Landlord seems nice, composed and well spoken. The perfect example of the type of people who the system never helps. Instead the system seems to protect the degenerates. Being of good moral integrity seems to be losing it's value in Canada...and I'm sure we can all see that in many places besides this example.
This is plainly theft of over 50,000 dollars. What would happen if someone tried stealing 50,000 using a different approach or method ? How would that be dealt with
It wouldn't be. That's Canada now. Most theft is treated like a civil matter. But at the same time, in general housing is different from other kinds of property for a lot of reasons.
Glad this guy got his apartment back!!! Broken system. landlords and tenants deserve equal support from social services to insure neither side is taken advantage of.
The LTB system is broken. The landlords have no rights. I am 1.5 years trying to evict a tenant and they are still trying to schedule a date. Order was given but the tenant got a stay with no reason. Never will buy any rental property in Ontario again its waste of time and more stressful.
I was planning on renting my condo out instead of selling, but all these nightmare tenant issues have me reconsidering. Renting has becoming too risky, where it used to be an investment.
Do a criminal record check, and a credit check, actually contact references and verify that they are who they are. It will cost you money but a tiny amount compared to the potential headache. Review public databases for traffic infractions. If a person has 8 speeding tickets or red lights in 2 years.. Are they someone you think cares about paying your rent? I got a speeding ticket for doing 40km/h over when I was 22. Do you know how many more I got? None. Look for patterns of behavior. Interview each tenant, focus on those who have established credit. Don't discriminate based on age, but based on their credit history. If they don't have much credit history, then move on to someone else. You can still claim mortgage interest and other relevant expenses while you try to rent out the home. Also realize that this is less than 1% of all tenants. You only hear about it and fear it because it gets sensationalized and because of how much damage can happen to you. If you can afford the unit being empty all year, you shouldn't get into the rental market. Pay more of the mortgage, and when you can handle the property if empty, you are in a good position.
I've worked in the rental industry for years. I would never ever become a landlord. The laws favor too much. My wife and I were supers and had a drug addict who lived in our building who tried to kick our door in three times in a fit of rage so he could attack us. He owed months of rent and damaged his unit...court still sided with him.
If you aren’t a professional landlord. Don’t do it. You’ll end up making several mistakes. Mistakes you’ll make: 1. improper background check on tenants. (credit check, criminal record check, employment, income, etc) 2. Charging “market” rent. Rents are too high. A one bedroom apartment DOES NOT sell for over 1500 a month. This half a tenants average income. The average gross income in Canada is around 50K or 3000 a month after tax. 3. Insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc. These have to be done properly. If it’s a condo, you are paying the condo fees and not the tenant. If the tenant pays the condo fees directly, ownership of the condo can transfer to the rental tenant. You are basically defaulting on your condo fees if you are stupid enough to make the tenant pay it.
it's easy to impact their credit scores, just hire debt collectors. however these tenants don't care about credit scores. what needs to happen is that the law should allow landlords to kick out tenants as soon as they are late for x month of rent.
Its sad they get away with this. I hope he knows how to report her online since an eviction is public record and future landlords wont rent to her. Makes good tenants look bad.
@@imanubnoobYes but at the same time you can be needed to prove why you refused a tenant. If you end up in civil court and that is your reason, you can be held liable.
@@IcariumGaming I believe more than anything this deadbeat tenant, should any landlord choose to rent to her in the future, will need a guarantor. I rented from May 2009 to May 2010 a ground-floor apartment and despite never having been a tenant of any property had not needed a guarantor. I would need a guarantor to rent a two-bedroom apartment even with having already established a good reputation of paying rent on time. Little would I know back as a late-20-something tenant I would find a condo suite I would end up purchasing to live in. As good as the landlords of those buildings in which I had been a tenant had been, I wanted to as much as possible avoid being a renter, and given all the goings-on of landlords jacking up the rent on so many residential properties, I have no regret whatsoever. That said, I still have sympathy for those landlords who have been taken advantage of because tenants haven't paid off and the Landlord and Tenant Board now takes years in so many cases to resolve such issues. I am thus relieved to neither be a landlord nor tenant given the above.
You have to remember, she was able to do all that because the landlords made it happen. If landlords never abused the system, tenants would have no right to a hearing lol
The Ontario government should be held 100% accountable for all the landlords' damages/loss of income for the repeated delays in "their" legal process! Our society and legal system is so out of touch with reality!
I feel bad for this guy as a landlord my self I can definitely see his pain, some tenants think all landlords are filthy rich and don’t deserve the property they own or should be compensated for the rent as they have enough to buy the property lol This landlord’s apartment looked real nice and not a dump which I have seen many of as I searched for properties People need to wake up and our system needs to change, I feel the eviction process should be much faster especially in a situation like this two months you don’t pay rent your out the door no questions asked
The fact is the landlord tenant act is a joke. It should be called tenant act. The PC govt has actually made more difficult for landlords to evict tenants simply by reducing number of edudicators. It takes years to evict tenants for nonpayment of rents and our minister of housing does nothing about it. I do not know why he is called honorable minister. I do not see any honour when you do not do your job and still get paid by the tax payers.
