Sorry but just a correction 😁 Your example is a "coincidence" and not "irony". An example of irony would be how the Band of the Hawk rescued Griffith from his death, only for him to sacrifice them all in the eclipse.
@@SáviodaSilvaDias NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm sorry dude!!! Whether it was a big favorite and memorable collection of simpler times or just a small, eh whatever loss to you, just know I feel for ya brotha. F's in the chat to you! 🤗
I'm kind of surprised since your guys freedom of speech barely exists. That's awesome I wish bands like Slaughter to Prevail were blasting on Canadian radio stations.
"Man takes up the sword in order to shield this wound in his heart, sustained in a far-off time beyond remembrance". This line hits me harder than any other in the manga. Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura. He may have been lost to time, but his story never will.
I already knew Alex and band were a fan of the series (looking at you Zevali Ebalo) but man you can feel it in this one. An absolute love letter in the form of a song.
The use of multiple vocal methods really brings the music to a whole new level, almost out of control with a mix of rage and melody. Awesome video and tribute as well. Looking forward to more great music!
бля мужики спасибо огромное , сидели с отцом за пол часа до премьеры . мне 15 отцу 47 . зашло пиздец , считайте что вы семейная группа . любим вас !!!!
Мне 105, сыну деда 91, младший племянник отца недавно отметил 7 лет. Все встали под песню и орали. Я если что, просто прикалываюсь, обидеть не хочу. Твой комментарий - огонь!
i heard this track on XM radio earlier and it's insane. it was the first time i heard this band. today i became a fan of Slaughter to Prevail. This shit rules
@karmageddon942 hahahaha i am deep into the rabbithole. I have been listening to Alex and his band all morning so far. Never was into deathcore but now im hooked
Lyrics for "Behelit": I found Behelit And now I am the master of not only my life You all belong to me I'm your biggest nightmare Obey! In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Entity or law? Is it like the hand Hand of God Is it like the hand Hand of God Hovering above? I've never seen ruthless hand enough Is it like the hand of God? No! Man takes up the sword Takes up the sword In order to shield this wound Wound in his heart Wound in his heart Sustained in a far-off time Beyond remembrance Is it like the hand Hand of God Is it like the hand Hand of God Hovering above? I've never seen ruthless hand enough Is it like the hand of God? No! Nooo! Beyond Beyond Beyond remembrance Is it like the hand of God hovering above? Like the hand of God Man has no control Control Even over his own will. No!
My dude out here literally ressurecting the whole AMV side of Berserk while making an original song, i love you guys! Also the Miura tribute at the end, this is just wonderful.
This was a breath of fresh air. I know Alex can do other vocal styles because his early stuff shows it, but everything lately has just been BIG ANGRY YELL GROWL. Hardly any variety. This, again, a breath of fresh air.
yeah and his cover of known songs kicks ass,his ragn bone cover of Human is rad :D the way his normal singing voice blends into his growls sounds like a deamon comes out :D
This brought me to tears. So much respect to the Anime and Kentaro and the teams that worked him to bring Berserk to our lives. Shows The good, the bad, the revolting and the reality of being mortal humans. This song... what a rollerollercoaster of emotion I felt seeing moments I've grown so familiar to all these years. But when the intensity of the song increased when Guts found Casaca in her mentally obviated state, that broke me... See guta run to the intense double bass as the whole band follows with their intensity was performed perfectly... I'm crying just thinking about how beautiful that was... I felt Gut`s pain as he was in disbelief. I felt like I experanced that moment of shock all over again but amplified. Slaughter to Preval made that part so much more emotional. You all... since I cant show my application to you in person. I REALLY hope the band see this. How much I appreciate you guys for not only your love for Anime, Manga and Metal. But for understanding what that itself means . And showing it throught your creation here. Thank you sall so much! Sorry if there are typos.. tears make vision blurry x'D
This was brilliant, i like the symphonic parts that lead in to just crushing brutal music. Im pretty sure that was the Skull knight talking in the intro. Ive never seen a band grow like this and still stay true to their roots. Alex brings Guts sword out during the show, saw a short of him wielding it. I think Alex is like Guts in a sense the scar on his face and blanked out eye is a tribute to Guts and how powerfull and terrifying his voice is to people who have never heard him. I love these little easter eggs in songs like this.
