Empire.
      Guyana is not part of the Hispanic world and has little in common with Venezuela, except its geographical proximity. Culturally it is part of the Anglophone Caribbean. In fact the seat of the CARICOM Secretariat is in the capital of Guyana, Georgetown. CARICOM is the a political and economic union of 15 Caribbean member states.

    • @RaptorZification
      @RaptorZification 9 місяців тому +2

      As a Guyanese from French Guiana, I totally agree. The 3 Guianas are completely different from the south Latin America, ethnically and culturally. It's a specificity that we must preserve. We have almost all the peoples of the earth brought together by the accident of the history in these 3 landlocked territories of South America. Soon, French Guiana will become independent. France is experiencing a severe recession and an extremely brutal privatization of its economy, and the country is becoming poorer and poorer. The problem is that if these 3 countries don't unite, sooner or later we'll see a Latin Americanization of our countries. In these 3 countries we have the opportunity to have indigenous peoples, afrodescendants, indians and others living relatively well, whereas in most South American countries they are either being eradicated or live in infamous ghettos. We're closer to the Caribbean than to South America, speaking either English, Dutch, French or various forms of Creole, but not a word of Spanish or Portuguese. Isolated, we won't stand a chance, and we're too dependent on the goodwill of those Latin countries that could invade us on a whim. Brazil claims territories in Surinam as well as in French Guyana, so who knows what could happen in 10 years, as in the case of Maduro. Either the 3 Guyanas work towards an economic, military or political rapprochement, or we're likely to disappear in the near future.

  • @richardmcgowan1651
    @richardmcgowan1651 9 місяців тому +9

    No idea at the state of Guyana. But I doubt Venezuela has the resources for a war. Let alone a war that would have other countries put up sanctions. So could end up not being a bad thing if it actually woke the population up. Since they have been asleep and not doing much.

    • @heroevulgar
      @heroevulgar 9 місяців тому +3

      There's only 800k people in Guyana and only 3400 active military personnel. There's 30 millions of Venezuelans, with 120000 active military personnel. I think they can EASILY fight and reclaim their land.

    • @adelhussaiin6735
      @adelhussaiin6735 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@heroevulgar what land?

    • @alexpernia6559
      @alexpernia6559 9 місяців тому

      @@adelhussaiin6735 es territorio 100% VENEZOLANO, ignorante

  • @wilinstonthompson1352
    @wilinstonthompson1352 9 місяців тому +9

    Scary thing is there are movies depicting the future that old soldiers speak of fighting in Venezuela war. Crazy how fiction can become reality

    • @Normalguy1690
      @Normalguy1690 9 місяців тому


    • @wilinstonthompson1352
      @wilinstonthompson1352 9 місяців тому

      ​@@Normalguy1690Any movie of the past 30 years with soldiers who fought in wars in the future. Newest example is Avatar where describe fighting in Venezuela and I believe in Aliens they mention Venezuela

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 9 місяців тому +2

      @@Normalguy1690 Avatar
      The main character and his brother were veterans of a Venezuela war

  • @leandrocosta3709
    @leandrocosta3709 9 місяців тому +10

    We're hoping it's just fanfarre to garner internal support for the upcoming elections next year. We're devoutly hoping it's not the type of fanfarre to gather internal support the likes of which the Argentinean junta did back in 1982. Unfortunatelly, Brazil's dissatisfaction with the whole ordeal has not been made in such a loud, firm, public manner as I'd personally have hope the government would. And the troops our Army sent to the border was just around 130 men. Not really the increase a lot of people would want to see, but criticism aside we can always fly troops and equipment to the area on short notice. More than that, I would've preferred to see Brazil taking a more active role in mediating an end to this issue, but unfortunately we seem to be unable, or worse, unwilling to. Great video as usual, Ed.

    • @donnthesovereigncitizen1577
      @donnthesovereigncitizen1577 9 місяців тому

      Lula likely won't stop Venezuela from invading Guyana because Lula is a Commie too! Probably placed into office by China specifically to enable this situation.🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 9 місяців тому +2

      Everyone thought Russia wasn't going to invade Ukraine, it happened. Everyone thought, Azerbaijan wasn't going to invade Nagorno-Karabakh, it happened.
      Why should we think Venezuela isn't going to invade Guyana?

