VERIVERY - 불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring) MV

  • Опубліковано 3 гру 2024
  • ♬ Available on iTunes, Apple Music :
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    음악, 퍼포먼스, 영상 제작까지 직접 만들어내는
    다재다능한 소통형 크리에이티브 아이돌
    ‘VERIVERY’의 데뷔앨범 [VERI-US]
    빅스, 구구단을 배출하며 어느새 아이돌 명가로 자리잡은 젤리피쉬 엔터테인먼트에서 2019년, 빅스 이후 7년만에 선보이는 신인 남성 아이돌 그룹 VERIVERY(베리베리). 엠넷 리얼리티 방송 [지금부터 베리베리해]를 통해 처음으로 얼굴을 알린 VERIVERY는 ‘소통형 크리에이티브 아이돌’을 그룹의 모토로 하며, 기존의 아이돌과는 다른 차별된 모습을 보여주고 있다.
    VERIVERY는 음악, 안무는 물론 영상 컨텐츠까지 직접 제작하는 크리에이티브 아이돌로서, 멤버들이 보여주고자 하는 진정성을 담은 컨텐츠들을 멤버들이 직접 제작하고 소통하는 새로운 형태의 진화된 아이돌의 모습을 보여주며, 대중들과 보다 가깝게 소통하여 VERIVERY만의 긍정적이고 밝은 에너지를 진솔하게 선사한다.
    VERIVERY는 ‘VERI(베리)라는 ‘진실’을 의미하는 라틴어와 ‘매우’, ‘정말’을 뜻하는 ‘VERY(베리)’가 더해진 그룹명으로 VERIVERY만의 진실된 진짜 모습을 보여주고자 하는 포부를 담아냈다. VERIVERY의 데뷔앨범 [VERI-US]는 VERIVERY의 (VERI)와 우리(US)의 합성어로, 다양함을 나타내는 ‘Various(베리어스)’와 동일 발음이며 ‘가장 VERIVERY다운 다양한 색을 보여주고 싶다’라는 멤버들의 포부를 표현하고 있다.
    VERIVERY의 이번 데뷔 앨범에는, 멤버 전원이 작곡, 작사, 안무창작에 참여하였음은 물론, 멤버들이 직접 촬영하고 디자인한 DIY 앨범과, 역시 멤버가 직접 기획, 촬영, 출연, 편집까지 모두 진행한 DIY판 뮤직비디오까지 선보이며 여타 아이돌에서 찾아볼 수 없던 진짜 ‘크리에이티브 아이돌’로서의 확실한 행보를 보여주고 있다.
    타이틀곡 ‘불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring)’는 멤버인 동헌, 호영이 제작에 참여하였으며, 뉴 잭스윙 장르를 현대적인 그루브로 재 탄생시킨 곡이다. 8,90년대를 풍미했던 뉴잭스윙 장르를 VERIVERY만이 가진 새롭고 현대적인 감성으로 재 해석한 타이틀곡 ‘불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring)’는, 뉴트로를 표방하는 VERIVERY만이 보여줄 수 있는 장르적 재해석과 유연성을 보여주며, 어느 세대에게는 추억을, 어느 세대에게는 완전히 새롭게 들려질 수 있는 요소들을 조합해 내며 VERIVERY만의 음악으로 완성되었다.
    중독적인 멜로디 라인과 경쾌한 비트를 잘 표현해 낸 ‘불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring)’의 안무는 세계 댄스 콘테스트를 석권한 댄스팀 ‘저스트절크(JustJerk)’의 소속 안무가 J-HO와 VERIVERY 멤버들의 공동작업을 통해 완성하였으며, 자유롭고 신나는 구성 속에 역동성있는 칼군무를 동시에 보여주며 차세대 군무돌로서의 확실한 모습을 선보이고 있다.
    VERIVERY의 타이틀곡 뮤직비디오는 전문 제작팀이 참여한 메인 뮤직비디오와 멤버들이 직접 참여한 DIY판 뮤직비디오로 두 편이 제작되었다. 타이틀 곡의 메인 뮤직비디오는 감각적인 연출로 유명한 GDW가 연출을 맡아 제작하였으며, 독창적인 아이디어와 감각적인 영상미를 통해 자유롭고 액티브한 VERIVERY의 그룹 색깔을 확실히 보여주면서도, 7명의 멤버 각각의 매력과 개성을 조화롭게 담아내었다. 발매 이후 깜짝 공개될 DIY판 뮤직비디오는 전 멤버들이 직접 기획, 촬영, 편집을 진행한 작품으로, 오피셜 뮤직비디오에서 베리베리의 감각적인 모습들을 보여주었다면 DIY판 뮤직비디오는 베리베리 멤버들의 참신함 아이디어들과 전문가 못지 않은 편집으로 완성되었으며, 본인들의 생각들을 바탕으로 한 친근한 소통을 담아내 VERIVERY 멤버들의 진솔한 모습들을 선사할 예정이다.
    2019년 처음으로 데뷔하는 신인 아이돌이자, 젤리피쉬가 7년만에 야심차게 선보이는 남자 아이돌그룹인 VERIVERY. 그 어떤 아이돌에서도 볼 수 없었던 크리에이티브적 재능과 능력으로 무장한 이들은, 2019년 가장 기대되는 신인을 넘어 향후 K-pop을 이끌어 나갈 신개념 아이돌로 성장해 나가기 위한 첫 발을 이제 시작하고자 한다.
    1. 불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring)
    불러줘 (Ring Ring Ring)는 중독적인 멜로디라인과 경쾌한 힙합 비트를 결합한 뉴 잭 스윙 곡이다.사랑에 빠진 감정을 다양한 소리에 비유한 가사를 통해 VERIVERY만의 감성을 느낄 수 있으며, 7명의 개성 넘치는 목소리가 더해져 한층 상큼한 매력을 선사한다.
    2. Flower
    나를 변화 시켜준 이를 마음속에 피어난 꽃으로 비유하여 풀어낸 곡으로, 청춘 만화를 떠올리게 하는 청량한 기타와 신디 사운드가 조화를 이뤄 풋풋한 10대의 사랑이 어떤 느낌인지 엿볼 수 있다.
    3. F.I.L
    애틋하지만 따스한 감성이 잘 함축된 곡 F.I.L은 Fall in love의 줄임말로, 데뷔 전 하이터치회에서 영감을 받은 멤버들이 팬들과 사랑이 시작되는 마음을 달콤하고 생기 넘치는 가사로 표현했다. 멤버 전원이 작사/작곡에 참여하며 곡의 완성도를 높이는데 기여했다.
    4. Alright!
    생기 넘치는 브라스 사운드와 베이스의 그루비함이 돋보이는 레트로 펑크 곡이다. 대중들을 사로 잡겠다는 당찬 포부를 파티 속 주인공의 마음을 독차지하는 것에 비유해 재치있고, 자유분방하게 풀어냈다.
    5. Super Special (Acoustic Ver.)
    데뷔 전 리얼리티 '지금부터 베리베리해'의 OST 곡인 Super Special의 어쿠스틱 버전으로, 통기타 선율이 감성적인 분위기를 배가시키며 멤버들 각각의 보컬과 랩의 색깔이 뚜렷하게 나타나 원곡과는 또 다른 느낌을 담아냈다.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @nureensyaheerahdeen298
    @nureensyaheerahdeen298 5 років тому +133

