Except they may have actual information about their shitty parents who are most definitely guilty. There are two other locations. An apartment complex and a home that was previously lived in by the adoptive parents and children. Why wouldn’t they search every single place with cadaver dogs ???
I believe if I am not mistaken but I think lol over there in Korea if you do something bad like steal , murder , etc.... you and your whole family gets punished!! And I am over thinking fuck! We have men and woman killing kids and innocent people and all they get is a slap in the back!!!! Wtf!!!!!
@Kayla Summons Thank you for the update. I new to this channel. If u can try to keep me updated it would mean alot. My daughter was murdered 3 weeks shy of her 21st birthday bc she just won a lawsuit that started 5 years before her death she was in a very bad car accident. This just kills me as a mama. No more children should died. Thank you again u r very kind God bless you and your family ❤
Not really when they moved in during a pandemic and the area isn't hard to miss a back yard of children playing with the way the yards are set up. I want to know if the cadaver dogs have walked the neighborhood for any sign of the kids being in one of the other home's near by.
The adoptive dad probably disposed of the children when he was saying he was driving around looking for them. Those toddlers would not leave at night in the cold. If they had they would not have gotten far without neighbors seeing them.
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They suspect foul play of course because the adoptive parents story makes no sense! I wonder if they are waiting on something from forensic. These reporters are on it! I commend them for trying to get some answers. Who knows how long these kids been so called missing.
I am glad the police are not giving much information. It s better during an investigation. They should check adoptive parents cellphone records to see where if dad s location during his drive.
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Yeah considering none of the neighbors seemed to know these kids were even people .... never seen them before thats shady, even if they hadn't seen them outside playing what about going to and from the car, or mailbox, garbage, ANYTHING... that's mad shady only lived there since September but that's almost 3 months
during this interview the chief said that the neighbors never seen the two missing boys before they were reported missing and they have had them shortly after birth i think thats odd.. not only that in the interview with the adopted parents it looked to me that the adoptive mother did not care she had zero emotion. and this is just my perspective of the interviews but there is something weird about this hole thing. and sad to say but if they did just wander off its been below 35F out in the desert thats hypothermia weather
Why did the reporter call out the undercover cars in the neighborhood ? Not very smart .This is about finding the kids and that shouldn't have been made public.
My gut is telling me it was the parents. My gut did this on chris watts case also. I pray they would find them alive. What the hell is wrong with this world.
2 Timothy 3 King James Version 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Have the parents done an interview? There's a guy on here, well a few different people, who analyze interviews to determine if the individual is lying. They did this with Chris Watts' first interview and it is just mind-blowing how oblivious it was he did something to his family.
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EXACTLY’!!! My question as well!! Have these children been seen by anyone at all in the last 3 months?! So odd!!! Also, are the other adopted children being questioned?? My heart Breaks for these precious babies! 😢
I just said to my housemate “ I bet those kids didn’t even live in that house” After he said they’d only been there for like 3 months and yet no one had seen them.
Damn it this reminds me too much of Chris Watts case. These dirtbag parents did something to those babies. Any sane parent would not send 2 littles outdoors at night alone in he cold and keep 4 older children indoors. This is total BS. They should be locked up until the kids are found.
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I think its actually worse than we think, the police chief was asked ìf anyone had seen the children since the family moved to the house in September. He said no, so the two boys may have been missing for months just no one noticed.
@@aishas2497 Yes,I totally agree! There is no way those little boys could have disappeared without a trace that fast. The mere fact that the dogs didn't pick up the scent of them leaving the yard is telling.
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@@stephenpmurphy591 or how long have they been living there. Also if the bio mother was doing everything to get her kids back, why would they (cps) suddenly give this sketchy couple these two kids? Honestly, I think he sold the kids. Trafficking is making lots of money and feeding pedos. Just my thoughts, I could be totally off.
I live in australia I have five kids , we moved in to our house during lockdown here . We didn't leave the house much but the people in my street would of 100 percent would have heard my kids plus me and my kids where always playing in our back yard . This is such a strange case . All we can do is pray for these sweet boys and that they are okay
Who thinks that the parents have done something with the children, sounds suspicious of the dogs caught no scent outside the house , and they were banging on the house and found evidence in the house
I believe the reason why they were reported missing December 21st was because it's the holidays and requests were going to be made to see the boys with their biological families so they had no choice but to report them missing
Makes sense!!! And they know since it’s holidays I’m sure they knew people would probably be calling, wanting to FaceTime, wanting to visiit and send gifts to these kids so that’s why they did it before holidays 😢😢😢😢
I don't think so ma'am. You've adopted those kids and 9/10 there's no interaction with the bio family because most parents lose their kids due to neglect and or physical abuse.
Neighbors have never seen the boys, I bet the boys never moved to this house. This couple just kept collecting the checks. That father seems like he could go off and is easily triggered.
But the thing is, when you adopt you no longer receive a paycheck. You pay to adopt. It’s one thing when you foster and collect income for the children from state, it’s not the same when you adopt. They adopted these children for their own. At once they’re out of the state system who knows what happens. They have two other adopted children too. I’m really curious about the other siblings, their ages and what they have to say about their younger siblings and their parents…
@@aprylo3515 They are called Adoption assistant programs. It varies state by state but commonly includes monthly cash payments, medical assistance, and other money grants to help in the cost of raising a hard-to-place child or children. Not all adoptive parents go through this type of adoption program but many-in-numbers do.
@@aprylo3515 you do get payments my friend she gets payments for her Daughter that she adopted when she was a baby like two months old . First she was getting paid for foster care and then she adopt her. She now 12 years old and she still get assistance
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I beginning to think that too. The investigation should extend to Bakersfield where they came from. Talk to neighbors there, kids pediatrician, preschool, relatives, etc.
@@mama6loveu489 they're saying these parents are fake. Those babies werent moved to this home, when the parents moved to this home.... and if they did then no one else saw them around there
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SAR dogs are a tool that can improve the chances of finding someone but not guarantee success after After a very few days sent trails raid and get covered. I wish it were not true.
Too many"adoptive parents" turn it into a business unfortunately. Kinda wierd when you think about it. How can the state pay these people quite well per child yet you have legit parents struggle to make ends meet.
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Yes, I heard of some that do. But not all. I adopted a medically fragile baby boy. He's now 5. He is my son, my sweetheart. And God help anyone who would try to hurt him. I actually told the social worker that i didn't request the adoption assistance payments. She told me that she had already done all the paperwork and that they just consider it to be "child support." She also said that it's to make life better for him. So I accepted it. Not all adoptive parents are doing it for money.
@Loulou Bos It's called Adoption Assistance Payments. And here in California its equal to the amount of Foster care payments. Which now I think is around 900/month. Children with special needs do get more.
Did they find any of the things a toddler needs in the house? Sippy cups etc. Any of their clothes in the laundry or recently washed? Foods that’s toddlers eat recently bought? There are so many things that can show whether they ever made it to that house or if the family moved there without them
I'm not sure how old the other kids are but can they be questioned on how the boys were treated/mistreated? Even a 4yr old can give you any insight on if these boys are mistreated. A social worker can ask the other 4 children appropriately
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The other kids were take probably due to abuse. Kids get kidnapped all of the time and the siblings Obviously, one (or more) of the kids were abused. They'll talk after they feel safe.
They have lived there for 3 months and no one ever saw any of the 6 kids? Something is very wrong. So glad those other 4 children are out of that house!!!