I'm in BC and we have very strict new laws on landlords and tenants have more rights...only because slumlords here wrecked it for the good landlords. But it comes with the risk of being a landlord, so make sure you are very ready for the pros and cons!
Since the tenant using the Board’s delay as tactic, maybe the landlord should do the same… Hire a bouncer, kick out the deadbeat tenant, and wait for the Board to sort things out…
But what if the girl is a single woman, sick, and does end up in dire need of help? How many of these people who sometimes rent not one but multiple units to different tenants in different places actually lend a hand? Probably none. Zero! Everyone goes through difficulties. Anyone can lose a job, and they want their rent, there on time in every circumstance with no mercy. Sometimes, they go in and change the locks themselves.
Unfortunately the police will actually step in. You can replace the lock, but since they legally are tenants, they can break the lock and the police can't touch them.
@IcariumGaming Yeah, well, I didn't know that, but that was something that happened to me a long time ago. I didn't know any of my rights back then. I'm currently very happy where I live. I've been here for years, but I do care about others because we have all been through something. I'm sure there are also great landlords. But this story is don't know. Sounds set up.
@@IcariumGamingIf a tenant refused to pay rent, that’s not a tenant. That’s a Trespasser. If a customer refused to pay for his purchase, that’s not a customer. That’s a Thief… How’s this any different?
I would be terrified and traumatized to rent to anyone else after that horrible experience. You cannot just select and rent to someone who is interested in your rental property. In-depth security and financial proof is essential along with a police check and Proof of photo ID is mandatory in person before you make your decision on the next renters. Don’t be in a rush.
Deadbeats. How is it his responsibility if she can’t afford to pay rent or work. This process of eviction takes too long and there are too many games tenants can play to prolong the stealing of property. The same rules for banks need to be applied for property owners. How many times can you miss your mortgage payment before the bank changes the locks and kick you out. Should be the same.
Six months to two years is the process for foreclosures if they get on it immediately upon the first missed payment. She relied on giving him something and then promising more. The alternative was to go the route he did and have her pay absolutely nothing, or risk her being honest.
I understand the frustration but you have to remember that the bad tenants can do this now because of many many bad landlords hurting vulnerable tenants. Now that the pendulum has swung, I would invest money somewhere else. Although, its low risk, it's not worth it. Back then there were so many greedy landlords, the government had no choice but to protect the tenants.
In Canada the legal process is very slow unlike our neighbor south the border which handles matters with iron fist instead of giving opportunites to criminals.
You are wasting your time. The attitude is that builders are rich and use their own money, which they don't. The attitude is that you are the owner and one hundred percent of the rent goes into your pocket, not to the mortgage condo fees and taxes. Bottom line is a lot of people want to blame someone else for their place in life or their misfortune. The investors have decreased in numbers because a lot of them were loaning borrowed money and the rates went up. Others lost their job and can't reinvest. This means that projects are slow or on hold because the builders don't have the capital. Existing investors have no projects because there is nor enough syndicated capital.
Yep I know I did. 3 single family homes sold and now not for rent. I paid my mortgage off and invested in the stock market. I don't think these simpletons will be fixing anything anytime soon.
This is a sub-issue indulged by poor immigration control. Letting too many people in while shutting down job, causing low wage and claim that Canadian birth rate is low but they don’t think about how hard it is to establish a family with just one income that barely keeps people floating, not even mention of having a child. Yet again keep getting in more and more people, make wage lower and lower, housing price skyrocketing while using immigration as a source of government income and idiotically spending money on useless research, foreign wars and neglect Canadian. This circle will never end.
A lot of times, it's the landlords who lie to us to get us kicked out. And im not talking about anything current. This is a huge issue. Sometimes, they are told that things need to be fixed, and they refuse to fix it, make harassing entries into the units of tenants robbing them of peace, and other times despite having promised the tenants years of residency will out of the blue decide to sell the house and tell the tribunal that they need the unit for a dependent relative. I'm so curious on what she has to say about her situation.
Our tenant paid rent on time. But left the house in a condition that required $38,000 in renovation and repairs. The security deposit of one month rent was the only thing we could take away.
Thank god I get to see these things first hand I’d never buy a house and rent it out in Canada. I don’t wanna go to prison for putting some in a grave. So I’ll leave that business alone
It took my landlord 5 years to remove a tenant who allowed about 300 wild pigeons into his second floor apartment every day to feed them. This tenant purchased an estimated 9 tons of pigeon feed a year which he carried into his apartment so he could open his windows every single day for 5 years. The pigeons had been trained to expect this daily feeding. It was like clockwork. They’d wait on the power lines just outside his apartment window every day. The mess was incredible. The smell was horrific. The Landlord and Tenant Board was utterly useless in getting rid of him. Our landlord attended a hearing for eviction by Zoom, but the Board had run out of time for the day dealing with other matters. So they told my landlord to come back next year.
