Marvel Champions, Hand it Over!: Star-Lord vs. Unus [Expert]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @OresteGamba
    @OresteGamba 2 місяці тому +2

    Awesome battle! New BTST tokens are very useful, expecially the "don't forget". Star Lord is viable in true solo but I think that he shine better in multi. Thanks for the video!

    • @Rey_Plays_Games
      @Rey_Plays_Games  2 місяці тому +1

      Heya! Yeah, I think the deck would be way better in multiplayer...there just was no protection for Star-Lord which made it hard!..but it was super fun and the Pool aspect added even more risk lol...I'm gonna try it with two handed..! Thanks as always for checking it out!

    • @OresteGamba
      @OresteGamba 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Rey_Plays_Games pool aspect, still haven't decided if I love it or I mere tolerate it... Glad to have purchased it but it's more for force me outside the comfort zone. Thematically is perfect. Like a Deadpool movie.

    • @Rey_Plays_Games
      @Rey_Plays_Games  2 місяці тому +1

      @OresteGamba hahaha...yeah it definitely forces you out of comfort zone...I mostly have played Deadpool in pool aspect but I'm liking him in the other aspects too...have done Justice and Leadership...keen to try Protection

    • @OresteGamba
      @OresteGamba 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Rey_Plays_Games Deadpool seems a little tied to a rush tactic... Ideally it should be avoided to activate his forced response that add acceleration tokens.

    • @Rey_Plays_Games
      @Rey_Plays_Games  2 місяці тому +1

      @OresteGamba yeah there's definitely more to him than rushing...unfortunately yes, his two big cards are relied upon...but you can still build him out with all of the aspects and have fun with him

  • @WinningHandPodcast
    @WinningHandPodcast 2 місяці тому +1

    Super cool to see my deck played! I would say this is tough to make work in true solo, I think it’s more viable in a MP setting. But it’s fun to see others trying my deck!
    Thanks for doing this!

    • @Rey_Plays_Games
      @Rey_Plays_Games  2 місяці тому

      Ever an honour, Boom Guy!! Yes, definitely is a challenge in true solo...I want to try it again..but maybe two-hand solo...maybe a Protection hero...wpuld be very interesting!

  • @alberttaco3668
    @alberttaco3668 2 місяці тому +1

    That is my problem with Star Lord, and why I never use it. The more difficult the encounter deck is, and the more difficult is your game mode, Standard < Expert < Expert III < Expert II etc, the more his ability to "cheat" card into play, actually help the villain to setup or push.
    I can see it working in a 4 players game, because it is one extra encounter card divided by 4 people. And it totally makes sense, based on the GOTG movies, Star Lord only works with a full group of people, ready to clean/handle his mistakes, so that he can bring value to the group. I think it is thematic/mechanical home run from the designers, really.
    But I only play high difficulty, and only one or two players, so this hero just does not work for us. Unless if we were into gambling, which we're not lol.
    Thank you for trying -and illustrating my point in the process lol- ReyRey!

    • @Rey_Plays_Games
      @Rey_Plays_Games  2 місяці тому +1

      Yeah, it absolutely makes more sense in multiplayer...I thought I'd give it a go anyway!:p... in fact I just played the scenario again but with a leadership deck I was far easier to control the board state and although it took longer to win than it took when I used Miles Morales in the game was still a comfortable win...
      Peter Quill NEEDS allies in true solo...and it leans into his theme as you outlined so well!:)...maybe in Protection you can use toughs...but the more allies the better....especially if you get the Leader of the Guardians out!
      In my deck I also used Mission's sooooo good...!
      There's still plenty of fun to be had with my leadership aspect game, I didn't use Sliding Shot even once!:p...but using his ability to turn everyone into Guardians; Leader of the all characters THWT boost; Daring Escape (used sparingly); the Element Guns..there's plenty to have fun with...!
      But I totally agree with you that he almost has a "Handle with Care" label on him!