@@caramelkimmiekim8272 At 15:42 a reporter asks about the other 4 children. The chief says they have not been seen either. This is not normal. The fact that they were taken away from the parents speaks volumes. Despite what the chief says, it is _not_ usual protocol to remove other children from the home in a missing child case. He just can't say the real reason.
@@fulanichild3138 their other kids in CPS care they were taken from them due to this current investigation. Doing the time the two small adoptive kids went missing the other 4 kids were with the grandmother aledeglly on vacation
It’s not really that odd that they didn’t see the kids. We’re In a pandemic! Everyone is staying inside their homes! And kids these days don’t go outside so much to play as they’re inside on computers and iPhones and iPads. Since they’ve only lived there for a few months I don’t find it odd that neighbors hate seeing the kids outside.
Thank you for the update. Many of us are going crazy waiting for information. Please don’t ever stop looking for these Babies ... Dear god please help us find these boys. They need to get back to their mother who has been working hard to get them back. Be with their mommy please lord she needs strength and guidance from you father... Amen
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Their story is that the kids were snatched from the backyard by somebody in the vacant lot next door. So it wouldn't be on camera, I dont think it has a view of the fence. The whole story is nuts.
There is a woman who has a youtube channel and she aired the video from the neighbor and you see no one near that backyard at the time this happened but the "father". Then someone okayed around with the outside light turning it on and off a few times. Then you see him get in the van through the passenger door and leave to go "search" for like 7 minutes. There was no emotion from either "parent" which speaks volumes to me. They got lucky their face was shielded because of the mask.
My question is why would God allow it to happen to being with? If God let it happen? Then was it his will? I'm just trying to understand why people pray if things like this happen to begin with?
Why is this reporter shouting about undercover vehicles around the neighbourhood?🙄 Obviously the police didn’t want the adoptive parents to know they had people around the neighbourhood,hence the undercover part.Smh.They would have been able to follow them or anyone suspicious but now this reporter has shouted about it they are gonna know.
Didn't they just move here a few months ago??? They need to check out their previous address. These boys could have been actually gone for months considering the search dogs could not pick up on the boys scent outside at all.. And the neighbors have never seen these 2 boys, ever!!!! 😢😢😢😢
The adopted parents said that the boys were in the backyard coloring with cement chalk. This was at night when the temperature is really cold, does that sound realistic? I hope they split up the parents and questioned them separately, that way they can't make up the same story accurately. The longer they let them stay together before integrating them, the less chance of them slipping and saying something incriminating. It doesn't look good for those two boys. I hope I'm wrong.
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That's how Chris Watts was caught. The camera wasn't at the right angle but it showed stuff that was in conflict with the story he told which led them on the right trail to locate his kid's bodies quickly and then get a confession.
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The 1 interview I watched with the parents says so much. Statement analysis says so much. They killed them. They had zero concern for the kids other than they would be rambunctious.
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People say they would have taken them after the fact but honestly there are too few people who actually step up and take in foster kids. I've fostered about 12 kids over the last 15 years. Sadly even family rarely steps up to help these kids. I pray that many people hearing this story open their hearts and homes to foster kids.
@@SoulKhepri Amen! You have to have a heart for children and lots of patience. I wish I could take in more kids. But my one keeps me very busy all by himself. When he is doing better and after his surgeries I will see if I can finally adopt more kids. But for now I have to do my best for him.
The children were never there. That’s why they can’t find a way out of the yard. They may be in Bakersfield near the previous residence. if the police suspect foul play, it may be because the children have said something.
It’s pretty incredible that as nosey as neighbors are not one saw the kids. That’s very odd because every where I’ve lived people are looking out Windows to see who the new neighbors are. Check with all the old neighbor hood where the kids lived. Neighbors would know something . Kids at ages 2&3 just don’t wander off unless the parents were neglecting these kids in the first place. I have a five year old and my oldest daughter has a three year old and these two kids won’t wander off anywhere. They might want to look at these parents as suspects. You never leave anyone out as a suspect. I’m curious are these kids black , hispanic , white? It’s very strange no one noticed these kids. Kids are not that fast they tend to linger around the house .
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That's what I'm saying they move from Bakersfield, so they need to check their last place where they live , and did anyone see the two little ones people around need to speak up
There was another child, a little girl, who's mother moved from one city to another and 4 days in she woke up one morning and called the police reporting her daughter had gone missing overnight. They looked and looked for the little girl, and the neighbors said they hadnt ever seen a child with her at all there at that house. Smh. They found her body near the place she moved from and the people that helped her move said they didnt see s child at all the entire time they moved her stuff.... but they did move a childs bed and clothes. She didnt ever move with her mother. Her mother killed her.. this workd is a cold sad place to be.
No something is not sounding wroght. Sounding with the other patents check other areas as well i have to. Check every were wroght he is doing. Good asewring the. Questions bless. Him. Down to earth amwserig the hard questions he been great and very help ful the oficer check the house this is so sad im hopeing there going to be found safe and sound put an amber alert out on the boys
Right, I read previously that they went on vacation with the grandmother, and they decided to stay behind with the younger ones. How long have they been living in that house?
@@lynsirobertson3527 I don’t know why but I don’t have a good feeling about how this is going to end. Typically abductors won’t steal two kids, it’s too much work and too risky. The fact that they “took” both has me worried that they may not be alive anymore.
@@bonnieanderson2186 kidnapped was never a thought in my empathetic mind and soul. Those babies didnt move to that home with them, and if they did they havent been alive inside the home longer than maybe a few days. Those babies are gone. It's so sad. It's even worse they were actually ADOPTED or even Fostered (they can't decide what to call them - foster or adoptive family) - by those people and cleared through what should be a rigorous process to ensure the safety of the children. Its disgusting. I'm sure glad the other 4 are in p.c
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I wondered why they were adopting four young children at such a young age themselves?The biological mum said she wants her kids,she has a job,car,family support,so I don’t get why she doesn’t have them.The mum is devastated but the adoptive parents don’t seem upset at all.Just my opinion from what I’ve seen of them.
@@jordanspencer7992 she has all that now. Too little, too late. She should've had it from day 1. She didn't even know her kids had been adopted which means she didn't keep in touch with courts, meet requirements in time. Nothing
I think that the adoptive dad told on himself/ unintentionally gave us a clue as to what happened to the boys when he said that the neighbors have never seen them before.
The fact that just 2 of the 6 kids were supposedly outside playing and other 4 inside while mom was wrapping presents is bs. That statement alone makes them look pretty guilty.
ua-cam.com/video/YNj5Ir2yeg0/v-deo.html Hi Natalie this is a recording of the prior homeowner and she said the police have a recording from the neighborhood across the street. I pray they find them 🙏
This is heartbreaking. Please lord, tell us where they are. I am going to pray for our babies right now. I ask anyone reading this to please, please send a quick prayer up or energy into the atmosphere for these precious boys.
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I think it’s a bs story they told.First why would any of the children be playing out in the evening and it being so cold that you are collecting firewood.Second she said they were playing out coz she was wrapping presents,why only the youngest two had to play out and not the other four?Third the video I saw of them asking the public for help ,they’re whole demeanour is off,both of them.They show no emotion,they don’t look upset at all,unlike the biological mother.Their whole story stinks. I pray the boys are found safe and well but I’m sorry to say that going off the adoptive parents body language I suspect foul play. I truly hope I’m wrong and I will apologise if I am.