It's insane that in your area it's left to landlord tenant. Here in Calgary, the city recently swiftly dealt with someone who was doing the same thing because here it's considered a bylaw and animal services issue, and also can sometimes be a fish and wildlife issue. But they looked at it as a bylaw infraction and they had the resources to go after that. Plus they took into account that the guy was endangering animals and trying to domesticate wild animals
She lived for free for 2 years in a city with some of the highest rents in the world. And all those bags of red lobster suggest she was living like a queen.
This sort of crime should not be tolerated. People are clearly playing the system to avoid payment. She should be in jail for what she did to this landlord.
Great job Global News. Now keep releasing these kinds of investigative news. And please expose these people and their faces so they can be shamed and so the public know them.
Yep, also there are multiple people living in one unit these days. There was one that had 12 people in one condo. Condo building also pay Hydro, water and waste management. When multiple people in a condo units cost goes high. And it goes towards Condo fees no matter how the tenet on the lease feels. Should not have more than what is on the lease. Homelessness and squatters are a big problem in Condo apartment buildings.
The big problem in Canada is that there's no balance in rights. Things either are skewed to the left or to the right. I can't blame any actor for taking advantage of the system when the opportunity prevails, it's our government that needs to revamp the policies. After all, it's their system in place. Look wherever you want, the system is in favor of the abuser. Look anywhere.
Laws need to change in Canada to protect landlords that become victims to these shameful tenants. I’m glad he got his unit back. This shameful tenants will find another victim to take advantage of
This was need of an hour. Most of them owns multiple properties and property price has been inflated 4 times. Hopefully this will discourage people to buy multiple property and common people can afford it at affordable price.
Reason why it’s better to rent out to students than working person or a family. University Students will move out eventually once their study is complete, especially international students. They are the safest bet, they would be afraid of involvement of police or court. Maybe some would make your apartment dirty, but cleaning it would cost far less than a freeloaders who is not paying any rent…
That's not true, I saw a news report of a university PhD student that wouldn't leave for years even when their study program/permit was over. Not only were they staying in Canada illegally, but they scamming the tenant system as well. The one common that I find is that all these tenants were non Canadians.
Bad rental laws make it a lose lose for landlords in Ontario/Canada. This is why I do not rent even my basement where a small family can easily live. Getting out a bad renter is tough.
That's what you got out of this...damn, racist much? LOL. Small people think small and therefore, will forever be controlled by richer, successful people like Trump and PP. LOL.
I bet you're one of those Canadian truckers who were protesting with signs of "support of constitution!" Canada has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not a constitution.
The Ontario Landlord and Tenant board seems to be on the side of the Tenant and making things easy for professional tenants. What's the incentive for Investors? These rules liberals created that are 100% PRO tenants needs to change asap. It's no wonder why the real estate market is dead right now. It's a lot more conducive for investors to go to Alberta now rather than ON for too many reasons to list! Ontario needs to take notes from AB and States in the US that evict tenants when they decide not to pay and get a free ride! In Alberta, a landlord can evict a tenant for non-payment of rent by serving a 14-Day Eviction Notice. If the tenant does not pay the rent within the 14-day period, the landlord can apply to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service or the court for an order to terminate the tenancy and take possession of the premises. Why are investors crazy about Ontario when the Landlord and Tenant board and govt rules are all protecting the Tenants? I think there are a lot better options now for investors than Ontario for a rental property.
Yeah, but these hobbyist landlords don't know how to navigate the system because they don't treat it like professional endeavor as they should. They just think it should be passive income and that it doesn't involve any work.
The way to bypass the idiotic tenant rights is to rent the unit as 'shared' by keeping access to as little as a den for yourself. May result in lower rental income but much less headache because you can just call the cops and have the tenant removed if there is trouble.
The root of everyone's problem is greed. Greed by the landlord to charge maximum and exhorbitant rent to who he thought was a "sucker" tenant, who would pay the most. Landlord's greed to get rich from the equity in their investment property may have blinded them to think that it's so easy to get rich from real estate? It's a sure bet, that I cannot lose money? Until someone does something like this and they are SOL. The tenant's greed to live in someone's place for free. And, with fake documents and identification, any landlord can be fooled to accept a scammer tenant. Becoming a landlord in Ontario is now a risky and possibly dangerous endeavour? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
It's just as bad if not worse in Quebec. We have more laws protecting deadbeat tenants & now with the housing shortage, the landlords cannot even kick anyone out. If someone cannot afford to pay their rent, the court will decide how much they "can" pay & the landlord has no choice but to accept. My friend got stuck in that situation. His tenant claimed they had no income & too many expenses, so the court decided that because its winter & not moving season, the tenant could not be forced out. On top of that, they reduced the rent from $750 to 250$ per month for a 4 1/2, until further evaluation of the situation, when the tenant can afford to go back to normal rent amount. It's supposed to be a temporary situation, but it's ridiculous because we all know very well that the tenant will just drag the situation eternally.
