Just How Much is TOO Much?

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @IainThacker
    @IainThacker 2 роки тому +15

    I'm a relatively new runner, started running regularly this year age 50!
    I've found that races allow me to focus on pushing myself way past the point I would running solo with a goal of being above average! Currently working on pushing my 10k down sub-50 mins but training for a local Half in October and I really love the discipline that having a training plan gives me.
    The trick, for me, is staying fit and the pointers from channels like yours have really helped, particularly with the mental side of not having to constantly push hard.

  • @islastaff5629
    @islastaff5629 Рік тому

    You guys are great! So inspirational

  • @buffaloj0e
    @buffaloj0e 2 роки тому +9

    Lots of greats points for consideration here, thanks Ben. I’m a week after my first HM (1:43:39) and recovery is learning curve. I didn’t do any running for 6 days but the walking, a bit of time on the indoor trainer, a leg strength session when I thought my legs were ok 4 days after knocked them around again. Decided to cycle to Parkrun (only 15km round trip) might have been a bit eager on the way home. The mind has come around and I want to get out there again, thought I’d go for easy jog this morning, got 3km in then turned around and walked home. Guess it’s another easy week lol.

    • @paulgoogol2652
      @paulgoogol2652 2 роки тому +2

      I run a lot like 20 to 30 km a day but I wouldn't want to race. I go at a slower and sustainable pace so I can keep running and keep enjoying it. I love the freedom to choose my paths and pace.

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому

      We all recover at different rates. Good for you for doing what felt right for your body - even when it takes trial and LOTS of errors to figure it out! 😆

  • @IRunThings
    @IRunThings 2 роки тому +2

    Great video again. I am doing 2 halfs and 3 marathons in between the end of Sept and early January. So I will report back! 😆😆😆

  • @qcomberette
    @qcomberette 2 роки тому +3

    Great video again. For me it is all about exploring, I have never run a road race but I love getting lost in the hills of wherever I go. I have a term for it, ultra vagabonding basically I love that I get to explore places that I would never be able to go(or find) independently, let alone run 100km there. How else do I get the chance to run through amazing tea plantations(Cultra), with the tallest mountain in South East Asia in the back ground (BUTM,TMBT) sleeping in house in a super remote village in North Vietnam (VJM) or running on the rim of a volcano(BTS Ultra) etc. We live on an amazing planet and I love to discover it on foot, I do like to perform and push my limit but it comes second. Also I use races as training, so for example in a build up to a 100km race I try to do a 20km, a 50 km and 70km/50miles where I try but I don't kill myself.

  • @MrEsPlace
    @MrEsPlace 2 роки тому +2

    We compete in order to compare our training, knowledge and experience. Do not compete to win, but to do your best and live up to your training. We compete to compare and to hone. We enter tournaments or races in order to assure our progress and to flush out our problems. You don't know what you don't know. So another mind working on your technique, to challenge themselves and overcome, is beneficial to us. This is true in all things.

  • @BluePineTree-01
    @BluePineTree-01 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you. Great video! I started asking these questions lately and haven't really pinpointed the why yet. I had a purpose when I started running again this year and also after working out after a fight with cancer. I was excited at first but now during this year after 2 5ks, 2 10ks, 1 3hr and 1 HM (w 3 committed HM coming) - I am wondering why. Im glad you made this video. For sure, I'm not competitive anymore as I once was many years ago. I just want to run for myself and to feel good - this got lost when I started running at events. Thank you again for making this video - I thought it was only me asking this question.

  • @tirvplumbing
    @tirvplumbing 2 роки тому +3

    I can kind of relate from a different perspective. I'm an epileptic runner. Seizures are controlled with medication thankfully. But occasionally I'll go to bed, sleep my full 8 hours and wake up feeling like I've pulled an all nighter. I then end up having a few slow and miserable days until my brain decides to do its thing and sleep normally again. And of course your training has to work around those unpredictable set backs.
    Im just at the start of my racing journey. Like you guys I see if as an adventure and an experience. A chance to be in a unique group running setting, running somewhere new or experiencing a familiar place in a new way. And it's also about seeing what I'm capable of. Seeing if all that zone 2 work has indeed affected the top end. I'm not gonna trouble anyone for a podium position and I doubt I ever will even age group wise but that's OK. It keeps me healthy and pushing myself to be my best self in spite of living with a hidden disability.
    Enjoy your race!