I'm speaking of the two missing boys. They have not lived in the house but a few months, and I think the boys were missing way before the move. Thd Truth always comes out.
@@QUEENDEB483 I believe the other person was commenting in reply to the person above asking what about the other 4 children. The other 4 children were said to be with the grandparents, but we havent seen or heard anything else on it.
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Priscilla, my sad guess is that they were punishing the two boys for something and both died as a result. Adoptive dad then disposed of the bodies. I cannot see him deliberately killing both boys at the same time. I think they were placed somewhere where there was not enough air, or left outside for a long period of time. But, yes, I think dad did it.
He was taken away from his biological mom because of a fractured leg before he was a year old. Maybe they mean that it's a sort of identification. Although a healed fracture shouldn't be identifiable.
Just learned yesterday that the neighbors have seen the boys at the house but on video cameras only going in and out of the house to the car, not actually in person is why they said they had not seen them. That does change things.
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Exactly, when they were reported the boys missing and there was a search in their house, I would love to know where all these gifts they were wrapping were. What they were and who they were too. They didn’t want a little boys to see them wrapping gifts which means they were wrapping gifts for them… Prove it
I feel like the dad probably beat one of the boys which led to him accidentally killing him, then they killed the other boy too because he witnessed everything.
I smell foul play THEIR Neighbors have never seen the kids???? THAT'S not right I think that the parents are responsible for the two little ones disappearing???? GOD PLEASE be with them 2 babies and the law enforcement agencies all in the search for them 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
And was there any signs they were actually drawing with concrete chalk in the backyard? Any other signs of kids, such as toys, clothes, especially clothes waiting to be washed. It might show they were worn recently.
I was actually thinking about that as well. It’s just so weird to have the 2 youngest children outside in the dark when it’s cold and not the other children ?? Just so she can wrap Christmas presents?? Definitely seems sketchy. Usually toddlers would probably wander a bit but not get very far, because they would start to get cold and tired and scared so they would come towards Lights not go further into the dark. And they would not to disappear in thin air. I hope and pray they are OK somewhere, but the longer they’re missing the worst I fear something bad.
Trezell West said “I realized that I left the back gate open and I panicked and came inside the house, searched the house” WHY SEARCH THE HOUSE IF THE GATE WAS OPEN??? These 2 need to start telling the truth. Cincere & Classic deserve justice.💕
Right...that stood out to me..I left gate open so he turns and runs back into house to search the house???? Why not walk thru open gate and search where the open gate leds to....hmmmm
@@kalalooney5964 Yes, Cincere & Classic are the boys birth names. Trezell and Jacqueline West changed their 1st names on adoption day. The boy’s bio-mom was documenting her story with CPS on Facebook before the boys were reported missing. Several people have left comments on this channel questioning why CPS signed off on an adoption when bio-mom was given & following a CPS parenting plan to regain full custody.
@@kabbystevens5167 Think everyone who saw them speak @ the press conference saw, felt, or heard something about them & their story was off. No tears during the press conference from Trezell or Jacqueline West. Lots of deep breaths, swaying, & awkward facial expressions from both. Hopefully 1 of them will start talking soon.
Have they been to a Dr? Did anyone ever outside of the home ever see these children? I'm wondering if they ever seen the outside world since adoption. If they were always kept inside, that is weird. Even my kids play outside and the neighbors know all my kids exist... without introduction; they are that obvious, even with Covid happening.
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@ UncleHank Good question, They are not school aged for kindergarten. They have to be 5 years old or very close too five years old to start. However, they are eligible to go to Preschool before 5 years old or daycare. However, I don’t believe the Adoptive Mom worked outside their home to enroll them in part-time or full-time daycare.
The adoptive parent’s body language are extremely troubling. There’s no scent cause they were never present on that property. They concocted this story before they moved to this here new location. God brings darkness to light. I pray they are alive. So, innocent and beautiful little babies.
I believe you are right, those BOYS never lived on this property. They killed them, at the house they moved from. Because it was Christmas time ,they finally decided to report them missing.
He actually lived in an apartment 2 miles away from me before they moved to California city. I find it odd that they had six children in an apartment in the hood. How can they afford to support all these kids?
Glad they Removed the other children.. The Neighbors have Surveillance cameras, I hope the Sheriff has Retrieved this footage.....🕊🕊PRAYERS THAT THESE 2 BEAUTIFUL BABY BOYS ARE FOUND SAFE👼👼🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Yes that’s strange, especially since they recently moved there. Usually when you get new neighbours you introduce yourself or if not, you at least get a little nosey and curious who is moving in and keep a look out on them 👀
The neighbours would say didn't know kids lived there if they had never seen any. To say we never see the children would mean they knew kids were in there.
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@@SPNEWSNUGGETS Did they ever find out what happened to these poor babies! God show them where these babies are! And God have your way with these two people called parents, I believe they are sick and evil😡🤯😠
I used to live in California City ..I'm pretty sure someone would have seen them babies walking them long ass streets...so sad and it's possible that they've been missing and maybe not from the house🤔
You don't know that the items the dogs sniffed belonged to those boys!!! It probably belonged to the other kids. Nobody has seen them since they moved there!!
Very true! Small children are designed to fall without doing serious damage to themselves. It takes a lot of force to break soft infants’ bones. They bend. Very suspicious.
Why are they not interviewing the social worker that was handling the adoption why is there nothing on child services on this child services is part of the problem it seems to me they didn't look into these people before they started giving them children and all to sell and Jacqueline are doing is using the money for these Foster in adopted children they should have been investigated way prior before this even happened and Jacklin's mother is also a Foster parent let's get down to the nitty gritty start getting CPS on here Chief walker
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell. They can smell drugs or people from withing even the tightest of bins or bags. Unless the adoptive parents spent the time to mask up the smell of the boys with bleach and other products, the dogs should have been able to pick up the scent of the kids. Even then there would be a least somewhat of a scent. The dogs are given a toy or a piece of clothing from the children so they would be able to know and recognize that smell. If the dogs didn't smell the kids at all then there is a huge chance that the kids weren't there in the first place.
~10:30 Did anyone else hear that? Reporter: In Bakersfield there have been MANY cases of "missing children" lately. Adoptive parents are from Bakersfield. And, it may turn out their kids went missing much earlier; while in Bakersfield. Reporter: But other parents with missing children in Bakersfield didn't have other kids removed from the home. Why were the West children removed? [Other parents perhaps reported children missing "immediately"? Or, "not at all" unless a sanctuary city. Thus, not as problamatic.] Good points by reporter. Lumanol testing was negative. Scent Dogs didn't get any hits outside. Have other West kids told LE siblings have been missing much longer? Unknown. Reporter: Is LE searching in Bakersfield? LE: Not going to answer that. Anyone else still stuck on ... "There have been MANY missing children lately" (in Bakersfield no less)?!?! Did anyone know about this? Or, was that brand new information just given to a reporter by LE? Has anyone done a geographical profile? Where were ALL of the missing children last seen? (*Last known location.) Including but not limited to West children - when they admit honestly. *And, or where any of the missing childrens' bodies or remains located; if that was outcome. Have any of the many missing children of Bakersfield been located?
Has anyone confirmed the guy trevil says he asked where his kids were. He didn't even ask the neighbor behind him with the pool and never ask the people across the street. He said they could be that far or get away that fast. So why did he take off and ask some guy around the opposite way of where he says the kids got out??
