Kako je deda bio sretan da moze samo progovorit dvi tri rijeci sa nekim, da se malo isprica, izjada i opet je zahvalan na svemu sto ima.. A neki imaju milijune i onda su u depresiji i ne zadovoljni.. Bože podari mu vječni mir i spokoj.. I hvala svima koji su mu pomogli na bilo koji nacin..
Evo gledate čoveka koji će večnost provesti u neposrednoj Božjoj blizini, u neopisivom blaženstvu i radosti. Devet godina je čuvao i brisao slepog i bolesnog oca, a koliko sam razumeo i majku, žrtvovao svoju budućnost da bi roditeljima omogućio koliko-toliko normalan život.
Mislim da ovom čovijeku kao i ostalim pojedinim starijim osobama na vašoj TV , svaka pomoć bi dobrodošla , jer za 21 stoljeće da netko još živi u ovakvim uvjetima je žalosno. Mislim da bi svaki građanin i miještanin mogao pomoći i sudjelovati u maloj pomoći ovakvim ljudima, i ja osobno želim pružiti najmanje jednokratnu pomoć! Zato učinite nešto za ovako stare i nemoćne osobe jer vjerujem da će im biti drago, jer njegove želje su tako malene i mogu biti lako ostvarive! Lijep pozdrav !
Otkada si ti pisala, i jesi li živa? Koja lipa slika iz mladosti..Mladost brzo prođe, danas si cvijet a sutra uvela Ruža..Kako je to davno bilo, i gdje su sada ti ljudi...
Thought for the Day - 8 February - The Memorial of St Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947) Her kidnappers gave her the name Bakhita, meaning “fortunate.” Her life in captivity wasn’t quite so. Born in Darfur in 1869, Josephine Bakhita was taken by Arab slave traders when she was 9. Forced to walk 600 miles to southern Sudan, she was bought and sold before arriving in El Obeid. But of all the indignities Josephine faced as a slave-far too many to mention here-one in particular stands out. Through a combination of branding and tattooing, Josephine suffered the traditional Sudanese practice where a pattern was cut into her skin with a razor. To ensure scarification, salt was poured into the open wounds. When it was finished, 140 intricate patterns were carved into her breast, torso and arm. She also faced countless beatings and lashings from a revolving door of owners as well as a forced conversion to Islam. Left by her owner in the custody of the Daughters of Charity in Venice in 1888, Josephine finally found refuge. Baptised in 1890, she took her final vows in 1896 and spent the rest of her life in Vicenza as a doorkeeper and cook. She died in 1947. Beatified in 1992, she was Canonised by St Pope John Paul II eight years later. During Josephine’s years as doorkeeper, Italians were taken by her cheerful demeanour. But the horrors of slavery troubled her the rest of her life. Her final years were marred by sickness. In a fevered state, she once pleaded with a nurse to loosen the chains that bound her wrists. But she never lost her belief in God. When visitors asked how she was feeling, Josephine’s token response to them was, “As the Master desires.”as the master desires st josephine bakhita - 8feb2019.jpg That total abandonment to God would be Josephine’s legacy-and it is one we can work toward as 21st-century Catholics. As the season of Lent approaches, in this month of recognising our brothers and sisters, the victims of Human Trafficking, these words from St Pope John Paul II, who beatified her, ring true: “God used [Josephine] to teach us all the meaning of Jesus’ words: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.’” St Josephine Bakhita, Pray for all Victims of Human Trafficing and for us all!
Kako je deda bio sretan da moze samo progovorit dvi tri rijeci sa nekim, da se malo isprica, izjada i opet je zahvalan na svemu sto ima.. A neki imaju milijune i onda su u depresiji i ne zadovoljni.. Bože podari mu vječni mir i spokoj.. I hvala svima koji su mu pomogli na bilo koji nacin..
Jadni ljudi.. ovo tjera suze na oci.. sretan sam da cijenim svaku sitnicu koju imam..
Deda Ivan... Proglasio bih ga svetim. Eh da si mi živ i da sam znao prije za tebe.Živio bi samnom u gradu,šetali bi, igrali šah,šta god djede
kako je pozitivan djed. svaka mu cast.