This. A similar thing happened to the next door neighbors at my parents home. The owner was obviously a greedy Indian trying to get the most money he could out of the property and the renters knew they could take advantage of him. They only paid 1st and last months. Whenever he'd try to collect the rent the renters would vanish. The only difference is when the lease was over they left.
Yea its call credit check with Equifax, it gives you the history of the tenant and it cost $30 to run the report. I am guessing he didn’t do that step.
I heard his story the lady didn’t pay rent and was just living there was waiting for a up date to his story. People That can buy a house will just stop buying simple no point in buying a house in Canada anymore put your money somewhere else. People always blame the landlord put don’t put the blame on TENANTS LIKE THIS . I am glade he got his condo back. All ways screen your tenants…. And do back round checks. People get angry at landlords put for get they spent there money to buy the property the laws for tenants are to relaxed. In my opinion
We need to rename the FRO to the financial responsibility office and give them the authority to garnish wages of people in situations other than just family court. These situations have gotten out of hand.
That walk of shame was priceless - good work Global News
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
She needs to go jail the walk of shame is not enough.
More like waddle of shame
Landlord seems nice, composed and well spoken. The perfect example of the type of people who the system never helps. Instead the system seems to protect the degenerates. Being of good moral integrity seems to be losing it's value in Canada...and I'm sure we can all see that in many places besides this example.
Can’t pay rent but has money to uber eats red lobster.
are you out of mind, rent vs food , food is on priority
uber eats? Eating out is too pricey.
Uber eats are typically 30% more expensive than ordering take out
“ I just came back from red lobster “ - Isaiah Thomas
@@nb1638 that's like saying shelter is priority so you choose a mansion
This is plainly theft of over 50,000 dollars. What would happen if someone tried stealing 50,000 using a different approach or method ? How would that be dealt with
It wouldn't be. That's Canada now. Most theft is treated like a civil matter.
But at the same time, in general housing is different from other kinds of property for a lot of reasons.
Thanks for exposing her,
Glad this guy got his apartment back!!! Broken system. landlords and tenants deserve equal support from social services to insure neither side is taken advantage of.
Cost me two years unpaid rent/ utilities and 15k on a lawyer.
I won judgement and won't see a dime.
But you can at least deduct the expenses, and as for utilities never agree as a landlord to them, the tenant pays utilities.
@@murraysheppard1153 you were robbed and they get no jail time or criminal record
its 55k not 15k
Did the judge/court not order the tenant to pay you back the missed rent?
@JamesMitchell-d2u getting an order/judgement is one thing. Enforcement is a whole another challenge.
The LTB system is broken. The landlords have no rights. I am 1.5 years trying to evict a tenant and they are still trying to schedule a date. Order was given but the tenant got a stay with no reason. Never will buy any rental property in Ontario again its waste of time and more stressful.
You can blame the liberal government for their socialist agendas!
The LTB should be the one reimbursing for taking the side of the tennant.
She looks like she hasn't missed a meal
She probably pays for her blood pressure medication too
Or a Timmie's run.
If i said that statement is woukd get a ban for cyber bullying from youtube
@@smokeskull what about make fun of her weight? Is that ok?
show some sympathy for poor , one day you might be in that situation do you pay rent and die or eat and live?
I was planning on renting my condo out instead of selling, but all these nightmare tenant issues have me reconsidering.
Renting has becoming too risky, where it used to be an investment.
Do a criminal record check, and a credit check, actually contact references and verify that they are who they are. It will cost you money but a tiny amount compared to the potential headache. Review public databases for traffic infractions. If a person has 8 speeding tickets or red lights in 2 years.. Are they someone you think cares about paying your rent? I got a speeding ticket for doing 40km/h over when I was 22. Do you know how many more I got? None. Look for patterns of behavior.
Interview each tenant, focus on those who have established credit. Don't discriminate based on age, but based on their credit history. If they don't have much credit history, then move on to someone else. You can still claim mortgage interest and other relevant expenses while you try to rent out the home.
Also realize that this is less than 1% of all tenants. You only hear about it and fear it because it gets sensationalized and because of how much damage can happen to you.
If you can afford the unit being empty all year, you shouldn't get into the rental market. Pay more of the mortgage, and when you can handle the property if empty, you are in a good position.
I've worked in the rental industry for years. I would never ever become a landlord. The laws favor too much. My wife and I were supers and had a drug addict who lived in our building who tried to kick our door in three times in a fit of rage so he could attack us. He owed months of rent and damaged his unit...court still sided with him.
It's seedy
If you aren’t a professional landlord. Don’t do it.
You’ll end up making several mistakes.
Mistakes you’ll make:
1. improper background check on tenants. (credit check, criminal record check, employment, income, etc)
2. Charging “market” rent. Rents are too high. A one bedroom apartment DOES NOT sell for over 1500 a month. This half a tenants average income. The average gross income in Canada is around 50K or 3000 a month after tax.
3. Insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc. These have to be done properly. If it’s a condo, you are paying the condo fees and not the tenant.
If the tenant pays the condo fees directly, ownership of the condo can transfer to the rental tenant. You are basically defaulting on your condo fees if you are stupid enough to make the tenant pay it.