What a shame--- an amber alert should be used for any known missing child! Phone alerts could help. I hope these little guys are ok! I hope they got into something like kids do! Wonder if they checked all trunks, coolers etc?! Pray they arent found in any other state except dehydrated
@@blondegypsy8525 I heard what he said but an amber alert for any missing child is crucial having a vehicles info should be a plus. They should change that. Every single person should get an alert instantly.
@@Supersquishyawesomeness a picture for starters should be something. Any child deserves that much. Cars can be switched out 100 times but a face, age and height cant. Their faces are all over now due to social media.
What he's saying in law enforcment-ese is... In the search for the kids we (LE) "haven't left the house." In plain English: we believe the answer to where the kids are is in the house
It’s possible the kids went missing before it was reported, and the foster parents had time to dispose of them! check the trash dump & the nearby neighborhood homes not only asking the neighbors but look inside, some of these people may have a dungeon like room in the basement! God bless those kids, I hope they’re safe!🙏🏻
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I love this sheriff. I love how he shuts down any inappropriate questions like ages of other children and if they are questioned. Media is so STUPID.
Right?!?! These ridiculous questions are a waste of time for this good officer
The way the woman reporter scoffs at him with her half ass laugh when he says he can’t comment on that makes me want to slap her silly!
Yea he's clearly not here for the foolishness
Except they may have actual information about their shitty parents who are most definitely guilty. There are two other locations. An apartment complex and a home that was previously lived in by the adoptive parents and children. Why wouldn’t they search every single place with cadaver dogs ???
@@reesebrindle1809 exactly, she definitely doesn't have or love children.
Honestly we need to bring medieval torture back for anyone who harms innocent souls mabe the monster bully's would think twice before acting then
Really? So ridiculous. We don't live in a third world country.
Tell that to the people who kill their children.
Absolutely 💯
I Agree. Eye for an Eye @TarnColeman
I believe if I am not mistaken but I think lol over there in Korea if you do something bad like steal , murder , etc.... you and your whole family gets punished!! And I am over thinking fuck! We have men and woman killing kids and innocent people and all they get is a slap in the back!!!! Wtf!!!!!
The neighbors never seen the kids never that’s a problem.
Yes that sounds very strange considering it's such a small town.
I smell a big Rat!
@Kayla Summons is it them do u know??? Thanks for your help. God bless you
@Kayla Summons Thank you for the update. I new to this channel. If u can try to keep me updated it would mean alot. My daughter was murdered 3 weeks shy of her 21st birthday bc she just won a lawsuit that started 5 years before her death she was in a very bad car accident. This just kills me as a mama. No more children should died. Thank you again u r very kind God bless you and your family ❤
Not really when they moved in during a pandemic and the area isn't hard to miss a back yard of children playing with the way the yards are set up. I want to know if the cadaver dogs have walked the neighborhood for any sign of the kids being in one of the other home's near by.
PRAY for the 2 boys and PRAY that they will be found.🙏🙏🏽🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏾🙏🙏🏽🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏾🙏🏼🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽
In JESUS CHRIST’S Mighty name!!!! Let us pray they are found alive and well!!! JESUS PLEASE! GIVE US THIS MIRACLE!!!!! 🙏😊🌹🙌
@@ark198989 Amen!
Hope the 2 boys are safe out there
What will praying do?
@@Kellysbiggestfan311 hope they get home safe
WHAT kind of reporter exposes that there are Undercover cops in that area?!
Right.. that was a stupid thing to say or ask
The adoptive dad probably disposed of the children when he was saying he was driving around looking for them. Those toddlers would not leave at night in the cold. If they had they would not have gotten far without neighbors seeing them.
Toddlers wouldn’t of gotten far if they actually wondered off.
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@@SPNEWSNUGGETS sorry, but where? I am interested in seeing this conversation.
I thought that too.It doesn’t make sense what they are saying. I get s bad vibe from these two.Why has the boy got a fractured leg aswell?
I agree someone they know
They suspect foul play of course because the adoptive parents story makes no sense! I wonder if they are waiting on something from forensic. These reporters are on it! I commend them for trying to get some answers. Who knows how long these kids been so called missing.
I am glad the police are not giving much information. It s better during an investigation. They should check adoptive parents cellphone records to see where if dad s location during his drive.
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Yeah considering none of the neighbors seemed to know these kids were even people .... never seen them before thats shady, even if they hadn't seen them outside playing what about going to and from the car, or mailbox, garbage, ANYTHING... that's mad shady only lived there since September but that's almost 3 months
during this interview the chief said that the neighbors never seen the two missing boys before they were reported missing and they have had them shortly after birth i think thats odd.. not only that in the interview with the adopted parents it looked to me that the adoptive mother did not care she had zero emotion. and this is just my perspective of the interviews but there is something weird about this hole thing. and sad to say but if they did just wander off its been below 35F out in the desert thats hypothermia weather
@@PewPewmuddafukka are you sure they were adopted or stolen
Why did the reporter call out the undercover cars in the neighborhood ? Not very smart .This is about finding the kids and that shouldn't have been made public.
Thank you! Wtf
I totally agree!!!
the media hates police. that's why!
@@golfcoursemanager33 oh jeez. It doesn't hurt the POLICE, it hurts the chances for the family. Do they hate toddlers too?
My gut is telling me it was the parents. My gut did this on chris watts case also. I pray they would find them alive. What the hell is wrong with this world.
Godless society 🙁
2 Timothy 3
King James Version
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Have the parents done an interview? There's a guy on here, well a few different people, who analyze interviews to determine if the individual is lying. They did this with Chris Watts' first interview and it is just mind-blowing how oblivious it was he did something to his family.
I hate to pin it on the adoptive parents but something seamed wrong with ther incoherent interview please find these babies alive 🙏
No neighbor ever saw the kids, no scent in the house. Where did the parents move from 3 months ago? Search their last residence.
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EXACTLY’!!! My question as well!! Have these children been seen by anyone at all in the last 3 months?! So odd!!! Also, are the other adopted children being questioned?? My heart Breaks for these precious babies! 😢
I just said to my housemate “ I bet those kids didn’t even live in that house”
After he said they’d only been there for like 3 months and yet no one had seen them.
They moved from Bakersfield and Bakersfield csi is there
Natalie FromCA Allegedly the other children have been taken into protective custody.
Damn it this reminds me too much of Chris Watts case. These dirtbag parents did something to those babies. Any sane parent would not send 2 littles outdoors at night alone in he cold and keep 4 older children indoors. This is total BS. They should be locked up until the kids are found.
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I think its actually worse than we think, the police chief was asked ìf anyone had seen the children since the family moved to the house in September. He said no, so the two boys may have been missing for months just no one noticed.
@@aishas2497 Yes,I totally agree! There is no way those little boys could have disappeared without a trace that fast. The mere fact that the dogs didn't pick up the scent of them leaving the yard is telling.
My thoughts exactly
This case reminds me of the sherin Mathews case.
Prayers for these babies. 🙏
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Six kids living in a house and none of them are NEVER seen by anyone in that community ??
I don't believe they ever lived there.
@@stephenpmurphy591 or how long have they been living there. Also if the bio mother was doing everything to get her kids back, why would they (cps) suddenly give this sketchy couple these two kids?
Honestly, I think he sold the kids. Trafficking is making lots of money and feeding pedos. Just my thoughts, I could be totally off.
