I miss my childhood. I miss old Christmases. I miss actually having friends. I miss the carelessness of high school. I miss feeling true love. I miss not having to slave away my life for fake money. I miss my father when his body wasn't riddled with cancer. I miss when my mom could walk without two canes. I'm so worried and anxious now. I miss everything.
The thumbnail visual is so perfect. The computer screen, the snowfall, the dim light, plant on the desk. Everything about it along with the soundtrack ❤️ you know the vibes and nail the vibes every single time
100%, this perfectly embodies that serenity and peace I felt as a teen, playing videogames untill late at night in the weekends, with not a care in the world.
It hasn't been long, but I've been homeless since the 15th of this month. As I'm listening to this, I'm sitting outside the local cafe- I'm probably gonna end up sleeping here tonight. Your playlist made me feel like I am in a safe place. Thank you for giving me some hope. 🏡❤🩹
Are you doing okay? I spent only a few nights homeless, but it was hard. And I feel like it’s tactless to ask like that, but please don’t take offense. I don’t know how better to ask.
Hey, I don't know you nor do i know you're telling the truth but please be safe. It's hard out there yet as long as we have faith in ourself we'll be fine. Greetings from Venezuela
My heart goes out to you my friend. Do you have a plan? For what it's worth, please know this internet stranger is rooting for you and wants to hear how you are doing
I miss big ass computers. I miss my childhood. I miss going to my grandma's house and then going with my dad to the store. I miss hearing my dad exercise at 3am every day. I miss him eating his cookies in the morning on the way to school hearing his disco music at 5am and then hearing the national anthem that the radio used to play every day at 6am. I miss seeing my parents working on their big ass computers. I miss them asking me for help when they needed to print documents. I miss watching F1 with my dad and brother. I miss my dad picking me up at work. I miss my dad. I miss him every single day of my life. It'll be 2 years in August 28 since he passed. I miss him. I wish he was here with me.
December 2016 Spent Christmas alone in a country I knew nothing about after flunking uni and being on the verge of being fired. No friends. My girlfriend was quiet-quiting the relationship. I never felt so alone. I had a few more miserable days , but that one easily makes it to the top 5. Yet, I have some nostalgia for it. For the vibe. For the silence. For the Christmas lights flickering in blue in the living room. Just slowly giving away their brightness... And then snapping back, full flame, like a sleeping elemental being that made me company at night. I remember watching the snow thinly drape the neighborhood in white as I layed on the couch. I can feel the stillness kick in just by thinking about it. Company I worked for shut down that next winter. I was pushed to learn programming. Came back to my country and worked hard to buy a home with a couch of my own from where I could write this. Respect your struggles. You'll miss it when you outgrow them.
i've actually never commented in my life, so i decide why not here. it hasn't been easy whenever i feel left out or a dread from dissociation of my peers, but maybe things happen for a reason. i pray that i get reminded that me and you both are bravely enduring the obstacles of life and finding happiness in return. Amen.
having to come to terms with the fact that, even after telling my parents the pain they have caused me my entire life and the shame i've lived with and the knowledge that no matter how hard i try i will never feel heard or cared all that much for,, they still didn't listen. they made that admission about them. even at my most vulnerable . saying what i've felt my whole life. practically begging them to hear me, the real me, once, and they still turned it around into me hurting them, *them* never being able to forgive me for it. me and my partner have an escape plan, a place that will be safe, among friends, where we can once again live authentically, in another region of the country but... it hurts knowing i won't have another christmas with them like that anymore. it hurts knowing my siblings will never understand how i feel either. it's so immensely painful knowing that in order for me to actually be safe... they're going to feel abandoned. in order for me to even be allowed to feel things i need to leave, what i used to have here will never come back, but god.. it shouldn't be that big a struggle to just... feel safe again.
@@celebrityguest.9530 I'm glad you left. Reading your comment was eerie; my parents (and brother) are like this, and I also left. ...So I'm not the most impartial source, but they made a whole lot of decisions before you made yours. I don't think you need to feel any guilt about it, even if they or other relatives say you do. They were adults before you were; if they didn't learn to "adult", that's on them. I hope both you and your partner are staying safe and doing well.
Crazy that a simple computer graphic can evoke such a complex tapestry of sentiments. For me its a longing for simpler times, before the harsh realities of adulthood came into realization.
There was snowfall in my new home for the first time since 2016, and I moved here from the North in 2019. For the first time in six years, I got to enjoy a fun day out in the snow, and after so long of yearning and aching, after six years, I'm not homesick anymore.
