Mistbenders: New Beginnings | Mistbenders Skin Series Cinematic Trailer | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @-Sweet0_0-
    @-Sweet0_0- Рік тому +468

    The animation is so pretty. They are going insane with the cinematic... Good job!!

  • @i.washere
    @i.washere Рік тому +649

    THIS is the best MLBB cinematic trailer they have ever made... yet!
    Thank you to everyone behind this animation, this is genuinely impressive for a cinematic trailer.
    Still hoping for a MLBB movie with this kind of animation quality and style, please let it happen 😭

    • @machudwale
      @machudwale Рік тому

      Sure sure like the dev totally didn't hire some other Chinese animation creating company to make this utter 🗑️ of a trailer like always

    • @Blekokiku
      @Blekokiku Рік тому +2

      I AGREE!! the series we got was such a huge let down,I really hope they will make another animated series with this style.

    • @fun-davi6901
      @fun-davi6901 Рік тому +3

      Do you know ARCANE?😂

    • @i.washere
      @i.washere Рік тому

      @@fun-davi6901 yea (I'm extremely obsessed with Arcane)

    • @lufasumafali2366
      @lufasumafali2366 Рік тому

      ​@@fun-davi6901mlbb not talking about a dead game

  • @waannwaann5048
    @waannwaann5048 Рік тому +193


  • @vivvvksks
    @vivvvksks Рік тому +109

    Moonton improved so much and this cinematic is probably one of the best that they did so far. Great job!!

  • @Adiba_Tahsin
    @Adiba_Tahsin Рік тому +62

    This has to be by far the best animated cinematic ever made. The animation is really gorgeous and eye-catching. Both Nana and Aldous' Mistbenders skin is incredible. The skin lore is amazing as well. A huge raise should be given to the animators for the 3d/2d style of the animation.

  • @Lunch0990
    @Lunch0990 Рік тому +193

    This cinematic deserves 100 millions views but majority of ml players are not fan of animations,music and lores in mlbb

    • @kyaniteagate4735
      @kyaniteagate4735 Рік тому +10

      I feel like they could use better stories and story telling techniques. Some of the lores doesn't make sense or their isn't much materials. Even with this, we don't really get the background of the skin that much and the character's words sounds like ai generated. Seems like a forced ad for a expensive skin

    • @Lunch0990
      @Lunch0990 Рік тому +10

      @@kyaniteagate4735 no its just because majority of ml players aren't interested in lore they are more interested in gameplay and how they get free skin

    • @anyataylor5434
      @anyataylor5434 Рік тому +7

      I'm that type of person that enjoy listening some of their music, story, animation as League of Legends did, just imagine a series or movies about any of the characters

    • @Wheeler_Kai
      @Wheeler_Kai Рік тому

      ​@@kyaniteagate4735finally someone gets it

    • @firdausmuntazar3699
      @firdausmuntazar3699 Рік тому +1

      cinematic is awesome, but storywise? nope, still bad. it'd be better if the meeting with kirin is the source of nana's evolution. nana in that crowd is just too weird, like a godly species among the townsfolk and nobody cares. lol