    Vixx and Gugudan's charming babies. ..Totally fall for them...😍😍😍

  • @ninale7483
    @ninale7483 5 років тому +454


  • @hongbinsdisappointment8799
    @hongbinsdisappointment8799 5 років тому +120

    Hakyeon has got new babies

  • @jasminechocolaterie
    @jasminechocolaterie 3 роки тому +13

    that photobooth from trigger mv

  • @khaoulahr5665
    @khaoulahr5665 5 років тому +54

    Aigoo Vixx's little babies
    💖💖💖💖💖 fighting
    Starlights will support you

  • @yoanadhans3494
    @yoanadhans3494 5 років тому +127

    starlight here for supporting VIXX's little brother group.

  • @IGot7Inspirits
    @IGot7Inspirits 5 років тому +2075

    I loved their pre-release. I'm disgustingly in love with this song. Both VERIVERY and ONEUS had super strong debuts yesterday omfggggg

    • @lucilaperez5361
      @lucilaperez5361 5 років тому +6

      I think the same

    • @oberdamujigae
      @oberdamujigae 5 років тому +19

      Yes both are good in their own distinctive ways ❤️

    • @neo_phoria
      @neo_phoria 5 років тому +14

      Started stanning both groups today 😍 they're AWESOME!!

    • @sleepowlneothedude2858
      @sleepowlneothedude2858 5 років тому +10

      They are so amazing I can't believe that both of them just debuted yesterday!

    • @kaye-annewaynewayne4700
      @kaye-annewaynewayne4700 5 років тому +18

      It's like they got together and oneus was like we'll do a dark concept and veryvery was like we'll do a bright concept so to lead you into the light 😉😉😉just kidding 😄

  • @-sunray3207
    @-sunray3207 5 років тому +495

    I wish VeriVery will be famous someday...
    And ONEUS too

    • @variousv1818
      @variousv1818 5 років тому +12

      Yes they are so underrated

    • @Clara-fb4cc
      @Clara-fb4cc 5 років тому +17

      I have the feeling that oneus's time began now. They're getting more and more famous and also alot views. I hope this for VeriVery too😍

    • @angelamartinez7228
      @angelamartinez7228 5 років тому +6


    • @sho-ym1gy
      @sho-ym1gy 4 роки тому +14

      Well they're blowing up with there latest comeback, LAYBACK!