Мне нравится как Саша делает надрывные переходы с обычного голоса на экстрим, как например 1:16, такие моменты тоже есть в припеве в Викинге, это придаёт очень сильную эмоциональную окраску, прям тащусь от этих моментов.
Да именно, нужно больше чистых партий голоса с надрывами и переходами. Диапазон расшиярется, и звучать все начинает намного богаче ! Только в плюс! Когда один гроул сплошной- скука!
@@МаркАврелий-т1й Я вижу много подобных комментариев, многие это ждут, да и реакции если посмотреть, все это отмечают и говорят, что наконец-то Алекс запел) да и аудитория расширится, т.к я тоже согласен, что постоянный демонический гроул не всем заходит, а кому-то и приедаеься. Другой вопрос переходы на чистый вокал и назад это очень сложно, но думаю Александр уже над этим работает. Желаю чтобы у него все получилось и он больше радовал нас голосовыми виражами, но и про безопасность голоса не забывал.
Within the first 30 sec of the song, I felt like it was written for the new Zombies coming out with the annual COD game.. it feels fitting for something like that.
@@nightair286 поет Алекс честно говоря пока не очень. Но главное что пробует. Было бы желание... Если научится хотя бы на средненьком уровне, то уже будет круто. Мелодичность лишней не будет как по мне. Хотя, конечно, фанам группы может рубилово только с экстримом нравится....
Это шедевр! Около-диммуборгировское звучание и вокал, который из почти чистого вдруг взрывается адским гроулом. Мощно, жирно, и при этом точно передаёт характер персонажа. И прогресс музыкантов тоже. Совершенно не ожидал услышать нечто подобное от STP. Удивлён. Хочу ещё! Не фанат аниме, но под впечатлением даже посмотрел первый сезон, из которого была основная часть нарезки. С таким саундтреком оно стало ещё лучше.
Как по мне трек прекрасно улавливает дух Берсерка. Сочетание разных стилей и выдержанный вокал - мое почтение! Если бы данный трек играл бы где нибудь в сериале 97 года, он бы вписывался туда максимально органично. Саня - мега харош!!!
This is the type of song that drags me right back into metal. Amazing. I love everything about it, the heavy, the emotion, the anime. It just fills a hole 🕳️ in my head that I didn't know was lacking.
jesus christ its been a while when a new tracks gave me such intense goosebumps to the point of shedding few tears! INSANITY! Im in love with this and this track will be on repeat now for the next 7 days 😂
Literally listening to this for the first time, you know when you get goosebumps multiple times through a song! Neck, arms even my fucking legs got goosebumps, damn!!
Очень круто что группа не задерживается исключительно на орущем дедкоре(в хорошем плане) и экспериментирует, это было видно еще на your only, да только там как будто Саня не был готов к мелодичным партиям, а здесь прям виден рост, стремление и это вызывает невероятное уважение и восторг
Technically speaking you don’t find the behelit, it finds you if you’re destined to have it. Plus the riffs at 0:51 had me making faces because it was so good lol
Невероятная песня и, прежде всего, отличная посмертная дань уважения великому маэстро Кейтаро Миуре, великолепные музыкальные аранжировки и, как всегда, превосходный голос Алекса!!! Всегда приятно вас слушать.
You know why we relate so much to Guts? Not becuase he is strong, not cause he is build like a tank nor slices pepole in half (well that too). It is because he is fucking lost. He is lost and he is looking for purpose of life, a purpose in this god forgotten hellscape.
@@forevermarked5826 no worries brother! I recently sat down and gave it a big bad think on why relate to Berserk so much and it dawned on me. Had to share! :D
I couldn't agree more just started watching verses recently didn't know it existed until this song drops the visuals had me all fucked up so I had to track down the show havnt finished it yet but I agree that yearning to find what we are missing in life the feeling of being lost and alone on your life's mission everywhere you turn your either used or shunned by others guts is a perfectly written character that we can live vicariously through fantasy
He's called the struggler for a reason. He's trying to do the best by others in spite of the shit he's been through, the terrible things he's done. Guts is an ever-evolving unique character and Berserk is a once in a lifetime story
Berserk is something to check out, it’s not stupid like a lot of anime, and I like anime lol. Off the top of my head the only animes/mangas I don’t think are shallow or stupidly weird for newcomers are berserk, Vinland saga, attack on titan, and vagabond, and I watch a LOT of anime. Also I’m sure there’s more I could think of but like I said it’s off the top of my head, and I obviously haven’t seen everything and haven’t read much manga honestly. Mostly an anime guy
This isn't just an anime. This is the most brutal show/manga you will ever watch/read. The red wedding scene from game of thrones has nothing on this show. Idk if you're a gamer but The dark souls games were all based off this show.