🤔Not worth it! I would prefer selling it and put the money 💴 in the bank!🤷♂️
Who in the hell is responsible for making the system work like this?
Very broken system needs to be fixed yesterday
The same person that made a 1 bedroom basement 2000 a month
Global news thank you for keeping it real
Thanks for the update. Happy for these two...
A total nightmare. New laws must be implemented, introducing missed rental payments to impact Credit Scores for such tenants.
New laws.. Credit score.. That means nothing this should straight be changed to criminal law
it's easy to impact their credit scores, just hire debt collectors. however these tenants don't care about credit scores. what needs to happen is that the law should allow landlords to kick out tenants as soon as they are late for x month of rent.
@@busterken5024 Yes, I agree
@@hraqian 100% ..... Totally agree
The risk of being a landlord in canada is higher than losing money in casinos
I don’t think it’s fair if she gets to walk away. She should be charged and face jail time.
And it took a lot of hoodie to cover up that fivehead, ngl
Yes, jail time is much needed until full rent is paid. Once people face jail time, they'll learn not to abuse the system.
@@Snowbird4164 Her crime is taking free rent, giving her free rent as a punishment seems counterproductive.
@@DAndyLordthe irony of that..
she didnt break any laws. She simply utilized the system we have, staying well within the laws.
@ she actually did, which is why she was ordered to pay back. It’s the process that’s ill
I am so sorry he went through that. Its decent people like these that suffer too much. Shame on that person. 😢
Its sad they get away with this. I hope he knows how to report her online since an eviction is public record and future landlords wont rent to her. Makes good tenants look bad.
Decisions by the board are posted online but only a tenants name. Not their age etc.
@IcariumGaming It shows their name, the address of the property they rented and the city they rented in. Good enough for future landlords to avoid
@@imanubnoobYes but at the same time you can be needed to prove why you refused a tenant. If you end up in civil court and that is your reason, you can be held liable.
How to check it, is there a link?
@IcariumGaming you're wrong you don't have to give anyone a reason why you denied them tenancy.
I'm so happy this has been resolved. The lady scamming a elderly couple. She deserves tenancy right revoked. She deserves the street.
A professional tenant will do it again unfortunately. Rely on the sympathy that she is a single woman.
@@IcariumGaming I believe more than anything this deadbeat tenant, should any landlord choose to rent to her in the future, will need a guarantor. I rented from May 2009 to May 2010 a ground-floor apartment and despite never having been a tenant of any property had not needed a guarantor. I would need a guarantor to rent a two-bedroom apartment even with having already established a good reputation of paying rent on time.
Little would I know back as a late-20-something tenant I would find a condo suite I would end up purchasing to live in. As good as the landlords of those buildings in which I had been a tenant had been, I wanted to as much as possible avoid being a renter, and given all the goings-on of landlords jacking up the rent on so many residential properties, I have no regret whatsoever. That said, I still have sympathy for those landlords who have been taken advantage of because tenants haven't paid off and the Landlord and Tenant Board now takes years in so many cases to resolve such issues. I am thus relieved to neither be a landlord nor tenant given the above.
So true
@IcariumGaming but when she apply new apartment they will not check the reference and last residence if she was good tenant ?
@@romeoandjuliet6522 a professional tenant got fake references.
All that money that she did not pay rent, spending it on KFC Chicken.
You have to remember, she was able to do all that because the landlords made it happen. If landlords never abused the system, tenants would have no right to a hearing lol
And Red Lobster......did you see the takeout bag?
@@SnowPiercer1975 yup! This is why I would not invest in real estate in that area. As a landlord he should have known the risk
I didn’t see KFC, I saw McDonald’s though.
That’s gotta be the same cameraman from Maury or Jerry Springer 😭😭
I hope the landlord reports her in Openroom.
it’s amazing global news is reporting this
Landlords a whimp. You need to take the law into your own hands
....and do what?
The Ontario government should be held 100% accountable for all the landlords' damages/loss of income for the repeated delays in "their" legal process! Our society and legal system is so out of touch with reality!
Throw her in jail
she didnt break any laws. She simply utilized the system we have, staying well within the laws.
She is very healthy big Lady
2:42 Red Lobster delivery tells me everything I need to know about that woman. Ick
Sad state of affairs, where law-abiding citizens will never get justice as the LTB continues to fail Canadians .
I feel bad for this guy as a landlord my self I can definitely see his pain, some tenants think all landlords are filthy rich and don’t deserve the property they own or should be compensated for the rent as they have enough to buy the property lol
This landlord’s apartment looked real nice and not a dump which I have seen many of as I searched for properties
People need to wake up and our system needs to change, I feel the eviction process should be much faster especially in a situation like this two months you don’t pay rent your out the door no questions asked
Thank you Glabal News for reporting in this huge issue.
The fact is the landlord tenant act is a joke. It should be called tenant act. The PC govt has actually made more difficult for landlords to evict tenants simply by reducing number of edudicators. It takes years to evict tenants for nonpayment of rents and our minister of housing does nothing about it. I do not know why he is called honorable minister. I do not see any honour when you do not do your job and still get paid by the tax payers.