In this vast, shadowy expanse, we are all wanderers, drifting through the night, searching for meaning and connection in a world where memories fade and dreams elude us. Our lives are fleeting, like ships passing in the dark, momentarily touching before slipping away. Yet, amid this transience, there are rare, luminous moments when we stumble upon what we weren’t seeking, when dreams crystallize into reality, and when fleeting encounters turn into profound connections. These are the moments of true joy, when we are seen and known, if only for a fleeting instant. In these encounters, we transcend the ephemeral, finding a spark of permanence that makes our journey meaningful, even if our paths never cross again.
i have a loving parent, i have caring friends, i'm doing well in school, but shit's getting harder. every time i gather my strength to go to them and ask for support, something happens, leaving me alone with myself, as they are trying to cope with it. every moment is not the "right" one, and it's tearing me apart. i will be 18 next year, and i will be spending my bday in the unknown city with complete strangers, since it will be beginning of my first year in uni. others always say to spend high school years to its fullest, but i can't. i can't feel anything other that regret for what i've become.
Thank you for your playlists. they really make my day especially when I'm feeling down. I don't really know what else to say to express how genuinely I feel that, so thank you.
@@angelDAG1991 My friend, it's been difficult and it's complicated in daily life, but I'm trying, I think I'm going in the right direction. Thanks for asking, abrazo de regreso para ti, feliz Navidad.
c'mon bro dont be like that. Though, can you imagine if you won the lottery on a winter night? I'd talk a long walk thinking about many times i left people to go work and study, thinking about, well there was this one, I mean I dont wanna sound poetic or edgy i JUST. Well wtf is the point? i WILL NEVER win the lottery. I will just have to accept and remain a fing RN nurse for my life making a shit wage and wasting my life until i die from liver cancer or stroke. Sorry for typing this. You're comment spoke to me, I got mad cuz an ad came up and disturbed my peace. I am still young maybe I could try someway to get rich.
I miss when the sun sets on a Friday evening, instead of feeling anxious, I can feel safe and relaxed because I won’t have school tomorrow. What will I do? Maybe hang out with friends or go somewhere with my family. The aquarium? The shopping mall? Water park? A museum? It doesn’t matter.
This makes me harness my efforts towards mental health, connecting each route for its keys. It is here that I, Louie Prince, am growing up. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm seeing the light. I came from pure darkness, but I was always the snowchild who wandered the night and succeeded.
Everyday is a blur. I'm just wondering if there's anything inside of me. Sure, I'll get an occasional chuckle from some internet video, but it won't fill this emptiness in me. I'm 16 as of writing this now. I wonder what the future has for me. I barely feel old, but I feel different. I'm not ready to be an adult.
I'm the same. However I am not in love with him anymore. I'm not in love with anyone. Perhaps it isn't the right time for me to meet him or fall for him yet..
reminds me of being 12 yrs old again in 2005 and playing runescape at the computer in the living room while the RA Christmas event is out and school is on holiday break.
I was poor when i was little.Now i have food,clothes,a house,a car a nice family and we all serve The Living God.Thank you heavenly Father.God bless you all.
It’s been a long day hasn’t it? You look tired. Here, come and rest. You’ll be able to forget about all of your troubles, and start the next day fresh. You’ve got this. I believe in you.
that image reminds me of the bedroom as a young adult when those pc's first came out. I was looking at my feed today and its all pretty much garbage but then I saw this and I stopped to rest.
