I see you found the enemy of the prospector. Clay the gold robber. very nice black sand in that area. Very good color. Thanks for sharing another great adventure.😎👍👍👌👌⛏⛏
I just "love" the way the folks "love" meeting Jason on the creek, especially for the first time. Thanks for joining us for the weekend at the Wausau Prospectors Outing. I got a lot of your stickers passed out. Thanks for everything!
4 hour ride + back breaking efforts = an amazing haul!! You were definitely on it today! The choice of equipment was dead on as well. Excellent episode buddy, cheers 🍻
I sure have learned a lot about finding gold since I started watching your channel. Way back in time I went to college at the UWSP and was going to major in geology. I had to talk to the head of the geology department ...He asked me what I wanted to do with my education...I told him I wanted to MINE for GOLD. He laughed and said "there's no money in it at all. Are you kidding $200 an ounce?" He tried to talk me into getting into petrology. (Oil) But I have no interesting in it at all .I had delusions of going to the Yukon all on my own and prospecting. Well that never happened either. I did take a year of geology though...Still have a passion for it. Now because you your videos I see I can just take a pan and find gold in my back yard here. (I have a lot of places in mind) BUT I'm getting old and bad health. can hardly get out of the house now. If you ever want to prospect in Central WI. I can tell you where "I Know" you might find some.
EUREKA ! ! ! Awesome day , Your Kreek reading and super human shovel powers and Rigbys sniff got a great flash in the pan ,thanks for the adventure ! TANK
Nice amount of gold Jason congrats! A few diamonds have been found in that creek also, something to keep an eye out for! Enjoyed the video! Stay safe. GL&HH!
Jason, you are truly the Flower Gold Wizard ! Nice work on that fine gold ! Those cobbles, clay and other heavies certainly paid off. Thanks for sharing Bro !!
Really like the fact you explain what you are doing and why. I get a lot of tips and ideas from your adventures👍🏻. Keep up the great work Jason😀⛏🏴
Awesome video my friend still watching but always like and enjoy watching all your videos like seeing Rigby do all that work 😁😁 thanks so much for sharing with us Jason we really appreciate it alot stay safe and have a great day
@@FlourgoldWizards lol I bet right chasing them deer and working them jaws chewing up them beef treats 😂😂 thanks so much for sharing always love your videos my friend
You found more gold in one day than i did in 6 weeks ,we are in lockdown here in Vic. Australia , even my plastic gold pan got rust in it , well next week I will try my luck and dig some dirt ,cheers
@Mark Hepworth ,if you live in Vic . outside Melbourne , you can go ,I live just over the border in NSW and I can go to Beechworth , but I need a permit to get back home.
Great video looks like you got what you came for nice presentation of prospecting and finding gold great inspiration and instruction on methods of retrieving fine gold!A+😎
Oh WOW - how could I have missed this! ? What amazing terrific finds! I'm so glad your subscribers are increasing. I tell my friends about your channel and share a few of your vids to please them up. My youngest daughter sends her love, huggles and ear scratchings to your doggies! 😊
Great day! Looks great. I went out today and only found one grasshopper poop.... But at least I got out and enjoyed nature. Local vegetation (tall grass clumps etc) can help plug a dam. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Okay, enough of that flea poop and grasshopper poop....we want some mouse poop pickers. Western Wisconsin is some of the most beautiful country. Nice gold under that macro lens....and look, mouse picker!! Awesome! Thanks for taking us along Jason. Great day out there. Cheers ⛏⛏🍻✅😎
Welldone Rigby 👋 you found a lovely spot, infinity works a dream wizard,I won one a little bag of your dirt from Tom last night😀😀👍I say dirt but I've got a feeling it's going to be black sand 😂🤣,I won't open it tho ,its like a little bit of UA-cam history, a keeper,thanks for the journey wizards and wizardetts 🍀😁🍻👋
looks like there was a old dam there but the old timers rarely worked where they built the original dam with the bonus that after thy leave it there it works to collect more gold. thanks for the share and stay awesome !
