Because these are the questions that strike your mind at night🤣🤣 I was in my bed and i was like if the green and red lights are nav lights, then what is stobe light🤔
Actually, seeing the tail light does not necessarily mean the aircraft in front of you is moving away. Remember, you may fly faster, thus closing in on the chap in front of you. Also, if you see a green light (and you're VFR), you have the right of way. As the old rhyme says, "If to starboard Red appear: 'tis your duty to keep clear. Green to green, red to red: Perfect safety, go ahead". It also serves well, by a bit of logic (traffic from the right has the right of way), to help remember which color belongs to which side.
Learning this to distinguish between UFOs as I’ve seen a couple lately and wasn’t sure. Also to use my flight tracker app more easily and general airplane knowledge is cool
Dude, I was just watching a plane flying in the sky last week and was wondering about those lights. One week later, this video shows up ! hahahaha nice !
Awsum...very clear and good content.... finally understood the lights in flight... because whenever i see flights in night ..i use to get doubt what is this different light refers too .. finally got one solution...thanks alot ...
Beautiful video! So nicely and easily explained... Made absolute sense! Gorgeous voice as well... Anyways, thanks for the video. This will help a lot with my UFO videos :)
The other night I saw some sort of aircraft with about 10 forward facing lights and also the green and red lights, pretty low to the ground. It was moving extremely slow. Made zero noise. I live near Ft. Indian town Gap. Not sure what it was. But the amount of lights, how low and and slow it was and how quiet it was freaked me out.
Lights also vary a king air or similar sized twins have 2 beacons which can be both red and yellow while a mooney has it's beacon behind the main wings below the tail.
You forgot another kind of light called “logo lights” this one has no use on term of safety, it just illuminates the logo of the plane on its tail for marketing purposes.
So the only anti-collision lights are on the tail of the aircraft (red beacon light)? Correct. I fly a 172 for school. The nav lights are position lights that are not consider to be part of day time VFR requirements correct?
Just had a loud fast and violent plane fly over my house in Southern California as I Ran outside to see it I only saw a triangle and one slow dim red light flashing every 4 seconds. Never ever seen anything like this and I’m near the 29 Palm air force base. Something new??
Look and compare the new XeVision XeTreme LED Par-36 size with active cooling. 2.5 to 3X the Candela ( cd or CP ) comparing the output of EVERYTHING currently on the market, even the "newest" products. The units are "future proof" upgradeable, repairable, modular. A long term durable investment ( not throw away ) Anti reflective (AR) hardened glass lens, premium largest optimal TIR optics, (landing or taxi beam or combo) nitrogen flushed and sealed optics (no condensation inside) CNC'd and anodized aluminum parts, water proof IP-65, No significant dimming as warming up, never hot to the hand. Patented heat management technology. 3 selectable output modes but still requires only a 2 wire connection for 100 watts 12/14 or 24/28 Volt systems. 1Lux at 1/3 mile, this is phenomenal disruptive performance. About 11,000 sustained Lumens output. Finally actually comparable to high output and performance HID landing lights. FAA RTCA DO-160 certified tested EMI and RFI, the strictest levels passed. Just Google search this new recently unveiled aviation product from XeVision, USA made, US and Swiss designed.
I used to live near a civil pilot school and airfield. Sometimes guys from there was flying at night with landing lights, and during the cloudy nights it really looked like some kind of UFO
I'm sitting by the fire, in my rural town perfectly dark sky, hearing jet engines whoosh by at 3:30 AM. Im just here to try to find out why 4 turbofan fixed wing aircraft flew over at this time, and over this area
I wish they would tell this to all the people in New Jersey.
"When you see green, it means the plane is moving left to right"
This is obviously not the case if the pilot happens to be flying upside down
That has whiskers on it!!
And who my friend is flying a VOR inverted and night??? But i understand your point. Cheers, FLYSAFE. "Look @ Brandon Go!"©
imagine a boeing 747 casually flying inverted
possible haha pilot's just showing off
How did yall know I was watching this at night?
It caught me too 😂
Because these are the questions that strike your mind at night🤣🤣
I was in my bed and i was like if the green and red lights are nav lights, then what is stobe light🤔
Same question
@@kaushiksathvara8051 haha me too
Neighbors through their blinders sometimes are watching curiosly. They got caught by simply a verse.
this is the most peaceful and relaxing aviation study video I have ever watched. Thank you.
Wow, thank you!
Actually, seeing the tail light does not necessarily mean the aircraft in front of you is moving away. Remember, you may fly faster, thus closing in on the chap in front of you.
Also, if you see a green light (and you're VFR), you have the right of way. As the old rhyme says, "If to starboard Red appear: 'tis your duty to keep clear. Green to green, red to red: Perfect safety, go ahead". It also serves well, by a bit of logic (traffic from the right has the right of way), to help remember which color belongs to which side.
Would have been better to say "the other plane is moving in the same direction as you"
yeah, always those damn pushers in traffic
Wow the angles that the lights travel in are so simple yet serve so much importance
Learning this to distinguish between UFOs as I’ve seen a couple lately and wasn’t sure. Also to use my flight tracker app more easily and general airplane knowledge is cool
I was just watching a plane flying in the sky last week and was wondering about those lights.
