@ I have to agree. We are at the point we are because we allowed the establishment to drive a wedge between us. Too many people on the fringe in both parties. The only way good ideas come about is by testing them through productive dialogue. Unfortunately we have too many like OP who can’t talk to people with whom they disagree
The reason why this is dangerous because it will easily dictate which county the governor can give funding to and which counties to ignore that did NOT vote for the political party of the sitting governor's choice.
The government already knows that information. I think the danger actually is, that a crazy neighbour might decide to target you, cause everyone will be able to go check everyone on a real estate app.
That's aweful. I'm a Democrat, we live next to Trump supporters. They have their flags up & we have neighbors who have a pride flag up across from them. We all get along just fine. Shame on anyone for trying to create more divisiveness. This is stupid.
@BottleConcreteBlond My neighbor has one up and she hasn't had any issues. I clearly stated that in my comment. Where I live they wouldn't put up with ANYONE harassing ANYONE for their beliefs. As a matter of fact I love the house next to the house with the pride flag that has a flag saying "lock Trump up." I am and always will be a Never-Trumper but causing more division is precisely what that rotten man thrives on as do some of his supporters, division & fear mongering. I refuse to give them any of that. I stand my ground.
It can Help...if the neighbor has staunch political. beliefs ..that would be imposing upon your beliefs...it could cause unrest & be uncomfortable....😮.. just my opinion
I don’t find this strange at all. I just wish they’d shared the website info. I don’t want to be near anyone who voted for someone as morally bankrupt as Trump. This constant call for unity is making me sick.
Why, so you can feel better about yourself if you live by someone who's a MAGA like yourself? All you need to do is move to one of the "RED" states and they are there. Move.
Why do the women ignore Sunny’s concerns abt her interracial and trans family? Seems that acknowledging the differences and how they are dealt with in society is a way these awesome women can support the country getting comfortable doing the same. We are not all treated alike!
I’m a middle age woman and I personally don’t care what signs or flags people have. I don’t care if my family and friends differ on politics, I’m still going to break bread with them. Live and let live.
Here’s the thing if you are someone that can just discount trumps history of sexual assault. I don’t feel safe around you. If you make excuses for it, if you downplay it if you just decide it’s not true because it’s too inconvenient for you. If it is then you probably will do that with other predators, which means I’m not safe with you because you will bring predators around me, or are one yourself.
The girl who accused the Duke players of raping her admitted she lied about being raped. Apparently it never happened. This is why you avoid Democrat women.
At 78, the importance of having compatible neighbors only became an issue with the politics of Trump. In rural communities, they can be mean and destructive.
Can be? They are and have been since the right wing found it offensive people opposed the Iraq war. Have a place in central Montana and a primary residence in Eastern Washington. My wife was assaulted by MAGA women when she questioned a petition and refused to sign it. Conservatives are insane.
@@Merriwether-w8k Why would any intelligent woman vote to share a bathroom/locker room with a man? You voted for harris, you voted for men in women's bathrooms.
I certainly don't understand why anyone that voted for Trump through that he could lower food or gas prices when all his buddies are the rich people who own the businesses. What did you all think, that Trump was going to tell them they have 24 hours to lower them or he was going to put tariffs on their businesses?
@@MeredithThurstonyes.. because they're left leaning and understand that they are rich enough. There are a lot of left-leaning people who are members of the elite ruling class in this country who would forgo the Republican tax breaks for the wealthy because they want every day Americans like you to have more money 😂🤣😂🤣 like, I don't know how you're trying to weaponize their political leanings against them when the reason they lean politically to the left is because of their morality
You voted for the massive loser, clearly you don't understand how people think. And no one that voted for Trump thought that, you only think that because you were told by the liberal media over and over that's why people are voting for Trump.
@@sirfrancis9619 I do hope you are joking here, because the U.S. is and has for years been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world, doing so despite restrictions on leasing and oil and gas extraction on federal lands. We DON"T need more gas and the pollution that goes along with it.
It already does influence neighbors. My neighbor couldn't sell her house because of all the Trump signs up and down our street. As much as I want liberal neighbors, I think they have the right to know what they're moving into.
So all the realtor's heard from people that saw the house and relayed that to the seller? 🤣 Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the house. The cope is legendary.
@@stitch438 I want this particular neighbor to move. Their house is gorgeous, but they're not so nice. So I received a card in the mail looking for houses in our area that matched this description and price. I called to let them know about the house, but they already knew about it and said "That's the onenear the bad political signs". They never sold their house.