    • @amaka.06
      @amaka.06 4 роки тому +2

      @@sho-ym1gy I am proud I am a new stan💖

  • @wingsofshadow
    @wingsofshadow 5 років тому +642

    Am I back in the 90's? lol. I like how happy the song sounds

    • @dinah2914
      @dinah2914 5 років тому +3


    • @miriamd.2198
      @miriamd.2198 5 років тому +2

      Reminds me of H.O.T's Candy 😊

    • @wingsofshadow
      @wingsofshadow 5 років тому +2

      @@miriamd.2198 It does!

    • @coltside
      @coltside 5 років тому +2

      @@miriamd.2198 THAT'S THE SONG!

    • @yunjins0124
      @yunjins0124 5 років тому

      wingsofphire also set the video to 144p and feel the 90’s music video-like

  • @leonixs89
    @leonixs89 5 років тому +105

    supporting Jellyfish babies! Love the song and I anticipated about their progress. VIXX, GUGUDAN, VERIVERY fighting!

  • @sohoneyful5152
    @sohoneyful5152 5 років тому +348

    i love everything about this. the old school vibes, the soft cute concept, the aesthetics, the choreography, the vocals, the rap, the visuals!

  • @reesek6863
    @reesek6863 3 роки тому +13


  • @moon_min
    @moon_min 5 років тому +261

    Isn't anyone gonna talk about the MV?? It's so freaking beautiful

  • @exrune4289
    @exrune4289 5 років тому +52

    ring ring ring, more like king king king

  • @venus6148
    @venus6148 5 років тому +516

    Debut:Happy cute concept
    In 2 years:Dark concept

    • @cloudy0o05
      @cloudy0o05 4 роки тому +98

      It only took them one year

    • @mktrssbby
      @mktrssbby 4 роки тому +4

      @@cloudy0o05 yep

    • @cutezhobie6936
      @cutezhobie6936 4 роки тому +1

      Right ...

    • @rsya.e206
      @rsya.e206 4 роки тому +11

      Jellyfish has eccentric rite of passage 😂

    • @naur3046
      @naur3046 4 роки тому +4

      No one likes cute concepts in korea nowadays

  • @kadenpop5784
    @kadenpop5784 5 років тому +838

    this is absolutely adorable??? i am both intrigued and kind of terrified to realize that this group has an 8 year age range, with the eldest being a 95-liner and the maknae a 03

    • @stardramachaser
      @stardramachaser 5 років тому +59

      Wow, thats kind of a turn off to me, idk. I just don't like it when there are huge age gaps between members, like it affects in one way or another their group dynamics and that damn military service. I've had enough when I stan groups with a bit of age gap cause when they went to military, it was a hell of waiting for a whole group comeback. That's why I like Nuest, they only have 1 older member, the rest are same age. The Boyz doesn't have that much of big age gap also. Even VIXX had to atleast wait for 4-5years for a full group comeback and they don't have such big age gap, ottoke? Anyway I love the song, I'm planning on checking them out though

    • @あんパン-j4o
      @あんパン-j4o 5 років тому +16

      @@stardramachaser yeah i like how nu'est's hiatus will end as soon as the 4 members finish their military services, since Aron wont have to enlist

    • @SweetforS
      @SweetforS 5 років тому +13

      I’m an 03 myself so I’m happy about the age diff

    • @Theoneandonlybish
      @Theoneandonlybish 5 років тому +5

      @@stardramachaser the age differnzce is gooood

    • @bellelanderos5835
      @bellelanderos5835 5 років тому +3

      Litterally bts' maknae and hyung are 6 years apart

  • @aminafarah1105
    @aminafarah1105 5 років тому +74

    Starlights are currently so proud of y’all 😭💕

  • @minchanijjang
    @minchanijjang 3 роки тому +10

    normalize rewatching all verivery MVs everyday before the comeback

  • @sheii28tweet
    @sheii28tweet 5 років тому +88

    Really really talented jelly-babies

  • @ferwoodz
    @ferwoodz 3 роки тому +7

    I am tears

  • @kenesuliang4718
    @kenesuliang4718 4 роки тому +150

    This song has grown on me, I now like this. Rediscovered them in RTK.

  • @bluespring6931
    @bluespring6931 3 роки тому +14

    They planned it since the beginning !! The photobooth is also in Trigger. And they shot Kangmin at his heart in Ring×3 and he's killed by a shot in Trigger

    • @kaniacanci9908
      @kaniacanci9908 3 роки тому +7

      also they running into exit door, just like in trigger mv after they destroy the building....

  • @makaylahunter3812
    @makaylahunter3812 5 років тому +294

    I keep getting HUGE Astro and Seventeen vibes. I can't wait to see where VeriVery go and can't wait to follow them on this journey. They are SOOO talented!!
    I also have to come clean .... I have been listening to this song everyday since the 9th at least 5 times a day ....

