Ayahuasca Storybook Time

  • Опубліковано 1 бер 2017
  • This video is a segment from my Livestream Painting event, where I took a break from the painting to read some journal entries from my time in the Jungle with Ayahuasca.
    So the video includes accounts of some experiences with the Ayahuasca and I have created some illustrations and animations to visually show what I am describing.
    I hope you enjoy!
    Created by Alexander Ward
    My Coloring Book:
    ▶️ Ayahuasca Jungle Visions: wardyworks.art/ayahuasca-jung...
    Also Available on Amazon:
    ▶️ US: bit.ly/ayajungleusa
    ▶️ UK: bit.ly/ayajungleuk
    My Documentary:
    ▶️ The Shaman's Last Apprentice: • The Shaman's Last Appr...
    🔴 Website: wardyworks.art/
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  • @thisdrinkinglife
    @thisdrinkinglife 7 років тому +2

    That was excellent, really enjoyable.............more please!

  • @umaa4658
    @umaa4658 6 років тому

    Phenomenal work. Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @scarletblack666
    @scarletblack666 7 років тому

    Beautiful thoughts and experiences, thank you for sharing.

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 5 років тому +2

    Mother Ayahuasca is going to make you laugh. She's going to make you cry. She's gonna make you terrified and also put you in awe. She is gonna break you down. Break you down pretty hard. And build yourself back stronger than ever. She's gonna make you see who You really Are. And it has nothing to do with the ideas you built of yourself. Its far beyond it. Transcends time, space, forms and descriptions. You are the unbreakable and infinite Creator of the Universe. You are the flame of the Divine fire. You are perfect. You are free. You are Love. I AM Love. I am You
    .Letter from Mother Ayahuasca. < 3
    "My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. I come from your present and future past, from all that you have been, and from your hopes and dreams. I have been calling you for a long time, but your ears were deaf to my song. Perhaps you have found your way to me after a dark night of the soul. I cannot promise to deliver you into the light, I can only show you the doors that you have always avoided by your fears, everything from that point is up to you. I can sit with you, for a while, as you learn to light your own candles. And it is possible that your night will get darker still, and that you will need to carry many candles before the dawn appears.I am the flesh and the spirit of the sacred wisdom of the earth, of the plants, animals and birds, of the moon and of all the stars, which I reflect back to you in your own visions.
    I am the Holy Spirit. I am the stuff of dreams and visions and Light, even though sometimes in me you can see only your own nightmares. I am the mirror of your soul, I am the mirror of the soul of ages, and the soul of the ageless. When you behold me, you enter the realm of the bardo, of your own symbolic death; the death of your Ego, the death of all your stories about yourself that blind you. And in that realm it is not external beings that you will see - (although at some point after several ceremonies with me, after I help you shed all your illusions and fears, I will allow you to meet the Angels and enter the heavenly realms) . What you encounter are your own heights and abysses, your shadows and projections. Your creations.
    I am the mirror that is calling you to stop running and to turn around. To face your own evasions and to witness the countless ways in which you've learned to hide. So that you can better know yourself. In the end, you must become your own healers and shamans. I will make you work like you have never worked before.
    The only real journey that ever really existed, that can exist, and the only real journey that will ever exist, is the journey deep within yourself. This is where I take you.
    My sacrament will be the most difficult and challenging experiences of your life, yet nothing in the Universe can ever be more rewarding. I can only walk with you, for a while, and hold your hand. But the journey is yours to make. And it is a journey you must repeat. It will take you from illusion to reality, from the consensus trance of a mad society, to the sanity and stillness of your heart. And from the death of lifetimes of quiet desperation, to the immortality of an instant.
    Let us share our visions, together.
    My dear children, the rooms in your house are a chaos. The house of your soul and the house of the earth on which you tread your feet, not lightly. I cannot put those rooms right for you. I cannot be a mother/father that admonishes you, with a stern voice of authority, to clean your rooms, under the threat of punishment or the promise of reward. That is not how Mother Holy Spirit speaks. I can tell you, with a voice that echoes the vibrations of love and understanding, and the melancholy of quiet sorrow: look at the huge mess you have made. Are you happy dwelling in this chaos, where it is difficult to encounter yourself? Difficult to find your belongings, where all your toys lay scattered and buried under the rubble of madness and folly? Can you not see that if you choose to clean your own rooms, not because of any compulsion or promise, but just so, for yourself, and in this present moment, which is all you can ever know of time, then you will be able to breathe better, to move around more easily, and to learn how to play? Once more. There are so many lost treasures beneath the mess you have made.