Evo gledate čoveka koji će večnost provesti u neposrednoj Božjoj blizini, u neopisivom blaženstvu i radosti. Devet godina je čuvao i brisao slepog i bolesnog oca, a koliko sam razumeo i majku, žrtvovao svoju budućnost da bi roditeljima omogućio koliko-toliko normalan život.
Gorane,govoris istinu
treba ljudima pomoci...pozdrav iz slavonije
Kako dobar covjek
Mislim da ovom čovijeku kao i ostalim pojedinim starijim osobama na vašoj TV , svaka pomoć bi dobrodošla , jer za 21 stoljeće da netko još živi u ovakvim uvjetima je žalosno. Mislim da bi svaki građanin i miještanin mogao pomoći i sudjelovati u maloj pomoći ovakvim ljudima, i ja osobno želim pružiti najmanje jednokratnu pomoć! Zato učinite nešto za ovako stare i nemoćne osobe jer vjerujem da će im biti drago, jer njegove želje su tako malene i mogu biti lako ostvarive!
Lijep pozdrav !
Otkada si ti pisala, i jesi li živa? Koja lipa slika iz mladosti..Mladost brzo prođe, danas si cvijet a sutra uvela Ruža..Kako je to davno bilo, i gdje su sada ti ljudi...
ajme u 21 veku jos neko da zivi u ovakoj bedi
Svi smo isti malo hleba a kad se razbolimo ne mozemo da radimo...nikog nije briga dobro je dok covek moze da se krece...
Hoce li bit više ijedan video o ovom čovjeku .volio bi pogledati...
On ti je umro.
Hvala na odgovoru a zao mi je.Pokoj mu dusi...
Pokoj mu duši, sad se više ne treba brinuti kako ispilat drva i naložit trošnu peć😢
Kada je umro?
Treba renovirati goli otok .
Thought for the Day - 8 February - The Memorial of St Josephine Bakhita (1869-1947)
Her kidnappers gave her the name Bakhita, meaning “fortunate.” Her life in captivity wasn’t quite so. Born in Darfur in 1869, Josephine Bakhita was taken by Arab slave traders when she was 9. Forced to walk 600 miles to southern Sudan, she was bought and sold before arriving in El Obeid. But of all the indignities Josephine faced as a slave-far too many to mention here-one in particular stands out.
Through a combination of branding and tattooing, Josephine suffered the traditional Sudanese practice where a pattern was cut into her skin with a razor. To ensure scarification, salt was poured into the open wounds. When it was finished, 140 intricate patterns were carved into her breast, torso and arm. She also faced countless beatings and lashings from a revolving door of owners as well as a forced conversion to Islam.
Left by her owner in the custody of the Daughters of Charity in Venice in 1888, Josephine finally found refuge. Baptised in 1890, she took her final vows in 1896 and spent the rest of her life in Vicenza as a doorkeeper and cook. She died in 1947. Beatified in 1992, she was Canonised by St Pope John Paul II eight years later.
During Josephine’s years as doorkeeper, Italians were taken by her cheerful demeanour. But the horrors of slavery troubled her the rest of her life. Her final years were marred by sickness. In a fevered state, she once pleaded with a nurse to loosen the chains that bound her wrists. But she never lost her belief in God. When visitors asked how she was feeling, Josephine’s token response to them was, “As the Master desires.”as the master desires st josephine bakhita - 8feb2019.jpg
That total abandonment to God would be Josephine’s legacy-and it is one we can work toward as 21st-century Catholics. As the season of Lent approaches, in this month of recognising our brothers and sisters, the victims of Human Trafficking, these words from St Pope John Paul II, who beatified her, ring true: “God used [Josephine] to teach us all the meaning of Jesus’ words: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.’”
St Josephine Bakhita,
Pray for all Victims of Human Trafficing and for us all!
Jelto evropska unija kucamuje super svkacast evropi nisam znao daje tamo med i mljeko
Kad je deda Sutic umro?
"Jeste li imali struje kad u kući" a iza skrinja ukljucena u struju :)
Sam ,moze da radi al kada nemogne tko ce ga gledati
bolje mu nego da je u americi poslusaj mene neidi nigdje ima i gore
Jeli moguce da u drzavi clanici EU neko u ovakvim uslovima zivi .
Postovani Nebojsa,ima ih posvuda:u Nemackoj,Americi, Srbiji,Poljskoj....
Kaslje od mema jadan