    • @Aj-pk2xo
      @Aj-pk2xo 5 років тому +1

      Makayla Hunter holy sht I frlt the same thing months ago. I even edited svt’s clap into super special’s dance practice🤣

    • @makaylahunter3812
      @makaylahunter3812 5 років тому +1

      @ckyVi True or The Boyz

    • @marsyen9781
      @marsyen9781 5 років тому

      Omg same. I stan both astro and svt

    • @makaylahunter3812
      @makaylahunter3812 5 років тому

      @@marsyen9781 HI AROHACAROT!!! 💜💜💜

    • @marsyen9781
      @marsyen9781 5 років тому +1

      Makayla Hunter hellooo 👋👋

  • @hoyairah6970
    @hoyairah6970 3 роки тому +68

    i'm officially stanning VERIVERY

  • @ooo-ed4no
    @ooo-ed4no 5 років тому +76

    This is PERFECT. Stan Verivery, stan talent

  • @hudanoor8979
    @hudanoor8979 5 років тому +660

    We’ve got a fandom name VERRER also pronounced as BETTER.❤️❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @beeyootcheeleeluvdorks6608
    @beeyootcheeleeluvdorks6608 5 років тому +111

    Vixx's dongsaengs are finally here! let us support and love them like how we did to Vixx! 💪💪.

  • @genesist7397
    @genesist7397 5 років тому +154

    Here after watching their latest comeback "TAG TAG TAG" and I just wanted to say, OMG these boys are so talented. They debuted in Jan and completely flew under my radar. So, happy I tuned into their latest comeback.

  • @natalee_a7
    @natalee_a7 5 років тому +109

    They have such unique looks. Like they look like disney characters. I mean this in a good way, like I'm sure learning their names is quick because everybody stands out to me. Same thing happened to me when I started stanning VIXX. I kept smiling through the whole video as if I already knew them and my heart felt so happy so if that's not a sign I don't know what it is.

  • @_anaflavia_
    @_anaflavia_ 5 років тому +221

    So they're from Jellyfish... no wonder they have great vocals. The chorus is really nice to listen to, so many voices, sounds like a musical.

    • @mounididi8092
      @mounididi8092 5 років тому +1

      thank you ,they are cute too ;)

    • @nonisaurus559
      @nonisaurus559 5 років тому

      ikr... Jellyfish talents always have great vocals 😍😍😍

  • @AnaBeatriz-jn3is
    @AnaBeatriz-jn3is 5 років тому +352

    0:10 Minchan
    0:16 Kangmin
    0:19 Gyehyeon
    0:26 Hoyoung
    0:29 Yeonho
    0:36 Yongseung
    0:42 Dongheon

    • @leviatan3191
      @leviatan3191 5 років тому +5

      Bia Tá apaixonada no Jaemin tinha que ser br pra fazer um comentário lindo desses

    • @naqiatulzulaikha7655
      @naqiatulzulaikha7655 5 років тому +3

      omg this is helpinggg thanksss

    • @carolgomez1638
      @carolgomez1638 5 років тому +1

      Gracias ❤

    • @xyhey
      @xyhey 5 років тому +2

      Which one is produce 101 boy?

    • @jiminminji3322
      @jiminminji3322 5 років тому +1

      I like kangmin💛

  • @reesek6863
    @reesek6863 4 роки тому +6


  • @MsAltair85
    @MsAltair85 5 років тому +324

    This is a whole retro 80s-90s inspired bop. So fresh and different from the usual current boygroup music full of edm and hip hop.

    • @perlita_
      @perlita_ 5 років тому +6

      MsAltair85 have you actually listened to 80s/90s music?😂😂😂 If it’s anything in respect to older music, it’s more of a homage to 2nd gen kpop with its hint of Jellyfish vocals

    • @MsAltair85
      @MsAltair85 5 років тому +8

      @@perlita_ yep, I'm 27 so of course I've listened to 80s/90s music (especially 90s) and it reminds me to that more than 2nd gen kpop

    • @perlita_
      @perlita_ 5 років тому +3

      MsAltair85 it doesn’t matter how old you are, this doesn’t really resemble 80s/90s music. Idk what kind of music you’ve listened to but I’ve studied music since I’ve taken music classes and the sounds aren’t that similar. This is too modern to be compared to 80s/90s music

    • @MsAltair85
      @MsAltair85 5 років тому +6

      @@perlita_ That synthpop sound totally scream 80s retro pop to me, but anyway, you have your opinion and I have mine.

