As the husband to a woman who was nearly crippled by her second pregnancy, if this guy wants people to be more "fruitful" he can carry the fetus himself!
It’s funny and sad how the word “fruit” only applies to women having children and Not the “fruit” of the spirit which Christians are supposed to show/have by showing the love of Jesus Christ to a lost world.
I read somewhere that Judaism interprets it differently. 'Fruit' is any good thing you create, like with your hands or building better organizations, etc.
My only child died before he made any kids. Does God see me as worthless now? Being a pregnant woman is more dangerous in the US than most 1st world countries and even more so after SCOTUS's grand decision. So pop out as many kids as possible and hope you don't die and leave your children motherless?
Yes my son died childless at 31, my middle child, a daughter, was born with a genetic defect rendering her infertile, which is a blessing really as she is also autistic and on the level at age 37 now of a 7 year old. My youngest, another daughter, doesn’t want children never has, and part of the reason is we have a lot of bad health and medical issues on both my side and my ex’s side and she says why would I want to have a kid who might face a life of endless health problems what kind of blessed existence would that be for him or her?
The God that I serve doesn't see you as worthless!!!! Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise!!! Read the New Testament!!! The Old Testament concerns the Law of Moses!!! The New Testament concerns the Teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! Which one do you want to focus on???!!!
You'd think the "pro-life" people would be for a minimum wage and great health care for everybody. Also free quality education. There's also the trickle down scam they've been running since Reagan which only results in moving money and power to the people at the top at the expense of everyone who's sweat the people of the top make money off of.
What's funny is the abundance he's talking about came at the expense of oppressed populations. If we were actually following Jesus' teachings, we'd be consuming less and helping others more. Btw, Tennessee Brando saw your video and made a response! I would love to see the two of you have a talk together!
I commented on his video and said the same thing. He asked me to PM him. I told him I have no direct connection to Ed, and do not know how to PM. I watched 2 videos on how to do it, but couldn't find the settings they mentioned. Anyway, I have the feeling it might work out. It's horrible that Brando is getting death threats. I don't think there will be a resolution of the issue of forgiveness, but maybe a more specific idea of what it actually means. Great for both audiences.
@@toonlyrics it is disgusting that a lot of progressive thinkers like Brando are getting death threats. What a shame! The United States has come so low!
I have watched Tennessee Brando over many months. Yes, I heard him mention Rev. Ed on his show and a call for a dual presentation by the both of them. I'd like to see that. Brando is surely colorful in his commentaries isn't he? I appreciate listening to Rev. Ed very much too.
Children deserve a society that looks out for them in their lives, not just in forcing their existence. Everyone deserves that, at any age. We can't afford to enjoy life anymore, what's the point in procreation?
I think the much greater problem is that too many people are becoming enslaved by the belief that we can have greed without consequence, both those rewarded by their greed and those left behind in their wake. ...or, for that matter, hypocrisy without consequence.
Subjegation of women. - When my dad left my mom, she went to a priest for counselling and guidance. The priest told her to go back to my dad and beg his forgiveness for being a bad wife. It was a little after that experience she left the Catholic church. 35 years later a Christian friend had her husband leave. The guy was an idiot. She had 5 kids. She was told from a young age that the church was there to help and support the community. He went to her minister to try to get some food for the kids. Instead, the minister told her to go back to her husband and beg his forgiveness for being a bad wife. 35 years and the message hadn't changed. I wonder what the difference would be if women created religions?
I am soooo grateful that when I sought help from my Episcopal priest after my ex battered me half to death this is what he said: "right now what you need is a good lawyer". He said he firmly believed that any man who batters his wife and endangers his kids has broken the marriage covenant. My priest helped me get into a shelter and through the whole process of getting free of this man who would have likely killed me.
@@suetrublu THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH SAVED MY LIFE!!!! Two and a half years ago, my local Episcopal church helped me escape my gaslighting, abusive bio-dad by furnishing my apartment and giving me food!!! I can truly say that my local church has helped me in my time of need!!! I'm now a Bible Study leader and Usher!!! I can't thank the Episcopal Church enough!!!!!
@@MChandlerJr Making the woman beg is subjugation. Blaming the woman for a situation that is beyond her control is dishonest. A marriage takes two people to work. How they make it work is their business. If one person doesn't want the marriage to continue, all of the begging in the world won't get them back. I believe it's healthier for both people if they part ways so they can move on and avoid a bad situation. I have two friends who stayed in their marriages for too long. Both spent time in jail for domestic violence because the arguing got that bad. In both cases, they could have prevented the violence if they had ended the marriage sooner. I have known couples that have stayed married, slept in separate rooms, and had mates on the side. They didn't believe in divorce, but they still kept up appearances. That was their decision. I know in one case the husband wouldn't divorce the wife because he thought she deserved his pension for raising the kids. He didn't think his girlfriend deserved the pension.
Having children being so important means that women like me (who didn't get to have children despite spending a *lot* of money trying to get pregnant) get looked down upon. And we certainly don't need Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale. I prefer to think that "being fruitful" is about protecting the environment and having the fruits of the spirit (although that doesn't mean that you have to "speak in tongues." My mother got into that when I was in 5th grade and never got away from it. But I believe that if you have the "fruits of the spirit" that *God* will give you the parts that are most important for His uses.)
@@rochellemcdonald9646 Yep. Stewardship is what I meant by protecting the environment. It's not very good stewardship if we are damaging what God gave us!
When my son away to college, he got mixed up with a conservative Christian group on campus. He had to come back home for a bit, and for whatever reason, we were discussing homosexuality. He had made a friend who was gay and was telling me how guilty his friend felt if he flirted with another male. I was arguing that there was nothing wrong with being gay, and in the defense of his beliefs he quoted the “fruitful and multiply” scripture. I totally shocked him (and planted a seed) when I replied, that using the premise of that scripture, no one was allowed to have sex unless they were trying to get pregnant. When he went back to school after that 18 month break, he found a different group to be involved with that consisted of Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians. He had matured and realized the toxic Christianity that the original group was teaching no longer fit his beliefs. I’m so proud of my boy! He’s 28, single, and attending church regularly where he lives.
I thought I saw something about Elon bragging about he's contributed to the country with all his kids. Nuts. He had them with several different women. That's "family values" ?
Musky? The same guy who hated his trans child so much that he bought Twitter to turn it into the echo chamber of hatred, especially against trans people? That guy?
@ when I mean “consequences”, I mean that the way he talks about it which is trying to outlaw or punish it, that’s why I put consequences in quotation marks.
