BCP #68 | Is the Trinity Actually a Biblical Doctrine? A Messianic Jew Explains

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • The Trinity is arguably the singular foundational doctrine of historical Christianity. The teaching of a triune godhead-of one God in three persons: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit-is at the center of the Christian creeds, and is universally accepted across denominational lines. But is it true that the God of Israel-whom Moses says is “One”-is, actually, also three? In this episode, Kevin looks at the Scriptures to see if they do indeed teach that God is a Trinity, and considers whether holding to Christian Trinitarian doctrine is truly necessary for biblical faith.
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    The Biblically Correct Podcast: Teaching Biblical Correctness in a Biblically Incorrect World
    Kevin Geoffrey, Messianic Jewish Teacher
    Perfect Word Ministries & MJMI
    The Biblically Correct Podcast is a ministry of Perfect Word Ministries. Our goal is to equip both Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua through sound, Scriptural exhortation to uphold God’s word as their solely authoritative standard for life in Messiah. Our vision is to provide teachings from a Messianic Jewish perspective that promote Yeshua-centric, scriptural principles and values, and confront unbiblical beliefs that are hostile to the Scriptures. We value the Scriptures-from the Torah to the New Covenant Writings-above all religions and traditions of man, not to disesteem those traditions, but to elevate the perfect word of God.
    “Every Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for refuting, for setting aright, and for instruction that is in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully equipped-having been completed for every good act.” -2 Timothy 3:16, MJLT www.mjlt.org
    #messianic #yeshua #bible


  • @sketchbook1
    @sketchbook1 29 днів тому +8

    “And that Rock was Christ” Paul said of Who was leading Israel in the wilderness.

    • @mattportnoyTLV
      @mattportnoyTLV 26 днів тому +2

      The Sages also say something like this in Chazal. They say that the Rock in the wilderness is Messiah. He is also called The Redeemer of Israel.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому +4

    I really appreciated how you pointed out that God was visible as a cloud and as fire. This doesn't mean that God is actually any of these visible things. They just represent Him.

  • @ishouldbesleeping1354
    @ishouldbesleeping1354 25 днів тому +1

    Christ corrects a tempting compliment when Someone says you are good and Christ replies there is but one who Is good.

  • @chadhell6748
    @chadhell6748 29 днів тому +2

    I wish people would stop quoting “I and the Father are one” in order to prove deity. It is clear from context this is not what Jesus was communicating. He went on to say he also prayed that “We/They” would be one just as he and the Father are one. In proper context, this is not a statement of deity but of unity in purpose.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  29 днів тому +1

      That used to be my view as well. Because taken by itself, that seems to be what it means-unity, like you said.
      But then I realized that immediately afterward, in John 10:31-39, the Jewish people are trying to kill him for saying it. And verse 33 gives the reason: they want to stone him for “blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” Yeshua knew exactly what He was saying to them, and they understood it. So I do think it is also a statement of deity.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому +1

      There are different kinds and degrees of unity, something to consider, but this verse would never be used in isolation from all the others.

    • @lllSherrilll
      @lllSherrilll 11 днів тому

      Jesus Himself called Father the ONE TRUE GOD, but they will overlook this has well. Is Jesus a deity, absolutely as well as fully man. When things are taken out of content or words added it can screw what actually is being said. The problem is many do not understand the Word, even though Jesus explained it himself. Is Jesus God the Father, absolutely not, but he IS the Son of God. The trinity doctrine is a lie from hell.

    • @alonsogalindo1428
      @alonsogalindo1428 6 днів тому

      This point is also implied at 1 Corinthians 3:5-8 where Paul talks about planting and Apollos watering and they are “one”.
      “What, then, is A·polʹlos? Yes, what is Paul? Ministers through whom you became believers, just as the Lord granted each one. 6 I planted, A·polʹlos watered, but God kept making it grow, 7 so that neither is the one who plants anything nor is the one who waters, but God who makes it grow. 8 Now the one who plants and the one who waters are one, but each person will receive his own reward according to his own work.”(1 Corinthians 3:5-8)

    • @amyk87
      @amyk87 5 днів тому

      @@lllSherrilllYeshua instructed His disciples to baptize “ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. The Spirit could not come until Yeshua’s ascension, per Yeshua. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. God is three in one, clearly.

  • @7bookem
    @7bookem 24 дні тому +2

    I’m not sure if we’ll ever understand the full nature of God or that we’ll ever need to. He is what he is and will be what he will be, truly incomprehensibly awesome beyond description.
    Really insightful teaching, we often fall back on dogma and this is a reminder that God is what he is, which is often beyond our understanding

  • @richardgarcia1184
    @richardgarcia1184 Місяць тому +3

    What a great episode. This is something I’ve been wanting, a Jewish believer who can read and enlighten scriptures for the listener and incorporate the original Hebrew language.

  • @tylerchurch6945
    @tylerchurch6945 Місяць тому +3

    I have no issue of those who describe God as a trinity. But when someone makes it necessary to follow that doctrine for salvation, that’s when it is misleading. People can put God in a “box” all they want. I believe that Yahweh the Father is the One true God as Sha’ul says in 1 Corinthians 8:6, we know that Yeshua is going to give all authority back to the Father at the end of Messiah’s millennium era and the end of the Adversary 1 Corinthians 15:28. When Yeshua declares in John 8:58 that before Abraham was I am, he wasn’t saying he was God the Father because “I am” is not his name. Yeshua simply states that he existed before Abraham. In Colossians 2:9, he is talking about how Yeshua represents the Father completely in his divinity he said if you have seen me you’ve seen the Father. When he says that, that doesn’t mean he is the Father he is the representative of the Father.

  • @barryw.gaugler3442
    @barryw.gaugler3442 Місяць тому +8

    As the sky is above the earth , my ways are above your ways. Man-made doctrines are foolish to God.

  • @borntofly9438
    @borntofly9438 Місяць тому +5

    I like to think of Matthew 28:18 through 20, where Jesus, the Son commands us to baptize believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If those are the words of Jesus, who is God, then those are what we can confidently use 🙂. Just food for thought.

    • @dawnemile7499
      @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому +1

      The trinity is one of the great deceptions of Satan and otherwise sensible readers of the Bible prefer the lie. The Bible condems those "liking and carrying on a lie" Revelation 22:15.

    • @dawnemile7499
      @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому

      These three are referred to as separate entities and not one God. Wake up.

    • @mjazzguitar
      @mjazzguitar Місяць тому

      @@dawnemile7499 Why did Jesus say it?

    • @docupc
      @docupc 29 днів тому

      @@mjazzguitarthe text refers to one single name. Please read it again. If it said names you’d have a point. If father were a name you’d have a point also.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@docupc Well persons can share a name, like the English last name, or surname.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому +2

    There is no scripture that names the holy spirit nor is there any scripture that states that holy spirit is capable of performing any act without God's complete control as Jesus could. Jesus was said to have perfected obedience. Where does holy spirit do this or even shown to have a choice about being obedient or disobedient? When people just believe something without reasoning on it personally, they demonstrate that they have been indoctrinated.

  • @amaliabalch3992
    @amaliabalch3992 Місяць тому +2

    WOW! Love, love, love this perfect word, Kevin! You never fail to bring illumination, truth, clarity, and a wonderful balance to the Word.Thank you!

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Praise God! Thank you, Amy!

    • @KoolCat-vg1rt
      @KoolCat-vg1rt 25 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTVI love the way you explain it on ur set up but then you ultimately come to the wrong conclusion! Kinda sad really

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому

      @KoolCat-vg1rt My curiosity is piqued. Care to elaborate?

  • @petrosorr
    @petrosorr Місяць тому +4

    I never get tired of hearing perspectives on this matter. Thank you! I've rarely heard the Angel of the Lord brought into Trinity conversation. I think it's fair to claim that God is a "shape-shifter". Personally, I've been resting in a metaphor of God as water-it can be distinguished as drops or integrate seamlessly into a pool or river, and it can transform into other states. Not to mention all the qualities water and God share-life-giving, cleansing, pure, unique, covers the earth, worthy of healthy fear, mysterious, identified with the Spirit in Genesis, Yeshua got baptized in it...
    Which brings me to a question not addressed in your video: How would you handle the account of Yeshua's baptism? Matthew records that the Spirit rested on Yeshua, and a voice from heaven claimed him as "my Son" (implying Fatherhood). What is the significance of only two other manifestations of God described interacting with Yeshua?

    • @mblaydoe
      @mblaydoe Місяць тому

      God does not shapeshift. That is the heresy of modalism.

    • @petrosorr
      @petrosorr Місяць тому +1

      ​@@mblaydoe Not exactly. Modalism describes God as one person who shows up in various forms. As we at Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3, God is existing as the Father, Son and Spirit in the same instance, refuting modalism. However, the fact that the Spirit shows up in the form of a dove here but not elsewhere in Scripture indicates a "shape-shifting" quality.

    • @petrosorr
      @petrosorr Місяць тому

      Oh! I came across three additional verses that raise questions for me.
      "Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh" (Matthew 28:19, CJB). Why would you infer Yeshua includes only these three? Is it a Jewish custom to focus on three (eg, Avraham, Yitzhak, and Ya'akov) when there is a case to be made for more?
      "For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed." (John 3:16, CJB) Why the "only and unique" description if there are other manifestations of God that appear as a "son of man"?
      "After that, Yeshua appeared in another form to two of them as they were walking into the country." (Mark 16:12, but restated as "something kept them from recognizing him" in Luke 24:16) This could mean that Yeshua's post-resurrection body was unrecognizable to them (or restored beyond their expectation), or that he took on a body entirely different than the one he'd had for 30+ years. How does this description influence your understanding of God's appearances in flesh throughout the Tanakh (Avraham's guest, Ya'akov's wrestling partner, etc.)?
      Again, thank you for making this video! I'm not looking to be antagonistic. I'm a gentile who's been steeped in The Sequel (as I like to call the NT) and missing a lot of exposition from The Original (AKA Tanakh). I really appreciate your teachings and perspective. Shalom!