    • @donnthesovereigncitizen1577
      @donnthesovereigncitizen1577 9 місяців тому +1

      @@imgvillasrc1608 Maduro waited until we have a weak willed panzy candy asssed Democrat in the white house, because the Democrats don't respect, or know how to employ the U.S. MILITARY WITH EFFECTIVENESS!

  • @Janus936
    @Janus936 9 місяців тому +8

    Not an expert in armored warfare, I think tanks and other armored vehicles would be render useless in the jungle.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +1

      They have to go into Brazil as the major road in Guyana goes from the north cost of Guyana down to Brazil and there is a bridge on the border with Brazil which can be blown up and the there is also only one road from Venezuela into Brazil and that road is ambush heaven as its flanked by hills and thick jungle

    • @Janus936
      @Janus936 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ReZel80657 And also we have to wonder how many of those tanks and apcs are actually operational.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      @@Janus936 Some of them are so old they belong in a museum but thats true for Brazil as well

    • @Janus936
      @Janus936 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ReZel80657 Also, I have never heard of a Vietnam War Veteran say, "oh yea fighting at the enemy's turf in the jungle is awesome!"

  • @mpersad
    @mpersad 9 місяців тому +17

    Really helpful analysis, of a potential conflict that is only now being addressed by the world. Thanks Ed, a very timely video.

    • @alan6832
      @alan6832 9 місяців тому

      Guyana has abortion rights, as does Israel, and which is always all that matters.

  • @Rose86770
    @Rose86770 9 місяців тому +7

    ESSEQUIBO BELONGS TO GUYANA 🇬🇾 🇬🇾 🇬🇾 💯. Dictator maduro the PEOPLE Of Venezuela NEED FOOD NOT ESSEQUIBO

  • @tis7963
    @tis7963 9 місяців тому +8

    I'm so old that I remember when Venezuela was a valid option for beach resort vacations. You could go to Cancun or Venezuela for an all inclusive and affordable trip. The main decision factor was whether you wanted to drink tequila or rum.

    • @More_Row
      @More_Row 9 місяців тому +3

      Sounds like a better time

    • @Baebon6259
      @Baebon6259 9 місяців тому

      Socialism is like drugs. You always say no to it or it will destroy you.

    • @flacko001
      @flacko001 9 місяців тому +1

      My family is from ecuador and my grandmother and parents would always tell me Venezuela was the place to be for work etc now not anymore

  • @magoid
    @magoid 9 місяців тому +4

    Well, the latest development in this issue, is that the US is planing to send troops for "training" with Guyana's army. That would tell Maduro what the US position is on this matter.

  • @dmain6735
    @dmain6735 9 місяців тому +4

    Ahh borders drawn by Imperial powers. The gift that keeps on giving.

    • @LeonelMonteiro-g4q
      @LeonelMonteiro-g4q 9 місяців тому

      Maduro fault. Venezuela is a shithole and he is try a war.

  • @USAACbrat
    @USAACbrat 9 місяців тому +20

    Did not take long; and i am glad to see it. Venezuela wants to screw up more oil industry.

  • @martindice5424
    @martindice5424 9 місяців тому +9

    Very interesting - again.
    I find your dives into these lesser known areas of conflict fascinating and illuminating Ed.
    Bloody good show mate. 👍

  • @UncleJoeLITE
    @UncleJoeLITE 9 місяців тому +4

    Thanks Ed, the world is mad atm, I needed this conflict summarised succinctly. But I'm wondering anyone;
    * Guyana, obviously screwed alone. They need powerful allies, do they have any? Maybe?
    * Brazil, the elephant in the room, will they likely decide how this really goes down?
    * Would Suriname 'block' French help for Guyana? France & UK could also do Venezuela if they chose & Brazil stayed out.
    _(The US is dumb-busy & would pass imo)_

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому +2

      Guyana has oil, the UK has high energy costs.