    I reveal the doors within yourself to Find them.
    My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. You see the cosmos as a stage on which the drama of good and evil is played out. You dream of a sword of light that would conquer and vanquish all the darkness. And you have made the whole world into a projection of the battlefield of your own Soul. You fight, endlessly, against the monsters and demons within yourselves. But those demons are the wounded inner children of your past, they are your pains and your defenses, they are the voices that could not emerge into the light and learned to live in forgotten caves. They are your insanity. They are you. And those others who you rage against, because of their ignorance, and immorality and ugliness… they are also you. Lay down your weapons and embrace your enemies, the enemies that live within you.
    Haven't you understood - no battle is ever won. They are not even fought. The battlefield only reveals your own folly and despair, and victory is the illusion of philosophers and fools.
    My dear ones, Let us share visions, together. I am the Spirit of Spirits. I am the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Universe. This moment is all you can ever know of time." - Mother Ayahuasca.
    "Fear of Self means you never live"
    Although each persons experience on Ayahuasca is unique, there are some commonalities that show up again and again. These include:
    -experiencing pure love and wisdom.
    -entering another realm more real than what we experience day-to-day on earth (in other words the 5th and 7th dimensions of Spirit that is everywhere all the time, far beyond our 3rd dimensional physical existence, yet the higher dimensions are right here all at the same time, and most importantly, these dimensions are within you !)-realizing we are all one (separation is total illusion, and how everything is connected is impossible to describe because it's infinite connections. The only way to know it is to experience it, and BE IT ).
    -fear of death eliminated, as you realize this is a temporary existence for your soul to grow and learn.
    -everything is conscious.
    -entering a realm where space and time no longer exist, everything is infinite and in the ‘now’. (the infinite now of the 5th and 7th dimensions of light, where no time and no illusions can exist)
    -experiencing unconditional love through every cell of your being, on a level we don’t have words to describe.
    -having access to all information in the universe instantly. Realizing we in our human bodies will never fully grasp all there is, reality is far more complex than we could ever imagine.
    -reliving past experiences of your life (and sometimes past lives as you are connected to Soul memory, not the mind memory of your false ego), first from your perspective, then from the other persons perspective. We get to feel how we made them feel. This is for us to learn, not as a punishment.
    -there is no punishment in this realm, even if you have a ‘bad’ experience. The ayahuasca is teaching you a valuable lesson, it’s up to you to learn from it.
    -digging up past traumas buried deep in our subconscious, bringing them to the surface and helping us face them and get over them.
    -a love for all living beings (people and animals). Many people eat less meat, go vegetarian/vegan or eat more fruit and vegetable following the experience.
    -giving up on the material world, many people change their field of work to one that help others rather than focusing on making money for oneself.
    -realizing that we are not here to accumulate money or physical possessions, we are here to help one another, love one another and grow.
    -during the experience the ego is removed, revealing your true self.
    -realizing everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
    -feeling of your pineal gland (3rd eye) being sore for a day or two after, like a muscle worked out for the first time.
    -meeting other beings far more intelligent than any human and being able to telepathically communicate with them.
    The truth is, All the ascended masters in every religion were Shamans, who had many direct Spiritual experiences with Sacred Entheogen Plants. Since the first religion the "Rig Veda" of India. The divine sacred Plant Entheogens are our true teachers, always have been and always will be.
    What I absolutely love about Ayahuasca is she has such a perfect Universal design to only pull in people who have an extremely deep love for Truth. The Spiritual Warriors. She leaves out the insincere who have too short of a barrier of courage. She has such a perfect barometer and threshold for every human being on the planet. In other words, if a religious person who has been totally brainwashed by all the lies of churches, sees the ceremonies are done at night, and sees some snakes in some Ayahuasca Art, and sees it will be difficult at the beginning to face their Ego, they will immediately run away by their silly superstitions and illusions. Totally owned by all their fears. LOL. And totally ignoring the enlightenment and infinite revelations aspect later. Becoming absolute Truth to them is not worth it. And then on the other hand, someone who is into the occult garbage and into dark energies, will not want to take Ayahuasca either, because they will learn that Ayahuasca eventually leads to Enlightenment. LOL ! Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical

  • @dar_jada
    @dar_jada 7 років тому +1

    Ethereal. Transported me. So beautiful, your thoughts and images.

  • @triple_gem_shining
    @triple_gem_shining 7 років тому

    Paz y Luz

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 6 років тому +2

    To any of you humans, Who the heck ARE You ? Answer the damn question. Because Who am I ? The answer there is NO "I" ( ego ) and never was , as the " I " is total illusion, as there is no me just as there is no such thing as You = BLISS and infinite JOY of Spirit and love billions of times beyond your comprehension !! As eye have become ONE with infinite Angels of Light that connect all the stars in the infinite Universe and danced with them which makes all the stars move and dance ! Infinite Love and joy !
    I have become the joyous blissful balls of light of infinite love flowing through infinite strings through the infinite Universe that connects EVERYTHING that you cannot see!! As I am the Nomad of Spirit. I am Shaman. I am the infinite healer of light. I am seven chakras of Spirit. I am infinite Truths. I am infinite within with no end. I am all things you see and cannot see. I am 5th dimension, I am 7th dimension, I am ALL dimensions.
    You can only see less than 1 percent of the electromagnetic spectrum and you can only hear less than 1 percent of the acoustic spectrum. I have not only seen and heard the other 99+ percent that you cannot, but I have become it ALL, and fully understand jesus when jesus said- "The Kingdom of heaven is spread upon the earth and men do not see it."
    All ascended masters in every religion said the same thing. Everything is one in infinite beauty and glory and joy !!
    No ascended master in any religion built churches. Not Shiva, not Buddha, not Jesus etc, because they ALL KNEW that YOU are the Temple. As all these places in these religious books from the I-ching of Asia and on and on through ALL the religions, are all encoded Deep WITHIN YOU, far beyond the thinking blind mind
    And everything and more in there Mother Ayahuasca blasts open "Within" us !! Mother Ayahuasca opens the infinite Pandora's box within you.. Ayahuasca unlocks trillions of DNA letter codes of infinite wisdom, knowledge, love and Spiritual beauty !!LOL at all beliefs ! As all beliefs are lies !! Infinite Cosmic jokes and Countless Angels are constantly laughing hysterically at our thoughts and how we are afraid to go deep within. So afraid of ourselves. LOL
    As all these symbols of millions of religions throughout the Universe, are ALL encoded deep within us, and each have infinite meanings of Truths that is far beyond the mind, as the ego-mind of thought is TOTALLY blind to Everything ..
    Satan is nothing more than thoughts in the illusion of time. As all thoughts are lies !!.. LOL at the silly mind of thought always calculating and measuring things like a total blind bat , that hilarious talking snake of the ego-mind that is afraid to go deep within!! LOL !! No thoughts = infinite consciousness that is FAR beyond the mind's grasp = Infinite FREEDOM and Joy !
    Choosing one religion or any belief over another is idiocy and is only self-judgment and a total lie, as infinite love does not make choices and is FREE !! As ALL is ONE in the infinite heavens and Universe of infinite JOY !
    I am not the beginning and the end, as there is no such thing as a beginning and end, as I have always been and always been, far beyond beginnings and far beyond any ends !!! As time is total illusion and a beginning and end is nothing more than a concept in man's blindness of the left-brain ego mind of duality, and duality is total illusion !! Infinite consciousness is infinite and time does not exist in the infinite grace of realms of Light and infinite Joy and bliss !
    I am the "Breath of Spirit" that every religion talks about in the scriptures, but churches never teach as churches know nothing. I have breathed infinite light and created through my breath of Spirit of light pumping through my breathing, and created infinity in the infinite Universe far FAR beyond your extremely limited imagination just through my breath of light and love via 7-chakra activation that every religion tells us to do within us, and saw myself as God sees itself.