If I wanna hang up a rainbow flag on my house I want to know how likely it is that someone nearby to me might cause me problems because of it. Seems pretty base.
@@Merriwether-w8k I’m well aware. Yet if you feel that a flag or sign could be used as a reason of violence or hate why do it? I would think safety would matter more than politics or sexuality.
@@Weezy1975 If you know there's a possibility someone may steal your wedding ring, why bother wearing it? Do you hear how stupid that logic is when it's repeated back to you?
@@beatnickblanket You are the one who posted the original comment. I was just asking why do it if you feel you could be threatened. I don’t put any political signs or anything personal in my yard for that very reason. We live in different times. I just value my safety above politics. I’m confident knowing who I am and not having to put it out for others to see. Another thing, how many people are stealing wedding rings? Marriage rates are declining there’s not a big demand. Yet, in my professional career I have had factory workers not wear theirs to work for safety reasons.
There are noise and nuisance ordinances and laws in place fir a reason. They have to do both with the noise level and the time of day when the noise can happen. Even these do not consider that many people work non traditional shifts (midnights in healthcare , overnights by firefighters, shift work in factories etc) Having loud parties is totally inconsiderate of your neighbors.
I was a feminist Democrat since third grade. I’ve been fighting for civil rights and women’s rights since the 70s. Never had Republican friends. And when I look to move anywhere, I look to see what the area is like because I will not live by conservatives. Before I buy any home, I look at the voter registration since the 90s. You guys are just catching up.
I really hate all this real estate tech. There are 4 houses in my neighborhood on the market. One is photographed with visible black mold on the walls, the others are virtually staged. It's way whack, foundation problems, stray dogs running around, rudeness. No Boundaries
Can you.imagine trick or treating at Hostin's house? "Here's a bag of vegetables kids from my garden that I grew, because I am a gardener!" Comment from the kid walking away...."gardening sucks."
Here’s the thing if I have a easy way to know you’re OK with someone being convicted of sexual assault and you’re not gonna be concerned or consider them a bad person I would like that information because I don’t wanna be around people like that they’re dangerous
@@blackout07blueya you do. You guys were poor winners in 2020 and poor losers in 2024. Just scum bags, imagine if you won. Everyone in the Republican Party would be on trial.
Sadly, politics and morals often overlap, and there are some people I wouldn't want to live around because their views are harmful. Differing ideologies have real world impacts.
I saw a house in my town who was surrounded by Trump neighbors. But the Trump neighbors had like a sign or two. This lady had like 10 huge signs with a full grown Donald doll in a chair. The signs said things like Donald is a crook etc. I was like dang her existence in that neighborhood must be sooooo awkward
I had to take my temperature 🤒 before posting this… These women on the view #1 question asked of their guests was “Who are you voting for, or You are voting for Harris, right!?!?!…” this is my recollection of every one of these hosts, especially Whoopi. So, I’m confused at her response to this question…👀🤯🤔 I never agree with Whoopi’s opinion but I do agree with her on this point. None of your business ✋
Here in south Florida my neighbors straight up let you know who they are with their “ULTRA MAGA” flags flying high, MAGA hats, Trump bumper stickers. It’s gotten to the point where I can just look at someone and tell if they are a Trump supporter or not. The white men and the single crotchety Karens are easily identifiable. The Latinos I normally have to have a conversation with to gage if they are educated or not.
This is such a beautifully decorated set it brings joy to see. But when these people talk all their depressing thoughts and spew their unmoral views it is sad.Please don't let them sadden you through the holidays. Think?? AND they call her Whoopee? Not DEPRESSEE
I just had a wonderful conversation with an older White couple in the grocery store. I am a 26-year-old Black Man.We were talking about the vegetables all the way to the parking lot, and then right before she got in her car, she said to me, "I hope Trump really does what he’s supposed to do and gets rid of all those migrants, and RFK does something with the food because he’s the best." I just smiled and said, "Well, I hope so," but she doesn’t know I cannot stand Trump. I am independent, and part of me thought to myself that I wish she would’ve kept that to herself. But then I thought, at the end of the day, I still live here in America, and I do hope whoever is in office does well because if they do well, we do well. At least I hope so, as long as my neighbor is leading with empathy, grace, and compassion. I don’t care about your political beliefs.