  • @grampysays
    @grampysays Місяць тому +3

    Please explain Isaiah 48:16, and Zechariah 12:1-10, and Matthew 3:16,17. don't these scriptures draw a vision of the trinity?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому +3

      You could also add an even more obvious passage to that list: Matthew 28:19 (which is mentioned in the video, along with the parallel passage to Mat. 3 that you listed). But, as it says in the video, it’s not a question of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit sharing a divine unity, which they do. The problem is that trinitarian doctrine relies on “visions” of the Trinity for biblical support, rather than plain, direct teaching of God’s word. And this leads to the doctrine extending beyond Scripture. The video explains why this is a problem.

      @ASHORSHEMAYA Місяць тому +1

      @@perfectwordTV Have you presented your ideas to Dr. Brown? Because he is a "Messianic Christian from a Jewish background like you" and I think he also has his own ideas about kind of Christianty he deams of. And when you Guys are done deciding on the new religion you Guys want, come back to us so we can discuss it one-on-one.

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому +1

      Zechariah 12:10 does not mean that God was literally pierced. God was always in heaven. John 1:18 states that “no man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” (KJV) God did not come to earth himself. 1 John 4:9-10 says that God sent his Son into the world as an atoning sacrifice. It was Jesus who was sacrificed, not God. Jesus came as God’s representative, so in a sense to pierce Jesus was to pierce God. As Zechariah 2:8: “He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” God counts what is done to his servants as being done to himself in a figurative sense. The fact that God thereafter resurrected Jesus from the dead and exalted him to a higher position at his right hand shows that God and Jesus are not the same. (Philippians 2:9; Acts 5:30-31)

  • @ZeldaVandermerwe-c3b
    @ZeldaVandermerwe-c3b 28 днів тому

    Thank you my brother 🙏🙏🙏. The whole thing is we have been taught to put things into boxes by Society and Religion. They give you the question and tell you where you can find the answer.
    If you don't believe in the trinity, you are not a Christian, if you don't believe the trinity well then you are a biblical uniteriasim.
    The point is why do you have to fit into one of those boxes, and which one is worse. This you cannot fit in a box, this maybe we will never fully comprehend. But your explanation is the best I have heard so far. Blessings, and thank you so much for taking the time 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @Dizerner
    @Dizerner 29 днів тому

    In regards to "Let us make man in Our image" the text tells us what image that is. "In the image of God he made man." Therefore this cannot be "God + someone else" because the text does not say "In the image of God and [something else] he made man." Now to see they are distinct persons, we see the attribute of personhood, including a soul with a will, and Christ very clearly says "Not my will be done" in regards to the Father-directly calling the Father's will "not my will." And the Spirit is "another [of the same kind] advocate," another indicates not the same one, asking and sending are inter-relational activities. The word God does not equal the word "person" and much confusion comes there.
    So each is seen to have the attribute of person, each person has divine attributes, they are described as one God, so simple deduction is, God is one being with three persons.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому +1

    A distinction must be made between those who are genuine Christians and those who only say they are to be a part of a group.

    • @Jaxson-iv6tk
      @Jaxson-iv6tk 27 днів тому

      What is that distinction in your view? If a person believes Jesus is the son of God and believes in their heart that Jesus died for their sin and that because of that they are forgiven and share that with others then they are followers of Jesus.

    • @Jaxson-iv6tk
      @Jaxson-iv6tk 27 днів тому

      Oh and bear fruit of the spirit

  • @Gruuvin1
    @Gruuvin1 29 днів тому +1

    We are body, mind, soul, spirit. God can make us that way; He is the creator of all things, but He cannot be a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Why not?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  28 днів тому +1

      The video literally says multiple times that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each and together God.

    • @Gruuvin1
      @Gruuvin1 28 днів тому +1

      @@perfectwordTV it's a question for the comment section.

  • @williambailey9917
    @williambailey9917 28 днів тому

    im not trying to be disrespectful im trying to find my way, would you mind if i asked whats your opinion of the sumerian clay tablets

  • @shabbatwithjosh
    @shabbatwithjosh Місяць тому +2

    Kevin, my apologies, but I found you very self-contradictory in this video. First you confess that Father, Son, and Spirit are God, but you don't want to confess to any partition in God. But if all three are God, and all three are distinct, then there must be some form of partition. Not a partition in terms of separation, but in terms of distinction. And Father, Son, and Spirit must be distinct for the Father loves the Son (John 5:20), and the Spirit searches the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), and the Son and Father give the Spirit (Acts 2). Otherwise, Father, Son, and Spirit become meaningless terms. We might as well say, God loves God; God searches the depths of God; God and God pour out God; God prays to God; etc. But to say, for example, that the Father loves the Son and for that to be a truth within the inner life of God, makes more sense of the Bible and the plain reading of John than to say that a God, within whom there is zero distinction, loves God. Why then describe God the lover with one term and God the receiver of love with a different term? Why not just say that God loves himself? Distinction within the Godhead, especially in light of the New Testament Scriptures must be maintained.
    Also, I didn't follow your argument in regard to the oneness of God (by which you mean, a singularity) being a clear teaching of Scripture because you then showed how "echad" was used of man and woman. That is, echad is used of a couple in which there is clear distinction. Where is this clear teaching that God is a singularity? And why do you propose that his nature as a singularity is clear and then declare that God is a complex unity? Isn't this contradictory? Did I misunderstand you?
    Also, you say that the teaching of "God is one" (i.e., a singularity) is pure monotheism and distinguishes Jewish/biblical belief from polytheism. You are confusing the clear Scriptural teaching that there is one God with the extra-biblical teaching that statements that God is one describe the type of oneness that God is - which at one point you describe as a complex unity, and at another point you describe as a singularity. Moreover, the singularity model is actually MORE like most pagan gods. Ba'al was understood as a singularity. Zeus was understood as a singularity. The Shema is not saying - "God is a singularity like most of the pagan gods." Most modern scholars will tell you that the Shema is a declaration that for Israel there is to only be one God. There is no teaching in the Shema on the type of oneness that he is.
    Also, you seem to contradict yourself by saying that the doctrine of the Trinity makes many biblical passages confusing (God appears as a pillar of fire - which part of the Trinity is that?), but then end by saying that instead of trying to make sense of things, you'll stay with the "messy" teaching of Scripture. It is not incumbent upon trinitarians to try to figure out how the Trinity is at work in every manifestation of God - the Bible simply doesn't tell us. But because we don't understand how it works, or because we aren't told how it works, does not mean that therefore such is an impossibility. And if trying to figure out every epiphany from a trinitarian perspective (which I don't think is necessary) makes it a little "messy," then you yourself have confessed towards the end of the video that you'll take the messiness of the Bible. And if trinitarianism complicates our understanding of some God events, it makes sense of others. The idea of a monolithic God surely complicates some God events while seeming to simplify others. We cannot assume truth is always on the side of simplicity. Many truths are quite complex. Moreover, your own understanding of God as a complex unity is not immune from the same argument you are using against trinitarianism. Your argument here seemed half-baked.
    It seems to me from the Bible (especially the New Testament) that the emphasis on and interaction of the Father, Son, and Spirit are unique, and there is no fourth or fifth divine identity that participates in the inner life of the one God. Each one (Father, Son, and Spirit), as you confess, is God (and the Scriptural support for the deity and personhood of the Spirit is stronger than you seem to realize). If these terms have any meaning, and if the description of their interaction hold any truth, then the idea of God as a pure singularity must be jettisoned. What we are left with, then, is a God within whom love and relationship existed even before the world existed. The biblical picture is that the love of the Father for the Son is lavished on us, since we (as those who are in the Son) become recipients of that eternal divine love. We must recapture and properly tell of the beauty of the Triune nature of God.
    Some of your words did strike of modality (such as insinuating that Father, Son, and Spirit as three ways of many that God interacts with the world), but then I saw in other comments that you reject modalism. If we reject any distinction of divine persons, then modality is what we are left with.
    If in any way I have misunderstood your arguments, I apologize and stand to be corrected. 2:40

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Thanks for your comment. I’ll try to answer briefly. 1) “there must be some form of partition”. Scripture doesn’t use language like this. This is a human rationale. 2) “Father, Son, and Spirit must be distinct”. Their distinction such as it is is self-evident. But that still doesn’t necessitate a partitioned trinity. 3) “Where is this clear teaching that God is a singularity?” I can’t tell if you’re reading too much into my usage of “singularity,” which I use only one time in the whole teaching as a synonym for “oneness” (as in “God is one”), which is taught by Moses, Yeshua, Paul and James. 4) “There is no teaching in the Shema on the type of oneness that he is.” If all that was meant by “God is one” is “there is only one true God,” there are more precise ways of saying that in Hebrew. (Though I agree with this understanding of “God is one”). But my point was that we can also understand “echad” as a “complex unity” based on the fact that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each and together God. It is a biblical explanation of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit can all be God, as opposed to the extra-biblical explanation from trinitarian doctrine. 5) “It is not incumbent upon trinitarians to try to figure out how the Trinity is at work in every manifestation of God”. I agree. But, in my observation and experience, this is often where trinitarian doctrine leads in people’s beliefs. 6) “interaction of the Father, Son, and Spirit are unique”. I agree. But that still does not necessitate a “Trinity”. 7) I can very much understand how you would find my teaching to be self-contradictory. You and I have different starting points for our understanding on this topic, which actually illustrates the point of the video: that trinitarian doctrine is too systematic and rigid-requiring philosophical thinking and human reasoning-to explain and describe God according to the Scriptures. My heart is to only limit my understanding and explanation of God to what the Scriptures say. I hope my answers helped to clarify things to some degree. Blessings.

