Your the best teacher sir, am From Kenya and I love what your doing , your really helping me improve on my playing, kindly keep doing on different keys it's really helpful, please do Jireh in the key of D major
Beautiful video...used to play this and i didn't know its actual origins 😅😅..would hope you'd be able to do different worship movements with different worship songs from Nigeria in c#...would be very helpful🙏🙏
i need full course from you...i understand number system//progressions in numbers...but lack improvisation and all these sweet stuffs you do. vids are doing but i need the most...can you share your watsap number pls
Please continue with this in terms of moving in different keys it's really helping to be better
This guy really played E major so smoothly 😂😂👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks brother
He’s the art
Drop two open voicing. Wow. So cool
Perfect Maestro!!!
This is also an amazing exercise for working on the Lydian voicing. Thank you. I’ll be using this all of the time. 😂😂😂
So beautiful
The best of all times🙌🙌🙌👌
I really like the way you explain sir, you are transparent and any body understands what you teach, God bless you bro
We love you so much sir. ❤️ from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Ummm this progression and your touch of the keys bro!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Smooth in B major
Your the best teacher sir, am From Kenya and I love what your doing , your really helping me improve on my playing, kindly keep doing on different keys it's really helpful, please do Jireh in the key of D major
Thank you 🙏🏾
Thank you for this. Reminds of a Rodney East touch.
Can’t wait to sit and learn!
very nice and inspiring!!
this is suppppppppper helpful bro as always!!
Thank you for this ❤
Beautiful video...used to play this and i didn't know its actual origins 😅😅..would hope you'd be able to do different worship movements with different worship songs from Nigeria in c#...would be very helpful🙏🙏
I appreciate you sharing this progression. Cant wait to master it.
Thanks for share 👏😁
One day i'll support you brother on all your courses. Thanks for what you are doing
Thank you for your support!
The progression is from Bart Orr’s Keep Pushing! Thanks for the Video🔥🙏🏿
It’s very satisfying watching you play. I also enjoy your teachings🔥…
Thank you! Hope it is helpful 🙏🏾
I liked the video in advance, before watching it, because I know it's goona be great.
Sooooo beautiful!!!!!
Excellent thanks alot
Thank you bro bro, for this wonderful chord progression 🥰❤can you make a video about passing chords in the key of (F)
Thanks for the suggestion!
I really appreciated watching this video 🙏🏽🙏🏽, do you have any tutorial about triton substitution?
Master amazing very nice...
Awesome Broo Always Doing Great 💪💪💪
Thank you bro!
Hello, Emanuel, Keep it up brother! Your Videos are more useful for many pianist like me! ❤❤👍👍👌👌
Thank you!
I really love the sound of your instrument. Sir, are you using a generic tone? Can you please walk as through your setup?
thank you x 100000000
Nice one Blanco
Please what piano Vst are you using? It sounds delicious!
Blanc do you have any old arranger or synthesizer on sale
I really like the tone of your piano. Can you tell me the model of your piano? Thanks.
Please drop more progressions in F#
Thank you!
Is this really f sharp key?
Very difficult for small fingers to stretch from g# c# b.
He just "said for us beginners" 😂
I'm still waiting to hear the beginner's part🤣😭
What tone are you using please?
Sir please make a video to explain drop 2🙏
I will soon, thanks!
@@EmanuelBlancoPiano thank you Sir
@@EmanuelBlancoPiano Happy New year Sir, Sir you said you will explain drop 2 nd how it works
The first one again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥
What key are you playing?
First one here 👍🏽
At the end sounds like Godwin Hilary
Can you please explain it?
Love it, what piano is this? Keyscsape?
Thanks! Yeah it is
My left hand is not flexible enough for these voicing yet 😅
Play on C chord so that it will be clear for beginners to learn fast.
i need full course from you...i understand number system//progressions in numbers...but lack improvisation and all these sweet stuffs you do. vids are doing but i need the most...can you share your watsap number pls