do i even want to recover is the real question #boburnham #inside #boburnhaminside #makehappy #what #boburnhammakehappy #boburnhamwhat #standup #comedy
Marc Maron mentions this interview in his podcast when Bo Burnham is a guest on it. After this interview, Marc was very angry and jealous of how good he was for how young he was.
@@professionalslayqueen16 socrates taught by making the students answer the question themselves. E.g ( vaguely) instead of saying "leaves are green because of chlorophyll " he'll do something like "why are the leaves green?" And guide the students to realise themselves by ruling out other explanations to conclude to one answer or to accept there can be multiple answers to a question. Socrates never gave a direct answer, he gave questions. So bo saying "why" works on multiple levels.
@@TeaJayOne calling out to act like you’re one of the voiceless is the exact opposite of being voiceless. So he reiterates, essentially telling them to shut up.
@@Aone339 lol he isn't.... if you're referring to his latest netflix special, him putting all his mental shit out there like that was him saying he was suicidal and isn't now. he says it towards the end
"First instinct looking at these kids on their phones, why are they on their phones? But why would you want to look up at the world right now? Really, ... look at the world you made for these kids to look up at, no wonder they're burying their heads in the sand."
the impact his words made in that moment is SO palpable... the silence was deafening there. You felt it through the screen. The need to cut that tension from the presenter proves how hard his point hit. Even I audibly said 'oh my god' after it because he put it so plainly yet so powerfully.
it’s so hard to watch. like when he sang Art is Dead and the other hosts laughed from the couch, it was like they weren’t listening to him. that song is so much more than just a joke, and they laughed when it should have been thought about
Bo burnham really made us go from laughing at his jokes, to directing an awkward coming of age movie, to making a netflix special about mental illness and the crappiness of the world. I LOVE IT
Okay okay okay so like I know that Bo Burnham is like, a real human being and isn’t the same guy all the time as he is during his shows, but I feel like even in interviews and stuff he does still come off as very intelligent and put together. But seeing that clip of him pretending to be Gordon Ramsey was so pleasing because it was maybe the first time I’ve really just seen him act stupid lmao I loved it
@@irockyoursockzsobad I did watch it when it aired but it is possible that I missed some episodes, plus it was so long ago I could have just forgotten that part.
Theory - Bo being a comedy prodigy knew the old comics wouldn't like the idea of a European absurdist comedian and he set them up with the black sock line.
he really is amazing at that, but i think specifically that part, he planned that joke by preparing for when the audience cheers as he mentions locations (which is a common thing to happen in standup)
Yeah! I think it meant that he accepted the fact that he would always hate the anxiety that comes with performing but he will also continue to do it cause he loves it. It took him 5 years to reach this breakthrough tho..
I saw someone interpret it as a, 'well at least someone is getting joy out of my pain,' smile...because he's hearing an audience laugh as they watch him panic & try to get inside.
@@squishe529 Yes, I also noticed this was a mirrored shot from earlier in the special when he is watching himself as a teenager playing songs in his room. He's looking from right to left, which signifies the negative journey. In the shot where he watches himself trying to get back inside, he's looking from left to right, the positive hero's journey. He's back outside and it's scary, but he wants to be there to make us laugh and smile.
@@christinalinadingdong9566 don't know if this was intentional, but pressing X made him play piano and (according to the Bo who was playing the game at least) made him happier. So your comment is sweeter than maybe you even knew.
Yeah during the part with the song “world on fire” he is SUPER out of breath, which is what he said usually happened during his panic attacks on the H3 podcast 😖
People! Bo Burnham is a performer. Without disputing the fact that he really and truly has experienced panic attacks (I believe him when he says he has, and I believe many, many others have panic attacks as well) it’s important to realize, also, that he is performing the part of being a performer who has panic attacks. The proper response when you see a performer presenting the “experience” of a panic attack is to admire his craft. When you see someone out in the “real world” presenting with the symptoms of a panic attack, see if you can get him some help. This is NOT a knock on Burnham. I think Burnham is the balls. I’m putting the knock on people who have trouble differentiating between real life and performance.
