Review Unboxing/Frere Wet and Dry Cleaner Frere Industrial Vacuum Cleaner FVC-20C, F-407 Set Review
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- We reviewed vacuum cleaners and dust collectors, essentials for DIY woodworking.
The existing Bosch dust collector was used by connecting it to the Bosch table saw.
It was inconvenient to have to clean after each work.
So I bought it to connect and use a separate cyclone dust collector.
The dust collector satisfies both price and design.
The vacuum cleaner was an additional purchase, so cost-effectiveness was important.
The design and configuration are good for the price, but the flaws compared to the specifications are
It seems to be dropping a bit.
When purchasing another industrial vacuum cleaner, it would be good to consider cost-effectiveness.
Thanks for watching :)
#diy #korea #woodworking #tools #toolchannel #woodworkingnecessities #unboxing #review #toolview #woodwalking #industrialcleaner #industrialcleaner #cleaner #cleaner #cleaner #cyclonecleaner #Boschcleaner #Bosch dustbin #Sangsung vacuum cleaner #FVC20C #F407 #frere #bosch
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