"Angels Manifested Everywhere" (RadioAirJesus.com)

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @broddablack5290
    @broddablack5290 Рік тому

    His teachings are always amazing!

  • @deleted72636
    @deleted72636 10 років тому +7

    Man, I'm loving this teaching!

  • @juliebaza5528
    @juliebaza5528 4 роки тому

    This is such great teaching. Thank you I'm just waking up recently. All Glory To God!!!

  • @corycox31
    @corycox31 2 роки тому

    I was studying the verses about worship and holy spirit told me the same exact thing, we MUST worship in the spirit realm. This is just confirmation

  • @patriciagutherless6566
    @patriciagutherless6566 6 років тому +1

    Hi Jonathan, l am truly grateful for your sharing all of this. You speak my language, Heaven and earth language. I understand what you are saying, that's so wonderful, thank you. Thank You God.
    You talked about how animals talked in the garden of Eden. It is true. My dog speaks to me like Jesus' does. In the silent voice and visions. He taught me how to communicate with animals, birds, cat's, etc, who only communicate with visions. He even tells me or my daughter if the other pets need anything. It's so wonderful. It was my daughter who first taught me how to communicate with cat's. Benjamin came in the house one time, he was frantically trying to tell me something. He went out and came back in. I worked out it wasn't him who needed something. With that I saw a vision of our pet ginipig, little Dave. I asked if little Dave needed something, Benjamin blinked for yes. I followed him outside, where our other dog Poppy was trying to get little Dave. He had escaped from his cage. Thank You God, for blessing us with gifts. Love from Patricia G 🌹

  • @302Notary-fingerprintboss
    @302Notary-fingerprintboss 8 років тому +10

    What you fear you manifest... As a man thinketh so is he. The key is to learn to SEEK YE First the Kingdom of God🙏🏾

  • @naomibabeee
    @naomibabeee 7 років тому +3

    Great teaching! Thank you.

  • @yeshuatheway9958
    @yeshuatheway9958 4 роки тому +1

    These are things Yahweh has shown me that are coming before Yeshua’s return
    Yahweh’s Word for 2020 to me was that this is the year of tremendous victories and He is sending supernatural increase. Our nation will not be taken over in November as Dana Coverstone has said’ From what Yahweh has told me about His plans for me for the work that He has for me to do, we still have a few more years before what He has shown me will happen. On 12-25-2012 Yahweh gave me a morning vision of a Hitler type person is going to come to power here in the U.S. and many people are going to die. Our nation is going to surrender to one of our enemies. A gas is going to be released into the air that will immobilize people so that our enemy can take us captive easier. They are going to come into stores where people are incapacitated and tie them up and put bags over them and take them off. The people are in military attire. This will not affect people that they refer to as not normal. They will be looking for us because they know about us. I think that not normal means those who are operating in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. Seek to be as close as is spiritually possible to Yahweh and Yeshua and to be filled to overflowing with the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit and to operate in the fullness of Yahweh’s power, Yeshua’s power and the power of the Holy Spirit. Yeshua’s resurrection power is inside of us that are really born again. Yeshua said for us to humble ourselves and pray. Yeshua also told me that superman is coming. Yahweh showed me things in my possession that I needed to get rid of that were causing me to be weak and powerless. We must have supernatural strength and energy as Elijah had when he outran Ahab’s chariot 1Kings 18:46. We also need the miraculous miracles that Yahweh did for Elisha in 2 Kings 6:18 when Yahweh blinded Elisha’s enemies and Yahweh sent fire from heaven on the men that were sent after Eliyah (Elijah) in 2 kings 1:10,14 and of course when Yahweh parted the Red Sea. Don’t let people try to give you the Holy Spirit and don’t let people lay hands on you to prophesy to you or cast out demons. I have seen people get demons from allowing people to lay hands on them. Yahweh told me that He wants to stop Kundalini and the oppression of women.
    Acts 8:39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.
    Acts8:40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
    Psa 91:5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
    Psa 91:6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
    Psa 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

  • @hebrewess7487
    @hebrewess7487 6 років тому +7

    The spirit world is more real than the natural world ,God lives in the (Spirit world) spoke this world into existence,but you have to be a believer of God , if you are (Void) of knowledge than you won't comprehend,a fool has said in his 💓 there is no God Psalm 14:1,God is a creater of All THINGS

  • @gracekim8680
    @gracekim8680 2 роки тому

    Praise God

  • @user-kc7pf7xj5j
    @user-kc7pf7xj5j 7 років тому +4

    The powers of suggestion. Hypnotic effects from expectant imaginations.