That was a great amount of GOLD Jason, I hope the chicken in the truck was still safe to eat 🤣 You sounded tired brother, maybe your getting old like me🤣 it gets harder to get out of bed everyday, I'm making sounds i never knew i could just getting up off the couch 🤣🤣, take care brother ATB GL&HH JIM
Your hole you dug looked like a cellar hole, I wanted to get my machine and detect it for relics LOL :) Even Moose knew there was a bunch of gold in there as he kept putting his head in, it's easy after all the work is done hahaha. That was a great haul today Jason.....so much more towards my Kan :)))
Nice haul from that krik!! Too bad it's not in your backyard. I've been finding a bit here in Missouri. Nuthin like that, but still shiny! Thanks to you, and your channel, I know where to look. I grew up in kriks and look at it all SO differently now. Keep up the great work!!!🥴⛏👊🍀🐾🍀🍺💰🐾💰🍻✔✔
Love those Garrett super sluice pans , me and my wife has 3 and a bunch.of other pans , Martin pans , maddog mining pans , ive got them from 15 to 8 inch .......
Hi Jason, Great to catch up with you channel again I'm still having utube issues since changing my email account. Now that was a great final showing will need to go back there and finish that spot off. Thanks for the vid mate. I see the 7000 is not far off. Dennis
Fantastic finds! Well done sir, you get better and better with every venture. Keep on doing what you do cause it’s working! Very very entertaining and educational video. Love it. 👍
Thats a good producing krik. Nice job Jason!! Im wondering if you put that in my Kan? Bet Rigby knew there was chicken in the truck lol. Thanks again Jason!!
Liked, shared and commenting. As discussed, I don’t spend much $$ on prospecting. Not logical with my state laws and probable amount’s of gold I xpect to find. So I wouldn’t buy trendy gold pans much. I watched videos for over a year. B4 I even ever spent $1.00 on prospecting. But my first purchase was a “Gold claw pocket pan “ I saw during that year. Vo-Gus loved it (b4 he discovered the Betea pan) . I couldn’t ever afford OR operate that with my back. Turbo pan?? Eh? I saw mixed results. Gold hog flow pan. I saw vo-Gus n Hurd both lose gold big time. Pocket pan was for me. I will eventually pony up 4 a super sluice or it’s baby equivalent ( bad back). But 4 now it’s still test test test. Chair, military entrenching tool with shovel/pick, buckets, water, and fryer basket (was free). Pan or sluice in my Amish style sluice I made. Fill bucket hopper with water n it slowly runs down 2” sluice. Then feed dirt. Repeat as water gets low. I maybe the brokest prospector in yer followers, but I’m out there using what I got. I’m not above using my coffee cup after I get all coked up on coffee for the day lol. By not spending on prospecting. There’s a much greater chance of staying outta the red n in the green. Heavy pans n poundin cans.
I couldn’t agree more !!! I only use equipment that actually works, im fortunate enough to have access to lots of it . If you’ll notice, those other channels use that new fangled equipment for a couple shows then you never see it again, there’s a reason! The xp pans in my opinion are the best and I’ve only gotten 1 for free. Everything else I purchased because it works. Making my own tools is quite satisfying 👍🏻✅ I hope you have fun and find some shiny too ✌️🐺😎
Love 💕 it. Finally first
Yeah!!!!! Thanks RD !!!! 🍻
Jason my friend I love your Channel simply because you always have the Pabst can have full
@sonny Clark how do you know it half full? It started out full when he opened it, so it would be half empty, right? Lol
Nice pan,good thing you have a guard 🐕 dog with all that glimmer. Woo hoo
He’s getting old!!!!
I see you found the enemy of the prospector. Clay the gold robber. very nice black sand in that area. Very good color. Thanks for sharing another great adventure.😎👍👍👌👌⛏⛏
Unfortunately thats where the gold is!!!!!
Thanks for watching Chuck ✅🍻👍🏻
Great haul! 👍
Thank you William!!!!
I just "love" the way the folks "love" meeting Jason on the creek, especially for the first time. Thanks for joining us for the weekend at the Wausau Prospectors Outing. I got a lot of your stickers passed out. Thanks for everything!
My pleasure Kurt!!! You’ve done for me as well. ✅ Till we meet again!!!
Change of scenery. Muddy creek with a Wisconsin Picker. Good show. Peace.
Thank you!!! Muddy is right!!! ✌️
4 hour ride + back breaking efforts = an amazing haul!! You were definitely on it today! The choice of equipment was dead on as well.
Excellent episode buddy, cheers 🍻
Thanks Shiny !!!!!! You’re right on the money....
effort = results !!!! Fun too!!!! 🍻✅
Helluva day Jason! Thanks for taking me along...
