This is not a BBC Dalek. It was made by the Hares Motor Group based on incorrect plans printed in the DW Radio Times 10th anniversary special. It was drafted in to use at the BBC event at Goodwood along with the other they made. Hares sponsored the event at Goodwood. It also isn’t the Dalek in the Weetabix advert. That was a movie Dalek owned by Terry Nation.
You are correct sir! I have checked back through my correspondence and it is not the Weetabix one - the colour combinations/style was the reference point. My apologies. It was made for the use in a BBC Dr Who production, and is now housed on display for the BBC.
@@paintingclassiccarsApologies if I appeared curt in my message. I actually wrote the info-graphic that you use in the video and part of the Dalek 63•88 team. Occasionally I jump on things a bit quick! 😂
Very nice. I have seen this at Riverside Studios many times. I have wondered why it was restored back-to-front though? The gun and suckered should be swapped over. This isn't a criticism, you chaps have done a marvellous job.
This is not a BBC Dalek. It was made by the Hares Motor Group based on incorrect plans printed in the DW Radio Times 10th anniversary special. It was drafted in to use at the BBC event at Goodwood along with the other they made. Hares sponsored the event at Goodwood.
It also isn’t the Dalek in the Weetabix advert. That was a movie Dalek owned by Terry Nation.
You are correct sir! I have checked back through my correspondence and it is not the Weetabix one - the colour combinations/style was the reference point. My apologies.
It was made for the use in a BBC Dr Who production, and is now housed on display for the BBC.
@@paintingclassiccarsApologies if I appeared curt in my message.
I actually wrote the info-graphic that you use in the video and part of the Dalek 63•88 team. Occasionally I jump on things a bit quick! 😂
@@jongreen501 No apologies needed at all sir! We bow to your superior knowledge. We know nothing about Dr Who - so apologise for any offence :)
True to your word, well done
Very nice. I have seen this at Riverside Studios many times. I have wondered why it was restored back-to-front though? The gun and suckered should be swapped over. This isn't a criticism, you chaps have done a marvellous job.
Well if you continue on this trajectory you will be able to take over the world! I also saw Henry the hoover for a second, he looked jealous.
I'm 66 now,and I'll probably still have a nightmare tonight😅
Looks wonderful, but, given the internal technology and weapons systems, hard to believe these were a mortal threat to humanity!
I wonder if the secret message from the Time Lords got out.
cool, what was the colour name / code of the skoda red? i have a couple of the 1970's S110R's, both originally orange
Skoda Racing Red - 8134
@@paintingclassiccars thanks
No way is that a BBC Dalek, and I haven`t seen the video yet!
Nothing genuinely BBC about that Dalek at all!