@@TheGidgetExpository Oh, to be fair, “World on Fire” comes after a *really* long performance where Bo basically jumps and runs around on stage. He’s probably out of breath because of the exercise
@@paultheaudaciousbradford6772 Seeing how the clip is not intended to be portraying the experience of a panic attack, I’m unsure how it has anything to do with being unable to differentiate between performance and reality. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with experiencing empathy even for a performed experience; it just means the performance was done well. There is truly no correct way to react to a performance.
It’s the morning after watching Inside for the first time last night. I was on edibles & had no idea what I was in for.. I never knew Bo was a genius & now searching for something to come close to what I witnessed last night.
I think the reason why im so attracted to him is cuz he is such a human being like hes real and genuine. He knows the problems and hes passionate about them. But he can also be funny and jokey
My favorite thing about his live performances is that he’s such an outwardly boisterous hilarious person and then he’ll sing Art is Dead and *nobody* gets it. They’re trying to laugh it off, and it just goes completely over their heads how introspective it is. Especially that clip where he’s on the talk show, he’s staring dead into this guy’s eyes and the dude is working so hard to laugh at it but he’s finding it increasingly difficult to
@@bluelemonadepoppoppop933 6:20 for the performance of Art is Dead, I’ve watched the interview on another video but I’m not sure what it’s called. You can listen to the live recording of Art is Dead for a better idea of what I mean, there’s a lot of awkward laughter and uncomfortable silence because it’s dropped almost smack dab in the middle of his show.
6:22 Bo slowly turning to the comedian and singing directly looking in his eyes and the comedian laughs... put this in one of those “no burnham moments I’m attracted to” videos because the POWER in that eye contact is STUNNING
Funnily enough, his inspired "How the World Works" featured a sock puppet, notably a WHITE sock puppet. HAH, I laughed at that remembering this joke when I saw INSIDE the first time.
Hes always been funny, inside brought back old topics in a more serious manner which I appreciate but hes always had an interesting perspective and has been a great comedian I stg
I just hope he's okay.... that how I feel after watching INSIDE. I just want him to be okay. Whatever that means. Also.... INSIDE is totally what "functioning" (fuck that word in this context) depression feels like.
I love the "reality imitating movies that are imitating reality". It really feels like what i get stuck in mentally. I'm always regretful of not having experiences that are essentially what I've seen in films and tv shows. I haven't heard that statement before from him.
Wow I forgot I had already been here and found my comment and now I realize that a week has passed and I’m moving in circles on youtube finding videos I actually have already watched. I think I need videos to recover from videos I watched to recover from inside
Bo's show was amazing and I was so frustrated no one would give it a chance for years. Has some of the funniest TV episodes I've ever seen and has heart
I’ll be honest, about 5 years ago I was like 11, and my brother used to play some of Bo’s songs that applied to edgy middle school boys, and I hated Them. My brother played kill yourself all the time, and at the time I was wrestling with thoughts of not wanting to be alive, and it did not vibe well with me. Now being older and seeing more of his stuff and inside, i love him, I think he’s hilarious but also serious and speaks up about real issues. We Stan
white sock joke is just delightful
and its the sock he uses in "how the world works"! lmao
@@Zoehere nooo way haha
That was so quick
@@14AspenDrive ikr!
Marc Maron mentions this interview in his podcast when Bo Burnham is a guest on it. After this interview, Marc was very angry and jealous of how good he was for how young he was.
Now we know why Socko is white
@@8LegoVogel8 In case some wants to look it up, it's part to at 3:50
@@8LegoVogel8 Thanks! I know Hans Teeuwen, but not his sock puppet bit.
anime backstory
I mean, how quick his mind is?
"Do you guys like impressions?
That was Socrates."
One of the best triple layered joke I've ever heard
I don’t completely get it 😭
Look up the Socratic method
@@professionalslayqueen16 socrates taught by making the students answer the question themselves.
E.g ( vaguely) instead of saying "leaves are green because of chlorophyll " he'll do something like "why are the leaves green?" And guide the students to realise themselves by ruling out other explanations to conclude to one answer or to accept there can be multiple answers to a question. Socrates never gave a direct answer, he gave questions.
So bo saying "why" works on multiple levels.
I read this right after that part
"amen, in the name of the father, son and holy ghost, head shoulders knees and toes, turn up your nose, strike that pose, heyyyy macarena"
I was not expecting it even a little
Then again that's most of it
It's my favourite part,
🎧: 8:20
He kinda looks drunk by the end of that moment and it makes it even better
"He's like Daniel Day Lewis except he sucks" is fucking hilarious
This was actually from a movie with the indian guy, very funny
What movie was that from?