Im glad you enjoyed it!!!! Thank you ✅✅✅
I sure have learned a lot about finding gold since I started watching your channel. Way back in time I went to college at the UWSP and was going to major in geology. I had to talk to the head of the geology department ...He asked me what I wanted to do with my education...I told him I wanted to MINE for GOLD. He laughed and said "there's no money in it at all. Are you kidding $200 an ounce?" He tried to talk me into getting into petrology. (Oil) But I have no interesting in it at all .I had delusions of going to the Yukon all on my own and prospecting. Well that never happened either. I did take a year of geology though...Still have a passion for it. Now because you your videos I see I can just take a pan and find gold in my back yard here. (I have a lot of places in mind) BUT I'm getting old and bad health. can hardly get out of the house now. If you ever want to prospect in Central WI. I can tell you where "I Know" you might find some.
So you have a couple spots aye?!!!! Sometimes word of mouth locations are the best ones!!!!!
Shoot me an email!!!!
Rigby says , he ain't buying nothin' ! It's snack time !
That cleanup was speck - tacular !
Rigby napped quite a bit!!!! Thanks again Richard ✅✅✅
Nice haul! Those Alaska sneakers have some good mojo every time you bring them along!
Indeed!!!! My feet stay warm too!✅✅🤣🤣
Thanks that was fun.
Sure was !!!!! Thanks for watching!!!!
Camping and finding gold is always great!! 🍻🇺🇸
EUREKA ! ! ! Awesome day , Your Kreek reading and super human shovel powers and Rigbys sniff got a great flash in the pan ,thanks for the adventure ! TANK
It all came together quite well!!! Super k9 Rigby nose!!!! Thanks TANK!!🇺🇸🇺🇸✌️🍻✅
Love seeing that Flower Gold! Picker bonus!! Great video
Me too!!!!! Thanks Mark 🍻👍🏻✌️
Nice looking area and Beautiful gold. Thanks for sharing, good luck, happy hunting and take care.
Much appreciated CCHH!!!!!
Great virgin find Jason, and very scenic area, thanks much
I have a whole new plan for that place!!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!!!
Two things I know for sure, you will always find the gold and architects will never admit it when they're wrong. 🤣🍻
You couldn’t be more right...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nice scenery, Great Gold. Thanks Jason 🍻
My pleasure Rick !!!!✅👍🏻✌️🍻
what a great find Jason I'm looking forward to your next adventure, good luck !!
Definitely worth going back there!!! Thanks for watching and commenting ✌️👍🏻✅
wow. great haul today. might be 4 hours away but i'd say it's worth the trip. good show bud. keep it up.
Thanks Brett!!!! It’s definitely worth it to me!!!!
Hope you had a nice ride...Its gold day...LET'S GET IT😄😁🤜🤛
Gotta git it....... Thanks Ben😎✅
Rigby seem to be on relaxing day let dad do the work and he watches.👍👍🍺🍺
He was holding the ground down !!🐕😎
Now that’s a nice pile of Wisconsin gold!
Oh yeah !!!!! Lots of good gold there!!!!! Thanks again!!!✅✅✅
Nice amount of gold Jason congrats! A few diamonds have been found in that creek also, something to keep an eye out for! Enjoyed the video! Stay safe. GL&HH!
Diamond 💎???? Im in !!
👍Really enjoyed fun day👍
Us too!!!!!!! Thanks for watching!!
Jason, you are truly the Flower Gold Wizard ! Nice work on that fine gold ! Those cobbles, clay and other heavies certainly paid off. Thanks for sharing Bro !!
Good equipment sure helps!!!! Thanks again Allan✅✅✅🍻
Great vid mate u got my subscription 👍👍👍👍
I appreciate that!!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!✅✅👍🏻🍻
No problem 🍺🍺🍺
Really like the fact you explain what you are doing and why. I get a lot of tips and ideas from your adventures👍🏻. Keep up the great work Jason😀⛏🏴
I learn all the time just getting out there!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!
Thats a great day. Your on the gold there. Another great videos Jason. Thanks Der Guy.
Its a great spot!!!!! Thanks der guy!!!!
wow you did great fam. and you meet a new friend too. that was cool. GOLD SQUAD OUT!!!
Thanks again Jason!!✌️👍🏻✅
Awesome Jason! That sluice you have is the bomb💥! And that’s worth a couple more beers 🍻 in my opinion! Can’t wait for more!
I do believe i will have a couple more...🍻🍻🤣🤣
Awesome video my friend still watching but always like and enjoy watching all your videos like seeing Rigby do all that work 😁😁 thanks so much for sharing with us Jason we really appreciate it alot stay safe and have a great day
Rigby sure puts in a tough day...🐕🧐
Thanks again!!!!!!