To those that know Who just wanted to be happy To have a normal life To have friends A loving family To travel To just enjoy life But never had that To those others like that Who were blamed Neglected Abused Hurt Left behind Used I’m sorry for what happened But I’m even more sorry that those good things never happened Your time never came The light never came Happiness never came And you ended up falling through time Aging Being forgotten about And you see yourself Old you Older you Wishing they could protect the younger you Nothing words can help with Nothing music can help with I’m sorry for all of it But thank you for sticking around For still trying The best you can To the other loners I wish you peace Wish you love To the ones that don’t fit in Take care Keep going
"At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. I would have waited for birds to fly by or clouds to mingle, just as here I waited to see my lawyer’s ties and just as, in another world, I used to wait patiently until Saturday to hold Marie’s body in my arms. Now, as I think back on it, I wasn’t in a hollow tree trunk. There were others worse off than me." -Albert Camus, The Stranger *There will be things about these times right now you'll come to miss too, there are always things to appreciate and look forward too, even small things you dont think about often.*
После смерти бабушки я создала для себя одно очень важное правило: двигаться вперёд и никогда не смотреть назад, жалея о чём-либо сделанном или не сделанном. Было трудно, но я справилась и смогла ему следовать. Меня больше не перекрывает тень вины, которая преследовала меня всю жизнь, и я чувствую себя более спокойно. Возможно, потому что моя цель была достигнута путём забывания большей части вещей, произошедших в прошлом: если их не помнить, то и жалеть не о чем, верно? Их не было. Ничего плохого не случилось. Всё это давно позади. Но слушая эту музыку, я поняла, что мне так лишь кажется. Теперь я уже не могу вспомнить точно, что именно меня тревожило до сегодняшнего дня и какие эмоции я испытывала. Сознание было непослушным псом, которого мне удалось приручить, а затем подмять под себя настолько, чтобы оно не вылезало лишний раз. Я не уверена в том, насколько раньше было лучше, потому что не помню этого. У меня есть только факты того, что что-то происходило, если верить моим старым перепискам. Но на душе у меня пусто. Как будто таким методом я оторвала от своей личности большой кусок. И теперь я совсем не такая. Мне страшно от мысли, что однажды я проснусь и не вспомню ничего.
My grandma passed away too 9 years ago. Since then, I've been homeless, abused, misunderstood... My whole family is gone except for my mother. My brother steps in sometimes, though. Nothing seemed to changed for me since the untimely death of my grandmother. I kept telling myself it's never going to change, because I told myself it was going to change so many times, but it never happened. Believe it or not, I have. I've found my missing piece I never knew was even there until I discovered it right from that point. It was hard, but I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through those changes. To you guys, find that missing piece and let life and God bless you 💕🙏
Perfect for a study session thanks u for this moment, I feel very peaceful now thanks !! If they are here people they have an exams in less time I hope you will have good grades, don't give up !🎓
It’s a room I’ve never seen before, a chair I’ve never sat in. But I’m imagining I’m there in that room, back then - while imagining the room/whole house being in different towns/cities I’ve been to. Who would I be there with? and what memories would we have made? Or am I there alone
It’s strange how we can find comfort in an old, unrealistic 3D 4:3 screen video accompanied by a gloomy piano. Maybe we don’t need much to live. Maybe we don’t need endless reels and 1-minute shorts that fade as quickly as they appear. Maybe we don’t need hyper-realistic virtual realities. Maybe this world, and humanity, have already exceeded their fate.
This made me clean my desk and I modeled it after this one. The past is dead. The time is the present and the future. You are expanding. You are safe. your enemies are being pushed farther out to the remote periphery.
Man, this really does feel like a safe space. I love the snow, I love the dimmed lights, I love messing around on the computer like I did back in my childhood. I'm only 23 but I remember those old computers. My dad had a purple Mac with a handle on its back and it ran Bugdom. My schools used Windows 95 up until high school. My sister had a WindowsXP laptop. My brother and I had a refurbished Windows 7 PC. Corporations have ruined everything. The environment, the internet, the schools, the government. My mom's battle with cancer and my dad's deteriorating mental health made my safe space at home nonexistent. My time at college ruined almost all my willingness to make bonds with people, and nearly cost me my life. I want this safe space back. I just want to be happy. I want to stay strong. I want to live. I want to live with you. Edit: This is the first time I've cried since the election. I have strength, I just need people who share this strength and urge to continue our right to pursue happiness.
I'm afraid of things ending. 4 years ago the pandemic took my adolescence and time took my friends, we're strangers again. I pursued an art carreer for 4 years and I'm still trying to finish it. I started jiu jitsu, theatre, went to church, started projects that will never see the light from the end of the tunnel. Everything is stuck. And here I am wondering why I feel like something is missing. Of course I'm missing something. Me. It's so funny. My life has always been the same for me; sitting in front of my computer. Working. Studying. I don't know anything else. I have my own cycle but I can't afford to end the other ones. I just wish a little excitement. Life's become comfortable, but so boring...
@@OmyGhost... It definitely helps in some way. Depression, trauma, stress, worries, whatever it may be, if something is eating you up inside, sometimes it really helps lift the burden slightly just by talking about it. Not that someone might be able to offer anything depending, just even in the fact you write or speak out your thoughts and feelings. You say "people don't care" That ain't true. A lot of people probably don't as there are so many caught up with their own lives. But there are places and times and people who we can all talk to at times. At worst there's suicide hotlines, emergency counselling etc, if you don't feel you have someone close to you, to whom you can open up. Journaling really helps as well. I've been through some stuff and when I've had no one to talk to I sometimes write down my torrent of thought or make voice notes for myself. At the very least it is acting as some sort of release valve and may very likely help the weight lift slightly from your shoulders. Many of us feel alone at times especially nowadays. But we really are not alone.
