mgs 5 nah post Malone rockstar with lyrics like “I be fucking hoes and popping pillies” and “cocaine on the table don’t give a damn” is a great song for kids to listen to but clearly wait and bleed and spit it out are terrible songs for kids cause they promote violen... well they promote drug Abu... well clearly it’s about alcoho.... oh wait
Slipknot helped me get through some dark times. I was sexually abused and I couldn't express it to anyone. Slipknot helped me channel my anger and eventually I started talking about my trauma. I love you slipknot.
Because their music is cathartic. It's much better to express your anger through words and music than to commit a crime or inflict pain upon others. I'd say they prevented a lot of mass shootings from happening as opposed to causing them.
intrestingly enough too me, listening to slipknot relaxes me. They play out and portray all the hate I have witihin, and I feel like I can get it out of my system through their music.
Walrus Lmao Same here. I don't physically go out and look to be violent with people when listening to Slipknot. I imagine it, but never act out on it. Same with other aggressive bands out there.
As Mick has said- If someone is f’d up, they’re gonna do f’d up stuff. And everyone seems to pick out the “loud” things in life, and ignore the “quiet” ones. Most parents, especially nowadays, are hands-off with their kids. Be open and talk with your kids, it helped me growing up, and I started playing Halo 2 at 4, and listening to Manson’s Beautiful People (clean) when I was 8. I’ve never laid my hands on someone else.
Bands, movies, or video games never cause the violence. It's the individual who goes one step further to take what they do and unleash it in public in a negative way. I learned from my experience that it was my fault that I took my obsession with music in the wrong direction.
I hate it when people point their fingers at guns, metal, and video games when there's a mass shooting. Those are very popular among people and they don't go around shooting each other. It's actually mental health issues and bad parenting.
People are so quick to look for a scapegoat. They're always quick to point the blame at music, movies or video games. When, entertainment isn't gonna cause someone to go out and kill another person. What started this was the Columbine shooting. They blamed that on the music they were listening to, when it might've been for an issue no one addresses. Here I'll give you an example.. A school shooting, recently, was caused by the shooter being bullied. You can push someone so far, til they start fighting back. After it happened, the school blamed Call of Duty for the incident. The school was not willing to address the major issue of bullying, and instead.. Blamed it on another, and swept the main problem under the rug.
I just love how this segment is framing video game violence and metal music as responsible for kids going out and doing violent shit. If it wasn't for bands like Slipknot and Meshuggah I would have probably been a much worse person when I was a teenager. It gave me an outlet for all the suppressed rage I had after years of bullying in school and the stupid as shit adults who treated me and the other kids like we weren't even human beings. Slipknot helped me more than any session at a therapist. It was safe to rage and feel the anger and hurt from my childhood when I listened to them. I would always feel cleansed when I was done listening to their music. Had a little mixed CD that I called Katharsis which was nothing but a bunch of different slipknot songs from Iowa, self-titled and Vol 3. That little CD still holds a very special place in my heart 16 years later. If you want to figure out why youths are getting more violent, then look at your rotten to the core culture, America. Look at the future you're leaving for the next generations. Look all the debt, blame and poverty you have to offer your descendants while you rake in the wealth and spend it on a bloated as fuck military and on ass cushions for the 1%. But keep blaming art, the only safe haven these youths have to vent their frustrations and cope with the bleak as fuck future you have given them. And this goes for a lot of other countries world wide too. But yes. Blame art for your own greedy, psychopathic behavior. That's so easy.
"The one group that nobody is pointing the finger at is the fans." True then. True now. Influence plays a role. But influence doesn't have 100% control.
The only people who can't tell real violence from video game violence are small children and mentally challenged folks. Most of us know the difference and don't appreciate these idiots telling us what art is considered acceptable. I listen to violent music and play violent video games and I have never so much as punched someone in the face.