@@FlourgoldWizards lol I bet right chasing them deer and working them jaws chewing up them beef treats 😂😂 thanks so much for sharing always love your videos my friend
And did I mention OMG!!!! Amazing cleanup!!!
Nope.... 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks again!!!
Great cleanout and nice chunky gold. Congrats on picker 3. 🇺🇸🍻
Thank you!!!!!!🐕😎✅
Nice work J!!! You sure moved a ton of material in this one!
After i was done I realized how much it was!!
Thanks again!!!!✅✅🤣🍻
Wow! nice shiny in that there pan!!
Thanks for sharing Jason and Rigby!!
Maybe next time Moose...
I couldn’t be happier!!! Thanks Jeff!!!
Thank you, FGW! Great video. Got to remember how to read creeks in the mineral lands!
It really pays to read the krik !!!!! Thanks Greg!!!!
Holy moly! That was an awesome run! Well done!⛏🤠🇨🇦
Lot of material!!!! Thank you!!!!
Packing my bags. It's boogie time...gotta boot-scoot to a crick with some golden shine!
Good luck !!!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Oh man! That was a NICE rock! I like how you’ve almost worked out a little intro tune. Lol
Well done! That was a great little pile today!
Oh oh oh! I forgot! I was watching the Vogus livestream and heard him shout out when he saw you’d joined!
Ill have the Chris Lilly tune nailed down yet....😎
Yep he gave me a nice shout!!!!
Thanks Chris and one never knows what could be in the mail....😀
Love the video. Look like a beautiful place for an adventure. Nice payout at the end of the day. ..
Its a nice spot !!!!! Thanks again Timothy!!!
You found more gold in one day than i did in 6 weeks ,we are in lockdown here in Vic. Australia , even my plastic gold pan got rust in it , well next week I will try my luck and dig some dirt ,cheers
@Mark Hepworth ,if you live in Vic . outside Melbourne , you can go ,I live just over the border in NSW and I can go to Beechworth , but I need a permit to get back home.
@Mark Hepworth ,thanks ,
I hope this whole thing ends soon for you guys over there!!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!!!
Can't say enough how much I love you channel! Awsome haul and can't wait till the next one! 👍👍⛏️🍺🍺🤘🍀
I cant say enough how much I appreciate that!!!!✅✅✌️👍🏻
Nice place and I agree...a picker is a picker!!!
If my fat fingers can grab it....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Great video looks like you got what you came for nice presentation of prospecting and finding gold great inspiration and instruction on methods of retrieving fine gold!A+😎
A+ ? Wow thank you !!!! We did great there and what nice weather!!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!!!
Oh WOW - how could I have missed this! ? What amazing terrific finds! I'm so glad your subscribers are increasing. I tell my friends about your channel and share a few of your vids to please them up. My youngest daughter sends her love, huggles and ear scratchings to your doggies! 😊
With the volume of videos we’ve put out it’s probably not difficult to miss some 😃
Thank you Wendi and girls ✌️
Great day! Looks great.
I went out today and only found one grasshopper poop.... But at least I got out and enjoyed nature.
Local vegetation (tall grass clumps etc) can help plug a dam.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
One more than you had yesterday!!! Thanks for watching ✅✅😎
You have found a winner I believe.
For sure!!!!! Thanks Joseph!!!!!
Okay, enough of that flea poop and grasshopper poop....we want some mouse poop pickers. Western Wisconsin is some of the most beautiful country. Nice gold under that macro lens....and look, mouse picker!! Awesome! Thanks for taking us along Jason. Great day out there. Cheers ⛏⛏🍻✅😎
I wish they were all mouse pickers!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!🐕✅🍻👍🏻✌️
Great job 👍👍👍. When you see that much gold at the end of the day, you had a great day mining!!👍🍺🍺🍺🐕🥓 Wonderful video.😃🙏
I just love seeing the gold accumulate on my cleanup sluice !!!!! Thanks Brian!!!!
Good day nice picker, Popular place
There was an outing there!!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Been binge watching your channel giving every one of them a thumbs up!!! Good stuff brother. Also the gravity fed high banker blew my mind! Genius!!
Thank you Ryan !!!! Careful…. Too many of our videos at once may cause dad joke hysteria …🍻🤣👍🏻
That first location all that bedrock with all those crevasses made me drool!! Beautiful area out the Mr Wizard!
