Symptoms and Diagnosis Book

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • symptomsdiagnos...
    Do you google your symptoms when you are sick?
    Are you frustrated by the generic health articles on WebMD that don’t apply to you?
    Would you like to learn the proper way to analyze your own symptoms?
    Most online symptom checkers give you 20 possible diagnoses for your symptoms. Instead of helping you find the right answer, they make you scared and confused.
    When you go to your doctor with a list of that 20 diagnoses, it makes him pull his hair out. Don’t annoy your doctor. Make him listen to you.
    Learn to listen to your body and detect the right SOS signal. Learn to convince your doctor with common sense and reasoning, not the print out from WebMD.
    What if you could do all that by reading a book of medical stories? No medical terms to decipher, no list of symptoms to memorize.
    Learn how your body works by reading medical cases written by a real doctor. It reads like a medical thriller. It hooks up you up and makes you feel like a doctor. It makes you hungry for medical knowledge and …..delivers.
    You will learn tons of practical medical knowledge you can use.
    Do yourself a favor: Check this book out!
    “Symptoms and Diagnosis: A storytelling medical book that may save your life”
    Here is what Dr. David Katz, one of the most influential doctor author of our times had to say about “Symptoms and Diagnosis”
    “Using stories that put a human face on the process of diagnosis, and that also imbue the telling with drama and suspense- Dr. Sapkota empowers all patients to get better care by telling their own medical stories better. One part novel, one-part 'how to' book, and one part mini-med-school for patients, Symptoms and Diagnosis is a unique book and a great read. I can't recall any 'page turners' with the potential to save your life, but that's exactly what this is. Everyone should read it.”
    -DAVID KATZ, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACP, the founding director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center and author of Disease-Proof: The Remarkable Truth About What Makes Us Well
    If you have Amazon kindle unlimited subscription, you may even download the book for free. If not, the kindle edition is only $9.99 or you can get the paperback for $14.99.
    Clink the link, check the book out.