Я почти с самых ранних релизов тебя слушаю Санёк,я всегда знал что ты талантище,и что у тебя все получится. единственный наш исполнитель которым я горжусь. Теперь мировой охват обретаешь)
Holyshit I wasn't expecting this, but this is fucking amazing! Big Rammstein vibes with all the orchestra as well! And Alex's range feels fucking wider than ever... What a fucking banger
@samalemamie4173 im sure I'll get hate for this but I just saw lorna and white chapel live. Singuis was really good but imo kublah khan sucked. Not saying what-so-ever that STP sucks but that i guess lorna is open to playing with different genres
The fact this did more for majority of our childhoods and had more respect for berserk and AMV than I have seen since the old days had me massively happy emotional and fulfilled that's our loves for music anime and amazing stories from amazing people are still cared cherished and wanted to be shared.
As someone who is a fan of many bands in this genre ranging from Dismenbodied Tyrant and Darko to Sleep Token and Babymetal, it is my opinion that Slaughter to Prevail is on the right course. I don’t care how self-important someone may think they are. There is an equilibrium between commercial success and artistry. Slaughter to Prevail are one of the few bands out there who can balance both effectively. This is art.
Funnily enough this may be the least “heavy” song by STP because of the clean vocals. But in some weird way I actually bang my head harder to this shit than any other song. This is actually heavier feeling! And it’s got to be my favorite from you guys so far!
The irony that “slaughter to prevail“ is exactly what Griffith had to do in order to achieve his ultimate transformation.
and now guts litteraly slaughter to prevail from his mark, what an irony is berserk
Griffith is a loser piece of shit
Sorry but just a correction 😁 Your example is a "coincidence" and not "irony". An example of irony would be how the Band of the Hawk rescued Griffith from his death, only for him to sacrifice them all in the eclipse.
and he did it due to behelit
Man this takes me back to my childhood. AMVs were everywhere on early UA-cam days
I did a lot of AMVs back in the day but unfortunately it's all lost 😢
@@SáviodaSilvaDiassame here brother
@@SáviodaSilvaDias NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'm sorry dude!!! Whether it was a big favorite and memorable collection of simpler times or just a small, eh whatever loss to you, just know I feel for ya brotha. F's in the chat to you! 🤗
They still are. But a lot more rap music in the AMVs these days.
I recommend checking out Shrine of Malice as well, they have AMVs for 3 of their songs
The Kentaru Miura tribute at the end.....the fact Alex loves Berserk, man 💯💯💯
So nice to see
We fuckin NEED an Alex Dark Souls playthrough!
I'd actually watch THE SHIT outta that ngl lol. @@GamerSirus
Berserk poster in Alex's room 🗿🗿🗿
Dragon slayer at concerts 🗿🗿🗿
Behelit on Alex's neck 🗿🗿🗿
Legendary anime.
1:29 these vocals, Alex. These are the ones. Hit that tone more. That was fucking BEAUTIFUL, bud.
1:29 - 1:44 for me. Reminds me of Burton Bell of Fear Factory but better.
nah...he sound like korn there
@@666Vlada666 you are entitled to your opinion
@@666Vlada666idk if I've ever heard Alex sound like Jonathan Davis.
I am firmly of the belief that orchestral elements and choirs make everything better
Its a proof that symphonic is the best subgenre ever and forever.
1000% agree
OMG SICK!!! I love the orchestra omg 🔥
The pianist from Fleshgod Apocalypse made them, he always arranges epic symphonies
Slaughter to Prevail and Berzerk... What a perfect combination.
Oh Ditto Bro :)
Alex LOVES Berserk!! You ever seen his giant poster in his studio??
I fucking love the evolution of this band holy shit.
It’s the whole reason I like them, now!
devolution more like
@@brimphemus more like an evolution
@@GlitzopexBossman womp womp
@@alexr6913 That sounds like something a dumbass 13 year old would say. Completely random, too.
