THIS is why you should get the 6.7L diesel!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BVDsGoneFishing
    @BVDsGoneFishing 5 місяців тому +153

    6.7 deleted and tuned and now it's unstoppable.

    • @williamroberts8550
      @williamroberts8550 4 місяці тому +8

      Until it meets a Cummins

    • @30acreshop_time
      @30acreshop_time 2 місяці тому +3

      @@williamroberts8550 a 6.7 is a Cummins

    • @codymelvin5633
      @codymelvin5633 2 місяці тому +5

      Replace the cp4 pump too

    • @dylanbrown5066
      @dylanbrown5066 Місяць тому

      ​@30acreshop_time it's a powerstroke too

    • @dylanbrown5066
      @dylanbrown5066 Місяць тому +2

      ​@@williamroberts8550cummins are good, just everything around it that's garbage. My buddys 22 cummins has been in the shop 9 times in 60k miles 😅

  • @RadDadisRad
    @RadDadisRad Рік тому +89

    7.3 and talking to my boys at whipple, getting a 3.8 whipple

    • @RemingtonScarborough
      @RemingtonScarborough 4 місяці тому +9

      And that 6.7 on a tune will still out tow it 😂

    • @RadDadisRad
      @RadDadisRad 4 місяці тому +11

      @@RemingtonScarborough that is true but gassers are cheaper to operate

    • @josezuniga4968
      @josezuniga4968 3 місяці тому +6

      @@RadDadisRadaye, don’t be making sense around here boy 😂

    • @ThatLow_Slow5.3
      @ThatLow_Slow5.3 3 місяці тому

      Bwahahahah they don’t even make tunes for the whipple ask me how I know cause I did it on the gas 7.3

    • @ThatLow_Slow5.3
      @ThatLow_Slow5.3 3 місяці тому

      @@josezuniga4968they don’t even make tunes for the whipple to be put on the 7.3 gas bro I installed 3 of them on 3 7.3 gas motors for whipple to call me say hey we have no tunes for them

  • @laneblount9888
    @laneblount9888 Рік тому +33

    7.3 all day. It may be slow but it will get the job done

    • @JoshuaOverman
      @JoshuaOverman Місяць тому +3

      For pulling your boat now and then or landscape trailer sure makes sense. But ripping 30k pounds across country and up mountains time and time again the 6.7 is the only one that’s gonna do it over and over again and be reliable with plenty of power to do it.

    • @superdude4635
      @superdude4635 Місяць тому +6

      Plus no emissions BS, EGR, DEF! Love my 7.3

  • @rockie307
    @rockie307 27 днів тому +2

    Got both at my job. If you like alot of torque go with the diesel if you like your truck starting and getting you where your going and not alot of downtime at the shop get the gas.

  • @chiefordnance
    @chiefordnance Рік тому +21

    CATEPILLAR inline 6

  • @WH-dr4kq
    @WH-dr4kq 11 місяців тому +7

    This was insightful from many years experience.

  • @cliffordmontana4562
    @cliffordmontana4562 11 місяців тому +37

    I got a 7.3 gas and it tows great for my needs. You ever look under the hood of a Powerstroke? It’s so complex it’s scary. You can drop a whole new 7.3 in for less than a set of Powerstroke injectors. No thanks.

    • @1BigMistakee
      @1BigMistakee 5 місяців тому +4

      It's as complicated as you make it. To be completely honest, it's such a simple design.

    • @InuranusBrokoff
      @InuranusBrokoff 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@@1BigMistakeeRead your comment again, bubby.

    • @kirbywinters1291
      @kirbywinters1291 2 місяці тому

      It’s really not that bad the EGR cooler and intake are the 2 biggest things in the way.

    • @user-qt5eh9wb7g
      @user-qt5eh9wb7g 2 місяці тому +2

      Also went gas. Don't need a diesel.