    • @Nyiminha
      @Nyiminha 9 місяців тому +2

      As a Brazilian, I must say that, even though Lula tried to help the Venezuelan government to reattach its trading relations with the USA and lift the American embargo, he strongly opposes Maduro`s actions and has declared that Brazil will oppose any kind of military action taken by Venezuela. The issue is that, although Brazil is definitely more powerful than Venezuela militarily, it`s not so keen on getting into a military conflict and will use any diplomatic escapes available to de-escalate such conflict.

  • @stephan28lewis23
    @stephan28lewis23 9 місяців тому +12

    when Guyana got independence from Great Britain in their constitution it states that if Guyana comes under attack by a foreign power Great Britain will come to her defense it is also like that in many of the Constitutions in many of the Caribbean islands that has since had Independence from Great Britain

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому

      However more importantly it's not in the UK constitution. More pertinent, is it now in the interest of the UK to come to the aid of Guyana? The uk does need cheap oil and gas. Though a UN intervention may be more appropriate. Or could Brazil help? It's all politics, no country does things on principle. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

    • @stephan28lewis23
      @stephan28lewis23 9 місяців тому

      @@ivancho5854 It is not in the UK constitution.But it is in the Guyana constitution.That the UK guarantee.Their protection.From foreign hostility.Jamaica.Has that same protection.St. Lucia.Has that same protection send kits and the Nevis has that same protection.The island of Dominica has that same protection.Grenada has that same protection.When the United States invaded Grenada.In 1983.The UK Prime Minister and government was very upset with President Ronald Reagan.Because the United Kingdom.Is responsible for the national security.Even this day.Of the island of Grenada and all the other islands in the Caribbean.That were part of the British Empire.

  • @ReZel80657
    @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +4

    Only major road into Guyana goes from Brazil so any major push has to stick to the roads in the north of Brazil like the 174 road from the border towards Boa Vista

  • @jayartz8562
    @jayartz8562 9 місяців тому +5

    A massive army with a huge advantage in armour may not have such an advantage in swamps and rainforest.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      There is a paved road that goes from Venezuela into Brazil down to Boa Vista over a major river and then up to the border with Guyana

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 9 місяців тому +2

      @@ReZel80657 Yes, cause Venezuela is definitely willing to disrespect a much stronger country's border just to invade Guyana.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +1

      @@imgvillasrc1608 Everyone said Putin and hamas would not be stupid enough to try anything and yet they did anyway so who knows maybe they are willing to go into Brazil if they think they can get away with it

  • @danleonhart1
    @danleonhart1 9 місяців тому +2

    Well.. As in the words King Leonidas inscribed on his statue at Themopylae to this very day... "Come and take them!"

  • @naturalfreq
    @naturalfreq 9 місяців тому +4

    Venezuela is playing “Wag the dog”

  • @georgefrancisyoung3702
    @georgefrancisyoung3702 9 місяців тому +7

    Guyana is a Commonwealth member. Hmm.

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому

      Will Sri Lanka and the Bahamas send help?

  • @Alejandrocasabranca
    @Alejandrocasabranca 9 місяців тому +4

    Já estamos esperando as Venezuelanas aqui no Brasil ❤

  • @cacogenicist
    @cacogenicist 9 місяців тому +6

    What I'm really looking for now is a deep, military analysis of exactly how Venezuela can or cannot occupy this large, tropically forested territory. I think those of us following this closely have had an opportunity now to familiarize ourselves with the history and politics.
    It seems to me that annexing this territory is much easier said than done -- this is not the largely flat, open farmlands of eastern Ukraine. This is frickin Amazonian jungle; you can't just roll tanks in there.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      Only one major road goes into Guyana from Brazil which is also true for the Brazil-Venezuela border only one major road which is the 174 and there is half a dozen bridges that can be blown to delay any push towards Guyana

    • @WordLight-m8q
      @WordLight-m8q 9 місяців тому

      @@ReZel80657This all sounds so sitskrieg/blitzkrieg. If there are any roads, even a small one like in the Ardennes, Guyana is in real danger.