Did you know that this track is currently on rotation on BBC Radio 1 in London, UK!
No way really this is awesome
Would never ever happen in Germanys main whacky ass radio
I'm kind of surprised since your guys freedom of speech barely exists. That's awesome I wish bands like Slaughter to Prevail were blasting on Canadian radio stations.
holy shit
@@Thrasher420I can relate with that man, the Dutch radio would never play this.
Soon my brother soon
Already in Spotify
next year, confirmed by Jack Simmons
@@Iogann_Faust album defenitely not in spotify lol
Mein Herz Behelit
Ok so I'm not the only one
Fucking love it
У меня тоже с другом такие же были в голове мысли😁
Mierda, pensé lo mismo
:D :D exactly
yeah, so the chords are almost exact
I love how they transitioned to symphinic deathcore for this song, it fits it so well
I agree, hopefully it’s the only symphonic song on the album though…
I love symphonic subgenre, but I do agree that StP is better with modern deathcore or gymcore
this is not deathcore, it's metalcore
@david.1308 I find it a little deathcore. The song is literally deathcore with symphonic elements, but other songs are metalcore, that I know
@@david.1308 nope
"Man takes up the sword in order to shield this wound in his heart, sustained in a far-off time beyond remembrance".
This line hits me harder than any other in the manga. Rest in peace, Kentaro Miura. He may have been lost to time, but his story never will.
Dude, you feel the whole essence of the anime with the music and Alex's voice, man, that's really good.
мы тоже хахах
I already knew Alex and band were a fan of the series (looking at you Zevali Ebalo) but man you can feel it in this one. An absolute love letter in the form of a song.
Did they make this for the anime or just use the video over their song?
Name of anime as a bonus
@@Koopaceticzavali ebalo suka
@@sourkarambit5330 its a tribute to Berserk, the anime that was put in the video. its also a manga series, really good read
Please don’t let the Berserk studio take this down!!
I love your berserk and other tracks too. :)
Bro, I'm literally crying right now. This is incredible, and a loving tribute to Miurasan. It's amazing how many lives his story has impacted
The use of multiple vocal methods really brings the music to a whole new level, almost out of control with a mix of rage and melody. Awesome video and tribute as well. Looking forward to more great music!
бля мужики спасибо огромное , сидели с отцом за пол часа до премьеры . мне 15 отцу 47 . зашло пиздец , считайте что вы семейная группа . любим вас !!!!
Хаахахаххахахахахаххаааахаха ахуенно
Мне 97, моей старушке 89. Ждали премьеру, боялись помереть 🫠
Не матерись
мне четыре, старшему брату 2, сидели за полгода до премьеры. не зашло вообще, будем дальше слушать нормальный металл
Мне 105, сыну деда 91, младший племянник отца недавно отметил 7 лет. Все встали под песню и орали.
Я если что, просто прикалываюсь, обидеть не хочу. Твой комментарий - огонь!
As a fellow berserk fan, you dont know how happy this makes me, thank you STP
If you’re a Berserk fan, also check out the band Brand of Sacrifice
Zavali Ebalo has a Berserk music video too
listen to zavali ebalo you will like it so much as long as you like berserk
listen to zavali ebalo you will like it so much as long as you like berserk
The orchestra giving me huge Mein Herz Brennt vibes. Also love that they're showing so much love for Berserk
Combined with that song from the movie Requiem for a Dream.
The song actually reminds me a lot of kanonenfiebers "Ausblutungsschlacht"
I LITERALLY THOUGH THAT AS WELL HAHA, i grew up listening to rammstein so that was the first thing that came to mind ;D
I had the exact same thought. The Rammstein vibes are strong with this one. And I'm here for it.
It's gots them vibes that's gots me vibing video is on point 🤘🏻💯
Алекс ты крут. Я в Сысертском районе живу. Мне 62 но с удовольствием слушаю твои производении.
Alex is a fan of Berserk!?!? He's now undoubtedly the coolest Metalhead in the scene.
