I agree with Jack. Not one of them has made sure that Lily realise properly what this kid will do to all their lives, they just keep repeating "her body, her choice" like a pair of parrots. She should know exactly what it means and what could happen and if that scare her then that's because reality of being a CHILD WITH A CHILD is scary. How many times do you hear about adult mothers complaining " no one ever told me this before I had a kid" ?? I hear it weekly and it's because people refuse to be frank and prefer to paint this rosey picture or else they be called "manipulative".
Everything is scary when you are pregnant at 12 years old no matter what she chooses to do, keeping the baby and going thru pregnancy and labor, going thru with an abortion or giving the baby up for adoption can all come with it's own trauma. Lily does not need a grown man making her more afraid then she already is.
@@lauragavin9923 No that's right. The welfare state will pay right? All the mug tax payers can support all these teenage mothers who are too stupid to use the free contraception available but apparently make great mothers! Broken Britain indeed.
I understand that Lily wants to keep her baby, but how is she going to manage parenthood for the rest of her childhood life? As for Jack, he is not helping anyone by shouting the odds like this. He is sure giving Max a run for his money.
Naa what he said to Lilly was completely fair, I knew they’d try to flip it on jack like that as soon as I saw where the convo was going with Lilly, but think about it does jack not have the right to question the potential future mother of his grandchild about if she’s actually ready and going to look after this baby properly lol?
Jack was out of order, he had no right to react that way. He's pushing everyone away with his behaviour.he needs professional help for his anger issues.
Oh it has nothing to do with Denise but it does to Martin. I mean even Stacey said my dad not our daughter. He is so pathetic he will do anything to get back with Stacey. He needs to back of I mean how dare he threaten jack when he is stating facts.Yes they can't get force her to get rid but they can explain the importance of the situation,which they have not done. Stacey is a terrible mother.
Most parents: You got a girl pregnant. You'd better step up son. Jack Branning: You got a girl pregnant. How dare you want to step up for her. Father of the decade once again. No wonder poor Ricky moved out.
So children have children is acceptable in a ever crumbling society and break down of the family structure yes? A parent who cared for thier child like jack would deter a young child from having his young sons baby .Any parent with half a brain would have this conversation Jack had with Lilly Show less
jack is just frustrated because the whole predicament is ridiculous! Ricky has nothing to offer a baby, so what can he "step up" with? He is about the same age as Lily. Everything Ricky has is given to him by his parents, just like Lily.
Jack would flatten Martin if he really wanted to. And, though he's going about it the wrong way, he makes a lot of valid points. Having a baby is a huge responsibility for anyone, never mind two 12 year olds. This storyline has gotten weird.
Definitely think abortion is the way to go to shine more light on how abortion can be good/ok in some scenario’s, all this pro life nonsense is ridiculous, 12 year olds can not successfully raise children and also lead good healthy financially stable lives lmao.
Ive yet to see any of them sit down with the kids and talk about the financial, emotional, and even physical changes (for lily) that will come from giving birth! Will they give up school to look after the baby? How will they support it financially? Nobody has talked to them about the harsh realities of being a parent at such a young age. Just totally bizzaire.
What's more annoying is how the writers are painting Jack as the evil here and how everyone is ganging up on him all because he's being realistic and rational over this situation while Stacey shrieks and bullies him and now she's banning the Brannings from having anything to do with the baby when it's born!!! I hate when the writing becomes blatantly manipulative just to force the viewers into siding with the Slaters. I'm not buying it.
I am hating this storyline. Its weird and creepy. Its basically presenting a 12 year old being pregnant as normal. No reality either, the Slaters don't even have secure housing and can't afford their rent. It is very irresponsible by the BBC.
@@hopefulfortomorrow1039 I think it’s what happens with a lot of soaps it’s trying to deliver a fair discussion on a topic but the writing maybe isn’t good enough to do it justice so Stacey is trying to advocate her body,her choice but is coming across as a bit short sighted on how it could play out
Lily’s far too young to have this baby but it’s also HER CHOICE, and I understand Stacey and Martin’s reasoning for not wanting to force her into anything
Jack was doing what lilly's parents should have done. There is not a good normal person/parent/child in that village. Jack told her the truth.... Now i see why lilly is a brat. Ricky is a loser on so many levels. I think its great that they will not be included in anything to do with the child.
Lol martin piping up to Jack as someone pointed out he let that empty threat slide as jack knew he was over the top but would have no issue laying Martin out if it got messy. And Stacey banging on about she won't let the brannings have anything to do with the baby but I thought she's letting Lilly make the choices?