    • @KDlGG
      @KDlGG Місяць тому +2

      @@InuranusBrokoffyou need to read his comment again, It’s as complicated as YOU MAKE IT. If you have 0 engine experience everything is complicated, general experience and stuff isn’t as complicated, expert and it’s not complicated at all. This goes for all engines

  • @eagerweevil6221
    @eagerweevil6221 4 місяці тому +8

    I think the high output is kinda a gimmick. You make more power, wouldn't you out of a standard deleted 6.7 powerstroke the only upside to the ho would be emissions intact

    • @fireflyraven2760
      @fireflyraven2760 20 днів тому +2

      Their isn't really much going for it honestly new head another turbo and some other things for that 500 horsepower on an honest note 475 is enough it is hard to justify adding almost 3,000$ for 25 extra horsepower and 125-150] lbs-ft or torque

  • @Skyline750
    @Skyline750 6 місяців тому +10

    6.7 all day and I live in a town where emissions don’t get checked

  • @jaredlarsen-hudson4350
    @jaredlarsen-hudson4350 6 місяців тому +12

    I’d take the 6.7L normal and throw power adders on and still make the same as the h.o

  • @reubencondon
    @reubencondon 2 місяці тому +11

    Bro has never had to tow anything

  • @BigInjun05
    @BigInjun05 11 місяців тому +7

    7.3 like I have, pointless to spend 12 grand on something you'll never use

  • @themoneyman3568
    @themoneyman3568 11 місяців тому +4

    6.0 Chevy 2500 all day long

  • @ms.annthrope415
    @ms.annthrope415 2 місяці тому +2

    I'd rather have more dependability and reliability with a bit less power. Keep in mind that fleet trucks used by utility companies will be detuned to about 750 poinds of torque, and they carry cherry pickers and outriggers along with all the tools to repair power lines, And the trucks idle for hours powering the PTO. And Ford warranty the engines for 200,000 miles.

    • @SmokeyBear363
      @SmokeyBear363 Місяць тому

      So true. You don’t need all that power to weekend warrior your toy hauler 😂

  • @wanderingdaze7018
    @wanderingdaze7018 3 місяці тому +4

    Diesel ain’t the same anymore

    • @pulsefiend
      @pulsefiend 3 місяці тому

      what u mean

    • @myhandyman8724
      @myhandyman8724 Місяць тому

      Diesel is not the same 7.3 with a Whipple omg a hold different animal

  • @FromThe3PointLine
    @FromThe3PointLine 5 місяців тому +1

    They have a flexzilla 7.3 and powerstroke 6.7 what other option is there out there? I think you can still get the 6.2 gas as well

    • @matt2118
      @matt2118 4 місяці тому +2

      6.8 mini Godzilla replaced the 6.2

  • @natehahn85
    @natehahn85 11 місяців тому +5

    You don't need 1000tq... save like $14k and get a fun toy on the side

    • @RemingtonScarborough
      @RemingtonScarborough 4 місяці тому +2

      Hows the saying go? Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @Deepocean567
      @Deepocean567 Місяць тому

      ​@RemingtonScarborough if you're rich yeah

  • @brutalknife3928
    @brutalknife3928 6 днів тому

    We don't have a lot of fullsize trucks in my country so i will go for a brazilian 2.8 Turbo Diesel MWM present on 2011 Chevy S10.

  • @nolanm92
    @nolanm92 12 днів тому +1

    7.3 V8

  • @destroytheilluminati770
    @destroytheilluminati770 Рік тому +3

    of course which engine from super duty series, be a different answer if it was which engine from the different brands, Cummins all day every day. Love watching the truck pulls and the 6 cylinder cummins outperforming the v 8 powerjokes and duuuhmaxs

    • @joshuapearson3309
      @joshuapearson3309 Рік тому +7

      The 6 cylinder Cummins does not outperform the Powerstroke💀

    • @destroytheilluminati770
      @destroytheilluminati770 Рік тому +3

      @@joshuapearson3309 LOL yeah they do,,, all day, everyday, Fords are such piles they get cummins swapped and I've seen some with cat motors on the pulling circuits in my area, most diesel repair shops are making so much bank off of the powerjokes, its all you see getting worked on in most shops

    • @stevenhooten4275
      @stevenhooten4275 Рік тому +4

      ​@destroytheilluminati770 my cousin is a diesel mechanic and all he works on are duramax and cummins he has hardly seen any powerstrokes get into his shop and he works in downtown houston

    • @destroytheilluminati770
      @destroytheilluminati770 Рік тому +1

      @@stevenhooten4275 the 2 shops i spend time at are specialty diesel repair and the one guy is on the pulling circuit and he runs Cummins and he wins 80-90% of the pulls in the midwest pulling circuit. Both said Fords are their bread and butter with remainder Duramax/Cummins about equal. they all have their pluses and minuses. I know my family has not had good luck with Fords, Nephew had an F350 with the 7.3 godzilla gas motor, 41,000 miles and motor is trashed due to oil pump locking up due to debris from a KNOWN cam/lifter issue, i warned him to stay away from the 7.3 gas motor

    • @jackyetis4683
      @jackyetis4683 Рік тому +1

      @@destroytheilluminati770 hmm but powerstroke tows more than the Cummins and gets way better gas mileage

  • @dru4135
    @dru4135 Місяць тому

    Nah, f**k that. Godzilla... 7.3. Not even a question.

