Hey CJ Good for you gettin your property posted. People who don’t own land will never understand why land owners post their property. It’s not because we’re jerks. It’s because we have worked, saved and sacrificed to have what we have. On top of the purchase price then you still have to pay real estate taxes every year FOREVER. We don’t do all that for the benefit of others. We do it for the benefit of our families and raising our children in an environment that promotes playing outside. Needless to say I completely agree. Great video bud. I’ll see ya on the next one
I put signs up on mine. I have game cam also. I want to fence it too but I have a large acreage parcel so it will take a while. I agree, stay off my land! I watch a guy who has 1 cam facing the sign and another facing the game camera. The idea is if someone takes the cam, he will get the theft on the other cam.
Mallard 5 Farmhouse Yeah I thought it was a pretty good idea because if someone is looking for a camera in they find it they most likely won’t be looking for a second camera. If they take the first one then the second one will get them trespassing and stealing. Double busted!
I agree with you 100% CJ!! We had some stuff stole off my property so I went and had signs made. The say ( NO TRESPASSING survivors will be prosecuted) and that ended that crap fast!! lol Have a good one!
I agree 100% CJ. If you don't take it serious people will just do as they please. And like you I've worked to hard to have my property, so I'm going to try my best to keep people off of it. 👍👍
Great video CJ! Your right, it’s your land that worked hard to get and people will take advantage of it in a heartbeat if you don’t let them know otherwise! Good idea to stay ahead of it. Take care buddy!
Thanks Davey! Yeah I'm trying to stay ahead of things. I've seen some shady characters walk past my house after their car was taken from them at the park. So I've always got my eye on things. Thanks for watching man!
A very well made video on the cautions of keeping people out of where they shouldn't be. I hope you guys don't have problems, and life is good! Thanks for sharing bud!
We have purple "No Trespassing No Hunting" tape every couple trees along the property line as well as some signs. We still have to pull a tree stand or two down every couple of years.
This is a great video. I would recommend putting your trail cam up higher in a the trees to make it more difficult for people to see or steal. We just a few days ago had our stealth cam stolen that was set up at our gate entrance because we've had packages stolen. A few days before that I noticed tracks where people are driving atvs around our gate. So now I have to buy a few spartan cams that have gps tracking in it that can be found and located if its stolen. I worked my tail off to buy many acres of beautiful land for my family to enjoy. I do not allow hunting or trespassing, for the safety of my wife and children. People just don't respect other peoples property. I've read comments where people are mad that property owners don't want trespassers...we don't want trespassers because we want privacy and saftey for our families.
Great video my friend, we have had some trespassers this year and I'm working on a video to talk through tips! Didn't even think of the Game Warden number, great advice my friend.
There's nothing wrong with being adamant about keeping TRESPASSERS at bay. You are absolutely right about owning property and respecting other people's property. In the 36 years i have lived here I've my fences cut, my signs torn down, and trash thrown everywhere.Sometimes i think people whom I've given permission to hunt when that word gets out every Tom, Rick, and Harry thinks open season to anyone. Thanks CJ, i have heard about the paint markings but, not sure if thats been established here in W.V. either. Take care my friend.
You are absolutely right CJ. Game cameras watching game cameras and connected to your internet and don’t forget to write down your serial numbers for everything. I like to have a way of identifying the cameras too etched on the camera. Good luck with your trespassers and keeping it under control. Oh, is the road a dead end road?
Great idea on the serial numbers on the cameras Fred. So far no trouble with trespassing.. Hope it stays that way. Yes it's a dead end road, but luckily the end of it is about 3/4 of a mile away.
Awesome video solid advise for property owners. We have had a few issues on our property. I worries because we have a shooting range on our land. Arkansas has purple paint laws so this family has purple fences and barbed wire plus signs every 30 ft locks and chain's on everything. I don't like being so ridged but gone are the days of using a person's things or property and leaving it better than it was received that was how I was raised golden rule still has meaning in this house.