@@BobsYerUncle_GT I've been suffering from all of that for decades now, and I can say it really depends. Sometimes talking really helps, sometimes it absolutely doesn't. really depends on who you're talking with, and what's your relationship. Even medical help doesn't always help but I know from experience that mental health consultation is usually always worth it! Imo @sentinailes is correct, sometimes even when it doesn't help talking to sb at first, it might in the long run, because even if you can't get across or the other person might necessarily understand what you're saying, then at least it may help you formulate your own thoughts, bring them together like in writing a text or book. After all in psychotherapy you do almost the same, but with guidance. It helps you make up your mind about yourself and who you are, and formulate what it is that's important to you.
why I always try hard? every time I want to give up I remember my father's aching back or my mother's calloused hands and my innocent younger brother who still doesn't understand anything. i dare not give up and I can't give up because when I give up who will my family rely on? I always encourage myself not to give up, just try and everything will be fine. after the rain there is a rainbow, after all the hardships life is beautiful
I miss my childhood. I miss old Christmases. I miss actually having friends. I miss the carelessness of high school. I miss feeling true love. I miss not having to slave away my life for fake money. I miss my father when his body wasn't riddled with cancer. I miss when my mom could walk without two canes. I'm so worried and anxious now. I miss everything.
Somewhere out there, I am wishing you well. It changes. And you change it. It's an adventure. And adventures are hard af.
@@Iron_Wyvern this comment makes me feel so sad...
*Big internet hug*
i am with you brother.
The thumbnail visual is so perfect. The computer screen, the snowfall, the dim light, plant on the desk. Everything about it along with the soundtrack ❤️ you know the vibes and nail the vibes every single time
100%, this perfectly embodies that serenity and peace I felt as a teen, playing videogames untill late at night in the weekends, with not a care in the world.
even the quality
Could do without computer screen.
You can seriously get up to some crazy shit in Blender.
Why did I think the snow was stars and the room was just flying through space
It hasn't been long, but I've been homeless since the 15th of this month. As I'm listening to this, I'm sitting outside the local cafe- I'm probably gonna end up sleeping here tonight.
Your playlist made me feel like I am in a safe place. Thank you for giving me some hope.
Are you doing okay? I spent only a few nights homeless, but it was hard. And I feel like it’s tactless to ask like that, but please don’t take offense. I don’t know how better to ask.
@@rudyspective1870 My son was born on the 15th at 10:21pm pacific time. I hope Al is well and that you find yourself in a better place asap.
Hey, I don't know you nor do i know you're telling the truth but please be safe. It's hard out there yet as long as we have faith in ourself we'll be fine. Greetings from Venezuela
I’m sorry you are going through that, Things will get better just hang in there and stay safe please.
My heart goes out to you my friend. Do you have a plan? For what it's worth, please know this internet stranger is rooting for you and wants to hear how you are doing
I miss big ass computers. I miss my childhood. I miss going to my grandma's house and then going with my dad to the store. I miss hearing my dad exercise at 3am every day. I miss him eating his cookies in the morning on the way to school hearing his disco music at 5am and then hearing the national anthem that the radio used to play every day at 6am. I miss seeing my parents working on their big ass computers. I miss them asking me for help when they needed to print documents. I miss watching F1 with my dad and brother. I miss my dad picking me up at work. I miss my dad. I miss him every single day of my life. It'll be 2 years in August 28 since he passed. I miss him. I wish he was here with me.
I am sorry for your loss. I hope you can find at least solace from the fact that you were blessed having a dad whom you could be proud of.
I’m so sorry. May he rest in peace.
Rest in peace to your dad 🫂
December 2016
Spent Christmas alone in a country I knew nothing about after flunking uni and being on the verge of being fired. No friends. My girlfriend was quiet-quiting the relationship.
I never felt so alone. I had a few more miserable days , but that one easily makes it to the top 5.
Yet, I have some nostalgia for it. For the vibe. For the silence. For the Christmas lights flickering in blue in the living room. Just slowly giving away their brightness... And then snapping back, full flame, like a sleeping elemental being that made me company at night. I remember watching the snow thinly drape the neighborhood in white as I layed on the couch.
I can feel the stillness kick in just by thinking about it.
Company I worked for shut down that next winter. I was pushed to learn programming. Came back to my country and worked hard to buy a home with a couch of my own from where I could write this.
