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  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2017
  • #LaurentiuMarga #Zen #Anxietate #Osho #RamanaMaharashi
    Laurentiu Marga is an International Meditation Teacher. He has been holding Mindfulness Meditation Retreats for couple of years!
    All the Mindfulness Meditation Retreats are based on 12 hour practice in natural environment.
    His teachings are aimed at raising the level of awareness in all present moment situations by fully enjoying: walking, drinking coffee, drinking tea, smoking, driving, making love, sitting down, dancing, eating, being alone. Students are getting attuned to states of Open Eyes Meditation, Wakeful Sleep, Empty Mind, NoMind, Beyond NoMind - Nirvana, Zen!
    His Presence is pure blessing to anyone he meets.
    His statement is:"My name is Laurentiu Marga and I've discovered that my mind is not in charge of what I am. I've discovered how to silence and transcend the mind, after all that... only bliss remained. I can say this: "Anyone can get rid of this mental noise", you have to know how to do it, and that's why I'm here.
    Once again, my name is Laurentiu Marga, and let me teach you the nonTeaching ways". Laurentiu Marga is an International Meditation Teacher. He has been holding Mindfulness Meditation Retreats for couple of years!
    All the Mindfulness Meditation Retreats are based on 12 hour practice in natural environment.
    His teachings are aimed at raising the level of awareness in all present moment situations by fully enjoying: walking, drinking coffee, drinking tea, smoking, driving, making love, sitting down, dancing, eating, being alone. Students are getting attuned to states of Open Eyes Meditation, Wakeful Sleep, Empty Mind, NoMind, Beyond NoMind - Nirvana, Zen!
    His Presence is pure blessing to anyone he meets.
    His statement is:"My name is Laurentiu Marga and I've discovered that my mind is not in charge of what I am. I've discovered how to silence and transcend the mind, after all that... only bliss remained. I can say this: "Anyone can get rid of this mental noise", you have to know how to do it, and that's why I'm here.
    Once again, my name is Laurentiu Marga, and let me teach you the nonTeaching ways". Sunt Laurentiu Marga, presedinte si membru fondator al Asociatiei de Medicina Complementara Alternativa din Romania, si sunt aici pentru a va conduce pe un drum in a va intelege Anxietatea, cauzele ei si a va ajuta sa o transcendeti!
    Detalii pentru starile prin care treceti si o rezolvare pe


  • @dumitrupaulaliana8400
    @dumitrupaulaliana8400 5 років тому

    Mulțumim dragul nostru Laurențiu sa fi binecuvintat ne dai sfaturi foarte bune 😘

  • @adrianaguguci1914
    @adrianaguguci1914 4 роки тому

    Te apreciez, tot ce spui ma regasesc!

  • @constydinu6465
    @constydinu6465 6 років тому

    Super tare! Legat de privire, de multe ori oamenii sunt intimidati de privirea mea care atunci cand vorbesc cu ei tinde sa fie fixa, concentrata, prezenta, "acolo", acum inteleg ce se intampla de fapt, ii hipnotizez pe cei care ma privesc in ochi, nu am constientizat pe deplin pana acum, am simtit dar nu am constientizat ;). Niciodata nu e prea tarziu sa inveti lucruri noi de la oamenii care stiu ce spun, multumesc!

  • @covacicarmencovaci9320
    @covacicarmencovaci9320 6 років тому +2

    sant fericita ca am dat de tine mi-am dat seama ca fiind doar in prezent nu mai am nici o problema sant fericita .liniștită și simt multă pace te iubesc

  • @constantinalexandru8363
    @constantinalexandru8363 6 років тому


  • @alexandruvasi5877
    @alexandruvasi5877 6 років тому +4

    Lurentiu cum fac sa intru in starea de prezenta si sa uit de griji si problemele de la serviciu?

  • @liliaflorea1344
    @liliaflorea1344 12 днів тому +1

    Spune adevarul omul asta!