I was raised just like you buddy. And I agree that those days are fading away. I'm trying to teach my girls how I was taught. And at the same time protect them and our land.
I have a remote cabin on 30 acres. It sits at the back of a 400 acre farm. I've had my fair share of trespassers. I've posted signs throughout. I've also placed working game cameras up along with cheap non working game cameras that are out in the open. This way if its stolen, hopefully my hidden camera will catch the asshole. I also leave a pair of old work boots on the front porch with a note on the door stating: "Hey man, just went to the woods and I'll be right back." I've also placed an old Hornets nest under my covered porch that can be seen. This has cut my trespassing issues way down over the last 2 year's. Great video!
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse and it honestly was put up to keep carpenter bee's from drilling holes into the face of my log cabin. Which works perfectly because other bees won't mess with hornet's. But it may also help deter those who walk up on it for the 1st time. And I forgot to mention solar motion flood lights help as well.
In my case (NJ) I have a forestry plan which requires posting and marking borders. Think it is partly for liability and partly so I do not do any forest management on someone else's property. The plan is public info in the tax assessors office. My signs face out on the border. And I happen to use line dots (fluorescent paint) such that If I or hunter is on the border we know where the border is by looking to the left or the right. All done just after the original survey. Heard about the purple. Think only some hunters know what it means. Also use corner post rail wood fencing marking each corner turn.
We have 40 acres as part of a trust in the Huron Manistee Natl Forest that has on several occasions been dumped upon, burglarized, and generally mistreated since my grandparents moved out of the woods and let the signs rot. I'll be re-posting the property for the first time in probably 20 years this spring, along with small placards stating Michigan's legislation (dumbed down of course) regarding trespass. I've also considered purple along trees or posts, despite Michigan having not yet passed legislation tying the color purple to "no trespass" afaik.
Years ago, as a child living in a rural area, I used to walk to school every day because it only took 15 minutes. Taking a bus took 45 minutes with a bus exchange at a crossroad. I walked across a neighbor's pasture twice a day and never once had any issues. He saw me on several occasions but never confronted me about it. Times were simpler back then. I wouldn't dare do it now for fear of being shot at.
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse right after posting this comment we had two razors come flying into our yard.... Had to come through two locked gates. They were met with force and escorted out. The area around our gates was not fortified enough. No trespassing signs and beware of dogs signs posted they made a trail around the gates. Which today will be fortified. The next time I'll blow the tires off that buggy, they were warned.
Good luck bud. That def. is one of the downsides to owning that much land. The trail cams are a great idea. Now being that I have a HUMONGOUS .18 of an acre in Jersey we have the Nest camera system. We are at the end of a cul-de-sac, and I talked 2 of my neighbors to get the same camera system. Now once you download the App we all invited each other to each other's cameras and now we can all watch 12 different cameras. This way even if some of us are away, there is always someone with boots on the ground able to react. Until the next one, Dirty Jersey out!!!
We kind of have the same thing with our Ring doorbell. We can check any suspicious activity in our area. Can't be too careful and always good to plan ahead.
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse Fo sho!! My Bro., has the Ring system. Doorbell, and 2 floodlight cameras. In NJ Ring offers a discount to State, Federal,and County employees. We decided to go with Nest mainly because of the ability to share the camera feeds. They are all external cameras, so we're not violating each other's privacy, but at anytime I can log into my neighbors cameras through the App and check all different angles!! Like I said we pretty much have every sq. inch of cul-de-sac covered!! Hope all is well bud!!!
My tribe has a problem with trespassing to our private property lately. We have signs posted and they still trespass. I should get a camera posted up. I want my people to be safe when they're enjoying the private beach.
How about a section of barbed wire fencing here and there? I live in the city and people come on your porch and take packages and plants and even xmas decorations ! Very sad.... good luck.