Want a complete Berserk beatdown? Don’t if you have yet but Slaughter to Prevail’s music video of Zavali Ebalo… might get you hooked a little more. 😈🤘
Demon king? My dude they have so much more than demon king lol@UltimateGamerCC
You must be very new here, they already have another song with Berseker's AMV, it's actually much better than this one... go look for it!
he has the dragonslayer real size, his room has a lot of berserk figure actions, the man is huuuge fan
this has been known for a long while now actually
Светлая память Кэнтаро Миура 🕯 Спасибо за такой чумавейшик трек и клип, Чёрный мечник навсегда в наших сердцах !!
Uufffff this song...i want to live only to prevail
i heard this track on XM radio earlier and it's insane. it was the first time i heard this band. today i became a fan of Slaughter to Prevail. This shit rules
You bout to go down the rabbit hole
Welcome brother. 🤝
@karmageddon942 hahahaha i am deep into the rabbithole. I have been listening to Alex and his band all morning so far. Never was into deathcore but now im hooked
Welcome 🤘🤘🤘
@@Great-Scotthew if you haven't found it already, go listen to Father, is one of their best songs
Lyrics for "Behelit":
I found Behelit
And now I am the master of not only my life
You all belong to me
I'm your biggest nightmare
In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Entity or law?
Is it like the hand
Hand of God
Is it like the hand
Hand of God
Hovering above?
I've never seen ruthless hand enough
Is it like the hand of God? No!
Man takes up the sword
Takes up the sword
In order to shield this wound
Wound in his heart
Wound in his heart
Sustained in a far-off time
Beyond remembrance
Is it like the hand
Hand of God
Is it like the hand
Hand of God
Hovering above?
I've never seen ruthless hand enough
Is it like the hand of God? No!
Beyond remembrance
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
Like the hand of God
Man has no control
Even over his own will. No!
Nice. 🤘
They’re also in the description lol
Radio station material
Nah, not even.
God I really hope not
@danielhuszar2248 aww somebody is a gatekeeper
If we ever get another berserk anime this needs to be the ost
Спасибо за упоминание Миуры в конце.
Вечная память этому автору, недописавшему шедевр всех времён 🙏💔
Я вижу вы из пояснительной бригады. Объясните вкратце о чём сие видео, пожалуйста.
Что за аниме на видео?
@@Матвей-щ8к6м аниме Берсерк
@@Матвей-щ8к6м берсерк
4:30 make me cry
Dude I wasn't expecting that 😢
Who is this?
@@mafioznik3539 the creator of berserk, the anime/manga in the background
@@_gumb it's sad
Rip to a legend. 😢
My dude out here literally ressurecting the whole AMV side of Berserk while making an original song, i love you guys! Also the Miura tribute at the end, this is just wonderful.
ABSOLUTE GOOSEBUMPS. Taking me back to a whole other timeline.
Саня ещё раз доказал свою любовь к берсерку) мужик!
This was a breath of fresh air. I know Alex can do other vocal styles because his early stuff shows it, but everything lately has just been BIG ANGRY YELL GROWL. Hardly any variety.
This, again, a breath of fresh air.
yeah and his cover of known songs kicks ass,his ragn bone cover of Human is rad :D the way his normal singing voice blends into his growls sounds like a deamon comes out :D
This brought me to tears. So much respect to the Anime and Kentaro and the teams that worked him to bring Berserk to our lives. Shows The good, the bad, the revolting and the reality of being mortal humans. This song... what a rollerollercoaster of emotion I felt seeing moments I've grown so familiar to all these years. But when the intensity of the song increased when Guts found Casaca in her mentally obviated state, that broke me... See guta run to the intense double bass as the whole band follows with their intensity was performed perfectly... I'm crying just thinking about how beautiful that was... I felt Gut`s pain as he was in disbelief. I felt like I experanced that moment of shock all over again but amplified. Slaughter to Preval made that part so much more emotional. You all... since I cant show my application to you in person. I REALLY hope the band see this. How much I appreciate you guys for not only your love for Anime, Manga and Metal. But for understanding what that itself means . And showing it throught your creation here. Thank you sall so much! Sorry if there are typos.. tears make vision blurry x'D
Hell yes
Man Berserk is so damn COOL. Slaughter to Prevail did a good job with this. Also one of the best metal vocalists live
Anime and metal go in hand and hand unbelievably well. This is incredible. 🤘🏻🔥🔥🔥
The entirety of BOS is berserk lol
DAMN Slaughter to prevail goes "Modern Melodic Metalcore" with heavy Deathcore influence, this IS BEYOND EPICNESS GIVE ME MOOOORE this is AMAZING
Nothing about this is metalcore or deathcore lmfaooo
So what is it then @@fim1344
@@fim1344 it's symphonic metal meets death core, you definitely still got the death core in here it's not even arguable lol
This was brilliant, i like the symphonic parts that lead in to just crushing brutal music.