Blaming music, movies, video games or any other type of entertainment for a tragedy is, was and always will be a witch hunt. It takes all the accountability off of the suspect and the probable "issues" that were apparent for a long time, but nobody ever gave enough of a fuck to listen to that person, or to try to get help for that person. Anybody can spin anything to fit their agenda...PERIOD. And they will. Movies don't kill people, video games don't kill people, music of any genre doesn't kill people, guns don't kill people etc. People with mental issues added with all of said elements and ignored treatments kill people. Stupid people that want attention kill people. People who stop taking their fucking medication for whatever reason, kill people. But the officials always have to find a scapegoat, they have to find something they don't approve of...something they don't agree with...something they don't understand. Because if history has taught at least the smarter of our nature anything, it's that the "sheep" fear what they don't understand. If they fear it, then it just has to be the reason. Maybe, just maybe if we had better parenting...our kids wouldn't be fucking psychos. Most kids are already on some kind of medication by age what? 8 or so? Asthma is one thing, mood altering drugs at such a young age when the brain is still developing has to be handled VERY delicately. 10 year old kids shouldn't be depressed, those are the years when we have NOTHING to worry about. If your child can't handle 10, they may not make it to 30. Real life is a bitch, unforgiving...but we have to make the best of what we have. Personally music is my oxygen, I couldn't live without it. If I ever got mad enough about anything to the point where I was thinking of actually taking another person's life, music is what would stop me. It's my zen...even the heaviest bone crunching death metal, all the way to the other side of the spectrum with Beethoven and Chopin. It's sonic medication for me. It's a release...happy, sad, anger, confusion, love, heartache...there is an audio cure for every ailing emotion in my opinion. But what do I know? I think of things in a different way that a lot people. But a lot of people are idiots as well, so...
"When Corey's getting into the killer violent lyrics"......... I'm so mad..... IF NOTHING ELSE, Slipknot is my ventilation to get out my rage, and anger, not to fuel it, and that's how it is for most Slipknot fans! And of course that guy say's he's gonna break noses.. OBVIOUSLY HE'S NOT SERIOUS.People just go crazy and have fun at metal concerts period.
Slipknot makes me calm! You know if I get angry I just play their music and than I calm down I can't play calm music to calm down I need to play Slipknot music to calm down that's life! \m/
just because slipknot has a lot of energy and they get involved in fisical pain, does't mean you have to be violent when listening to their songs. im a girl and when im mad i feel like killing someone and when im drunk i become satan but listening to slipknot while mad is like therapy, i calms me down and cleans me from inside out and i can take pain and disappointment again... eep doing what youre doing slipknot! \m/, i love you and i miss paul so much r.i.p
People need to understand that music with violent themes is meant to be a way to let the violence out harmlessly. It puts you right on the edge of your comfort zone, which is a good place to be to let out uncomfortable feelings. Anyone who says music causes violence needs to reinterpret it.
Damn, I never got a notification for these comments. Thanks for the responses lol, I was just thinking the other day if anyone had gotten the reference
"Let me tell you how it's gonna be I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me" ~I Am Hated I understand the point of your comment but damn did it backfire
People need to learn how to be responsible for their actions, why? Because nobody can but yourself, grow some balls and admit it don't blame anyone but yourself if u choose to do something.
Weirdly enough, at a very younge age (12), slipknot is literally what I run on. It..calms me, a lot. It doesn't make me wanna go out and kill the people I hate. No. It makes me know that I hate them..and that's that. I hate 'em. I don't have to kill them to feel better, I don't have to put them in the hospital to feel better. I just have to face that I hate them, and that there's something out there for me to calm down to about that. And how I can just go home (or even play it in school with headphones or on a low volume in 3rd period) and listening to them and moving around and headbanging to them and silently screaming is what wears me out yet calms me down. A lot of people think I'm "emo" or "I hate people" and want to kill. Yes, I hate some people with a great passion cause of what they did to me, and I sometimes joke around saying if they do this I'ma throw them to a hospital..but that helps me get my anger out as well. I may be a very destructive individual when it comes to being angry, but I won't hurt people unless I have to. I usually just hit a wall or slam a stick against a tree, fuck, I even hit myself. But what people don't realize is that's what actually prevents me from "snapping". I don't do it to look "cool" or feel "badass". I just do it so others don't see how bad I can be and I don't want to hurt most of the people there. Most of the other kids in my grade know I listen to slipknot and Korn..but they don't truly know why. Adults say it's a "bad influence". But honestly, only dumb fuckers think that slipknot is promoting physical violence to other individuals. As Shawn said, "he's just singing and saying what he needs to say". Yes, sometimes spit it out and disasterpiece hypes me up and I think I can take on anyone, but in the end, I realize it's not necessary.
