Topical Estrogen Cream: Secret to Youthful Skin? | Safety & How to Use

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @anngoff6226
    @anngoff6226 Місяць тому +3

    I have listened / watched many UA-cam videos on this topic. But, I think yours is the best presentation! You were succinct and very understandable! I really got more out of your video than any others! I will be a new subscriber! Thank you for your knowledge! And it was easy to understand !

    @BIRDY_GIRL49 Місяць тому +1

    Thanks so much for such a smart & educational video on this topic! Take good care.

  • @KyongG1970
    @KyongG1970 Місяць тому +2

    New to your channel! Does topical estradiol make melasma and broken capillaries worse? Thanks so much

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +1

      It can! I’ve actually seen some cases of capillaries worsening but in studies I’ve only found info on melasma.

    • @Firkant2
      @Firkant2 15 днів тому

      Is it also the case that topical Estriol creme as is the case for estradiol creme may lead to worsened melasma and broken capilaries? Ive heard the claim floating around, that they differ In that?

    • @KyongG1970
      @KyongG1970 15 днів тому +1

      @ I know you were asking the dr. But I’ll give my opinion. since there is some risk I have been applying estradiol only to undereyes, neck and hands. Estriol is less stronger than estradiol i wouldn’t think it would cause problems…. I would just a a little cautious.

    • @Firkant2
      @Firkant2 15 днів тому

      @@KyongG1970 Yes. Thank you for your time and your input🙏🏻 The confusing part is that estriol, to my understanding, has been shown to be more effective topically for treating skin than estradiol in a couple of comparisons in recent studies, even if it is less potent systemically. Estriol, an estrogen related to pregnancy, should therefore perhaps not be understood as weaker, but as having very specific or localized effects in comparison to estradiols more systemic effects. But this is just what I’ve deducted from the information I’ve come across. It’s a jungle!

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  11 днів тому

      @@Firkant2you bring up a great question and I’ve looked up several studies but I still don’t have an answer for you. I would hypothesize that the side effects would be similar tbh but this is my personal hypothesis. I haven’t found articles on this. Great question!

  • @777Cheuk
    @777Cheuk Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for the info. Can I use the estrogen cream as a eye cream? Also, after apply the estrogen cream, I feel my face is dry. What kind of moisturizer do you recommend after applying the cream on the face?

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +1

      It’s fine to apply as eye cream. Please also make sure you check with the practitioner who wrote the cream. Any moisturizer is fine. Basic ones like Cerave and Cetaphil are perfect

    • @777Cheuk
      @777Cheuk Місяць тому +1

      @@DrAleksandraBrown Thank you so much - appreciate your reply! ♥

  • @soniadetert1733
    @soniadetert1733 Місяць тому +1

    Does it with androgentic alopeci in women? Thank you

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +2

      We don’t typically use this for androgenetic alopecia but I love tretinoin and minoxidil for that

  • @KV-kt9tm
    @KV-kt9tm Місяць тому +1

    Can we use tretinoin and estradol cream in the same regimen? Thank you

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +1

      I don't see why not. You should be able to layer them

  • @natmya243
    @natmya243 Місяць тому

    Hi, would it be worth it for a post menopausal 53 year old (full hysterectomy) never on HRT to use topical estrogen now? I didn't have any visible menopausal effects for many years after surgery but definitely showing them in my facial skin now. Thank you.

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +1

      Yes, I think you are a good candidate. Discuss with your derm or GYN.

  • @debbiehowery1431
    @debbiehowery1431 Місяць тому +3

    I'm post menappse, age 66, no melasma, not cancer hormonal cancer history, I have crows feet and jowls ( is that what you call it on sides of the mouth?) and wrinkles on the cheeks I notice in pics when smiling. Maybe worth a try? I wouldn't know what estrogen to buy or where in the skin care routine to apply it? Thanks in advance for reply!

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +2

      Estrogen cream is only available by prescription in the US. I would recommend starting with retinol, vitamin C, spf. Add peptides if you can and look ingredients such as Matryxil 3000. Discuss estrogen cream with your GYN too

    • @DebbieHowery
      @DebbieHowery Місяць тому

      I actually found this mayxtri 3000 on line , where in the routine would you use it? Or in place of what? I'm using vitamin C retinol peptide moisturizer, sun screen and snail mucin and eye cream. Using your your am and pm routines. Thinking of adding hyaluronic acid in there somewhere, thank you! I'm spreading the word and getting your info out to my friends on your tok toks

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +2

      ​​⁠don’t get HA…you have a great routine and don’t need this . Use Matrixyl 3000 pm on clean skin. So first thing. You can add AM on top of vitamin c if you want but if I use mine I only do PM on clean skin. Hope this is helpful 🫶🏼

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +2

      @@DebbieHowery somehow I replied to the comment above yours thinking I was responding to you. So see above for my first attempt. But I don’t think you need HA and I would apply matrixyl 3000 to clean skin at night

    • @DebbieHowery
      @DebbieHowery Місяць тому

      ​@@DrAleksandraBrownwould you recommend one...matrxyl 3000?

  • @sylph99
    @sylph99 Місяць тому

    I subscribed before the end of the video, the quality level of your content is rare to find on UA-cam. I’d just like instruction what step of am/pm routine is estradiol cream? How to use it?

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому

      I would recommend using PM on clean skin.

    • @sylph99
      @sylph99 Місяць тому

      @@DrAleksandraBrown Thank you! Mine came in vaginal applicators. I’ll try to use it little by little

  • @afrozajoty8513
    @afrozajoty8513 Місяць тому

    I am 33years old and I have pcos. My period is regular and during my period my skin just glow like butter, no acne or anything. Can I use estrogen cream????
    Basically I always get some acne during ovulation period.

    • @DrAleksandraBrown
      @DrAleksandraBrown  Місяць тому +1

      I wouldn’t. I would recommend differin gel instead

  • @debbiehowery1431
    @debbiehowery1431 Місяць тому +1

    Excuse the mispelled words in my question.. oops

  • @RyanCharem-eh3yv
    @RyanCharem-eh3yv Місяць тому +1

    Jeeeeese talk louder

  • @suzyQ8
    @suzyQ8 Місяць тому

    Can I use this cream in my 30s

    • @Firkant2
      @Firkant2 15 днів тому +1

      Not unless you are symptomatically perimenopausal or post menopausal.

    • @suzyQ8
      @suzyQ8 15 днів тому

      @@Firkant2thank you 🩷