Today is the day of the Lord God's will is for peace and triumph upon the hearts of people Joy to the world Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Thank God for your spirits and your hearts being touched by heaven man may God give you a glimmer and insight of those moments in your life where you actually experienced the peace and joy of Jesus Christ! I do pray you all repent and get set free from being used to cause anger and division that is against the peace and plan of Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace who loves you very much
I am one of those people. I am only looking in counties that did not vote for Trump.
Trust me, there will still be Trump voters in those counties.
You should leave the country, make America even greater.
That’s snowflake mentality
Leave the country, make America greater.
@ I have to agree. We are at the point we are because we allowed the establishment to drive a wedge between us. Too many people on the fringe in both parties. The only way good ideas come about is by testing them through productive dialogue. Unfortunately we have too many like OP who can’t talk to people with whom they disagree
The reason why this is dangerous because it will easily dictate which county the governor can give funding to and which counties to ignore that did NOT vote for the political party of the sitting governor's choice.
The government already knows that information. I think the danger actually is, that a crazy neighbour might decide to target you, cause everyone will be able to go check everyone on a real estate app.
Yeah they already do this
Ana took the words out of my mouth at 0:55, the Trump flags/banners/whatever-you-can-think-of are flying high in Miami
As they should be!
Florida is truly the crap hole of this country
That's aweful. I'm a Democrat, we live next to Trump supporters. They have their flags up & we have neighbors who have a pride flag up across from them. We all get along just fine. Shame on anyone for trying to create more divisiveness. This is stupid.
Let's see what happens if you put up a rainbow flag.
@BottleConcreteBlond My neighbor has one up and she hasn't had any issues. I clearly stated that in my comment. Where I live they wouldn't put up with ANYONE harassing ANYONE for their beliefs. As a matter of fact I love the house next to the house with the pride flag that has a flag saying "lock Trump up." I am and always will be a Never-Trumper but causing more division is precisely what that rotten man thrives on as do some of his supporters, division & fear mongering. I refuse to give them any of that. I stand my ground.
@@bookworm1946 sure brenda
@robbielopezmx lol. Bot.
Now they say your neighbors political stance don't matter but they also agreed with no Trump voters family at Thanksgiving 🙄
they can't get it right ever
"They" did not. Plus, having people IN your home is WAY different than who lives in your neighborhood. Duh.
@@TheRedScareIsAlive you just don't see the hypocrisy ...they are so fake
It can Help...if the neighbor has staunch political. beliefs ..that would be imposing upon your beliefs...it could cause unrest & be uncomfortable....😮.. just my opinion
Ya the dems are crazy, might bring down their housing value. Who wants to live beside a dem
I don’t find this strange at all. I just wish they’d shared the website info. I don’t want to be near anyone who voted for someone as morally bankrupt as Trump. This constant call for unity is making me sick.
Great points
I don't need to hear conspiracy every time a head for the mailbox or yanking weeds. So sick of MAGA.
If you want Trumpers near you, prepare for Trump flags everywhere.
Intolerant. I don't care and wouldn't be mean to anyone. But I'm not a Democrat
Website is Oyssey
Only in the USA would this be a thing…
I’m American, but this is insane.
Y'all are totally wrong. This is a great idea and we want it.
Who’s “we”?
Why, so you can feel better about yourself if you live by someone who's a MAGA like yourself? All you need to do is move to one of the "RED" states and they are there. Move.
We, the people 🇺🇸🙏🏼
I agree with the view ladies, it should be none of their business.
@@tcdan-c2myou want Trump flags everywhere near you? Not me.
Oh come on they ALL live in gated communities.
This is actually funny. The Left getting more loony every day
Why do the women ignore Sunny’s concerns abt her interracial and trans family? Seems that acknowledging the differences and how they are dealt with in society is a way these awesome women can support the country getting comfortable doing the same. We are not all treated alike!
Maybe they're exhausted by her constant virtue signaling.
It’s all she talks about with every hot topic
Because she’s exhausting
Because most Americans are tired of the woke stuff, at this point.
I’m not saying don’t express concerns and such, but let’s try to have a message that unifies all of us and raises all our frequencies.
Wow?! Reflection of how far away from civility we are.
Yeah, it’s cool having Trump flags everywhere in your neighborhood!
@@blackout07blueit is
I’m a middle age woman and I personally don’t care what signs or flags people have. I don’t care if my family and friends differ on politics, I’m still going to break bread with them. Live and let live.