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      @@WordLight-m8q Go on google street view and see how the 174 road looks like for the first few miles from the border there is so many good places for an ambush

    • @nathanindarsingh5252
      @nathanindarsingh5252 9 місяців тому

      ​@@WordLight-m8qthere is no road. Visits to the border are done via aircraft, or ferry via the Atlantic and then up one of the rivers. The Venezuelans would have to build a road in order to advance, or do an amphibious invasion. Mind you, I'm from Guyana and I know very well that we will lose if they invade. However, we will not die like hogs, they will pay for every meter of jungle, mountain and swamp they take.

  • @consty715
    @consty715 9 місяців тому +9

    As a commonwealth country, we should defend Guyana. For a cut of the oil of course 😜

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому

      You passed International Affairs 101with flying colours! 🤣 But we may be beaten to the punch by America trying to change the regime in Venezuela! 😂 Maybe there's enough oil for both though? Could this war be a CIA operation? I was wondering how the US would get back in Venezuela?

  • @Dave_Smooth
    @Dave_Smooth 9 місяців тому +6

    I feel bad for the people who would be forced to fight in the hot jungle fighting off not only other soldiers but venomous snakes, crocodiles and what ever big cats are hiding in the South American jungle

  • @disekjoumoer
    @disekjoumoer 9 місяців тому +13

    I think Brazil may have something to say about Maduro invading Guyana.

    • @leandrocosta3709
      @leandrocosta3709 9 місяців тому +4

      I wish we would, but I'm not very hopeful.

    • @malone005
      @malone005 9 місяців тому +5

      Brazil's president, Lula da Silva (the guy that was arrested for corruption some years prior) is on full demented support for Venezuela

    • @guyanasun4361
      @guyanasun4361 9 місяців тому +5

      15 thousand Brazilian citizens live in Guyana, many on the Essequibo. I'm sure like Guyanese people they have no intention of becoming Venezuelan citizens by force. Brazil like the US will protect its citizens in a situation involving border incursion, something they very much dislike considering how many nations as well attempt claiming parts of Brazil.

    • @SanityMustPrevail
      @SanityMustPrevail 9 місяців тому

      The tropical trump is no longer in power. So that's a no no

    • @mauromejias8840
      @mauromejias8840 9 місяців тому

      @@guyanasun4361 nobody asked them to be one, you can stay if you dont like it then get put, period likewise there are people in esequibo that want to become venezuela

  • @markreardon6663
    @markreardon6663 9 місяців тому +2

    It wouldn't suprise me if Brazil moved troops into Guyana if Venezuela actually tried to invade. The Brazilians are well trained and disciplined. They also have a pretty good Navy. The Airforce is probably out matched by Venezuela's but it would be to see how many of the VAF aircraft are serviceable. Particularly the F 16s

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      The 7 brand spanking new JAS-39E/F Brazil has gotten from Sweden alone can outmatch most of Venezuela´s airforce with their AESA radars and Meteor and IRIS-T missiles and the fact that Brazil has AWACS aircraft and Venezuela dont so 7 Gripen vs 22 Su-30MKV´s yeah thats going to a short fight

  • @Ari.Atland
    @Ari.Atland 9 місяців тому +4

    "I heard oil & money, where can I get in?" -Most outside interventionists.

    • @kirkmooneyham
      @kirkmooneyham 9 місяців тому +1

      So, you want Maduro to roll over Guyana? Big fan of Putin, as well?

  • @Ob1sdarkside
    @Ob1sdarkside 9 місяців тому +4

    War is expensive, can Venezuela afford one

    • @madant22
      @madant22 9 місяців тому +1

      Can’t afford one.

