correct... The man that is avid about depopulation wants to vaccinate the masses of brown races.. Because that makes sense... I was less people.. So I will give saving vaccinations..NOT!! No non-white person should accept vaccinations... Him and his elite buddies have made their plan clear... And is hoping people are brainwashed enough to just follow him blindly..
Kmartgirl26 I keep reminding myself that Africa is not a country. Maybe if people in the media would stop saying “ the people of Africa” instead of ‘ the countries in Africa’ I keep reminding myself thatEgypt is in Africa.
I don't know where they get the idea we will love owning nothing. It wouldn't make me happy in most people would not be happy about that. How the hell do they how people feel. He needs to go back to computers leave medical issues with Dr's
The chosen ones look down at everyone who is born divine, sovereign and free. Psychopaths gain power by dividing us by gender, race, colour, age, religion.... The rat runs free when the cat and dog are busy fighting. United we stand, divided we fall. We are not victims. We are powerful co-creators of this reality. The psychopaths only have power because we give our power to them. Stop believing in fake money created from debt. Stop believing in government. Government is mind control. No politician is coming to our rescue. Stop believing in Abrahamic desert death cults that try to control members through fear and guilt. Psychopathy
Havent you noticed that! A white man is determining the future of over 50 African nations without asking them. A guy in ghana was shocked to learn whites in America always talk about reducing African populations as their is no discussion of reducing their population in country.
They don't care to involve ANYONE in this situation. To them we are not White or Black. To them we are cattle that can be lead to slaughter. STOP DIVIDING OURSELVES OVER COLOR OR RELIGIONS
David C you don’t have to support Africa. All of the “Aid” Western nations give out is only in exchange to rob Africa of its natural resources. The West became rich by making Africa poor, even going so far as stealing Africa’s most precious natural resource; Black people, enriching themselves through hundreds of years of forced slave labor. Any “aid” given is only tiny trinkets to repay the centuries of colonization and slavery.
@David C if you want to make it your business, why don't I see these western countries tries going into Africa and help them build schools, hospitals, infrastructures and economy and so on? But rather westerners are only there for their natural resources.
He owns the largest medical producers in the west and his tec team work with war living west. So yes his the best man for African wipe out for the future.
@@LightLivingEst80computer doesn't make graphs, people make graphs for computers and even if we talk about AI it is still humans that feed it the information. But even if we consider your argument to be accurate just because he is a programmer doesn't mean he know all about computers.
Satan isn’t such a bad guy He is simply separating the wheat from the chaff It’s optional to play his game Satan gives you free will He doesn’t make you do anything Not such a bad guy 👉🏽Unless “you” are👺
@Shreya Singh why not worry about India's overpopulation ? Why are you worried about Africa the second biggest continent with a smaller population than India ?
Let me be judge of my life I believe what I want you believe what you want people like you think you know so much but know so little I didn't ask for your opinion any wa
Computers make graphs read graphs to fact are there and computers can tell you which race is dominant too just ask the right questions and the computer will calculate
His goal is to depopulate the earth. He is so emotionally disconnected from what he is saying; he has no intention of “helping the poorest”. It’s annoying how he keeps adjusting his glasses.
@Real world Lol terrorist and illegal refugees? Do you even know what those words mean. You sound like someone who just turns on the news and repeats whatever he hears. Speak facts my guy, your not even white, i can tell by the way you form a sentence.
Yes. Be careful. He is working with Monsato to depopulate Africans and take their land once their population decreased by alot. Anything that he promises is really a lie for him to take ownership of your land.
Correct; however the successors of this man will only continue his obsession with Africa...perhaps he wants to plant more potatoes there! May Enlil rebuke this kind of obsession! It is good that Africa chose natural immunity--that is why he is sad [sadly, he said in a forum]!
This guy is known for software. Now all of a sudden he’s a “dr” giving speeches about Africa needs to be depopulated??? Africa must be vaccinated first?? This ish is ridiculous. He needs to be STOP ASAP!!!
Yes No I apologize for insulting you, I feel bad for doing that. Why should he have to stop people from reproducing? Thats eliminating free will and population control. They are humans, not lab rats. Just do research on him, he’s been discussing vaccines for the longest time and then he says vaccines need to implemented to depopulate(kill people) the Earth. ??? Do you really think he is a good person? I would tell you a lot more but you would call me crazy and/or get scared. Look into event 201
@@mennymen381 honestly there’s so many worse people then hitler he’s been over saturated because it happens to some white people for a short amount of time. How an you say what hitler did was worst then genocide the intire nation of native Americans off there land and erasing there identity how can you say what hitler did was worst then the 90 million Africans dumb over in the ocean from those nasty slave ships that bundle a bunch of people close together for weeks including pregnant women and these people had to use the bathroom in those same spots for weeks.
Henry Kissinger. GLOBAL REPORT 2000. " The growing African population will hinder US national security interest in the future". Hence the vaccine genocide.
Did u know that they can feed everybody in Africa that is starving with the corn and grains that we are giving to animals for live stock but they won’t cause it’s all about profits
Woke up people and see what's really going on, Africa never gained their independence, it's just perceived as such, we are all born into a slave system, we just don't know it
EXCATLY! Yes we will win this war. And once people wake up and stop being bots 🤖 We will see what these celebrates and famous people for who they actually are.
Why is he so concerned with population of a different continent? Why doesn’t he use his money to helping make more black businesses since he’s so concerned with poverty? 🤔. Margaret Sanger 😲
Great point. Its about natural resources not being available for all. Africa's resources feed the world. If Africans are too many there won't be enough for the other continents.
Because he wants all the natural resources in Africa all to himself and his demonic devil worshipping friends without being interepted by anyone in Africa. Including the land itself.
If you're concerned about Asia , let me assure you , China is starting to see the effects of its one child policy come into existence , as for India there has been a trend in decreasing fertility rates in a matter of decades India will undergo the same population decline , Africa right now is a powder keg for a population explosion if humanity ever has a chance to advance into space we must conserve our resources which won't happen if we keep on feeding an ever growing population.
If I'm not mistaken most part of Asia have just as many elderly people or more than there are working age folks . Maybe this virus was created to depopulate the elderly and the sick because it cost these countries too much money for their healthcare ! China and Japan for instance have less people married and having children then other parts of the world !! But people like Bill Gates and governments leaders have no right to play God .
@@ardenfernandes1763 Africa has less people per square mile than Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Africa is not "over-populated." Bill Gates just wants to kill people.
