0:07 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Chor) 4:54 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Duett) 7:52 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Sopran) 12:39 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Bass) 16:04 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Alto) 19:48 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Choral)
La Musica Terapeutica di Bach mi ha aiutato a sconfiggere la mia Depressione. Gli Psicofarmaci non ci sono riusciti....Bach con la sua Musica Divina si! Yah ! Danke Kappellmeister of Lipsia 😊❤ Saluti da Lecce South Italy 🙏 Alleluiah Danke Jesu ✨🎇🎆🌌🌞
Netherlands Bach society. Thank you for all the uploads, even during this pandemic, you still upload past recordings, and the only things I have to say is thank you. The notification is always the highlight of my day. Greetings from Spain.
Durant ce confinement , la NBS nous aidé à survivre . Jour après jour l'oeuvre de Bach nous a soutenu , consolé , exalté tour à tour ! Cette cantate nous rappelle que l'histoire des hommes est entre les mains d'une force plus haute , que certains appelle Dieu , d'autres Destin ou Fatalité. Ce que fait l'Être suprême est-il bien fait , comme le clame cette cantate ? En tous cas les épreuves auxquelles nous sommes confrontés doivent nous aider à prendre la chemin de la lumière, cette lumière qui nous éblouit dans l'oeuvre de Bach. La NBS nous livre ici une version très intense de la cantate BWV 100. Je dédie cette magnifique page à Laurent qui vient de nous quitter.
Klare und wunderschöne Aufführung dieser logisch komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt synchronisierten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten und perfekt vereinigten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors. Der gelehrte Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im präzisen doch gut phrasierten Tempo und mit perfekt konntrollierter Dynamik. Was diese Vereinigung tut, das ist wohlgetan!
La musica di Bach è un grande dono di Dio all'umanità! I Netherlands sono fantastici nel distribuire questo dono! Grazie mio Sommo Bach per questa meravigliosa cantata!
I have a blind nephew who sang in a performing choir. Reams and reams of .music. when you settle in for holiday festivities you dont think of him as blind.. he always said his dream is to drive a school bus.🙃
A favorite cantata. The duet to between Damon Guillen and Charles Daniels was lovely. In watching the soprano aria it occurred to me that some singers are very outwardly expressive (Maria Keohane comes to mind) where others turn their focus inward to find their expression. Without much opportunity to see live performances where I live I appreciate watching the very human expression found in these films. Oh, I would be remiss in failing to note Peter Kooj’s performance. Always a joy. The interplay between the oboe and the alto in the final aria is beautifully wrought by Bach and beautifully rendered. The chorale is a fine bookend with the opening concerto.Thanks to the entire ensemble for a marvelous performance! Stu
I completely agree about singers who are outwardly or inwardly expressive. I definitely prefer the inwardly expressive as they seem much more connected to the emotions being expressed.
9 pm on a Monday evening here in PNG and yet again the NBS produces another miracle in this performance of BWV 100. There is excellent ensemble work here and in each of the six movements delights to be found. This makes my enforced stay here in Port Moresby a little more bearable and no doubt I'll be looking for more new productions from my friends in the Netherlands. Thank you NBS.
Das ist ein grundsätzliches Problem. Männliche Altstimmen erreichen zwar die selben Tonhöhen wie weibliche, haben aber eine andere Klangfarbe. Mir gefallen die weiblichen auch besser.
Thank you so much for another masterpiece of Bach! Uplifting and glorious for the soul.... Perfect audio recording and you are able to achieve every time such a high level of harmony with the orchestra and the soloists. Well done mr. Van Veldhoven!
We zitten hier in Italië in lockdown en zijn heel erg blij met jullie muziek. We beluisteren vaak ook de interviews en hebben veel bewondering voor jullie werk! We vergelijken ook met andere uitvoeringen en dat levert soms boeiende doorkijkjes. Dank!