  • @sadieravening
    @sadieravening 2 роки тому +2

    I love, love this channel! Your advice is so good. I am a slow runner and I have done races and enjoyed them for the advendture. However I am now training for my first ever marathon - London in October! Very scared but your channel keeps me going x Thank you x
    Does it matter that I keep LM as my A Race and don't race?

  • @sadieravening
    @sadieravening 2 роки тому +1

    Alsi while my fitness is at its peak is it a good idea to go for an ultra in the Uk? If so which one do you reccommend for a compleate beginner who dose not need a cut off time to wirry about?

  • @HS-fm9kv
    @HS-fm9kv 2 роки тому

    Like the tune up/ where you at comment.
    Signed up to Sydney’s City to Surf this morning (runs Sunday) instead of this weekend’s scheduled long run (training plan for Sydney Blakemore’s 1/2 marathon in September)…. Not sure what category the Bare Creek 20km trail fits in (November)- which I booked late one evening last week when got home from pub (booked when drunk category)
    But more fundamentally and jokes aside. I try and get an organised race/ trail (circa 20km) or a challenge trail (25-30km) with a mate 3 to 4 times a year- all require an 8-12 week training plan- so ensures fitness consistency through the year…
    PS- not chasing records as happy as mid pack runner/ injury free.

  • @mailorlee2
    @mailorlee2 11 місяців тому

    My why has evolved overtime. I've come to realize that I've been spending too much money on races. I started questioning myself the last two years why I run races so often throughout the year, especially when my pace hasn't improved much and always find myself finishing each race in the middle; never fast nor slow. So, after this year, I'm cutting back and I'm just going to stick to shorter races or just run on my own. Sometimes some things are just too much.

  • @briandeal8927
    @briandeal8927 Рік тому

    I’m a sprinter in swimming and long distance runner. I typically have 6-8 swim meets a year, a marathon in the spring and fall, and triathlon in the summer as well as a half marathon

  • @heinrichh.6369
    @heinrichh.6369 Рік тому

    I do a marathon every 2 or 3 years and a 10k once or twice a year. other than that a half-Marathon in the years in which i don't do the full. that worked fine for me over the last 20 years in which I'm running. Maybe I will increase it a bit in the future.

  • @Kelly_Ben
    @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому +1

    Loved this! I race for the personal challenge, to see what I'm capable of, and to enjoy being surrounded by like minded nuts having fun. I'll never podium, my speed has faded a lot, so I'm going for distance now. My goal is to place in age group in 50ks, and complete some 50 milers. After decades of 5/10ks, I've discovered how much more I enjoy 50ks. A week taper and a week recovery, and I'm good to go for the next one, 2-3 a year with a marathon and half marathon thrown in.

  • @kieronturner2667
    @kieronturner2667 2 роки тому +1

    Not managed many races just a couple of low key ultras and parkruns. I did my first 10k mass participation race in London last month which has certainly unlocked something in me I never knew was there 🤣.
    I hope the race went ok and great video as always 👍

  • @raymondmorrow7926
    @raymondmorrow7926 2 роки тому +1

    I live way out in the country. Racing is the most social interaction I get most months. During a running tour I do from October to March I get to see my running buddies most weekends and hang out. I do a few random races a year for adventure but most of them are ones I know with buddies.

  • @michelleharnett1351
    @michelleharnett1351 2 роки тому +1

    I chose ultras in places I want to visit and do them for the personal challenge, not to compete. So far, I've completed several in the 50-ish km range as I supposedly improve (lol). About three a year works out well, with maybe a couple of half marathons I think of more as long runs.

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому

      Same here, it's added so much fun and excitement to my life! And the HMs are typically my longest long run. 😆

  • @kaiwen2010
    @kaiwen2010 2 роки тому +1

    Nice video as often Ben!
    I prep my taper this week for my first 10Km
    However life throws a curve ball (Covid)
    Weeks of training gone…
    Well, back to recovery and stronger next time

  • @abernardes2
    @abernardes2 6 місяців тому

    Race is public test of a private will❤

  • @xXAnthony619Xx
    @xXAnthony619Xx 2 роки тому +1

    1-2 races a year for me.