Random Thoughts: In college I dated a girl who's father was a born again Christian. When he was in his teens and 20s, he had been a criminal and a bully. Then he became "saved". She descriibed what it was like growing up with him as a dad. My jaw was hanging open listening to her tell me what it was like to grow up with him. In summary, he traded in his leather jacket for a Bible, and was the same bully. He used the Bible to justify his bullying. A year later I met some of her parents' friends. Even they talked about him being bully. "Your earthly father emmulates your heavenly father." I know true Christians aren't like that. It's just that when I hear a preacher or minister tell people tell people how they should live their lives, I always think of that girl's dad using the Bible to bully people.
This is so true and perceptive! I find that Christian Nationalists are stuck in the Old Testament. I heard one Christian Preacher say that he wishes we could return to the bloody, harsh punishments of the OT. It is so very apt to remind us that Jesus paid the price! Thank you, and thank You Jesus! Prayers.
Which means he is spitting in the face of Jesus' work. Jesus endured that while the crucifixion was happening, but afterwards if they still won't get the point, they're liable to hell fire.
I'm seriously thinking about reading the New Testament and skipping the Old Testament. I'm reading Jeremiah now!! After Jeremiah, I'm reading the New Testament!!!
@HenriettaHudson-we4wv It's best to read the OT in order to know the whole story of Jesus. God's revelations in Scripture are all equally important. It's just that full Christian spiritual maturity manifests in the NT. For example, where once there was harsh punishment for breaking God's Laws, there is now forgiveness because of the Atonement of Christ. We are expected to forgive thusly, as we are all guilty and all forgiven. One of the most important differences between the OT and NT is that God was our judge before Christ and then God declared that Jesus is our judge. Having lived as a human, Jesus knows first hand the struggles of being human, and is therefore a most merciful judge. This is a big part of the "Good News". As always, let the Holy Spirit guide you through Scripture. Prayers.
I do not remember any "red words" where Christ requires women to have children. Thank you for reminding us of Jesus's definition of fruitfulness. "There is a Balm in Gilead" reminds us "If you cannot preach like Peter and you cannot pray like Paul, you can tell the love of Jesus and say he died for all."
He is right God made this nation great because our belive was "IN GOD WE TRUST" but now it's all about lies,conman,stealers and going against what JESUS was all about.Love is the key to life we will treat everyone like ourselves because we love ourselves. When we put God in the back burner God gives us His back and there is no great strength ,power ,grace ,mercy or forgiveness than what GOD THE ALMIGHTY FATHER,JESUS THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS FOR HUMANITY.
Jesus died for our sins. He said he would create a new church. Spiritually is the only way to God. Give up your material wealth and follow Jesus to his kingdom in heaven. We are all sinners. .
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! I've left the Black Baptist church and became an Episcopalian!!! Because the Black Baptist church is too obsessed with the Old Testament and controlling women!!!
As a Christian guy, I’d say in my bubble of the world, 90% of the fruitful traditional single income families are heavily dependent on their parents for making that dream possible. For everyone else, it’s hard to be fruitful with no job security, unaffordable housing, high cost of living and medical bills. I always like it when I get a response of “you can’t focus on money.” Well, you have to to a degree. I have two boys, 5 and 7. Kids are expensive, period. I’m not talking about buying a bunch of toys. Medical bills (they get sick a lot) they grow out of clothes fast, they start eating more, and the list goes on. Plus there’s the sanity aspect. Kids will drive you nuts! You have to have things in place to manage your sanity. A homemaker trapped in a house all day by herself with kids will drive her nuts. Having grandparents nearby is a game changer. If you don’t have grandparents nearby, you have to get your wife out of the house for a break.
my very comfortable brother waited to marry the mother of his kids until after they were past WIC age so she could be an unemployed, single mom and receive the benefits for it. But he will sling shade at other people who do that. And that's why we're estranged.
@ or they talk about how they’re blessed. Yes you were blessed to be born or marry into money so you don’t have to worry about things that pretty much the other 95% of the population does.
There's a point here. As rich hoarders treasure up more and more of the wealth produced by a country, at some point a family view becomes priced out of sight even if one is willing. Do these chumps really want a new baby boom? Well, start by reproducing the conditions for our own. These are SOCIALIST! And VERY high tax (though with philanthropic tax deductions) for the richest. Does it take a flipping WAR to teach us to care for what needs to be cared for? SMH till it almost falls off.
How dare anybody tell you it's not enough to take the best care you can of the kids you have. What comes across to me is that you are a caring, good father who tries not to overburden his wife. May your family be blessed.
Doesn't our national addiction to consuming ever more "stuff" require an ever growing population? And doesn't the pool of cheap laborers willing to work for low wages also require more people? Is that perhaps behind this current Prosperity Christian obsession with procreation? I would think that our souls would benefit from quitting our various addictions, our distractions, our numbing out on materialism of any form and supporting one another's well-being. Wouldn't that be more in line with Christ's or any other spiritual path - false idols and loving one another as Christ loved us and such? "It's just a thought."
The Handmaids Tale. Good grief these WCN have lost their minds. I am sure God is angry about a lot of things as prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. However, the hate speech, bigotry, xenophobia, antisemitism and violence by this group isn’t helping. Their misinterpretation of scripture doesn’t give them permission to hurt innocent people. It’s not our job to judge, that’s God’s job. Jesus gave us his instruction to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and strength and love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Meaning all human beings not just the ones who look like you and agree with you. God said, if you say you love God, but hate your brother, you are a liar.
I want to give you the last two lines of a song by Bob Dylan called, "When He Returns": Of every earthly plan that be known to man He is unconcerned He's got plans of his own to set up His throne when He returns.
Sex is both for procreation and an important pleasure that binds married couples. Just as some married couples do not want to have children, some married couples do not want the pleasure of sex. In any case, sex does not always lead to pregnancy. Prayers.
There was one comic strip in Non Sequitur where God told Adam and Eve to be full of fruit so we ate less meat and learn to multiply so we kept our population in check. Adam just figured he'd write "Be fruitful and multiply", and that would cover things.
The Book of Galatians has the first listed fruit of the spirit as love, then joy, then peace and patience, etc. then these three remain, faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
Thank you for clarifying this. As a Christian, I have always wondered what the obsession with making babies is with Christians. I had two boys, and later a job as an RN in a hospital. I had next to no time to sit with the Lord and focus on Him. Now as an empty nester and retired, my husband and I have so much more time to focus on Jesus. 😊🙏🏻
Ah, Doug Wilson. He created a curriculum for church run schools to use. He has said all sorts of bizarre things, such as: slaves were friend with their masters, women in education shouldn't teach at the high school level. Keep in mind that he has never been educated to be a teacher himself. Colleges have barred him from speaking at them because of his extreme and non-Biblically based views. Doug Wilson lives in a very small town in Idaho. He has made a name for himself, sadly, because of his incompetence.