  • @WhiteStarInvesting
    @WhiteStarInvesting 14 днів тому

    spiderman is in my truck wtf! 😅

  • @robthehomeowner
    @robthehomeowner 3 місяці тому

    Based on 20 years worth of life experience 😂

  • @diesel_enduro
    @diesel_enduro Місяць тому

    6.7 powerstroke

  • @Mr-pn2eh
    @Mr-pn2eh 3 місяці тому +1

    Donut media reference

  • @obs1996
    @obs1996 2 місяці тому

    7.3 diesel with big injectors and 72mm turbo enters chat

  • @myhandyman8724
    @myhandyman8724 Місяць тому

    7.3 gas period super charger it and it's on stoppable

  • @THEMAN67881
    @THEMAN67881 2 місяці тому

    My 97 7.3 will outlast a new high output anyday pal

  • @factionfx
    @factionfx 2 місяці тому

    I remember when I was younger and stupider. 6.7 is definitely best til you have to pay to do any repairs to it.

    • @fireflyraven2760
      @fireflyraven2760 20 днів тому

      Give me a garage of tools I'll pay to get part oem is trash

  • @lucascaleb
    @lucascaleb 3 місяці тому

    Mechanic is hot

  • @AnotherBadRep
    @AnotherBadRep 6 місяців тому +5

    Construction workers listen up!!
    Best build for a 2023 and up f250 is..
    6.8L v8
    Supercab long bed
    Max tow package.
    You’ll be able to tow up to 18000 pounds guaranteed. 🎉
    That’s really all a person needs if they work construction and tow every so often. I do say this. Get the diesel truck engine if u tow daily. It will save your trucks life.

    • @RemingtonScarborough
      @RemingtonScarborough 4 місяці тому +1

      No it won’t stop it 😂 Diesels resale value will always top gassers everyday

    • @AnotherBadRep
      @AnotherBadRep 3 місяці тому +1

      @@RemingtonScarboroughwho cares about resale value, I ain’t looking to back out from a huge purchase I’ve spent my entire life on. Plus these trucks are Guaranteed to get the job done.

    • @Deepocean567
      @Deepocean567 Місяць тому

      ​@AnotherBadRep if there was 1000 horsepower diesel that came out everybody will be wanting it probably most diesel owners don't even need a diesel

    • @fireflyraven2760
      @fireflyraven2760 20 днів тому

      ​@Deepocean567 475 horsepower is the highest i'll go the numbers just make me sad it's nothing more then a sales tactic because they know you wanna be the kid on the block with some numbers under the hood these horsepower wars are really just stupid yes their is an argument on who needs 500 horsepower under the hood of a 12,000 pound truck though if we are be8ng honest ain't no one giving a damn about whether they need it they want I and thats all that matters to most though I don't entirely think people would want a truck that has 1,000 horsepower off the line most people can't even handle 300 that might end in a catastrophe

  • @davidgause9233
    @davidgause9233 2 місяці тому

    Plastic lower intake garbage,go back with alum so you dont snap the cheap plastic kneck off for the crankcase filter.We replaced more 2022+ plastic intakes than anything.thanks ford for the money we make off them! Mo power mo problems!

  • @Super-Bike-Joe
    @Super-Bike-Joe Місяць тому +1

    Can’t stand newer diesels.

    @LUKEMARTINEZ-b6i 9 днів тому

    He’ll no he broke

  • @teop7887
    @teop7887 Місяць тому

    Diesels are money pits nowadays.
    No thanks

  • @gregormiller4037
    @gregormiller4037 Рік тому

    Great post. Lub TC TV:)

  • @beekeeper7535
    @beekeeper7535 11 місяців тому +2

    Piss on these modern diesel engines. Ill stick with my 7.3 idi there very easy to repair and parts are cheap.