I’m with jack. It’s funny how they become kids when your trying to have an adult conversation with them but not when they make an adult decision like having a baby lmao. Slaters are ridiculous.
I agree. The Slaters are so used to wallowing in lower expectations for their lives, they can't help but pass that mindset on to the younger generations. I wish the entire clan would pack up and leave Albert Square. And take Alfie with them! There is no way I'd allow my 12-year-old daughter to give birth to a child. She'd be at the abortion clinic before her feet could hit the ground. And I thought schools in the UK were more liberal than those in the US. Didn't they learn anything about sex ed and how not to get pregnant in school?
Martin trying to act hard to Jack is like when Zack was trying to act hard to Phil Mitchell lol. Jack knew he'd overstepped so i think he let that threat slide
@@tomalex4806 Martin's an idiot selling fruit and veg while Jack has taken down drug dealers and beat Sean in a fight and floored Phil something Martin couldn't do
All these comments are brilliant, it’s a tv show it’s supposed to be ridiculous and dramatic you can’t just keep having affairs and faking deaths every week 🙄
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760It does but if you don't get it as you are unable to do basic arithmetic, then you don't get it. Not interested in explaining.
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760 it does….Lilly is about 12 right? When her son/daughter is 10 she will be 22/23 then if her child had a baby at a young age like she did then she would be a grandmother in her mid to late 20s
@@billmcdermott9647 I know math..But you said she is trying to be a grandmother in her 20s when that doesn’t make sense? It was clearly a mistake and she didn’t intend to get pregnant on purpose obviously
Yes! Jack has to be the worst parent on the square. He demonstrates daily that he has no ability to deal with the waywardness of teenagers. He is in full cop mode, thinking by yelling and trying to give orders that he can "fix" everything. He hasn't realized that he's making every aspect of his life worse. If I were Denise, I'd leave him. Yes, a girl having a baby at 12 is a nightmare, but it's happening. Jack needs to have a reality check and deal with the situation as it is, not as he wants it to be.
I still stand that the same right of choice falls to Ricky as well as Lily. It’s her choice to keep it or not, but it’s also Ricky’s to be involved or not. Ready or not, if one isn’t ready, then let them walk away. If one is, then don’t take the choice away. Jack, Martin and Stacey both make very valid points on both sides. One one hand is a parent that is respectful of their child’s choice, and will sit back and let whatever happens next be what happens next. On the other, is a parent with valid, understandable fears. For both kids. Neither are wrong.
The thing is though, Stacey and martin are broke and have no education…. Who wants their grandchild to be raised like that??? Realistically they need jacks help big time or that kids gonna be a scrub Lool. Jack is potentially the most stable person in this baby’s life atm 😂
I have a similar stance Lily and Ricky both made that baby, but why is Lily the only one who gets a choice. Her body Her choice- but where is Ricky's choice? Lily decides to keep or get rid of that fetus, if she keeps it then all eyes will be on Ricky to step up because he is the one who got her pregnant and is the one who gets a tarnished view if he doesn't. I honestly think Sam would be better off taking Ricky Jr to Germany with the older Ricky
@@BlastFromThePastTheGoodOldDays you nailed it on the head there. I always say the man should have just as much of a choice as the woman’s. If it was the other way around, people would lean to her because it’s her body, and if she wants to get rid of it it’s acceptable.
Well, I’m sorry Jack is actually being realistic and rational, while you two are stuck in Cloud Cuckoo Land, while your stubborn, bratty daughter tries to make life harder for you and won’t even consider how tough things for the two of you.
Bad parents. Can't stand The Slaters these days. All they do is shout at others whenever something bad happens. And unfortunately it\s been going on for many years now. Also, if this was my 12-year old being pregnant, I would be firm with her like Jack was when giving Lily that reality check of what teenage pregnancies would do, and what consequences it gives them. What Jack said to Lily was true and straight-to-the-point and I agree with him 100%. Stacey on the other hand gets really pissy with him and basically isn't on the same wavelength as Jack was when it comes to teenage pregnancies.
I'm totally with Jack on this one. The girl's 12 years old, her education, the rest of her childhood and her opportunities in life are ultimately going to be ruined because of this. She has no idea the pain she will even go through delivering this baby, she is way too young and immature to realise what even motherhood is. Stacey was being totally idiotic and selfish, ofcourse Jack and Sam have a right to voice their objections, it concerns their child as well.