  • @Neptuneshs
    @Neptuneshs Рік тому +1680

    Daddy Aldous 🤭

    • @nothingforgiveness
      @nothingforgiveness Рік тому +119

      Naur you're so real for that, let me get that one shot two backshot aldous😏

    • @edwardavergonzado8349
      @edwardavergonzado8349 Рік тому +59

      I had the exact same thought 🤭

    • @lunoxmain4737
      @lunoxmain4737 Рік тому +53

      Daddy 😍

    • @ayaaa--
      @ayaaa-- Рік тому +46

      LMAO 😭🔥

    • @P0LYG0NN3
      @P0LYG0NN3 Рік тому +36

      Aldous is going to be a potential babygirl confirmed

  • @Puput_MLBB
    @Puput_MLBB Рік тому +500

    Aldous is like a father ❤

    • @bimbodomiquel6214
      @bimbodomiquel6214 Рік тому +1

      and valintina collector skin

    • @moz165
      @moz165 Рік тому +9

      Nana is older than any human adult look for the lore of Nana

    • @m.haz1656
      @m.haz1656 Рік тому +1

      ​@@moz165really? How old is she? I thought it was 15

    • @shaansaikia8781
      @shaansaikia8781 Рік тому

      @@m.haz1656 she is about 30 I think

    • @natalia5609
      @natalia5609 9 місяців тому +5

      He is really a DADDY Material 😏😏

  • @norakodomsous5875
    @norakodomsous5875 Рік тому +80

    we need a full animated season of this 😫

  • @IsoyaYasuji
    @IsoyaYasuji Рік тому +117

    Damn, this might be one of the best ones yet, the world building and fantasy in this are stunning, and we already know that the skins are also pretty poggers, ofc as usual, very stellar animation. This is a W series for sure

    • @Kurome12345
      @Kurome12345 Рік тому +2

      Poggers? I havent heard of that word in years lol

    • @flohoshino4974
      @flohoshino4974 9 місяців тому

      Funny how Nana was a counter for Aldous before, now he is his "dad" 😂😂😂

  • @tqa-stayclassic5211
    @tqa-stayclassic5211 Рік тому +73

    OMG they are adorable. I never see aldous as daddy figure but well nana just adorable.
    when will moonton make full movie or series coz their hero background story and animation are waaaaayyyyyy better than disney.

    • @waannwaann5048
      @waannwaann5048 Рік тому +6

      Maybe in the future. Let's pray for that they made a series tho. Lego series inspired. But I want an animation like this trailer.

    • @vivvvksks
      @vivvvksks Рік тому +6

      True, Disney has been disappointing nowadays. With their latest 100th anniversary film "Wish", it looks like an ai-generated story ngl. Moonton already did a series called "Legends of Dawn" that focuses on Claude and the whole Moniyan but the animation on that one is a little bit disappointing, maybe someday they will make a series or movie with better animation and storyline.

  • @markandrecarreon8588
    @markandrecarreon8588 Рік тому +19

    The animation keeps getting better and better! Moreeeee please! This is insane 100%

  • @one_last_braincell
    @one_last_braincell Рік тому +23

    1:13 long before time had a name

  • @Lunoxbunnny
    @Lunoxbunnny Рік тому +89

    I don’t know if it’s just me, but does this give me ‘Raya and the Last Dragon’ vibes? I love that they are inspired by Southeast Asian culture and the animation is actually very good tho ❤

    • @waannwaann5048
      @waannwaann5048 Рік тому +10

      Yes the best and kudos to the creator what a mind. Haha I want more members of this skin line specially wanwan and floryn hahahahha

    • @Lunoxbunnny
      @Lunoxbunnny Рік тому +11

      @@waannwaann5048 I want Lunox and kadita part of this series.

    • @SetiKt
      @SetiKt Рік тому +10

      Qilin itself is pretty much a local legend from china. The concept was later adopted by japan and the name changed into Kirin.

    • @Lunoxbunnny
      @Lunoxbunnny Рік тому +2

      @@SetiKt no

    • @SetiKt
      @SetiKt Рік тому +6

      @@Lunoxbunnny I'm talking about the kirin on mistbender skin. Not your random disney mid tier movie.

