I gusse it is enough for follow her by perfectely... But where are her articles that consists or contains in such of these theses of helpful... Of course, it is also helpful pursuing she for obtaining on kept up our an education. I impressed to her theme because I specialize in treating such cases, I mean through experience.
store in a cool dry place. Store manager. Store keeper. but I brought in to that story or I got totally these story, not shame and nothing wrong, because storage spaces at my dreams and memory it will eccepts anything. There is not surprising for crowded or loaded or packed those information and similarity, the storms don't last forver, but is this a word comes in meaning its a line to Danish accent, I did not following it since a long.... Definition terms starting from first theme to me definitely. surely or certainly I don't sure................. 😊
My teacher, I do not make a mistake intentionally, and it is shameful for me to send information that may be wrong for a period of time, but I tell you that my memory contains a lot of English information and simple steps to reach the goal. I started learning a short time ago, God willing. I expect that against gained those benefits is will not interrupted permanently if the situtaion continuous like this. That like these information it will thrives step by step and day after day and it gives its fruits. Message Alnabehy
يمكنكم تحميل ملخص الفيديو ملف pdf من هنا:
Very useful
جميلة الفكرة والاجمل تحميل النصوص 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
كل الشكر لجهودك ❤
مجهودك عظيم، شكرًا جدًا، في استمرارك إفادة لناس كتيرة.❤
Bunch of thanks!
thank you 👍
I gusse it is enough for follow her by perfectely... But where are her articles that consists or contains in such of these theses of helpful... Of course, it is also helpful pursuing she for obtaining on kept up our an education. I impressed to her theme because I specialize in treating such cases, I mean through experience.
store in a cool dry place. Store manager. Store keeper. but I brought in to that story or I got totally these story, not shame and nothing wrong, because storage spaces at my dreams and memory it will eccepts anything. There is not surprising for crowded or loaded or packed those information and similarity, the storms don't last forver, but is this a word comes in meaning its a line to Danish accent, I did not following it since a long.... Definition terms starting from first theme to me definitely. surely or certainly I don't sure................. 😊
بخلاصة من يريد ان يتقن الإنجليزية فقط فقط اذا تعلمت كلمت جديدة حاول تتكلم مع نفسك بها مع الوقت ستمدج الكلمات وتتقنها وتصبح مفكر بها .بكل هذه البساطة😅
صحيح 👏🏻
Vielen Dank! 01.06.23
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فيه خطأ فى ملف pdf
My teacher, I do not make a mistake intentionally, and it is shameful for me to send information that may be wrong for a period of time, but I tell you that my memory contains a lot of English information and simple steps to reach the goal. I started learning a short time ago, God willing. I expect that against gained those benefits is will not interrupted permanently if the situtaion continuous like this. That like these information it will thrives step by step and day after day and it gives its fruits. Message Alnabehy
فيه خطأ فى ملف pdf
فى خطأ فى ملف pdf