    • @shabbatwithjosh
      @shabbatwithjosh Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV thank you for your response. I actually did not start from a platform of trinitarianism. At one time I was more of a modalist, but then struggled with texts that show a relationship between Father, Son and Spirit rather than just God expressing himself in different ways or forms. While I understand your reticence to utilize terms and doctrines that are not clearly spelled out in the Bible, trinitarianism has certain strengths. First of all, it acknowledges that there is only one God. Secondly, it acknowledges enough distinction between Father, Son, and Spirit that there can be exactly what we see in the Bible, namely, relationship and interaction with one another. Thirdly, it acknowledges that within the Bible, no entity outside of Father, Son, and Spirit are described as sharing the glory of God. Are these three points things that you would also acknowledge? If you acknowledge all of these, then it may just be that you have an issue simply because the doctrine sounds so un-Jewish, or because it has been explained in such un-Jewish ways. Or, you may be thinking that basic trinitarianism acknowledges or says more about God than it actually does. Trinitarianism is, in my opinion, a distillation of clear biblical statements and descriptions of God and his activities in the world.
      Have you read Benjamin Sommer's work, "the bodies of God in the world of ancient Israel"? Despite being a Jewish scholar, after intense research, he was forced to acknowledge that trinitarianism is not outside of the ancient Jewish worldview. There are, to be sure, many things in that book that you and I would disagree with, but his point is that rejection of this theology has more to do with modern sensibilities than pure biblical teaching.

    • @ChanGraham
      @ChanGraham 28 днів тому

      ​@shabbatwithjosh6977 @perfectworldTV Just tossing out my two cents in this wonderful debate (preface, I'm a born-and-raised Southern Baptist, though, now, I'm a youth pastor for a non-denom): I'm thinking about Mark 13:32. If Yahweh, Yeshua, and Ruach HaQodesh are all one and the same (please don't misread - I fully believe in One True God given to us as Father, Son, and Spirit), why wouldn't Yeshua, Himself, know the day or hour? If, indeed, He does, then He lied in this verse, thereby nullifying all of NT doctrine. Thoughts? (BTW, I know Yeshua is incapable of sin, so I know when He said He didn't know, He truly didn't/doesn't - I'd just like your perspectives.)

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  28 днів тому +1

      @ChanGraham There’s a difference between “one and the same” and “one.” I do not believe, nor have I implied, the former.

    • @ChanGraham
      @ChanGraham 28 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV Got it. Now, how do we explain how Yeshua doesn't know the day or hour? I can't figure that out based on what you've taught us here.

  • @andrewthoen9169
    @andrewthoen9169 29 днів тому

    I am a Christian and not Jewish, but to the best of my understanding of what you have discussed, we agree. And my family's background for about 85-90 years has been a belief in One God and Not in a trinity. You basically seem to share the same beliefs on this subject. Excellent talk as I can tell so far. ( About 3/4 of the way through".

    • @andrewthoen9169
      @andrewthoen9169 28 днів тому

      The closely related topic is that of baptism. I'm really curious to hear your perspectives. The main points of discussion being a) what is the purpose of baptism? b) is it necessary for salvation? c) what is the proper physical method, and d) what is to be invoked or said during the baptism?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  28 днів тому +1

      It’s on my list!

  • @Acts24.5
    @Acts24.5 27 днів тому

    The doctrine of the Trinity is not the foundational belief of historical Christianity until the fourth / fifth century.

  • @coreykeplinger3391
    @coreykeplinger3391 29 днів тому

    I see it like this: God is a circle, Jesus is a square and the Spirit is a triangle. There is only one circle. All 3 are shapes.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      Jesus is not a square!!!
      It would be more like, God is polygon: the Father is octagon, Son is hexagon, Spirit is pentagon.

  • @michaelsabados3829
    @michaelsabados3829 29 днів тому

    The Lord is the head, the body & the spirit - all are one operating in one accord. This is why blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven, those that mock Christ’s body can be forgiven - His Holy Spirit IS The Lord (like a dove, holiness & His light).

  • @user-ii7zx9fp4k
    @user-ii7zx9fp4k Місяць тому +1

    Isaiah 42: 1 - the Speaker (1) Behold, My Servant (2) whom I (1) uphold, I have put My
    Spirit (3) upon Him (2)
    They will look on ME whom they have pierced.. Zechariah 12:10... Is YHWH lying here, or was He pierced.. When did this happen? When He died on the cross for your sins..
    Isaiah 25:9 - and it will be said in that day: We have waited for Him and He will save us. This is the Lord YHWH, We have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His YESHUA!

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому +1

      Zechariah 12:10 does not mean that God was literally pierced. God was always in heaven. John 1:18 states that “no man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” (KJV) God did not come to earth himself. 1 John 4:9-10 says that God sent his Son into the world as an atoning sacrifice. It was Jesus who was sacrificed, not God. Jesus came as God’s representative, so in a sense to pierce Jesus was to pierce God. As Zechariah 2:8: “He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” God counts what is done to his servants as being done to himself in a figurative sense.

  • @user-ii7zx9fp4k
    @user-ii7zx9fp4k Місяць тому +1

    If God was always in heaven, who was with the two angels visiting Abram and having a meal with him? The One whom Abram called LORD (YHWH) - God is the Saviour, God is the Messiah, God is our Salvation and Salvation is Yeshua 💪🙏 Halleluuuyah

  • @RestoringTheKingdom
    @RestoringTheKingdom 14 днів тому

    @6:55 really hit with me. 8 years ago I was investigating all the different "godhead" views (horrible word fabricated in place of deity), because i had seen some inconsistencies in my belief system (not trinitarian), and saw legitimate arguments on the multiple opposing views. I had become willing to prove myself wrong. In my study I threw my hands in the air and retorted to my wife, "Why do all these people try to shove God in a box!" Instantly the Ruach spoke to me, and i have always been suspicious of people who claim they heard from God because I have seen it so misused. He said, "I Am the box!"
    A simple phrase, but as a mechanically inclined mind, it was a beautiful way of showing me His wholeness, completeness, and fullness. It led me into Torah and I am writing a Book on the mechanics of existence and on repairing the broken theology of belivers.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  14 днів тому +1

      Thanks for the comment! I don’t like the word “godhead” either, nevertheless, it is not fabricated but a legit synonym for “deity.” It’s the Middle English way to say “Godhood.” Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that using the archaic “godhead” feeds into the image of that trinitarian “three-way-box.” Blessings!

    • @RestoringTheKingdom
      @RestoringTheKingdom 14 днів тому

      @perfectwordTV godhood is no issue as it means the state of being God, but morphing into godhead creates an unintended consequence. Head holds the meaning of chief, principal, or primary, and coupled with God in a compound, the word subconsciously gives the idea of a chairman of the board. As applied to Yah individually, that would not be accurate. If one sees the Unseen Realm of the late Michael Heiser, then in places like Psalm 82, it would be appropriate to His position in the Devine counsel. However, as most believers use it, for a description of God in an ontological context, it could create confusion of his singularity.
      In light of additions such as the Johanine comma, perhaps not so unintended?🤔

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  14 днів тому

      Oh I totally agree. I was just pointing out that “godhead” didn’t morph from “godhood”-its just Middle English. It comes from the Old English “godhād.” Based on my research, “godhead” wasn’t created as a way to support the Trinity, it’s just the way the word developed in English. I’m not defending the word at all. Just stating the facts.

    • @RestoringTheKingdom
      @RestoringTheKingdom 14 днів тому

      @perfectwordTV I apologize achi, I missed that point.

  • @jamesr2408
    @jamesr2408 26 днів тому

    Not according to Christ. He said I and the Father are one. When the disciples asked to see the Father, he said you have seen him. And Jesus taught the God of Israel is One, not three.

  • @mattaikay925
    @mattaikay925 Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for this teaching - May Adonai Bless you and keep you.

  • @brandonbackes930
    @brandonbackes930 Місяць тому +1

    Compare the piller of fire in the wilderness with the description of Messiah in the book of revelation.

  • @judymaxwell217
    @judymaxwell217 Місяць тому +2

    This makes so much sense!

  • @Jaxson-iv6tk
    @Jaxson-iv6tk 27 днів тому

    Really well said. I was just talking about this.

  • @straight-narrow-path
    @straight-narrow-path 29 днів тому

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    Genesis tells us how God created everything , And God said, Let there be. So Gods word has the power to create life. Adam was formed from earth and God breathed life into Adam , the breath of life is Gods Holy Spirit . What is hard to understand about the trinity now? Blessing to Israel.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  29 днів тому

      I don’t dispute this. I wholeheartedly believe it. But this is not the same thing as the doctrine of the Trinity. Trinity doctrine goes beyond this, using extra-biblical language, as is explained in the video.

    • @straight-narrow-path
      @straight-narrow-path 29 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV Religion is perverse because , well read 2 Corinthians 4:4 . Satan rules the whole world until Christ returns so I stick to how we are born again .
      1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. So if you don’t believe on the finished work of Christ and you add to the gospel by trying to keep all of Gods laws then Satan will blind your mind to the truth. How do we know we are Born again ? 1 John 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. What does that mean ? 1 John 3: 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God Our spirit is born again and is saved when we believe on the finished work of Christ . The wages sin pays is death to the flesh but our spirit will receive a new sinless body .

  • @DinaTous
    @DinaTous Місяць тому +1

    Did the Father bring forth the Son from Himself? Yes. Does the Son tell the Father what to do? No. We can not fathom all the things of God. Yeshua also prayed that we would be One as they are One. There are things we can not understand this side of eternity.

    • @johnpeavey6557
      @johnpeavey6557 Місяць тому

      Are you saying Jesus was not eternal?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому +1

      I am saying that in the beginning the Word was God, that at a specific point in history the Word became flesh and dwelled among us in the fully human man Yeshua, who was literally born to a woman, but who was and is also God, who is eternal.

    • @DinaTous
      @DinaTous Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV what are your thoughts on this? The Word says “in the beginning”… the beginning of what? Is there a beginning to eternity? Again, I feel as humans we can not fathom many things. It’s fun to think and ponder. But we really can’t know for sure. 😊

    • @tweetygirlani
      @tweetygirlani 29 днів тому

      ​@@DinaTous In the beginning states at the time of creation of heaven N earth. In other words when time came into existence.

    • @DinaTous
      @DinaTous 29 днів тому

      @@tweetygirlani what was before time? That we have no idea about.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 Місяць тому

    A father's DNA is in his son making him partly his father and a male but that doesn't make the son his father.