  • @deleted72636
    @deleted72636 10 років тому +11

    So much confirmation!!!

  • @acoluthus
    @acoluthus 5 років тому +1

    some people are more focused on wanting a manifestation, and there are spirits disguised as light who are more than willing to show up & give all the 'feelies' that a person could want.. -then they (spirits) begin to lead by experiences, and not the Word.
    Yes: I've had impostor spirits show up.. even in church meetings (not constantly, but a few times over decades).
    Yes: I've felt the presence of angels as well, but never on my beck & call to them, rather, God sends what is needed; whether angelic, or a Word of understanding, a Scripture to stand upon/declare; it is HE who sends what is required, above what I think is 'wanted'.
    > If you pursue God for God's sake, not looking for manifestations, you will find Him.
    >if you pursue experiences, "something" will show up.
    -"imagination".. there's danger in what the new age calls "creative visualization".. from personal experience this has affected me when people say "imagine" things in the spirit.. "something" shows up if experiences are desired above God..This I know as well, firsthand.
    -portals: dangerous, IMO.
    - interfacing with angels: not a DIY; they're God's messengers/warriors to dispatch, not ours to draw upon, invite or give mandates to
    -'levels', attaining 'the next step' -those are dangerous, IMO, because it sets people up to press into where God has not matured or even designed some to walk in.. it's ok not to have every 5-fold ministry gifting..
    Press into God for God's sake, be content in Him.
    I've had 2 words from the Holy Spirit on this:
    1) there is deception happening in the body; we are entering days where those pursuing & faithful to God will "need to discern light from light" was the exact quote.. not all that appears or feels "light" is of God..
    - Any spirit that shows up or begins to lead in some way, especially of 'exclusivity' of information, secret knowledge: = major red flags. * Ask, -demand- that it show it's true face.. most who stop & do so: are horribly surprised. Only the true Glory of God will be evident & self-revealing. It will never contradict the Word of God.
    2) the trees were in bloom recently; yet there were small fruits still on the branches from the fall..
    The juxtaposition was rather clear: though it looked alive & healthy, the fruit was -rotten- and out of place in the season.
    The further this message goes, this puts the 'will' of 'whatever' is brought into the natural realm, in the power of the individual, not
    under the submission of God -first-.. there is little difference between this & working Metaphysics, which is effectively a form of
    witchcraft, "lightworkers" = exercising the will of man in spiritual realms instead of manifesting the Will of God.
    My own spirit is unsettled while giving this a fair listen. I came out from doing these things before Christ..
    ** This is not an anti-Bethel posting; this applies across the whole body, to encourage & not restrict, but give perspective on the topic; a century & a half ago, there were many spin-offs of revival that ended very badly.. as the new refreshing comes in, especially today where spirituality is catching the fascination of many, there is need for understanding, perspective, wisdom & knowledge.
    God will bring through you whatever gifts He needs brought to those around you or I; it is not a matter of attaining greater or lesser power (

  • @princessjoy007
    @princessjoy007 7 років тому +2

    Praise be to God

  • @princessjoy007
    @princessjoy007 7 років тому +2

    This is amazing!!!!!

  • @omnomnom0101
    @omnomnom0101 6 років тому +2

    Coming to God as little children. I haven't had so much fun with my imagination in years. This is such a blessing.

  • @irenes6021
    @irenes6021 6 років тому +1

    Thanks Jonathan for bringing light!

  • @ailishniriain787
    @ailishniriain787 10 років тому +2

    thank you.