Clown is 100% right. Violence in video games / movies / TV is or art and or entertainment. These violent movies / TV shows and video games are not serving the purpose to harm. There serving the purpose to entertain. What about if a child say about 9 or 10 years old see's pictures of men killing each other in a history lesson at school and comes to school with a gun and shoots someone, is it the schools fault? No. Someone will probably get fired though. ITS 110% THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY.
They're exactly right. I drum for a local metal band called Harvester, and we have violent lyrics... The point is that we'd never actually act on them. I'm by no means an aggressive person, but I love bands like Slipknot and Lamb of God. When people ask me why I listen to them if I'm not aggressive, I explain that I'm human, and like everyone I have aggressive feelings. The difference is that I take those feelings out through music instead of shooting/beating somebody up.
"Children don't discriminate between reality and fantasy." This is where it is the moral obligation of the parent to step in and instruct their children about how to distinguish between what is real and what isn't, as well as what is right and what is wrong. My parents allowed me to listen to anything I wanted and watch Dawn Of The Dead, Jaws, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Terminator, and just about any violent horror cinema I wanted as a young growing boy, and I've turned out perfectly fine. *eye twitches*
Excuse me, MA'AM, but do you know how many lives their music has probably SAVED? Music like this helped me get through middle school and high school. It made me feel like someone understood how I was feeling and provided me with a safe way to vent my feelings. It kept me from going over the edge and BLOWING OTHER PEOPLE UP. I had religious parents and their "Jesus loves you" bullshit was not resonating with me and made me feel like they didn't understand me at all and pissed me off even more
@donSparda I've been bullied and beet in 3 years now it started in 4th grade and when I was going in 5th grade I was really into taking my life I started cutting myself get my self hurt in manny ways I was never on a class becouse I didn't wanna be with the guys in my class, and then I get newed about Slipknot and they saved my life instead of crying and cutt myself I listen to them and sens that I've feel good even though I've been bullied and beet in school and I'm verry happy about that.Thnks
It's funny how these clowns try to bring awareness to violence and it's SO GODDAM EASY to point the finger at an openly cynical band/culture where they don't realize it really is just about taking all the shit out of daily life (maybe even the past) and stressing the point that you aren't alone and there are plenty of bands (including Slipknot) that are just there to get the rage and emotions out of kids and adults alike to vent and see a badass show. Slipknot I know intimately and will say it's quite a bit more to it than that, but I've been listening to Slipknot DAILY since I was in 7th grade and I haven't shot or stabbed or eviscerated anyone (good for me right?).
Honestly, games, tv shows, movies, music, etc. don't affect me at all, since I was about 6 years old. My mind developed a bit faster then others, I think I'm the only mature one in middle school. Hell, I'm more mature then most high school seniors.
forget about othere people slipknot is amazing and ill still listen to them till the day i die and when i die at my funeral ill want them to play the song befor i forget my slipknot because i dont want people to for get how crazy and insane i am
Slipknot, and band like them, have, as long as they have existed, served as an outlet for people (especially young people) to get to deal with hate and violence in a constructive way. It's an outlet, not a fuel. There are exceptions to this, but there are bad apples in every pile. I'm not saying you have to like them, all i'm saying is that judging something you do not understand at all the way you do is working stricly against whatever you seek to achieve.
who else thought of duality when Joey said "he's gotta say what he's gotta say"... and then he swears he'll go away but he can't promise you won't enjoy the noise. the next lyrics are kind of apt for the interview i suppose
I was raised on metal, video games and horror movies. I'm now 29 and I've never been in a lick of trouble, hell I've never even been in a fight. The point is that some people are just fucked up human beings plain N' simple
@ChiefDrakula I have been listening to metal since i was 10 years old and this genre really has saved from myself. I`m sure there ain`t no person walking around this planet who doesn`t have some anger or violence inside him/her. Now imagine when this anger grows and grows, burning inside people, until finally...BOOM! But we can easily prevent those things thanks to metal. Because in the concerts people can scream and jump and get rid of their anger before something bad happens.
