I would have loved to have met Brother O.R. Fauss, my friend heard him in a camp meeting in North Carolina and told me that the message he preached had him on his face
Absolutely. I was in a seminar on the art of preaching. The instructor stated if you want to learn sobering preaching study Elder OR Fauss and Murrel Ewing. So here I am.
I would have loved to have met Brother O.R. Fauss, my friend heard him in a camp meeting in North Carolina and told me that the message he preached had him on his face
No one could preach with conviction like O.R. Fauss. His voice will never die.
Now this is powerful anointed Apostolic preaching !!
Wow!!! What a heart wrenching powerful message!!! It's a wake-up call to all believers
+jasred Yes it is! Thank you for taking the time to listen! God Bless you!
Besides my Pastor's. Bishop Fauss is one of my all-time favorites. Loved his ministry soooo much.
Such a powerful message.
Imagine being in 2 week revival every night with this elder? Wow just wow.
Montie Easter He was a powerful and anointed preacher! Thank you for taking the time to listen and visit our page! God bless you!
Absolutely. I was in a seminar on the art of preaching. The instructor stated if you want to learn sobering preaching study Elder OR Fauss and Murrel Ewing. So here I am.
@@BethelTabernacle1929 Even my Bishop John McDonald of Eureka The Pentecostal Church has met him.
Im waiting for you to preach
He preacher Connecticut District Camp in 1986. What a man of God!!!!
Bro Fauss has helped establish my life and ministry with God and so many other great men of God, thank you Bro Fauss!!
Man what a preacher!
Man what a preacher
2020 We never thought there would be a 2020
I'm just looking for a message that you preached and camp meeting out here in Oregon
I've been looking for a sermon that Pastor O.R. Fauss preached. The title was "Tell the Devil I ain't coming" Does anyone know where I can buy it???
Bobby Velasco if you find it let me know where, thanks
Penecostal publishing house
do you have the message "asleep at dawn" by this preacher?
airpeewee hello, I am not sure if we have that sermon. I will be more than happy to check.
I saw it on UA-cam.
Man what a preacher