    As I have become everything you see and have become infinitely more that you cannot see. I am all that is, was, and ever will be !! Everything you see and everything you've wished for, and all your dreams, are inside me.
    I have been far beyond death many times... too many to count. As there is no such thing as death, there is ONLY Life. Endless Magic and Miracles !
    All churches are total liars as the ONLY Temple that exists, will ever exist, has ever existed, is WITHIN !
    There is not just one heaven as the total blindness of your ego-mind thinks, there are Infinite heavenly realms of infinite joy and bliss and Light. Not only did Eye see them and experienced the infinite heavenly realms in higher dimensions of Consciousness, but eye BECAME the infinite heavens , as ONE !
    There are No limits !! Only in the countless lies of your ego-based mind do you believe limits exist, in your total blindness and self-withdrawal, your ridiculous fears of Becoming LIGHT.
    Limits do not exist.
    I AM Oneness and Love and Light. I am the infinite NOW. I am Eternity. I am the Spirit that you fear in you and that men fear in them. I am the essence of all things seen and unseen. I am infinite Self-awareness. Infinite lifetimes.
    Eye am the infinite intelligence and wisdom of Nature and Creation. Not only did I see all the secrets of creation, and the infinite secrets of Nature Spirit, but I became IT !! I am not one religion, I am all religions and many more religions you've never seen or heard of in the Universe of infinite beings. As EVERY Religion says the Kingdom is WITHIN YOU and ALL religions mean the same thing !! Everything and more is already encoded deep within us !! God is GENIUS !! Infinite GENIUS and infinite innocence and infinite gentleness !
    I AM !
    I have become infinite suns and infinite worlds filled with infinite beingS that you know nothing about. I am all beings. I am everything both seen and unseen and everything in between. I am Light. I am the infinite multi-dimensional Universe. I am God. I am Source Energy of all that is. I am Soul.
    Thank-you Thank-you Mother Ayahuasca !! Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE !
    Religion is just the mere belief in someone else's Spiritual Experiences. But Spirituality is all about having "Your own" Direct Spiritual Experiences. Religion and Spirituality are nothing alike and could not possibly be more different. Here is a small list:
    Churches and Religion = what a group of people decide what God is (and it's ALWAYS outwardly, and it's always in the past/future of Ego of the blind thinking mind). What happened thousands of years ago, and judgment in the future. If anyone doesn't fully agree with the mental concepts of the religion, those people are ridiculed, labeled, and excluded from the group. No Spiritual experiences. No Soul awareness whatsoever.
    Spirituality = Everyone is invited. And if one is willing to go "INwardly" within themselves all the way, nobody shall be denied. Eternal NOW (far beyond time of past/future), Many Direct Spiritual Experiences. And be free from the Prison of believing and into the infinite freedom of knowing and be-coming. Full Soul awareness.. Infinite Consciousness of Cosmic God Consciousness of Spirit, infinite love, joy, bliss, heavenly realms of infinite MAGIC and infinite wonders of beauty ! .

  • @patrickcarbajal2908
    @patrickcarbajal2908 7 років тому +1

    beautiful :) hope to purchase one of your paintings sometime soon!

    • @Wardyworks
      @Wardyworks  7 років тому

      Patrick Carbajal thanks buddy! peace

  • @ebelesaurus2
    @ebelesaurus2 7 років тому +1

    Dude.... ok... you've done did it now. Wahdi is wehking

    • @Wardyworks
      @Wardyworks  7 років тому

      Deji D wahdi! I like that spelling. gunna use it

  • @Nostic111
    @Nostic111 7 років тому

    Would you consider yourself a shaman, a shaman-in-training, a neoshaman? What title would you give yourself in that regard?

    • @Wardyworks
      @Wardyworks  7 років тому +1

      Nostic111 humble explorer. never considered myself a shaman anything.