    • @perlita_
      @perlita_ 5 років тому +3

      MsAltair85 that is not synth pop at all!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 if you wanna know what sythnpop really is, take a listen to Day6’s “Days Gone By”
      And this isn’t an opinion. Don’t use that illogical fallacy to defend your wrong statements. It’s okay to be wrong. I’m not judging you for it

  • @chiraksheecosta7332
    @chiraksheecosta7332 5 років тому +72

    Congratulations verivery
    Also gugudan must be really proud of you 😁😁😁
    Gugudan fighting vixx fighting verivery fighting

    • @aaachiyeon
      @aaachiyeon 5 років тому to all idol from jelly ent.❤

  • @preachseoul7006
    @preachseoul7006 5 років тому +563

    VERIVERY is a boy group under Jellyfish entertainment with 7 members.. (same with vixx and gugudan agency)
    0:12 minchan (vocal)
    0:17 kangmin (vocal,dance,maknae)
    0:23 gyehyeon (vocal)
    0:33 yeonho (main vocal)
    0:37 yongseung (dance)
    0:46 dongheon (dance,rap,leader)
    0:26 hoyoung (dance,rap)

    • @smilematsu
      @smilematsu 5 років тому +2

      Is it transfered to stone ent.?

    • @lenn452
      @lenn452 5 років тому +2

      How old are they? They look very young

    • @yoofitt6859
      @yoofitt6859 5 років тому +2

      @@lenn452 oldest is 95 liner if I'm not wrong and the maknae is 03 liner

    • @lenn452
      @lenn452 5 років тому

      Thank you :)

    • @notanotheroneimdoomed8582
      @notanotheroneimdoomed8582 5 років тому

      Thank youuuuu

  • @ysarns
    @ysarns 3 роки тому +4

    oh wow i love this

  • @susanacandia8956
    @susanacandia8956 5 років тому +50

    I really dig their 90's vibe, nice debut

  • @neo_127
    @neo_127 3 роки тому +11

    I can't believe these are the same ones featured on Get Away

  • @captainr2497
    @captainr2497 4 роки тому +13

    road to kingdom brought me to this talented group 💛💙

    • @shinyutific
      @shinyutific 6 місяців тому

      frr 🥹

    • @shinyutific
      @shinyutific 6 місяців тому

      i rewatch it this week and i fall in love again with verivery 🤧

  • @maryyyyy02
    @maryyyyy02 3 роки тому +7

    Pretty babys

  • @m.moussa8786
    @m.moussa8786 5 років тому +466

    I have never been this early in my life.
    Verivery and Oneus debuting at the same time tho... i have so much work to do xD

    • @ed5407
      @ed5407 5 років тому +4

      Long legs VIXX. KEO stan Oneus is better than Verivery

    • @m.moussa8786
      @m.moussa8786 5 років тому +28

      @@ed5407 I do love Oneus's concept more because i'm a fan of darker concepts but i'm gonna stan both of them the same way. I respect your opinion tho.

    • @massiellenao5980
      @massiellenao5980 5 років тому +1

      @@m.moussa8786 Same ^^

    • @n_n1398
      @n_n1398 5 років тому +12

      @@ed5407 nah, both are amazing groups

    • @nnasub7997
      @nnasub7997 5 років тому +13

      I think im going crazy with both of them. Verivery is going so happy and full of excitement while OneUs is so angsty my brain has splitted into two

  • @laura-qb7zb
    @laura-qb7zb 4 роки тому +13

    here after their road to kingdom performance... these boys are so cute!!

  • @monstaxkpop4758
    @monstaxkpop4758 5 років тому +833

    Monbebe here to support verivery..
    Cutee 💗💗💞💜💛❤️❤️💕💗 cute and cute

  • @bearsandone
    @bearsandone 3 роки тому +8

    i believe in gyehyeon blonde hair supremacy

  • @nha3612
    @nha3612 5 років тому +859

    Hello newstan ! 😊 for those who want to know their name :)
    0:12 Minchan
    0:16 Kangmin ( Maknae )
    0:19 Gyehyeon
    0:31 Yeonho
    0:38 Yongseung
    0:47 Dongheon ( Leader )
    1:03 Hoyoung
    we are called VERRER 😊

    • @monterludesxftrm8379
      @monterludesxftrm8379 5 років тому +11


    • @hudanoor8979
      @hudanoor8979 5 років тому +12

      New stans. We’ve got a fandom name now VERRER NSJSJSJJDJD I’m soo happy 😭😭😭

    • @jz_es.469
      @jz_es.469 5 років тому +2

      Okay I feel so happy with their songs omg

    • @monterludesxftrm8379
      @monterludesxftrm8379 5 років тому

      @@jz_es.469 same.