I look at things like this a better way to lose yourself rather than actually being violent...that's part of the reason why people play gta or just lose it at a slipknot concert (In a good way)
Why in this day and age do people still prefer to blame creative arts and media, instead of just plain bad parenting and other social factors aside from entertainment. People who simply create artistic expressions end up being scape goats for the people who don't know how to bring up their kids and the authorities who cant take care of their communities.
@FIDOtheofficial Nah, dude... We're Harvester from Baton Rouge. I've never heard of a Harvester from Cleveland, but we're copyrighted, so they'd need to change their name anyway if they get bigger.
Interviewer "it obviously represents something you guys are feeling bu-"
joey: "i am the victor with 21 alien hits, thank you"
It just shows that Joey thinks bands being blamed for violence is ridiculous and he's right it is ridiculous, RIP Joey
mainstream music is about drugs,sex and money but they think slipknot is a dangerous band
mgs 5 nah post Malone rockstar with lyrics like “I be fucking hoes and popping pillies” and “cocaine on the table don’t give a damn” is a great song for kids to listen to but clearly wait and bleed and spit it out are terrible songs for kids cause they promote violen... well they promote drug Abu... well clearly it’s about alcoho.... oh wait
Damn bro. You right
@@Green-cd1np ngl i like post malone but yeah, his lyrics are pretty worrisome.
@@Shofixi They really are
because they would much rather have brainwashed kids that destroy themselves and the future youth than having them listen to a metal band.
Video games don't kill people lag does.
Jenna Paiva sorry about that hope I didn’t come off as agressive
Slipknot helped me get through some dark times. I was sexually abused and I couldn't express it to anyone. Slipknot helped me channel my anger and eventually I started talking about my trauma. I love you slipknot.
I'm listening slipknot songs to heal my depression and release what's inside my mind...that's was cure
@@heyimjoey8314me too
@@heyimjoey8314 same, they helped so much
Hope your doing much better now🙏❤️
Is no one gonna talk about Corey's sick ass laugh at 1:07
Slipknot helps me handle with my rage..
ya... me too. :)
Same here!
🤘🏽 TonkpilS 🖤
Because their music is cathartic. It's much better to express your anger through words and music than to commit a crime or inflict pain upon others. I'd say they prevented a lot of mass shootings from happening as opposed to causing them.
@@komfykoala6083 id say your absolutely right.
Is Joey just completely disregarding the reporter and talking about the arcade game?
Lol he only said one thing the whole time.. he's really into his game.
Yup very much
Yes, he is
Joey seems like a guy you could get a beer with.
becca tammaro I would buy Joey a drink
He really is
@@haydenschroeder4703 me too ;)
not anymore :/
@@vicrawrxd STOP THIS 😭😭
Dude I love joey, he knows how to make a boring ass subject a fun one
"I am the victor with 21 aliens thank you"
I love the line "its all in the parent" parents just look for someone to blame
joey looked so into the game 😹😂😋💚❤
intrestingly enough too me, listening to slipknot relaxes me. They play out and portray all the hate I have witihin, and I feel like I can get it out of my system through their music.
+Walrus Lmao that's what their music is about
Rather get it out that way then another way
Walrus Lmao Same here. I don't physically go out and look to be violent with people when listening to Slipknot. I imagine it, but never act out on it. Same with other aggressive bands out there.
Walrus Lmao ikr
Joey trying to kill clown whit that gun toy
Definitely a dangerous man
0:52 "I am the victor with 21 aliens hit, thank you'
Man I love Joey
“Tv and movies and video games make you more violent”
Joey in background: “no”
"I'm gonna go in there and break as many noses as possible."
