Dear Tigrayan Families, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to witness and celebrate Ashenda Tigray with you. This festival, rich in history and culture, showcases the vibrant spirit and traditions of the Tigrayan community. The dedication and joy of the young women during this celebration are truly inspiring. Thank you for preserving and sharing this beautiful heritage with the world. Your efforts in keeping the traditions alive and vibrant are commendable. May Ashenda continue to bring joy, unity, and pride to the Tigrayan people for generations to come. With heartfelt appreciation, Zak Kebede
Jegina is a person like former PM Meles, educated and work hard to improve life of the people and save there life. Kids go to schools and learn, don't wast your age in the name tegadalay.
ዋዕሮታትና እንኳዕ ንበዓል አሸንዳ አብፀሐክን ብጠቅላላ ነመላእ ሰራዊት ትግራይ ክብሪ ይግበአኩም ከምዚ ንዓመታ ከይ ሸረፈ ከይጎረፈ ብሰላም ይዕቆርኩም ❤❤❤
ክትፅብቃ እትን ጅጋኑ ዋዕሮ ትግራይ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dear Tigrayan Families,
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to witness and celebrate Ashenda Tigray with you. This festival, rich in history and culture, showcases the vibrant spirit and traditions of the Tigrayan community. The dedication and joy of the young women during this celebration are truly inspiring.
Thank you for preserving and sharing this beautiful heritage with the world. Your efforts in keeping the traditions alive and vibrant are commendable. May Ashenda continue to bring joy, unity, and pride to the Tigrayan people for generations to come.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Zak Kebede
Our beloved sisters. I don't have words to express my love and respect to you. Thank you for your service and happy Ashenda ❤❤❤❤❤
Enqowae aebshaken jeganu waerotat tgray 🙏🏾🥰😍😘💊
ኣሰይ ጀጋኑ አሕዋተይ በኣኺን ተሓቢነ ኣኩሪዕኺናኒ በርትዓ
አንኳዕ ንአሸንዳዐ አብፅሕክን
እንኳዕ ኣብጸሐክን/ኣብጸሐኩም ኣናብስ ትግራይ። ንዓመታ ድማ ኣምላኻ ብሰላም ገዛኽን ኣቲኽን ኣፍታ ስትሂና ኢልክን ዝዓበይክናላ ጎልጎል ኣሸንዳ ክትጻወታ የብቅዕኽን ጀጋኑና። ዓኾ ዓኾኻይ ኩይናት ውጻእ ሰላም እተው ኢልኩም ኩለይ ድረፉን ዘምሩን ኣሓትናን ኣሕዋትናን። ንኹሉ ሰላም እዩ ጽቡቕ። ይኣክል ኩይናት!!
ክብሪታት ትግራይ እንኳዕ አብፀሐክን።
ይበል ትብዓት ኩሉ የምሕረለን !!!
ጀጋኑና ናይ ዘለኣለም💛💛💛💛💛❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jeganu TDF - we love you all so much. Tigray the land of heroes. Thank you for defending Tigray and our people. Enquae Ne Ashenda Abtsakakin! Ajokin!
እስይ ጀጋኑና እንካዕ ናብ አሽንዳ ባዓል ብስላም አጸሄክን ብጣዕሚ ኢና ፍትውትው! ፍትውትው ኢና ነብለክን ዋዕሮታት
ክብርን ናፅነትን ንደቂ ኣንስትዮ ትግራይ💪💖💪
ክብርን ምጎስን ንጅግና ሰራዊትና💪💖💪
ኣባሰዳራተይ ክብሪ ናዓክን ብሳላክን ንነበር ኣለና🎉🎉
Happy ashand my young generation stay safe
Respect 🙏 and love for TDF 🦁💯God bless the people of Tigray 🙏
ዋዕሮታትና እንካዕ አብፀሓክን❤❤❤
ጀጋኑ ዋዕሮታት ትግራይና
ዋዕሮና ኩሉ ፀገም ሓሊፍክን ሕጂ እውን ብድሆታት ተሸኪምክን ታሪኽ ትሰርሓ ኣለኽን።
Wow beautiful Tiger women Tiger hero we love you 😍 🙏❤
ክብርን ሞጎስን ንዋዕሮታት ምስ ቡፆተን ኹሉ ያጥዕመልኽን ዩኡ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jegina is a person like former PM Meles, educated and work hard to improve life of the people and save there life. Kids go to schools and learn, don't wast your age in the name tegadalay.
Waerotat tigray❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉ኣመት ንኣመት ብሰላም የፅንኩም የፅንሀና
Proud of you our Tigrean heroes ❤️ ❤❤❤
Jeganuna nzelalem niberulna
Wearotat Tigrai shewit lemlem ❤❤
Kiburan Waerotat Tigray....ASHENDA!!!!!
እዛ ኢትዮጵያ ብሰልፊ ብልፅግና እናተመርሔት እዛ ትግራይ ድማ ብሰልፊ ህውሓት ክትምራሕ የብላን ዝብሉ ባንዳታት በዚሖም ኣለዉ። ግዜያዊ ምምሕዳር መዓልቱ ዘብቅዔ'ውን ስለዝኮነ ብዘይሓፍሩ ጭውጫው የብሉና ኣለዉ😊😊😊
❤❤ጀጋኑና ❤❤ ናይ ሐዚ ድዩ ?
TDF geganu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nay hiz aymesleny
Tdf ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🎉TDF 🕊🔔☔️🌿🌻💊🙏🏼✌🏻🌷
እነዚህ ሰዎች ክራር ምታላቸው እንጂ ሮጠው እሳት ውስጥ ከመግባት አይመለሱም
እነኚህ ጀግኖቻችን ናቸው ባንተ ኣፍ አይጠሩም።
@@amanuelsolomonabebe6936 ልክ ነህ አብይ አህመድ አስቀዝኗቸዋል
እናንተ ነቀርሶቾ እያላቹሁ ማን አርፎ ይተኛል። ቁም ነገር እና ግፋ በለው ለዮቸክ እወቅ። አቅም አጥታቹሁ እንጂ መቀሌ ለኤርትራ እናስረክባለን ብላቹሁ ስታስቋልጡ አልነበረም እንዴ??።
ወደ እሳት ውሃ ለመከለስ እንጂ ወደ እሳት ኣይደለም የሚሮጡ::
ይህም እሳት ፈጣሪው ማንም ይሁን ማንም ያነደደው እሳት ጠፍቶ ኣይቶ ሃሳቡ ሳይሳካለት ቀርቶ እርር ቅጥል እንዲል ነው::
ድል ለነዚ የሓቀኛ ሕዝብ ወታዶሮች::
ሞት በነሱ ሞት የጠነሰሰ የድያብሎስ ባርያ::