Im pretty sure that was the Skull knight talking in the intro. Ive never seen a band grow like this and still stay true to their roots. Alex brings Guts sword out during the show, saw a short of him wielding it. I think Alex is like Guts in a sense the scar on his face and blanked out eye is a tribute to Guts and how powerfull and terrifying his voice is to people who have never heard him. I love these little easter eggs in songs like this.
My fucking god.
I'm 40 years old. Grew up with Berserk.
This brought me to tears.
Fuck yes man.
you would like the deathcore band "brand of sacrifice"
Another 40 year old Berker here; and same thing dude! This is a masterpiece!! Cheers!
Ok so I'm not crying alone.
same bro
3:27 made me cry my eyes out
Мне нравится как Саша делает надрывные переходы с обычного голоса на экстрим, как например 1:16, такие моменты тоже есть в припеве в Викинге, это придаёт очень сильную эмоциональную окраску, прям тащусь от этих моментов.
Да именно, нужно больше чистых партий голоса с надрывами и переходами. Диапазон расшиярется, и звучать все начинает намного богаче ! Только в плюс! Когда один гроул сплошной- скука!
@@МаркАврелий-т1й Я вижу много подобных комментариев, многие это ждут, да и реакции если посмотреть, все это отмечают и говорят, что наконец-то Алекс запел) да и аудитория расширится, т.к я тоже согласен, что постоянный демонический гроул не всем заходит, а кому-то и приедаеься. Другой вопрос переходы на чистый вокал и назад это очень сложно, но думаю Александр уже над этим работает. Желаю чтобы у него все получилось и он больше радовал нас голосовыми виражами, но и про безопасность голоса не забывал.
The perfect tribute exists. Thanks for that, guys! R.I.P Kentaro Miura.
Holy hell Alex’s clean screams are on POINT. I hope this trend continues. Sounds incredible.
That cod zombie scream at 4:07 was crazy cool.
That's exactly what I think when he does those screams lol!
Within the first 30 sec of the song, I felt like it was written for the new Zombies coming out with the annual COD game.. it feels fitting for something like that.
Nah bro that for some reason reminds me of Freddy Krueger
Just like the one in "KOD".
You can tell this is a love letter to Berzerk, and still this is a FUCKING MASTERPIECE I'm so glad to be alive and have ears right now this is great
best tribute to Kentaro Miura i've seen so far!
will ramos is better
@@The_Eagle_OfficialGotta love gollum 😁
@@The_Eagle_OfficialAverage Will dick rider nowadays lmao
@@The_Eagle_Official the both r qnique and i love them both
A new era for Slaughter To Prevail.
По-моему, это самая мелодичная композиция у STP🤔 Да ещё и Шиколай запел 😁 Что-то новенькое😁
Да не, Шиколай ещё со времён проекта Sсumsters показал, что умеет очень красиво и мелодично петь.
@@nightair286 пение абсолютно любительское, не умеет он петь
@@unvilounbillo2020красота в глазах смотрящего, не мешайте нам слушать и восхищаться Александром
@@sambig8445 простите пожалуйста, что помешал вам
@@nightair286 поет Алекс честно говоря пока не очень. Но главное что пробует. Было бы желание... Если научится хотя бы на средненьком уровне, то уже будет круто. Мелодичность лишней не будет как по мне. Хотя, конечно, фанам группы может рубилово только с экстримом нравится....
Это шедевр! Около-диммуборгировское звучание и вокал, который из почти чистого вдруг взрывается адским гроулом. Мощно, жирно, и при этом точно передаёт характер персонажа. И прогресс музыкантов тоже. Совершенно не ожидал услышать нечто подобное от STP. Удивлён. Хочу ещё!
Не фанат аниме, но под впечатлением даже посмотрел первый сезон, из которого была основная часть нарезки. С таким саундтреком оно стало ещё лучше.