I am a fan/admirer of you Oboist. He does a lot of Bach; I am always pleased when I see him as part of the instrumentalists. 1. Perhaps you might recognize key instrumentalists? and 2. It was gratifying to see the Oboist to have some enjoyment and pleasure in performing this piece. Thank you Netherlands Bach Society for all the wonderful music you provide for our enjoyment.
Martin Stadler is among my favourite players in this wonderful ensemble. I too, always enjoy seeing his whole approach, his commitment, his professionalism together with his obvious sensitivity to his role in helping express the text. "Superb" is praise too faint for him.
Opnieuw dank aan NBV voor uitvoering van deze cantate, mooi en fijn om te horen midden in de tweede golf van corona. Speciale dank aan Jos van Veldhoven ..... voor ik de cantate beluister kijk ik altijd eerst naar het intervieuw met hem, hij belicht zoveel punten van Bach zn werk waardoor het een stuk begrijpelijker wordt, ik vond dar erg waardevol. DANK 👏👏
Minuto 21:43 《 Note che ti mandano in Paradiso 》 ....Grazie mille Grande Kappellmeister di Lipsia....Grazie a voi Esecutori e suoi Ammiratori di questa Meraviglia 😊❤
Ci sono dei momenti della Musica Sacra di Bach nei quali rimango abbagliato da tanta Divina Bellezza e comincio a piangere di Gioia....Mi infonde una Forza Spirituale inimmaginabile. Nessun altro Compositore come Il Grandissimo Johann Sebastian ci riesce. " La mia Musica 🎶 è scritta per la Gloria di Dio e per il ristoro di uno Spirito competente ed esigente " ( Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 )....👑🎼🎹🎻🎻📯📯🎺🎺🥁🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤p
Oh il caro nostro Bach ha composto tre cantate BWV 98, 99 e 100 con lo stesso titolo Ha preso pure lo stesso coro della 99 per il coro di apertura della 100, ha solo cambiato la strumentazione; inoltre il coro finale è preso da BWV 75 (cambia la strumentazione, piu' ampia) Il duetto e pure le arie sono veramente belli, in particolare l'accompagnamento Penso richiedano una bravura inusuale per strumentisti E' bello poterla ascoltare in questa interpretazione Grazie!
Excelente lectura de Bach...coro reducido (dos voces por parte) y los cuatro solistas suman doce cantantes...no es una versión ovopipista (OVPP) que siga los criterios de Rifkin, pero es maravillosa...me gustan los coros a una voz por parte pero esta agrupación no se excede y el resultado es fantástico.....enhorabuena a cantantes, instrumentistas y director...y por supuesto...gracias a BACH por darnos esta música que nos hace el camino a Dios más fácil.
BWV 100 - "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" III Cantata for Various Church Occasions 1. Chor Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Es bleibt gerecht sein Wille; Wie er fängt meine Sachen an, Will ich ihm halten stille. Er ist mein Gott, Der in der Not Mich wohl weiß zu erhalten; Drum laß ich ihn nur walten. 1. Chorale What God does is well done, His will remains righteous; however he begins my affairs, I will silently keep to Him. He is my God, who in need knows well how to sustain me; therefore I let Him alone rule. 2. Arie (Duett) A T Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Er wird mich nicht betrügen, Er führet mich auf rechter Bahn, So laß ich mich begnügen An seiner Huld Und hab Geduld, Er wird mein Unglück wenden, Es steht in seinen Händen. 2. Aria (Duet) A T What God does is well done, He will not delude me, He leads me on the right path, therefore I allow myself to enjoy God's mercy and have patience; He will turn aside my misfortune, it is in His hands. 3. Arie S Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Er wird mich wohl bedenken; Er, als mein Arzt und Wundermann, Wird mir nicht Gift einschenken Vor Arzenei, Gott ist getreu, Drum will ich auf ihn bauen Und seiner Gnade trauen. 3. Aria S What God does is well done, He will think well upon me; He, as my doctor and miracle-worker, will not offer me poison for medicine, God is faithful, therefore I will rely on him and trust in His grace. 