It's interesting, I expected them to be fairly similar. They're compared so often so I thought they must be similar. I was surprised at how different the Flying Dutchman felt. In a word, I would describe the 505 as more "lively." It was a lot of fun and quite a new experience. A lot of the little things are different, like the continuous trapeze, the genoa, and a whole bunch of other little things.
I use to own 301 and i miss her every summer....
Happens to know to very keen FD sailors ..Jørgen. And Jacob Bojsen-Møller seen their brandnew FD sailing.! nice kite,,,😂
Now that's a boat!
This was a great event! I was out on one of the Hobie 33s
I had a lot of fun, it was my first time on a Flying Dutchman and we had great conditions for it pretty much all weekend.
❤ the Flying Dutchman! I’m not sure about the ‘up,up,up’ I hear though: looks to me that rule 17 would disallow that but maybe I’m seeing all of it
Wonder is they still run the 'Royal Gaboon' free for all race. I did it once in a Fish Class from SRQ Yacht Cub
I don't know about this. "Free for all" sounds fun!
what are they like compared to the 50
It's interesting, I expected them to be fairly similar. They're compared so often so I thought they must be similar. I was surprised at how different the Flying Dutchman felt. In a word, I would describe the 505 as more "lively." It was a lot of fun and quite a new experience. A lot of the little things are different, like the continuous trapeze, the genoa, and a whole bunch of other little things.
Almost saw the boat
You left the cunninghan on downwing...pole seems too far forward...outhaul too strapped