Checking on and Correcting a Top Bar Hive

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheNitrodiva
    @TheNitrodiva Місяць тому

    Thanks for sharing. I’ve had a few cross comb situations with my TBH.

  • @dillydanny-o8807
    @dillydanny-o8807 8 місяців тому

    Just got my tbh set up last week from a swarm and a lot of my inspiration for it and how I’m managing it is thanks to your videos! I added a glass panel to one side of mine and I love observing them without having to open it.

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much! That means a lot. I think it's great you have your top bar set up. The glass panel is a great addition. You will love seeing how fast they put on wax at first. I was joking with a coworker about putting an observation hive at my desk at work. I don't think that will happen. Keep us updated on how it goes and have fun with it!

  • @g.e.m.1247
    @g.e.m.1247 8 місяців тому

    You give great and useful advice for us TBH keepers--Thank you for those comments that really teach ❤

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  8 місяців тому

      Thank you so much! I am happy my excessive rambling helps☺️ Sometimes I feel like I talk too much. Thank you for your support and kind words!

  • @jorgedude6423
    @jorgedude6423 Місяць тому

    Excellent videos, I really appreciate the information. I have 10 langs, wanting to switch over to just top bar to get away from the lifting (recent back injury), how often do you recommend checking the hives to avoid the cross combing shown here? I don't live in the same location as my hives, have to drive there. Thanks for any advice you could share!

  • @armorup9483
    @armorup9483 7 місяців тому

    This was fascinating!

  • @TeachaMantoFish
    @TeachaMantoFish 8 місяців тому

    Good video!

  • @joetripp123
    @joetripp123 8 місяців тому

    4th year langstroth keeper and I've always wanted to start a tbh. If I can get a swarm this year I'll drop them in a tbh nuc.

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  8 місяців тому

      That's awesome! They are really great! I feel like part of the appeal is seeing them as more natural. Like you are working a hive in a tree or less fun doing a cutout. (Laughing) I think you will like working it. Keep us updated!

  • @Jesus-is-His-name
    @Jesus-is-His-name 7 місяців тому

    Hard to tell from the video but the frames look kind of narrow possibly. How wide are they? What i have seen is saying 1 3/8 is the best width.. thanks for the video!

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  7 місяців тому +1

      Exactly right. 1 3/8 is the best. I have never done it but some people will do 1 1/2 inches for the bars with honey. For me that is too much to keep track of and movement. Here is a short I talked briefly about the size. I hope this helps! Thanks for the comment!

  • @sgt_retiredcharlie4102
    @sgt_retiredcharlie4102 4 місяці тому

    When is "Robbing Season". I'm a brand new beekeeper and I'm starting with a homemade top-bar hive, that I built. When should I check them and when should I leave them alone? Also, I know I'm starting this hive REALLY late in the season (Aug 1, 2024) so any advice you have to help me succeed would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks for your videos. Along with the one 3 years ago, you've definitely earned my SUB brother!

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! "Robbing season" is usually during a warm dearth (dry time where there isn't much nectar being produced). Here in North Florida is in July and August. The time between the gallberry season and Fall goldenrod bloom. The bees are still active and wanting food so they will steal from other hives. If you only have one hive you shouldn't have an issue. I'm not sure where you are starting your hive but you may want to keep sugar water available to them since they missed the spring nectar season.

  • @lenframe
    @lenframe 6 місяців тому

    Why not use a hive or 5 in 1 tool vs a knife to separate the frames?

    • @ralphwhite759
      @ralphwhite759  6 місяців тому +1

      You could. The knife makes it easier for cutting and trimming comb that is attached to the sides. It's also the honey harvesting tool. So I have turned it into my own 5 in 1😂. Another reason is it was readily available when I needed it and have stuck with it.