pro tip: turn on hitbox displays helps a TON during combat also try to use both the m1 and the heavy attack at the same time, dinos that have an active ability that acts as an attack can also use it right after the first to to unleash three attacks in the span of half a second (that's how i obliterate people as a bary)
I think you haven't made enough videos on primal haven One month isn't a long time This is just a suggestion from me but it's your channel Could you maybe do like 15-20 min The videos of just you playing any type of dinosaur For example , I would really like to see you playing as dasp and like patiently stalking a herd and waiting for an opportunity to strike
pro tip: turn on hitbox displays
helps a TON during combat
also try to use both the m1 and the heavy attack at the same time, dinos that have an active ability that acts as an attack can also use it right after the first to to unleash three attacks in the span of half a second (that's how i obliterate people as a bary)
the lean rat
I think the PvP in this game is good, besides because the dinos have collisions.
I've been playing this game since the beta phase :)
for a video suggestion i think you should maybe do a Ts hunting a styrac and be risky w it frl basically just have fun
I WILL PASS DA-2 PRE (i like wodac its a pretty good game i have every dinosaur exept tier 3)
da 3....
Im da3 i applied for da4
da-3 ez@@GaiaSince2018
I think you haven't made enough videos on primal haven One month isn't a long time This is just a suggestion from me but it's your channel Could you maybe do like 15-20 min The videos of just you playing any type of dinosaur For example , I would really like to see you playing as dasp and like patiently stalking a herd and waiting for an opportunity to strike
I’m not stopping videos just making a video on something else because I’m extremely bored of primal haven
I’ve played this game before. Also tip
Watch out for a person called “barbarianGoblin”
Don’t ask me why lol
I know why "bad palyer experience" am i right?
Yh new sub plus yh it's a game game sorry for killing you lol
I think i met you!
i was the dilo and i gotta say i would do same rn