  • @Marshal_Dunnik
    @Marshal_Dunnik 9 місяців тому +9

    The Bolivarian Army of Venezuela has 237,000 active, reserve and paramilitary forces
    The Guyanese Defense Force has 7,600 active and reserve personnel
    Seems like a fair fight to me

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +6

      It is if you have seen the terrain they have to cross and fight in its swamps thick jungle and rivers in the north and high mountains in the south and the only roads goes into Brazil

    • @mauromejias8840
      @mauromejias8840 9 місяців тому

      and you forgot that venezuela have 4 million militians, willing to die for the revolution

    • @mauromejias8840
      @mauromejias8840 9 місяців тому +5

      @@ReZel80657 fake, i am venezuelan, and you can enter from Tumeremo town(venezuela) to esequbo, you can still cross to the esequibo side but there is not asphalt road but you can still going trought , el dorado town is another way to go to esequibo by water

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +10

      @@mauromejias8840 And what part of no major roads and lots swamps thick jungle and rivers was untrue? i never said anything about you cant cross

    • @mauromejias8840
      @mauromejias8840 9 місяців тому

      @@ReZel80657 you will see swamps if you go by delta amacuro, we are talking about Bolivar State and it is not too dense there in that area , in a few days you can build and connect a decend road to the nearest esequibo town

  • @guilhermejardim1141
    @guilhermejardim1141 9 місяців тому +20

    I'm from Brazil, Venezuela is considered a big joke. The biggest fear we currently have is that some gringo trying to win an election in the West will cause problems and create a refugee crisis

    • @colleenpeck6347
      @colleenpeck6347 9 місяців тому +6

      The US already has a migrant crisis. 3 million so far this year. The ONLY Latin American country that is willing to help diminish it is Panama. Therefore, Americans don't care what happens thete. Let Lulu take this problem.

    • @johnschwartz1641
      @johnschwartz1641 9 місяців тому +15

      I love South America. Venezuela threatens to invade Guyana, and somehow it's all America's fault.

    • @mauromejias8840
      @mauromejias8840 9 місяців тому

      I am from venezuela and we dont fear Brazil , try and you find out. They want to appear to be civilized but at the end they behave like macacos

    • @alexpernia6559
      @alexpernia6559 9 місяців тому

      brasileña loca y mentirosa, la gran burla aqui son ustedes ni se les ocurra acercarse a territorio de VENEZUELA o seran castigadas

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 9 місяців тому

      ​@@johnschwartz1641I'm from the UK. Hold my beer. This potential war fault, the British. Palestine, the British. Ukraine, the British. Fortunately I don't give a flying **** about what lines the British drew on maps a hundred years ago. 😂 Fun fact though, those lines were drawn with great care to divide peoples so that they could be exploited for all time. 🤫 And they think that my forebears were fools. 🤣

  • @redrum707monkey
    @redrum707monkey 9 місяців тому +2

    looks like a South American Iraq vs Kuwait problem

  • @KirkFickert
    @KirkFickert 9 місяців тому +2

    So are just East Asia away from WW3…

  • @CountryLifestyle2023
    @CountryLifestyle2023 9 місяців тому +2

    No need to watch, it's about oil

  • @redjacc7581
    @redjacc7581 9 місяців тому +4

    dont the SAS use guyana for part of their selection process?

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому +1

      You might be thinking of Belize which they train in

  • @steveshoemaker6347
    @steveshoemaker6347 9 місяців тому +4

    Thanks Ed Nash for all of your research that goes into making your fine video's......
    Old flying Shoe🇺🇸

  • @aregularperson7573
    @aregularperson7573 9 місяців тому +3

    The Venezuelans aren’t trying to annex the esequbio region they just trying to expropriate it

    • @mdgev2001
      @mdgev2001 9 місяців тому

      The ones who expropriated it is Guyana because it belongs to Venezuela 🇻🇪. Guyana is an occupant.

    • @aregularperson7573
      @aregularperson7573 9 місяців тому +3

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@mdgev2001I have no skin in the game myself but all I’m going to say if Maduro is insane enough to invade the region in dispute Venezuela will have more issues to deal with

  • @ptonpc
    @ptonpc 9 місяців тому +3

    Who had Venezuela and Guyana on their 'sh*t hits the fan 2023' bingo card?

    • @dh1380
      @dh1380 9 місяців тому +2

      Not me

    • @Dodsodalo
      @Dodsodalo 9 місяців тому +1

      I didn't .

  • @rochmansodikromo758
    @rochmansodikromo758 9 місяців тому +1

    Bigup Venezuela from suriname...Guyana occupate a piece from suriname the tigri gebied...power full love from suriname

  • @plflaherty1
    @plflaherty1 9 місяців тому +2

    Thanks Ed, this had slipped under my radar. I try to stay away from the major news outlets generally so my head doesn't explode.
    Hell, is anybody actually covering this?