  • @henrychai9944
    @henrychai9944 2 роки тому

    great video n very real comments n advice

  • @AienAristeuein
    @AienAristeuein 2 роки тому +1

    I don't race at all, I'm too introvert, only run on my own. With my brother sometimes.
    I'm slightly envious of you "racers" , it seems to help structure your training 😛

    • @nizam_mr
      @nizam_mr 2 роки тому +3

      i'd recommend you to try some (maybe with ur bro)..
      look for the one that have official time-chip race.
      the experience to run and finish like real athletes on tv (you get proper timing, finish line to cross and get medal) is priceless for us average joe

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому

      If you like running long, try a 50k. It's actually achievable for most people, smaller groups, and you can be a solitary or social as you want!

  • @jps5871
    @jps5871 2 роки тому

    1. Racing, is competing against myself.
    2. Racing is also a litmus test to see where I am at working toward and end of season race/goal.
    3. Just for fun.
    This year I am racing 4 times, one every other month.Goal races is Nov 5k & March 15k. Measuring stick/fun races: two 10k trail races Sept. & Jan. These I am looking to have fun & find weaker areas to work in next training block.
    For me I will never podium,I am my only comparison. With this I can look at everything, I might not PB. But I can always win!

  • @nizam_mr
    @nizam_mr 2 роки тому

    since public races are now back after >2yrs, i got a lil too exited.
    6Aug : HM
    25Sept: HM trail
    8Oct: 50k UltraTrail
    4Dec: HM.
    I got hit by c19 early July and interrupted my training block to my 1st ever HM race (A-race). Though achieved my goal yesterday going sub2 (1:56:02).
    I never did trail and full-M. lets hope in this 2months i can build up.
    My goal for the UT is just to finish and enjoy the scenery, so the HM-trail is last tune-up .
    Dec HM is another A-race to see if i can beat my current HM pb and get into sub 1:55:00)🙃

  • @ieltsguru534
    @ieltsguru534 2 роки тому

    Great advice and great channel! Surprised you don't have more subscribers... Keep at it and it will blow up! Judging by your school work uniform, I can tell I live in your area of Nonthaburi! I just did the double bridge race in Bangkok this morning -great fun. Hope to see you guys at a race someday!

  • @i.p2088
    @i.p2088 2 роки тому

    Very interesting. Is there a season that you recommend for running long run in Thailand? If at all possible which part of Thailand is the best? I know Thailand is colser to the sun then any other place on earth 🥵🥵🥵

  • @marathontrainingwithivan
    @marathontrainingwithivan 2 роки тому

    Thanks for this insightful video! It is indeed as you say. Not only your body needs to recover after an a race, but also your mind. After my first marathon I just fel in a 'gap' in training because I just needed to. I felt that going again for a big goal directly after I finished that marathon was a bridge to far, so i took some weeks off and just did some running as I felt doing it. thanks!

  • @ailleurs25
    @ailleurs25 2 роки тому

    Really helpful video, thank you!!

  • @deshall1885
    @deshall1885 2 роки тому

    Great video guys good luck with the race 👊

  • @mattjames9264
    @mattjames9264 2 роки тому

    Great points to consider! Will you do a video on the CM1 race??

  • @justthinking2241
    @justthinking2241 2 роки тому

    Love u guys 😁 the jokes are great 😌

  • @beccilewis1491
    @beccilewis1491 2 роки тому

    Absolutely brilliant content 😊

  • @charsiewriceisking
    @charsiewriceisking 2 роки тому +1


  • @kenleyojones
    @kenleyojones 2 роки тому

    Very good information as always. I was wondering I've heard that it's not a good idea to try to lose weight while in a half marathon training plan, that you should already be at ideal race weight. And I've heard that a training plan is good for losing weight. (30 lbs) What's your take on this? Thanks

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому +1

      There are already enough excuses/reasons to put off worthwhile goals... I've had my most memorable adventures and experiences just going for it, instead of waiting until I was "ready". Pick your race, do your training, and don't give weight a second thought. It'll come down as it will.

  • @nsdbruno
    @nsdbruno 2 роки тому

    I have a local half marathon coming up in a few weeks but I can’t make up my mind because I haven’t “trained” for the hm distance. I know I can run the distance but don’t know if I can “race” it. I like to perform well so what are your thoughts run it for fun or just pass on the race this year?

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 2 роки тому +1

      Door iiiit!!! I haven't been fully trained for most races I've ever done, and surprised myself with decent performances each time. It sounds like you're focused on results, but what's a better result... no race at all, or a fun and educational experience?

  • @jobanski
    @jobanski 2 роки тому

    I race because in a 5k I ran last year, a 46 yr old ran 16:46! I figure I can get close to that if I try.