@Devin Harp Where's the proof to that. Doesn't the top 1% have greater wealth than 90% of the population. You don't even know what you're saying. Well, unless you're an agent or troll. At the end you're a fool.
"First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3." As noted by and Snopes Bill Gates is not interested in using vaccines to reduce the population by using them as an agent of death or a tool to sterilize unsuspecting masses. Rather, Gates is interested in keeping more children alive in order to reduce the need for parents to have more children, thus limiting the overall population growth rate. In society after society, he saw, when the mortality rate falls-specifically, below 10 deaths per 1,000 people-the birth rate follows, and population growth stabilizes.
@sean mike Millions of your guys, are floating to Europe, and if we don't help you you'll just rush to Europe. I think what works for western countries will work for Africa as well.
When I listen that’s now what I hear he wants less people it’s clear all he talks about is less people of so many are dead how would there be so many more? Somethings not right with any of these interviews an people their reasoning just doesn’t many any sense , you swear people are dying more from disease an poverty but yet claim there doubling in size well isn’t that their business if they want more children! Not our damn business you wanna help send over ways for them to develop more with manufacturing give them the tools for successful businesses an ways to sustain farming food etc. all of this is just not normal no one now cars to help Africa look at the hell they are going through right now abandoned being looted an held captive having their towns taken over where is the out cry to help them now!?’v
@@CCAnne a lot of poverty and diseases would be a thing of the past if people like him really cared about humanity, why is he still worth over 100 billion
Africa has suffered enormous and long term traumatic experiences which easily can cause population issues. They have been a very strong people to still be standing after everything they've been through. Healing is also a part of such a journey and a strength to celebrate. Healing trauma is another layer that can be very helpful to the outcome.
@@SaintxFate you would be alot better off if you stop rejecting it , hell Africans still being ate up by parasites of which colonization ends as it does starvation , you all need mental health and physical health care , police , law and order , birth control , immunization and stop spreading stds to one another , stop the polygamy lifestyle accept Christ as your savior and just stop whT your doing and get a realistic approach to progress why do you want to live as you do ?? It's slow and the only reason you reject it is because your envious and jealous and because it requires work and dedication all of which you dont have the steam as a people to do so , we see videos, your men stand around doing nothing or riding dirt bikes all the while the buildings are dilapidated, the women toting water to boil to cook with ! All the parasites will kill you and you don't have many Dr's they come to western countries to study our medicines and then once they get to our lands they don't wNt to go back to Africa because our lands are much better and we offer more opportunities
Because he is going to achieve his goals with forced vaccinations forced chips and force surveillance 24/7 look up the new patent they just filed the implant monitors everything from your movement your heartbeat they know if you're taking a shower or having sex they know if you're pregnant before you do this will be mandatory
White people having children arent the problem. The problem is specifically that Africans are having too many children and letting them starve to death.
He's American so why is he so worried about poverty in Africa? So many people need jobs and help in America already. Pay for some college tuition for students in America and get them out of debt.
Erkin Nurmukhamedov EXACTLY!!! HOW arrogant and pompous of this man???? I’m soooooo HAPPY Bill Gates had to step down from the board of his own company! Loser🙏🙏🙏
They were already using tetanus shots in Nigeria, I believe it was, to successfully sterilize women.... they were calling for women only, not men, to get a tetanus shot... women of reproductive ages. Not too long ago... sometime in the last ten years I believe.
@@777immortalsoul No. They cannot transplant spirit body from one physical body to another, so once their physical body dies they inevitably transcend to Afterlife to receive their karmic reward.
We do not need him. He would have never built his computer empire without the raw materials he steals and kills the people of the Congo for. People in the western world and the US are truly duped. The world has computers and cell phones because of the raw materials that are looted from Africa because guess what the so called 'elites' still steal from Africa with guns on the heads of the African people with their Africom and the likes.
@@lMP5602 I don't know if your family ever seats around the fire and elders tell the true stories of life, not stories from facebook or youtube media. I don't know if you read any history books at all and if you do, books written by authors who have written about their life experiences not research or hear say. This is a book written by my friend from the Congo; THE LOST SOUL OF A NATION by Jean Claude Manzueto. You can get it from Amazon, I hope it will help answer your question. The first world's university existed in Africa, Timbuktu around the 12th century. And take a look at what Africom is and stands for ? hopefully this will help you see a different dimension of life. Wishing you light clarity and truth in your heart and mind. Lol!
MP5 if I have one million dollars in my bank account that I don’t use, does that give someone the right to rob & kill me for it? White people have a animalistic way of thinking.
@@nassernathan Africa has been and is still being robbed. The theft and violence perpetrated by europe is generational.If the evil that's been perpetrated on Africa was visited upon you and your family, you'd be in the same run down condition that you find Africa in.
@Eric Ren African leaders have been assassinated for not doing the will of europe but that day is ending and Africa will control their own resources. Europe, the middle east and asia will have to rely on themselves.
In India, we used to produce vaccines before both for us and for the USSR but then WHO banned it in 1995 and force us to import Gate's vaccines or Western vaccines. According to Alex Jones website, at least 50,000 children in India died after using Bill Gate's polio vaccines. Is this good or bad?
we have too many uneducated people using up too many resources that we cannot keep abusing. blacks having too many babies and as often, no fathers to be found is sick and this needs to stop.
@@silvesteinrmartin : Your comment is from someone who is uneducated, and it shows you are on the same bandwagon with all the other ignorant folk who don't bother to research for yourself - go read and learn something
Dot worry to much brother people like him get no were; just like thanos.. he is a vile excuse for humanity in everything that he does and he has to live with that.
Yep. I was looking at his interviews where he was saying depopulation is good then he is saying increased population is good but what is really odd is that he is acting like he is the world expert that knows everything even though poisoned people in Africa and in India.
Digital innovation and technology does nothing for Africa because they do nothing to advance the brain of their people. They just make babies all day with no infrastructure
@@fartsneed9464 people think when they type with all capitals that suddenly that claim becomes the truth. They dont care about facts rather they like to entertain stupid conspiracy theories, sad really
@@raimaro1 Poverty in Africa is not because of the Population but the plunder by the Western governments and Companies. Frozen conflicts in the Congo, Central African Republic, Mali, Sierra Leon, South Sudan, Cameroon Just to mention a few are the Smoke Screen for Plunder of the Diamond,Gold, copper, Oil etc. For White people like you to claim that it is your mercy that is helping us not to be even poorer is hypocritical and disgusting.