Yes for sure! Eventually I would like to have the whole 50 acres fenced in when we get hogs, cattle, etc. I'm waiting for the day when someone steals one of our packages off of our porch lol.
Hi CJ, great video that should help keep the honest people out! I'm pretty sure you've got plan B for those not so honest people ! Lol keep up the great work, take care!
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse guy/neighbor driving across back property line with four wheeler and dog, got a few pics of him...he even mooned my trail cam.
I talked to a sheriff's deputy here and she told me if you have signs up and you have told the person to stay off the property, then next time it happens to get ahold of them and they will take care of it.
If it ain't yours, don't touch it. I remind kids all the time of that. If you need help with long range live security cameras let me know, can be 10km from the dvr, no problems with at the perimeter of your property.
If it's a neighbor border dispute, then a survey along the border is the only legal leverage. Otherwise, it's hearsay from the perspective of the Sheriff. Posting helps even though it's not necessary legally. Trail cam would be great to enforce the border with a nasty neighbor.
Don't mistake posting your property with safety. Posting is a good idea, and I would say it's a must. But it's just a warning, some will heed and others won't. Signs won't keep you safe.
Thanks for this video 📹 purchase a 1.25 acre 6 months ago in Okeechobee vikings. With a beautiful pound with fishs . After clearing the property i noticed my neighbors with over 10 ppl take set on my land with ATVS doing donuts 🍩 inside my pound... They destroyed my fruit tress now I'm piss
It’s a crying shame , the have nothings think they own everything. I have property in WV, there , if you have permission it needs to be in writing on your person. That stops a lot of the bs. , if you get them high up where they can’t reach them to tear them off. I take a bucket to stand on.
Yeah Dave it's a shame. But so far we haven't had any real problems. Just talked to the county sheriff the other day and he gave me his cell number. Told me to call if we have any problems. So hopefully all will be good. Take care buddy
No signs/bumper stickers for me. Me nor any of my neighbors have signs posted and we never have any problems, and the place looks better without all of the signs.
Those trail cameras are big and bulky. Easy to spot. Go for the smaller ones that cannot be seen to take pictures of the trash that wants to come to your property.
How's she goin'? I think it's terrible that we have to take steps like this in order to protect your own turf. Why people do this is beyond me. They are a new hi in low as far as I am concerned. Around here in NS, Canada, it seems the onus is totally on the land owner to ensure people don't trespass. Sure seems like the cart is before the horse eh!! Take care and I hope your posting does the trick for you.
Maybe a sign "BEWARE OF VICIOUS SNEAKY DOG" ..... 😂😊🤗. Also...jokes aside ...state aloud regularly positive and grateful affirmations as to how wonderfully you are guarded, guided and protected by all that is good in life. Pull in that energy. Sending happy protective vibes your way. Much love to you all. Xx
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse 🤣jeez puts a whole new meaning on being 'mown down'😂. Have you got a Gatling gun in the old barn? 😊. I am sure you are safe and protected by all that is good in life. Fear not. Xx
No Trespassing signs, and Private Property signs/Notices, are for your safety, not my safety. Because you won't know if I'm hunting, or target shooting, or whatever. Period.
Hey CJ Good for you gettin your property posted. People who don’t own land will never understand why land owners post their property. It’s not because we’re jerks. It’s because we have worked, saved and sacrificed to have what we have. On top of the purchase price then you still have to pay real estate taxes every year FOREVER. We don’t do all that for the benefit of others. We do it for the benefit of our families and raising our children in an environment that promotes playing outside. Needless to say I completely agree. Great video bud. I’ll see ya on the next one
You nailed it on the head! Couldn't agree more! We both share the same attitudes lol.
Hello Allison 🖑
I put signs up on mine. I have game cam also. I want to fence it too but I have a large acreage parcel so it will take a while. I agree, stay off my land! I watch a guy who has 1 cam facing the sign and another facing the game camera. The idea is if someone takes the cam, he will get the theft on the other cam.