I may investigate that sometime!!!!! Thanks Alvin!!🍻✅
Welldone Rigby 👋 you found a lovely spot, infinity works a dream wizard,I won one a little bag of your dirt from Tom last night😀😀👍I say dirt but I've got a feeling it's going to be black sand 😂🤣,I won't open it tho ,its like a little bit of UA-cam history, a keeper,thanks for the journey wizards and wizardetts 🍀😁🍻👋
Rigby always knows where to stop !!!!!! 🤣
Fgw dirt? Ill have to watch that...... 🧐
Thanks as always Trudy !!!!!!!
Congrats on the good amount of gold. Exciting stuff!
Back breaking too!!🥵
Thanks for watching!!!!!
Sweet show, neat looking surroundings. Thanks Jason for another great adventure .
Thanks Kirk!!!!!
Thats hilarious with your buddy's rocks you chuck away.
Agreed!!!! 🤣🤣Thanks for watching!!!
Made me lol
Send one to the guy on the slingshot channel see how far he can launch it.
Looks like you found another great spot! I need to learn how to read a creek better I think. Congrats on the clean up.
Definitely a good spot!!!! Good luck out there!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Man you cleaned up on the gold can’t wait to get my shovel in that pay streak LOL see ya this weekend great video as always Out For Now 😀😀👍👍🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
We’ll do it again soon !!!! ✅✅✅✅✅
Been there twice and found good gold both! Your cleanup was awesome.
We’ll be back there!!!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Congratulations you won random picker benzo gold Wtg flour gold wizzard Jason 👍🐺 nice gold you found Jason you no what to do with it add it to the can
In The KAN!!!!!🎊🎉🎂😀🍻👍🏻🍀
Thats a serious pile of yellow in yer pan Jason and congrats on picker number 3 , The kriks are treating you good. 👍😁🇺🇲🍺🇨🇦👍
The krik has certainly been my friend lately!!!!!
Thanks Lloyd!!!🍻👍🏻✌️
Truly enjoyed the video if in the creek and seeing some gold, most enjoyed.....
Much appreciated!!!!!
Very nice Jason I'm finally back in the Dominican Republic cant wait to get out and find some big nuggets
Best of luck !!!!!! Stay safe!!! Thanks for watching ✅
Nice clean out! Worth the drive think I'd be looking for somewhere camp for next season👍🐍
I hope to do a weekend there sometime then i can pace myself.... Thanks for watching!!!!
looks like you found a couple great spot!!
What a day!!!! Thanks for watching!!!
edit ,,, spots!! ,,,,, dern speel czech!!
Great spot and clean up Jason!
Thanks Paul!!! There are many good spots there !! Thanks for watching ✅✅🍻🍻
looks like there was a old dam there but the old timers rarely worked where they built the original dam with the bonus that after thy leave it there it works to collect more gold. thanks for the share and stay awesome !
Those dams i assure you are new!!!!! But still you’re right about being gold collectors!!!!
Thanks again my friend!!✌️👍🏻✅
Wow! That's a good haul. I can see this spot being in future videos. Love your videos. Keep them coming.
A nice winter video!!!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Getting close to 7k!!! Hard work pays off!
Creepin along!!!! It certainly does !!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!
Right on Jason, that’s a damn good day on the gold. Great job man. 😁🤙👌👊
Fun too!!! Thanks again!!!
That was a great amount of GOLD Jason, I hope the chicken in the truck was still safe to eat 🤣
You sounded tired brother,
maybe your getting old like me🤣
it gets harder to get out of bed everyday, I'm making sounds i never knew i could just getting up off the couch 🤣🤣,
take care brother ATB GL&HH JIM
My schedule has been crazy lately and i was and still am exhausted!!!!! No matter tho, the gold came home with me!!!! Thanks Jim!!!!🍻🍻🍻
3 inch wide finger...LOL. awesome clean out, I'm going to have to go back through your videos and find a link to those sluice mats, they look amazing.
Try this: infinityprospecting.com
Thanks for watching!!!
Your hole you dug looked like a cellar hole, I wanted to get my machine and detect it for relics LOL :) Even Moose knew there was a bunch of gold in there as he kept putting his head in, it's easy after all the work is done hahaha. That was a great haul today Jason.....so much more towards my Kan :)))
Ill do whatever it takes to fill your Kan......
Thanks Darren ✅😎🤣🍻
Nice haul from that krik!! Too bad it's not in your backyard. I've been finding a bit here in Missouri. Nuthin like that, but still shiny! Thanks to you, and your channel, I know where to look. I grew up in kriks and look at it all SO differently now. Keep up the great work!!!🥴⛏👊🍀🐾🍀🍺💰🐾💰🍻✔✔
If that were in my backyard???? The drool right now.......😀
Good luck Dan and thanks again!!!🍻🤣🐕
Great job Jason
Thanks Robert!!