    • @jz_es.469
      @jz_es.469 5 років тому

      @@monterludesxftrm8379 💕💕💕

  • @d4hoshi
    @d4hoshi 5 років тому +142

    *every single person who watched this mv are now obliged to stan them, thank you*

  • @raihantriyogi62
    @raihantriyogi62 5 років тому +84

    Wowww almost 1m on 24h, it's quite good for rookie who are not from any survival show, the 'ring ring ring' part quite addicting

  • @YYY-y2o
    @YYY-y2o 11 місяців тому +1

    2023最後一天 簽
    verivery來台南跨年直接回憶殺我😢好懷念當年 我每天都聽這首歌😭❤️‍🔥

  • @lina4328
    @lina4328 4 роки тому +190

    i came because of Road To Kingdom, and now i can't understand that these are the same guys that performed Photo lol

    • @eb1762
      @eb1762 4 роки тому +34

      it's a jellyfish thing 😂 you want cute? We got it? You wanna be terrified? We can do that too! :)

    • @ataquedecaca
      @ataquedecaca 4 роки тому

      madre mía willy, que haces aquí compañero.jpg

  • @starlasomni
    @starlasomni 5 років тому +165

    First comeback April 24! Verivery fighting! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @nami8826
    @nami8826 5 років тому +102

    ONE OF THE BEST DEBUTS OF 2019 .ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 2019 . Ready your WIGS VERIVERY gonna start Snatching!!

    • @goinbulilit3846
      @goinbulilit3846 5 років тому +2

      Support also VALKYRE of ONEus (mamamo) RBW new debut group.

  • @__o_u
    @__o_u 4 роки тому +3

    이거 너무너무너무너무 좋음... 베리베리 노래들 중 내 최애...

  • @BiSTHN
    @BiSTHN 4 роки тому +44

    one of the most underrated releases of 2019 honestly what a bop

  • @myvixxbabies4665
    @myvixxbabies4665 5 років тому +105

    Yeah, 5 main vocals,2 main rappers, 7 main dancers

  • @nandinishankar5984
    @nandinishankar5984 4 роки тому +30

    Watching this after watching them perform Photo on RTK is whiplash at its finest

  • @verrerlight7265
    @verrerlight7265 4 роки тому +8

    Happy 700th days Verivery

  • @grace013
    @grace013 5 років тому +15

    Congratulations VERIVERY.

  • @sehunissofab1506
    @sehunissofab1506 5 років тому +153

    This is probably one of the best debuts i've seen this year so far and it's still january. Whew! What a great way to start the year

    • @laughlater4562
      @laughlater4562 5 років тому

      What are your thoughts on the rookies this year?

  • @hafidama2560
    @hafidama2560 5 років тому +43

    baby jellyfish~~ good luck for you guys

  • @maryburgos3333
    @maryburgos3333 3 роки тому +4

    Hoyoung's really cool here!

  • @byungapple531
    @byungapple531 5 років тому +48

    his debut is so cute and incredible, the choreography, his voices, the rap, everything incredible, Fighting VERIVERY !!💜

  • @이민호-q4m9j
    @이민호-q4m9j 5 років тому +9

    불러 줘 할 때 화음 들어가는 거 너무 좋아

  • @LaDeathMachine
    @LaDeathMachine 5 років тому +1745

    VERIVERY is VIXX's little brother group, so I had to check them out! Ooooh I loooove the direction of their music so far! Super Special and Ring Ring Ring have this super nostalgic vibe thanks to their choice in synths and snares and I loooove it! It sorta reminds me of SHINee's 1 of 1 era! The colors and style in the MV are so vibrant and cute just like the boys! Looking forward to the rest of the album

    • @Mag118
      @Mag118 5 років тому +8

      LaDeathMachine massive Wanna One vibe? 👍🏻🥳 love them

    • @d4hoshi
      @d4hoshi 5 років тому +6

      LaDeathMachine go and check out f.i.l (fall in love) too! it's a side track from this album! it's by far is my fav~

    • @brinda1209
      @brinda1209 5 років тому +6

      Wen u mentioned shinee my hrt moved😍

    • @charlieanderson9660
      @charlieanderson9660 5 років тому +10

      I really like this as a debut I'm getting big Golden Child vibes from them

    • @jellybeen1284
      @jellybeen1284 5 років тому

      Charlie Anderson Same!! I said that before this song came out lol

  • @wayames5116
    @wayames5116 2 роки тому +4

    Happy 3rd Anniversary VERIVERY

  • @caperclaw
    @caperclaw 4 роки тому +37

    This is such a early 90s throwback. I love it. All it's missing is a VHS film grain type effect.

    • @89jayjung
      @89jayjung 4 роки тому +4

      They intended 90's retro style exactky. You caught it!

  • @djchristian6274
    @djchristian6274 3 роки тому +26

    This song should be up on charts!

  • @fiorellarevello9753
    @fiorellarevello9753 5 років тому +42


  • @reesek6863
    @reesek6863 3 роки тому +3


  • @mariam5158
    @mariam5158 5 років тому +126

    *Another group to my list!*
    *My multifandom heart is dying in pleasure!*

  • @rhiannonedwards9870
    @rhiannonedwards9870 5 років тому +34

    I really hope they keep this kind of sound. It's like a breath of fresh air in the industry.