I live in australia I have five kids , we moved in to our house during lockdown here . We didn't leave the house much but the people in my street would of 100 percent would have heard my kids plus me and my kids where always playing in our back yard . This is such a strange case . All we can do is pray for these sweet boys and that they are okay
@Different People evil happens everywhere! Not one place is immune, PERIOD
Who thinks that the parents have done something with the children, sounds suspicious of the dogs caught no scent outside the house , and they were banging on the house and found evidence in the house
I do
That's usually how these go.
I believe the reason why they were reported missing December 21st was because it's the holidays and requests were going to be made to see the boys with their biological families so they had no choice but to report them missing
Ooooooh Weeeeeee That Was A Genius Thought.
Makes perfect sense.
Makes sense!!! And they know since it’s holidays I’m sure they knew people would probably be calling, wanting to FaceTime, wanting to visiit and send gifts to these kids so that’s why they did it before holidays 😢😢😢😢
I don't think so ma'am. You've adopted those kids and 9/10 there's no interaction with the bio family because most parents lose their kids due to neglect and or physical abuse.
I heard that the bio mother wanted to bring them Christmas presents.
Neighbors have never seen the boys, I bet the boys never moved to this house. This couple just kept collecting the checks. That father seems like he could go off and is easily triggered.
But the thing is, when you adopt you no longer receive a paycheck. You pay to adopt. It’s one thing when you foster and collect income for the children from state, it’s not the same when you adopt. They adopted these children for their own. At once they’re out of the state system who knows what happens. They have two other adopted children too. I’m really curious about the other siblings, their ages and what they have to say about their younger siblings and their parents…
@@aprylo3515 They are called Adoption assistant programs. It varies state by state but commonly includes monthly cash payments, medical assistance, and other money grants to help in the cost of raising a hard-to-place child or children. Not all adoptive parents go through this type of adoption program but many-in-numbers do.
@@aprylo3515 you do get payments my friend she gets payments for her Daughter that she adopted when she was a baby like two months old . First she was getting paid for foster care and then she adopt her. She now 12 years old and she still get assistance
Yes today adoptive parents can still get cash assistance
the other kids in the house know what happened
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They were never seen
I agree. They should be questioned. The only thing is if they are of a certain age they might not find their stories credible.
@@SPNEWSNUGGETS quit your tacky spamming
Those kids were gone before these fake parents moved here
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I beginning to think that too. The investigation should extend to Bakersfield where they came from. Talk to neighbors there, kids pediatrician, preschool, relatives, etc.
I'm confused what are you saying gone before the fake parents got here please I'm interested
@@mama6loveu489 they're saying these parents are fake. Those babies werent moved to this home, when the parents moved to this home.... and if they did then no one else saw them around there
Interesting that the dogs didn't pick up a scent outside of the house.
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That’s exactly what I was thinking. No marking outside even out back
I wonder if they were killed inside and taken out in a garbage bag to cover up the scent.
SAR dogs are a tool that can improve the chances of finding someone but not guarantee success after After a very few days sent trails raid and get covered. I wish it were not true.
Too many"adoptive parents" turn it into a business unfortunately.
Kinda wierd when you think about it.
How can the state pay these people quite well per child yet you have legit parents struggle to make ends meet.
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Good Point! “Legal” “Child trafficking”
@@Cozy563 BINGO!
Yes, I heard of some that do. But not all. I adopted a medically fragile baby boy. He's now 5. He is my son, my sweetheart. And God help anyone who would try to hurt him. I actually told the social worker that i didn't request the adoption assistance payments. She told me that she had already done all the paperwork and that they just consider it to be "child support." She also said that it's to make life better for him. So I accepted it. Not all adoptive parents are doing it for money.
@Loulou Bos It's called Adoption Assistance Payments. And here in California its equal to the amount of Foster care payments. Which now I think is around 900/month. Children with special needs do get more.
Did they find any of the things a toddler needs in the house? Sippy cups etc. Any of their clothes in the laundry or recently washed? Foods that’s toddlers eat recently bought? There are so many things that can show whether they ever made it to that house or if the family moved there without them
I'm not sure how old the other kids are but can they be questioned on how the boys were treated/mistreated? Even a 4yr old can give you any insight on if these boys are mistreated. A social worker can ask the other 4 children appropriately
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Yes they can question them and will do so if they haven’t already
I heard that the other children were at their grandmas and might not know anything.
The other kids were take probably due to abuse. Kids get kidnapped all of the time and the siblings Obviously, one (or more) of the kids were abused. They'll talk after they feel safe.
They have lived there for 3 months and no one ever saw any of the 6 kids? Something is very wrong. So glad those other 4 children are out of that house!!!
They seen the other kids but not the two little ones
@@caramelkimmiekim8272 At 15:42 a reporter asks about the other 4 children. The chief says they have not been seen either. This is not normal. The fact that they were taken away from the parents speaks volumes. Despite what the chief says, it is _not_ usual protocol to remove other children from the home in a missing child case. He just can't say the real reason.
@@fulanichild3138 their other kids in CPS care they were taken from them due to this current investigation. Doing the time the two small adoptive kids went missing the other 4 kids were with the grandmother aledeglly on vacation
@@fulanichild3138 look at the other videos it will tell you
It’s not really that odd that they didn’t see the kids. We’re In a pandemic! Everyone is staying inside their homes! And kids these days don’t go outside so much to play as they’re inside on computers and iPhones and iPads. Since they’ve only lived there for a few months I don’t find it odd that neighbors hate seeing the kids outside.
Thank you for the update. Many of us are going crazy waiting for information. Please don’t ever stop looking for these Babies ... Dear god please help us find these boys. They need to get back to their mother who has been working hard to get them back. Be with their mommy please lord she needs strength and guidance from you father... Amen
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The neighbor that has the camera should be able to see the kids roaming around before they disappeared
Their story is that the kids were snatched from the backyard by somebody in the vacant lot next door. So it wouldn't be on camera, I dont think it has a view of the fence. The whole story is nuts.
There is a woman who has a youtube channel and she aired the video from the neighbor and you see no one near that backyard at the time this happened but the "father". Then someone okayed around with the outside light turning it on and off a few times. Then you see him get in the van through the passenger door and leave to go "search" for like 7 minutes. There was no emotion from either "parent" which speaks volumes to me. They got lucky their face was shielded because of the mask.
The kids don't roam. The gate is on the other side of the house, but you can still see that side in the camera view. Nobody leaves, nobody comes.
That's what I mean by you should be able to see them roaming around the yard....BUT THAT NEVER HAPPENED BECAUSE THEY ARE LYING
@@conytrevi4785 Right I thought you meant they'd be visible from the other camera (the one across the st we haven't seen yet)
May god watch over those kids
Amen I pray these baby boys are found safe & well bless them this is so sad 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
My question is why would God allow it to happen to being with? If God let it happen? Then was it his will? I'm just trying to understand why people pray if things like this happen to begin with?
@@Michael9-23-15 Man has free will.
@@Michael9-23-15 because things will change when Jesus returns Satan rules at mo that's why there's so much evil!!
Why is this reporter shouting about undercover vehicles around the neighbourhood?🙄 Obviously the police didn’t want the adoptive parents to know they had people around the neighbourhood,hence the undercover part.Smh.They would have been able to follow them or anyone suspicious but now this reporter has shouted about it they are gonna know.
I know right!