That's a smart idea too lol! I want my whole property fenced as well, but like you it's going to take some time.
Mallard 5 Farmhouse Yeah I thought it was a pretty good idea because if someone is looking for a camera in they find it they most likely won’t be looking for a second camera. If they take the first one then the second one will get them trespassing and stealing. Double busted!
Double busted would be awesome! That's a great idea!
I agree with you 100% CJ!! We had some stuff stole off my property so I went and had signs made. The say ( NO TRESPASSING survivors will be prosecuted) and that ended that crap fast!! lol Have a good one!
Such a shame we have to do this John. It should be a given for everybody to stay off others land and not steal other people's stuff
Excellent video. Too bad there are people who think that they have the “right” to go where they want to and disregard rules. Thanks for sharing
Thanks Ken! Yeah if it wasn't for those kind of people we could spend our time doing other things lol
I was raised the same! Boggles me that people weren’t and so many where I live. They just help themselves
It sure is a shame isn't Dawn! We haven't had trouble lately, hopefully I didn't just jinx myself lol
I agree 100% CJ. If you don't take it serious people will just do as they please. And like you I've worked to hard to have my property, so I'm going to try my best to keep people off of it. 👍👍
Amen buddy! When you work hard for something you want to protect it. Hope all is well with you buddy! Take care!
Good info. Thanks for sharing CJ. People need to respect others property
Thanks Hank! I agree but you know how it is. Better to be prepared I guess.
Great video CJ! Your right, it’s your land that worked hard to get and people will take advantage of it in a heartbeat if you don’t let them know otherwise! Good idea to stay ahead of it. Take care buddy!
Thanks Davey! Yeah I'm trying to stay ahead of things. I've seen some shady characters walk past my house after their car was taken from them at the park. So I've always got my eye on things. Thanks for watching man!
A very well made video on the cautions of keeping people out of where they shouldn't be. I hope you guys don't have problems, and life is good! Thanks for sharing bud!
Thank you Chris! Hopefully we never have a problem but if we do I'm ready lol.
We have signs up and a gate... if someone goes past those and makes it to the front door, we will have a problem lol
If someone makes it to our front door they will have to deal with the "Go Away" door mat haha
Hahaha they will deal with my go away door mat except it won’t be a door mat and it won’t be so polite 😂😂😂
We have purple "No Trespassing No Hunting" tape every couple trees along the property line as well as some signs. We still have to pull a tree stand or two down every couple of years.
It's a shame we all have to do this stuff isn't it? Could be using our time doing something more productive or fun
This is a great video. I would recommend putting your trail cam up higher in a the trees to make it more difficult for people to see or steal. We just a few days ago had our stealth cam stolen that was set up at our gate entrance because we've had packages stolen. A few days before that I noticed tracks where people are driving atvs around our gate. So now I have to buy a few spartan cams that have gps tracking in it that can be found and located if its stolen. I worked my tail off to buy many acres of beautiful land for my family to enjoy. I do not allow hunting or trespassing, for the safety of my wife and children. People just don't respect other peoples property. I've read comments where people are mad that property owners don't want trespassers...we don't want trespassers because we want privacy and saftey for our families.
Hey thank you! I'll have to look at those Spartan cameras. People are crazy these days. They think they are entitled to whatever they want.
Great video my friend, we have had some trespassers this year and I'm working on a video to talk through tips! Didn't even think of the Game Warden number, great advice my friend.
I'm sorry to hear about your trespassers. But yeah if you catch them you don't want to be looking for the game wardens number for sure!!
There's nothing wrong with being adamant about keeping TRESPASSERS at bay. You are absolutely right about owning property and respecting other people's property. In the 36 years i have lived here I've my fences cut, my signs torn down, and trash thrown everywhere.Sometimes i think people whom I've given permission to hunt when that word gets out every Tom, Rick, and Harry thinks open season to anyone. Thanks CJ, i have heard about the paint markings but, not sure if thats been established here in W.V. either. Take care my friend.