My nun high school teachers allowed me to test out of a year’s worth of mandatory level one classes in the 60’s because of their excellent teaching. Of course, I still had to pay to get those credits for classes I didn’t have to take.
Pastor Ed, I've decided I will NOT discuss abortion or homosexuality with ANY of my brethren, except to say why not. It is because they are OBSESSED, and this is really starting to hurt us all, because the two banal issues (that have much more to do with the world than the church) are eclipsing the mistakes that the church is making, and the parishioners are blinded by their own judgment.
I'm 38M and have no desire to have children, or be in a relationship for that matter. I thrive on being alone where I'm in control of my free time. I'm not going to get married and have children for some social obligation. That would just ruin my life.
You sound a lot like me. It's not that it would ruin my life, as much as "I'm open to the idea, but I've made my peace with their idea of being alone and I'm looking at the half full side of the glass (the free time you mentioned)." It's clear to me by this stage that I'm unlovable and that the bureaucracy of dating isn't something I'm cut out for.
Many Christians these days are seeming like the Pharohsies. They knew every letter of the law, but their hearts were empty. It's a dry religion of the mind without the Holy Spirit! I've heard some of them even say, well man's heart is evil so you shouldn't follow what you feel. But without that Spirit in you, you will also not feel compassion, humility, selflessness, & Love! We need to let God's Spirit into our hearts & then you Can follow your heart.
I think a number of them are using their positions to increase their wealth and power through immoral ways. Increase their wealth by every so often choosing a group to preach against and get donations. Power by cozying up to a fascistic Republican Party led by an immoral man who has never been accountable in his life.
After talking with people who were in this guys movement I can say with 99.9% certainty that he wouldn’t care. “It was Gods will”. “She died serving God.” Blah blah blah
I feel bad about having sons with narcassist but sooo glad that I learned how to share and care from them. I was an only child. So happy that I taught them love and empathy. Lol
Paul traveled with a woman named Thecla. In your comment about how he preached about being celibate, she also did the same, and it's said did it so well that the women of the Roman aristocracy began to refuse to have children. In doing so, they gained power for themselves.
I have an acquaintance who was all about quiverfull. She had 9 children, 2 of which were twins. One of her children is nonverbal special needs. She also felt the need to have home births. She almost died more than once. Who does it benefit if she dies in childbirth and leaves her 9 children motherless and her husband without her? Her oldest children spent a lot of their childhood caring for her younger children and are very resentful.
My friend’s daughter has 13 children, all in school have been on the honor roll, in band, and gotten scholarships. My friend’s other daughter decided not to have children. Both made the right decision for them. And they’re both still sane.
There are a lot of people in the world. 8.025 Billion As parts of the work become unliveable, people have to migrate. The world does not meed an exponentially large increase in population. Developed countries will have to make room for others. That is just a fact. God made the world for all his people. Also, as area of the US become deserts because of increased temperatures and decreased water, people will have to move from those area to others. Growing food will become more difficult as well because of the heat/storms/ drought/erosion. 🤔
Its bizarre that there are many parts of the world that don't suffer the constant natural disasters the USA does, yet the hope of money drives people to disaster areas anyway.
@@gregallen4272 You are correct. But in my long ago years of biblical fundamentalism, this type of rhetoric nearly always masked hypocrisy. So easy to talk about other people's yards while one's own is full of rusting junk.
My Grandfather/Great Grandfather had a saying that’s been passed down to my Father and then to me: “Don’t f-k yourself away from the dinner table Son.” My Father was one of thirteen at a time when you bred the help that you needed for labor. My Father and I don’t run farms like our forebears did. No need to breed more mouths than you can feed. You hit the nail on the head with your message Rev!
Having children doesn't make money or food appear out of thin air. Even if they only saw children as slave labor, it would take several years before they could work on the farm.
@ : Sure didn’t. Not until they were 10 years old. Up to that point, he solely tended to the cattle, repair and maintenance of the farm. She did the milking, gardening and cooking. Yes. Even pregnant.
Thank You Rev.Trevor because GOD needs people like you to help his people. I can't believe some of the things these people say and think!! They are the one supposed to be spreading GOD words and it has always been those kind of people but I pray this time will end. Please Lord Jesus Come 🙏
For what it's worth, my husband was an Episcopal Priest for 20 years and a Hospice Chaplain for 5 years. So, he's had alot of experience dealing with folks who were near death. Never once did a dying person say that they wished that they had made more money, had a nicer house, or car. But, many individuals regretted not having children or grandchildren. In the end, the only thing that truly matters in this Earthly life is your faith and your family. God won't care about your 401K. Just wanted to share that message. 😊
When will we understand that it is not in Love's nature to judge? It is, however, in humans' nature. If you want to be more like God, if you want to move closer to God act like Him. God is Love, and Love does not judge. Love is verb.
Sometimes it's easier to love some people if you never see them or their actions or hear their words..Lord knows I try but the more I am hearing the more bitter I get. Praying God helps me lift this. I do not want to be bitter.
You must judge others to have discernment. To live an accountably responsible life. And not deal with governmental international crap we have reaped and sown of sinfully ignorance
@Daisy0962 True. It is necessary to live in the world. Judgement is an exercise in separation - this is better than that. But it should never be used on your brother because when you judge another you are judging yourself. All you know about him is your own interpretations, and you can never hope to have all the facts. But you don't need judgement to discern whether you are being harmed.
God created all the animals, male and female created he them, and he told them "Be fruitful and multiply". So God goes away for 1000 years and comes back to check on the animals. He indeed finds that all of the animals have increased their numbers since he had been gone, except, a pair of snakes. There were only two of them. He goes to the snakes and asked them, "Why are there only two of you, since I commanded you to multiply ?" . The male snake replied, "We are adders, we need natural logs to multiply".
Dollars to donuts from the perspective of most “Right wing, Christian Nationalist Preachers”, being fruitful means adding more tithing paying parishioners to THEIR congregation.
My husband and I have been together for 24 years and chose to remain child-free by choice. We both knew we could not handle the nonstop 24/7 18+ year responsibility, exhausted, financial obligation and overwhelm of taking care of children. We actually love children but do not want to be parents. My parents were miserable and constantly argued (yelled) about money while raising my brother and I and I realized early on that having kids does equal happiness. I spend my time devoted to my career in health care and to volunteering at an animal shelter and that is how I give back to society.
Excellent, thank you! I adore my four adult kids, my grandson, and the newest granbaby on the way and yet most of my "heroes of the faith", past and present were/are not parents. Some desperately wanted children, but God had other plans, big plans, for them and they were/are outstanding spiritual examples. "Seek first the Kingdom of God...." Matthew 6:33. Thanks again for another inspiring video. My prayers are with you (from Texas to NS).