  • @KTopic
    @KTopic 5 років тому +313

    For those wanting to Stan VeriVery here are their names and positions!
    0:12 Minchan- Lead vocalist, visual
    0:16 Kangmin- Dancer, rapper,vocalist, maknae
    0:18 Gyehyeon- Lead vocalist
    0:25 Hoyoung- Main rapper, lead dancer
    0:28 Yeonho- Main vocalist
    0:36 Yongseung- Main dancer, vocalist
    0:42 Dongheon- leader, lead rapper, lead dancer
    Other groups that just debuted are M.O.N.T and Oneus so I recommend checking them out too!

    • @luciacox3033
      @luciacox3033 5 років тому +3

      Kangmin isn't a main dancer . Dongheon is.

    • @KTopic
      @KTopic 5 років тому +2

      @@luciacox3033 Thank you for the corrections!

    • @lovattofelipe5160
      @lovattofelipe5160 5 років тому +2

      DongHeon: Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
      HoYoung: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
      MinChan: Lead Vocalist, Visual
      GyeHyeon: Lead Vocalist
      YeonHo: Main Vocalist
      YongSeung: Main Dancer, Vocalist
      KangMin: Main Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist, Maknae

    • @luciacox3033
      @luciacox3033 5 років тому +1

      alguien que es alguien kangmin isn’t a main dancer . Dongyeon is.

    • @orbbit5702
      @orbbit5702 5 років тому

      Thank youuuuu

  • @muntasyaarifin7603
    @muntasyaarifin7603 3 роки тому +4

    i realy love this bright and cheerful concept

  • @yurii1072
    @yurii1072 5 років тому +38

    Best rookie group. 1M in one day.. Proud of you guys! 😚💛

  • @spectral__
    @spectral__ 5 років тому +472

    Not my style but I love how different from VIXX they are. Some companies have new groups debut with concepts way too similar to their older groups so the new group doesn't really have an identity. The effect when that happens is that it sounds like they took a song meant for the older group but decided to give it to the new group to debut with instead. These guys are coming out as their own thing, and I really appreciate Jellyfish for that. Even tho I don't like it, I hope they stick with this kind of concept and continue to show their unique colors.

    • @eugenie8661
      @eugenie8661 5 років тому +51

      Knowing Jellyfish, they won't stick with this, they may stay in the fresh cute vibe for a few comebacks but they will eventually change things up drastically. Look at Gugudan, they had very different feels with their songs, they went from Chococo to The Boots as if it was nothing lol
      I personally think it makes those kinds of groups exciting to be a fan of! You'll never know what you're gonna get, it's a surprise each time :D

    • @nonisaurus559
      @nonisaurus559 5 років тому +5

      i like your way of thinking 👍

    • @nuimee5884
      @nuimee5884 5 років тому +16

      For VIXX though, they sticked to one thing after on and on. Even if that thing is having a multitude of concepts, it's still very recognizably VIXX.
      Gugudan not so much though, they just come of as not having found their niche yet.

    • @eugenie8661
      @eugenie8661 5 років тому +21

      @@nuimee5884 Yeah, Vixx found what they liked doing and they stuck with it, I read that they chose most of their concepts too so that's pretty freaking cool in my opinion. Also, Jellyfish marketed Verivery as "a self-composed group" so my guess is that they do have at least a little bit of control over some decisions!
      Also, after a few years of liking k-pop, I've noticed that boy groups almost never keep the cute concepts, they either go sad, dark, sexy or hyped up lol

    • @gzilla_00
      @gzilla_00 5 років тому +17

      @@nuimee5884 actually gugudan's concept is like a theatre or something, that's why their sound along with their concept changes a lot, it will be based on whatever story they have (for example Chococo was based on "Charlie and the chocolate factory" while the boots is from "puss and boots" That's also the reason why their albums are called 'Act 1, 2 and so on

  • @fluffyvoodoo3743
    @fluffyvoodoo3743 5 років тому +158

    I dont know who my bias is yet. But theyre my children, do I really need a favorite child?

  • @Jasmine.Invest
    @Jasmine.Invest 3 роки тому +29

    HAPPY 3.9 M QUEEN!!! YOU DESERVE IT. i'm glad everyone still love this. this song is always become a safe place for verrers

  • @aahyacinth6220
    @aahyacinth6220 5 років тому +174

    I like Verivery than other rookie boy groups.

  • @amandarhmsr
    @amandarhmsr 5 років тому +27


  • @Wina.2502
    @Wina.2502 3 роки тому +3

    Support Verivery❤️✊😚✨

  • @sonoaloiibe1103
    @sonoaloiibe1103 5 років тому +124

    Don't forget yongseung, he's handsome give him more screen time okay jelpi!