  • @judycox5896
    @judycox5896 5 років тому


  • @yeshuatheway9958
    @yeshuatheway9958 4 роки тому

    Hi, Yahweh and Yeshua have given me a healing and deliverance ministry and Yahweh has opened my eyes to see the Seer realm, the Glory realm and the Spirit realm and He has shown me a pornography demon and the demon looked like the person it had control of and was feeding off of. People that are in sexual sin are sexually defiled. Yahweh spoke to me about sexual defilement and I didn’t even know there was such a thing. Yahweh said My people will come out of pornography or they will go blind. When the person gets so full of the sexual defilement it will blind them. People can repent of their sin and ask Yeshua to cleanse their minds of the defilement and their sight be restored. I heard a man’s testimony of Yeshua telling him this and the man asked Yeshua to cleanse his mind and his sight was restored. People with demons of pornography still have to be delivered from the demon. People in pornography, drinking, drugs, gambling, habitual belligerence, lying, stealing and other sin have demons that they must be delivered from. A demon of oppression of women attacked me one night and it looked like the man that had it. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world so the demon lost. Satan makes the demons back off so people will think they are free who have gone through counseling or a program. Then when you think things are going great the demons take control and have you doing the destructive sin again and people don’t understand what happened. Yahweh told me that people wearing clothes they have bought with the holes all in them that this is indecent exposure and they are drawing a spirit of poverty to themselves. People married to or living with somebody in pornography or who is a narcissist or habitually belligerent will feel tired or exhausted all the time and they will get weaker and weaker until they die and they will be attacked by demons in their sleep form the person with the demons. Children in the family situation will also be attacked in their sleep. People must not stay in these situations. People who are habitually belligerent will also become very weak and will not be able to go to work and they can die from it and from seizures from their fits of rage they can get M.S. I met a man that Yeshua told me he had M.S. from being habitually belligerent and that he could not be delivered from the demon until he repented of the sin. Yeshua told me the demon would not leave until he repented. Yahweh and Yeshua have given me a healing and deliverance ministry and they have taught me a lot but all of must always pray to Yahweh and Yeshua in every situation to ask them what to pray and if the person must repent of sin to be delivered or healed. People with demons are not saved and they must get free and receive Yeshua as their savior.

  • @expo1706
    @expo1706 8 років тому +2

    I don't understand what he's saying. I don't want to see something in my minds eye. I want to see with my natural eyes. What smoke???? Hello!!!

  • @beckydrenth2298
    @beckydrenth2298 6 років тому +1

    I saw the podium in perfect clear crystal on three sides and the open side was where the speaker stands. It was gleaming. I immediately thought of the clear desirable understanding that was being received and released.

  • @kevinscholes
    @kevinscholes 11 років тому +2


  • @patriciagutherless6566
    @patriciagutherless6566 6 років тому

    Hi Jonathan, what bible do you read? You have given me answers to questions l have been asking, thank you so much.🤗
    When you asked what the people saw in the church room l joined in with this. I saw lots of children running and skipping around the room. They are giving a flower to each person. They put a crown of flowers on your head. They are pettles of many colours. I started to feel hot. You have a crown of Gods word. As you talk the pettles fly like butterflies and land on people's head's planting seeds from Heaven. All the people there are given a different coloured flower representing a gift.
    There is a Lion walking up and down the left side of the chairs Ile. I now smell hot chocolate. This reminds me of when l was a child at school playing in the snow. We would be given a hot chocolate drink to warm us up. Very happy memory. 😊 Then l remember that the Lion is from my childhood. He was with me all the time, l just didn't see him all the time.
    Back in the church with all of you, l am now stood next to the Lion. I crouch down and put my head in his main, that's when l rememberd he was from my childhood, in fact l now know that he has never left me. I sat down on the floor, he laid down next to me and l put my right arm over him. We stayed there and just watched what was going on in the church with you, all the people, and with Heavens spirit rhelm. 👼💐🌻🌼🌷🌳👼. I feel full of joy now🙆‍♀️🌹 Love from Patricia G 🌹 Thank You God. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit 🌹

  • @kukuboomboom
    @kukuboomboom 7 років тому

    Thank You so much!
    IT is helping me in growing a lot!!!

  • @Warangel144Dreamsandvisions
    @Warangel144Dreamsandvisions 7 років тому +3

    the sweet smell is archangel or guardian angels with family members. it's both fresh and sweet smell and sometimes you can taste it. I've tasted and smell gross demons very gross like vomit too.and cigarettes and their smoke smell.i have the sweet anointing and cam feel and smell in the spirit too. yeshua is coming soon.he has poured out his spirit on his people.

  • @johnjonson5863
    @johnjonson5863 10 років тому +7

    we like you here in thailand..

  • @annchovey2089
    @annchovey2089 8 років тому +1

    Why are these audiences always primarily women? I'm not doubting people see things in the spirit realm but I felt there was a lot of power of suggestion going on here.