Respect your struggles. You'll miss it when you outgrow them.
i've actually never commented in my life, so i decide why not here. it hasn't been easy whenever i feel left out or a dread from dissociation of my peers, but maybe things happen for a reason. i pray that i get reminded that me and you both are bravely enduring the obstacles of life and finding happiness in return. Amen.
you are safe
you are okay
you dont have to be perfect
you have to know you're important
the answers are within you
be blessed
Unfortunately life expects you to be perfect
thank you from south korea
I like that, the room itself is "shivering". All it needs to be warm is for you to take a seat.
having to come to terms with the fact that, even after telling my parents the pain they have caused me my entire life and the shame i've lived with and the knowledge that no matter how hard i try i will never feel heard or cared all that much for,, they still didn't listen. they made that admission about them. even at my most vulnerable . saying what i've felt my whole life. practically begging them to hear me, the real me, once, and they still turned it around into me hurting them, *them* never being able to forgive me for it. me and my partner have an escape plan, a place that will be safe, among friends, where we can once again live authentically, in another region of the country but... it hurts knowing i won't have another christmas with them like that anymore. it hurts knowing my siblings will never understand how i feel either. it's so immensely painful knowing that in order for me to actually be safe... they're going to feel abandoned. in order for me to even be allowed to feel things i need to leave, what i used to have here will never come back, but god.. it shouldn't be that big a struggle to just... feel safe again.
You can do this. It's for the best. If they feel abandoned its their own fault for treating you the way they did
@@anuktouceda5242 thank you. truly. we’re out of that house now and i know it was the right decision
@@celebrityguest.9530 I'm glad :)
@@celebrityguest.9530 I'm glad you left. Reading your comment was eerie; my parents (and brother) are like this, and I also left. ...So I'm not the most impartial source, but they made a whole lot of decisions before you made yours. I don't think you need to feel any guilt about it, even if they or other relatives say you do. They were adults before you were; if they didn't learn to "adult", that's on them. I hope both you and your partner are staying safe and doing well.
Crazy that a simple computer graphic can evoke such a complex tapestry of sentiments. For me its a longing for simpler times, before the harsh realities of adulthood came into realization.
Well put.
There was snowfall in my new home for the first time since 2016, and I moved here from the North in 2019. For the first time in six years, I got to enjoy a fun day out in the snow, and after so long of yearning and aching, after six years, I'm not homesick anymore.
In this vast, shadowy expanse, we are all wanderers, drifting through the night, searching for meaning and connection in a world where memories fade and dreams elude us. Our lives are fleeting, like ships passing in the dark, momentarily touching before slipping away. Yet, amid this transience, there are rare, luminous moments when we stumble upon what we weren’t seeking, when dreams crystallize into reality, and when fleeting encounters turn into profound connections. These are the moments of true joy, when we are seen and known, if only for a fleeting instant. In these encounters, we transcend the ephemeral, finding a spark of permanence that makes our journey meaningful, even if our paths never cross again.
@@zainahmeherabedin2821 did you write this?
This is beautiful
Thank you
I often feel alone. This channel seems to heal some part of that. Thank you.
the peace I needed today, I struggle, we all do...thank you for making this stranger 💛
i have a loving parent, i have caring friends, i'm doing well in school, but shit's getting harder. every time i gather my strength to go to them and ask for support, something happens, leaving me alone with myself, as they are trying to cope with it. every moment is not the "right" one, and it's tearing me apart.
i will be 18 next year, and i will be spending my bday in the unknown city with complete strangers, since it will be beginning of my first year in uni. others always say to spend high school years to its fullest, but i can't. i can't feel anything other that regret for what i've become.
Thank you for your playlists.
they really make my day especially when I'm feeling down.
I don't really know what else to say to express how genuinely I feel that, so thank you.
This really takes me back to early 2000s staying up late exploring the internet/gaming in my teenage years.
this evokes memories and comfort in a sense I never knew I had, or could feel.
Confort. Feels so good when you've been alone for almost five years. I miss being happy, I miss the sound of my own laughter.
"I miss the sound of my own laughter." Wow
I hope you're doing well, Gabriel. ¡Un abrazo desde México!
@@angelDAG1991 My friend, it's been difficult and it's complicated in daily life, but I'm trying, I think I'm going in the right direction. Thanks for asking, abrazo de regreso para ti, feliz Navidad.
tonight i had to sit down and write my dad's obituary. thank you for making that task feel a little bit easier.