It's Lily's decision if she's not ready to be a mom at all or give it up for adoption at least Martin doesn't judge her because he has a child named Bex at a young age.
some parents would kick their kids and and don't want anything to do with them lily has a family that wouldn't kick her out they would be their for her I'm not a fan of teenage pregnancy underage pregnancy its better for their parents to be their for them
I kind of agree with both sides Lily should be allowed to make that decision but only with all of the facts about what her life will actually be like with a baby because I haven’t seen a scene yet with Stacey Martin and lily talking about the reality of the choice she has made. She would get picked on in school for it and she probably lose most of her friends. Teenagers who are 15-17 have this problem friends are there during the pregnancy and when the baby is first born but they never last because your always at home with the baby while they are out having fun. How would she manage school would Stacey give up work to look after the baby it’s all good having a storyline like this but they should be showing real honest conversations not just using it as a reason for the slaters and Brannings to fall out
These comments are ridiculous Did anyone forget how Stacey was manipulated into having an abortion by Bradley? Stacey now believes its the choice of the person actually carrying the baby Yes 12 is way to young however i understand it from staceys pov
Martin annoys me with his approach and stance. Jack is old school and slight habbit in size 10s first, but theirs no malice and his intentions are generally in the right place. People have turned against him and it's pretty sickening to see.
At this point it’s Lilys choice no one should force her or try and change her mind because no one is going to deal with the pain of her making a decision that’s not right for her
Ok and who is going to deal with paying for that babies nappies, milk, food, nursery, clothes, buggy, cot the list goes on, it won’t be Lilly now will it???? Talking about pain who’s going to deal with the pain of jacks pocket when this all inevitably falls on him because he’s the only one with half a brain and a decent life out of all of them 😂
I am a strong believer in pro-choice; I think that women should have the right to make the decisions over their bodies. HOWEVER, this situation is very different as Lily is 12 year old; in the eyes of the law and in the medical field she is seen as a CHILD who is NOT yet capable of consenting and therefore, as she is so young, it should be the parent's decision as it is what's best for the child. A baby is not a doll you can pick up and put down whenever, it is a massive responsibility that requires constant care and attention that most 12 year olds are not capable of giving; Lily would find it very hard to cope as she would no longer be able to go hang out with friends because she'd be at home caring for the baby and it would likely get worse as she (Lily) got older and entered into her teenage years which is already a tumultuous time without adding a pregnancy and baby to it. Also, at the age of 12, Lily's body isn't fully developed enough to carry a baby; a multitude of things could happen including stillbirth, premature labour, obstructed birth, her own organs could be squished up and damaged as the baby grows, high blood pressure and pre eclampsia (which is often more common in young/teenage first time mums) and other kinds of unpleasant complications. Also, pregnancy and birth are both mentally and physically draining on a grown woman so imagine how someone Lily's age would find giving birth.
Bloody hell Martin finally stands up to Jack, lucky for him that Jack was holding back a bit here, otherwise Jack would of definitely battered Martin any other time.
Jack hasn't even seen his disabled daughter Penny in years. He's such a knob. This is Lily's choice. Lots of soaps have done it. It's a storyline but it happens.
I'm on Jack side I mean if my daughter was 12 and got pregnant I would made sure she seen sense and have abortion cuz she's only a kid herself I wouldn't want her to be a mum at that age cuz being a mum is hard work
Is Jack out of his mind??? What does he want them to do, drag her kicking and screaming to the clinic and have the staff tie her up and perform an unconsented abortion????? All he does is scream at his kids, throw his weight around and blame other people.
@@paradox51uk I agree this will destroy their lives. She hasn't had the experience of been 18+ and going out to clubs ETC. He is right but it's her choice it might be a stupid choice but it is hers.
@@hopefulfortomorrow1039 I kind of see both sides. They don’t want to force it on her as it would be very traumatic….but on the flip side the birth will likely be traumatic for her and I don’t feel like Stacey has really sat and explained to her how it will affect her because if she knew the full potential picture she may reconsider It seems like Stacey isn’t even explaining the pros and cons to her daughter and going along with it. Jack may be aggressive but does seem to be the one actually looking at all the issues
She is getting an abortion - if Stacey and Martin won’t parent, the fans will! This storyline is tired imo - very Sarah platt from Corrie in the early 2000s
Just a disgusting over the top storyline. Far as shock value goes its scraping the barrel. If this was real life probably 99% would result in a termination.
Because that's what this country needs more of. Illiterate teenage mothers who are too thick to even use the free contraception available yet they make great mothers! Don't think so.