  • @johnruddick686
    @johnruddick686 9 місяців тому +3

    Yes oil has everything to do with it as usual.

  • @ThelmaGrazette-yb2vc
    @ThelmaGrazette-yb2vc 9 місяців тому +2

    Venezuela people need food not Guyana Essequibo

  • @Lucifer0007
    @Lucifer0007 9 місяців тому +1

    Guyana has already sold the rights to the oil to the Americans. Guyana people will remain poor. Hence why America is getting involved.

  • @CanalTremocos
    @CanalTremocos 9 місяців тому +2

    Oh no. We found oil.

  • @luismyp31
    @luismyp31 9 місяців тому +2

    Venezuelan here, Esequibo no matter what its Venezuelan territory. Sadly Guyana its being used by USA and UK to make them start giving permits to exploit the petroleum in the zone even still being in a dispute zone which havent been resolved thus giving a reason to US to again fck again in the region. I would love that Venezuela and Guyana really sit down and finish the goddam thing and thus both conutry can start to exploit the resources to fast foward their respectives economies. Also the video misrepresent Brazil stance cuz they just movilized troops to make sure both sides dont do shit in their territory they aint sided with Guyana. In the end its so funny cuz the Venezuelan goverment buys a shit ton of rice of Guyana and off course they happily take those bucks but play the offended card now

    • @bwooodstar
      @bwooodstar 9 місяців тому +4

      Lol who wants to work with Venezuela lol? Guyana has a right to explore their own sovereign nation. Venezuela should focus on feeding their population

    • @LeonelMonteiro-g4q
      @LeonelMonteiro-g4q 9 місяців тому

      Vocês estão aí na merda e nem sabe administrar seu território. Vai ser federal comunista de merda. Tentem a sorte seu merda

    • @luismyp31
      @luismyp31 9 місяців тому

      @@bwooodstar People still bringing the feeding question lmao, that was 2020 situation, dollar now it's circulating and economy it's going nice for most people, still poverty like most countries but that 3rd world problem even Guyana. I'm not against Guyana development I'm against the fact they're trying to do it with the resources from the disputed zone. Guyana gave permits to start the extraction of resources so Venezuela should be able to do it. Neither country has more right while the controversy in the zone isn't resolved.

  • @adorador..
    @adorador.. 9 місяців тому +2


  • @alvinnirmal9223
    @alvinnirmal9223 9 місяців тому +1

    Your video states that there is some evidence that the British tried to undermine the 1899 arbitration process. The fact that you didn't expound on such is ludicrous!!!

  • @raby760
    @raby760 9 місяців тому +1

    You're saying the same exact thing that the channel Business Basics said 2 days ago. I'm guessing you sub to them too? lol

  • @beejaidasrat1320
    @beejaidasrat1320 9 місяців тому +3


  • @offshoretomorrow3346
    @offshoretomorrow3346 9 місяців тому +3

    How is it possible to be a basket case with all that oil?
    And how do they intend to invade rainforest and swamp???

    • @Anmeteor9663
      @Anmeteor9663 9 місяців тому +4

      Gives you a sense of the scale of the theft and corruption in the country. The general population are beyond caring and just try to survive today and see tomorrow. 😢

    • @imgvillasrc1608
      @imgvillasrc1608 9 місяців тому +2

      Look no further why the Congo is so poor

    • @ReZel80657
      @ReZel80657 9 місяців тому

      There is a paved road that goes from Venezuela south into Brazil down to Boa Vista and there is another paved road that goes northeast up to the border with Guyana and from there is another road all the way up to the north cost of Guyana

  • @Clausmiran1837
    @Clausmiran1837 9 місяців тому +2

    Let me guess... oíl? :)

  • @isaacbonjosafari2675
    @isaacbonjosafari2675 9 місяців тому +1

    Talk about my country Congo 🇨🇩 if you wish you can talk to me i give you information not what you hear from western media.