I hope you've been doing okay. I'm so sorry for your loss.
@@connoreyler871 thank you
I miss when life felt like life, not a burden. Anxiety is killing me, my stomach is killing me, I just wish I was gone already.
c'mon bro dont be like that. Though, can you imagine if you won the lottery on a winter night? I'd talk a long walk thinking about many times i left people to go work and study, thinking about, well there was this one, I mean I dont wanna sound poetic or edgy i JUST. Well wtf is the point? i WILL NEVER win the lottery. I will just have to accept and remain a fing RN nurse for my life making a shit wage and wasting my life until i die from liver cancer or stroke. Sorry for typing this. You're comment spoke to me, I got mad cuz an ad came up and disturbed my peace. I am still young maybe I could try someway to get rich.
The song change scared the crap out of me lol i thought my hard drive died
I miss when the sun sets on a Friday evening, instead of feeling anxious, I can feel safe and relaxed because I won’t have school tomorrow. What will I do? Maybe hang out with friends or go somewhere with my family. The aquarium? The shopping mall? Water park? A museum? It doesn’t matter.
This makes me harness my efforts towards mental health, connecting each route for its keys. It is here that I, Louie Prince, am growing up. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm seeing the light. I came from pure darkness, but I was always the snowchild who wandered the night and succeeded.
Everyday is a blur. I'm just wondering if there's anything inside of me. Sure, I'll get an occasional chuckle from some internet video, but it won't fill this emptiness in me. I'm 16 as of writing this now. I wonder what the future has for me. I barely feel old, but I feel different. I'm not ready to be an adult.
I am writing a letter to the lost and the loved, this is giving me such a nostalgia.
I hate how I get attached so easily.. to the point where I would start prioritising them over anything. I hate myself.
The solution is to love yourself :')
me too :(
Hey man, do you wanna talk about it?
I'm the same. However I am not in love with him anymore. I'm not in love with anyone. Perhaps it isn't the right time for me to meet him or fall for him yet..
You're the best ambient music maker on UA-cam, in my opinion.
Struggling bad rn, thank you for making this playlist really do help me.
Immediately zonked out and fell asleep to this, please don’t ever delete
reminds me of being 12 yrs old again in 2005 and playing runescape at the computer in the living room while the RA Christmas event is out and school is on holiday break.
Hiiii I love your videos, they help me so much to relax and really take a moment for myself.❤️
Love from Canada🥰💕
I remember back in college making background scenes like this in 3ds max. Such nostalgia....
I was poor when i was little.Now i have food,clothes,a house,a car a nice family and we all serve The Living God.Thank you heavenly Father.God bless you all.
I really love the low poly render that was done on this photo
I listen to a lot of playlists but this one really makes me feel a specific kind of feeling (longing? nostalgia?). Overall it's very peaceful. Thanks
I'm so glad to know you're still active nobody ❤
It’s been a long day hasn’t it?
You look tired. Here, come and rest.
You’ll be able to forget about all of your troubles, and start the next day fresh.
You’ve got this. I believe in you.
reading the live chat feels like traveling back in time
that image reminds me of the bedroom as a young adult when those pc's first came out. I was looking at my feed today and its all pretty much garbage but then I saw this and I stopped to rest.
시험도 끝나고 남은 건 축제랑 방학이다~~ 생기부때매 이것저것 끄적여야하지만 완전 평화롭다~~~❤❤
Days long past. We will never be there again, best to let it go.
To those that know
Who just wanted to be happy
To have a normal life
To have friends
A loving family
To travel
To just enjoy life
But never had that
To those others like that
Who were blamed
Left behind
I’m sorry for what happened
But I’m even more sorry that those good things never happened
Your time never came
The light never came
Happiness never came
And you ended up falling through time
Being forgotten about
And you see yourself
Old you
Older you
Wishing they could protect the younger you
Nothing words can help with
Nothing music can help with
I’m sorry for all of it
But thank you for sticking around
For still trying
The best you can
To the other loners
I wish you peace
Wish you love
To the ones that don’t fit in
Take care
Keep going
@@StarryDynamo88 this is amazing.
I often go to sleep around 12 pm~1 am because of my headache. Therefore, it's good to hear there songs.❤
Feels like my old IMVU days for when I was homeless. An absolute mood.
It feels like moving a tail that doesn't exist. Learned helplessness. I can't escape this safe place.