It's only a baby It's not the 50ties. What have they done to Jack, he is in the police force, is this how he deals with the community. Lilly is entitled to make her own choice. Jack wants to "get rid" his own words. A big family on both sides to support her.
HM revenue bump gunk!f too much of huh v BN and weekly report for hu hi I'm interested in having you by him a small amount of companies I will be there for a
Martin & Stacey need to realise the minute Lily get’s fed up with that baby and she will, they’re gonna be the ones stuck raising it
The other week Stacey couldn't even afford a pint of milk but they're happy to bring another baby into the family.
She's delusional about this situation.
How the hell is she gonna afford feeding another mouth?!!
@@forzacmo9069 with uncle Jacks help of course...
I don't think she's happy about it per se. Just respecting that it's her body her choice.
It's really bad but it's lily choice though
Exactly 😂
I agree with Jack. Not one of them has made sure that Lily realise properly what this kid will do to all their lives, they just keep repeating "her body, her choice" like a pair of parrots. She should know exactly what it means and what could happen and if that scare her then that's because reality of being a CHILD WITH A CHILD is scary. How many times do you hear about adult mothers complaining " no one ever told me this before I had a kid" ?? I hear it weekly and it's because people refuse to be frank and prefer to paint this rosey picture or else they be called "manipulative".
It's not rocket science .. it's a baby .. and it's not the 50ties.
I am sorry But it is her body and her choice and if she is Big enough too have sex then she is Big enough too keep the baby 👶 and Raise it.
Everything is scary when you are pregnant at 12 years old no matter what she chooses to do, keeping the baby and going thru pregnancy and labor, going thru with an abortion or giving the baby up for adoption can all come with it's own trauma. Lily does not need a grown man making her more afraid then she already is.
Lily’s Dad Is Returning
@@lauragavin9923 No that's right. The welfare state will pay right? All the mug tax payers can support all these teenage mothers who are too stupid to use the free contraception available but apparently make great mothers! Broken Britain indeed.
I understand that Lily wants to keep her baby, but how is she going to manage parenthood for the rest of her childhood life? As for Jack, he is not helping anyone by shouting the odds like this. He is sure giving Max a run for his money.
Naa what he said to Lilly was completely fair, I knew they’d try to flip it on jack like that as soon as I saw where the convo was going with Lilly, but think about it does jack not have the right to question the potential future mother of his grandchild about if she’s actually ready and going to look after this baby properly lol?
Jack was out of order, he had no right to react that way. He's pushing everyone away with his behaviour.he needs professional help for his anger issues.
@@arunicahom-choudhury1641 what did jack say to Lilly that was angry or aggressive??? He gave her a 100% factual ADULT reality check lol.
Jack is the only person not sugarcoating it and telling Lily straight that have a baby is tough, at any age
This is insane !! Lily is a child and Ricky too ! Jack is the only sensible one here ! I’m sick of Stacey too !
hes rickys parent, not hers
@@cloudedcolour5329 someone’s got to be, The slaters are a mess😂
Oh it has nothing to do with Denise but it does to Martin. I mean even Stacey said my dad not our daughter. He is so pathetic he will do anything to get back with Stacey. He needs to back of I mean how dare he threaten jack when he is stating facts.Yes they can't get force her to get rid but they can explain the importance of the situation,which they have not done. Stacey is a terrible mother.
Tell me about it. I'm so glad I don't have a mum like Stacey. Can't stand her screaming and shouting at others.
Most parents: You got a girl pregnant. You'd better step up son.
Jack Branning: You got a girl pregnant. How dare you want to step up for her.
Father of the decade once again. No wonder poor Ricky moved out.
Well she is stacey daughter 😄
Yep and Jack really can't talk about pregnancies he got all the Mitchell women pregnant fgs
So children have children is acceptable in a ever crumbling society and break down of the family structure yes? A parent who cared for thier child like jack would deter a young child from having his young sons baby .Any parent with half a brain would have this conversation Jack had with Lilly
Show less
jack is just frustrated because the whole predicament is ridiculous! Ricky has nothing to offer a baby, so what can he "step up" with? He is about the same age as Lily. Everything Ricky has is given to him by his parents, just like Lily.
Why’s jack never at work 😂😂
Maybe he's on strike. 😆
This man always has headache in the square lol
Callums never at work either lol
@@tomalex4806 To be fair we do see him in his uniform quite often
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760 the last time we saw him in uniform was ages ago
Lol Martin standing up to jack for once
Jack would flatten Martin if he really wanted to. And, though he's going about it the wrong way, he makes a lot of valid points. Having a baby is a huge responsibility for anyone, never mind two 12 year olds. This storyline has gotten weird.