Nice Gold!!! 👍
Thank you!!!!!✅✅✌️
Love those Garrett super sluice pans , me and my wife has 3 and a bunch.of other pans , Martin pans , maddog mining pans , ive got them from 15 to 8 inch .......
My super sluice is really the only tool I couldn’t do without!!!!! Thanks for watching!!!!!
Was aw-some seeing you out there, Hope to see you again,
I think everyone had fun!!!!! Thanks for watching and commenting!!
Great haul today!!!
It was a great golden smile in the pan !!!!!
Thanks for watching!!!
nice haul you should get the wizard team together and have a sluice off great video keep up the good work my brother the rookie
Sluice off aye??? Hmmmmm😎
Love the new spot. Great video, as always.
Its a winner !!!! Thanks again!!!!!
Darn good gold and a nice Chris rock down the crick....lol
You're gonna wear that shovel out, man ! lol
That’s the idea!!!! 🤣🤣🤣Thanks Kevin!!
Hi Jason,
Great to catch up with you channel again
I'm still having utube issues since changing my email account.
Now that was a great final showing
will need to go back there and finish that spot off.
Thanks for the vid mate.
I see the 7000 is not far off.
Fortunately theres plenty of ground to work there yet!!! 7 k sure is creepin up!!!! Thanks again Dennis ✅🍻👍🏻
Loving every show. thx
Much appreciated!!!!!!
Much appreciated Kenneth!!!
Excellent day out FGW thats alot of gold an thank u for sharing this video really enjoyed it
It was a really fun day!!!! Thanks Larry!!
Good gold today . New favorite Krik ?
My favorite krik is still the one closest to home..... ✅Thanks Bart !!!
WOW Jason. What a lode. Keep going.
Yesiree!!!! Thanks William ✅
Fantastic finds! Well done sir, you get better and better with every venture. Keep on doing what you do cause it’s working!
Very very entertaining and educational video. Love it. 👍
It’s getting more fun too!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!
Another entertains vid that pan out! Thanks
Anytime!!! Thanks for watching!!!
Thats a good producing krik. Nice job Jason!! Im wondering if you put that in my Kan? Bet Rigby knew there was chicken in the truck lol. Thanks again Jason!!
Rigby was dreaming about that chicken all day...😎🐕
We’ll definitely be back there!!!! Thanks again Bob ✅✅✅
Liked, shared and commenting. As discussed, I don’t spend much $$ on prospecting. Not logical with my state laws and probable amount’s of gold I xpect to find. So I wouldn’t buy trendy gold pans much. I watched videos for over a year. B4 I even ever spent $1.00 on prospecting. But my first purchase was a “Gold claw pocket pan “ I saw during that year. Vo-Gus loved it (b4 he discovered the Betea pan) . I couldn’t ever afford OR operate that with my back. Turbo pan?? Eh? I saw mixed results. Gold hog flow pan. I saw vo-Gus n Hurd both lose gold big time. Pocket pan was for me. I will eventually pony up 4 a super sluice or it’s baby equivalent ( bad back). But 4 now it’s still test test test. Chair, military entrenching tool with shovel/pick, buckets, water, and fryer basket (was free). Pan or sluice in my Amish style sluice I made. Fill bucket hopper with water n it slowly runs down 2” sluice. Then feed dirt. Repeat as water gets low. I maybe the brokest prospector in yer followers, but I’m out there using what I got. I’m not above using my coffee cup after I get all coked up on coffee for the day lol. By not spending on prospecting. There’s a much greater chance of staying outta the red n in the green. Heavy pans n poundin cans.
I couldn’t agree more !!! I only use equipment that actually works, im fortunate enough to have access to lots of it . If you’ll notice, those other channels use that new fangled equipment for a couple shows then you never see it again, there’s a reason! The xp pans in my opinion are the best and I’ve only gotten 1 for free. Everything else I purchased because it works. Making my own tools is quite satisfying 👍🏻✅
I hope you have fun and find some shiny too ✌️🐺😎
Lots of gold look.
Indeed!!! Thanks for watching
I was so going to come there this weekend but wife had to work so hopefully this next weekend
That krik isn’t going anywhere!!!!! Good luck!!🍀
great video Jason
Thank you Robert 😃✌️✅
did i hear you right. best sluice in the whole wide world. i got my doubt's. haha
Well its the best sluice in my shop for sure!!!!!🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for watching and commenting Bill ✅