Phantom's color: 12/12 Lolbit's color: 14/14 Cyan: (I think? That is the name of the color. I'm sorry, I can't remember all the names of the presets) I will rate it a 13/13 Cotton Candy: 21/21 very cute. I liked this color. I also liked the other colors, but cotton candy takes the cake for me Orange/half red: 22/22 I love it Green: 23/23 Yellow: 26/26 Black:40/40 Pink: 42/42 Violet: 45/45 Purple and white:48/48 Purple and blue: 50/50 Luni: 51/53
Just so you guys know, yes, I will be editing my comment, but if you want, you can also help me rate the presets
Phantom's color: 12/12
Lolbit's color: 14/14
Cyan: (I think? That is the name of the color. I'm sorry, I can't remember all the names of the presets) I will rate it a 13/13
Cotton Candy: 21/21 very cute. I liked this color. I also liked the other colors, but cotton candy takes the cake for me
Orange/half red: 22/22 I love it
Green: 23/23
Yellow: 26/26
Pink: 42/42
Violet: 45/45
Purple and white:48/48
Purple and blue: 50/50
Luni: 51/53