I was almost half expecting Jack to go for Martin.. Martin needs education on children having children and Jack should have shown him
God why are fans so obsessed with whos tougher than who, completely irrelevant to the story.
Definitely think abortion is the way to go to shine more light on how abortion can be good/ok in some scenario’s, all this pro life nonsense is ridiculous, 12 year olds can not successfully raise children and also lead good healthy financially stable lives lmao.
Ive yet to see any of them sit down with the kids and talk about the financial, emotional, and even physical changes (for lily) that will come from giving birth! Will they give up school to look after the baby? How will they support it financially? Nobody has talked to them about the harsh realities of being a parent at such a young age. Just totally bizzaire.
Martin’s got that dad strength, if it’s something to do with his kids, he could take anyone
Getting very annoyed with this storyline now.
What's more annoying is how the writers are painting Jack as the evil here and how everyone is ganging up on him all because he's being realistic and rational over this situation while Stacey shrieks and bullies him and now she's banning the Brannings from having anything to do with the baby when it's born!!!
I hate when the writing becomes blatantly manipulative just to force the viewers into siding with the Slaters.
I'm not buying it.
Me too
I am hating this storyline. Its weird and creepy. Its basically presenting a 12 year old being pregnant as normal. No reality either, the Slaters don't even have secure housing and can't afford their rent. It is very irresponsible by the BBC.
Exactly are we meant to be rooting for this? I don't get it.
@@hopefulfortomorrow1039 I think it’s what happens with a lot of soaps it’s trying to deliver a fair discussion on a topic but the writing maybe isn’t good enough to do it justice so Stacey is trying to advocate her body,her choice but is coming across as a bit short sighted on how it could play out
Lily’s far too young to have this baby but it’s also HER CHOICE, and I understand Stacey and Martin’s reasoning for not wanting to force her into anything
I agree it's Lily's body and it's her choice
This is insane. Lilly is not stable enough to be a mum. She told Ricky he’s her only friend. What kind of life will she or the baby have?
Don't matter this happens in real life this stuff and I'm glad they are doing a storyline about it
at least she will have a life and a chance rather than being murdered
Yes Lily is too young have a baby but if she want's to keep her baby she has Martin and Stacey and the whole Slater family to support her
Don't forget kat went through the same thing. So Kat would understand more than the rest of them.
@@WildGeminiOO Yes Kat would understand more then the other's having a baby at young age and I hope that the other's would listen to Kat
Jack was doing what lilly's parents should have done. There is not a good normal person/parent/child in that village. Jack told her the truth.... Now i see why lilly is a brat. Ricky is a loser on so many levels.
I think its great that they will not be included in anything to do with the child.
Never liked Lily. She's just as bad as Stacey. Like mother like daughter.
Lol martin piping up to Jack as someone pointed out he let that empty threat slide as jack knew he was over the top but would have no issue laying Martin out if it got messy. And Stacey banging on about she won't let the brannings have anything to do with the baby but I thought she's letting Lilly make the choices?
Well Ryan is gonna turn up soon will be interesting to know his take on it.
I’m with jack. It’s funny how they become kids when your trying to have an adult conversation with them but not when they make an adult decision like having a baby lmao. Slaters are ridiculous.
The Slaters are a bunch of hypocrites, always have been and always will.
I agree. The Slaters are so used to wallowing in lower expectations for their lives, they can't help but pass that mindset on to the younger generations. I wish the entire clan would pack up and leave Albert Square. And take Alfie with them! There is no way I'd allow my 12-year-old daughter to give birth to a child. She'd be at the abortion clinic before her feet could hit the ground. And I thought schools in the UK were more liberal than those in the US. Didn't they learn anything about sex ed and how not to get pregnant in school?
@@jonwiley5549 Not to mention how they ridicule men in their lives and always shout at them and blame them for every trouble they get themselves in.
@@forzacmo9069 I totally agree. The Slaters are full of corruption.
Jack is out of hand it’s not his choice plus Lilly is a child who does not deserve this pressure on her ur clearly a small minded person
I’m on Martins and Stacey’s side with this
Jack looks like Mr. Bean in that suit lol
Lol! He kinda does, doesn’t he?
@@n19ntendods not at all.
@@sallyjoan Maybe not the same trousers, but he's wearing a similar coloured jacket and tie.
Do not do my boy Mr. Bean like that.