It's a shame Dean. Respect for other people is fading away quickly. I'll have to look up West Virginia's law if they recognize purple paint.
Yes in 2016 WV passed the purple paint law as another way to post your land.
Thanks CJ i appreciate that very much. Think I'll be making a little trip to Tractor Supply and buying some purple paint.👍👍👍
No problem Dean! That was the purpose of the video to help people out to protect their land!
You are absolutely right CJ. Game cameras watching game cameras and connected to your internet and don’t forget to write down your serial numbers for everything. I like to have a way of identifying the cameras too etched on the camera. Good luck with your trespassers and keeping it under control. Oh, is the road a dead end road?
Great idea on the serial numbers on the cameras Fred. So far no trouble with trespassing.. Hope it stays that way. Yes it's a dead end road, but luckily the end of it is about 3/4 of a mile away.
Awesome video solid advise for property owners. We have had a few issues on our property. I worries because we have a shooting range on our land. Arkansas has purple paint laws so this family has purple fences and barbed wire plus signs every 30 ft locks and chain's on everything. I don't like being so ridged but gone are the days of using a person's things or property and leaving it better than it was received that was how I was raised golden rule still has meaning in this house.
I was raised just like you buddy. And I agree that those days are fading away. I'm trying to teach my girls how I was taught. And at the same time protect them and our land.
I have a remote cabin on 30 acres. It sits at the back of a 400 acre farm. I've had my fair share of trespassers. I've posted signs throughout. I've also placed working game cameras up along with cheap non working game cameras that are out in the open. This way if its stolen, hopefully my hidden camera will catch the asshole. I also leave a pair of old work boots on the front porch with a note on the door stating: "Hey man, just went to the woods and I'll be right back." I've also placed an old Hornets nest under my covered porch that can be seen. This has cut my trespassing issues way down over the last 2 year's. Great video!
Hey man! That hornets nest idea is pure gold!! love it!
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse and it honestly was put up to keep carpenter bee's from drilling holes into the face of my log cabin. Which works perfectly because other bees won't mess with hornet's. But it may also help deter those who walk up on it for the 1st time. And I forgot to mention solar motion flood lights help as well.
In my case (NJ) I have a forestry plan which requires posting and marking borders. Think it is partly for liability and partly so I do not do any forest management on someone else's property. The plan is public info in the tax assessors office. My signs face out on the border. And I happen to use line dots (fluorescent paint) such that If I or hunter is on the border we know where the border is by looking to the left or the right. All done just after the original survey. Heard about the purple. Think only some hunters know what it means. Also use corner post rail wood fencing marking each corner turn.
Hey I like how New Jersey is doing that 👍
We have 40 acres as part of a trust in the Huron Manistee Natl Forest that has on several occasions been dumped upon, burglarized, and generally mistreated since my grandparents moved out of the woods and let the signs rot. I'll be re-posting the property for the first time in probably 20 years this spring, along with small placards stating Michigan's legislation (dumbed down of course) regarding trespass. I've also considered purple along trees or posts, despite Michigan having not yet passed legislation tying the color purple to "no trespass" afaik.
I wish all the luck I can to you man!
Years ago, as a child living in a rural area, I used to walk to school every day because it only took 15 minutes. Taking a bus took 45 minutes with a bus exchange at a crossroad. I walked across a neighbor's pasture twice a day and never once had any issues. He saw me on several occasions but never confronted me about it. Times were simpler back then. I wouldn't dare do it now for fear of being shot at.
He's a good man ...
We both worked two jobs for years to pay for our land. It's ridiculous how disrespectful people are. Thanks great video.
I understand completely! My mind just doesn't work that way . I leave people alone and I expect the same
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse right after posting this comment we had two razors come flying into our yard.... Had to come through two locked gates. They were met with force and escorted out. The area around our gates was not fortified enough. No trespassing signs and beware of dogs signs posted they made a trail around the gates. Which today will be fortified.