Omg thank you! I was like why would you bring that up 🤦🏾♀️...cover blown 🤦🏾♀️
Because the media is stupid and cares about nothing but money & ratings.
Didn't they just move here a few months ago??? They need to check out their previous address. These boys could have been actually gone for months considering the search dogs could not pick up on the boys scent outside at all.. And the neighbors have never seen these 2 boys, ever!!!! 😢😢😢😢
Neighbors said they didn’t see ANY children
@@blondegypsy8525 ijjiiijijijjojii
@@blondegypsy8525 ok I
I agree...no one sees 2 boys.
@@blondegypsy8525 that’s disturbing..
The adopted parents said that the boys were in the backyard coloring with cement chalk. This was at night when the temperature is really cold, does that sound realistic? I hope they split up the parents and questioned them separately, that way they can't make up the same story accurately. The longer they let them stay together before integrating them, the less chance of them slipping and saying something incriminating. It doesn't look good for those two boys. I hope I'm wrong.
If you look at pictures when they were digging, no chalk marks!
4 is easier to feed than 6.
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Yet no chalk or drawings were seen...
After that i see on the back yard and they don't have concrete to use chalk there
Anyone neighbors have cameras outside their house... to see if they could see the kids leave the house?!
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my bro lives right next door there wasnt any kids leaving i guess
@ EveCali Love
The Authorities are reviewing neighbor’s surveillance cameras.
They already found it. The dad left and came back people ain’t saying if kids where with him
That's how Chris Watts was caught. The camera wasn't at the right angle but it showed stuff that was in conflict with the story he told which led them on the right trail to locate his kid's bodies quickly and then get a confession.
Bring what was done in the dark to light!!!!
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Yes!! whatever is done in the dark God will bring to light!!!
The 1 interview I watched with the parents says so much. Statement analysis says so much. They killed them. They had zero concern for the kids other than they would be rambunctious.
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They wanted the money for taking care of the kids. It's all for money. If I'm wrong, I will deeply apologize for my statement.
I agree with you!
@@ivyyoung521 they weren't getting money. they adopted them. you don't get money once you adopt the kid; you only get money for fostering.
@@nikki1932 the state still pays the same after an adoption. At least, in my state.
Why would you take them in if you didn’t want them, I’m sure someone else wanted them!!!!
People say they would have taken them after the fact but honestly there are too few people who actually step up and take in foster kids. I've fostered about 12 kids over the last 15 years. Sadly even family rarely steps up to help these kids. I pray that many people hearing this story open their hearts and homes to foster kids.
@@missannie8012 I agree it’s really sad. But don’t adopt if you’re not fond of kids.!
@@SoulKhepri Amen! You have to have a heart for children and lots of patience. I wish I could take in more kids. But my one keeps me very busy all by himself. When he is doing better and after his surgeries I will see if I can finally adopt more kids. But for now I have to do my best for him.
Benefit checks it would seem
The children were never there. That’s why they can’t find a way out of the yard. They may be in Bakersfield near the previous residence. if the police suspect foul play, it may be because the children have said something.
It’s pretty incredible that as nosey as neighbors are not one saw the kids. That’s very odd because every where I’ve lived people are looking out Windows to see who the new neighbors are. Check with all the old neighbor hood where the kids lived. Neighbors would know something . Kids at ages 2&3 just don’t wander off unless the parents were neglecting these kids in the first place. I have a five year old and my oldest daughter has a three year old and these two kids won’t wander off anywhere. They might want to look at these parents as suspects. You never leave anyone out as a suspect. I’m curious are these kids black , hispanic , white? It’s very strange no one noticed these kids. Kids are not that fast they tend to linger around the house .
Dogs picked up their scents inside the house
Is it possible they were never in this home sounds like they were not seen since moving here check where they lived before
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That's what I'm saying they move from Bakersfield, so they need to check their last place where they live , and did anyone see the two little ones people around need to speak up
@@panchaguzman3719 I agree
@James Sylne they are already involved.
There was another child, a little girl, who's mother moved from one city to another and 4 days in she woke up one morning and called the police reporting her daughter had gone missing overnight. They looked and looked for the little girl, and the neighbors said they hadnt ever seen a child with her at all there at that house. Smh. They found her body near the place she moved from and the people that helped her move said they didnt see s child at all the entire time they moved her stuff.... but they did move a childs bed and clothes. She didnt ever move with her mother. Her mother killed her.. this workd is a cold sad place to be.
God bless these two little boys. I pray they are found alive.
Why would those boys wander into the desert, away from Christmas tree lights,gifts,cartoons,dinner,etc.
They wouldn't. 😪🙏
Kids like to explore. I don't know how often my boys would wonder off. You have to watch kids like a hawk.
With an injured leg...😑
No something is not sounding wroght. Sounding with the other patents check other areas as well i have to. Check every were wroght he is doing. Good asewring the. Questions bless. Him. Down to earth amwserig the hard questions he been great and very help ful the oficer check the house this is so sad im hopeing there going to be found safe and sound put an amber alert out on the boys
Ask them. About. Abandon house going there woth a warent to check the home
Those boys were missing long before the parents " reported" it.
CPS took the other kids into custody! That's a game changer, it takes something significant to remove kids.
Did they even move with them check the former address they lived at
Right, I read previously that they went on vacation with the grandmother, and they decided to stay behind with the younger ones. How long have they been living in that house?
@@bonnieanderson2186 3 months. And no neighbors have seen the two smallest children
@@lynsirobertson3527 I don’t know why but I don’t have a good feeling about how this is going to end. Typically abductors won’t steal two kids, it’s too much work and too risky. The fact that they “took” both has me worried that they may not be alive anymore.
@@bonnieanderson2186 kidnapped was never a thought in my empathetic mind and soul. Those babies didnt move to that home with them, and if they did they havent been alive inside the home longer than maybe a few days. Those babies are gone. It's so sad. It's even worse they were actually ADOPTED or even Fostered (they can't decide what to call them - foster or adoptive family) - by those people and cleared through what should be a rigorous process to ensure the safety of the children. Its disgusting. I'm sure glad the other 4 are in p.c
Once again HHS and CPS show us how incompetent they are, who thought these people should be allowed to adopt these little angels. 🙏🏻🙏🏻😞
I totally agree
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I wondered why they were adopting four young children at such a young age themselves?The biological mum said she wants her kids,she has a job,car,family support,so I don’t get why she doesn’t have them.The mum is devastated but the adoptive parents don’t seem upset at all.Just my opinion from what I’ve seen of them.
Clearly they were fit at some point. They've had them for years
@@jordanspencer7992 she has all that now. Too little, too late. She should've had it from day 1. She didn't even know her kids had been adopted which means she didn't keep in touch with courts, meet requirements in time. Nothing
He couldn’t get far if his leg was recently fractured. Poor little guys 🙏🏻💙💙
His leg was fractured at 3 months when with bio mom, not AP.
They were driven somwer dead or alive unfortunatly
No he was not. His leg broke when he was just months old
Go check the last house the kids may have been gone already before the move
When did they move? Anyone know? Was this a recent move?
@@chanelle7484 The officer said sometime in September.
@@chanelle7484 3 months at new house. Also besides searching old apt, also search his mom's house and then her mom's house
The neighbors have NEVER seen the kids. 😢😥😓
That is really strange! Because, kids love to play outside!
