The Great Floods: Cataclysms of the Ice Age

  • Опубліковано 23 бер 2021
  • The Pacific Northwest was the stage for one of the 20th century's great mysteries. The unlikely evidence: a maze of enormous empty river canyons, bolder-strewn valleys, giant ripple marks, and the skeletal remains of the world's largest waterfall - all geologically fresh, yet sitting high and dry, far from any source of water. In 1923, geologist J. Harlen Bretz proposed a catastrophic flood as their genesis, igniting a debate that raged for nearly half a century. "The Great Floods" tracks the clues leading to the final verdict that revolutionized geologic thinking: the Ice Age floods. Produced by Washington State University in cooperation with Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area.


  • @ricardoduran2293
    @ricardoduran2293 6 місяців тому +2

    Noah's flood?

  • @Less1leg2
    @Less1leg2 5 місяців тому

    How BIG a water release do you need to move such large rocks like dust?
    What I don't like about modern academics is the pathetic attitude they throw in your face when called about such events that created the Scablands.
    Yes, it was a Great Flood. We aren't talking in a biblical sense. We are talking about an Ice Age Water Release Event.
    How do you not accept that there were periods in the concluding time of the Ice Age where the North American Glacial Ice Sheet retracted. In some of these events, massive amounts of dammed up Ice Water, maybe a small ocean of collected surface of the Glacial Ice Sheet water found its easiest point of release. This is where for me was the Scablands. A celestial amount of hell bent for leather water found its weak point and away she ran.
    there must have been numerous Glacial water releases of near this magnitude. But somehow, modern academics have this attitude that ice melts drip by drip. I'm saying, and I think Randall Carlson are alluding to. There is an Energy Paradox, that Ice with a known Latent Heat of Evaporation exposed to our Earth. This huge Paradox of energy went into the Northern Hemisphere of Earth, and melted very quickly huge amounts of Ice back to water. Because there are 4 such large releases of water with corresponding increases in Ocean Levels. Then, scars on our planet, so big, so vast, and most of it now hidden because of Ocean level rise.
    One such event, and you can see it but with the Atlantic Ocean removed. What was the Doggerland, which was between what we call the UK, and the west coast of France. Something was released in around Norway, Sweden. It raced and flooded out Doggerland. Wiping it out like the Scablands, but cut a grove between France and England. And with the old stories of Atlantis, with one might event Atlantis was no more.
    Myself, I think the North European Glacial Ice Sheet released a pent up Sea of Fresh water laying on the Ice Sheet. It poured through the gap of the UK and France and forever removed Doggerland from existence.

  • @TheAnarchitek
    @TheAnarchitek Місяць тому

    The "great floods" had NOTHING to do with "Ice" Ages. Nada, zip, zilch, zero. An entirely different source caused "flooding", all across the planet. Great "Six Blind Indian Fakirs Describe an Elephant to the Rajah" thinking, though!

  • @rdgurule
    @rdgurule 5 місяців тому

    No not the biblical flood.