Used. 7 Zion as music studio ,90's shen Lido deserted, took drum kit too prom, amazing sunsets across casino,but phantom art notes hemespheres wreking pest 'onserved'synch run of 'non comet star gaze loopy loo 'the tea cheers'harold bowler hat non ten an sicks liar art 'subjecting' false 'forces'etc,'you mentioned'instance 'create ed'? Yelling howelling courses lines 'interruptions,subtle puff dragon 'sleep think thought invadars return act'haulled out too see 'pi rate'cost coast 'use law'forces yelling 'nat non call'neight to are 'macro organ nic c man tex'invade cplusplus 'statement of 'coursed too build model village in a dream'why 'computer program uncompleted'dancing grotto shell 'excuses'of 'no sound or light for you'fight a 'poltergeist non fing'to 'psyco disrealize the whole'yelling singimg choir 'get uniformed'big 'alice song'card art act 'civi rizla'word of god 'as whole queens law army'chirch pew fire brew key tell no 'alarm'known 'follows rule fee arse starve work rocks break in hot sun liared disinterpretate of 'punkshment'dos tow yes ski?
Night time shot reminded me of lost boys ..big ups 👊
Used. 7 Zion as music studio ,90's shen Lido deserted, took drum kit too prom, amazing sunsets across casino,but phantom art notes hemespheres wreking pest 'onserved'synch run of 'non comet star gaze loopy loo 'the tea cheers'harold bowler hat non ten an sicks liar art 'subjecting' false 'forces'etc,'you mentioned'instance 'create ed'? Yelling howelling courses lines 'interruptions,subtle puff dragon 'sleep think thought invadars return act'haulled out too see 'pi rate'cost coast 'use law'forces yelling 'nat non call'neight to are 'macro organ nic c man tex'invade cplusplus 'statement of 'coursed too build model village in a dream'why 'computer program uncompleted'dancing grotto shell 'excuses'of 'no sound or light for you'fight a 'poltergeist non fing'to 'psyco disrealize the whole'yelling singimg choir 'get uniformed'big 'alice song'card art act 'civi rizla'word of god 'as whole queens law army'chirch pew fire brew key tell no 'alarm'known 'follows rule fee arse starve work rocks break in hot sun liared disinterpretate of 'punkshment'dos tow yes ski?
chris is eppic