EWA A106 PRO vs EWA A117 vs EWA A119 (Max Volume Audio Test)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews
    @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews  11 місяців тому +3

    What is your favorite Ewa speaker? Here are some differences according to my experience, hope they can help you.
    EWA A117 VS EWA A106 PRO
    Ewa A117 sounds more focused on medium frequencies although I must say that the highs are pleasant, energetic and fairly defined, the bass lacks depth but is powerful, on this Ewa the bass remains fuller than on other Ewa when played detached from a piano Unfortunately, having the magnetic base it is isolated and therefore the bass will not improve much if placed on a surface, otherwise the a106 pro improves considerably. By raising the volume the sound improves and the bass begins to take on more body, the level of pressure it manages to reach while maintaining good quality is surprising, the distortions are very low even at maximum volume. The A106 appears much more defined and with better bass although perhaps it exceeds a little with high frequencies; it is already enjoyable at normal volumes while in the a117 if we want to hear a bit of bass we should raise the volume between half and 3/4. However, the A117 sounds more natural in the bass at maximum volume while on the A106 Pro you can clearly hear the compression on the bass which reduces distortions. Although the a106 pro has more bass depending on the genre, the a117 can develop punchier bass. The max volume is very similar, perhaps slightly in favor of the a106 pro.
    EWA A117 VS A119
    Ewa a119 gives me a feeling of greater depth in the bass, it has a lot of highs which increase definition but at higher volumes they can be annoying, it lacks something in the middle; the a117 sounds more medium but you can clearly hear a good presence of high frequencies which give it definition even if at lower volumes it can be less defined and more closed, however in the highs it does not become annoying at high volumes like the a119. The a117 sounds fuller at high volumes but with less beat in the bass compared to the a119 which sounds deeper, the distortions are very low except at maximum volumes but here it depends a lot on the genre we are going to listen to. The max volume is very similar although in the a117 we have the perception of a bigger sound with bigger voices and a less cold sound.

  • @AkemZain-d3v
    @AkemZain-d3v 10 місяців тому

    Name song?

    • @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews
      @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews  10 місяців тому +3

      d3stra - The Force

    • @AkemZain-d3v
      @AkemZain-d3v 10 місяців тому +1


    • @AkemZain-d3v
      @AkemZain-d3v 10 місяців тому

      Can u review for Ewa A3? Once you also have that, how do you about it?

    • @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews
      @BeautifulZarDJ.AudioReviews  10 місяців тому +1

      @@AkemZain-d3v I had heard about the a3 that it sounds similar to the a2 but I haven't heard it live yet, I'm currently testing different speakers but it could be in the future, greetings 👋