@@raimaro1 Mind you not all Africans live in Extreme poverty, just like it all in the west are well to do. Aren't there 50million Americans living below the UN poverty line, why doesn't Bill Gates start by helping his fellow Americans? Because he is busy accumulating Agricultural Land because his end game is population control not poverty reduction.
Exactly. I am not black but I can agree on this. Bill Gates seem to be the expert in everything even though he knows very little about science and about medical. He is not a scientist or a medical expert but he is put on the pedestal claiming to be one
IF YOU WEREN'T "IN AFRICA OR INDIA.....YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE. Africa is as big as 3 United States, it's big enought to hold ALL IT'S PEOPLE. STAY OUT!
Please, before you say something at least make sure that you have the tiniest idea about what you're talking about. Human capital is an economical term and it refers to skills that humans possess that can ve used in productive way. Also, I don't know why all of the commenters have this issue but yes overpopulation is a huge problem that needs to be adressed, reducing the amount of humans is ESSENTIAL unless some great awesome incredible new solutions or technologies create conditions in which the earth can be sustained with those numbers. And yes, a lot of people especially in Africa shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. And before you say: start with yourselves: of course, that's why 1st world countries have lower population growths, some countries in Europe have actually negative population growth. Generally, poor breed more and that's a huge problem.
I really do wish the west would get past the idea that Africa is interested in the views of rich billionaires on how the continent can and should manage it's affairs. 500 years of association has taught many over there that any advice re Africa is about the mission goals of the adviser, and often their bottom line. Why don't you ask Africans what THEY think about their population?
Did you hear the interviewer, “Does the solution lie in controlling the population growth in Africa”? We are not overpopulated. The US’ population is 350 million while Africa has 500 million. Africa is nearly 4 times the size of the US and you’ll never hear them talk about population control in the US. Bill’s agenda for Africa is questionable.
@@bashirissack6565 The only reason africans have as large a population as you do is because whites provide charity in the trillions of dollars. Instead of going to the stars, we helped an ungrateful, racist, stupid continent.
@@brandonspencer7093 right fully so. We'll take over the world very soon too lol America's (W) population is literally 235mill we'd demolish you in a fight
@@proverbalizer yeah it begins. Just recently China created the Corona virus to lower her population and the CIA spreading Lassa Virus in Africa again.
When a group of wealthy people give out not knowledge, technology and education to help empower and grow people and their countries but give them drugs and vaccines to depopulate them, what does that tell us???
I'm proud to see the day we reached a point of awakening where we can see these people for what they are and how they think, you're planning for us but God has a plan for you, extinction.
Why is there this big assumption that traditional cultures need to ‘move forward’ in technology and ignore their time tested practices.... it’s so arrogant to judge them and think we should decide how any country ‘goes’.
Now everything is so tech savvy we are losing jobs to self driving cars, waiters, cashiers.....we talk to ai first on any business platform and phones. Govt wont want to look after us...then what, slave labour, we become expendable and a burden on the rich bastards.
Evil! Learn how to learn how to read a lier when he is talking; swallowing in the middle of the sentence, adjusting glasses , eyes, lips smacking. ....
Your provided text has some grammar issues. Here's the revised version with corrected grammar while maintaining the original structure: "The issue is that they have no modern social security programs. It is incentivized for families to have dozens of kids. A Nigerian friend explained to me that having more children would increase the likelihood that when parents get old, they would be taken care of. While in Western societies, the average family has two to three kids, in Africa, having that many children is unsustainable in the long run. What I am saying is, if you live below the poverty level, you should not bring not that many children into poverty. Family planning is also part of the issue!
Exactly. Just there are so many people who still don't believe that it's very dangerous where this is going and it's wrong. People just don't want to see how bad it is and believe everything with closed eyes
I listened to over 15 Bill Gates interviews over the past 10 years, and every single one of them he promotes vaccines.
The capital gain among billionaires during COVID - 300 billions dollars!
GAPeach, great! Vaccines save lives
Fertility control
but they want the vaccine to be given to black people first. why GAPeach?
The man that is avid about depopulation wants to vaccinate the masses of brown races..
Because that makes sense... I was less people..
So I will give saving vaccinations..NOT!!
No non-white person should accept vaccinations... Him and his elite buddies have made their plan clear...
And is hoping people are brainwashed enough to just follow him blindly..
He referred to the African youth as either assets or liability. They are not your products.
My dear thats how they see it as satistics
He probably meant they can study and work because old people can't.
@@Tosh2001 go watch wrestling kurt...😷🤒🤕
@@nickdoyle3950 I apologize if my comment was offensive
@@Tosh2001 me too your a gold medalist man my hero as a kid use to watch ya all the time 👏🤘
He “Worried” Bout Poverty & Overpopulation of Africa And Ppl Are Homeless In The US
Kmartgirl26 I keep reminding myself that Africa is not a country. Maybe if people in the media would stop saying “ the people of Africa” instead of ‘ the countries in Africa’ I keep reminding myself thatEgypt is in Africa.
You don’t’re reading word for word.the guy basically is a god so what he says I’m sure has a lot of meaning behind it.
@Marcus Summers That's TRUTH
@@kayp4563 A God? I don't think so..HE MIGHT WANT TO PLAY GOD BUT HE'S NOT AND NEVER WI BE GOD.
Dont give him any ideas.
They're not afraid of poverty they're afraid to be outnumbered
100%. WEF you will own nothing and like it
@DougLund89 we are now waking up and rising. It is not going to stay the same .
I don't know where they get the idea we will love owning nothing. It wouldn't make me happy in most people would not be happy about that. How the hell do they how people feel. He needs to go back to computers leave medical issues with Dr's
LOOK at how THEY talk DOWN about us! Like we are children. we are not Equal in their eyes. a blind man can listen and understand them.
Like the helpless...they need help...
The chosen ones look down at everyone who is born divine, sovereign and free.
Psychopaths gain power by dividing us by gender, race, colour, age, religion....
The rat runs free when the cat and dog are busy fighting.
United we stand, divided we fall.
We are not victims. We are powerful co-creators of this reality. The psychopaths only have power because we give our power to them.
Stop believing in fake money created from debt.
Stop believing in government. Government is mind control. No politician is coming to our rescue.
Stop believing in Abrahamic desert death cults that try to control members through fear and guilt.
Allah will keep his promise 🔥
@@lilbfrom094princeton8 We need action not promises. Time is running out.
Resist SOON JESÚS will return
Do they ever care to involve actual Africans in these discussions?