4. Arie B Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Er ist mein Licht, mein Leben, Der mir nichts Böses gönnen kann, Ich will mich ihm ergeben In Freud und Leid! Es kommt die Zeit, Da öffentlich erscheinet, Wie treulich er es meinet. 4. Aria B What God does is well done, He is my light, my life, who cannot offer me evil, I will give myself to Him in joy and sorrow! The time will come, when it will be apparent how loving is His intention. 5. Arie A Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Muß ich den Kelch gleich schmecken, Der bitter ist nach meinem Wahn, Laß ich mich doch nicht schrecken, Weil doch zuletzt Ich werd ergötzt Mit süßem Trost im Herzen; Da weichen alle Schmerzen. 5. Aria A What God does is well done, even if I must taste the cup that is bitter to my perception, I will not let myself be frightened, since in the end I will be delighted with sweet comfort in my heart; then all pains will cease. 6. Choral Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, Dabei will ich verbleiben. Es mag mich auf die rauhe Bahn Not, Tod und Elend treiben, So wird Gott mich Ganz väterlich In seinen Armen halten; Drum laß ich ihn nur walten. 6. Chorale What God does, is well done, I will cling to this. Along the harsh path trouble, death and misery may drive me. Yet God will, just like a father, hold me in His arms: therefore I let Him alone rule.
Děkuji za kouzelné video hudba s ptacimi přáteli naživo a hudba se záhony plné květin promiňte že nevyplnuji okénka uložit nebo sdílet bojím se že se do toho technický zamotam a nevím jak z toho ven děkuji za vše a jsem s vámi vera
@Netherlands Bach Society Why do you pick (always, apparently) men as altos? I mean, if it was only due to historical correctness, you may also not allow women to sing soprano, so, it's more like a "sex compromise"? I'd like to hear some female altos as well in your next videos. In my opinion, both - (grown) men's AND women's voices - can contribute equally to the great work you do interpreting Bach's music on such a high level.
There are many gifted singers of course. I suspect the choice is made from purely on artistic grounds, the strength, timbre etc of each voice taking into account the composer's directions and historical context.
Jak to możliwe że powstało takie liczne i profesjonalne stowarzyszenie miłośników Bacha? I do tego publikuje bezpłatnie występy zapierające dech w piersiach?? Czy to stowarzyszenie jest przez kogoś finansowane???
@@CodeNameParis The majority of Bach's cantatas are based off chorale melodies, with texts not written by Bach and with a melody not composed by Bach. Bach fits the chorale melody in a framework that is completely new. Just like he does in this cantata, where every aria is based of the chorale melody in one way or another.
Ich muss es einfach auch hier nochmals sagen: Alles ist grundsätzlich großartig. Aber überlasst bitte die Altpartien weiblichen Altistinnen! Nichts gegen Damien Guillon, aber ich mag männlichen Altgesang einfach nicht hören. Frauen würden das so schön machen! Schade, dass man sie kaum mehr zum Zug kommen lässt!
0:07 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Chor)
4:54 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Duett)
7:52 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Sopran)
12:39 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Bass)
16:04 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Arie, Alto)
19:48 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Choral)
I realize I am kinda off topic but do anybody know of a good website to watch newly released tv shows online ?
I marvel at the gentleness of the quite little phrases smiling through. This conductor not only respects Bach, but loves him.
Baroque music is filled with so many of these unique and wonderful phrases.
Oboist´s smile at 1.47 is inspired by Bach... Oh, my Mother, this wonderful Cantata can be only promoted by Bach... Thank you for being among us.
Oh goodness..the music produced by this incredible group is beyond words...it really does not get better than this...sublime and Divine.
I love Gerlinde Saman as musician. Incredibly touching singing.
Everything goes by, Bach's music remains!!!!
Schaulin Markus Indeed!