Как по мне трек прекрасно улавливает дух Берсерка. Сочетание разных стилей и выдержанный вокал - мое почтение! Если бы данный трек играл бы где нибудь в сериале 97 года, он бы вписывался туда максимально органично. Саня - мега харош!!!
Берсерк - шедевр! Песенка тоже хорошая 😈💀👽
rip Kentaro Miura
This is the type of song that drags me right back into metal. Amazing. I love everything about it, the heavy, the emotion, the anime. It just fills a hole 🕳️ in my head that I didn't know was lacking.
Лучший музыкальный клип за всю мою жизнь. 32 года. Мурашки пробрали до самого мозга.
This was definitely my favorite song of 2024. Replayed it countless times, even had it on repeat on my way to and from work.
U have it on spotify
mid song, mig vocalist, mid band.. will ramos outclasses him in every way
@The_Eagle_Official then why are you here?
@@IlA7XlI am i not allowed to state facts?
@The_Eagle_Official Music is subjective. You're just here to hate for no reason. Just let people listen to what they like
The fact that Alex has made me a bigger fan of his cleans than his screams and growls is amazing.
One of my favorite bands making a song about one of my favorite anime
Should check out Brand Of Sacrifice if you haven’t already. Their entire discography is almost entirely based around berserk
jesus christ its been a while when a new tracks gave me such intense goosebumps to the point of shedding few tears! INSANITY! Im in love with this and this track will be on repeat now for the next 7 days 😂
Miura-sama is in heaven headbanging 🔥🤟🏻🔥
Metal anime montages are making a comback and im here for it
Bro we got the new infant annihilator album and a new slaughter to prevail song tomorrow.. What a day!
Né parece que eles marca os dia pra postar tudo junto😈🤣❤️👏🏾🔥
Also bloody wood on Friday if you know them. If not check them out
Worm Shepherd also released fine banger!
plus new angelmaker
Thanx for the heads up on infant annihilator, I'll be listening to that soon 🤘🔥
В начале унесло прям в ностальгию ранних In Flames, крутая работа Александр)
Отдельное уважение за почтение светлой памяти мастера Миуры, спасибо вам!
Since I heard Viking then KOD i have been hooked on this band. They are the future of heavy music. Alex is a brilliant vocalist
Automatically in my gym work out playlist 💪 👌
Cоседи будут довольны)
И соседями:D
и собакой)))
Бабушка уже послушала?
Alex's clean vocals hits so much differently in this song, Damm he is really becoming the #1 vocalist for Deathcore
Это одно из лучших,на мой взгляд,произведений от вас. У меня давно не бегали по коже мурашки так,как сейчас
Literally listening to this for the first time, you know when you get goosebumps multiple times through a song! Neck, arms even my fucking legs got goosebumps, damn!!
That’s right
Berserk + Slaugther To Prevail = Absolut Metal Music
Очень круто что группа не задерживается исключительно на орущем дедкоре(в хорошем плане) и экспериментирует, это было видно еще на your only, да только там как будто Саня не был готов к мелодичным партиям, а здесь прям виден рост, стремление и это вызывает невероятное уважение и восторг
Technically speaking you don’t find the behelit, it finds you if you’re destined to have it. Plus the riffs at 0:51 had me making faces because it was so good lol
This song and your voice... I can feel what Guts must feel at the end, betrayal, losing friends, hopeless, like word is ending
Невероятная песня и, прежде всего, отличная посмертная дань уважения великому маэстро Кейтаро Миуре, великолепные музыкальные аранжировки и, как всегда, превосходный голос Алекса!!! Всегда приятно вас слушать.
Holy shit…. One of the best Anime/Manga in existence. You now have my respect.
Alex this is your wave, this is the best vocals yet!!! It sends shivers down my spine....STP is on track to kill it again with this next album!
You know why we relate so much to Guts? Not becuase he is strong, not cause he is build like a tank nor slices pepole in half (well that too). It is because he is fucking lost. He is lost and he is looking for purpose of life, a purpose in this god forgotten hellscape.
bro...thank u for this...u have no idea...
@@forevermarked5826 no worries brother! I recently sat down and gave it a big bad think on why relate to Berserk so much and it dawned on me. Had to share! :D
I couldn't agree more just started watching verses recently didn't know it existed until this song drops the visuals had me all fucked up so I had to track down the show havnt finished it yet but I agree that yearning to find what we are missing in life the feeling of being lost and alone on your life's mission everywhere you turn your either used or shunned by others guts is a perfectly written character that we can live vicariously through fantasy
@@ZeLunaticc Great look on it! there is so much tragedy in the show.
