It will be hard to choose with all those great suggestions, what a clever way to invite inspiration. Looking forward to seeing all your makes, enjoy your holiday.
I'm really enjoying these videos and looking forward to seeing your makes from the fabrics. Learning new things and getting inspired to go through my own stash and start sewing again. Have a great holiday!
It will be hard to choose with all those great suggestions, what a clever way to invite inspiration. Looking forward to seeing all your makes, enjoy your holiday.
So many great suggestions. I can hardly wait to see what you’ve made. I love seeing me-mades on holiday…beautiful makes with gorgeous scenery.
Thanks Brenda, I'm trying to get some pieces finished in time to take!
Very pleased you took on board a lot of my suggestions - looking forward to see these lovely fabrics made up Ruth xx
Hi Ruth, thanks for the ideas!
I'm really enjoying these videos and looking forward to seeing your makes from the fabrics. Learning new things and getting inspired to go through my own stash and start sewing again. Have a great holiday!
thanks Ronda!
Great pairings 😊
Thanks Debbie! 😊
Love your choices, looking forward to the reveals :)
Thank you!
Some great suggestions there - the Zadie is my all time favourite pattern, I think I have 8 now and they work for so many occasions!
Thanks Sarah, I will definitely be making the Zadie, it looks so versatile!
Recently discovered your channel, love your videos. Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks
Thanks Claire!