Chris, he is coming for you
not anymore XD
He's gonna take your nose and add it to his
@@merobetupared9330 imagine if chris’ nose grew with stealing people’s noses
As Mick has said-
If someone is f’d up, they’re gonna do f’d up stuff.
And everyone seems to pick out the “loud” things in life, and ignore the “quiet” ones. Most parents, especially nowadays, are hands-off with their kids. Be open and talk with your kids, it helped me growing up, and I started playing Halo 2 at 4, and listening to Manson’s Beautiful People (clean) when I was 8. I’ve never laid my hands on someone else.
Bands, movies, or video games never cause the violence. It's the individual who goes one step further to take what they do and unleash it in public in a negative way. I learned from my experience that it was my fault that I took my obsession with music in the wrong direction.
They don’t cause violence at all but they definitely desensitize you to it. Like there’s no arguing that
@@Kill3r12341 nope.
I hate it when people point their fingers at guns, metal, and video games when there's a mass shooting. Those are very popular among people and they don't go around shooting each other. It's actually mental health issues and bad parenting.
The time that joey and clown are boss in slipknot..miss old days..
The hysteria around anything even mentioning violence in the 90s was so fucking surreal looking back.
Well in '99 when Columbine happened they were really on edge. But the thing is it's not Fantasy's fault that someone hurts someone.
I like how Shawn and Joey are just playing videogames
0:58 that reminds to a "duality"line:
"well i gotta say what i gotta say"
Propaganda: Since the early 2000s. And of course musicians and gamers get the blame.
Shaxi and it started in 1999 with Marylin Manson and the columbine shootings and Limp Bizkit and the chaos at Woodstock 1999
0:54 lmao "he's singing"
*cuts to corey* : weoeoeooooeowo AH
kinda of funny how people hate the band but they go on youtube and search slipknot and hate thats the fucked up part
People are so quick to look for a scapegoat. They're always quick to point the blame at music, movies or video games. When, entertainment isn't gonna cause someone to go out and kill another person. What started this was the Columbine shooting. They blamed that on the music they were listening to, when it might've been for an issue no one addresses. Here I'll give you an example..
A school shooting, recently, was caused by the shooter being bullied. You can push someone so far, til they start fighting back. After it happened, the school blamed Call of Duty for the incident. The school was not willing to address the major issue of bullying, and instead.. Blamed it on another, and swept the main problem under the rug.
Rip Joey 🙏💚😭
I just love how this segment is framing video game violence and metal music as responsible for kids going out and doing violent shit.
If it wasn't for bands like Slipknot and Meshuggah I would have probably been a much worse person when I was a teenager. It gave me an outlet for all the suppressed rage I had after years of bullying in school and the stupid as shit adults who treated me and the other kids like we weren't even human beings.
Slipknot helped me more than any session at a therapist. It was safe to rage and feel the anger and hurt from my childhood when I listened to them. I would always feel cleansed when I was done listening to their music. Had a little mixed CD that I called Katharsis which was nothing but a bunch of different slipknot songs from Iowa, self-titled and Vol 3. That little CD still holds a very special place in my heart 16 years later.
If you want to figure out why youths are getting more violent, then look at your rotten to the core culture, America. Look at the future you're leaving for the next generations. Look all the debt, blame and poverty you have to offer your descendants while you rake in the wealth and spend it on a bloated as fuck military and on ass cushions for the 1%. But keep blaming art, the only safe haven these youths have to vent their frustrations and cope with the bleak as fuck future you have given them. And this goes for a lot of other countries world wide too. But yes. Blame art for your own greedy, psychopathic behavior. That's so easy.
How often do you see clown and joey in the arcade like two 15 years olds when they are like 30 and 24 THATS FUCKING AWESOME
"I'm only responsible for what I am saying, not for what you understand"
Just got it from somewhere
This is so clearly edited to make a specific point. I forgot how shitty 2000s media paranoia was
i play gta 5 for fuck sakes and i dont feel like i need to go out on a killing spree afterwards
joey wtf 2:29
Slipknot Sic 666 :D
"The one group that nobody is pointing the finger at is the fans." True then. True now. Influence plays a role. But influence doesn't have 100% control.
