Great video :) How does the usb utility card work, does it make a midi out directly from the 218e to the 259e? I'm really curious as to how this works and how exactly the two are connected.
Using the utility card, the 218e can do USB-MIDI output while sending pitch CV to two oscillators on the 208, and the internal bus pitch messages to the AuxCard. It's been a while since I made the video, but I'm guessing I turned the USB-MIDI output into DIN MIDI through the computer and into the 225e on the 18-panel unit. That 225e converted the DIN MIDI in to internal bus pitch messages to the 259e and 261e. The 259e is a digital oscillator so it's stays in tune, and the 261e starts with a sine wave that is generated digitally, so it stays in tune. The rest of the 261e's sound -- waveshaping and timbre modulation -- is all analog. It sounds involved, but it's actually very quick to set up.
Great video :) How does the usb utility card work, does it make a midi out directly from the 218e to the 259e? I'm really curious as to how this works and how exactly the two are connected.
Using the utility card, the 218e can do USB-MIDI output while sending pitch CV to two oscillators on the 208, and the internal bus pitch messages to the AuxCard. It's been a while since I made the video, but I'm guessing I turned the USB-MIDI output into DIN MIDI through the computer and into the 225e on the 18-panel unit. That 225e converted the DIN MIDI in to internal bus pitch messages to the 259e and 261e. The 259e is a digital oscillator so it's stays in tune, and the 261e starts with a sine wave that is generated digitally, so it stays in tune. The rest of the 261e's sound -- waveshaping and timbre modulation -- is all analog. It sounds involved, but it's actually very quick to set up.