  • @kitsui007
    @kitsui007 Рік тому +46

    The animation is literally Arcane level stuff. Very impressive 👏🏻💯

    • @-glitchhand-1897
      @-glitchhand-1897 Рік тому +2

      LITERALLY arcane?kinda cap I compare both series and trailer side by side in their fullest resolution unfortunately not even close ngl, though moonton's animation is improving but their voice actor's kinda off ngl

    • @butterflyboy1002
      @butterflyboy1002 Рік тому

      Arcane isn't this, come on, let's not be delulu

    • @Myticalcattnip
      @Myticalcattnip Рік тому

      ​@@-glitchhand-1897yeah they made it va to match with nana va so no new va for Unique skin

    • @pizzawiththecheesiestchees5464
      @pizzawiththecheesiestchees5464 Рік тому +2

      ​@@-glitchhand-1897We must be thoughtful as well since arcane took yesrs to make while this cinematic only took less than 6 months combined with other mini cinematics they did.

    • @diamondyandgoldy
      @diamondyandgoldy 8 місяців тому

      Judging by the textures and effects, honestly it is indeed "inspired" by arcane, the handdrawn style (you'll notice with the plank/wood texture and nana's face) of the textures and the animated 12 fps effects (some of them) are similar styles.not to mention the 2d skybox used. It's not a bad thing, I just hope they don't go full on arcane style.

  • @hdihiiehei
    @hdihiiehei Рік тому +27

    wow at last moneyton decided to make an actual good animation just like league and wildrift. very nice

    • @VermontConnection
      @VermontConnection Рік тому +3

      Their Aamon and Valentina animations were also good

    • @xenxtrme694
      @xenxtrme694 Рік тому +1

      Melissa, novaria and joy

    • @freykiva3887
      @freykiva3887 Рік тому

      Neobeast cinematic trailer is great as well.

  • @googlyer
    @googlyer Рік тому +19

    wowowowowowo! Animation is just in another level, definitely top tier 💯

  • @ikyyEDitz.
    @ikyyEDitz. Рік тому +15

    Mlbb animation is getting better right now!! Good job moonton nana so cute Btw😂❤❤

  • @chatounnette0709
    @chatounnette0709 Рік тому +10

    The animation is so incredible that you can make a series with it, or even a movie ! 🤩

  • @gloorbish1145
    @gloorbish1145 Рік тому +15

    2:30 Aldous farming stacks

  • @one_last_braincell
    @one_last_braincell Рік тому +20

    The animation looks sopper guuudddd it's so vibrant it might even be better than the masterpiece that is the neobeast trailer

  • @xuk6042
    @xuk6042 Рік тому +12

    Best thing about this skin... Nanas voice lines 😂😂😂

  • @LucasSantos-ck5dz
    @LucasSantos-ck5dz Рік тому +9

    This was WILD and soooo pretty,hope we get a phade 2 for this series and get Nana and Aldous interacting with other heroes in this universe, the overall aesthetic is so beautiful and concept of magical beasts and mist is very cool and interesting,BEST Nana and Aldous skin no doubt 💚💙

  • @waannwaann5048
    @waannwaann5048 Рік тому +19


  • @Dom1n1cMlbb
    @Dom1n1cMlbb Рік тому +4

    The beginning reminded me of the necrokeep cinematic

  • @navaguard
    @navaguard Рік тому +6

    I like when MLBB doing a cinematic

  • @Taongaf-ep1rt
    @Taongaf-ep1rt Рік тому +1

    It makes me really happy every time we get an animated trailer like this for ML. A dream come true for a long time fan. I started playing ML I can't recall when but it was season 2 back then. I really love this game. Yeah, I know, a lot of issues every time but we can't deny the improvement we got along the way too.

  • @Twelve_Thirteen1213
    @Twelve_Thirteen1213 Рік тому +13


  • @rochimoonchi
    @rochimoonchi Рік тому +7

    My god! The animation is 🔥!! Awwwww nana the cutest!!!!

    • @modernstrike4471
      @modernstrike4471 Рік тому

      The best part is adorable nana is protected by aldous.....