I think that the adoptive dad told on himself/ unintentionally gave us a clue as to what happened to the boys when he said that the neighbors have never seen them before.
i think police should checkout their last address
@@ENIGMA-tangerino555 They have been there a couple of times.
When was the last doctor visit? That they were seen.
The fact that just 2 of the 6 kids were supposedly outside playing and other 4 inside while mom was wrapping presents is bs. That statement alone makes them look pretty guilty.
No mention of the other 4 children...no mention if the children were home.
@@kabbystevens5167 they where at there grandma housse
The 4 other kids were not at home at all. They were reportedly at grandma's.
@@nobodynobody2225 ..when did the kids go to grandmas?
That better go check the house that they just moved from!!
Don’t at least a few of the neighbors in this small development have ring door bell cams or security cameras??? This is all so sad!!! 😢
this city is in the middle of the desert. Very secluded area
I was thinking the same Natalie.
Hi Natalie this is a recording of the prior homeowner and she said the police have a recording from the neighborhood across the street. I pray they find them 🙏
Even if they did you wouldnt see anything because the parents did it
This is heartbreaking. Please lord, tell us where they are. I am going to pray for our babies right now. I ask anyone reading this to please, please send a quick prayer up or energy into the atmosphere for these precious boys.
I dont think the children even moved in the house. Make the parents tell. They were not in the yard
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I think it’s a bs story they told.First why would any of the children be playing out in the evening and it being so cold that you are collecting firewood.Second she said they were playing out coz she was wrapping presents,why only the youngest two had to play out and not the other four?Third the video I saw of them asking the public for help ,they’re whole demeanour is off,both of them.They show no emotion,they don’t look upset at all,unlike the biological mother.Their whole story stinks. I pray the boys are found safe and well but I’m sorry to say that going off the adoptive parents body language I suspect foul play. I truly hope I’m wrong and I will apologise if I am.
The other 4 are said to be with grandparents
I'm speaking of the two missing boys. They have not lived in the house but a few months, and I think the boys were missing way before the move. Thd Truth always comes out.
@@QUEENDEB483 I believe the other person was commenting in reply to the person above asking what about the other 4 children. The other 4 children were said to be with the grandparents, but we havent seen or heard anything else on it.
They did something to those little boys...
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Priscilla, my sad guess is that they were punishing the two boys for something and both died as a result. Adoptive dad then disposed of the bodies. I cannot see him deliberately killing both boys at the same time. I think they were placed somewhere where there was not enough air, or left outside for a long period of time. But, yes, I think dad did it.
@@marymckenna6482 I think mom did it and Dad is trying to cover. I also think he's gonna be the one to eventually break and tell.
@@kiie1642 Let's pray he breaks and tells soon. What a heartbreaker, Kii!
@@marymckenna6482 you're right. I pray so... Truly I do. This just breaks my heart. I can't bare the thought.
Been following this case. It is heart breaking. I want to lift up prayers to the police department. I really hope they find them soon!
If he had a fracture leg how he walk out of yard
He was taken away from his biological mom because of a fractured leg before he was a year old. Maybe they mean that it's a sort of identification. Although a healed fracture shouldn't be identifiable.
Just learned yesterday that the neighbors have seen the boys at the house but on video cameras only going in and out of the house to the car, not actually in person is why they said they had not seen them. That does change things.
The missing two?
I Wish we had cops like this in Australia, THATS What You Call A Tough Cop, His Dedicated ,God Bless him🙏🙏🙏
Did they check under the house in the walls the attic the fireplace in the freezer omg where are these babies at 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿😢😢😢😢
Another reporter was on scene today & said it sounded like demo work inside...
The adoptive family looks too calm. I bet it was calculated and the boys are deep in the desert.
Your invited Please join us on spnewsnuggets Wednesday @5 Central we will be talking about this case of the 2 missing California boys come support this channel crime against babies..
I posted they should look under the house also
Exactly, when they were reported the boys missing and there was a search in their house, I would love to know where all these gifts they were wrapping were. What they were and who they were too. They didn’t want a little boys to see them wrapping gifts which means they were wrapping gifts for them… Prove it
Sending prayers out to these babies, the reporter’s asked really good questions on this matter.
I feel like the dad probably beat one of the boys which led to him accidentally killing him, then they killed the other boy too because he witnessed everything.
I Agree with you.
Naw, they sold them.
I think the adoptive parents have harmed these boys. I wonder if any neighbors have cameras that may have some videos.
Neighbors said police didn't take the offer to look at cameras
@@EarthKeeper13 his movements are very suspicious. If they did not want those 2 precious boys someone would have taken them.
I love his composure a true professional
It's because he's an actual actor and musician lol
I smell foul play THEIR Neighbors have never seen the kids???? THAT'S not right I think that the parents are responsible for the two little ones disappearing???? GOD PLEASE be with them 2 babies and the law enforcement agencies all in the search for them 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Wow fractured leg, nah they did something to them poor boys. Sick shit.
Why they not talking to there kids at home ? Why not check nieghbro hoods cameras most people have them
If mom was wrapping gifts, did they find a bunch of gifts for them?
Great question!
And was there any signs they were actually drawing with concrete chalk in the backyard? Any other signs of kids, such as toys, clothes, especially clothes waiting to be washed. It might show they were worn recently.
I was actually thinking about that as well. It’s just so weird to have the 2 youngest children outside in the dark when it’s cold and not the other children ?? Just so she can wrap Christmas presents?? Definitely seems sketchy. Usually toddlers would probably wander a bit but not get very far, because they would start to get cold and tired and scared so they would come towards Lights not go further into the dark. And they would not to disappear in thin air. I hope and pray they are OK somewhere, but the longer they’re missing the worst I fear something bad.
Good question!!
Trezell West said “I realized that I left the back gate open and I panicked and came inside the house, searched the house”
These 2 need to start telling the truth.
Cincere & Classic deserve justice.💕
very good choice
Right...that stood out to me..I left gate open so he turns and runs back into house to search the house???? Why not walk thru open gate and search where the open gate leds to....hmmmm
Cincere and Classic?
Yes, Cincere & Classic are the boys birth names.
Trezell and Jacqueline West changed their 1st names on adoption day.
The boy’s bio-mom was documenting her story with CPS on Facebook before the boys were reported missing.
Several people have left comments on this channel questioning why CPS signed off on an adoption when bio-mom was given & following a CPS parenting plan to regain full custody.
Think everyone who saw them speak @ the press conference saw, felt, or heard something about them & their story was off.
No tears during the press conference from Trezell or Jacqueline West.
Lots of deep breaths, swaying, & awkward facial expressions from both. Hopefully 1 of them will start talking soon.
Have they been to a Dr? Did anyone ever outside of the home ever see these children? I'm wondering if they ever seen the outside world since adoption. If they were always kept inside, that is weird. Even my kids play outside and the neighbors know all my kids exist... without introduction; they are that obvious, even with Covid happening.
Your invited Please join us on spnewsnuggets Wednesday @5 Central we will be talking about this case of the 2 missing California boys come support this channel crime against babies....
And school registration?
@ UncleHank
Good question, They are not school aged for kindergarten. They have to be 5 years old or very close too five years old to start. However, they are eligible to go to Preschool before 5 years old or daycare. However, I don’t believe the Adoptive Mom worked outside their home to enroll them in part-time or full-time daycare.
Please don't give up looking for these little boys !!
My gut is telling me these poor boys have been trafficked 😢
I have a feeling you are right about that. So tragic.