  • @Mandellhouse
    @Mandellhouse 18 днів тому

    Well explained. There are several visions of heaven and the throne described in the Bible, yet none of them teaches the Trinity.
    Evidence is also missing in the Didache and the ‘early church fathers’, as well as Jesus own words and most clearly the whole of the OT. Jesus was a reflection of his Father.
    The greetings all through the NT are only ever mentioning the Father (God) and the Son (Lord). Two not three.

  • @HickAtHeart
    @HickAtHeart 5 днів тому

    Any single time I see someone deny the doctrine of the trinity, literally Revelation 1:17-18 is gg's; that's it. Jesus is YHWH, out of His own mouth.-
    {Isaiah 44:6}
    Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "*I am the First and I am the Last*; Besides Me there is no God."
    {Revelation 1:17-18}
    ¹⁷And when I (John) saw Him (Jesus) , I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “*Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.* ¹⁸I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death."

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  5 днів тому +1

      I do *not* deny that Jesus is YHWH (Philippians 2:9-11). I do deny that holding to man made trinitarian doctrine is necessary for believing that Yeshua is God in the flesh. Here is a video on the Trinity: ua-cam.com/video/0IxmpiexG1g/v-deo.html

  • @biblicaltheologyexegesisan9024
    @biblicaltheologyexegesisan9024 29 днів тому

    Also Rev 1:4 the book of Revelation comes from The one who is and was and is coming and from the seven spirirts which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ... So we See the Father, the Spirit and Jesus.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      All Three are omnipresent, it's not like one is present and one is future.

  • @Nazarene_Judaism
    @Nazarene_Judaism Місяць тому +1

    No word called" trinity "In the scriptures. However The GODHEAD is there and what I believe.

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому +3

      The Greek word “theotetos” in Colossians 2:9 is translated “fullness of the Godhead” in the King James Version. However, according to Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, “theotetos” means “divinity” or “divine nature.” The fact that Christ possesses “divine nature” or the quality of “divinity” does not mean that Christ is God himself. It means that all of the excelling qualities that God the Father possesses also dwell in Christ. If Jesus is God, why does Colossians 3:1 say that Christ is “seated at the right hand of God”?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому +1

      Because “Yeshua, who, being in God’s form, thought to be equal to God not a thing to hold onto. But He emptied Himself, having taken a slave’s form-having been made in the likeness of men..." Philippians 2:6-7, MJLT
      As far as "divinity" is concerned, you're just cherry-picking from Liddell-Scott. Thayer's says, "deity, the state of being God"; as does BDAG and Louw-Nida to name just two more. "Godhead" is middle English and just means "Godhood," which means the same as "Deity." (BTW "fullness" is "pleroma"; it's not part of the translation of "theotetos".) And, of course, Colossians 2 is not the only text that speaks to Yeshua's deity.

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому +1

      @@perfectwordTV The New American Standard Bible translates Philippians 2:6 this way: "did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped". The English Standard Version renders it: "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped," and the Good News Bible says, "he did not think that by force he should try to become equal with God." The Greek noun "harpagmos" in Philippians 2:6 comes from the verb "harpazo", which means to "seize hastily", "carry off", "overpower". It means taking or seizing something that does not belong to you. While in heaven before becoming a man, Jesus never considered usurping God's authority thus becoming equal to him.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому +1

      Your conclusion is utter nonsense.

    • @leecooper3852
      @leecooper3852 29 днів тому

      Prove it.

  • @robertodeguzman6515
    @robertodeguzman6515 27 днів тому

    I have the same view about this.
    I wish to hear your views about tithing. Do you have a study on tithing or giving?

  • @DirkB4
    @DirkB4 27 днів тому

    god is a unity.. the trinity analogy is how to make contact with it/him..

  • @spitflamez
    @spitflamez 25 днів тому

    I have a question. I have seen Elohim used for the false gods of the Nations. Why would they be spoken of in the plural if it means 1? Example:
    Genesis 35:2 ¶ And Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, “Put away the foreign gods that are among you, purify yourselves, and change your garments.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому +1

      Thanks for the question. It’s really just context. We know what a word means based on how it’s used. That’s also what sets apart the God of Israel from all other gods (elohiym)-because our God (Elohiym) is one (Deuteronomy 6:4).

    • @spitflamez
      @spitflamez 25 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV Thanks! WOW, that was a super quick response!

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому

      @spitflamez You’re welcome!

    • @spitflamez
      @spitflamez 25 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTVI was going to post this one. I often show people this when talking about Yeshua/Jesus being God. He says “have yet not known Me”:
      John 14:7 ¶ “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”
      8 ¶ Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us.”
      9 ¶ Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

  • @sergeshmash2171
    @sergeshmash2171 Місяць тому +1

    We are asked to be baptised in the Name (singular) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit' (not just God, or just the Father, or the Father and all the others). You did not address this.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Matthew 28:19 is addressed in the video.

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому

      The Greek word “onoma”, meaning “name,” does not always refer to a personal name. In Matthew 28:19, it means “by the authority of.” A person who undergoes baptism recognizes the authority of the Father and the Son as well as the role of the holy spirit. Another scripture that uses “onoma” is Luke 10:41 where it says, “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward.” (KJV) In other words, a person who receives a prophet would recognize the authority of the prophet. Matthew 28:19 mentions the Father, Son and holy spirit together, but it doesn’t say that they make up one divine essence or that they are one God in three persons, all co-equal, co-eternal and consubstantial, as the Trinity doctrine says. We also know the Father’s personal name (Jehovah) and the Son’s (Jesus), but what is the name of the holy spirit? The fact that the holy spirit does not have a personal name indicates that it is not a person but rather an impersonal force, God’s power.

    • @sergeshmash2171
      @sergeshmash2171 Місяць тому +1

      @@jollyrancher521 That's just semantics. Whether it denotes name as in a personal name (nomenclature) or meaning 'the authority of', it still is singular. And it would still be 'in the authority 'of the Father and the Son and the HS...naming all three. And they are echad a unity. Why do you unnecessarily differentiate between the authority of the Father and the Son and the 'role' of the HS. This is pure eisegesis, there is nothing in the text to make that distinction. And you argue against yourself by saying 'what is the name of the HS then'. All names have meaning Yeshua means salvation, the HS name is Ruach Hakodesh, as we know it now. But tell me, do you recognise Yeshua is fully God and fully man? He is the Son spoken of in Psalm 2? Do you not believe the HS, whom Yeshua called 'the comforter', is God?

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому

      @@sergeshmash2171 I believe that Jesus is the son of God. Only the Father is God and Jesus is God’s Son. 1 Corinthians 8:6 states, “For us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.” Only the Father is referred to as Almighty God in the Bible and he is identified by the name YHWH, which is usually translated Jehovah in English. (Psalm 83:18) God is the one who raised Jesus from the dead, exalted him, and made him Lord (Acts 2:32-36), giving him all authority in heaven and on earth. (Matthew 28:18) When Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16:15, “Who do you say I am?”, Peter correctly answered in verse 16: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Colossians 1:15 calls Jesus the “Firstborn of all creation” and Revelation 3:14 says that Jesus is the “beginning of the creation by God,” which means that Jesus is a created being. In John 14:28 Jesus said that the Father was greater than he was and in Revelation 3:12 he called the Father "my God" after his resurrection. These scriptures show that God and Jesus are not co-equal nor co-eternal. The Bible does not say Jesus is fully God and fully man. That is a paraphrase from the man-made Chalcedonian Creed, not from the Bible. I mention the "role" of the holy spirit because I do not believe that the holy spirit is a person. A person can be baptized in holy spirit, it can be poured out, and one can be filled with the holy spirit. The spirit is called "conforter" in John 14, but in that same chapter John uses the neuter pronoun "it" refering to the Greek word pneuʹma (spirit).

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@jollyrancher521 Being called "it" is not a game changer. Male and female are not the only categories of person in the spiritual. We see everywhere the properties and treatment of how one would treat a person, not a raw energy.

  • @pattystordahl3754
    @pattystordahl3754 29 днів тому

    Not 3 persons. Father in creation. Son in sacrifice salvation, Holy Ghost on regeneration not 3. Acts 2:38

  • @robertbrangan9617
    @robertbrangan9617 Місяць тому

    You're arguing against trinitarian heresies and not actual trinitarian doctrine. Trinitarians will agree with you that modalism and partialism are false. Also trinitarian doctrine does not require that we assign a person to each manifestation of God's Shekinah glory found in scripture. The fullness of deity dwells bodily in the man Jesus Christ because each person in the Trinity is fully God and not part of God or one third. The scriptures clearly teach of a subordination within the godhead as it pertains to God's redemptive plan for mankind. This would make literally no sense if the one being of God was not expressed in three separate persons. If Jesus is the Father Son and Holy Spirit and God the Father is the Father Son and Holy Spirit, it literally makes no sense why the man Jesus Christ would need to be submissive to the Father's will because it would be His own will. I'm sure you mean well but you're leading people astray here

  • @MrWorldchamp1
    @MrWorldchamp1 23 дні тому

    I think the clearest passage is John 20;17 Jesus tells you who his GOD is and who YOUR god is was he LYING? TO many contradictions in the trinity theory, you are INNFERING the WORD is Jesus. GOD cannot have a GOD and be GOD. Bible states ONE GOD. Jesus and the bible tell you the FATHER is GOD alone. Jesus was Annointed and will sit at GODS right side Jesus was GIVEN authority to JUDGE us if he were God, he would already have authority again that's a contradiction. The Holy Spirit is difficult for you to explain because it is Gods Power not a third person. WHO is ME singular?

  • @phesperanto
    @phesperanto 23 дні тому

    In the Old Testament God is called YHWH in the New Testament God is called Jesus
    There is only One God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 8 :6)

  • @shaynecameron6781
    @shaynecameron6781 28 днів тому

    John 1:
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
    John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
    So the word, who through all things were made, and without him nothing was made, became flesh. That's obviously Jesus.
    Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    Seems to me that logically Jesus and God are facets of the same being, therefore parts of the trinity.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  28 днів тому

      Thanks for the comment. I was with you up until “facets” and “parts.” This is the kind of extra-biblical language that is necessary to defend the Trinity doctrine. Rather, as advocated for in the video, we should just stick to biblical language that shows that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each and together God.