  • @liltueic3773
    @liltueic3773 Рік тому +11

    nana has grown up now but she is still cute as before

  • @gerdanvirrey6658
    @gerdanvirrey6658 Рік тому +12

    incredible animation, this looks it was made either one of the studios who made the valorant cinematic episodes

  • @thesupremeROB
    @thesupremeROB Рік тому +12

    Cutie pie Nana... Best skin ever❤

  • @Frostbite_MLBB
    @Frostbite_MLBB Рік тому +12

    OMG another skin with a great animation trailer 😮❤

  • @beatrixmikasa5621
    @beatrixmikasa5621 Рік тому +19

    Perfect Animation , smoothly 💯 / 💯 🥰 thank you 🌒 Moonton

  • @yo4104
    @yo4104 Рік тому +3

    The best cinematic yet
    The animation improved alot
    I was planning on making fun of this but i was unguarded and didnt knew it was good

  • @kanny_kazuki
    @kanny_kazuki Рік тому +5

    i'm still waiting for Cici animation so that i can meet Aamon but this one is so worth it! nice job!!

  • @Love_Horizon
    @Love_Horizon Рік тому +11

    Don’t cry Nana 😢😢

  • @cris-jayc.embalzado4065
    @cris-jayc.embalzado4065 Рік тому +18

    Beautiful skin

  • @wubbalubbadubdub7882
    @wubbalubbadubdub7882 Рік тому +6

    arcane vibes animation, do they working with fortiche?

  • @GusSweetTooth
    @GusSweetTooth Рік тому +4

    Kirin is so Cuteeeeeee!❤❤❤💝💝💝 this cinematic trailers keeps giving me goosebumps❤ (sorry if my english is bad)

  • @marky_shinzz
    @marky_shinzz 6 місяців тому +1

    this is the cinematic style we wanted!!

  • @ElGato_Mapping
    @ElGato_Mapping 7 місяців тому +2

    4:10 Nice! Nana can't have a family now

  • @Puput_MLBB
    @Puput_MLBB Рік тому +8

    Don't be sad nana 😭

  • @mohdzhohiruol1367
    @mohdzhohiruol1367 Рік тому +3

    Hope the Demon Hunt Squad featuring Aldous,Balmond,Julian and Zhask will be cinematic as this

  • @Speerrow_
    @Speerrow_ Рік тому +15

    Finally i saw Aldous face😂😂

    • @spy13868
      @spy13868 7 місяців тому


  • @HatoriYamato08
    @HatoriYamato08 Рік тому +1

    This one is better.you keep improving and having originality this is good keep up the pace.

  • @peri.queenelle
    @peri.queenelle Рік тому +1

    From 'target lock' to 'protect' Nana 😍😍 Wonderful.. ❤

    • @modernstrike4471
      @modernstrike4471 Рік тому

      That's the amazing part... Also best bodyguard for adorable nana in my opinion... Selena n her team will never mess with nana😂😂

  • @Kauv0844
    @Kauv0844 Рік тому +8

    Let's wait for my estimates. My aldous at last

  • @gameinglegend6176
    @gameinglegend6176 Рік тому +1

    Super se upar , hard work but result is ❤❤ ossom it's totally amazing to watch. 😊 Great jobe mlbb and team. Happy jurni and tnq for entering us.

  • @sandym162
    @sandym162 Рік тому +5

    Yayyy I'm long waited for Nana skin. So so beautiful❤ Thank you Moontoon for making her so beautiful❤

  • @itzmufasa1791
    @itzmufasa1791 Рік тому +2

    This is really amazing, keep up the awesome work

  • @ronaldpatrick8050
    @ronaldpatrick8050 Рік тому +1

    the animations are immaculate, the storyline are simple yet compact. the best cinematic ever❤ you've come a long way Moonton✨

  • @reniellejustinmantal138
    @reniellejustinmantal138 Рік тому +2

    Its like a movie, the animation was so perfect i love this

  • @GandRaya
    @GandRaya 10 місяців тому

    this deserve more views.. the animation quality is insane!