Both are amazing Imagineth ♡♡
And Milli Vanilli
Really ❤
Per i secoli dei secoli...🌅🌌👑🎼🎶🎶🎻🎺 🎹🎹🤗 Amen 🙏
La Musica Terapeutica di Bach mi ha aiutato a sconfiggere la mia Depressione. Gli Psicofarmaci non ci sono riusciti....Bach con la sua Musica Divina si! Yah ! Danke Kappellmeister of Lipsia 😊❤ Saluti da Lecce South Italy 🙏 Alleluiah Danke Jesu ✨🎇🎆🌌🌞
Netherlands Bach society. Thank you for all the uploads, even during this pandemic, you still upload past recordings, and the only things I have to say is thank you. The notification is always the highlight of my day. Greetings from Spain.
@@declamatory ok lock down then
@@declamatory why are you asking?
@@declamatory I don't understand. Can you please explain?
@@declamatory And what do you think it means ? Do you refer to the missing s ?
@logicalempiricist2 your comment gave me the biggest and heartiest laugh of my day while listening to the cantata.
Durant ce confinement , la NBS nous aidé à survivre . Jour après jour l'oeuvre de Bach nous a soutenu , consolé , exalté tour à tour ! Cette cantate nous rappelle que l'histoire des hommes est entre les mains d'une force plus haute , que certains appelle Dieu , d'autres Destin ou Fatalité. Ce que fait l'Être suprême est-il bien fait , comme le clame cette cantate ? En tous cas les épreuves auxquelles nous sommes confrontés doivent nous aider à prendre la chemin de la lumière, cette lumière qui nous éblouit dans l'oeuvre de Bach.
La NBS nous livre ici une version très intense de la cantate BWV 100.
Je dédie cette magnifique page à Laurent qui vient de nous quitter.
Klare und wunderschöne Aufführung dieser logisch komponierten Kantate mit gut harmonisierten und perfekt synchronisierten Tönen aller historischen Instrumente sowie herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten und perfekt vereinigten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors. Der gelehrte Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Ensemble im präzisen doch gut phrasierten Tempo und mit perfekt konntrollierter Dynamik. Was diese Vereinigung tut, das ist wohlgetan!
Da haben Sie recht 🙂👌. Und aus dem "Bauch heraus ": einfach ein Genuss.
La musica di Bach è un grande dono di Dio all'umanità! I Netherlands sono fantastici nel distribuire questo dono! Grazie mio Sommo Bach per questa meravigliosa cantata!
Bach’s cantatas never cease to fascinate. What a legacy! Music of the highest order.
Ohh! that beautiful solo soprano aria rendition : she's reading it from a Braille score. I am truly humbled.
I have a blind nephew who sang in a performing choir. Reams and reams of .music. when you settle in for holiday festivities you dont think of him as blind.. he always said his dream is to drive a school bus.🙃
A favorite cantata. The duet to between Damon Guillen and Charles Daniels was lovely. In watching the soprano aria it occurred to me that some singers are very outwardly expressive (Maria Keohane comes to mind) where others turn their focus inward to find their expression. Without much opportunity to see live performances where I live I appreciate watching the very human expression found in these films. Oh, I would be remiss in failing to note Peter Kooj’s performance. Always a joy. The interplay between the oboe and the alto in the final aria is beautifully wrought by Bach and beautifully rendered. The chorale is a fine bookend with the opening concerto.Thanks to the entire ensemble for a marvelous performance! Stu
I completely agree about singers who are outwardly or inwardly expressive. I definitely prefer the inwardly expressive as they seem much more connected to the emotions being expressed.
Was ihr tut, ist auch wohlgetan. Bravo. Groeten uit Wenen, Scott
9 pm on a Monday evening here in PNG and yet again the NBS produces another miracle in this performance of BWV 100. There is excellent ensemble work here and in each of the six movements delights to be found. This makes my enforced stay here in Port Moresby a little more bearable and no doubt I'll be looking for more new productions from my friends in the Netherlands. Thank you NBS.
Cette cantate irradie de joie, elle est superbement interprétée par un ensemble parfaitement en phase avec ce qu'elle exprime.