    • @shaynecameron6781
      @shaynecameron6781 28 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV I understand that point, but the Bible does point to three separate parts of what makes the one God. That being said, is the word 'One' as in a unity of things, or 'One' as in a single thing? I am no scholar of Biblical languages, but my understanding was that the Lord Our God being One God implied a unity rather than a singularity. Please feel free to correct me.
      So then, your take is that God the Father is God, God the Son is God, and that God the Holy Spirit is God, which make up the unity of God, but just don't like the extra-Biblical language used to explain it? I do agree that it is a mystery to our imperfect way of thinking.
      I enjoy this type of conversation, in light of the fact that we are truly brothers in Christ, and with the understanding that our difference are peripheral to the One who makes us one family.

  • @barryw.gaugler3442
    @barryw.gaugler3442 Місяць тому +2

    Good teaching. 👍

  • @mblaydoe
    @mblaydoe Місяць тому +5

    The Orthodox Christian Church teaches that all physical manifestations of God described in the Old Testament are the Son. When we eventually stand in God’s presence, it is the Son we will see, because when we see the Son, we see the Father. The Father eternally begets the Son and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from the Father. We do not know what the difference is between being begotten or proceeding, other than they are apparently different according to Scripture. Whenever God acts, all three Persons act together as One God, in unity of purpose and will. The Son will never act apart from or in opposition to the Father and Spirit, The Father never acts apart from the Son and the Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will never act without the Father and the Son, because they act as ONE GOD.

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 27 днів тому

      And this is why the orthodox church is full of false prophets and false teachers

    • @erwinguneratne7600
      @erwinguneratne7600 18 днів тому

      So, if YAHSHUA/jesus existed from the BEGINING, did YAHUWAH ELOHIM/god take HIM and FORMED Him back into a FETUS and placed Him in Mirriam/Mary's WOMB, to be BORN into this WORLD ?

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 18 днів тому

      @@erwinguneratne7600 the gospel of John is not talking about the Genesis creation it is talking about the beginning of the new creation. All four gospels talk about the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ in different ways. The book of Mathew talks about the beginning of the origin of Jesus in the womb of Mary as does John 1:14 - God Almighty Spoke and through his word the Jesus was created in the womb of Mary. Marc talks about the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ whilst the book of Luke talks about again the beginning of the gospel of Jesus who Luke confirms was known as the word. Why is Jesus known as the word of God? Because he is the prophet like but greater than Moses in whom God Almighty said he would place his word, who would only speak and teach what God Almighty told him to say. The big clue that the word is not referring to a divine pre-existing person is because there is no such character found anywhere in the Hebrew Bible brother.
      Jesus came into existence in the womb of his mothers

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 18 днів тому

      @@mblaydoe yes I know. But it is your job to test the teachings that you have inherited from your forefathers. Are you aware that it was Justin Martin in the second century who First proposed this idea that Jesus is the angels of the Lord? It is not found in the teaching of Jesus or his disciples, Rather, it originates in the Hellenistic minds of Christian converts and is explicitly denied by the testimony of the new Testament. Jesus warned his disciples that false teachers and false prophets will rise who would even confuse the elect if that were possible. that is why it is so important that scripture must be your Start point for understanding the revelation contained in God‘s word. The teaching and writings of early followers of Jesus are of course important. But they do not have the right to misinterpret God’s word.

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 18 днів тому

      @@mblaydoe or all your talk of the Trinity is quite ludicrous. You are not quoting any scripture above. You’re just talking about the traditions of the church.

  • @TheGamedogg81
    @TheGamedogg81 Місяць тому

    So are you definitely saying that there is no way form or fashion that God is not a triune being.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      I am not saying that. I am saying that the Bible doesn’t limit Him to our rigid rationalized concepts, including that of a triune being. But the point of the video is not so much what the nature of God is or isn’t, but how going beyond Scripture causes us to systematize and categorize our limitless God.

  • @JackKosherDog
    @JackKosherDog Місяць тому

    What about when Yeshua said, "Don't touch Me I haven't been to the Father yet." after He arose from the dead?
    That said, I don't believe in Trinity either, but no one told me to stop holding the dogma; it just didn't fit, the more I studied scripture.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      I don’t understand the question. Please elaborate.

  • @starlynnfiegener2939
    @starlynnfiegener2939 Місяць тому

    Thought provoking. Praying for understanding. Thank you for this study.

    @MRFITTA 26 днів тому

    Great, you've confirmed God is a Trinity, without saying God is a Trinity......

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  26 днів тому

      Yes and no. I agree that Scripture teaches the core truth of the Trinity doctrine-that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each and together God. But there’s a lot more to that doctrine that exceeds Scripture.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 26 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV that's true, I was just being a bit mischievous.....

  • @mccabeianenator
    @mccabeianenator 29 днів тому

    just an observation-
    There is God
    There is the Word of God
    There is the Spirit(Intention) of God
    Is there 3 Gods?....of course not
    There is You
    There is your word
    There is your Intention(Spirit)
    Is there 3 of You?....of course not
    Some people get it....some people don`t

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      A single person does not have multiple wills, and Christ clearly said the Father's will was not his.

  • @Dessme
    @Dessme Місяць тому +2

    There are seveal verses that show God is indeed a triune God. Both in the old and new testament. One of which is " “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him" John 14: 23. If He was one he would have said I instead of we. "Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me. " IS 48:16. Now is the concep easy? not so but you have to take it as revealed.

  • @Kefarodz
    @Kefarodz 19 днів тому

    Brethren, shalom kol Yisrael. Elohim is ONE. In God’s appropriate time He manifested Himself in a man (Yeshua ha mashiach). The manifestation of the Son was a temporary manifestation. When crucified and resurrected He took His place in the Heavens. in Mattityahu 1:23 it says He, Emmanuel means “GOD WITH US”. So when He talks with the father He is showing us how to pray to the Father. Also, there’s only one God who is Spirit, the Holy Spirit. So God is Spirit. My friends, only by being in the Spirit can we receive REVELATION of Himself. toda raba.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  19 днів тому

      Not temporary. Yeshua “has gone into heaven and *is* at the right hand of God” (1 Peter 3:22).

    • @Kefarodz
      @Kefarodz 19 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV if God is Spirit and He is invisible how can anyone see God?

  • @angieperez2329
    @angieperez2329 Місяць тому +4

    Wow!!! Finally, sound biblical teaching! I’ve had to keep my belief of not boxing God into 3 forms for a long time. There is too much in Scripture to show HE IS MUCH MORE! Thank you for this. Shalom!

  • @stevehammond8393
    @stevehammond8393 Місяць тому

    When do you use the word "indivisibility" then, are you not doing the same thing that the trinitarians are doing or have I misunderstood you? Up to this point I am with you.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      I’m afraid I don’t understand your question. Can you clarify? How do you understand what I mean by God’s oneness and indivisibility?

  • @simonsloutsker7783
    @simonsloutsker7783 Місяць тому

    Bravo! Courageous step forward. Thank you Kevin for boldly proclaiming the truth of Scripture. There are some things you say that could be a matter of debate. For instance, the name Adonai and the name YHWH are not synonymous in the Scripture. And it is significant, because the name Adonai is used most of times to depict God's singularity (although it is a plural form). The name Adonai is not really shared. But the name YHWH is shared between plural manifestations of God (see Gen.19:24, Zechariah 2:8-9, 10:12). Thus, in Exo. 3:3-4, Gen.18:1, Devarim 6:4 we see the name YHWH, not Adonai. It is also not obvious that in Philip. 2:11 Yeshua is called Adonai. It could also be Adon. I agree that Yeshua is God in the flesh. But the name Adonai is God's name for all times. Why would it be given to the Son of man? So, Kyrios in Philip.2:11 would correspond to Adon, I believe, rather than to Adonai.
    But overall, your exposition is excellent. YHWH bless you and strengthen you and make you a blessing for many!

  • @michaelwaterworth9899
    @michaelwaterworth9899 27 днів тому

    Adoni is also a man made name. The hebrew is Jehovah or Ye ho vah. Lord God is Ye ho vah Elohim.

  • @641Bryan
    @641Bryan 29 днів тому

    Shema Israel … He is One
    Or be led to another set of Commandments

  • @grahamtopfuel
    @grahamtopfuel Місяць тому

    ✝️✝️✝️ BIBLICAL TRINITY PATTERN. God is One Spiritual Person who has eternally manifested in different “STATES OF BEING” (referred to as manifestations in the bible). God is never described as 3 separate persons in the Bible. As God is spirit (John 4:24) we therefore only have one Omnipresent , all powerful Spirit who has the ability to reveal Himself in different ways throughout the Bible namely as the Father, the Son (Logos) and the Holy Spirit (Also as the Angel of the Lord, in Old Testament). If you say the father, Son and Holy Spirit are 3 separate spiritual persons (like in the Trinity Doctrine implies), then you have 3 Gods, which is Tritheism and this is not Biblical. It's very easy to understand. A) the Holy Spirit is just the Spirit of God not another spirit or person. B) the Son is just God in "Flesh", but the full Spirit of God lives within the body of Christ, so Christ is the same supreme spiritual person as God NOT another person. The bible is strictly Monotheistic and this means God is only ONE spiritual person. The Bible never ever says God is 3 persons.
    NOTE: Just because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit share the same Divine essence (Greek = Homoousios) DOES NOT make them One God. You and me both share the same “human essence” and “human nature”, but that does not make us one "human" This is a philosophical idea that was included into the early Roman Catholic Trinity Doctrine to address the key problem of the Trinity Model which states that God is 3 separate persons = 3 Gods = polytheism. GOD IS ONE BECAUSE HE IS ONE SPIRITUAL PERSON (strict monotheism), not because they share the same divine essence.