He's called the struggler for a reason. He's trying to do the best by others in spite of the shit he's been through, the terrible things he's done. Guts is an ever-evolving unique character and Berserk is a once in a lifetime story
I don't even like anime, but this went so hard. Also, Alex's singing voice is CRIMINALLY underrated. Amazing track.
Berserk is something to check out, it’s not stupid like a lot of anime, and I like anime lol. Off the top of my head the only animes/mangas I don’t think are shallow or stupidly weird for newcomers are berserk, Vinland saga, attack on titan, and vagabond, and I watch a LOT of anime.
Also I’m sure there’s more I could think of but like I said it’s off the top of my head, and I obviously haven’t seen everything and haven’t read much manga honestly. Mostly an anime guy
Most anime isn't very good, but there's plenty of mature hidden gems with great story telling and character writing. Berserk is one of those.
@@hamachibeans4471 Vinland saga was fine until they brought the whiny kid into it
@@shakefl what do you mean? Who’s the whiny kid?
This isn't just an anime. This is the most brutal show/manga you will ever watch/read. The red wedding scene from game of thrones has nothing on this show. Idk if you're a gamer but The dark souls games were all based off this show.
The song has become a daily ritual........🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Song 100%
voice 1000%
clip 10.000%
No lie. A new Slaughter To Prevail song is always better than I expect. And I always expect a lot!
Damn,K.O.D. its better
Вау! Алекс, спасибо. Так бодро мой день никогда не начинался. Привет с Дальнего востока.
Ёлки палки , я тут в Тюмени ах****ю с утра по раньше , вот так бодрое утро 🔥🔥🔥
I seriously cant wait to see you guys at knotfest in march!
@1:30 is soooooo good
Gives me massive 2000’s nu metal vibes🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely more like this please OMG!
I have listened to this song dozens of tme since it came out and still get full body shivers everytime when 1:30 hits.
Я почти с самых ранних релизов тебя слушаю Санёк,я всегда знал что ты талантище,и что у тебя все получится. единственный наш исполнитель которым я горжусь. Теперь мировой охват обретаешь)
GOOSEBUMPS within the first few seconds when the song kicks in
Holyshit I wasn't expecting this, but this is fucking amazing!
Big Rammstein vibes with all the orchestra as well!
And Alex's range feels fucking wider than ever... What a fucking banger
A dedication to one of the greatest stories ever told. A true masterpiece.
Best character writing and development for the characters of Berserk. Leaves a lasting impression on everyone who has seen/read it
Саничка, как же я рад, что ты проникся вселенной Берсерка, это восхитительно
When the most metal anime meets the most metal band
We need a live show of slaughter to prevail and lorna shore with a live orchestra and choir too. That would be sick.
Lorna and whitechapel were amazing together. stp and lorna really wouldn't make sense in my opinion
@@jakebailey1478 I agree music wise but Alex and will said they were quite happy to do it in the future when they met
@samalemamie4173 im sure I'll get hate for this but I just saw lorna and white chapel live. Singuis was really good but imo kublah khan sucked. Not saying what-so-ever that STP sucks but that i guess lorna is open to playing with different genres
The fact this did more for majority of our childhoods and had more respect for berserk and AMV than I have seen since the old days had me massively happy emotional and fulfilled that's our loves for music anime and amazing stories from amazing people are still cared cherished and wanted to be shared.
old fans may hate me, but this is probably one of the best songs you've done this far
As someone who is a fan of many bands in this genre ranging from Dismenbodied Tyrant and Darko to Sleep Token and Babymetal, it is my opinion that Slaughter to Prevail is on the right course. I don’t care how self-important someone may think they are. There is an equilibrium between commercial success and artistry. Slaughter to Prevail are one of the few bands out there who can balance both effectively. This is art.
Yes! Finally!! This song rocks! I will OBEY! I love STP!!!
Funnily enough this may be the least “heavy” song by STP because of the clean vocals. But in some weird way I actually bang my head harder to this shit than any other song. This is actually heavier feeling! And it’s got to be my favorite from you guys so far!