One week later, this video shows up ! hahahaha nice !
Awsum...very clear and good content.... finally understood the lights in flight... because whenever i see flights in night ..i use to get doubt what is this different light refers too .. finally got one solution...thanks alot ...
So nice of you
very calming and instructional vid, thanks
Glad you enjoyed it!
A very informative video, thanks for sharing ❤
So nice of you
Beautiful video! So nicely and easily explained... Made absolute sense! Gorgeous voice as well... Anyways, thanks for the video. This will help a lot with my UFO videos :)
The other night I saw some sort of aircraft with about 10 forward facing lights and also the green and red lights, pretty low to the ground. It was moving extremely slow. Made zero noise. I live near Ft. Indian town Gap. Not sure what it was. But the amount of lights, how low and and slow it was and how quiet it was freaked me out.
Great animation and explanation!
Glad you liked it!
This is a very well done video - thank you
You're very welcome!
Nice video
Very good explainer, thank you.
Glad you liked it. Thank you!
Lights also vary a king air or similar sized twins have 2 beacons which can be both red and yellow while a mooney has it's beacon behind the main wings below the tail.
Great info. Thank you so much.
@@flightclubonline Np.
what about strobe patterns?
Thanks this was helpful
Glad it helped
These lights look quite similar to what I see in the sky at night
You forgot another kind of light called “logo lights” this one has no use on term of safety, it just illuminates the logo of the plane on its tail for marketing purposes.
thank you
You're welcome
Love ur accent.
I want to install that All light Into my Car 😂
I wana do that on my bike
So the only anti-collision lights are on the tail of the aircraft (red beacon light)? Correct. I fly a 172 for school. The nav lights are position lights that are not consider to be part of day time VFR requirements correct?
Brilliant ❤
Thank you! 👍
You're welcome!
Good explanation . Thank you 👍👍👌😀
Thank you very much for taking the time to let us know.
Good night, I was just about to sleep. Then this question came into my mind.
Landing light is it seen from the side and rear of the airplane and not in a blinking? With no other lights visible .
2:26 seeing red and green light at the same time means you're fucked
Thank you! Cheers!
All those lights we assemble 😎
does this apply to drones?
What does 3 green lights in triangle form mean
Many thanks
So which is anti collision lights
Where i Got Full Lenght Explanation video
Trying to find out if it’s air craft or space ship flying around my house 😂 fr
Same here 😂
Oh, there's definitely a difference.
At least you're smart enough to ask yourself.
Thank you so much
You're most welcome
That UFO thought to me is damn right, sometimes 😅
But that's an airplane...
Wow that’s a great bit of knowledge.
Gives me something else to “mansplain” to my wife.
What if wing light continously blink during taking off?
Just had a loud fast and violent plane fly over my house in Southern California as I Ran outside to see it I only saw a triangle and one slow dim red light flashing every 4 seconds. Never ever seen anything like this and I’m near the 29 Palm air force base. Something new??
How the hell did you know I was watching this at night 👀 😳
Wish the COLREGS made lights like this that simple...
I needed to know the naes
Look and compare the new XeVision XeTreme LED Par-36 size with active cooling. 2.5 to 3X the Candela ( cd or CP ) comparing the output of EVERYTHING currently on the market, even the "newest" products. The units are "future proof" upgradeable, repairable, modular. A long term durable investment ( not throw away ) Anti reflective (AR) hardened glass lens, premium largest optimal TIR optics, (landing or taxi beam or combo) nitrogen flushed and sealed optics (no condensation inside) CNC'd and anodized aluminum parts, water proof IP-65, No significant dimming as warming up, never hot to the hand. Patented heat management technology. 3 selectable output modes but still requires only a 2 wire connection for 100 watts 12/14 or 24/28 Volt systems.
1Lux at 1/3 mile, this is phenomenal disruptive performance. About 11,000 sustained Lumens output. Finally actually comparable to high output and performance HID landing lights. FAA RTCA DO-160 certified tested EMI and RFI, the strictest levels passed. Just Google search this new recently unveiled aviation product from XeVision, USA made, US and Swiss designed.
Taxi lights also
This is one of the easiest parts of training to learn yet I always forget which side the red and green nav lights are on.
Airwipe I remember it as gReen for navs the capitalised R in my BRAIN for right if it’s not on the right it’s flying towards
I'm right handed so I write with that one (green) and not the left one (red).
I use Green and Right both have five letters in them.
I sail so green is for starboard
I used to live near a civil pilot school and airfield. Sometimes guys from there was flying at night with landing lights, and during the cloudy nights it really looked like some kind of UFO
I'm sitting by the fire, in my rural town perfectly dark sky, hearing jet engines whoosh by at 3:30 AM. Im just here to try to find out why 4 turbofan fixed wing aircraft flew over at this time, and over this area
Then what I just saw wasn't a satellite, helicopter, or plane. Looked like a low altitude satellite until it turned.
Gonna put me to sleep with this, also did anyone else see this for the first time and look it up cuz they thought they seen a ufo
Know the names