These people have too much spare time! Funny how they never mention all the babies in 3rd world countries as well as America, that need adoptive parents. NEVER!
Sounds like the guy wants to build a Russian army or is really working for the Pope to help fill the collection plate. I hear the same "fruitful" talk from them.
I'd ask these people why would anyone punish a child by bringing him/her into a world where they'd be turned into slaves and cannon fodder for them? What's in it for the child? If they want slave labourers to lord over, they can make their own.
We were taught living a fruitful life means that your life makes an eternal difference in the lives of people around you. A fruitful life results in others coming to trust in jesus and follow him because of you.
It is a real relief to know there are thoughtful religious leaders who have a reasoned understanding of their theology as it applies to human nature and the conditions we face as mortal beings. Thank you for your presentations, and please keep on spreading hope. ❤
I wonder if "orgasms without consequence" can also apply to ecstatic utterances that people have in churches that they claim is a work of the Holy Spirit.
As a proponent of ZPG in the seventies, he offends me. Of course the folly of it is that ZPG is self defeating in that the least among us continue to breed like rabbits and cancel out the gains of the educated. In fact we might be the root cause of MAGA and that thought scares me. The stereotype of unintended consequences.
US birthrates are down across all demographics. Virtually no group in the US is breeding like rabbits. The percent of Americans who hold Bachelor's degrees has remained stable over the past couple of decades, although women now slightly exceed men now. Many conservative religious people have rejected formal education (the rise in homeschooling is appalling) and science over the past 25-30 years, which is probably reflected in many people being willing to believe conspiracies. Also, the rise of helicopter parenting means that many kids are actively discouraged from learning on their own and developing critical thinking skills. This, coupled with the ubiquity of social media will likely have serious negative impacts on our culture.
I think Doug Wilson is a fruit!!! My mom was a factory supervisor and a great mom! Both of my daughters are hard working women and my oldest has two boys and she is a great mom and wife! My youngest is an optometrist and a wonderful wife. She says they hope to have children but are enjoying life with her husband! Thank you for allowing me to praise the strong women Christ has placed in my life! My wife is the strongest of all!!!
When the world population is north of 8 billion human beings, all this "fruitful" talk is akin to insanity. Now I am aware that there are consequences to having too many elderly and too few younger people in your nation's population, but I'm concerned with the total load on the Earth's ecology of everyone trying to live to an American (aspirational) lifestyle. Everything that has been learned in the last hundred years is fair game to be discarded by these "Christian" nationalists. I can't express the hostility I have to these know-nothings in their willful ignorance. I know we have to love them, hard but necessary, but how do we oppose what they're trying to accomplish? What's the strategy to achieve THAT?
As the husband to a woman who was nearly crippled by her second pregnancy, if this guy wants people to be more "fruitful" he can carry the fetus himself!
Jesus had no children, and he even praised those who "make themselves eunuchs" for the sake of the kingdom.
Orgasms Without Consequence is my next band's name
So ... conceiving a child is a "consequence".
😂😂😂 LOL!
It’s funny and sad how the word “fruit” only applies to women having children and Not the “fruit” of the spirit which Christians are supposed to show/have by showing the love of Jesus Christ to a lost world.
In that context, having children without raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord could be considered a "fruitless orgasm".
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!
I read somewhere that Judaism interprets it differently. 'Fruit' is any good thing you create, like with your hands or building better organizations, etc.
My only child died before he made any kids. Does God see me as worthless now? Being a pregnant woman is more dangerous in the US than most 1st world countries and even more so after SCOTUS's grand decision. So pop out as many kids as possible and hope you don't die and leave your children motherless?
None of God's creations are worthless, they are all precious. And you are a spirit/soul inhabiting a body, not simply a body. ❤❤❤
@@marionopisso212 that is lovely.
Yes my son died childless at 31, my middle child, a daughter, was born with a genetic defect rendering her infertile, which is a blessing really as she is also autistic and on the level at age 37 now of a 7 year old. My youngest, another daughter, doesn’t want children never has, and part of the reason is we have a lot of bad health and medical issues on both my side and my ex’s side and she says why would I want to have a kid who might face a life of endless health problems what kind of blessed existence would that be for him or her?
The God that I serve doesn't see you as worthless!!!! Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise!!! Read the New Testament!!! The Old Testament concerns the Law of Moses!!! The New Testament concerns the Teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! Which one do you want to focus on???!!!
Dual income and can't afford children because the owner class takes everything...
You'd think the "pro-life" people would be for a minimum wage and great health care for everybody. Also free quality education. There's also the trickle down scam they've been running since Reagan which only results in moving money and power to the people at the top at the expense of everyone who's sweat the people of the top make money off of.
This. If he wants to talk about fruitlessness, maybe we can start with late stage capitalism.
Handmaid's Tale
Eerily YES
What's funny is the abundance he's talking about came at the expense of oppressed populations. If we were actually following Jesus' teachings, we'd be consuming less and helping others more.
Btw, Tennessee Brando saw your video and made a response! I would love to see the two of you have a talk together!
I commented on his video and said the same thing. He asked me to PM him. I told him I have no direct connection to Ed, and do not know how to PM. I watched 2 videos on how to do it, but couldn't find the settings they mentioned. Anyway, I have the feeling it might work out. It's horrible that Brando is getting death threats. I don't think there will be a resolution of the issue of forgiveness, but maybe a more specific idea of what it actually means. Great for both audiences.
@@toonlyrics it is disgusting that a lot of progressive thinkers like Brando are getting death threats. What a shame! The United States has come so low!
YES! I saw that. How great would it be to have them do dialogue...
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
I have watched Tennessee Brando over many months. Yes, I heard him mention Rev. Ed on his show and a call for a dual presentation by the both of them. I'd like to see that. Brando is surely colorful in his commentaries isn't he? I appreciate listening to Rev. Ed very much too.
Anyone who sees raising children as a necessary "consequence" (that is, more or less a punishment) is not very child-oriented.
Or loving.
Children deserve to be wanted and cherished.
Children deserve a society that looks out for them in their lives, not just in forcing their existence. Everyone deserves that, at any age. We can't afford to enjoy life anymore, what's the point in procreation?
When parents see their children of punishment, they will resent their children and even abuse them. It is bad for everyone
Correct, It's all about control
@@MChandlerJr You can try to follow the Old Testament laws if you can. But I will follow Jesus and his Love and Forgiveness
How many children do monks and nuns have? How many did Jesus have?
None and None!!!
Monks and nuns are the ones doing it right. And the people who help them financially
There are 8 billion people on this planet. Twice the number that occupied it in the 1990s. We're fine.
But most of those aren't White American Christians, and therefore don't count (or worse, are a threat) to American Christian Nationalists.