I'm in BC and we have very strict new laws on landlords and tenants have more rights...only because slumlords here wrecked it for the good landlords. But it comes with the risk of being a landlord, so make sure you are very ready for the pros and cons!
i used to do this too. that's why i always voted liberal or for politicians i deemed leftist. today i'm honest. now i vote conservative.
Hospitalized for eating junk food all the time
Since the tenant using the Board’s delay as tactic, maybe the landlord should do the same… Hire a bouncer, kick out the deadbeat tenant, and wait for the Board to sort things out…
But what if the girl is a single woman, sick, and does end up in dire need of help? How many of these people who sometimes rent not one but multiple units to different tenants in different places actually lend a hand? Probably none. Zero! Everyone goes through difficulties. Anyone can lose a job, and they want their rent, there on time in every circumstance with no mercy. Sometimes, they go in and change the locks themselves.
Unfortunately the police will actually step in. You can replace the lock, but since they legally are tenants, they can break the lock and the police can't touch them.
Buyer beware. I work for ppl who don't pay Where's my video from global? Popcorn headlines u
I guess
@IcariumGaming Yeah, well, I didn't know that, but that was something that happened to me a long time ago. I didn't know any of my rights back then. I'm currently very happy where I live. I've been here for years, but I do care about others because we have all been through something. I'm sure there are also great landlords. But this story is don't know. Sounds set up.
@@IcariumGamingIf a tenant refused to pay rent, that’s not a tenant. That’s a Trespasser. If a customer refused to pay for his purchase, that’s not a customer. That’s a Thief… How’s this any different?
Shame on this tenant
Ha Ha !! are you kidding. People who do this sort of thing has no shame. In their head they have justified their actions a thousand fold.
I would be terrified and traumatized to rent to anyone else after that horrible experience. You cannot just select and rent to someone who is interested in your rental property. In-depth security and financial proof is essential along with a police check and Proof of photo ID is mandatory in person before you make your decision on the next renters. Don’t be in a rush.
Deadbeats. How is it his responsibility if she can’t afford to pay rent or work. This process of eviction takes too long and there are too many games tenants can play to prolong the stealing of property.
The same rules for banks need to be applied for property owners. How many times can you miss your mortgage payment before the bank changes the locks and kick you out. Should be the same.
Six months to two years is the process for foreclosures if they get on it immediately upon the first missed payment.
She relied on giving him something and then promising more. The alternative was to go the route he did and have her pay absolutely nothing, or risk her being honest.
I understand the frustration but you have to remember that the bad tenants can do this now because of many many bad landlords hurting vulnerable tenants. Now that the pendulum has swung, I would invest money somewhere else. Although, its low risk, it's not worth it. Back then there were so many greedy landlords, the government had no choice but to protect the tenants.
She cannot pay rent, but orders so much food.
In Canada the legal process is very slow unlike our neighbor south the border which handles matters with iron fist instead of giving opportunites to criminals.
God bless America. Canada needs this.
Investors will flee and homes will not be built, good luck solving the housing crisis.
You are wasting your time. The attitude is that builders are rich and use their own money, which they don't. The attitude is that you are the owner and one hundred percent of the rent goes into your pocket, not to the mortgage condo fees and taxes. Bottom line is a lot of people want to blame someone else for their place in life or their misfortune.
The investors have decreased in numbers because a lot of them were loaning borrowed money and the rates went up. Others lost their job and can't reinvest. This means that projects are slow or on hold because the builders don't have the capital. Existing investors have no projects because there is nor enough syndicated capital.
@@Todd.T You're absolutely right!
Yep. Investors aren't buying until this broken system is fixed. I blame Trudeau and Ford
Yep I know I did. 3 single family homes sold and now not for rent. I paid my mortgage off and invested in the stock market. I don't think these simpletons will be fixing anything anytime soon.
Government should have a law that if you don’t pay your rent for 3months it’s an automatic eviction.
Still has money for Starbucks and Red Lobster
“Education costs money, but then so does ignorance” is a quote by Claus Moser, a statistician who lived from 1922-2015:
Usual suspects
Looks like she is well fed though 🤣😂… lock her up!
Canada laws are really out of date. Why can't we just update all the old laws that don't make sense?
This is a sub-issue indulged by poor immigration control. Letting too many people in while shutting down job, causing low wage and claim that Canadian birth rate is low but they don’t think about how hard it is to establish a family with just one income that barely keeps people floating, not even mention of having a child. Yet again keep getting in more and more people, make wage lower and lower, housing price skyrocketing while using immigration as a source of government income and idiotically spending money on useless research, foreign wars and neglect Canadian. This circle will never end.
She could have at least used the money for a gym membership 😔
Go for him getting his condo back. People take advantage way too much
would have been nice if Global interviewed the landlord and tenant board to find out WHY this case took as long as it did... !!