Ich bin gerührt.. ich muss fast weinen angesichts dieser Schönheit, die die Herrlichkeit Gottes in Ansätzen auszudrücken vermag
Bach ist nicht aus dieser Welt!
Das ist ein grundsätzliches Problem. Männliche Altstimmen erreichen zwar die selben Tonhöhen wie weibliche, haben aber eine andere Klangfarbe. Mir gefallen die weiblichen auch besser.
Einfach wunderbar-- was für ein Genuss. Vielen Dank.
Thank you so much for another masterpiece of Bach! Uplifting and glorious for the soul.... Perfect audio recording and you are able to achieve every time such a high level of harmony with the orchestra and the soloists. Well done mr. Van Veldhoven!
A wonderful performance. Many thanks to everyone.
The color and richness of the instrumentation of the opening chorus are such a treat. 👍 ❤️
Bach nos pone en contacto con la majestad inefable de Dios. Esta música es de una gran espiritualidad. Gracias por compartirla.
"This music has a great spirituality." Exactly.
"Diese Musik hat eine große Spiritualität." Genau.
Nur der große Bach könnte dieses Lied als Thema für eine Kantate so wunderschön bearbeiten!
We zitten hier in Italië in lockdown en zijn heel erg blij met jullie muziek. We beluisteren vaak ook de interviews en hebben veel bewondering voor jullie werk!
We vergelijken ook met andere uitvoeringen en dat levert soms boeiende doorkijkjes.
such great horn playing!
Simply fantastic! now words to describe it...
Grace and power
I am a fan/admirer of you Oboist. He does a lot of Bach; I am always pleased when I see him as part of the instrumentalists. 1. Perhaps you might recognize key instrumentalists? and 2. It was gratifying to see the Oboist to have some enjoyment and pleasure in performing this piece. Thank you Netherlands Bach Society for all the wonderful music you provide for our enjoyment.
Der Oboist ist Martin Stadler.
Der 1.Horn ist vermutlich Bart Aerbeydt
1. Horn ist Erwin Wieringa :)
Martin Stadler is among my favourite players in this wonderful ensemble. I too, always enjoy seeing his whole approach, his commitment, his professionalism together with his obvious sensitivity to his role in helping express the text. "Superb" is praise too faint for him.
Ivan Podyomov 😊
Excellent music, instruments and Chorale, I feel it in my inner being, what joy of this divine sacred piece
Sehr schön interpretiert.
Großes Lob!
Wonderful! Thanks for uploading. ❤️👼🎼🎵🎶👏🇮🇪☘️
I love this ensemble and their insightful performances
Excelente! y notable grupo de solistas.
Opnieuw dank aan NBV voor uitvoering van deze cantate, mooi en fijn om te horen midden in de tweede golf van corona.
Speciale dank aan Jos van Veldhoven ..... voor ik de cantate beluister kijk ik altijd eerst naar het intervieuw met hem, hij belicht zoveel punten van Bach zn werk waardoor het een stuk begrijpelijker wordt, ik vond dar erg waardevol. DANK 👏👏
Minuto 21:43 《 Note che ti mandano in Paradiso 》 ....Grazie mille Grande Kappellmeister di Lipsia....Grazie a voi Esecutori e suoi Ammiratori di questa Meraviglia 😊❤
I like the non-dramatic endings of these cantatas.
Excelente ejecucion de la musica eterna de Bach.
Beautiful! The words to this cantata are just as beautiful as the music. If only I understood German!