The only people who can't tell real violence from video game violence are small children and mentally challenged folks. Most of us know the difference and don't appreciate these idiots telling us what art is considered acceptable. I listen to violent music and play violent video games and I have never so much as punched someone in the face.
Blaming music, movies, video games or any other type of entertainment for a tragedy is, was and always will be a witch hunt. It takes all the accountability off of the suspect and the probable "issues" that were apparent for a long time, but nobody ever gave enough of a fuck to listen to that person, or to try to get help for that person. Anybody can spin anything to fit their agenda...PERIOD. And they will. Movies don't kill people, video games don't kill people, music of any genre doesn't kill people, guns don't kill people etc. People with mental issues added with all of said elements and ignored treatments kill people. Stupid people that want attention kill people. People who stop taking their fucking medication for whatever reason, kill people. But the officials always have to find a scapegoat, they have to find something they don't approve of...something they don't agree with...something they don't understand. Because if history has taught at least the smarter of our nature anything, it's that the "sheep" fear what they don't understand. If they fear it, then it just has to be the reason. Maybe, just maybe if we had better parenting...our kids wouldn't be fucking psychos. Most kids are already on some kind of medication by age what? 8 or so? Asthma is one thing, mood altering drugs at such a young age when the brain is still developing has to be handled VERY delicately. 10 year old kids shouldn't be depressed, those are the years when we have NOTHING to worry about. If your child can't handle 10, they may not make it to 30. Real life is a bitch, unforgiving...but we have to make the best of what we have. Personally music is my oxygen, I couldn't live without it. If I ever got mad enough about anything to the point where I was thinking of actually taking another person's life, music is what would stop me. It's my zen...even the heaviest bone crunching death metal, all the way to the other side of the spectrum with Beethoven and Chopin. It's sonic medication for me. It's a release...happy, sad, anger, confusion, love, heartache...there is an audio cure for every ailing emotion in my opinion. But what do I know? I think of things in a different way that a lot people. But a lot of people are idiots as well, so...
Damn well said brother
same here man, same here - well said sir well said
Well said mate. I agree.
Rip Joey 🖤🖤 u will always be #1
clown was so cool back there. Now hes a weird old man with an nft obsession
I know you're all talking about violence and all, but thats a cool Sepultura shirt at 0:48.
"When Corey's getting into the killer violent lyrics"......... I'm so mad..... IF NOTHING ELSE, Slipknot is my ventilation to get out my rage, and anger, not to fuel it, and that's how it is for most Slipknot fans! And of course that guy say's he's gonna break noses.. OBVIOUSLY HE'S NOT SERIOUS.People just go crazy and have fun at metal concerts period.
Slipknot makes me calm!
You know if I get angry I just play their music and than I calm down I can't play calm music to calm down I need to play Slipknot music to calm down that's life! \m/
just because slipknot has a lot of energy and they get involved in fisical pain, does't mean you have to be violent when listening to their songs. im a girl and when im mad i feel like killing someone and when im drunk i become satan but listening to slipknot while mad is like therapy, i calms me down and cleans me from inside out and i can take pain and disappointment again... eep doing what youre doing slipknot! \m/, i love you and i miss paul so much r.i.p
1:08 epilepsy warning
GusGus I don't have epilepsy but I was just thinking that when I saw that
Joey so adorable
People need to understand that music with violent themes is meant to be a way to let the violence out harmlessly. It puts you right on the edge of your comfort zone, which is a good place to be to let out uncomfortable feelings. Anyone who says music causes violence needs to reinterpret it.
1:38 I found Eeyore
Billy Reynolds lol I think no one gets this one except you, me and the other 3 likes lol
The dick in the pit, always one
lol that’s what i was thinking
Damn, I never got a notification for these comments. Thanks for the responses lol, I was just thinking the other day if anyone had gotten the reference
2:29 HEAD SHOT!!! 5000000 points for Joey
That interviewer is violently 2000
Omg I can't believe that George went from doing stuff like this to being on cbc now. It's hard to believe
1:09 holy epilepsy
i know this is old but since when did a slipknot song say "Im gonna kill a shitton of people"
Well, not literally, but "i wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound " comes pretty close XD
+Liviana Dumitru loool
"Let me tell you how it's gonna be
I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me"
~I Am Hated
I understand the point of your comment but damn did it backfire
Metal is a great way to get all your frustration out without going on a killing spree or anything.