@@Weezy1975 sadly only people with a heart can do that
Republicans are against women so you should care
Here’s the thing if you are someone that can just discount trumps history of sexual assault. I don’t feel safe around you.
If you make excuses for it, if you downplay it if you just decide it’s not true because it’s too inconvenient for you. If it is then you probably will do that with other predators, which means I’m not safe with you because you will bring predators around me, or are one yourself.
The girl who accused the Duke players of raping her admitted she lied about being raped. Apparently it never happened. This is why you avoid Democrat women.
L metoo
Maybe just maybe you should not ask people.
At 78, the importance of having compatible neighbors only became an issue with the politics of Trump. In rural communities, they can be mean and destructive.
Can be? They are and have been since the right wing found it offensive people opposed the Iraq war. Have a place in central Montana and a primary residence in Eastern Washington. My wife was assaulted by MAGA women when she questioned a petition and refused to sign it. Conservatives are insane.
Let's go back to the time when nobody knew who anybody else voted for this is only your business.
There is no more privacy - there is no going back
Heck yeah, that would be the end of blue.
@@stitch438 No it wouldn't - half the country wants a democracy and half wants a dictatorship (the dumb half)
I'm widowed now but I was married for 21 years and couldn't tell you who my wife ever voted for...
My condolences. Yet, that’s not uncommon of a husband to say… I’m sure she could’ve told us who you voted for and your SSN in 2secs.
Some people don't have that luxury - duh
Haha!! Some of you were willing to miss a holiday with your family because of politics 😅
Then they’re not my family
Why would any intelligent woman spend a holiday with those who are trying to take away her rights?
@Merriwether What rights?
@@texnewmexneen The right to bodily autonomy - don't play dumb
@@Merriwether-w8k Why would any intelligent woman vote to share a bathroom/locker room with a man? You voted for harris, you voted for men in women's bathrooms.
If you go to church don't talk politics after church over coffee.
I certainly don't understand why anyone that voted for Trump through that he could lower food or gas prices when all his buddies are the rich people who own the businesses. What did you all think, that Trump was going to tell them they have 24 hours to lower them or he was going to put tariffs on their businesses?
Most of the Forbs top 10 vote Democrat
@@MeredithThurstonyes.. because they're left leaning and understand that they are rich enough. There are a lot of left-leaning people who are members of the elite ruling class in this country who would forgo the Republican tax breaks for the wealthy because they want every day Americans like you to have more money 😂🤣😂🤣 like, I don't know how you're trying to weaponize their political leanings against them when the reason they lean politically to the left is because of their morality
You voted for the massive loser, clearly you don't understand how people think. And no one that voted for Trump thought that, you only think that because you were told by the liberal media over and over that's why people are voting for Trump.
Trump said he would lower energy costs (remember drill baby drill) lower energy costs means lower everything costs..... you get it?
@@sirfrancis9619 I do hope you are joking here, because the U.S. is and has for years been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world, doing so despite restrictions on leasing and oil and gas extraction on federal lands. We DON"T need more gas and the pollution that goes along with it.
It already does influence neighbors. My neighbor couldn't sell her house because of all the Trump signs up and down our street. As much as I want liberal neighbors, I think they have the right to know what they're moving into.
“ what they are moving into “ Is there slsome kind of maga ghost haunting the house? You people need therapy.
So all the realtor's heard from people that saw the house and relayed that to the seller? 🤣 Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the house. The cope is legendary.
@@stitch438 I want this particular neighbor to move. Their house is gorgeous, but they're not so nice. So I received a card in the mail looking for houses in our area that matched this description and price. I called to let them know about the house, but they already knew about it and said "That's the onenear the bad political signs". They never sold their house.
@@melaniegreen8564 😂 You need to mind your own business and exercise more.
@@stitch438 You seem like quite the peach yourself.
Cackle, baby girl, cackle.
Sonny and Ana live in the real world
No they don’t 😂
Whoopi is worth $60 million. Where is this real world?
Wish we had this before we moved to our town. It’s hard living next to people who call you their enemy for not hating everyone like they do.
Yep, democrats hate reality and anything they disagree with.
Barking dogs are annoying to me
Same!! There’s a neighbor of mine right now that lets their dog bark outside every night for hours it is about to drive me insane!!
Sara’s makeup 10/10 today 😍
If I wanna hang up a rainbow flag on my house I want to know how likely it is that someone nearby to me might cause me problems because of it. Seems pretty base.
