All the bags come with the same amount of straps. So handy for spares ...............or ............if you have more than one bike you have options. Just bought the 25 ltr today from hydepark street glasgow shop as a simple cheap extra weatherproof addition to my factory panniers for a bike run next weekend. Great addition for £22
very interesting can i ask the material is the same of the motorbike pannier bags or more similar toy your line of outdoor rucksacks? do you sell also spare buckle loops in case i loose break one? if so how much do they cost? cheers
Hi there. The materials used in all of the products you have mentioned is from the same range of durable PVC tarpaulins. I'm afraid we don't currently sell the buckle loops separately.
All the bags come with the same amount of straps. So handy for spares ...............or ............if you have more than one bike you have options.
Just bought the 25 ltr today from hydepark street glasgow shop as a simple cheap extra weatherproof addition to my factory panniers for a bike run next weekend.
Great addition for £22
very interesting can i ask the material is the same of the motorbike pannier bags or more similar toy your line of outdoor rucksacks? do you sell also spare buckle loops in case i loose break one? if so how much do they cost? cheers
Hi there. The materials used in all of the products you have mentioned is from the same range of durable PVC tarpaulins. I'm afraid we don't currently sell the buckle loops separately.