Havent you noticed that! A white man is determining the future of over 50 African nations without asking them. A guy in ghana was shocked to learn whites in America always talk about reducing African populations as their is no discussion of reducing their population in country.
@@nesq4104 not whites in america. Only the evil democrats/liberals
@@LilSwag1 yes I should identify the correct people. Evil politicians/elite who happen to be white. Not all white people
@Dirt Law502 how is your wife managing being stuck their?
They don't care to involve ANYONE in this situation. To them we are not White or Black. To them we are cattle that can be lead to slaughter. STOP DIVIDING OURSELVES OVER COLOR OR RELIGIONS
These people are so arrogant and entitled to feel they should actually be concerned with the population of another Nation.
David C you don’t have to support Africa. All of the “Aid” Western nations give out is only in exchange to rob Africa of its natural resources. The West became rich by making Africa poor, even going so far as stealing Africa’s most precious natural resource; Black people, enriching themselves through hundreds of years of forced slave labor. Any “aid” given is only tiny trinkets to repay the centuries of colonization and slavery.
@David C Lol. So who makes those rules exactly?
At least you're easier to convince than the Nazis.
@David C if you want to make it your business, why don't I see these western countries tries going into Africa and help them build schools, hospitals, infrastructures and economy and so on? But rather westerners are only there for their natural resources.
LorraineJS wait didn’t Africans sell Africans ? Not trying to justify but isn’t your comment hypocritical?
Africa can't take care of the people it has now and it's going to double?
Nobody finds this strange that a computer tech is discussing human population. Especially in Africa
He owns the largest medical producers in the west and his tec team work with war living west. So yes his the best man for African wipe out for the future.
No I do not because computers make us graphs to read , use your brain
A lot of Stupid people here who don't even deserve to use a P.C.
@@LightLivingEst80computer doesn't make graphs, people make graphs for computers and even if we talk about AI it is still humans that feed it the information. But even if we consider your argument to be accurate just because he is a programmer doesn't mean he know all about computers.
Why he has a strong grasp of statistics and he's intelligent
He wants to make you believe that we “need” his rescuing. We can survive without you Bill!
@@hamanakohamaneko7028 why don't you just piss of to hell where you belong
@@hamanakohamaneko7028 no one will starve, God provides for his people, even the ignorant
The wealthy need the poor and middle class but the poor and middle class dont need the wealthy people. We make them.
@@hamanakohamaneko7028 if future African starve it will be because of people like bill gate
@@anthonygibbs4215 truth!
This man's obsession with Africa is worrying
And sadly our own man Motsepe pledged to contribute to the bill and Melinda foundation...
not only Africa
It is very worrying indeed. My heart breaks for them.
Treating them like people who dont know how to not reproduce. the face of evil right here
I agree. I find this saddening.
This man is behaving like God left him in charge of the whole world
he is a demon watch out for this one ,,he may be a satanist
@@marianandisi1641 may***...he IS
Satan is the prince of earth after all
Satan isn’t such a bad guy
He is simply separating
the wheat from the chaff
It’s optional to play his game
Satan gives you free will
He doesn’t make you do anything
Not such a bad guy
👉🏽Unless “you” are👺
For real. I don't know what the hell is wrong with him.
Bill Africa doesn't need your help, mind your business!!
What does africa have to say?
@@drmantistoboggan2870 mind your own business as well
@@lukaho87 why should I?
He is trying to depopulate Africans so he can own their lands. He did similar things in India.
@@larryk187 cool, got any info on that?
It's none of his business that country dont belong to him that continent is big enough to handle what ever only God is in charge of ours lives
Lol yeah because the imaginary man in the sky has really helped.
@Shreya Singh why not worry about India's overpopulation ? Why are you worried about Africa the second biggest continent with a smaller population than India ?
@@Gtdmilon514 because India is wise to their agenda..but Africa is getting there too ..soon the will run out of people who dont know their science
Let me be judge of my life I believe what I want you believe what you want people like you think you know so much but know so little I didn't ask for your opinion any wa
This guy just convinced me to not get vaccinated against the Corona virus. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Welcome to the club bro.
Rocco Stafford yes!
Me too club : ANTIVAX !!!
True I believe it will kill us
I swear you might not have much choice you will be might not be able to buy food or work
Good! Glad to see you waking up to these Luciferians!
Every evil in the world is always done under false name of good.
very true scottc5476 well said
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
@@markfreeman-uv7si Thank you.
@@charlesponzi9608 Thank you.
hes been a computer programmer all his life, now hes an expert on everything.
Computers make graphs read graphs to fact are there and computers can tell you which race is dominant too just ask the right questions and the computer will calculate
The reality is Bill Gates isn't even a programmer! Had nothing to do with computers before Microsoft!
Hé is 👺
@@LightLivingEst80Computer is a tool lmao, what a terrible oversimplification
You cant stop the times Bill. Like it or not, Africa will grow and rise!
I hope Africa rises too!
His goal is to depopulate the earth. He is so emotionally disconnected from what he is saying; he has no intention of “helping the poorest”. It’s annoying how he keeps adjusting his glasses.
Word 🙏🏽
Yes sir
AmenTehuti- Naga415 grow into even more genocide and poverty
Bill gate why are so worried about African population are the creater.
Leave Africa alone.
@@EndOfTheDemocrats gates is not jews
@Real world Lol terrorist and illegal refugees? Do you even know what those words mean. You sound like someone who just turns on the news and repeats whatever he hears. Speak facts my guy, your not even white, i can tell by the way you form a sentence.
@MR. Right we built America
@MR. Right never wanted to go to Asia however the asians want to come to my homeland the USA
Aziz Shabazz you didn’t
We as African we've been through a matter what they do God is on our side
Jax Ink yessir
Yes. Be careful. He is working with Monsato to depopulate Africans and take their land once their population decreased by alot. Anything that he promises is really a lie for him to take ownership of your land.
In case you find out one day that the god there is no proof of actually doesn’t exist, you should do what you can on your own to protect yourself.
Because the African/Bantu
are the true Israelites. The evidence is clear as day and the denial is rampant.
Correct; however the successors of this man will only continue his obsession with Africa...perhaps he wants to plant more potatoes there! May Enlil rebuke this kind of obsession! It is good that Africa chose natural immunity--that is why he is sad [sadly, he said in a forum]!