I didn't even consider that....maybe their move into the house was more expensive than their previous residence?
The adoptive parent’s body language are extremely troubling. There’s no scent cause they were never present on that property. They concocted this story before they moved to this here new location. God brings darkness to light. I pray they are alive. So, innocent and beautiful little babies.
I believe you are right, those BOYS never lived on this property. They killed them, at the house they moved from. Because it was Christmas time ,they finally decided to report them missing.
He actually lived in an apartment 2 miles away from me before they moved to California city. I find it odd that they had six children in an apartment in the hood. How can they afford to support all these kids?
1109 Potomac ave, Bakersfield. Probably the last place the children were seen.
Is that their last address? Are u a previous neighbor?
Were the children ever in the house? I fear that something terrible happened to those boys. Those little angels.
Glad they Removed the other children.. The Neighbors have Surveillance cameras, I hope the Sheriff has Retrieved this footage.....🕊🕊PRAYERS THAT THESE 2 BEAUTIFUL BABY BOYS ARE FOUND SAFE👼👼🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
This sheriff is a really nice guy
You know the answer it's the foster parents they know most definitely
Wow , this police chief is very patient with all these questions. I sure hope the boys are found safe..
He did say we have some other things going on but won't taint the investigation... that speaks volumes
They need to look where the family used to live and question the kids... so sad!!!
How can the neighbors never see the children? So the kids, even the missing boys, never went outside or left with their parents in the car?
Yes that’s strange, especially since they recently moved there. Usually when you get new neighbours you introduce yourself or if not, you at least get a little nosey and curious who is moving in and keep a look out on them 👀
The neighbours would say didn't know kids lived there if they had never seen any. To say we never see the children would mean they knew kids were in there.
None of the neighbors have ever seen the kids????!!!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
That’s what I was thinking, so what makes them think the kids were even at that house at all and not at the other one they moved from.
@@beachkatz9639 I hate where my mind is going 😪
Your invited Please join us on spnewsnuggets Wednesday @5 Central we will be talking about this case of the 2 missing California boys come support this channel crime against babies...
@@SPNEWSNUGGETS Did they ever find out what happened to these poor babies! God show them where these babies are! And God have your way with these two people called parents, I believe they are sick and evil😡🤯😠
Mind blowing.... There's no way...
Prayers for those little boys 💗🙏
I'm a mother I could never imagine myself going and picking out and test driving a new car while my boys are missing that's disgusting..
Need to start tracking both of their phones.
I used to live in California City ..I'm pretty sure someone would have seen them babies walking them long ass streets...so sad and it's possible that they've been missing and maybe not from the house🤔
You don't know that the items the dogs sniffed belonged to those boys!!! It probably belonged to the other kids.
Nobody has seen them since they moved there!!
How old are the other kids? They should have some info.
God has these children. Now the police need to find out what happened and when.
I'm afraid you are right. poor kids.
They may not be suspects right now, but I guarantee they are Persons of Interest. They don't tell them that because they don't want them to shutdown
Sir! Children don’t just fracture their legs👿 It is NOT a normal part of childhood for a four year old to break their leg.
Very true! Small children are designed to fall without doing serious damage to themselves. It takes a lot of force to break soft infants’ bones. They bend. Very suspicious.
Why are they not interviewing the social worker that was handling the adoption why is there nothing on child services on this child services is part of the problem it seems to me they didn't look into these people before they started giving them children and all to sell and Jacqueline are doing is using the money for these Foster in adopted children they should have been investigated way prior before this even happened and Jacklin's mother is also a Foster parent let's get down to the nitty gritty start getting CPS on here Chief walker
If they were sealed up in bags or plastic bins and removed from the home, would the dogs be able to smell the trail?
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell. They can smell drugs or people from withing even the tightest of bins or bags. Unless the adoptive parents spent the time to mask up the smell of the boys with bleach and other products, the dogs should have been able to pick up the scent of the kids. Even then there would be a least somewhat of a scent. The dogs are given a toy or a piece of clothing from the children so they would be able to know and recognize that smell. If the dogs didn't smell the kids at all then there is a huge chance that the kids weren't there in the first place.
~10:30 Did anyone else hear that?
Reporter: In Bakersfield there have been MANY cases of "missing children" lately.
Adoptive parents are from Bakersfield. And, it may turn out their kids went missing much earlier; while in Bakersfield.
Reporter: But other parents with missing children in Bakersfield didn't have other kids removed from the home. Why were the West children removed?
[Other parents perhaps reported children missing "immediately"? Or, "not at all" unless a sanctuary city. Thus, not as problamatic.]
Good points by reporter.
Lumanol testing was negative. Scent Dogs didn't get any hits outside.
Have other West kids told LE siblings have been missing much longer? Unknown.
Reporter: Is LE searching in Bakersfield?
LE: Not going to answer that.
Anyone else still stuck on ... "There have been MANY missing children lately" (in Bakersfield no less)?!?!
Did anyone know about this? Or, was that brand new information just given to a reporter by LE?
Has anyone done a geographical profile? Where were ALL of the missing children last seen? (*Last known location.) Including but not limited to West children - when they admit honestly. *And, or where any of the missing childrens' bodies or remains located; if that was outcome.
Have any of the many missing children of Bakersfield been located?
Praying for the kids🙏🙏 the foster parents know what happened, they dont seem sad or concerned,
Has anyone confirmed the guy trevil says he asked where his kids were. He didn't even ask the neighbor behind him with the pool and never ask the people across the street. He said they could be that far or get away that fast. So why did he take off and ask some guy around the opposite way of where he says the kids got out??
What a shame--- an amber alert should be used for any known missing child! Phone alerts could help. I hope these little guys are ok! I hope they got into something like kids do! Wonder if they checked all trunks, coolers etc?! Pray they arent found in any other state except dehydrated
They can’t - no vehicle. Listen to what the Chief said as he explained that very well
@@blondegypsy8525 I heard what he said but an amber alert for any missing child is crucial having a vehicles info should be a plus. They should change that. Every single person should get an alert instantly.
@@lopezfamilywithboxers2622 there has to be information to put on that alert.
@@Supersquishyawesomeness a picture for starters should be something. Any child deserves that much. Cars can be switched out 100 times but a face, age and height cant. Their faces are all over now due to social media.
@@lopezfamilywithboxers2622 that’s not enough information, I understand the frustration but that’s the reality.
Also wanted to say this gentleman is so professional and compassionate really good interview and he gave good info!
What he's saying in law enforcment-ese is... In the search for the kids we (LE) "haven't left the house." In plain English: we believe the answer to where the kids are is in the house
Praying these children are found safe. 🙏
Kids have never been seen sounds like those parents who adopt kids for the money they get these kids where never at this property
Ur right alot of foster parents do it all for the money I've seen it n called ppl out on it
It’s possible the kids went missing before it was reported, and the foster parents had time to dispose of them! check the trash dump & the nearby neighborhood homes not only asking the neighbors but look inside, some of these people may have a dungeon like room in the basement! God bless those kids, I hope they’re safe!🙏🏻
This policeman looks like he knows what he's doing! C'mon , let's put an extra eye on really when these kids were last seen !!!!!
"For the most part" the parents have been cooperating
Your invited Please join us on spnewsnuggets Wednesday @5 Central we will be talking about this case of the 2 missing California boys come support this channel crime against babies...
@@SPNEWSNUGGETS yes we all need to talk about THE two missing boys