@@detoxertx maybe the big sick ?
@@gracykelley7422 that's what I thought. It's on my watch list just haven't gotten around to it yet.
Giving a voice to the voiceless.
That part made me laugh the hardest💀. He said, “Thevoicless😤”
can you explain it?
@@TeaJayOne calling out to act like you’re one of the voiceless is the exact opposite of being voiceless. So he reiterates, essentially telling them to shut up.
Yes the best laugh I had in a while.
bo burnham is literally my favorite human ever
@@thingsilike561 yea!
@@vanlalrinpuiipachuau8386 me too
You mean robert burnham?
God he’s come so far. I’m proud of him.
Is your surname aaronson?
ikr now hes suicidal
@@Aone339 sad but true
@@Aone339 lol he isn't.... if you're referring to his latest netflix special, him putting all his mental shit out there like that was him saying he was suicidal and isn't now. he says it towards the end
@@Aone339 he literally ends his special with a smile into the camera after watching final product
I still can’t believe his real name is Robert.
me either, when he was like "Robert's been a little depressed" I was like who???? oh u mean u
Seriously I only now know this because of the "Robert's been a little depressed: and it took a second to compute but then was like OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH
It's Bobert
"First instinct looking at these kids on their phones, why are they on their phones? But why would you want to look up at the world right now? Really, ... look at the world you made for these kids to look up at, no wonder they're burying their heads in the sand."
the impact his words made in that moment is SO palpable... the silence was deafening there. You felt it through the screen. The need to cut that tension from the presenter proves how hard his point hit. Even I audibly said 'oh my god' after it because he put it so plainly yet so powerfully.
The sock puppet and him reacting to a reactor reacting to him threw me for a loop
Art imitates life... or some bullshit
@@8LegoVogel8 thank you
the peace sign he did after the talk about looking at phones all day hit me hard.
that was so gen z
Bo wants to be serious sometimes and all these people just don't listen.
Literally that whole interview one of those clips was from was just bo constantly repeating "no, I'm serious" over the crowds lazy laughter
@@tculpepper exactly! Inside is Bo trying to express how he feels without coming off like a preachy prick. Bo needs a platform like John Oliver.
@@tyler3201 john oliver is amazing, and i agree
Like when that guy was laughing in the clip of art is dead. I would not say that song is supposed to be funny.
it’s so hard to watch. like when he sang Art is Dead and the other hosts laughed from the couch, it was like they weren’t listening to him. that song is so much more than just a joke, and they laughed when it should have been thought about
Anyone know if "A World on Fire" is on Spotify?
It comes before Sad on the same track
It leads into Sad (:
What monster uses the backwards smiley face?
Do you need the lyrics if so here they are
(Pre Chorus)
(Chorus) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont evdn have to download it. You can get it for free right outside your door. Have a nice day
"look at the world youve built for them to look at, no wonder they bury their heads in the sand" BRUUUHHHAHAHAHHA THAT MADE ME MORE DEPRESSED THO
Is that why you laughed an American version of the Spanish word for witch? Lmao *bruja* sorry, I'm weird
@@nrgao that took me a sec to understand, I give you small applause
“no wonder they’re burying their heads in sand ✌️✌️✌️”
stop fetishizing your sadness.
*peace sign*
wow this is by far the most immaculate bo burnham compilation i’ve seen. thank you very much
OMG THANK YOU- also love ur pfp
haha your welcome and yes i love schitts creek :)))
“god that sweater looks good” HAHAHAH
Bo burnham really made us go from laughing at his jokes, to directing an awkward coming of age movie, to making a netflix special about mental illness and the crappiness of the world. I LOVE IT
"do i even want to recover is the real question"
so true
Bo: He brings out a black sock
Other guy: Already I dont like him
Bo: So he brings out a white sock..
Marc Maron demoted to "other guy"
"Other guy" is Marc Maron... not exactly a nobody.
There are two types of person in this world- Bo Burnham and not Bo Burnham.