Slipknot’s video clip was supposed to represent a horror movie not violence also that how horror movies run.
George with the Sepultura shirt 🤝
Nice rare SK footage, thanks.
People need to learn how to be responsible for their actions, why? Because nobody can but yourself, grow some balls and admit it don't blame anyone but yourself if u choose to do something.
Weirdly enough, at a very younge age (12), slipknot is literally what I run on. It..calms me, a lot. It doesn't make me wanna go out and kill the people I hate. No. It makes me know that I hate them..and that's that. I hate 'em. I don't have to kill them to feel better, I don't have to put them in the hospital to feel better. I just have to face that I hate them, and that there's something out there for me to calm down to about that. And how I can just go home (or even play it in school with headphones or on a low volume in 3rd period) and listening to them and moving around and headbanging to them and silently screaming is what wears me out yet calms me down. A lot of people think I'm "emo" or "I hate people" and want to kill. Yes, I hate some people with a great passion cause of what they did to me, and I sometimes joke around saying if they do this I'ma throw them to a hospital..but that helps me get my anger out as well. I may be a very destructive individual when it comes to being angry, but I won't hurt people unless I have to. I usually just hit a wall or slam a stick against a tree, fuck, I even hit myself. But what people don't realize is that's what actually prevents me from "snapping". I don't do it to look "cool" or feel "badass". I just do it so others don't see how bad I can be and I don't want to hurt most of the people there. Most of the other kids in my grade know I listen to slipknot and Korn..but they don't truly know why. Adults say it's a "bad influence". But honestly, only dumb fuckers think that slipknot is promoting physical violence to other individuals. As Shawn said, "he's just singing and saying what he needs to say". Yes, sometimes spit it out and disasterpiece hypes me up and I think I can take on anyone, but in the end, I realize it's not necessary.
rest in power 👑 🪦🕊️🥁🖤❤️
2:31 nice Joey
Joey shooting clown in the head XD that was so cute haha
Slipknot playing video games is kinda cute
Clown is 100% right. Violence in video games / movies / TV is or art and or entertainment. These violent movies / TV shows and video games are not serving the purpose to harm. There serving the purpose to entertain. What about if a child say about 9 or 10 years old see's pictures of men killing each other in a history lesson at school and comes to school with a gun and shoots someone, is it the schools fault? No. Someone will probably get fired though. ITS 110% THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY.
'Its all in the parent' exactly!
They're exactly right. I drum for a local metal band called Harvester, and we have violent lyrics... The point is that we'd never actually act on them. I'm by no means an aggressive person, but I love bands like Slipknot and Lamb of God. When people ask me why I listen to them if I'm not aggressive, I explain that I'm human, and like everyone I have aggressive feelings. The difference is that I take those feelings out through music instead of shooting/beating somebody up.
"Children don't discriminate between reality and fantasy." This is where it is the moral obligation of the parent to step in and instruct their children about how to distinguish between what is real and what isn't, as well as what is right and what is wrong. My parents allowed me to listen to anything I wanted and watch Dawn Of The Dead, Jaws, A Nightmare On Elm Street, The Terminator, and just about any violent horror cinema I wanted as a young growing boy, and I've turned out perfectly fine.
*eye twitches*
Fucking AMO CON MI PODRIDAALMA !!! Qué genio Clown, posta
Excuse me, MA'AM, but do you know how many lives their music has probably SAVED? Music like this helped me get through middle school and high school. It made me feel like someone understood how I was feeling and provided me with a safe way to vent my feelings. It kept me from going over the edge and BLOWING OTHER PEOPLE UP. I had religious parents and their "Jesus loves you" bullshit was not resonating with me and made me feel like they didn't understand me at all and pissed me off even more
News reporter: do movies,tv,and video games make you violent
Joey in the background:No...