  • @darkdespair0
    @darkdespair0 Рік тому +2

    Happy to see ml improving its cinematics ,but too bad the player base don't really appreciate it like in lol ... , We need to change that

    @DSBZERO Рік тому +4

    I see 2 hero cameo
    0:24 dancer as Esmeralda
    0:54 as Atlas

  • @bryanbelarmino5558
    @bryanbelarmino5558 Рік тому

    Eyy ganda. Umasa pa si Nana na magkakapamilya siya asa😂

  • @saipudinbantog2855
    @saipudinbantog2855 Рік тому +1

    Nice animation! The best so far 💛

  • @whyrpplmadImjstellingthefacts
    @whyrpplmadImjstellingthefacts Рік тому +6


  • @robertthoriq1767
    @robertthoriq1767 Рік тому +4

    Make a movie man, this animation is good

  • @YasserYasser-i7v
    @YasserYasser-i7v Рік тому

    Truly, Montone, you have truly outdone yourselves. The best cinematic presentation your eyes have ever seen. Imagination, suspense, and excitement all in six minutes. I do not understand why you would sell the game and deprive us of this wonderfulness. If a game is not bought by anyone, the game will be deleted. Therefore, I hope you will consider reselling it.

  • @Anxiety015
    @Anxiety015 Рік тому +3

    Popol and kupa collector skin is maybe related to this series haha KIDDING 😅. Anyway I hope
    Diggie/ floryn -for support
    Louyi/ kadita / valir -another mage in the series
    Irithel/ Hanabi/ wanwan -as the feeder
    Aamon/ valentina -as their friend'enemy
    can have this mistbenders series skin soon hahaha

    • @VermontConnection
      @VermontConnection Рік тому +1

      Same thought! Nana's design here is like a fusion of Popol and Kupa collector skin 😅

  • @midoriaoi1788
    @midoriaoi1788 Рік тому +3

    I noticed that they adding 2D effects in their animations now 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Roomy_Ch
    @Roomy_Ch Рік тому +3


  • @MoshiMoshiMoOOOshi
    @MoshiMoshiMoOOOshi Рік тому +2

    Finally Nana Own movie Come out🗣️that I trust and wait for🥺😘

  • @MZ_980
    @MZ_980 8 місяців тому +1

    So, no one is talking about how sweet Nana was ❤.

  • @nutplayz5751
    @nutplayz5751 Рік тому +1

    Animation was pretty cool and the story and of course the skin❤

  • @silver_fang_022
    @silver_fang_022 Рік тому +1

    @MobileLegendsOL when will you release mobile legends bang bang on the PC to steam/epic or even your own personal launcher. I know I'm not the only person who would love to play it on PC without having to jump through all these hoops just to play it on PC.I have sent this same message to many of your social accounts

  • @Payamfacts
    @Payamfacts Рік тому +2

    Those who are playing mlbb since 2017 know what a huge progress this is🎉

  • @Narukami_Eii
    @Narukami_Eii Рік тому +3

    Wow that’s Great story & animetion

  • @reteach8272
    @reteach8272 Рік тому +2

    Ok ngl this's very cool 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 moonton really upping their animation

  • @undetectedme7019
    @undetectedme7019 Рік тому +2

    Great animation, graphic, sound effect such a masterpiece❤

  • @jetherarroz1118
    @jetherarroz1118 Рік тому +3

    Hmmm interesting looking at the cinematic I can see esmeralda as a part but that's kinda impossible because of blazing bounties but I'm pretty sure aamon is a part of the villain group rockets as weapons kinda neat.