  • @InuranusBrokoff
    @InuranusBrokoff Рік тому +3

    7.3. Im not buying a truck that needs cab off repairs to the engine.

  • @demetriuscooksey7147
    @demetriuscooksey7147 Місяць тому

    16 year old "expert."

  • @JesusLopez-mm3tc
    @JesusLopez-mm3tc Місяць тому

    Would not buy a new super duty at all no thank you

  • @Lambo962
    @Lambo962 Рік тому +4

    Most biased clip i’ve seen in a bit. Have fun with it I guess 🎉

  • @blakecochran7101
    @blakecochran7101 4 місяці тому

    Kids say 6.0 6.7, but they don't understand how much of a pain they are to work on compared to a 7.3l. 99 7.3l powerstroke ALL DAY!!

  • @alinatamashevich3354
    @alinatamashevich3354 Рік тому +3

    A GM DuraMax ! F that Ford crap

    • @fritzthecat9451
      @fritzthecat9451 Рік тому

      F that Isuzu crap!

    • @techs1smh13
      @techs1smh13 6 місяців тому

      ​@@fritzthecat9451no longer

    • @josephjennings9030
      @josephjennings9030 4 місяці тому

      Now tell us why you almost never see a duramax in hotshot or fleet trucks

    • @techs1smh13
      @techs1smh13 4 місяці тому

      @@fritzthecat9451 built by gm in Ohio.

    • @alinatamashevich3354
      @alinatamashevich3354 4 місяці тому

      @@josephjennings9030 I have them in my fleet! Have 1 with over a million miles on it.

  • @Proyoska
    @Proyoska Рік тому

    Buff horses in bound

  • @chrismaas7192
    @chrismaas7192 2 місяці тому


  • @nitenite7142
    @nitenite7142 Рік тому +2

    😂😂😂 more power when it work them trucks r over price pof

  • @vtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtv

    Allergic to saving gas

  • @CongoChango
    @CongoChango Рік тому +3

    I wouldn’t take a damn diesel pickup if it was gave to me.. No way in hell.. Absolutely junk.. As retired mechanic I want nothing to to with the high maintenance cost and fuel. Gas is always better way to go. The Ford 7.3L Godzilla with whipple supercharger will blow all diesels away!!

    • @trev119
      @trev119 Рік тому +1

      You're not wrong but most people that buy desiels tow a lot and desiel is way better than any gas towing. That's why you see all the semis with desiels. Obviously if you aren't towing gas makes a lot more sense.

    • @tyler93539
      @tyler93539 Рік тому +1

      a 7.3 gas with a whipple comes no where near the torque of a stock 6.7 and no where near the fuel efficiency either

    • @stevenhooten4275
      @stevenhooten4275 Рік тому +1

      ​​@@tyler93539don't need all the tourqe the 7.3l with a stage 3 Whipple makes around 700+ tourqe and 600+ hp

    • @RemingtonScarborough
      @RemingtonScarborough 4 місяці тому +1

      No it won’t stop it 😂 I tuned my 6.7 with an upgraded transmission to handle even more power and I whooped on a 7.3 at the track 😂 Sure maybe a little more on maintenance but not when you do it all yourself 🤷🏽‍♂️ just say you’re broke and lazy cus if thats you, then don’t get a diesel but don’t sit here and say a gasser will outperform it cus ut won’t

    • @Deepocean567
      @Deepocean567 Місяць тому

      ​@@RemingtonScarboroughyou sound like somebody who don't even need a diesel truck you probably think they're made for racing.

  • @DadeMatlock-im2ri
    @DadeMatlock-im2ri Рік тому +9

    Anybody that willingly buys a ford has never had a single competent thought in their life

    • @trev119
      @trev119 Рік тому +12

      You probably drive a little fiat don't ya buddy?

    • @joeb7168
      @joeb7168 Рік тому +1

      @@trev119i can tell u drive a Ford 🤣

    • @xlovelyfebreze9565
      @xlovelyfebreze9565 Рік тому +2

      Must have had a competent thought to obtain the money to buy it

    • @DadeMatlock-im2ri
      @DadeMatlock-im2ri Рік тому +2

      @@xlovelyfebreze9565 daddies money doesn’t count

    • @stevenhooten4275
      @stevenhooten4275 Рік тому +2

      ​@@DadeMatlock-im2riyour wife's money does though