@@immaturemushroom3591 nailed it
thank you! I couldn't hear properly what he said in that one
"this fucking mic-stand got me moving" *falls off piano*
that's not what he said
@@SirZeph3 i don't care
@Reya he said “this mic stand is definitely moving”
His face during the confetti toss is a brilliant mix of “Am I really doing this?” And “fuck you I just did that.”
i absolutely love the way he deals with technical difficulties and hecklers and stuff, the way he plays off of it is hilarious
He’d be the one embarrassing the hecklers 😂
Okay okay okay so like I know that Bo Burnham is like, a real human being and isn’t the same guy all the time as he is during his shows, but I feel like even in interviews and stuff he does still come off as very intelligent and put together. But seeing that clip of him pretending to be Gordon Ramsey was so pleasing because it was maybe the first time I’ve really just seen him act stupid lmao I loved it
You didn’t see Zach Stone then! You definitely need to watch it
that clip is so fucking funny, i don't know how they did it without laughing. "GIT THA FAK OUTTA MA KITCHEN, M8. GIT THA FAK OUT YOU LIL SHET."
@@irockyoursockzsobad I did watch it when it aired but it is possible that I missed some episodes, plus it was so long ago I could have just forgotten that part.
Gordon's not even English, he's Scottish
@@panda_alternate cool thanks for that totally irrelevant bit of info bud
Theory - Bo being a comedy prodigy knew the old comics wouldn't like the idea of a European absurdist comedian and he set them up with the black sock line.
I don't think it's so much him being a prodigy as much as American comics are generally anti-intellectual. But yeah, he definitely saw it coming.
@@AdobadoFantastico bo's status as a prodigy is the part of that comment that is least debatable
I luv ur pfp
@@toms4552 he said that him being a comedy prodigy has nothing to do with it, not that it’s not true
Like all prodigies, Bo was hated and admired by those who came before him.
God does NOT work in mysterious ways he is very DIRECT 😂
he works in direct, technical ways. lmfao amazing
"I'm living my dreams, WHOO-" *splat*
Yeah, sounds about right lmao
The time is 02:17am and I just finished watching Inside. It was a choice. Fuck, this man is a genius.
I’m not done yet…
but I’ll finish this at 02:17am too
I couldn't get into it
It’s dogshit
Hey check it out everyone; Mike Housley and Dylan Embry came here to spread a negative viewpoint literally no one here cares about 🤘🏽😁
I cried
OMG he jumping in the pool killed me
That sound hurt me
She’s was black. She was black! Deal with it… DAD! 😂 gets me everytime
Damn he is quick. The instant "places" response to the cheer is amazing.
he really is amazing at that, but i think specifically that part, he planned that joke by preparing for when the audience cheers as he mentions locations (which is a common thing to happen in standup)
@@marcosm1223 you're probably right just felt spontaneous
“She works at a place where people die, and are born. And it’s not a hospital.” What is it then?!
denny's probably
@@tyjuarez LOL
@@tyjuarez a response worthy of bo himself
American school?
This cured my depression. Don’t worry, I’ll watch Inside again to get it back
The smile he gives at the end of the movie made me smile. The smile meant so much.
Yeah! I think it meant that he accepted the fact that he would always hate the anxiety that comes with performing but he will also continue to do it cause he loves it.
It took him 5 years to reach this breakthrough tho..
I saw someone interpret it as a, 'well at least someone is getting joy out of my pain,' smile...because he's hearing an audience laugh as they watch him panic & try to get inside.
That smile terrified me
@@oliviacrocker6379 you are not the only one, trust me
@@squishe529 Yes, I also noticed this was a mirrored shot from earlier in the special when he is watching himself as a teenager playing songs in his room. He's looking from right to left, which signifies the negative journey. In the shot where he watches himself trying to get back inside, he's looking from left to right, the positive hero's journey. He's back outside and it's scary, but he wants to be there to make us laugh and smile.
my favorite thing is when he laughs at his own jokes
The recival/reception bit always makes me smile. Adorable duo
Press A to cry.
@@christinalinadingdong9566 don't know if this was intentional, but pressing X made him play piano and (according to the Bo who was playing the game at least) made him happier. So your comment is sweeter than maybe you even knew.