    • @janeteaton3240
      @janeteaton3240 5 років тому

      Ann Chovey because silly women are being led astray

  • @janeteaton3240
    @janeteaton3240 5 років тому +2

    This guy is crazy .., seriously .. so now we are co creators with God ? Heresy

  • @coachdavanna7560
    @coachdavanna7560 6 років тому

    Are you looking for a job or provision... That landed so hard, to I'm moved to tears in public.

  • @brianbeasley2982
    @brianbeasley2982 8 років тому

    What does any of this have to do with the price of tea in China? The seer girl in the blue used the word "like" 31 times while describing what she saw.

  • @janeteaton3240
    @janeteaton3240 5 років тому +1

    Demonic manifestations !!! Run from these false teachers !!

    • @juanweber7433
      @juanweber7433 5 років тому

      There are many examples in the word of God of people who've had their eyes open to see into the supernatural, New testament and Old. From the Apostles to Enoch and Elijah. Acts 2: 17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
      God is bigger than what you think. God is more concerned that we're in right relationship with Him so that we can bear much fruit. So that His Kingdom will be revealed and seen here on Earth as it is in Heaven. And in turn people will see His Glorious power manifested so that His creation can marvel and see that He is the True God that still is involved with humanity and still performing miricles.
      Lets put away old stinking religion that is concerned only about outward appearances. This is as good as a Casket and will drive people away from wanting to follow Jesus.
      For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
      Isaiah 29:10 KJV

    • @janeteaton3240
      @janeteaton3240 5 років тому

      Juan Weber none of this glorifies God or points to Jesus . And God have them
      over to their delusions .... wake up ! This is pure new age garbage , and occult practice . This would be funny except it’s so sad . Please seek the true God of the Bible .

    • @juanweber7433
      @juanweber7433 5 років тому

      @@janeteaton3240 very sad that there's a group of Christians that are supposedly grafted to the same vine and are unknowingly mocking God Himself. As long as the main Doctrines are professed:- That salvation is through Jesus the only way to the Father, The doctrine of the Trinity - God as three persons, the baptism, communion, and the second coming :- then who are we to judge someone elses teachings of tertiary doctrines. These Men and Women of God are not worshipping angels!
      Matthew 7:17-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
      17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 So then, you will [a]know them by their fruits.

    • @janeteaton3240
      @janeteaton3240 5 років тому

      Juan Weber new age garbage , spiritism .. they are seeking experience and feelings . This does not point to Jesus or glorify him . This is not a practice taught in the Bible .. seeking angels to what purpose ??? I came out of the new age .. this IS NEW AGE !

    • @juanweber7433
      @juanweber7433 5 років тому

      @@janeteaton3240 God has always throughout time allowed His creation to be transformed by His presence. God created His children with the ability to feel. To experience deep joy, peace, love is something that happens as a result of abiding in His presence. We don't seek these feelings but these feelings come as a result of intimacy with God.
      Moses, was a man after Gods presence and God considered him His friend Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend" (Ex 33:11) He performed many miricles for the purpose of Gods will to be done.
      Even in recent history, people the likes of Jonathan Edwards(protestant), Charles Finney (Presbyterian), John Wesley (methodist) were used to bring about revivals that saw men and women struck by the fire of God that brought about countless salvations. People were recorded to have demonstrations such as seen today. People shaking, crying out, uncontrollable laughter were all recorded throught church history both in Europe and the usa.
      On April 30th 1730's Wesley recorded this incident:
      ‘We understood that many were offended at the cries of those on whom the power of God came; among whom was a physician, who was much afraid there might be fraud or imposture in the case.
      ‘Today, one whom he had known many years was the first (while I was preaching in Newgate) who broke out ‘into strong cries and tears.’ He could hardly believe his own eyes and ears.
      ‘He went and stood close to her, and observed every symptom, till great drops of sweat ran down her face, and all her bones shook. He then knew not what to think, being clearly convinced it was not fraud nor yet any natural disorder.
      ‘But when both her soul and body were healed in a moment, he acknowledged the finger of God.’ (p.189)
      Wesley, as Edwards had done before him, was careful not to ridicule or harshly judge those who responded to the power of God’s Spirit in these overt ways.
      I encourage you to research this further, have a look at how God has moved upon His people.
      Even China in the Shantung revival experienced the fullness of God's presence.
      I encourage you to read this article if you have time
      God bless you!

  • @Aaron-yh6bf
    @Aaron-yh6bf 10 років тому +3

    Guard your heart from this wrong teaching. Run.