The next time I'll blow the tires off that buggy, they were warned.
Stand strong buddy!Defend what's yours.. I wish you luck!
I had to post mine last year, shouldn't have too, but people thik they can use others property as they wish. Common sense doesn;t exsist anymore
Yes it is sad Joey how some people are!
Good luck bud. That def. is one of the downsides to owning that much land. The trail cams are a great idea. Now being that I have a HUMONGOUS .18 of an acre in Jersey we have the Nest camera system. We are at the end of a cul-de-sac, and I talked 2 of my neighbors to get the same camera system. Now once you download the App we all invited each other to each other's cameras and now we can all watch 12 different cameras. This way even if some of us are away, there is always someone with boots on the ground able to react. Until the next one, Dirty Jersey out!!!
We kind of have the same thing with our Ring doorbell. We can check any suspicious activity in our area. Can't be too careful and always good to plan ahead.
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse Fo sho!! My Bro., has the Ring system. Doorbell, and 2 floodlight cameras. In NJ Ring offers a discount to State, Federal,and County employees. We decided to go with Nest mainly because of the ability to share the camera feeds. They are all external cameras, so we're not violating each other's privacy, but at anytime I can log into my neighbors cameras through the App and check all different angles!! Like I said we pretty much have every sq. inch of cul-de-sac covered!! Hope all is well bud!!!
Good job CJ, assume nothing be ready when it comes to trespassing. Take care.
That's right Mark! Protect your home and family. Take care buddy
Thank u for the info
You're welcome! Thanks for watching!
Good info we are in Ohio also!
I think I knew that. You're up around Toledo??
We are in Lawrence county which is pretty much as far south as u can go
Oh ok.. we are in Monroe county
Dropping in with some love for your channel! xoxo
You could have just told me you didn’t want me to visit.. geez 😂😂😂
Read the signs buddy! Lol😂😂
Dang it!!!! Freakin turning back around!!! Oh, but wait, nevermind still on my way, cause I can't read so good😁😁😁!!! Hope all is well guys.
You crack me up man lol. Hope all is well with you too buddy!
Hahahaha, funny. Xxx
Mallard 5 Farmhouse did you hear he’s giving up the lawn care business and giving dance lessons? 😂
My tribe has a problem with trespassing to our private property lately. We have signs posted and they still trespass. I should get a camera posted up. I want my people to be safe when they're enjoying the private beach.
What does purple paint mean
In some states it is used in place of posted signs to show property lines
How about a section of barbed wire fencing here and there? I live in the city and people come on your porch and take packages and plants and even xmas decorations ! Very sad.... good luck.
Yes for sure! Eventually I would like to have the whole 50 acres fenced in when we get hogs, cattle, etc. I'm waiting for the day when someone steals one of our packages off of our porch lol.
Hi CJ, great video that should help keep the honest people out! I'm pretty sure you've got plan B for those not so honest people ! Lol keep up the great work, take care!
Haha there's always a plan B! Thanks Dave!
Did you have anymore issues since then? I am having issues on mine.
No I have not. What's going on with your property?
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse guy/neighbor driving across back property line with four wheeler and dog, got a few pics of him...he even mooned my trail cam.
I talked to a sheriff's deputy here and she told me if you have signs up and you have told the person to stay off the property, then next time it happens to get ahold of them and they will take care of it.
great video
If it ain't yours, don't touch it. I remind kids all the time of that. If you need help with long range live security cameras let me know, can be 10km from the dvr, no problems with at the perimeter of your property.
Those sound really nice. Could come in handy for scouting deer too lol.
If it's a neighbor border dispute, then a survey along the border is the only legal leverage.
Otherwise, it's hearsay from the perspective of the Sheriff.
Posting helps even though it's not necessary legally.