  • @harrymackenzie2938
    @harrymackenzie2938 Місяць тому

    It takes three orthographic projection’s to describe any three-dimensional object on a two dimensional piece of paper. In a similar fashion, it takes 3 four dimensional projections (our world x,y,z,t) to describe a higher dimensional God. The three figures of the Godhead are therefore merely different projections describing the same entity.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      That is not a way to understand God that is supported by the Scriptures.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      I personally see no problem in nature reflecting some Biblical truths.

  • @coreybray9834
    @coreybray9834 27 днів тому

    Okay, so you accept that there are three entities called God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But, then you imagine that Elohiym, which in Hebrew is clearly plural, is only an intensity reference of the majesty of God in a more singular sense. But, what you are failing to explain is how your latter conclusion here is in any way remotely consistent with your former conclusion.
    It could also be the case that Elohiym is plural because it is referencing a Godhead that contains more than one member as you earlier discovered in your former conclusion: in this case three members. And that realization would better support the conclusion you reached in your former argument.
    And that would explain why Genesis 1 mentions more than one reference to God and the Spirit of God early on in the first few verses, long before getting to the latter plural reference “Let us make man in our image” in verses 26-27. It is abundantly clear in Genesis 1 that at least two members of the Godhead were present in Genesis 1, and possibly all three members of the Godhead were present, but that might be more difficult to guarantee from the details of Genesis 1.
    As for the statement: “Let us make man in our image”, Genesis 5:1-2 adds more clarity to that discussion. While Genesis 1 refers to the man Adam as he, Genesis 5:1-2 adds that Adam was created both male and female and their name was called Adam in the day they were created. In other words, the confusion of language is brought about because it is not simple to explain a composite being with multiple genders prior to their being separated-especially when translating from Hebrew to English. We stumble over this problem all the time when we call our race “mankind” leaving out references to the female gender within the broader population of our race with such a singular gendered reference. And this problem has lead many to believe that females are not made in the image of God, but again, Genesis 5:1-2 disputes that conclusion. But, if females are anatomically different from men and are also made after the image of God, then we would expect there should be a female member of the Godhead too. We know it is not the Father, and we know it is not his Son, but what if the female member of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit? That would go a long way towards explaining why Christ is an only begotten son in John 3, after revealing that a central function of the Holy Spirit is to help us become born again. Giving birth is the natural function of a woman, not a man.
    So, a proper doctrine of the Godhead is to view the Godhead more as a family, and humans also orient in family structures too, further explaining how we were created in the image and likeness of God. Just as God the Father and the Holy Spirit had a begotten child Yeshua, men and women also procreate and have children. This might explain why Lucifer strives so hard to destroy the family structure, because it is an attack on the primary Godhead templet after which the family order and structure is oriented in Scripture.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  27 днів тому

      You have perfectly illustrated the point of this teaching: that the Trinity doctrine, because it requires extra-biblical language to defend and explain it, leads to philosophies and rationalizations that go beyond Scripture.

    • @coreybray9834
      @coreybray9834 14 днів тому

      12 days ago (edited)
      You have perfectly illustrated the point of this teaching: that the Trinity doctrine, because it requires extra-biblical language to defend and explain it, leads to philosophies and rationalizations that go beyond Scripture.
      *Unless you know of a passage or two explaining why and how God exists, then there is a lot about the Godhead that would potentially require explainations which reach well beyond the Scriptures to satisfactorily explain God.

  • @stevehammond8393
    @stevehammond8393 Місяць тому

    can,t the word "one" mean in quality and not quantity, as with Elohim?

  • @SincerelyoursYah
    @SincerelyoursYah 28 днів тому

    This is deception. The Father alone is the only true Elohim. To renounce this to worship any other Almighty God is to leave the Word of God and to go after a strong delusion. Messiah plainly taught that The ONLY True God IS THE FATHER (John 17:3).

  • @mcandler_the_unscottish
    @mcandler_the_unscottish Місяць тому

    I honestly am becoming convinced by the day that there are two persons in heaven in whom the fullness of deity dwells. In all of scripture, there is either the Holy Spirit of God or as from Acts 2 onwards to date, there is the Holy Spirit of Jesus. There is no 3rd person. That is why only Matt 28:19 and 1 John 5:7 (not in all bible translations) allude to a 3rd person. Even the salutations of the authors of the NT are in the name of the Father and the Son. Jesus Himself says believe in the Father and believe in me. The Holy Spirit is the power of the Father and of Christ at work in us for God's purpose and the edification of the body. I may be wrong but it seems to me that all evidence points in that direction now when viewed through a lens that is not fighting to defend to trinity doctrine.

  • @AspenVonFluffer
    @AspenVonFluffer Місяць тому

    Brother! Folks! Rejection of the trinity is absolute poison…
    It is so important to believe in the correct way. The trinity is the gift that allows us to truly understand our creator…. Let’s talk about spirit. First off God is spirit. What does that mean??? Think about Christmas time and how everyone puts out lights, decorates, and shines the spirit of Jesus….. it is spirit that makes this all happen….. Please, stop and think. What if we didn’t have this understanding of spirit???? You need to follow God his way not your way…..

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Did you watch the whole video? Is there a particular thing that was taught that you can refute with Scripture?

    • @AspenVonFluffer
      @AspenVonFluffer Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV Yes, I watched the whole video. And I'm not interested in arguing with you. I just can't believe you or anyone would downplay the importance of The Trinity. Think about peoples one dimensional understanding of God before Jesus came to earth.. And please dwell on the concept of spirit for a while... God is spirit.. What does that mean? Spirit creates everything.. The will or energy (love really) that dwells in our hearts that pushes us to do everything. God decided to give us The Trinity as a tool to better understand him completely. Please don't take that away from anyone.
      In closing I would just like to say that I enjoy your videos. Please have a blessed Sunday!

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoy my videos. So not to argue, but for my edification (because I don’t want to poison anyone), if I believe that Scripture teaches that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each and together God (which I state multiple times in the video), then what am I missing? Where is the poison?

    • @AspenVonFluffer
      @AspenVonFluffer Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV I'm sorry, perhaps I misunderstood. Perhaps I will watch again.. I was just left with the impression that you were making an argument against the Trinity, which again, in my opinion, is the key to truly understanding our creator.

  • @RestoringTheKingdom
    @RestoringTheKingdom 14 днів тому

    I'm not a fan of the word oneness as applied to our Elohim. Your words singularity an indivisible, and your view as a whole is how the Ruach showed me. I understand that you're using oneness as the "state of being one" in the same manner that we use wholeness, completeness, or fullness of the One. However, it seems the word has come to mean something more like a unity, multiple things acting as one, which is not what you are saying. That unity understanding makes using oneness seem to create confusion in the minds of many. In fact, Unitarian and Arian belivers use oneness to describe themselves when what they mean is a unity, hence the confusion with that terminology. Your explanation of how He is One was flawless. This isn't a repudiation, but rather a caution because of the seemingly more and more common use of the word that should mean the state of being one being used to mean more than one in unison.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  14 днів тому +1

      You make a great point, and I will reevaluate going forward. Words really just don’t do Him justice! I hadn’t considered other usages of “oneness,” simply because I am (apparently) unaware. I am grateful you understood what I was saying, despite the limitations of my language. Blessings!

    • @RestoringTheKingdom
      @RestoringTheKingdom 14 днів тому

      @perfectwordTV I grew up in a oneness organization. I realized that half of that organization wasn't as oneness as yours and my shared understanding.

  • @thetruth871
    @thetruth871 Місяць тому

    Trinity is simple. The Trinity is comprised of three identity Father ,Son ,Holy Spirit, and the reason why they are One? is because they have the same mind, the same Spirit, and the same essence. it's a bit like a Holy marriage and they are One in every sense of the word. God is eternal, and Jesus is eternal, and so is the Spirit. The Bible does not speak of the Trinity directly, it only speaks indirectly. Iam going to give some examples. John 1 :: NIV. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word is Jesus) He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. And also in John 17:1-5 Jesus said these things. And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. and also Colossians 1:16-17
    16 Through his power all things were made-things in heaven and on earth, things seen and unseen, all powers, authorities, lords, and rulers. All things were made through Christ and for Christ. 17 He was there before anything was made, and all things continue because of him. So you see how eternal Jesus is? and then we also have the Holy Spirit, and the Three Father Son, and Spirit, form the (Trinity.)God bless

    • @jollyrancher521
      @jollyrancher521 Місяць тому

      Colossians 1:15 and 16 says that by means of the Son, the firstborn of every creature, all things were created. When it says "all things", does that mean Jesus is God because nothing existed before Jesus? No. Verse 16 says that all things were created _by_ Jesus Christ, or _through_ Jesus Christ. When it says "all things were created by him", it is understood that this does not include God himself. Paul said something similar in 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28. There it states that God put all things under Jesus' feet. Does that mean that God is also under Jesus’ feet? Paul clarifies in verse 27: "But when he says all things have been subjected, it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him."
      In John 1:1 the word “theos” (god) appears two times. The first time when it refers to God it has the definite article “the” (ho theos). The second time when it refers to the Word it does not have a definite article. It is indefinite. This shows that God and the Word are not the same. That is why some Bible translators render the second part of the verse “and a god was the word” or “the word was divine.” Note also that John 1:1 says that "the Word was with God". Someone who is with another person is not the same as that other person.

  • @lonnierandall7882
    @lonnierandall7882 Місяць тому

    The Holy Spirit is God but not a third person. The Spirit is God's essence. Spirit is what God is, and the Spirit He is is the Holy Spirit. That is the key to understanding "the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost." The reason the Father and the Son are One is because they are the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is also how we are one in them when we believe. This scripture makes it plain.
    Romans 8:9-11 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
    In the last two chapters of Revelation, where it talks about the new heaven and the new earth, we find no mention of the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is there in the Father and the Son. What we do see is a river of life flowing out of the throne.
    Revelation 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
    John 7:37-39 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)
    John 4:10-14 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
    Jesus said, “I and My Father are One.” He didn’t say I and my Father are two, and He didn’t say I and my Father and the Holy Spirit are three. The way the Spirit is described in the scripture as being "of God" and "of His Son" and being "His Spirit", it does not sound like a third person. I do not think the Spirit is a third person. I think it is what God is. Just as you and I are human beings, the Father and Son are Holy Spirit.
    John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
    John 14:16-18 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU.
    Jesus comes to us in the Holy Spirit.
    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
    The Holy Spirit is God's own being, not a third person. The Holy Spirit is how God is omnipresent. His Spirit permeates every place in Heaven and Earth. His Holy Spirit emanates from himself throughout all of creation and beyond. That is how God can be enthroned in heaven while appearing as a man at the tent of Abraham and be in all places at the same time. The Spirit emanates from Him. That is how we can be connected to him when he gives us the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts. The Spirit doesn't leave him, it emanates from him.

