Hello, do you know if it's possible to hide apps (thumbnails) via section access? We have streams that multiple AD groups can access, but there are certain apps where only 1 of the groups should have access...we'd like to hide those apps from the other groups as opposed to having them show up in the stream (and thus they can click it and see "access denied"). Let me know if you know of a way to do this. Thanks!
Hello - thanks for your question- You can’t do this with section access. All you can do is to disable the security on the Stream and then doing it per App. Which then allows you to use Streams more to organize Apps but security is on the Apps only. But Section Access can’t be used for any Hub / show or no-show scenario.
Thanks again, Mike! Does this work using AD Groups? For Example: Section Access; Authorization: Load * INLINE [ ACCESS, ADGROUP, COUNTRY ADMIN, QLIKADMIN, * USER, SPAINUSERS, SPAIN USER, USAUSERS, USA ];
Hi Ryan - yes it should depending on how you have your IDP set up - help.qlik.com/en-US/cloud-services/Subsystems/Hub/Content/Sense_Hub/Admin/mc-create-idp-configuration.htm.
Thank you so much!
Very informative
Hello, do you know if it's possible to hide apps (thumbnails) via section access? We have streams that multiple AD groups can access, but there are certain apps where only 1 of the groups should have access...we'd like to hide those apps from the other groups as opposed to having them show up in the stream (and thus they can click it and see "access denied"). Let me know if you know of a way to do this. Thanks!
Hello - thanks for your question- You can’t do this with section access. All you can do is to disable the security on the Stream and then doing it per App. Which then allows you to use Streams more to organize Apps but security is on the Apps only. But Section Access can’t be used for any Hub / show or no-show scenario.
Thanks again, Mike! Does this work using AD Groups? For Example:
Section Access;
Load * INLINE [
Hi Ryan - yes it should depending on how you have your IDP set up - help.qlik.com/en-US/cloud-services/Subsystems/Hub/Content/Sense_Hub/Admin/mc-create-idp-configuration.htm.