"At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. I would have waited for birds to fly by or clouds to mingle, just as here I waited to see my lawyer’s ties and just as, in another world, I used to wait patiently until Saturday to hold Marie’s body in my arms. Now, as I think back on it, I wasn’t in a hollow tree trunk. There were others worse off than me." -Albert Camus, The Stranger
*There will be things about these times right now you'll come to miss too, there are always things to appreciate and look forward too, even small things you dont think about often.*
This makes me feel at home.
После смерти бабушки я создала для себя одно очень важное правило: двигаться вперёд и никогда не смотреть назад, жалея о чём-либо сделанном или не сделанном. Было трудно, но я справилась и смогла ему следовать. Меня больше не перекрывает тень вины, которая преследовала меня всю жизнь, и я чувствую себя более спокойно. Возможно, потому что моя цель была достигнута путём забывания большей части вещей, произошедших в прошлом: если их не помнить, то и жалеть не о чем, верно? Их не было. Ничего плохого не случилось. Всё это давно позади.
Но слушая эту музыку, я поняла, что мне так лишь кажется. Теперь я уже не могу вспомнить точно, что именно меня тревожило до сегодняшнего дня и какие эмоции я испытывала. Сознание было непослушным псом, которого мне удалось приручить, а затем подмять под себя настолько, чтобы оно не вылезало лишний раз. Я не уверена в том, насколько раньше было лучше, потому что не помню этого. У меня есть только факты того, что что-то происходило, если верить моим старым перепискам. Но на душе у меня пусто. Как будто таким методом я оторвала от своей личности большой кусок. И теперь я совсем не такая. Мне страшно от мысли, что однажды я проснусь и не вспомню ничего.
Понимаю. После смерти сестры прошедшие три года для меня как в полусне. Как будто ничего не происходит, хотя произошло многое
My grandma passed away too 9 years ago. Since then, I've been homeless, abused, misunderstood... My whole family is gone except for my mother.
My brother steps in sometimes, though.
Nothing seemed to changed for me since the untimely death of my grandmother. I kept telling myself it's never going to change, because I told myself it was going to change so many times, but it never happened.
Believe it or not, I have. I've found my missing piece I never knew was even there until I discovered it right from that point. It was hard, but I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through those changes.
To you guys, find that missing piece and let life and God bless you 💕🙏
this is an awesome render! Good job! I also started getting into blender recently and it is an amazing tool ;)
Perfect for a study session thanks u for this moment, I feel very peaceful now thanks !! If they are here people they have an exams in less time I hope you will have good grades, don't give up !🎓
Isn't that your own animation? 😮❤ I love it so much! Great vibe 😊 Helps calm the mind.
Love the style of this video. You've achieved something unique with this channel. Thank you for your work 🤗
ur videos always calms me down so much thank you
It’s a room I’ve never seen before, a chair I’ve never sat in.
But I’m imagining I’m there in that room, back then - while imagining the room/whole house being in different towns/cities I’ve been to.
Who would I be there with? and what memories would we have made? Or am I there alone
It’s strange how we can find comfort in an old, unrealistic 3D 4:3 screen video accompanied by a gloomy piano.
Maybe we don’t need much to live.
Maybe we don’t need endless reels and 1-minute shorts that fade as quickly as they appear. Maybe we don’t need hyper-realistic virtual realities.
Maybe this world, and humanity, have already exceeded their fate.
This made me clean my desk and I modeled it after this one. The past is dead. The time is the present and the future. You are expanding. You are safe. your enemies are being pushed farther out to the remote periphery.
The room is something from the early 2000s, and the 3d graphics is also the style of the 2000s, like the sims 2.
Love the CG room. Feels like a scene from Myst.
Man, this really does feel like a safe space. I love the snow, I love the dimmed lights, I love messing around on the computer like I did back in my childhood. I'm only 23 but I remember those old computers. My dad had a purple Mac with a handle on its back and it ran Bugdom. My schools used Windows 95 up until high school. My sister had a WindowsXP laptop. My brother and I had a refurbished Windows 7 PC. Corporations have ruined everything. The environment, the internet, the schools, the government. My mom's battle with cancer and my dad's deteriorating mental health made my safe space at home nonexistent. My time at college ruined almost all my willingness to make bonds with people, and nearly cost me my life. I want this safe space back. I just want to be happy.
I want to stay strong. I want to live. I want to live with you.
Edit: This is the first time I've cried since the election. I have strength, I just need people who share this strength and urge to continue our right to pursue happiness.