1:36 this is the kind of asshole Eeyore was written about
1:06 did corey actually did that?
@donSparda I've been bullied and beet in 3 years now it started in 4th grade and when I was going in 5th grade I was really into taking my life I started cutting myself get my self hurt in manny ways I was never on a class becouse I didn't wanna be with the guys in my class, and then I get newed about Slipknot and they saved my life instead of crying and cutt myself I listen to them and sens that I've feel good even though I've been bullied and beet in school and I'm verry happy about that.Thnks
Man I still can’t believe people pinned the Columbine Massacre on goths for such a long time😑
The music does the killing for me.
It's funny how these clowns try to bring awareness to violence and it's SO GODDAM EASY to point the finger at an openly cynical band/culture where they don't realize it really is just about taking all the shit out of daily life (maybe even the past) and stressing the point that you aren't alone and there are plenty of bands (including Slipknot) that are just there to get the rage and emotions out of kids and adults alike to vent and see a badass show. Slipknot I know intimately and will say it's quite a bit more to it than that, but I've been listening to Slipknot DAILY since I was in 7th grade and I haven't shot or stabbed or eviscerated anyone (good for me right?).
they have definetely changed throughout the years
Thanks for that.
Shawn is a genius little to nobody's intelligence
Clown & Joey, São Os Caras 🤘🏽
Honestly, games, tv shows, movies, music, etc. don't affect me at all, since I was about 6 years old. My mind developed a bit faster then others, I think I'm the only mature one in middle school. Hell, I'm more mature then most high school seniors.
forget about othere people slipknot is amazing and ill still listen to them till the day i die and when i die at my funeral ill want them to play the song befor i forget my slipknot because i dont want people to for get how crazy and insane i am
Man rip joey
Slipknot, and band like them, have, as long as they have existed, served as an outlet for people (especially young people) to get to deal with hate and violence in a constructive way. It's an outlet, not a fuel. There are exceptions to this, but there are bad apples in every pile. I'm not saying you have to like them, all i'm saying is that judging something you do not understand at all the way you do is working stricly against whatever you seek to achieve.
0:54 1:54
I lived in Woodstock I never knew there was a fire in a slipknot concert here
This comment gave me goosebumps
Slipknot pretty much helped me not take shit from anybody and just kick them all in the head lol
who else thought of duality when Joey said "he's gotta say what he's gotta say"... and then he swears he'll go away but he can't promise you won't enjoy the noise. the next lyrics are kind of apt for the interview i suppose
News people need to learn that everytime corey sings about murder he doesn't mean literally it's just a way of expression
ahhh back in the late 90's....when there was controversy in music.
I was raised on metal, video games and horror movies. I'm now 29 and I've never been in a lick of trouble, hell I've never even been in a fight. The point is that some people are just fucked up human beings plain N' simple
@ChiefDrakula I have been listening to metal since i was 10 years old and this genre really has saved from myself. I`m sure there ain`t no person walking around this planet who doesn`t have some anger or violence inside him/her. Now imagine when this anger grows and grows, burning inside people, until finally...BOOM!
But we can easily prevent those things thanks to metal. Because in the concerts people can scream and jump and get rid of their anger before something bad happens.
I look at things like this a better way to lose yourself rather than actually being violent...that's part of the reason why people play gta or just lose it at a slipknot concert (In a good way)
Why in this day and age do people still prefer to blame creative arts and media, instead of just plain bad parenting and other social factors aside from entertainment.
People who simply create artistic expressions end up being scape goats for the people who don't know how to bring up their kids and the authorities who cant take care of their communities.
Music calms the beasts, and that is my case... Whenever I'm angry I listen to slipknot and look at me, I haven't killed anybody!
it was actually marilyn manson cds they found in the columbine shooters rooms
yeah joey! it doesn't make me violent. it makes me chill when i am pissed off
@FIDOtheofficial Nah, dude... We're Harvester from Baton Rouge. I've never heard of a Harvester from Cleveland, but we're copyrighted, so they'd need to change their name anyway if they get bigger.