Rock and I have been together many years and we haven't given up yet on being fruitful. We're in our seventies, but we're still trying....
Practice makes perfect or so I am told.
@markpashia7067 so I am told ..
I admire your faith, not to mention persistence.
Well, it worked out for Abraham and Sarah. Although I have my doubts that it's literally true.
83 & still hopeful
I think the much greater problem is that too many people are becoming enslaved by the belief that we can have greed without consequence, both those rewarded by their greed and those left behind in their wake.
...or, for that matter, hypocrisy without consequence.
Subjegation of women. - When my dad left my mom, she went to a priest for counselling and guidance. The priest told her to go back to my dad and beg his forgiveness for being a bad wife. It was a little after that experience she left the Catholic church.
35 years later a Christian friend had her husband leave. The guy was an idiot. She had 5 kids. She was told from a young age that the church was there to help and support the community. He went to her minister to try to get some food for the kids. Instead, the minister told her to go back to her husband and beg his forgiveness for being a bad wife.
35 years and the message hadn't changed. I wonder what the difference would be if women created religions?
I am soooo grateful that when I sought help from my Episcopal priest after my ex battered me half to death this is what he said: "right now what you need is a good lawyer". He said he firmly believed that any man who batters his wife and endangers his kids has broken the marriage covenant.
My priest helped me get into a shelter and through the whole process of getting free of this man who would have likely killed me.
@@suetrubluThanks be to God that your minister was a true servant who helped lead you out of bondage.❤
I think it would make a radical difference because at least women have compassion!!! Which is more than I can say for patriarchal men!!!
@@suetrublu THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH SAVED MY LIFE!!!! Two and a half years ago, my local Episcopal church helped me escape my gaslighting, abusive bio-dad by furnishing my apartment and giving me food!!! I can truly say that my local church has helped me in my time of need!!! I'm now a Bible Study leader and Usher!!! I can't thank the Episcopal Church enough!!!!!
@@MChandlerJr Making the woman beg is subjugation. Blaming the woman for a situation that is beyond her control is dishonest.
A marriage takes two people to work. How they make it work is their business. If one person doesn't want the marriage to continue, all of the begging in the world won't get them back. I believe it's healthier for both people if they part ways so they can move on and avoid a bad situation.
I have two friends who stayed in their marriages for too long. Both spent time in jail for domestic violence because the arguing got that bad. In both cases, they could have prevented the violence if they had ended the marriage sooner.
I have known couples that have stayed married, slept in separate rooms, and had mates on the side. They didn't believe in divorce, but they still kept up appearances. That was their decision. I know in one case the husband wouldn't divorce the wife because he thought she deserved his pension for raising the kids. He didn't think his girlfriend deserved the pension.
Having children being so important means that women like me (who didn't get to have children despite spending a *lot* of money trying to get pregnant) get looked down upon. And we certainly don't need Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale.
I prefer to think that "being fruitful" is about protecting the environment and having the fruits of the spirit (although that doesn't mean that you have to "speak in tongues." My mother got into that when I was in 5th grade and never got away from it. But I believe that if you have the "fruits of the spirit" that *God* will give you the parts that are most important for His uses.)
God did say we had stewardship of the Earth. Some stewards we have become (huge sigh).
@@rochellemcdonald9646 Yep. Stewardship is what I meant by protecting the environment. It's not very good stewardship if we are damaging what God gave us!
Not sure how you can be pro 'fruitful' yet be against government assistant?
Let me know if you figure it out, okay?
Really, it's a system of consensual community assistance. The government is only the steward in this picture.
They're pro gun, pro kids in fields & factories, and very pro-pandemics... so... they don't expect us all to make it.
When my son away to college, he got mixed up with a conservative Christian group on campus. He had to come back home for a bit, and for whatever reason, we were discussing homosexuality. He had made a friend who was gay and was telling me how guilty his friend felt if he flirted with another male. I was arguing that there was nothing wrong with being gay, and in the defense of his beliefs he quoted the “fruitful and multiply” scripture. I totally shocked him (and planted a seed) when I replied, that using the premise of that scripture, no one was allowed to have sex unless they were trying to get pregnant. When he went back to school after that 18 month break, he found a different group to be involved with that consisted of Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians. He had matured and realized the toxic Christianity that the original group was teaching no longer fit his beliefs. I’m so proud of my boy! He’s 28, single, and attending church regularly where he lives.
That preacher is ridiculous !
I don't like where this preacher is going with this, if u know what mean
I thought I saw something about Elon bragging about he's contributed to the country with all his kids. Nuts. He had them with several different women. That's "family values" ?
Most of his older children have spoken publicly about how unsatisfactory he was in his parenting.
Rump values
Elon Musk isn't sinless - and neither is Trump!!!!
Musky? The same guy who hated his trans child so much that he bought Twitter to turn it into the echo chamber of hatred, especially against trans people? That guy?
I'm sure he doesn't realize that it's not easy to support someone on minimum wage.
I doubt he would care
I volunteer at a foodshelf and somebody picking up food said he was working three different jobs to make ends meet for his family.
@libbycollins9349 I believe it.
Theft is a crime orgasm is not a crime you don’t need “consequences” for something that isn’t a crime
Well, voting selfishly or stupid isn’t a crime but it sure has some awful consequences sometimes.
@ when I mean “consequences”, I mean that the way he talks about it which is trying to outlaw or punish it, that’s why I put consequences in quotation marks.
@@dorino9057 of course. I should have said “unintended consequences.”
Random Thoughts: In college I dated a girl who's father was a born again Christian. When he was in his teens and 20s, he had been a criminal and a bully. Then he became "saved". She descriibed what it was like growing up with him as a dad. My jaw was hanging open listening to her tell me what it was like to grow up with him. In summary, he traded in his leather jacket for a Bible, and was the same bully. He used the Bible to justify his bullying. A year later I met some of her parents' friends. Even they talked about him being bully.
"Your earthly father emmulates your heavenly father."
I know true Christians aren't like that.
It's just that when I hear a preacher or minister tell people tell people how they should live their lives, I always think of that girl's dad using the Bible to bully people.
My gaslighting, narcissistic bio-dad used the Bible to punish us when we were growing up!!!
The entire verse says, “be fruitful and multiply until the Earth and fill the earth.” I think the Earth is filled
Great comment.
Me, too!!! The US has got money for war, but can't feed the poor!!!!!!
I truly wish they had a spiritual teacher like you. My heart goes out to them as they have been deceived.
I haven't been to a church in decades because of the hypocrisy, but I regularly watched the good Reverend cuz he speaks the truth to all
Father forgive them for they not know what they do.
@@johnnyfreedom3437 ditto and sometimes will listen a 2nd time
Matthew 24:5 - For many will come in my name, saying, "I am the Christ", and will deceive many!!!