I don’t care what flags or signs people have personally. I do wonder if you care about how that could be taken, why do it?
@@Weezy1975 This is AMerica
@@Merriwether-w8k I’m well aware. Yet if you feel that a flag or sign could be used as a reason of violence or hate why do it? I would think safety would matter more than politics or sexuality.
@@Weezy1975 If you know there's a possibility someone may steal your wedding ring, why bother wearing it? Do you hear how stupid that logic is when it's repeated back to you?
@@beatnickblanket You are the one who posted the original comment. I was just asking why do it if you feel you could be threatened. I don’t put any political signs or anything personal in my yard for that very reason. We live in different times. I just value my safety above politics. I’m confident knowing who I am and not having to put it out for others to see. Another thing, how many people are stealing wedding rings? Marriage rates are declining there’s not a big demand. Yet, in my professional career I have had factory workers not wear theirs to work for safety reasons.
There are noise and nuisance ordinances and laws in place fir a reason. They have to do both with the noise level and the time of day when the noise can happen. Even these do not consider that many people work non traditional shifts (midnights in healthcare , overnights by firefighters, shift work in factories etc)
Having loud parties is totally inconsiderate of your neighbors.
I was a feminist Democrat since third grade. I’ve been fighting for civil rights and women’s rights since the 70s. Never had Republican friends. And when I look to move anywhere, I look to see what the area is like because I will not live by conservatives. Before I buy any home, I look at the voter registration since the 90s. You guys are just catching up.
Have fun in Cali or New York ........... watch you don't trip over that homeless guy.....watch you don't get mugged by the'undocumented'
its the country we live...now!! 😭
I dunno. I think if they had a lesbian or trans person on the panel they might have a different take...
That's why I love living in a neighborhood with an HOA. I don't have noisy or inconsiderate neighbors because of it.
the bible tells us to love thy neighbor
Palm beach is a fantastic place to live
Bottom line, I don't think about my neighbors, nor care to engage them. That's life in California.
Most of them are sleeping on the sidewalk.....
I really hate all this real estate tech. There are 4 houses in my neighborhood on the market. One is photographed with visible black mold on the walls, the others are virtually staged. It's way whack, foundation problems, stray dogs running around, rudeness. No Boundaries
Jesus does not want people acting like this. Second Commandment. We are a neighbors and all brothers and sisters
Yeah I’m not trying to move in an area where there are a bunch of weirdos. This is a good policy.
Can you.imagine trick or treating at Hostin's house? "Here's a bag of vegetables kids from my garden that I grew, because I am a gardener!" Comment from the kid walking away...."gardening sucks."
hang on........"because I am a multi-racial gardener"
I'm okay with this. I want to be separated from people who hate everyone for existing.
Once you go RIGHT you'll never be wrong.
initially I thought I may wanna know...then I remembered that PEOPLE CAHNGE THEIR MINDS...so what they are today could change tomorrow
Here’s the thing if I have a easy way to know you’re OK with someone being convicted of sexual assault and you’re not gonna be concerned or consider them a bad person I would like that information because I don’t wanna be around people like that they’re dangerous
Where does this leave us independents?
You want Trump flags everywhere? Bc dems don’t do that with their candidates after they’ve won.
@@blackout07blueya you do. You guys were poor winners in 2020 and poor losers in 2024. Just scum bags, imagine if you won. Everyone in the Republican Party would be on trial.
I love this segment so much....
Alyssa and Sarah are sadly the only ones who make sense
This was a fun segment I would of loved to hear what The View Co-host Joy Behar would of had to say for this segment.
Sadly, politics and morals often overlap, and there are some people I wouldn't want to live around because their views are harmful. Differing ideologies have real world impacts.
There is a book called The Great Sort - Americans have been doing this since 2012 - and it does matter
I wouldn't want The View Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin as a neighbor calling the police just for somebody speeding down the street.🙄
Sunny sounds like a horrible neighbor!
Come on sunny nobody complains about kids playing outside.
Sunny sounds like a terrible neighbor 😂😂😂, or she needs a bigger yard away from other houses
U would never be invited to Mara lago sunny, dnt worry😂😂😂
Thank God i live in the country.
Whats great about the country?
@@tcdan-c2m less places to find cooked food!
Alyssa just never stops talking now, huh?