A lot of times, it's the landlords who lie to us to get us kicked out. And im not talking about anything current. This is a huge issue. Sometimes, they are told that things need to be fixed, and they refuse to fix it, make harassing entries into the units of tenants robbing them of peace, and other times despite having promised the tenants years of residency will out of the blue decide to sell the house and tell the tribunal that they need the unit for a dependent relative. I'm so curious on what she has to say about her situation.
Who cares. If you own something, should be your right. This country's laws are backwards. Always blaming the rich.
this is part 2, part 1 was brutal (they made part 1 a few months back). landlord is 100% in the right.
Don’t change the narrative story… Curious what the tenant had to say? Did you watch the video? She had nothing to say, was hiding her face…
@wc4109 yeah I saw it after. I'm not trying to change the narrative
Don't try to victim blame, the tenant was a POS and knew exactly what she was doing.
Terrifying. There should be a problematic tenant register. So that good people who worked hard for their investments don’t get screwed.
My landlord is lucky to my rent. She is begging me not to leave. She even reduced my rent.
Our tenant paid rent on time. But left the house in a condition that required $38,000 in renovation and repairs. The security deposit of one month rent was the only thing we could take away.
Thank god I get to see these things first hand I’d never buy a house and rent it out in Canada. I don’t wanna go to prison for putting some in a grave. So I’ll leave that business alone
This is happening rampantly across Canada. If Indian owner, tenents are not paying rents and neither leave the property.
55k and four years ,are they connected ?
It took my landlord 5 years to remove a tenant who allowed about 300 wild pigeons into his second floor apartment every day to feed them. This tenant purchased an estimated 9 tons of pigeon feed a year which he carried into his apartment so he could open his windows every single day for 5 years. The pigeons had been trained to expect this daily feeding. It was like clockwork. They’d wait on the power lines just outside his apartment window every day. The mess was incredible. The smell was horrific. The Landlord and Tenant Board was utterly useless in getting rid of him. Our landlord attended a hearing for eviction by Zoom, but the Board had run out of time for the day dealing with other matters. So they told my landlord to come back next year.
Franz Liebkind.
Agree, the LTB just useless, because it’s not their homes…
That is an absolutely nightmare.
It's insane that in your area it's left to landlord tenant. Here in Calgary, the city recently swiftly dealt with someone who was doing the same thing because here it's considered a bylaw and animal services issue, and also can sometimes be a fish and wildlife issue. But they looked at it as a bylaw infraction and they had the resources to go after that. Plus they took into account that the guy was endangering animals and trying to domesticate wild animals
Canada's court system is ridiculous , if you are a law abiding citizen , you are getting screwed over .
She lived for free for 2 years in a city with some of the highest rents in the world. And all those bags of red lobster suggest she was living like a queen.
Canada 😂😂😂😂 ..move on to next condo with fake documents.
Landlord tenant board is a sham
It is unethical to occupy someone’s space and not feel obliged to pay.
This sort of crime should not be tolerated. People are clearly playing the system to avoid payment. She should be in jail for what she did to this landlord.
Time to rethink the landlords and tenant board
Great job Global News. Now keep releasing these kinds of investigative news. And please expose these people and their faces so they can be shamed and so the public know them.
I know for sure it’s not going to a Black tenant!🤣🤣Once bitten, twice shy
Now she moved to the washroom and won’t leave.
.....are we supposed to feel compassion for this guy? KARMA!
Yep, also there are multiple people living in one unit these days. There was one that had 12 people in one condo. Condo building also pay Hydro, water and waste management. When multiple people in a condo units cost goes high. And it goes towards Condo fees no matter how the tenet on the lease feels. Should not have more than what is on the lease. Homelessness and squatters are a big problem in Condo apartment buildings.
Yet another example of why real estate is a bad investment.
I’m glad to hear that the couple got heir condo back.
The big problem in Canada is that there's no balance in rights. Things either are skewed to the left or to the right. I can't blame any actor for taking advantage of the system when the opportunity prevails, it's our government that needs to revamp the policies. After all, it's their system in place. Look wherever you want, the system is in favor of the abuser. Look anywhere.
Laws need to change in Canada to protect landlords that become victims to these shameful tenants. I’m glad he got his unit back. This shameful tenants will find another victim to take advantage of
This was need of an hour. Most of them owns multiple properties and property price has been inflated 4 times. Hopefully this will discourage people to buy multiple property and common people can afford it at affordable price.
Reason why it’s better to rent out to students than working person or a family. University Students will move out eventually once their study is complete, especially international students. They are the safest bet, they would be afraid of involvement of police or court. Maybe some would make your apartment dirty, but cleaning it would cost far less than a freeloaders who is not paying any rent…
That's not true, I saw a news report of a university PhD student that wouldn't leave for years even when their study program/permit was over. Not only were they staying in Canada illegally, but they scamming the tenant system as well. The one common that I find is that all these tenants were non Canadians.
Bad rental laws make it a lose lose for landlords in Ontario/Canada. This is why I do not rent even my basement where a small family can easily live. Getting out a bad renter is tough.