@@blueeyebelgianbrunet All Jack needs to do is get a turkey stuck on his head lol
What a mess lol like do the kids know school life changing and missing school now. I would hate to have a baby that young. She be so bullied
Martin trying to act hard to Jack is like when Zack was trying to act hard to Phil Mitchell lol. Jack knew he'd overstepped so i think he let that threat slide
Yeah I thought that one. He let it slide but he'd have no issue laying Martin out if it got messy 🤣
@@tomalex4806 Martin's an idiot selling fruit and veg while Jack has taken down drug dealers and beat Sean in a fight and floored Phil something Martin couldn't do
@@danielhindson1840 yeah that's true
Zack could probably take Phil tbh
@@H.K.5 no Zack just has an aesthetic physique its not practical
You aint even gettin a Phota 😂😂😂😂
this is disgusting
All these comments are brilliant, it’s a tv show it’s supposed to be ridiculous and dramatic you can’t just keep having affairs and faking deaths every week 🙄
He should have listened to Jack
I feel so sorry for young Rickey, he is always pushed away
2:18 I don't think Stacey was happy
The adults in this storyline are so headache-inducing. 😖
Yes they are making it worse tbh
@@abbieroseholden4174 Lily and Stacey are making it worse.
Bravo, Stacey, bravo! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Even banning the father from having anything to do with his baby! Thumbs up to you! Parent of the Year! 🏆😊
Lily's only ambition in life is to be a grandmother in her 20s. Pure Slater.
That’s doesn’t even make sense
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760It does but if you don't get it as you are unable to do basic arithmetic, then you don't get it. Not interested in explaining.
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760 it does….Lilly is about 12 right? When her son/daughter is 10 she will be 22/23 then if her child had a baby at a young age like she did then she would be a grandmother in her mid to late 20s
@@billmcdermott9647 I know math..But you said she is trying to be a grandmother in her 20s when that doesn’t make sense? It was clearly a mistake and she didn’t intend to get pregnant on purpose obviously
@@jawaralewis-blanchette6760 she doesn’t want to get rid of it. That’s on purpose, that’s that slater blood mentality 😂
Yes! Jack has to be the worst parent on the square. He demonstrates daily that he has no ability to deal with the waywardness of teenagers. He is in full cop mode, thinking by yelling and trying to give orders that he can "fix" everything. He hasn't realized that he's making every aspect of his life worse. If I were Denise, I'd leave him. Yes, a girl having a baby at 12 is a nightmare, but it's happening. Jack needs to have a reality check and deal with the situation as it is, not as he wants it to be.
I still stand that the same right of choice falls to Ricky as well as Lily.
It’s her choice to keep it or not, but it’s also Ricky’s to be involved or not. Ready or not, if one isn’t ready, then let them walk away. If one is, then don’t take the choice away.
Jack, Martin and Stacey both make very valid points on both sides. One one hand is a parent that is respectful of their child’s choice, and will sit back and let whatever happens next be what happens next. On the other, is a parent with valid, understandable fears. For both kids.
Neither are wrong.
The thing is though, Stacey and martin are broke and have no education…. Who wants their grandchild to be raised like that??? Realistically they need jacks help big time or that kids gonna be a scrub Lool. Jack is potentially the most stable person in this baby’s life atm 😂
I have a similar stance Lily and Ricky both made that baby, but why is Lily the only one who gets a choice. Her body Her choice- but where is Ricky's choice? Lily decides to keep or get rid of that fetus, if she keeps it then all eyes will be on Ricky to step up because he is the one who got her pregnant and is the one who gets a tarnished view if he doesn't.
I honestly think Sam would be better off taking Ricky Jr to Germany with the older Ricky
Yea but Jack kicking off the way he did hasn't helped.
@@BlastFromThePastTheGoodOldDays you nailed it on the head there. I always say the man should have just as much of a choice as the woman’s. If it was the other way around, people would lean to her because it’s her body, and if she wants to get rid of it it’s acceptable.
@@arunicahom-choudhury1641 totally agree. His approach wasn’t the best way, but his reasonings are justified.
Jack is the only one talking any sense , Lily & Ricky having a baby , hahaha , what a joke !
All they need now is to have Madonna’s “Papa Don’t Preach” playing in the background.
They got no right! Practically Begging Lily to have a abortion that’s just sick
About time that big coward Martin spoke up
Get rid of that baby! Lily is way to young!
she is old enough to make that choice
@@cloudedcolour5329 not a chance!