    • @GrindyVine
      @GrindyVine Рік тому

      Because of blazing bounties? Bro! Most heroes had like 2 or 3 depends on the skin so it is possible

  • @JeffGaming7
    @JeffGaming7 Рік тому +3

    I wish Moonton would make a series based on every cinematic scenes they make for new skins, revamps and etc. Their productions are absolutely fantastic and gorgeous. Love MLBB ❤❤❤❤

  • @waannwaann5048
    @waannwaann5048 Рік тому +9


  • @beedupbee8139
    @beedupbee8139 Рік тому

    These cinematic trailera are getting better and better

  • @polkadots8443
    @polkadots8443 Рік тому +2

    The animation lowkey reminds me of nimona...superb 👌✨

  • @me.7700
    @me.7700 Рік тому

    ❤animation is getting better

  • @apriliyadhea463
    @apriliyadhea463 Рік тому

    This is the best MLBB cinematic trailer they have ever made.. Thank you to everyone behind this animation🥰
    Still hoping for a MLLB movie with this kind of animation quality and style please let it heppen

  • @NeilsGG
    @NeilsGG Рік тому +5

    0:27 Mistbenders esme?

  • @JulesSimonDVilla-eu1ht
    @JulesSimonDVilla-eu1ht Рік тому +2

    This is so beautiful the color the character its so really cool

  • @mrlibran13
    @mrlibran13 Рік тому +4

    Fredrin - Tiger
    Lylia - Rabbit
    Aldous -Dragon
    Nana - Horse
    Whose Next? Is this a Chinese Zodiac Series?

  • @karentozaki
    @karentozaki 10 місяців тому +3

    3:23 werkkkk 😛

  • @lenarddecastro3784
    @lenarddecastro3784 Рік тому +4

    NANA 😍😍😍
    I will definitely buy this cute skin 😍

    • @Wahidanurul527
      @Wahidanurul527 Рік тому

      i’m nana user too …. cant wait for her ❤❤❤

  • @fionaintan9220
    @fionaintan9220 Рік тому +1

    Damn the animation it become so amazinggg ❤❤❤❤

  • @salv1722
    @salv1722 Рік тому +1

    3:41 ouch 😂

  • @nightlessgamer
    @nightlessgamer Рік тому +1

    A 10/10, really love the animation🔥

  • @aliens_are_real_said_by_me
    @aliens_are_real_said_by_me 8 місяців тому

    Everyone should read the comics for this, it's so wholesome..😭❤️

  • @WallenG3355
    @WallenG3355 Рік тому +5

    I think popo and Kupa they are in this family as well

  • @克里拉力
    @克里拉力 11 місяців тому +1

    很不錯 也期待明年的信念之戰造型!無盡對決加油

  • @orenzbross5717
    @orenzbross5717 Рік тому +5

    Cool Cinematic

  • @cresselia1
    @cresselia1 Рік тому +2

    Spirit beasts? Neobeasts??? Its all related I think. Next fighter and mage? Hmmm terizla and change?

  • @lambstand7289
    @lambstand7289 3 місяці тому

    I really like how Nana just said You can't see me 😊😊😊❤❤❤

  • @linen_trainer
    @linen_trainer Рік тому

    One of best Mlbb Animation trailer❤ you should make a whole movie about MLBB lore and take my money to cinema tickets😁😁😁
    Nana looks so adorable and lovely story, also i cant believe Aldous is such a sweet Brother to her while his punch are really destructive😁
    Aldous Mistbender the another handsome to fangirl material~

  • @kennnshiii.
    @kennnshiii. Рік тому +3

    nana is so cutee with this cute

  • @bronsonbronson8947
    @bronsonbronson8947 Рік тому

    Just amazing how montoon has grow not just the grafic of the game or in match game environment ❤ the beautiful animatic cinematic trailer and the skin effects it all is just wow🎉

  • @Hiimastro
    @Hiimastro 11 місяців тому

    This is the best animation so far

    @NDPYNM 10 місяців тому

    Kadita, when will an animation like this be made?

  • @gauravrai5260
    @gauravrai5260 Рік тому +1

    Is it only me or the villan that chased and fought Nana looked like Amon.

  • @nomore714
    @nomore714 Рік тому +1

    It's almost the same animation style as Arcane. I love it