  • @tigre659FM
    @tigre659FM Місяць тому

    AMEN brother!! As Far as the "Let US make man.." in Genesis, ADONAI Himself revealed this to JOB as to who was present when man was formed. Job 38:4-7 - "Where were you when I laid the FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH? Tell Me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know!
    Or who stretched the [b]line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone,
    When the MORNING STARS sang together, And all the SONS OF GOD shouted for joy?" They did not create, but they were participants as witnesses!
    The Trinity Doctrine as defined by the Roman Catholic Church and those that adhere to her teachings, was developed out of Greek Philosophy, Plato's Philosophy as to the nature of the head god of the Greek Pantheon of gods.
    The great Commission given by YESHUA is designed to reveal the Mystery of Messiah, the NAME of ADONAI's manifestations, which are also included by Isaiah in his prophecy about the coming Messiah (9:6) where those manifestations are also included, the child born is the Eternal FATHER, the given SON and the Wonderful Counselor! And this is confirmed on the Day of Pentecost , when that commandment of the Great Commission is obeyed for the first time and the NAME is revealed in Acts 2:38!
    Yeshua Himself testifies as to this mission in John 17:6 - "I have MANIFESTED YOUR NAME to the men You have given me..." And 17:26 - "And I have DECLARED to them Your NAME..."
    What NAME did He declare or manifest to His Jewish followers that already knew the multiple NAMES of YHVH?

  • @docupc
    @docupc 29 днів тому +1

    Looking at scriptures objectively is so rare in this generation. Many have their doctrine glasses on before approaching the word rather than seeking God for understanding and allowing scripture to confirm scripture.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts so clearly and objectively.
    Deut 6:4 🙌🏾

  • @daniellaforme9868
    @daniellaforme9868 25 днів тому

    Amazing. A Jew who believes in a pagan teaching like the trinity. Thinking that Jehovah/Yahweh the only true God would associate himself with any belief that could be traced back to ancient Babylon.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому

      You didn’t watch the whole video (if any of it).

    • @daniellaforme9868
      @daniellaforme9868 25 днів тому

      I did to the part where you said that God and the Christ were a part of a trinity, then I lost interest. I don’t like listening to people who blaspheme the true God. I hope that someday you’ll humble yourself and accept the truth. Take care

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому

      @daniellaforme9868 Never said that. Watch it again.

    • @daniellaforme9868
      @daniellaforme9868 25 днів тому

      I know what I heard. In fact my wife was with me and she heard it as well. Hey, I respect your right to believe what you believe. We live on a free country. All the best

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  25 днів тому

      @daniellaforme9868 Don’t believe your lying ears. I would never say that I believe that “Christ” is “part of a trinity.” שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד Adonai is One. Watch the video again if you want to do more than just jump to conclusions and hurl insults.

  • @Acts24.5
    @Acts24.5 24 дні тому

    But what do you believe brother?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  24 дні тому

      About what?

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 24 дні тому

      @@perfectwordTV amazing! You answered:) thank you so much. I have just gone into your website:) Who do you believe Yeshua is? Both during his earthly ministry and now after his resurrection?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  24 дні тому

      Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16)

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 24 дні тому

      @@perfectwordTV I love the vision of your message and agree with much of what you said especially regarding the trinity creating a dividing wall between the Jewish people and Yeshua.

    • @Acts24.5
      @Acts24.5 24 дні тому

      @@perfectwordTV amen. I have sent you an email if that’s ok?

  • @ochem123
    @ochem123 29 днів тому

    Have you ever read the 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven? ❤️‍🔥🇻🇦🇺🇸⚕️

  • @wallomaie1752
    @wallomaie1752 Місяць тому

    I love how we have to just assume that any of this is true. Oh, a book says it is? 😂

  • @MattHalcyon
    @MattHalcyon 22 дні тому +1

    Trinitarianism is uncanonical polytheism. The Trinitarians want no one reading the Old Testament because it warns against polytheism ad nauseum. "I am the first, I am the last" "I am the lord your God, there is no one beside me", "My name is Jealous, I am a Jealous God.", "My glory will I not give to another name", "thou shalt not go after other Gods or put them before me"
    Even Christ distinguished a difference between him and the father. He told them "do not call me good, only my father is good", and he advised people to pray to the Father and not to himself. Christ was most certainly a monotheist, and those who worship Christ as God are perverse with idolatry which is definitively an immoral sin.
    Worship the one Creator, not the creations.

  • @darekisrael469
    @darekisrael469 27 днів тому

    If you didn't put down the KJV I'd actually like you, but I agree with everything you said.
    I'm not commanded to like you so how's that for a word from God go get you some scripture .

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  27 днів тому +1

      😆 I’ll take it. 😊 There’s actually a lot I like about the KJV, but there are some issues I take with the TR. Sounds like you would be on the opposite side of that. Hope we can still be friends!

    • @darekisrael469
      @darekisrael469 26 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV if you're a friend of God's you're a friend of mine.
      Even if you're my enemy I am commanded to entreat you as a brother.
      That's a tough one but I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
      The Most High bless you sir.

  • @user-fn6vm5tb8p
    @user-fn6vm5tb8p Місяць тому

    Great video, thank you! I subscribed to this channel after watching this. Christians who are criticising this have a listening problem. We are called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, that is to say we must seek diligently to understand God and His teachings and obey them. We need to stop following the world. We have the full responsibility and obligation to separate truth from lies. There is a lot of false and misleading information and tradition out there that Christians are following. But I think a lot of Christians won’t seek or find the answers and obey them because of pride and the fact that, living biblically isn’t ‘exciting’ by the world’s standards, and also because we often are more concerned to seek the acceptance of other Christians than from God.

  • @user-dn4dp4xi2v
    @user-dn4dp4xi2v Місяць тому


  • @user-fn8gz8nx3k
    @user-fn8gz8nx3k Місяць тому +2

    AMEN! PraiseYeshua!

  • @timlee8424
    @timlee8424 Місяць тому

    I can't tell are you advocating for some sort of modalism?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      I am advocating for Scripture, not for any systematic doctrine.

    • @timlee8424
      @timlee8424 Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV I feel like that's kind of a cop-out answer but all right

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      That’s literally the point of the video.

    • @timlee8424
      @timlee8424 Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV the point of the video was to cop-out and be vague about what you believe?

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Don’t be willfully ignorant. You know what I mean.

  • @JoseTarrayo-m7t
    @JoseTarrayo-m7t 27 днів тому

    Trinity is paganism.

  • @MyGodisLove555
    @MyGodisLove555 29 днів тому +1


    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  29 днів тому


    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      I don't think you're entirely wrong friend, if not a perfect correlation.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 26 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV this is what happens when you try to encourage people think for themselves, the Trinity explanation works very well with the average new testament Christian.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  26 днів тому

      @MRFITTA Sadly, your point just further highlights the biblical illiteracy of the average believer. My goal isn’t to get people “thinking for themselves” so much as to get them to read the word of God for themselves, while staying within those boundaries.

    • @MRFITTA
      @MRFITTA 26 днів тому

      @@perfectwordTV I agree completely.

  • @tinamurphy3572
    @tinamurphy3572 Місяць тому +1

    While I have no issue with the fact that trinity teaching gives many comfort as an explanation of God, I have long held that it's a human attempt at an explanation, not a legitimate doctrine as it does not appear in scripture. Also more importantly, it always seemed to me, to be simultaneously, too small a box for God as well as too large. It simply never quit fit. So thank you for your ever scriptural teachings. 😉💞

  • @barryw.gaugler3442
    @barryw.gaugler3442 Місяць тому +3

    Seek ADONAI and not man-made traditions or doctrines of religion. I pray that will teach again.

  • @barneyroberts668
    @barneyroberts668 Місяць тому

    Third generation Oneness Pentecostal I like your approach in teaching the Oneness of God.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      Thanks, but to clarify: I don’t support or purport Oneness Pentecostal beliefs.

  • @andreacugini5372
    @andreacugini5372 29 днів тому

    Se c'è un corpo fisico c'è anche un corpo spirituale. Il Padre ha un corpo spirituale?
    Probabilmente si. Dunque ha un corpo diverso dal figlio il quale lo ricevette alla resurrezione. Lo Spirito Santo ha un corpo?....Non è mai scritto nella Bibbia ..
    In Apocalisse si dice che l Agnello è degno di ricevere sapienza e gloria.
    Dio Padre può ricevere sapienza? No, lui è sapienza assoluta.
    Il figlio si? Certo...e da chi? Dagli uomini?
    No! Solo dal Padre... Quindi sono due esseri distinti uno inferiore all altro.
    Il figlio si sottometterà a Dio dice Paolo in 1 Corinzi 15.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      El Cordero sólo recibió de vuelta lo que primero entregó.
      Recuerden que... Filipenses 2.

    • @andreacugini5372
      @andreacugini5372 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@Dizerner lo ha ricevuto comunque da Qualcuno che è differente a lui..
      Che uno che da e uno che riceve.
      Ricorda tu che il figlio si sottometterà al Padre, che è l unico solo vero Dio..

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@andreacugini5372 6 el cual, siendo en forma de Dios, no estimó el ser igual a Dios como cosa a que aferrarse, 7 sino que se despojó a sí mismo, tomando forma de siervo, hecho semejante a los hombres;
      Él renunció a este privilegios divinos para someterse por nosotros. ¿Puedes imaginar un amor más grande?