Ci sono dei momenti della Musica Sacra di Bach nei quali rimango abbagliato da tanta Divina Bellezza e comincio a piangere di Gioia....Mi infonde una Forza Spirituale inimmaginabile. Nessun altro Compositore come Il Grandissimo Johann Sebastian ci riesce. " La mia Musica 🎶 è scritta per la Gloria di Dio e per il ristoro di uno Spirito competente ed esigente " ( Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 )....👑🎼🎹🎻🎻📯📯🎺🎺🥁🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤p
Oh il caro nostro Bach ha composto tre cantate BWV 98, 99 e 100 con lo stesso titolo Ha preso pure lo stesso coro della 99 per il coro di apertura della 100, ha solo cambiato la strumentazione; inoltre il coro finale è preso da BWV 75 (cambia la strumentazione, piu' ampia)
Il duetto e pure le arie sono veramente belli, in particolare l'accompagnamento Penso richiedano una bravura inusuale per strumentisti E' bello poterla ascoltare in questa interpretazione Grazie!
un bálsamo para el alma
Absolutely superb and amazing
Parabéns pela execução
by the way I like that harpsichord. Loud and clear. Cellos always important.
Rigtig dejlig, dynamisk musik og flot solosang....
Excelente lectura de Bach...coro reducido (dos voces por parte) y los cuatro solistas suman doce cantantes...no es una versión ovopipista (OVPP) que siga los criterios de Rifkin, pero es maravillosa...me gustan los coros a una voz por parte pero esta agrupación no se excede y el resultado es fantástico.....enhorabuena a cantantes, instrumentistas y director...y por supuesto...gracias a BACH por darnos esta música que nos hace el camino a Dios más fácil.
Grandiose Musik
0:07 Chorus Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan CORNI
4:54 Duett Was Gott tut. Altus & TENORE CHARLES DANIELS
19:48 Chorale Was Gott tut. CORNI
Who are the horn-players? This part ist heavy duty...
Lo que Dios ha hecho, bien hecho está!
BWV 100 - "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" III
Cantata for Various Church Occasions
1. Chor
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Es bleibt gerecht sein Wille;
Wie er fängt meine Sachen an,
Will ich ihm halten stille.
Er ist mein Gott,
Der in der Not
Mich wohl weiß zu erhalten;
Drum laß ich ihn nur walten. 1. Chorale
What God does is well done,
His will remains righteous;
however he begins my affairs,
I will silently keep to Him.
He is my God,
who in need
knows well how to sustain me;
therefore I let Him alone rule.
2. Arie (Duett) A T
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Er wird mich nicht betrügen,
Er führet mich auf rechter Bahn,
So laß ich mich begnügen
An seiner Huld
Und hab Geduld,
Er wird mein Unglück wenden,
Es steht in seinen Händen. 2. Aria (Duet) A T
What God does is well done,
He will not delude me,
He leads me on the right path,
therefore I allow myself to enjoy
God's mercy
and have patience;
He will turn aside my misfortune,
it is in His hands.
3. Arie S
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Er wird mich wohl bedenken;
Er, als mein Arzt und Wundermann,
Wird mir nicht Gift einschenken
Vor Arzenei,
Gott ist getreu,
Drum will ich auf ihn bauen
Und seiner Gnade trauen. 3. Aria S
What God does is well done,
He will think well upon me;
He, as my doctor and miracle-worker,
will not offer me poison
for medicine,
God is faithful,
therefore I will rely on him
and trust in His grace.
4. Arie B
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Er ist mein Licht, mein Leben,
Der mir nichts Böses gönnen kann,
Ich will mich ihm ergeben
In Freud und Leid!
Es kommt die Zeit,
Da öffentlich erscheinet,
Wie treulich er es meinet. 4. Aria B
What God does is well done,
He is my light, my life,
who cannot offer me evil,
I will give myself to Him
in joy and sorrow!
The time will come,
when it will be apparent
how loving is His intention.
5. Arie A
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Muß ich den Kelch gleich schmecken,
Der bitter ist nach meinem Wahn,
Laß ich mich doch nicht schrecken,
Weil doch zuletzt
Ich werd ergötzt
Mit süßem Trost im Herzen;
Da weichen alle Schmerzen. 5. Aria A
What God does is well done,
even if I must taste the cup
that is bitter to my perception,
I will not let myself be frightened,
since in the end
I will be delighted
with sweet comfort in my heart;
then all pains will cease.