Trail cam would be great to enforce the border with a nasty neighbor.
Luckily mine aren't neighbors
amen brother
That's right! No excuse for trespassing👍
I'm in Ohio as well, trespassing here is rampant...
I know man.. it's a crying shame... I've had a few problems myself but it had died down recently
Don't mistake posting your property with safety. Posting is a good idea, and I would say it's a must. But it's just a warning, some will heed and others won't. Signs won't keep you safe.
You're right Kevin! Signs dont keep us safe.. they help us out legally.. I have other ways to keep safe 👍
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse Good on you, and good luck with your future endeavors.
Thanks Kevin!
Thanks for this video 📹 purchase a 1.25 acre 6 months ago in Okeechobee vikings. With a beautiful pound with fishs . After clearing the property i noticed my neighbors with over 10 ppl take set on my land with ATVS doing donuts 🍩 inside my pound... They destroyed my fruit tress now I'm piss
Aww that's awful Latoya! I hope you get this figured out and make a statement with those trespassers!
It’s a crying shame , the have nothings think they own everything. I have property in WV, there , if you have permission it needs to be in writing on your person. That stops a lot of the bs. , if you get them high up where they can’t reach them to tear them off. I take a bucket to stand on.
Yeah Dave it's a shame. But so far we haven't had any real problems. Just talked to the county sheriff the other day and he gave me his cell number. Told me to call if we have any problems. So hopefully all will be good. Take care buddy
No signs/bumper stickers for me. Me nor any of my neighbors have signs posted and we never have any problems, and the place looks better without all of the signs.
Thats good to hear! You're lucky
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse I ways have a gun on my hip when I mow my grass, I think passers by may not want to trespass ( :
Those trail cameras are big and bulky. Easy to spot. Go for the smaller ones that cannot be seen to take pictures of the trash that wants to come to your property.
A while back I watched a video where the trespasser stole the cameras.
also, I may go on a foray mushroom hunting. I want to know where borders are so that I do not trespass. Mark borders by all means.
Agreed Gary! I don't want to be trespassing on anyone's property and I don't want them to do it on mine
How's she goin'? I think it's terrible that we have to take steps like this in order to protect your own turf. Why people do this is beyond me. They are a new hi in low as far as I am concerned. Around here in NS, Canada, it seems the onus is totally on the land owner to ensure people don't trespass. Sure seems like the cart is before the horse eh!! Take care and I hope your posting does the trick for you.
Yeah Mike it's a shame people are like that. I'm all about protecting my family and what's mine.
I never understood people that trespass! Texas it is a felony!!
Go Texas!! I don't understand it either, but it's always been a problem around here. But knock on wood, it hasn't been a problem for us yet.
Yes sir I agree Tim
Maybe a sign "BEWARE OF VICIOUS SNEAKY DOG" ..... 😂😊🤗. Also...jokes aside ...state aloud regularly positive and grateful affirmations as to how wonderfully you are guarded, guided and protected by all that is good in life. Pull in that energy. Sending happy protective vibes your way. Much love to you all. Xx
Good idea! I also thought about becoming the "crazy " guy that carries a pistol on his side while I mow the grass or get the mail lol.
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse 🤣jeez puts a whole new meaning on being 'mown down'😂. Have you got a Gatling gun in the old barn? 😊. I am sure you are safe and protected by all that is good in life. Fear not. Xx
Now there's an idea! Haha.😂😂
@@Mallard5plus1Farmhouse now behave! 😂🤣🤣🤣
No Trespassing signs, and Private Property signs/Notices, are for your safety, not my safety. Because you won't know if I'm hunting, or target shooting, or whatever. Period.
That's right Dave!
Ask first
Exactly right!
Thank you Gregor! 🤘🖒💪🚜
You need metal signs, not plastic. The sun will destroy it in a couple of months.
You did not buy your property off of my creator so its only your property in your head just like you said. Hope you have a lot of cameras.