This is so true and perceptive! I find that Christian Nationalists are stuck in the Old Testament. I heard one Christian Preacher say that he wishes we could return to the bloody, harsh punishments of the OT. It is so very apt to remind us that Jesus paid the price! Thank you, and thank You Jesus! Prayers.
Which means he is spitting in the face of Jesus' work. Jesus endured that while the crucifixion was happening, but afterwards if they still won't get the point, they're liable to hell fire.
I hate it when UA-cam puts my reply under the wrong comment. >:[ This was meant for the one above yours.
I'm seriously thinking about reading the New Testament and skipping the Old Testament. I'm reading Jeremiah now!! After Jeremiah, I'm reading the New Testament!!!
@HenriettaHudson-we4wv It's best to read the OT in order to know the whole story of Jesus. God's revelations in Scripture are all equally important. It's just that full Christian spiritual maturity manifests in the NT. For example, where once there was harsh punishment for breaking God's Laws, there is now forgiveness because of the Atonement of Christ. We are expected to forgive thusly, as we are all guilty and all forgiven. One of the most important differences between the OT and NT is that God was our judge before Christ and then God declared that Jesus is our judge. Having lived as a human, Jesus knows first hand the struggles of being human, and is therefore a most merciful judge. This is a big part of the "Good News". As always, let the Holy Spirit guide you through Scripture. Prayers.
Jesus is too woke. They prefer the jealous and vengeful one of the Old Testament.
I do not remember any "red words" where Christ requires women to have children. Thank you for reminding us of Jesus's definition of fruitfulness. "There is a Balm in Gilead" reminds us "If you cannot preach like Peter and you cannot pray like Paul, you can tell the love of Jesus and say he died for all."
Yeah, but everybody knows that the red words in the Bible are the Communist parts we shouldn't pay any attention to! /s
He is right God made this nation great because our belive was "IN GOD WE TRUST" but now it's all about lies,conman,stealers and going against what JESUS was all about.Love is the key to life we will treat everyone like ourselves because we love ourselves. When we put God in the back burner God gives us His back and there is no great strength ,power ,grace ,mercy or forgiveness than what GOD THE ALMIGHTY FATHER,JESUS THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS FOR HUMANITY.
Thank you!!!
These so called pastors need to move out of the Old Testament lol😊
And the church!!
Jesus died for our sins. He said he would create a new church. Spiritually is the only way to God. Give up your material wealth and follow Jesus to his kingdom in heaven. We are all sinners. .
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! I've left the Black Baptist church and became an Episcopalian!!! Because the Black Baptist church is too obsessed with the Old Testament and controlling women!!!
@@lyndaalicea6037 Amen!!!
As a Christian guy, I’d say in my bubble of the world, 90% of the fruitful traditional single income families are heavily dependent on their parents for making that dream possible. For everyone else, it’s hard to be fruitful with no job security, unaffordable housing, high cost of living and medical bills. I always like it when I get a response of “you can’t focus on money.” Well, you have to to a degree. I have two boys, 5 and 7. Kids are expensive, period. I’m not talking about buying a bunch of toys. Medical bills (they get sick a lot) they grow out of clothes fast, they start eating more, and the list goes on. Plus there’s the sanity aspect. Kids will drive you nuts! You have to have things in place to manage your sanity. A homemaker trapped in a house all day by herself with kids will drive her nuts. Having grandparents nearby is a game changer. If you don’t have grandparents nearby, you have to get your wife out of the house for a break.
my very comfortable brother waited to marry the mother of his kids until after they were past WIC age so she could be an unemployed, single mom and receive the benefits for it. But he will sling shade at other people who do that. And that's why we're estranged.
@ or they talk about how they’re blessed. Yes you were blessed to be born or marry into money so you don’t have to worry about things that pretty much the other 95% of the population does.
There's a point here. As rich hoarders treasure up more and more of the wealth produced by a country, at some point a family view becomes priced out of sight even if one is willing. Do these chumps really want a new baby boom? Well, start by reproducing the conditions for our own. These are SOCIALIST! And VERY high tax (though with philanthropic tax deductions) for the richest. Does it take a flipping WAR to teach us to care for what needs to be cared for? SMH till it almost falls off.
How dare anybody tell you it's not enough to take the best care you can of the kids you have. What comes across to me is that you are a caring, good father who tries not to overburden his wife. May your family be blessed.
@ Thank you for the kind words. I hope you are doing well!
Thank You Pastor Ed. Fruitful has been so misused by some churches/ preachers, etc. Your explanation is so “right on” !!!
Doesn't our national addiction to consuming ever more "stuff" require an ever growing population? And doesn't the pool of cheap laborers willing to work for low wages also require more people? Is that perhaps behind this current Prosperity Christian obsession with procreation? I would think that our souls would benefit from quitting our various addictions, our distractions, our numbing out on materialism of any form and supporting one another's well-being. Wouldn't that be more in line with Christ's or any other spiritual path - false idols and loving one another as Christ loved us and such? "It's just a thought."
Thank you!!!
The Handmaids Tale. Good grief these WCN have lost their minds. I am sure God is angry about a lot of things as prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. However, the hate speech, bigotry, xenophobia, antisemitism and violence by this group isn’t helping. Their misinterpretation of scripture doesn’t give them permission to hurt innocent people. It’s not our job to judge, that’s God’s job. Jesus gave us his instruction to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and strength and love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Meaning all human beings not just the ones who look like you and agree with you. God said, if you say you love God, but hate your brother, you are a liar.
Amen 🙏
I want to give you the last two lines of a song by Bob Dylan called, "When He Returns":
Of every earthly plan that be known to man He is unconcerned
He's got plans of his own to set up His throne when He returns.
Sex is both for procreation and an important pleasure that binds married couples. Just as some married couples do not want to have children, some married couples do not want the pleasure of sex. In any case, sex does not always lead to pregnancy. Prayers.
Thank you!!!
The Handmaid's Tale is so scary. Thank you so much for your words.
So America needs to be more fruitful? Does that mean that those of us who live in the United Stated need to eat more fruit?
Now we also need to multiply? What about adding, subtracting and dividing?
There was one comic strip in Non Sequitur where God told Adam and Eve to be full of fruit so we ate less meat and learn to multiply so we kept our population in check. Adam just figured he'd write "Be fruitful and multiply", and that would cover things.
@@darwinskeeper421 Has he been appointed to a cabinet position yet?