    • @rlebbb4876
      @rlebbb4876 5 років тому

      I love him. Hes too precious not to be noticed 😍

    • @sonoaloiibe1103
      @sonoaloiibe1103 5 років тому

      @@rlebbb4876 Yeah. I feel sad because he's only dancer and 3 words lines

    • @ainawtpu5360
      @ainawtpu5360 5 років тому +1

      I don't really fav him before this mv but after this i like him even more and is actually my 2nd bias in verivery i guess. He has that very nice person face😆😍😍👍

    • @rlebbb4876
      @rlebbb4876 5 років тому +1

      @@ainawtpu5360 me too! I look up to minchan at first. But he appeared then i started to look at him. Hes my 2nd bias now after donghon

    • @sonoaloiibe1103
      @sonoaloiibe1103 5 років тому +1

      @@ainawtpu5360 he's my bias and gyehyeon

  • @Ellie-rd9ne
    @Ellie-rd9ne 5 років тому +36


  • @aigosbuttercup9668
    @aigosbuttercup9668 5 років тому +70


  • @nanania7986
    @nanania7986 3 роки тому +4

    They looks so adorable here

  • @lkay1470
    @lkay1470 3 роки тому +9

    Somehow i still can't believe that the boys in this mv is the same boys in get away mv

  • @hanjisc
    @hanjisc 5 років тому +217


  • @imnotpotato5811
    @imnotpotato5811 5 років тому +20

    First Oneus and now verivery, I am dying, Two amazing debut in single day.

  • @bluespring6931
    @bluespring6931 3 роки тому +9

    Dongheon mullet is killing me

  • @saeriya
    @saeriya 5 років тому +182

    404 error cant find bias. All of them are precious

    • @looleas
      @looleas 5 років тому

      Saeri SAME!!

    • @zaracuevas6518
      @zaracuevas6518 5 років тому

      me, since the first second

    • @NekoNyan
      @NekoNyan 5 років тому

      Lol same like their sunbaes VIXX

  • @peachblossom6783
    @peachblossom6783 5 років тому +40

    My baby brothers are doing great!!!. Proud 😘

  • @まかろに-s6t
    @まかろに-s6t 4 роки тому +4


    • @ozakityan
      @ozakityan 4 роки тому

      この曲本当に中毒性ありますよね💞 ずっと頭の中で流れてます😌

  • @girloser
    @girloser 5 років тому +84

    They're all VERI talented, VERY handsome, and VERIVERY lovable💕💕💕

  • @r.m6094
    @r.m6094 5 років тому +51

    jellyfish has the best groups omg. i stan so hard. this is perfect vocals and rap on points

  • @mrafli4023
    @mrafli4023 5 років тому +23

    Congrts for debut guys

  • @melissama7985
    @melissama7985 8 місяців тому +1

    The best debut of 2019

  • @gaby-sv7ki
    @gaby-sv7ki 5 років тому +10

    Huge Gugudan and Vixx fan here so had to check VERIVERY out. Kangmin is so cute, and young, he was born in 2003! I love the colors and vibe it gives off, reminds me of Red Velvet’s Rookie and Sappy. The song has bop that just makes you wanna bob your head to the music!

  • @meggoo
    @meggoo 5 років тому +192

    I hope they win Rookie of the Year❤

    • @aurayap8338
      @aurayap8338 5 років тому

      FIRE FANTASY may I know their exact debut date? Thanks! ♡

    • @tuna-mayo.o3206
      @tuna-mayo.o3206 5 років тому

      Aurashiii Yap 9th of January 2019

    • @humanflavouredhuman4573
      @humanflavouredhuman4573 5 років тому +4

      like bruh its bop after bop after fucking bop theyre the best I've seen so far.

  • @butter3fly461
    @butter3fly461 5 років тому +21

    So simple yet so beautiful

  • @kryyyarcturus5341
    @kryyyarcturus5341 3 роки тому +2

    i really love this kind of concept, ahhh verivery cute

    @TWOCAPTAINS 5 років тому +592

    aight this is a bop why didn't i listen to it WHEN it came out? :D

    • @pineapplehwi6245
      @pineapplehwi6245 5 років тому +17

      They remind me of NCT Dream and Golden Child

    • @domelen
      @domelen 5 років тому +1

      Woah I didn't expect to find you here 😆
      I love your videos 💖✨
      You got a peruvian fan ksksk
      Slrry for my english

    • @berylshouzak
      @berylshouzak 5 років тому +2


    • @k.gabriel8801
      @k.gabriel8801 5 років тому +1


    • @nonisaurus559
      @nonisaurus559 5 років тому +2

      it's never too late ;)

  • @javelinrivera5280
    @javelinrivera5280 5 років тому +57

    VIXX's younger brother group :'). VIXX must be so proud!

    • @KantanRyouri
      @KantanRyouri 5 років тому

      JAVELIN RIVERA yeah! And they get to meet their big brother too at mcount!! Hehe!