6. Choral
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan,
Dabei will ich verbleiben.
Es mag mich auf die rauhe Bahn
Not, Tod und Elend treiben,
So wird Gott mich
Ganz väterlich
In seinen Armen halten;
Drum laß ich ihn nur walten. 6. Chorale
What God does, is well done,
I will cling to this.
Along the harsh path
trouble, death and misery may drive me.
Yet God will,
just like a father,
hold me in His arms:
therefore I let Him alone rule.
Thank your.
Vielen Dank!
Gottes Segen
eine beschwingte Aufführung - everyone seems inspired! Technisch höchstes Niveau sowieso klar bei dieser bach society
Ypperlig ❤❤❤
Děkuji za kouzelné video hudba s ptacimi přáteli naživo a hudba se záhony plné květin promiňte že nevyplnuji okénka uložit nebo sdílet bojím se že se do toho technický zamotam a nevím jak z toho ven děkuji za vše a jsem s vámi vera
8:42 is when i get kicked in the nuts by how beautiful this song is
This song is God's deed!
Dieses Lied ist Gottes Tat!
Dit lied is Gods daad!
19:48 = BWV 75
💌Liebe ✌️
Gesundheit 💞
Welt weit 🌍✨😚😘
@Netherlands Bach Society Why do you pick (always, apparently) men as altos? I mean, if it was only due to historical correctness, you may also not allow women to sing soprano, so, it's more like a "sex compromise"? I'd like to hear some female altos as well in your next videos. In my opinion, both - (grown) men's AND women's voices - can contribute equally to the great work you do interpreting Bach's music on such a high level.
There are many gifted singers of course. I suspect the choice is made from purely on artistic grounds, the strength, timbre etc of each voice taking into account the composer's directions and historical context.
Jak to możliwe że powstało takie liczne i profesjonalne stowarzyszenie miłośników Bacha? I do tego publikuje bezpłatnie występy zapierające dech w piersiach?? Czy to stowarzyszenie jest przez kogoś finansowane???
To wiecej niz pewne. Takie powazne przedsiewziecia musza miec zaplecze finansowe
Sonderbeifall für die Hornisten!
Wonderful cantata! Small criticism-ensemble not together in soprano aria with flute. Continuous needs to listen to flutes.
Freddie Mercury's Bicycle Race seems to be indeed inspired by this cantata. I wonder if it was intentional or subconscious.
Fantastic music, I suppose - but I can only hear the harpsichord... What a shame for the balance.
Its like Bach was lazy to write more and just named the entire piece even the lyrics "Was gott tut, das ist wohlgetan"
A bit similar to BWV 117, from first movement to last movement, all are also Gebt unserm Gott die Ehre.
The text isn't by Bach.
The poet was Samuel Rodigast (1649-1708) and the choral melody is by Severus Gastorius (1646-1682).
@@pjkhunold good to know
@@CodeNameParis The majority of Bach's cantatas are based off chorale melodies, with texts not written by Bach and with a melody not composed by Bach. Bach fits the chorale melody in a framework that is completely new. Just like he does in this cantata, where every aria is based of the chorale melody in one way or another.
great continuo playing, but the harpsichord was out of tune
I didn't notice
Holzblaeser 😄👍
The venomous edge identically attach because burn neatly test athwart a descriptive authority. versed, jumbled climb
Is she blind? Reading braille?
Sorry but Gustav Leonhardt with his Das Leonhardt Consort (Telefunken Das Alte Werke recording) is and will be unsorpassed here.
You should listen to Karl-Friedrich Beringer's recordings. That will probably change your mind.
JAJAJAJAJJA alta verginha
Ich muss es einfach auch hier nochmals sagen: Alles ist grundsätzlich großartig. Aber überlasst bitte die Altpartien weiblichen Altistinnen! Nichts gegen Damien Guillon, aber ich mag männlichen Altgesang einfach nicht hören. Frauen würden das so schön machen! Schade, dass man sie kaum mehr zum Zug kommen lässt!