RuailleBuaille awwwwww thank you so much your so kind
I can't remember quite honestly but I'll just say yeah I definitely meant that :3
XA (so he’d be crying tears of joy since piano made him happy)
@@bluelemonadepoppoppop933 awwwwwwwwwwww
"god that sweater looks good"
that's what i like about Bo. he is so random, that anything he says can make you laugh
ive watched inside 10 times, this was a noice break lmao
There it is, again, that funny feeling
Did you get ice on any of the other breaks?
Roberts been a little depressed
Now I can't stop thinking about the fact that he's probably fighting panic disorder every time he's on stage
Yeah during the part with the song “world on fire” he is SUPER out of breath, which is what he said usually happened during his panic attacks on the H3 podcast 😖
People! Bo Burnham is a performer. Without disputing the fact that he really and truly has experienced panic attacks (I believe him when he says he has, and I believe many, many others have panic attacks as well) it’s important to realize, also, that he is performing the part of being a performer who has panic attacks.
The proper response when you see a performer presenting the “experience” of a panic attack is to admire his craft. When you see someone out in the “real world” presenting with the symptoms of a panic attack, see if you can get him some help.
This is NOT a knock on Burnham. I think Burnham is the balls. I’m putting the knock on people who have trouble differentiating between real life and performance.
@@TheGidgetExpository Oh, to be fair, “World on Fire” comes after a *really* long performance where Bo basically jumps and runs around on stage. He’s probably out of breath because of the exercise
@@paultheaudaciousbradford6772 Seeing how the clip is not intended to be portraying the experience of a panic attack, I’m unsure how it has anything to do with being unable to differentiate between performance and reality.
Regardless, there is nothing wrong with experiencing empathy even for a performed experience; it just means the performance was done well. There is truly no correct way to react to a performance.
The "voiceless" part was absolutely hilarious
That mic stand moving while he was preforming was way funnier than it shouldve been
It’s the morning after watching Inside for the first time last night. I was on edibles & had no idea what I was in for.. I never knew Bo was a genius & now searching for something to come close to what I witnessed last night.
I was on shrooms trying to rewrite the pathways in my brain. Boy did that work out well!
I was on edibles too. Holy shit. Cue a very emotional and introspective morning. There are a lot of people who need help out there.
Watch his last two specials. Both are S tier.
i was drunk af and it made me laugh and then cry a lot lmao
I’m so mad Zach stone is gonna be famous was cancelled. I feel like it would do so well today
I didnt even know it existed until this video. And I was all exited to watch it and now I'm finding out it was canceled too!?
@@ingridn.8239 theres still twelve great episodes you can watch. its way past time for netflix to get this show rebooted
It's so good. I love the Zach Stone bloopers that are in this video.
bo was so pretty when he was a teenager holy fuck
now he’s a dilf. he’s never gonna not be attractive.
@@beanfarkle1517 can’t be a dilf without a child 💔
@@ghostmotif excuse me he has bruce
Bearded bo is sexier
@@dankduck bearded bo is sexier, but 20 y/o bo is cute asf
“Alright it’s a white sock”
Cant wait till we hit the point we can call him Bob Burnham
I think the reason why im so attracted to him is cuz he is such a human being like hes real and genuine. He knows the problems and hes passionate about them. But he can also be funny and jokey
it’s 3:30 am and i finished watching Inside. thank u for this
6:48 I love that something that fucking stupid made him laugh so hard LMAO
Bo Burnham is like the alternate reality version of Fred where Fred is actually funny.
My favorite thing about his live performances is that he’s such an outwardly boisterous hilarious person and then he’ll sing Art is Dead and *nobody* gets it. They’re trying to laugh it off, and it just goes completely over their heads how introspective it is. Especially that clip where he’s on the talk show, he’s staring dead into this guy’s eyes and the dude is working so hard to laugh at it but he’s finding it increasingly difficult to
Link to what you’re exactly talking about? Like the video you were referencing?