Canada don’t look like Canada anymore, they have “immigranted” it to the point where it’s unrecognizable.
I like trumps Canada plan I think….
America will go far with trump , not sure how canada will do, our dollar is worth so little !
That's what you got out of this...damn, racist much? LOL. Small people think small and therefore, will forever be controlled by richer, successful people like Trump and PP. LOL.
😂😂Deal with it or "immigrant" yourself to another country
I bet you're one of those Canadian truckers who were protesting with signs of "support of constitution!"
Canada has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not a constitution.
The Ontario Landlord and Tenant board seems to be on the side of the Tenant and making things easy for professional tenants. What's the incentive for Investors? These rules liberals created that are 100% PRO tenants needs to change asap. It's no wonder why the real estate market is dead right now. It's a lot more conducive for investors to go to Alberta now rather than ON for too many reasons to list! Ontario needs to take notes from AB and States in the US that evict tenants when they decide not to pay and get a free ride! In Alberta, a landlord can evict a tenant for non-payment of rent by serving a 14-Day Eviction Notice. If the tenant does not pay the rent within the 14-day period, the landlord can apply to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service or the court for an order to terminate the tenancy and take possession of the premises. Why are investors crazy about Ontario when the Landlord and Tenant board and govt rules are all protecting the Tenants? I think there are a lot better options now for investors than Ontario for a rental property.
This was aired months ago. What's going on?
Wage garnishment can be an option I think
Yeah, but these hobbyist landlords don't know how to navigate the system because they don't treat it like professional endeavor as they should. They just think it should be passive income and that it doesn't involve any work.
The way to bypass the idiotic tenant rights is to rent the unit as 'shared' by keeping access to as little as a den for yourself. May result in lower rental income but much less headache because you can just call the cops and have the tenant removed if there is trouble.
delays are purposeful and a stop gap measure to keep people off the stree
Indian getting scammed by another Indian. I am hearing about this a lot in Canada actually.
The tenant is Deeka Rafael. She is not Indian.
Why do they have to do that?
im wondering home may people did he scam to afford that expensive condo, maybe this is a case of Karma
@@drquinnmedicinewoman7786 Poor people always think hard work is not possible. LOL.
Actually watch the story before you make silly comments.
Show her face
The root of everyone's problem is greed. Greed by the landlord to charge maximum and exhorbitant rent to who he thought was a "sucker" tenant, who would pay the most. Landlord's greed to get rich from the equity in their investment property may have blinded them to think that it's so easy to get rich from real estate? It's a sure bet, that I cannot lose money? Until someone does something like this and they are SOL.
The tenant's greed to live in someone's place for free.
And, with fake documents and identification, any landlord can be fooled to accept a scammer tenant.
Becoming a landlord in Ontario is now a risky and possibly dangerous endeavour?
It's just as bad if not worse in Quebec. We have more laws protecting deadbeat tenants & now with the housing shortage, the landlords cannot even kick anyone out. If someone cannot afford to pay their rent, the court will decide how much they "can" pay & the landlord has no choice but to accept. My friend got stuck in that situation. His tenant claimed they had no income & too many expenses, so the court decided that because its winter & not moving season, the tenant could not be forced out. On top of that, they reduced the rent from $750 to 250$ per month for a 4 1/2, until further evaluation of the situation, when the tenant can afford to go back to normal rent amount. It's supposed to be a temporary situation, but it's ridiculous because we all know very well that the tenant will just drag the situation eternally.
This. A similar thing happened to the next door neighbors at my parents home. The owner was obviously a greedy Indian trying to get the most money he could out of the property and the renters knew they could take advantage of him. They only paid 1st and last months. Whenever he'd try to collect the rent the renters would vanish. The only difference is when the lease was over they left.
All landlords should have information on tenants that have bad credit by playing this shady game
Yea its call credit check with Equifax, it gives you the history of the tenant and it cost $30 to run the report. I am guessing he didn’t do that step.
The laws as written are allowing for this.
so that you dont gouge renters
This is something that can hopefully be changed in the near future, too many people suffering from these tenants and it’s completely unfair.
Ask for justified rentals. Don't know how much he was asking for. But anyways she agreed on the terms.
I heard his story the lady didn’t pay rent and was just living there was waiting for a up date to his story. People
That can buy a house will just stop buying simple no point in buying a house in Canada anymore put your money somewhere else. People always blame the landlord put don’t put the blame on TENANTS LIKE THIS . I am glade he got his condo back. All ways screen your tenants…. And do back round checks. People get angry at landlords put for get they spent there money to buy the property the laws for tenants are to relaxed. In my opinion
3,4,5,6 years? What is ut buddy?
They are making Canada worst
Lesson learned: Never rent this property to this "Crooked" woman.
Bollywood is everywhere 😂😂😂
We need to rename the FRO to the financial responsibility office and give them the authority to garnish wages of people in situations other than just family court. These situations have gotten out of hand.
A couple going into well earned retirement do not deserve this type of drama.
Deported her immediately
Bless hard working people in Canada.