@@matthewlovesbritney yes, really, and legally shes who has to give consent, not her parents, not his parents, lilly herself
Well, I’m sorry Jack is actually being realistic and rational, while you two are stuck in Cloud Cuckoo Land, while your stubborn, bratty daughter tries to make life harder for you and won’t even consider how tough things for the two of you.
What kind of rubbish is this letting a 12 year old keep a kid
Bad parents. Can't stand The Slaters these days. All they do is shout at others whenever something bad happens. And unfortunately it\s been going on for many years now. Also, if this was my 12-year old being pregnant, I would be firm with her like Jack was when giving Lily that reality check of what teenage pregnancies would do, and what consequences it gives them. What Jack said to Lily was true and straight-to-the-point and I agree with him 100%. Stacey on the other hand gets really pissy with him and basically isn't on the same wavelength as Jack was when it comes to teenage pregnancies.
I’d watch your mouth, if I were you, Martin. Jack would flatten you in seconds like a pancake.
I'm totally with Jack on this one. The girl's 12 years old, her education, the rest of her childhood and her opportunities in life are ultimately going to be ruined because of this. She has no idea the pain she will even go through delivering this baby, she is way too young and immature to realise what even motherhood is. Stacey was being totally idiotic and selfish, ofcourse Jack and Sam have a right to voice their objections, it concerns their child as well.
Kicking off, controlling, bad temper, being narcissistic. Ronnie would be disgusted with Jack
I miss Ronnie
What about Roxy as she was Amy's mum?
@@AndrewChapman I miss them both. They should of never been killed off. Especially when both actresses wanted to stay.
It's Lily's decision if she's not ready to be a mom at all or give it up for adoption at least Martin doesn't judge her because he has a child named Bex at a young age.
Why do people think having a baby and putting it up for adoption is such a good idea?? Why not just not have it???
@@jamesten9409 because people can’t cope with the crying screaming teething
some parents would kick their kids and and don't want anything to do with them lily has a family that wouldn't kick her out they would be their for her I'm not a fan of teenage pregnancy underage pregnancy its better for their parents to be their for them
I kind of agree with both sides
Lily should be allowed to make that decision but only with all of the facts about what her life will actually be like with a baby because I haven’t seen a scene yet with Stacey Martin and lily talking about the reality of the choice she has made.
She would get picked on in school for it and she probably lose most of her friends. Teenagers who are 15-17 have this problem friends are there during the pregnancy and when the baby is first born but they never last because your always at home with the baby while they are out having fun.
How would she manage school would Stacey give up work to look after the baby it’s all good having a storyline like this but they should be showing real honest conversations not just using it as a reason for the slaters and Brannings to fall out
Oh it’s all about jack again ! Grow up jack
Yeah like Phil, he's a control freak
@@kevinprior3549 They're both being like the tough guys of Walford.
@@kevinprior3549 nope he’s the only rational parent in this situation, Martin and Stacey are high on something Lmao.
@Josh baker you're talking out of your arse.
These comments are ridiculous
Did anyone forget how Stacey was manipulated into having an abortion by Bradley?
Stacey now believes its the choice of the person actually carrying the baby
Yes 12 is way to young however i understand it from staceys pov
But am sorry 12 year old kids having kids is just wrong to me. Yes I know it happens but still
It's horrible. Can she even physically give birth? Is her body even strong enough she's still a child.
Jack is the only sane parent.
Is now Eastenders the flag rainbow representing the first gay etc soap?
Yeah it's gone abit woke in some senses
Jack is just constantly angry
Martin annoys me with his approach and stance. Jack is old school and slight habbit in size 10s first, but theirs no malice and his intentions are generally in the right place. People have turned against him and it's pretty sickening to see.
Jack is an arse
At this point it’s Lilys choice no one should force her or try and change her mind because no one is going to deal with the pain of her making a decision that’s not right for her
Ok and who is going to deal with paying for that babies nappies, milk, food, nursery, clothes, buggy, cot the list goes on, it won’t be Lilly now will it???? Talking about pain who’s going to deal with the pain of jacks pocket when this all inevitably falls on him because he’s the only one with half a brain and a decent life out of all of them 😂
I am a strong believer in pro-choice; I think that women should have the right to make the decisions over their bodies. HOWEVER, this situation is very different as Lily is 12 year old; in the eyes of the law and in the medical field she is seen as a CHILD who is NOT yet capable of consenting and therefore, as she is so young, it should be the parent's decision as it is what's best for the child. A baby is not a doll you can pick up and put down whenever, it is a massive responsibility that requires constant care and attention that most 12 year olds are not capable of giving; Lily would find it very hard to cope as she would no longer be able to go hang out with friends because she'd be at home caring for the baby and it would likely get worse as she (Lily) got older and entered into her teenage years which is already a tumultuous time without adding a pregnancy and baby to it.