The Book of Galatians has the first listed fruit of the spirit as love, then joy, then peace and patience, etc. then these three remain, faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
Had a giggle at your sarcasm today. 😉🤣💕
Me too…I needed this
How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! Matthew 24:19
Thank you for clarifying this. As a Christian, I have always wondered what the obsession with making babies is with Christians. I had two boys, and later a job as an RN in a hospital. I had next to no time to sit with the Lord and focus on Him. Now as an empty nester and retired, my husband and I have so much more time to focus on Jesus. 😊🙏🏻
Ah, Doug Wilson. He created a curriculum for church run schools to use. He has said all sorts of bizarre things, such as: slaves were friend with their masters, women in education shouldn't teach at the high school level. Keep in mind that he has never been educated to be a teacher himself. Colleges have barred him from speaking at them because of his extreme and non-Biblically based views. Doug Wilson lives in a very small town in Idaho. He has made a name for himself, sadly, because of his incompetence.
My nun high school teachers allowed me to test out of a year’s worth of mandatory level one classes in the 60’s because of their excellent teaching. Of course, I still had to pay to get those credits for classes I didn’t have to take.
I don't blame the colleges for banning him!!! Thank you!!! Doug must be a very empty man!!!
Pastor Ed, I've decided I will NOT discuss abortion or homosexuality with ANY of my brethren, except to say why not. It is because they are OBSESSED, and this is really starting to hurt us all, because the two banal issues (that have much more to do with the world than the church) are eclipsing the mistakes that the church is making, and the parishioners are blinded by their own judgment.
I'm 38M and have no desire to have children, or be in a relationship for that matter. I thrive on being alone where I'm in control of my free time. I'm not going to get married and have children for some social obligation. That would just ruin my life.
You sound a lot like me. It's not that it would ruin my life, as much as "I'm open to the idea, but I've made my peace with their idea of being alone and I'm looking at the half full side of the glass (the free time you mentioned)." It's clear to me by this stage that I'm unlovable and that the bureaucracy of dating isn't something I'm cut out for.
My dad and my son were both 40 before they found a person to change their minds about being single.
Thank you!!! The 4B Movement is in effect!!!!
@@octavianpopescu4776 Please remember that God loves you and Jesus loves you enough to have died for you!!!
@@libbycollins9349 Well then she's going to have to be someone very special.
In the story where the sheep and goats are separated, those who didn't take care of the least of those among us are told they're out of luck.
Some people don't make good parents lol
Though they pop out the kids.
Some of the worst abusive parents do.
Thank you!!!
Many Christians these days are seeming like the Pharohsies. They knew every letter of the law, but their hearts were empty. It's a dry religion of the mind without the Holy Spirit! I've heard some of them even say, well man's heart is evil so you shouldn't follow what you feel. But without that Spirit in you, you will also not feel compassion, humility, selflessness, & Love! We need to let God's Spirit into our hearts & then you Can follow your heart.
I think a number of them are using their positions to increase their wealth and power through immoral ways. Increase their wealth by every so often choosing a group to preach against and get donations. Power by cozying up to a fascistic Republican Party led by an immoral man who has never been accountable in his life.
What does he think if his wife or daughter has a sepsis pregnancy and dies from not being able to get an abortion because she lives in a red state?
After talking with people who were in this guys movement I can say with 99.9% certainty that he wouldn’t care. “It was Gods will”. “She died serving God.” Blah blah blah
I feel bad about having sons with narcassist but sooo glad that I learned how to share and care from them. I was an only child.
So happy that I taught them love and empathy. Lol
Paul traveled with a woman named Thecla. In your comment about how he preached about being celibate, she also did the same, and it's said did it so well that the women of the Roman aristocracy began to refuse to have children. In doing so, they gained power for themselves.
I have an acquaintance who was all about quiverfull. She had 9 children, 2 of which were twins. One of her children is nonverbal special needs. She also felt the need to have home births. She almost died more than once. Who does it benefit if she dies in childbirth and leaves her 9 children motherless and her husband without her? Her oldest children spent a lot of their childhood caring for her younger children and are very resentful.
My friend’s daughter has 13 children, all in school have been on the honor roll, in band, and gotten scholarships. My friend’s other daughter decided not to have children. Both made the right decision for them. And they’re both still sane.
Realizing I've learned about Jesus from those who forgot everything after "fill the earth and subdue it" is quite a journey.
And... making it wilder (with our own physical refuse) wasn't in the vision.
He should read the Bible. It also says.....In the final days, they will say, blessed be the womb that bears no fruit. 😊
There are a lot of people in the world. 8.025 Billion
As parts of the work become unliveable, people have to migrate. The world does not meed an exponentially large increase in population. Developed countries will have to make room for others. That is just a fact. God made the world for all his people. Also, as area of the US become deserts because of increased temperatures and decreased water, people will have to move from those area to others. Growing food will become more difficult as well because of the heat/storms/ drought/erosion. 🤔
Its bizarre that there are many parts of the world that don't suffer the constant natural disasters the USA does, yet the hope of money drives people to disaster areas anyway.
I'm well aware of Doug Wilson and his c#urch as I'm 35 miles south of them.
I'm so sorry.
He sounds like he would support the proud boys. Because he is repeating there talking points.
@@gregallen4272 You are correct. But in my long ago years of biblical fundamentalism, this type of rhetoric nearly always masked hypocrisy. So easy to talk about other people's yards while one's own is full of rusting junk.
My Grandfather/Great Grandfather had a saying that’s been passed down to my Father and then to me:
“Don’t f-k yourself away from the dinner table Son.”
My Father was one of thirteen at a time when you bred the help that you needed for labor. My Father and I don’t run farms like our forebears did. No need to breed more mouths than you can feed. You hit the nail on the head with your message Rev!
Having children doesn't make money or food appear out of thin air.
Even if they only saw children as slave labor, it would take several years before they could work on the farm.
@ : Sure didn’t. Not until they were 10 years old. Up to that point, he solely tended to the cattle, repair and maintenance of the farm. She did the milking, gardening and cooking. Yes. Even pregnant.
Exactly! Thank you so much!😊
Thank You Rev.Trevor because GOD needs people like you to help his people. I can't believe some of the things these people say and think!! They are the one supposed to be spreading GOD words and it has always been those kind of people but I pray this time will end. Please Lord Jesus Come 🙏
So much truth.
Spiritual fruitfulness = Spiritual nourishment
I bet that guy is REAL uncomfortable with Song of Solomon…
For what it's worth, my husband was an Episcopal Priest for 20 years and a Hospice Chaplain for 5 years. So, he's had alot of experience dealing with folks who were near death. Never once did a dying person say that they wished that they had made more money, had a nicer house, or car. But, many individuals regretted not having children or grandchildren. In the end, the only thing that truly matters in this Earthly life is your faith and your family. God won't care about your 401K. Just wanted to share that message. 😊
When will we understand that it is not in Love's nature to judge? It is, however, in humans' nature. If you want to be more like God, if you want to move closer to God act like Him. God is Love, and Love does not judge. Love is verb.