I saw a house in my town who was surrounded by Trump neighbors. But the Trump neighbors had like a sign or two. This lady had like 10 huge signs with a full grown Donald doll in a chair. The signs said things like Donald is a crook etc. I was like dang her existence in that neighborhood must be sooooo awkward
Trump should sue these clowns next
Truck Fump 🤡
@@Cj-pg4qecareful we might have to look into your taxes
Palm beach isn't so conservative - the county leans democrat & Lake Worth which is just south of Mar a Lago is a very gay friendly community
Sarah, I'm surrounded by them.
Yes, how much gasoline
Even if buyers are interested, it can lead to targeting people
I had to take my temperature 🤒 before posting this…
I never agree with Whoopi’s opinion but I do agree with her on this point. None of your business ✋
I had to take my temperature 🤒 before posting this…
These women on the view #1 question asked of their guests was “Who are you voting for, or You are voting for Harris, right!?!?!…” this is my recollection of every one of these hosts, especially Whoopi. So, I’m confused at her response to this question…👀🤯🤔
I never agree with Whoopi’s opinion but I do agree with her on this point. None of your business ✋
Here in south Florida my neighbors straight up let you know who they are with their “ULTRA MAGA” flags flying high, MAGA hats, Trump bumper stickers. It’s gotten to the point where I can just look at someone and tell if they are a Trump supporter or not. The white men and the single crotchety Karens are easily identifiable. The Latinos I normally have to have a conversation with to gage if they are educated or not.
And Democraps extremely identifiable with their HATE and FANGS!!
This is such a beautifully decorated set it brings joy to see. But when these people talk all their depressing thoughts and spew their unmoral views it is sad.Please don't let them sadden you through the holidays. Think?? AND they call her Whoopee? Not DEPRESSEE
WTF? People have lost their minds.
Joy is missed
the dumbest thing ever.
Of course The View Co-host Sunny Hostin and The View Co-host brought up Marleago and West Palm Beach referring to Former President Donald Trump. 🙄😒
I don’t give a flying fart in space who you voted for. Mow your lawn and don’t let your dog poop in my yard without you picking it up. Like 🤯🤯
Let's see what happens with your MAGA neighbors if you put up a rainbow flag.
That is very intrusive.
You can go to your county assessor website to see who owns a house. You can also look up what party anyone is registered to.
@toriboy25 wow. Didn't know that.
This can't be real!?!
Good job, keep it up girls. Buh bye. 😂😂😂
This is all fine and good but I've known people who harass the gay family that moves in next to them.
Why does anna so obviously hate Alyssa
They talk like they are surprised when they are part of the problem with division 🤦♂️
Who’s “ they”?
Are you one of them?
Oh hush Sunny 🤮
Hostin on auto repeat "I am multi-racial' .......
I don't mind the loud music or the children playing outside but the dogs barking are very annoying to me.
dumb 😃
😂 why Sunny always gotta be the elitist contrarian?
5.59 baby.
Please take this garbage off the air and put a family friendly show. This is disgusting.
The View Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin is annoying and tries way to hard.🙄🙄😒😒
Oh well
A day full of hot topics 👏👏👏👏
I just had a wonderful conversation with an older White couple in the grocery store. I am a 26-year-old Black Man.We were talking about the vegetables all the way to the parking lot, and then right before she got in her car, she said to me, "I hope Trump really does what he’s supposed to do and gets rid of all those migrants, and RFK does something with the food because he’s the best." I just smiled and said, "Well, I hope so," but she doesn’t know I cannot stand Trump. I am independent, and part of me thought to myself that I wish she would’ve kept that to herself. But then I thought, at the end of the day, I still live here in America, and I do hope whoever is in office does well because if they do well, we do well. At least I hope so, as long as my neighbor is leading with empathy, grace, and compassion. I don’t care about your political beliefs.
The VILE!!!☠️☠️☠️👿👿👿
When can we see these ladies from the view be sued for every lies they say
Why is The View Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin on her phone while The View Co-host Sunny Hostin is talking at 1:29?
Today is the day of the Lord God's will is for peace and triumph upon the hearts of people Joy to the world Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Thank God for your spirits and your hearts being touched by heaven man may God give you a glimmer and insight of those moments in your life where you actually experienced the peace and joy of Jesus Christ! I do pray you all repent and get set free from being used to cause anger and division that is against the peace and plan of Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace who loves you very much
Yeah I don’t wanna live anywhere near people that make Trump their whole personality (I.e. Trump signs and flags)