Also, at the age of 12, Lily's body isn't fully developed enough to carry a baby; a multitude of things could happen including stillbirth, premature labour, obstructed birth, her own organs could be squished up and damaged as the baby grows, high blood pressure and pre eclampsia (which is often more common in young/teenage first time mums) and other kinds of unpleasant complications. Also, pregnancy and birth are both mentally and physically draining on a grown woman so imagine how someone Lily's age would find giving birth.
These pro-choice people don’t care about any of that, they do not think about anything logically it’s all rainbows and clouds.
Father's by law have the rights as mother's or have this programme forgotten about that
If you making her have the kid make the boy be a father.
No one's making her
I bet Freddie is the dad and they don't know yet. Got to be a twist to it as you know what soaps are like
Ricky is the father no matter wha theories you believe in cuz tha is well old now so get over it.
Being rude to his mum all the time was eventually going to make Ricky choose her over him
This storyline is so uncomfortable
I know that's the point of it but god it's not nice.
Jack is the only one with rational points here. Stacey is not a good mum for letting her 12 year old daughter keep this baby.
Bloody hell Martin finally stands up to Jack, lucky for him that Jack was holding back a bit here, otherwise Jack would of definitely battered Martin any other time.
Martin would’ve clamped him, he’s got that angry dad strength
@@ethanwaterhouse834 jacks taken on the likes of sean slater and phil mitchell, martin would get battered
Jack hasn't even seen his disabled daughter Penny in years. He's such a knob. This is Lily's choice. Lots of soaps have done it. It's a storyline but it happens.
I'm on Jack side I mean if my daughter was 12 and got pregnant I would made sure she seen sense and have abortion cuz she's only a kid herself I wouldn't want her to be a mum at that age cuz being a mum is hard work
Jack Branning is so mean sometimes
Is Jack out of his mind??? What does he want them to do, drag her kicking and screaming to the clinic and have the staff tie her up and perform an unconsented abortion????? All he does is scream at his kids, throw his weight around and blame other people.
Good to see Martin and Stacey on the same side again. Will it just be for Lilly tho or is there more stuff for those two.
Jack is one of those people who always think their right when they ain't. Max is the same.
But Jack is right .
@@paradox51uk I agree this will destroy their lives. She hasn't had the experience of been 18+ and going out to clubs ETC. He is right but it's her choice it might be a stupid choice but it is hers.
@Josh baker Ikr? So many demented weirdos in the comments that agree with it. Secret pedos or they are in a similar situation probably.
@@hopefulfortomorrow1039 I kind of see both sides. They don’t want to force it on her as it would be very traumatic….but on the flip side the birth will likely be traumatic for her and I don’t feel like Stacey has really sat and explained to her how it will affect her because if she knew the full potential picture she may reconsider
It seems like Stacey isn’t even explaining the pros and cons to her daughter and going along with it. Jack may be aggressive but does seem to be the one actually looking at all the issues
Jack shocked me wow.
Jack sat on the sofa dressed like mr bean
She is getting an abortion - if Stacey and Martin won’t parent, the fans will!
This storyline is tired imo - very Sarah platt from Corrie in the early 2000s
shes who has to make that choice and consent
Jack should push her down the stairs or something
Faye from Corrie was also 12 most recently. The fans? I'm not rioting or calling the BBC. Lily made her choice to keep her baby. It's a good storyline
@@rogerlamb3810 and get arrested for attempted murder and child abuse, ya thats a great plan
Just a disgusting over the top storyline. Far as shock value goes its scraping the barrel. If this was real life probably 99% would result in a termination.
I am glad they are showing this side of things alot or young people get pressured and bullied into having abortions
Because that's what this country needs more of. Illiterate teenage mothers who are too thick to even use the free contraception available yet they make great mothers! Don't think so.
It's only a baby It's not the 50ties. What have they done to Jack, he is in the police force, is this how he deals with the community. Lilly is entitled to make her own choice. Jack wants to "get rid" his own words. A big family on both sides to support her.
Get rid off the baby please lilly ur to young to have a kid .reply
couldn't agree more
You tell them Rebecca.
I’m all for Stacey here.
she needs a good haircut that's for sure
Jack should have baby with fill Mitshell that would be great
Piggy Mitshell and Fat Evans should meet Lille baby that would be great
@@jasonoliver9005 they are dead.
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