I dont think I've ever actually genuinely hated an individual as much as this man in my life
me too.....movement
You misunderstand the man
@@mikey2348 yup
This guy is known for software. Now all of a sudden he’s a “dr” giving speeches about Africa needs to be depopulated??? Africa must be vaccinated first?? This ish is ridiculous. He needs to be STOP ASAP!!!
@@petervirts8661 that’s his agenda indeed. Africa needs to wake up as well as the Caribbean and don’t take that ish!
@@anthonyjohnson5961 Not only Africa but the World, the rich is tired of the poor period. the real Demons are controlling all Governments.
My thoughts exactly!
Bill Gates made a fortune in antivirus software but the ascent of Apple eroded it. He has now diversified into vaccines, it has high returns.
By any means!!
Just pure EVIL!
Contact me
Hes done more for africa than you ever will. Maybe helping africa was a waste of time
@@emilioalvarez8010 correct don't help us
Fr, @@emilioalvarez8010
@@emilioalvarez8010 Let him help your people in Latin America
Who are these people to say who should be able to reproduce or not?
Yes No No hes not, how dense are you?
Yes No I apologize for insulting you, I feel bad for doing that. Why should he have to stop people from reproducing? Thats eliminating free will and population control. They are humans, not lab rats. Just do research on him, he’s been discussing vaccines for the longest time and then he says vaccines need to implemented to depopulate(kill people) the Earth. ??? Do you really think he is a good person? I would tell you a lot more but you would call me crazy and/or get scared. Look into event 201
@@fudgefactor1639 that's basically him deciding if you should reproduce or not without your CONSENT
White people support them
Krabbo7 You would be surprised how many minorities support them as well. Probably more than white people themselves.
Bill gates do not come here or I will personally make sure that you will leave the continent in a body bag.
Who’s here after seeing the evil this man and his wife is doing.
What is he doing
China will act.
@Transhumanist Cult Awareness Network How?
What evil?
@@onecornergist2456 trying to kill 3 billion africans..
Africa has enough land and food for its population if Europe and the west can get out of Africa and stop looting Africa of its resources.
The world greatly benefits from African prosperity and mother Africa's rise. Europe greatly benefits from Africa's rise.
You left out the Chinese government.
Judgement day is coming, that's something your money can't prevent.
Very true
I've scrolled through the comments and yours just stood up for me.
Man shut up !
@@DKane-ow3tq you can leave.
“Poverty”. Most of human history our ancestors lived as hunter gatherers.
I'm asking, in history, has there ever been a man like Bill that could be trusted?
His father was the CEO of planned parenthood, he talks about population control, no this man is a monster
In my eyes billgates is even worse then hitler
@@Mysterious.phanto how
@@mennymen381 honestly there’s so many worse people then hitler he’s been over saturated because it happens to some white people for a short amount of time. How an you say what hitler did was worst then genocide the intire nation of native Americans off there land and erasing there identity how can you say what hitler did was worst then the 90 million Africans dumb over in the ocean from those nasty slave ships that bundle a bunch of people close together for weeks including pregnant women and these people had to use the bathroom in those same spots for weeks.
I'm mad of how people would even consider his opinions. HE'S NOT A SCIENTIST NOR A FREAKING DOCTOR! STOP IT!
Exactly...beware of SO CALLED experts too! Many are in on it!
Exactly all of a sudden hes the expert on everything
Exactly 💯
He's the smartest man in the room with an ability to get the brightest and best in the tasks that need solving.
@@jacquiwilliams6849 shut up
It is none of any American business in poking their nose in Africa.,
America stop looting all the minerals Oil etc from Africa ,
Yes!!!! Exactly
He is a racist eugenicist scared Africa may grow and flourish. Screw him. And grow! And SAY NO TO HIS VACCINES!!
havecharacternow yes I agree it’s China
Henry Kissinger. GLOBAL REPORT 2000. " The growing African population will hinder US national security interest in the future". Hence the vaccine genocide.
Did u know that they can feed everybody in Africa that is starving with the corn and grains that we are giving to animals for live stock but they won’t cause it’s all about profits
Woke up people and see what's really going on, Africa never gained their independence, it's just perceived as such, we are all born into a slave system, we just don't know it
I’m still stuck on who the hell cares what he thinks.
The devil doesn't have horns on his head but he wears glasses 🤓.
Really? 😑
Shut up
He says, typing on the machine that most likely wouldn't exist without this "devil"...
@@nickwijker1990 Bill Gates is trash and anyone who likes him is trash as well.
Is that bad???
Too many kids with no further
Stupid idiot you
@@ashwanikumar-gv6ir at least you understand
Can you explain please why u mentioned students
@@elenaefremova7463 I'm a student in india and here my parents always want me in atleast top 5 but I fail to get such a high rank.
That's a damn shame😥😪😒😒
@@elenaefremova7463 too many kids ? Who gives anyone the right to take another's life
When Gates repeatedly uses the word "opportunity" you don't want to 'walk', but 'run' like hell.
😂😂 truth. bill gates of hell
Why mention vaccines and keeping economies going in the same breath?
The positive side of all this that many ppl r waking up *DONT UNDERESTIMATE US*
True...Powerful Statement...we are waking...DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!!!! POWER! !!!
Thank you!
EXCATLY! Yes we will win this war. And once people wake up and stop being bots 🤖 We will see what these celebrates and famous people for who they actually are.
Thank God people are starting to open there eyes I thought people thought white people are innocant...they act innocent to gain our trust and respect
Why is he so concerned with population of a different continent? Why doesn’t he use his money to helping make more black businesses since he’s so concerned with poverty? 🤔. Margaret Sanger 😲
Great point. Its about natural resources not being available for all. Africa's resources feed the world. If Africans are too many there won't be enough for the other continents.
@@susuilu I don’t agree. The motive is the same old greed and power! There will be enough for Africa if everyone else stops stealing from her!
You are right there will be enough for Africa, but not for the rest of the world too, if we all eat from the same pot.
@@susuilu but “ The Pot” ain’t shared with Africa!
Because he wants all the natural resources in Africa all to himself and his demonic devil worshipping friends without being interepted by anyone in Africa. Including the land itself.
What about Asia's massive population? Don't they count as people who are overpopulating ?
Bill Gates see Africans as a easy targets I believe he working with China to produce the vaccines so they can take over Africa
If you're concerned about Asia , let me assure you , China is starting to see the effects of its one child policy come into existence , as for India there has been a trend in decreasing fertility rates in a matter of decades India will undergo the same population decline , Africa right now is a powder keg for a population explosion if humanity ever has a chance to advance into space we must conserve our resources which won't happen if we keep on feeding an ever growing population.