  • @Ob1sdarkside
    @Ob1sdarkside 9 місяців тому +2

    Guyana also has gold

  • @advancetotabletop5328
    @advancetotabletop5328 9 місяців тому +1

    Russiabots in the comments explains a lot of what’s going on in this conflict.

  • @Drijoow00
    @Drijoow00 9 місяців тому +1

    Essequibo belongs to Guyana 🇬🇾 history and laws

  • @GlancySanches
    @GlancySanches 9 місяців тому +1

    Gayana has the same dispute with an other neighbour.Surinaame they are silent for now

  • @navrhy3075
    @navrhy3075 9 місяців тому

    My unit of marines, trained the GDF. And I’m telling you, Guyana is in no shape to fight a war against a seasoned military like Venezuela

  • @frankjoseph4273
    @frankjoseph4273 9 місяців тому +1

    An old fashioned oil war

  • @zambranito23
    @zambranito23 9 місяців тому +1

    In 1899 Agreement said Orinoco for Venezuela and Essequibo for England. In 1966 just before the Independence of Guyana, Venezuela wanted more and more. They wanted Essequibo. venezuelans greediness ?

  • @budwyzer77
    @budwyzer77 9 місяців тому +1

    How did America's oil find itself under Guyana? We need to get to the bottom of this.

  • @b_itachigaming2563
    @b_itachigaming2563 9 місяців тому +1

    Why do westerners say the word guy normally, then say gui in pronouncing guyana

  • @JeffBilkins
    @JeffBilkins 9 місяців тому +2

    Surely someone will help for a little bit of that oil money? Our buddy Prigozhin would've been all over it.

  • @venamorgan9980
    @venamorgan9980 9 місяців тому +2


  • @sasenarinesukhdeo1075
    @sasenarinesukhdeo1075 9 місяців тому +1

    Dont look other country and grt greed look after you own country where there is starveint people s to stsy in power shame madura this is last days for your skunt

  • @luislealsantos
    @luislealsantos 9 місяців тому +1

    Falklands Malvinas again? Same sh..t, different players.

  • @Pheonixco
    @Pheonixco 9 місяців тому +1

    Ah its the old Argentine method of "Its our shit since we wuz Spainards"

  • @dieseltinus6680
    @dieseltinus6680 9 місяців тому +2

    Guyana should invest in drones.

    • @diablo416
      @diablo416 9 місяців тому +1

      Absolutely, lethal and difficult to detect.

  • @mikejohnson3601
    @mikejohnson3601 9 місяців тому +1

    Every where is war. War in the east , war in the west , war up north ,war down south. SMH

  • @andylee3784
    @andylee3784 9 місяців тому +1

    you all came to the charokee, amerindians lands to take it from the go home to spain maduro

  • @MarvinLutchman-eu9lo
    @MarvinLutchman-eu9lo 9 місяців тому +1

    Remember wen Iraq invade Kuwait what was the reaction

  • @michaelhowell2541
    @michaelhowell2541 9 місяців тому +3


  • @simplex7096
    @simplex7096 9 місяців тому +1

    venezuela tanks wont do much in that dense jungle 😜

  • @SusanDianeHowell
    @SusanDianeHowell 9 місяців тому

    They are gathering Romanism.
    Ellas están recogiendo el romanismo.

  • @maureencora1
    @maureencora1 9 місяців тому +1

    There Oil Boom Coming to That Country.

  • @shaider1982
    @shaider1982 9 місяців тому

    If it happens, it will sort of sound like the South American version of the Iraqui invasion of Kuwait.

  • @yornelhill7188
    @yornelhill7188 9 місяців тому

    The invasion of Guy-ana is not as easy as you put it. 1st, Guyana is part of a Regional Security System of which USA, UK, France and Netherlands (effectively EU) are part of. 2nd Exxon is a US oil company and expects the US to protect their interests. This will prove where China who has oil companies there stands. 3rd, any successful invasion of Guyana western border will have to cross Brazilian territory for access. The US 4th fleet will be waiting for them on the Sea side.
    If it's a political ploy, fine. If he is serious, he is not only doomed politically but nationally. He then gives US reason to fully take over for the opposition.