Love keeps no record of wrong, as I recall.
Sometimes it's easier to love some people if you never see them or their actions or hear their words..Lord knows I try but the more I am hearing the more bitter I get. Praying God helps me lift this. I do not want to be bitter.
You must judge others to have discernment. To live an accountably responsible life. And not deal with governmental international crap we have reaped and sown of sinfully ignorance
@Daisy0962 True. It is necessary to live in the world. Judgement is an exercise in separation - this is better than that. But it should never be used on your brother because when you judge another you are judging yourself. All you know about him is your own interpretations, and you can never hope to have all the facts. But you don't need judgement to discern whether you are being harmed.
Thank you!!!
God created all the animals, male and female created he them, and he told them "Be fruitful and multiply". So God goes away for 1000 years and comes back to check on the animals. He indeed finds that all of the animals have increased their numbers since he had been gone, except, a pair of snakes. There were only two of them. He goes to the snakes and asked them, "Why are there only two of you, since I commanded you to multiply ?" . The male snake replied, "We are adders, we need natural logs to multiply".
Now that's funny!!!!
Thank you so much, Rev. Ed, for addressing this issue with such clarity and truth.
Dollars to donuts from the perspective of most “Right wing, Christian Nationalist Preachers”, being fruitful means adding more tithing paying parishioners to THEIR congregation.
My husband and I have been together for 24 years and chose to remain child-free by choice. We both knew we could not handle the nonstop 24/7 18+ year responsibility, exhausted, financial obligation and overwhelm of taking care of children. We actually love children but do not want to be parents. My parents were miserable and constantly argued (yelled) about money while raising my brother and I and I realized early on that having kids does equal happiness. I spend my time devoted to my career in health care and to volunteering at an animal shelter and that is how I give back to society.
Excellent, thank you! I adore my four adult kids, my grandson, and the newest granbaby on the way and yet most of my "heroes of the faith", past and present were/are not parents. Some desperately wanted children, but God had other plans, big plans, for them and they were/are outstanding spiritual examples. "Seek first the Kingdom of God...." Matthew 6:33. Thanks again for another inspiring video. My prayers are with you (from Texas to NS).
Matthew 24:19
“And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Wich is for these last days
As a non Christian I’m so thrilled to meet a Reverend like you!! I’m hoping more American Christians speak out against the Christian Nationalists 🙏
“Jesus paid the price!” Amen.
Amen! Thanks for the insightful sermon.
These people have too much spare time!
Funny how they never mention all the babies in 3rd world countries as well as America, that need adoptive parents. NEVER!
IKR??? Thank you!!!
Lots of people have kids (even when they really shouldn’t) doesn’t mean they’re getting into heaven…
Sounds like the guy wants to build a Russian army or is really working for the Pope to help fill the collection plate. I hear the same "fruitful" talk from them.
I'd ask these people why would anyone punish a child by bringing him/her into a world where they'd be turned into slaves and cannon fodder for them? What's in it for the child? If they want slave labourers to lord over, they can make their own.
Thanks so much Rev Ed!!.. great video... God Bless 🕊️
I left the Church ten years ago to get away from these people only to wake up and find them pounding on my front door.
I'm reminded of a certain Monty Python bit about "Every Sp**m is sacred" when they say this.
@@larryh7760 I was thinking the same thing. ;)
I read that as “Every Spam is Sacred.”
Every spammity spam, wonderful spam!
@@Justanotherconsumer that's hilarious.
Hey Rev! No happenis!
10:15 Thank You Lord 🙌🏾
We were taught living a fruitful life means that your life makes an eternal difference in the lives of people around you. A fruitful life results in others coming to trust in jesus and follow him because of you.
You and your progressive teachings of Jesus, are spot on. Blessings 🙏 to all seeking the truth of the Christ..✌️
It is a real relief to know there are thoughtful religious leaders who have a reasoned understanding of their theology as it applies to human nature and the conditions we face as mortal beings. Thank you for your presentations, and please keep on spreading hope. ❤
I wonder if "orgasms without consequence" can also apply to ecstatic utterances that people have in churches that they claim is a work of the Holy Spirit.
That's a very good question!!!!
As a proponent of ZPG in the seventies, he offends me. Of course the folly of it is that ZPG is self defeating in that the least among us continue to breed like rabbits and cancel out the gains of the educated. In fact we might be the root cause of MAGA and that thought scares me. The stereotype of unintended consequences.
US birthrates are down across all demographics. Virtually no group in the US is breeding like rabbits. The percent of Americans who hold Bachelor's degrees has remained stable over the past couple of decades, although women now slightly exceed men now. Many conservative religious people have rejected formal education (the rise in homeschooling is appalling) and science over the past 25-30 years, which is probably reflected in many people being willing to believe conspiracies. Also, the rise of helicopter parenting means that many kids are actively discouraged from learning on their own and developing critical thinking skills. This, coupled with the ubiquity of social media will likely have serious negative impacts on our culture.
@@juliachildress2943 well you’re just a ray of sunshine. I think the last election bears out the truth in what you’re saying. Bummer.
I think Doug Wilson is a fruit!!! My mom was a factory supervisor and a great mom! Both of my daughters are hard working women and my oldest has two boys and she is a great mom and wife! My youngest is an optometrist and a wonderful wife. She says they hope to have children but are enjoying life with her husband! Thank you for allowing me to praise the strong women Christ has placed in my life! My wife is the strongest of all!!!
Hard to be fruitful and multiply when one side is concentrating on dividing.
IKR??? Thank you!!!!
This why I left the church. It because of this it started in the late 80 & 90. Did nothing spread hate , bigotry.
Don't tell me of God's love, PROVE it, example!
1. I can show you better than I can tell you!!! 2. Actions speak louder than words!!!
Maybe we should be more worried about bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit
Thank you!!!
When the world population is north of 8 billion human beings, all this "fruitful" talk is akin to insanity. Now I am aware that there are consequences to having too many elderly and too few younger people in your nation's population, but I'm concerned with the total load on the Earth's ecology of everyone trying to live to an American (aspirational) lifestyle. Everything that has been learned in the last hundred years is fair game to be discarded by these "Christian" nationalists. I can't express the hostility I have to these know-nothings in their willful ignorance. I know we have to love them, hard but necessary, but how do we oppose what they're trying to accomplish? What's the strategy to achieve THAT?
Happily childfree at 60, thanks. 😊
Bible says those whom not birth and not raise children are blessed... fruitful is about love and spiritual stuff..
Hahahaha what a joke! Lol
He obviously hasn't read Song of Solomon. Haha
“…to generate the FAITHFUL”
Great teaching Reverend
Bless you sir
you are thinking of "A Handmaid's Tale"