@@bluelemonadepoppoppop933 6:20 for the performance of Art is Dead, I’ve watched the interview on another video but I’m not sure what it’s called. You can listen to the live recording of Art is Dead for a better idea of what I mean, there’s a lot of awkward laughter and uncomfortable silence because it’s dropped almost smack dab in the middle of his show.
wow i never realised that "holy ghost" rymed with "toes", that was impressive
"pLaCeS" made me rewind a few times 😂
"What do you Call kids with no arms and a eye patch...names" aggressively throws sparkles
I actually forgot about all of my problems for 8 minutes and 31 seconds
i would love to sit down and talk to this dude because his mind is genuinely interesting--
Me too.
god dont we all
Okay but like-can we please appreciate how cute the way Elsie Fisher and Bo interact like-it’s so wholesome; they’re like siblings
An absolutely perfect title
5:55 "America Mom America Mom (Pick Up) Mom Mom Mom America"
I need the Chipp McCapp EP, Bo
The white sock clip😂😂🤦🏻♀️
ive been a fan of Bo since i was little when i didn't even understand the lyrics lmao
6:22 Bo slowly turning to the comedian and singing directly looking in his eyes and the comedian laughs... put this in one of those “no burnham moments I’m attracted to” videos because the POWER in that eye contact is STUNNING
Funnily enough, his inspired "How the World Works" featured a sock puppet, notably a WHITE sock puppet. HAH, I laughed at that remembering this joke when I saw INSIDE the first time.
Zach Stone is Gonna be Famous is one of the best shows ever. It’s a shame it got cancelled after one season
ahh thank you for this it was hilarious, 10/10 would recommend for Inside recovery
I just got that ad “at home with Robert, retired burglar and family maaaaan” before playing this.
Thank you. Seriously. I'm all fucked up off INSIDE like ashhhh hellop
This is just what I needed. Also pls bring back Zach stone
Hes always been funny, inside brought back old topics in a more serious manner which I appreciate but hes always had an interesting perspective and has been a great comedian I stg
Perfect timing. This guy knows bo is blowing up right now much more than ever and now he’s got almost 1 mil
I just hope he's okay.... that how I feel after watching INSIDE. I just want him to be okay. Whatever that means.
Also.... INSIDE is totally what "functioning" (fuck that word in this context) depression feels like.
1000% and i feel like “welcome to the internet” perfectly represents someone becoming more and more anxious
2:55 “Motherfucker’s got moving candles”
This video is everything. I will be watching it for the rest of the year while I process Inside.
me too
This has a lot of clips I’ve never seen before!
I didn't need to recover from Inside, it was amazing
One of my favorite comedians. Seems genuinely witty and funny off camera. Really wish there were more young comedians at his level.
I keep switching between these to cope, and Video Essays about Inside to fall back into the feelings.
1:41 *god that sweater looks good*
My favorite bo moment is in What. When he can't get the front mic into the stand before heading to the piano and goes "keep it keep the struggle"
I love the "reality imitating movies that are imitating reality". It really feels like what i get stuck in mentally. I'm always regretful of not having experiences that are essentially what I've seen in films and tv shows. I haven't heard that statement before from him.
I needed this so much
Dude, who on earth wouldn’t have a panic attack with the craziness of his routines lol. He’s a legend.
0:45 the Moment he knows he’s gonna make a pun
Wow I forgot I had already been here and found my comment and now I realize that a week has passed and I’m moving in circles on youtube finding videos I actually have already watched. I think I need videos to recover from videos I watched to recover from inside
The thing about Bo is that you never tell when he is serious or not.
Inside was fucking incredible, no recovery required
Bo's show was amazing and I was so frustrated no one would give it a chance for years. Has some of the funniest TV episodes I've ever seen and has heart
1:33 bo gave me bi energy as it is but this is the thing that tipped me over the edge
1:36 how much you wanna bet Bo took this clip as inspiration for that one Inside bit
I still think A World On Fire is the most beautiful art piece ever
THE REACTION LMAO! And the sock puppet!
Being both a long time fan of Bo and also being from Alabama the fact he made a joke referencing us and then complimented us is everything to me. 🤣
I’ll be honest, about 5 years ago I was like 11, and my brother used to play some of Bo’s songs that applied to edgy middle school boys, and I hated Them. My brother played kill yourself all the time, and at the time I was wrestling with thoughts of not wanting to be alive, and it did not vibe well with me. Now being older and seeing more of his stuff and inside, i love him, I think he’s hilarious but also serious and speaks up about real issues. We Stan
thank you i needed this
“God, that sweater looks good.”
Made me laugh substantially more than it probably should have
8:04 I wasn't expecting it and almost banged my head on my desk
That was so golden
This showed up in my recommended as I finished INSIDE, thank you I needed this
I needed this
"he's like daniel day lewis except he sucks" has me gassed. I'm wheezing