Not concerned in the least. Throwing statistics don't mean a thing. I know what I know.
If I'm not mistaken most part of Asia have just as many elderly people or more than there are working age folks . Maybe this virus was created to depopulate the elderly and the sick because it cost these countries too much money for their healthcare ! China and Japan for instance have less people married and having children then other parts of the world !! But people like Bill Gates and governments leaders have no right to play God .
@@ardenfernandes1763 Africa has less people per square mile than Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Africa is not "over-populated." Bill Gates just wants to kill people.
One way to ensure poverty doesnt increase in Africa is for Europe and the Western world to stop robbing Africa economically
That is why he said “if we do a very good job at immunisation, we can bring down population growth”....wicked man
Ignorant Idiot
@Devin Harp Where's the proof to that. Doesn't the top 1% have greater wealth than 90% of the population.
You don't even know what you're saying. Well, unless you're an agent or troll. At the end you're a fool.
"First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3."
As noted by and Snopes Bill Gates is not interested in using vaccines to reduce the population by using them as an agent of death or a tool to sterilize unsuspecting masses. Rather, Gates is interested in keeping more children alive in order to reduce the need for parents to have more children, thus limiting the overall population growth rate. In society after society, he saw, when the mortality rate falls-specifically, below 10 deaths per 1,000 people-the birth rate follows, and population growth stabilizes.
Why tf is he speaking like he owns Africa we just minding our own business on our own content
he is obssessed
He's white and the 2nd richest man my guy, he doesn't care about us
@@ihatelaylofrl 3rd richest now. This mortal man is stepping down the ladder.
@@ntombis8451 He spends money on africa for vaccines, that's why. He spent almost 60 bln $ to help you guys, appretiate it!
@sean mike Millions of your guys, are floating to Europe, and if we don't help you you'll just rush to Europe.
I think what works for western countries will work for Africa as well.
Guy worth 100+ billion dollars is worried about severe poverty
Yes. Its almost like he is trying to help or something
Hes got enough money to help yet chooses greediness!
@@lizzyfrye1991 yeah he could've done a lot in last decades to help humanity but he did nothing
He is a greedy prick
When I listen that’s now what I hear he wants less people it’s clear all he talks about is less people of so many are dead how would there be so many more? Somethings not right with any of these interviews an people their reasoning just doesn’t many any sense , you swear people are dying more from disease an poverty but yet claim there doubling in size well isn’t that their business if they want more children! Not our damn business you wanna help send over ways for them to develop more with manufacturing give them the tools for successful businesses an ways to sustain farming food etc. all of this is just not normal no one now cars to help Africa look at the hell they are going through right now abandoned being looted an held captive having their towns taken over where is the out cry to help them now!?’v
@@CCAnne a lot of poverty and diseases would be a thing of the past if people like him really cared about humanity, why is he still worth over 100 billion
Africa has suffered enormous and long term traumatic experiences which easily can cause population issues. They have been a very strong people to still be standing after everything they've been through. Healing is also a part of such a journey and a strength to celebrate.
Healing trauma is another layer that can be very helpful to the outcome.
Really like what ? Name one thing they didn't bring upon themselves.
@@LightLivingEst80 did we bring colonization upon ourselves?
They will not recognize that because its requires them to agree that they f'd it up
@@LightLivingEst80 King Leopold of Belgium
@@SaintxFate you would be alot better off if you stop rejecting it , hell Africans still being ate up by parasites of which colonization ends as it does starvation , you all need mental health and physical health care , police , law and order , birth control , immunization and stop spreading stds to one another , stop the polygamy lifestyle accept Christ as your savior and just stop whT your doing and get a realistic approach to progress why do you want to live as you do ?? It's slow and the only reason you reject it is because your envious and jealous and because it requires work and dedication all of which you dont have the steam as a people to do so , we see videos, your men stand around doing nothing or riding dirt bikes all the while the buildings are dilapidated, the women toting water to boil to cook with ! All the parasites will kill you and you don't have many Dr's they come to western countries to study our medicines and then once they get to our lands they don't wNt to go back to Africa because our lands are much better and we offer more opportunities
This man is a MONSTER!! Stop trying to play God!!!
How is this playing god??
Because he is going to achieve his goals with forced vaccinations forced chips and force surveillance 24/7 look up the new patent they just filed the implant monitors everything from your movement your heartbeat they know if you're taking a shower or having sex they know if you're pregnant before you do this will be mandatory
He’s not. He is trying to help people.
Not evil, the truth. Overpopulation is bad
@@juanche978 then be first to take his vaccines
@@juanche978 curious question would you take it
@@samuelomondi7700 I wouldn't take it, but I wouldn't have more than two childs for example...
White people having children arent the problem. The problem is specifically that Africans are having too many children and letting them starve to death.
"you will always have the poor. You will not always have me"
Hi Pat
As long as you are alive you still have a chance to repent.its not late for you.John 3;16
@@robertmsimango4238 🤣🤣
@@gav25x 💗👍
True the poor will always be there.
‘If we don’t invest right it could be a liability’ he’s speaking directly of Africans here.
When he says 'invest right' what he really means is 'reduce Africa's population'. No African should buy whatever bill gates of hell is selling.
The problem is not the population - the problem is the corporations
Sounds deep, but it really isn't.
He's American so why is he so worried about poverty in Africa? So many people need jobs and help in America already. Pay for some college tuition for students in America and get them out of debt.
Interviewer: How can we stop Africans having children?
Bill: Vaccines...
As in sterilism.
Say it for what it is!!!
Evil. Who does Bill Gates think he is? God? No he's not...he's a demon.
Erkin Nurmukhamedov EXACTLY!!! HOW arrogant and pompous of this man???? I’m soooooo HAPPY Bill Gates had to step down from the board of his own company! Loser🙏🙏🙏
@@joyal77 so he can focus more in trying to kill us
It looks like what the chinese government did to the poor Uighur people in these so called re-education or concentration camps.
They were already using tetanus shots in Nigeria, I believe it was, to successfully sterilize women.... they were calling for women only, not men, to get a tetanus shot... women of reproductive ages. Not too long ago... sometime in the last ten years I believe.
God bless Africa and it’s people , save us from people like Bill gates and others like him with wicked ways in Jesus name 🙏🏽
In order to protect yourself from depopulation you need to Jesus who was invented by the West and their vaccines and drug's
It's ironic how this guy ignores the fact that he won't live forever himself. He is up to nasty surprise when he crosses over to the Otherside.