I'm afraid of things ending. 4 years ago the pandemic took my adolescence and time took my friends, we're strangers again. I pursued an art carreer for 4 years and I'm still trying to finish it. I started jiu jitsu, theatre, went to church, started projects that will never see the light from the end of the tunnel. Everything is stuck. And here I am wondering why I feel like something is missing. Of course I'm missing something. Me. It's so funny. My life has always been the same for me; sitting in front of my computer. Working. Studying. I don't know anything else. I have my own cycle but I can't afford to end the other ones.
I just wish a little excitement. Life's become comfortable, but so boring...
I feel you stranger
When dad gave me my first computer in winter 1998/1999 🤗
Another beautiful playlist to write to. Thank you
This is why I subscribed
It's funny to see this video in my recommendations, just when it seems like I need it...
I am not happy, nor am I sad. I am not alive, nor am I dead. I just am, today, existing.
@@harshshah7250 and this is okay ❤️
thank you so much nobody 💙
i keep coming back to this for nighttime chills
Thats.. great.. just some relief..💜
In my restless dreams, I see that town.
Reminds me of home in 2001❤
Thank you for this wonderful experience of relaxation!!! ❤❤❤
I love this soundtrack! I miss winter now! 🤗🥰🤗
I wish I felt this safe inside again
Muchos comentarios en inglés ¿alguien de hablana hispana disfrutando también de esto? Es nostálgico, relajante. Me hace sentir como en casa
Back when social media and smartphones were not even a thing. I miss that time
So cozy
life is unreal
Imagine being able to get away from it all. Not having to worry about anything for a while . . . I wonder if that's possible.
I want a nice house overlooking Black Beach in Iceland
I know one way to get away too
Thank you, nobody
I wish everyone reading this a tasty COFFEE ;)
My favorite ❤
мое рабочее место выглядит в точности как на этой картинке
pain 🤟
제목이 너무 마음에들어😢
Love this..
this immage feels kinda uncanny to me rather than conforting, but i still appreciate the good ambience
I adore the song at 37:31
i love instrumental music
me too in this finite world but my love for Allah is more, although u can't say anything to help you except one thing "Persevere"
very nice!
I’m scared to lose him. He rehabbed self-harm and have many suicidal thoughts. I don’t want to lose him. He’s everything to me.
yo you made the visual? it looks so cool! i'd love to play a game like this
We are made to believe that if we are not doing well, we must talk about it, but what will that change? People don't care.
Some people care. Even if they don't, talking sometimes helps to see things clearer
@@OmyGhost... It definitely helps in some way. Depression, trauma, stress, worries, whatever it may be, if something is eating you up inside, sometimes it really helps lift the burden slightly just by talking about it.
Not that someone might be able to offer anything depending, just even in the fact you write or speak out your thoughts and feelings.
You say "people don't care"
That ain't true. A lot of people probably don't as there are so many caught up with their own lives. But there are places and times and people who we can all talk to at times. At worst there's suicide hotlines, emergency counselling etc, if you don't feel you have someone close to you, to whom you can open up.
Journaling really helps as well.
I've been through some stuff and when I've had no one to talk to I sometimes write down my torrent of thought or make voice notes for myself.
At the very least it is acting as some sort of release valve and may very likely help the weight lift slightly from your shoulders.
Many of us feel alone at times especially nowadays. But we really are not alone.
@@BobsYerUncle_GT I've been suffering from all of that for decades now, and I can say it really depends. Sometimes talking really helps, sometimes it absolutely doesn't. really depends on who you're talking with, and what's your relationship.
Even medical help doesn't always help but I know from experience that mental health consultation is usually always worth it!
Imo @sentinailes is correct, sometimes even when it doesn't help talking to sb at first, it might in the long run, because even if you can't get across or the other person might necessarily understand what you're saying, then at least it may help you formulate your own thoughts, bring them together like in writing a text or book.
After all in psychotherapy you do almost the same, but with guidance. It helps you make up your mind about yourself and who you are, and formulate what it is that's important to you.
@@OmyGhost... you care, so write yourself a letter as if it is the most valuable person you know. 😘
I just journal
life is too short to reflect..
Aaand now I’m waiting when you’ll start making your own music :)
Take me, low poly visual of a work space
why I always try hard?
every time I want to give up I remember my father's aching back or my mother's calloused hands and my innocent younger brother who still doesn't understand anything. i dare not give up and I can't give up because when I give up who will my family rely on? I always encourage myself not to give up, just try and everything will be fine. after the rain there is a rainbow, after all the hardships life is beautiful
That's pretty good, you've realized some things you can work on ... to be more free. This helped me :)
"Now thats funny!"😂 -a depressed man
You scared the crap out of me on 8:14
lovely background