    • @andreacugini5372
      @andreacugini5372 29 днів тому +1

      ​@@Dizerner non prese in considerazione una rapina ... cioè l essere uguale a Dio ..
      Era divino, come lo saranno i cristiani glorificati, ma lui pur essendo tale non volle diventare uguale a Dio, ma si umiliò e divenne uomo..
      Attenti alle traduzioni forzate!

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@andreacugini5372 Estar en la forma de Dios. Está muy claro allí. ¡La palabra era Dios! No hay nada forzado allí.
      Es por eso que el sacrificio fue el más grande que jamás podría haber: no tenía las limitaciones de una simple criatura.

  • @grahamtopfuel
    @grahamtopfuel Місяць тому +2

    ✝️ THE TRINITY DOCTRINE ERROR. ✝️ The Trinity Doctrine (as defined in the Nicean and Athanasius creeds 4th Century) states that God is 3 separate persons. 3 persons = 3 separate beings = 3 God's = Tritheism, and this is NOT biblical. The bible is strictly Monotheistic (Deuteronomy 6:4) and states that God is One Spiritual person and not three persons. God is ONE TRANSCENDENT DIVINE SPIRITUAL PERSON (GOD) manifest in various different "states of being" as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit etc, but all are still ONE SPIRITUAL person and not 3 as stated in the Athanasius Trinity Doctrine. ✝️ DEFINITIONS: BEING = defined as anything that exists or lives. PERSON = defined as any being that has its own center of consciousness and will, its own intelligence and personality (eg, human person "being" or spiritual person "being"). Therefore, a person is by default ALSO a being. So 3 PERSONS = 3 BEINGS = 3 GODS = Tritheism. This is not an accurate description of the "Biblical Trinity" which is strictly Monotheistic.

  • @robbinkaplan8451
    @robbinkaplan8451 Місяць тому

    Thank you for this teaching Kevin! I have never believed in the trinity either. It puts God in a box. You just brought forth the thoughts I have had for a long time about this subject, but could not put into words. Thank you for bringing forth the Scriptures from the Jewish perspective! You are a blessing! Shalom and blessings in Yeshua! 😊🙏

  • @michaellugo3732
    @michaellugo3732 Місяць тому

    So why did the Jewish thinkers/rulers reject Jesus and turn Him over? Perhaps of what He said about the Father and Himself and the Spirit. Seems Jesus was in direct conflict with the pinnacle of all historical thinking and practices of the oneness of God.
    Good teaching, TY.

  • @jomerorobia4140
    @jomerorobia4140 Місяць тому

    Peace be with you.
    Trinity is simple but effective tactic of Satan to deny or disobey the teaching of Jesus about his Father is the only true God.
    Trinity is God of the Bible or the Trinitarian. But the God of Jesus is not Trinity. And that his our God his Father.
    Jesus is the beginning of the creation of God. that is why he is the first.
    Through Jesus all are created by God. that is why he is the last.
    Jesus is the first and he is also the last. That is why he is the only begotten Son of God.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      I don’t know what you’re driving at, but your second paragraph makes no sense and your assertion is not found in Scripture.

    • @jomerorobia4140
      @jomerorobia4140 Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV Why you believe in Jesus?
      my second paragraph makes no sense because not found in Scripture? Let is say. That is the testimony of Jesus through the Spirit.

    • @perfectwordTV
      @perfectwordTV  Місяць тому

      @jomerorobia4140 Is English your first language? Your comment is incoherent. I don’t understand what you’re saying.

    • @jomerorobia4140
      @jomerorobia4140 Місяць тому

      @@perfectwordTV I'm a Pilipino. sorry if my english is not good.
      Jesus testify through the Spirit he promise. one of his testemony is, he is the beginning of the creation of God. Because he is the first and he is also the last.

  • @d.maegil2477
    @d.maegil2477 Місяць тому +1

    Excellent study. 👍 I have always said that I defer to G-d telling me Who He Is, how He Is and how He reveals Himself to man. Where He Is silent on the matter, I aceept that as well. Anything else is hyperbole.

  • @lanerussell7958
    @lanerussell7958 Місяць тому

    The Trinity as it is commonly taught--God is one God in three People, co-eternal, co-equal, consubstantial, yet three beings, yet one God--did not exist until 380 AD when it was finalized at the council of Constantinople. Before then, the controversy was, was Christ of the same substance as the Father, or of similar substance? And this was addressed at Nicea in 325. Now, the Romans did not understand the concept of an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God; their theology was informed by the Stoics and the Epicureans, who believed that gods had form, and thus were inherently limited. Also, the Romans blamed the Jews for everything that went wrong in the Empire; so Constantine wanted to erase Christ's inherently Jewish identity. There's a lot more to it, but this is all i've got time to write.

  • @elizabethmonroe5791
    @elizabethmonroe5791 Місяць тому +17

    The trinity is not biblical. Jesus told us who God is when He was talking to the woman at the well. He said that God is Spirit and seeks those who will worship God in Spirit and in truth.

    • @timlee8424
      @timlee8424 Місяць тому +4

      John 8:58
      Acts 5:3-4

    • @kellyblakeborough3371
      @kellyblakeborough3371 Місяць тому +3

      This is correct but Thomas in confession to christ said , my Lord and my God with no rebuke from Jesus. If Jesus was just a prophet like all others God himself would have struck him down like he did with Herod when the people claimed him to be God and then Herod died

    • @elizabethmonroe5791
      @elizabethmonroe5791 Місяць тому

      @@kellyblakeborough3371 Your forgetting Jesus had Gods Spirit within him without messure. You do not know Thomas heart and it does not specifically mean he was calling Jesus God or the Spirit within him God. The Spirit within him is God but the man Jesus was and is his Lord.

    • @kellyblakeborough3371
      @kellyblakeborough3371 Місяць тому

      @@elizabethmonroe5791 he was , read psalm 35

    • @kellyblakeborough3371
      @kellyblakeborough3371 Місяць тому +2

      @@elizabethmonroe5791 plus Thomas was not addressing God's spirit but God himself

  • @michelhaineault6654
    @michelhaineault6654 Місяць тому +2

    The trinity OF THREE DIFFERENT PERSONS is absolutely not biblical. Am a French Canadian Christian and I believe in '' modalism'' God is Spirit he became flesh and now he dwell in is true people , we are God temple (Spirit)

    • @petrosorr
      @petrosorr Місяць тому +2

      Ooh! I would love to hear your perspective on the same verse I posed to Kevin:
      Matthew records that at Yeshua's baptism (Matthew 3:16), the Spirit rested on Yeshua, and a voice from heaven claimed him as "my Son" (implying Fatherhood). How does "modalism" account for these three entities interacting simultaneously?

    • @michelhaineault6654
      @michelhaineault6654 Місяць тому

      @@petrosorr Trinitarians are asking me this question so often. First a bird it's not the H.Spirit it's a vision and the voice is not a person it's a sound, These two manifestations was a prophecy for John the Baptist .John 1:32-34
      32 And John bore witness: d“I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. 33 I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 34 And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.”..... also you have three ''manifestation''s of God in th Sinai : the voice, the angel of the Lord and the burning bush, is this also a triune God ???

  • @CurtMcCarthy
    @CurtMcCarthy Місяць тому

    Shalom my Brother! I thank YHWH for and have been greatly blessed by your faithful service. It seems “trinity “ is the Christian philosophical approach to wrap everything relating to YHWH and force it into a nice neat humanistic frame.
    You included Matthew 28:19 from the ESV which adds “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The KJV and late Greek manuscripts have incorrectly added this and most people don’t realize this. It is important to refer to Acts 2:38 “and Keifa said to them, ‘Reform, and be immersed, each of you, in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah…”. Yes, only His Name!
    Also, the ESV and many others translate the Hebrew “malak “, meaning messenger into angel, giving the impression that this is a created winged cute being. I am of the persuasion that malak should always be translated as messenger and the context should determine whether it is a devine or earthly messenger. It appears that Yeshua may have been among the other two messengers who visited Abraham. It should also be noted that LORD used by most translations is a substitute for YHVH which appears in the Hebrew Scriptures 6,826 times.

  • @matthewlogan7807
    @matthewlogan7807 29 днів тому +1

    The gospel is trinitarian.

  • @kennethgreifer5123
    @kennethgreifer5123 Місяць тому

    There are millions of people on the internet telling people what is Biblically correct. They all think they know the right answers, and they all sound like they are the voices of reason when it comes to the Bible. It is a tough competition because they are not all right. I also think I understand the Hebrew Bible in a better way because I have tried to fix the words of the Hebrew Bible to what I think they originally said using textual criticism. I think everyone is working with miscopied verses and coming up with nonsensical explanations of nonsensical verses. Also, everyone is just guessing when it comes to the quotes that are not miscopied. This is why Judaism and Christianity have been arguing about nonsensical verses for 2,000 years without any good answers, because both sides are trying to make sense out of miscopied verses.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      Writing a new bible are we.

    • @kennethgreifer5123
      @kennethgreifer5123 29 днів тому

      @@Dizerner I am trying to reconstruct the original Hebrew Bible as many other people have tried to do also. The people who copied it badly created a new Bible thousands of years ago.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@kennethgreifer5123 Making up your own source text means God was not able to preserve his Word except through you. I don't know why I would believe that.

    • @kennethgreifer5123
      @kennethgreifer5123 29 днів тому

      @@Dizerner It is called textual criticism. It is not preserved through me. If you actually understood any Biblical language or read commentaries like NetBible or any text critical commentaries, you would know that many words in Hebrew, etc. are not understood or don't make sense as they are. So much of the Bible is really guesses. You think they are "literal" translations when some Bibles call themselves literal, but they are guessing. Human beings miscopy and misunderstand words. If you understood Hebrew, you would understand. It was written without vowel letters, without punctuation, and with many look alike letters. Even Psalm 12 that is used to show that God preserves His words is actually misread because that is not what it literally says in Hebrew. Look on Bible Hub's commentaries or on NetBible. They are just reading it that way.

    • @Dizerner
      @Dizerner 29 днів тому

      @@kennethgreifer5123 I am aware and accept the TC you describe. You seem to take it a step further and to say every textual critic but you didn't get it right... why is that?