...Or a planned reunion
Damn u said it best
Thank you.
He can jump from body to body with technology!!
No. They cannot transplant spirit body from one physical body to another, so once their physical body dies they inevitably transcend to Afterlife to receive their karmic reward.
Bill Gates stay out of Africa ...
We do not need him. He would have never built his computer empire without the raw materials he steals and kills the people of the Congo for. People in the western world and the US are truly duped. The world has computers and cell phones because of the raw materials that are looted from Africa because guess what the so called 'elites' still steal from Africa with guns on the heads of the African people with their Africom and the likes.
Ruby G Edwards
But what would Africans have done with that raw material? Africans can't seem to figure out what those resources could be used for.
@@lMP5602 I don't know if your family ever seats around the fire and elders tell the true stories of life, not stories from facebook or youtube media. I don't know if you read any history books at all and if you do, books written by authors who have written about their life experiences not research or hear say. This is a book written by my friend from the Congo; THE LOST SOUL OF A NATION by Jean Claude Manzueto. You can get it from Amazon, I hope it will help answer your question. The first world's university existed in Africa, Timbuktu around the 12th century. And take a look at what Africom is and stands for ? hopefully this will help you see a different dimension of life. Wishing you light clarity and truth in your heart and mind. Lol!
hes gonna give them "free" "vaccines" and REALLY help them out
MP5 if I have one million dollars in my bank account that I don’t use, does that give someone the right to rob & kill me for it? White people have a animalistic way of thinking.
Unfortunately it always works the blessing is karma though
Bill, stay away from Nigeria and Africa
Why is Africa the richest continent but Africans so poor Bill?
People are undereducated divided on tribal basis corrupt leaders the list is endless
@@Megadog33 You spread lies.
@@nassernathan Africa has been and is still being robbed. The theft and violence perpetrated by europe is generational.If the evil that's been perpetrated on Africa was visited upon you and your family, you'd be in the same run down condition that you find Africa in.
Colonization and corrupt leaders
@Eric Ren African leaders have been assassinated for not doing the will of europe but that day is ending and Africa will control their own resources. Europe, the middle east and asia will have to rely on themselves.
In India, we used to produce vaccines before both for us and for the USSR but then WHO banned it in 1995 and force us to import Gate's vaccines or Western vaccines.
According to Alex Jones website, at least 50,000 children in India died after using Bill Gate's polio vaccines. Is this good or bad?
we have too many uneducated people using up too many resources that we cannot keep abusing. blacks having too many babies and as often, no fathers to be found is sick and this needs to stop.
@@silvesteinrmartin : Your comment is from someone who is uneducated, and it shows you are on the same bandwagon with all the other ignorant folk who don't bother to research for yourself - go read and learn something
Bad duh.
Stop believing Alex Jones nonsense. He is a conspiracy theorist.
Noticed his smile at 3.45 when he speaks about getting "vaccines out, where they should be"? Brrrrrr.
He also squeezes a little his left hand while smiling and his voice vibrates. Looks like a short orgasm.
@@skeno71 yes, this man is a risk for humanity
The vaccines that he and his family will never take.
We all thought about Thanos being just a fictional comic character. Right before our eyes it’s happening.
Dot worry to much brother people like him get no were; just like thanos.. he is a vile excuse for humanity in everything that he does and he has to live with that.
Yep. I was looking at his interviews where he was saying depopulation is good then he is saying increased population is good but what is really odd is that he is acting like he is the world expert that knows everything even though poisoned people in Africa and in India.
Question: How does digital innovation help Africa? Answer: Tracking and surveilance, to ensure that the things the donors want are happening.
That's been the US
Right from the horses mouth
Digital innovation and technology does nothing for Africa because they do nothing to advance the brain of their people.
They just make babies all day with no infrastructure
Colonization in a whisper.....
I can't believe my ears what I have just heard! Very sick!
The devil himself talking.
MONTHE TCHAKOUNTE this is the devils nerd second cousin
@Yxllow how
@@fartsneed9464 people think when they type with all capitals that suddenly that claim becomes the truth. They dont care about facts rather they like to entertain stupid conspiracy theories, sad really
@@TheGoodCrusader where did he say he's gonna inject people with microchips in through vaccines
Do you have any proof of this?
Leave Africa alone Mr gates
"Mr." 😑
When this man talks about Vaccines as a solution, my Heart cringes
It irks me as well
Neither of them is African, who gives these people the moral right to discuss our population growth.
@@raimaro1 Poverty in Africa is not because of the Population but the plunder by the Western governments and Companies. Frozen conflicts in the Congo, Central African Republic, Mali, Sierra Leon, South Sudan, Cameroon Just to mention a few are the Smoke Screen for Plunder of the Diamond,Gold, copper, Oil etc. For White people like you to claim that it is your mercy that is helping us not to be even poorer is hypocritical and disgusting.
@@raimaro1 Mind you not all Africans live in Extreme poverty, just like it all in the west are well to do. Aren't there 50million Americans living below the UN poverty line, why doesn't Bill Gates start by helping his fellow Americans? Because he is busy accumulating Agricultural Land because his end game is population control not poverty reduction.
Exactly. I am not black but I can agree on this. Bill Gates seem to be the expert in everything even though he knows very little about science and about medical. He is not a scientist or a medical expert but he is put on the pedestal claiming to be one
It affects the entire planet. The addition of billions of poorly educated, impoverished people is a legitimate crisis.
@@joenmuthiga9712 No, poverty in Africa is sustained by your corrupt leaders and poorly educated population.
IF YOU WEREN'T "IN AFRICA OR INDIA.....YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE. Africa is as big as 3 United States, it's big enought to hold ALL IT'S PEOPLE. STAY OUT!
"Invest in human capital" - that says a lot - he's also talking about vaccine tracing and such - he's been planning what's going on now for a while.
Yep. He has been talking about this for atleast 6 years now since his "Warning" about modern War is with microbes like viruses and bacteria
Please, before you say something at least make sure that you have the tiniest idea about what you're talking about.
Human capital is an economical term and it refers to skills that humans possess that can ve used in productive way.
Also, I don't know why all of the commenters have this issue but yes overpopulation is a huge problem that needs to be adressed, reducing the amount of humans is ESSENTIAL unless some great awesome incredible new solutions or technologies create conditions in which the earth can be sustained with those numbers.
And yes, a lot of people especially in Africa shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. And before you say: start with yourselves: of course, that's why 1st world countries have lower population growths, some countries in Europe have actually negative population growth. Generally, poor breed more and that's a huge problem.
"unwanted fertility", interesting way to say Sterilization!
@Joseph Knecht stfu
I really do wish the west would get past the idea that Africa is interested in the views of rich billionaires on how the continent can and should manage it's affairs. 500 years of association has taught many over there that any advice re Africa is about the mission goals of the adviser, and often their bottom line. Why don't you ask Africans what THEY think about their population?
Well then stop begging American missionaries to build them wells and water lines , let them keep bathing with the Buffalo who gaf!
Why does he care what the population is gonna be in 50 yrs, he’ll be 114 yrs old lol 😂
No, he will be dead by then
Nah, that baby blood keeps him young. He thinks he will live forever.
@@tiffaninichole lol
Brande Foote Because he wants to secure the future for his children by eliminating yours.
@@tiffaninichole you mean adernochrome. 😂
This guy has no right to have a say in Africa. He is American and must keep his concerns to his own country
And you say Saddam Hussein was a terrorist 😆😁😂🤣good one nice try Media
He really wasn't tho
Yeah. He wasnt and he didn't have WMD. It was all a lie to gain resources, land and control. USA is actually an Empire run under an Oligarchy
Yeah Saddam Hussein it's not like he didn't use chemical weapons on his own people...
Both can be true
Hahaha, the wordplay is so good. This is pure evil.
Did you hear the interviewer, “Does the solution lie in controlling the population growth in Africa”? We are not overpopulated. The US’ population is 350 million while Africa has 500 million. Africa is nearly 4 times the size of the US and you’ll never hear them talk about population control in the US. Bill’s agenda for Africa is questionable.
More than 0 africans is too many in my opinion
@@brandonspencer7093 same with white and africa has +1billion people and By God's grace it will keep rising
@@bashirissack6565 The only reason africans have as large a population as you do is because whites provide charity in the trillions of dollars. Instead of going to the stars, we helped an ungrateful, racist, stupid continent.
@@brandonspencer7093 right fully so. We'll take over the world very soon too lol America's (W) population is literally 235mill we'd demolish you in a fight
Population in Africa is 1,300 millions. Family planning: Less kids, but better, education, opportunities, heatlh... that's the goal.
Who elected minuscule satan to over see someone else's country?
The eugenics agenda begins.
@@proverbalizer yeah it begins. Just recently China created the Corona virus to lower her population and the CIA spreading Lassa Virus in Africa again.
Who,in hell, gives you the authority to decide who lives & who doesn’t?
He himself, he things he is God
Btw it is the belief of a group of jews.
The System gives him the OK
@@elenaefremova7463 May you be forgiven
Who tf is bill gates to tell people what to do in Africa
Kamau Iniko wildlife species going extinct is the world's business. We have to do whatever we can to save threatened species.
He has done more for the humanity than all people living in Africa.
Two White Americans talking about depopulating Africa - WTF is wrong with this world...
What's wrong with the world? Ignorant people and religion.
When a group of wealthy people give out not knowledge, technology and education to help empower and grow people and their countries but give them drugs and vaccines to depopulate them, what does that tell us???
It tells us Africa is a victim of theft and genocide by europeans, americans, arabs and chinese.
who the "f" does this guy think he is? because he knows a computer...he is all of a sudden a dr. he cant even comb his hair.
@j j by committing genocide?? What room are you talking about?? I see you graduated from the same school as the vile old fool..
Why is the move to depopulate Africa when there are more people in China and India.
Because they have the resources
USA is scared of China 🇨🇳 technology and India 🇮🇳 military, so their play grounds is Africa 🙁
@@officershabangu7094 well African got 1.3B vs 300M issa big loose for them to the point to they can’t recover from it even if they win
Huh man
China already did one child policy, and India is also doing efforts to depopulate themselves
This man cannot be trusted
I'm proud to see the day we reached a point of awakening where we can see these people for what they are and how they think, you're planning for us but God has a plan for you, extinction.
I agree with your comment Mathew 👍
Why is there this big assumption that traditional cultures need to ‘move forward’ in technology and ignore their time tested practices.... it’s so arrogant to judge them and think we should decide how any country ‘goes’.
Now everything is so tech savvy we are losing jobs to self driving cars, waiters, cashiers.....we talk to ai first on any business platform and phones. Govt wont want to look after us...then what, slave labour, we become expendable and a burden on the rich bastards.
Leave Africa alone
He needs to consume every vaccine.
Why the hell people don't worry about what is going on in their own country.
He makes money on vaccines no matter which country
Wow what a fork tongued man , " help them out" he says . A gruesome assistance.
I devil in disguise, but the mask is slipping
Like the British "helped" Native Americans stay warm in the winter with their smallpox blankets.
Agenda 21
They want to start in South America.
I'm so disgusted with this man and his obsession with Africa, please leave us alone!!! Just stop it!
I can’t believe anyone gives him airtime on a news channel. Seriously smh
These serpents own the media..
He is a very sick man.
He' s trying to compete with God.foolish man.
@@olufisayoogundare6756 lol that's the funniest thing I have read all day
That smile that comes across his face when he first mentions vaccines though!!
its duping delight, he thinks he is tricking us into asking for our own death
@@ELAVITRUTHTV you are right! And for a lot of people it is true unfortunately ☹️
@@slicedcheese5393 well i hope the masses will wake up before it is to late
Learn how to learn how to read a lier when he is talking; swallowing in the middle of the sentence, adjusting glasses , eyes, lips smacking. ....
Your provided text has some grammar issues. Here's the revised version with corrected grammar while maintaining the original structure:
"The issue is that they have no modern social security programs. It is incentivized for families to have dozens of kids. A Nigerian friend explained to me that having more children would increase the likelihood that when parents get old, they would be taken care of. While in Western societies, the average family has two to three kids, in Africa, having that many children is unsustainable in the long run. What I am saying is, if you live below the poverty level, you should not bring not that many children into poverty. Family planning is also part of the issue!
There are NO signs of life in his eyes.
No emotion.
No conscious.
No remorse.
No soul.
Just full of evil.
( 'they' all have these 'looks' )
Someone is starving and you give them a vaccine? ...I think we need more compassion.
I can talk about how this is wrong for hours.
Exactly. Just there are so many people who still don't believe that it's very dangerous where this is going and it's wrong. People just don't want to see how bad it is and believe everything with closed eyes
There are 4 billion Africans world wide and your population is going down, that's why you want to level the playing field