  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Tooradj
    @Tooradj 2 роки тому +2

    8:30 The beauty of critiquing the invisible me is that if he commit a heinous crime like killing the values, no one can catch him and if they try to pin on me, I will be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Brilliant.

  • @feliceapplauso5755
    @feliceapplauso5755 2 роки тому +8

    Excellent video!.... criticizing your own artwork as if it was made by somebody else was something I never really thought about doing before. Thank your for the wonderful advices and the really great content in this video.

  • @cristinafernandez2169
    @cristinafernandez2169 2 роки тому +3

    Really good advice, I am very grateful for your being such an open person and such a great artist.

  • @azathpopolus6655
    @azathpopolus6655 2 роки тому +2

    I'm loving your videos man! Keep up the excellent work.

  • @rogerolsson4902
    @rogerolsson4902 2 роки тому

    This session gave me much today, tanks.

  • @DanielMalstrom
    @DanielMalstrom 10 місяців тому

    Great videos great artist ,teacher....and a very funny dont take yourself too anything in life we always have to work at it

  • @laishramchamba6831
    @laishramchamba6831 Рік тому

    Wonderfull painting

  • @bibahan
    @bibahan 2 роки тому +2

    Fantastic advice. It realy helps. So much truth!!!!!

  • @janet4900
    @janet4900 2 роки тому +6

    I love your videos and you always make me smile. I'm glad you're not conceited, but you deserve to be !
    I critiqued myself after watching your video, and it went something like this: Your style is a little too tight, and I'd like to see you smudge the edges a little more. Also, if you could paint more quickly and confidently, that'd be great. I'd like to see you do more of a variety of things, and just be more prolific. Other than that, it's beautiful.

  • @katjamohr8097
    @katjamohr8097 2 роки тому

    Thank you a lot for helping me how to Look and find this sutle Things which was really dificult for me
    Keep on going

  • @peterbunyan3924
    @peterbunyan3924 2 роки тому +2

    You give such good down to earth advice :)

  • @giovannisiano574
    @giovannisiano574 2 роки тому +1

    A uber honest and useful video!!! The mirror to me works 50/50 but definitely in case of portrait is a must. The photos taken with my mobile works very well. leaving a paint there for months certainly works but if you are a professional, like you, and rely on production volume then everything get too much delayed I guess.

  • @40bdg
    @40bdg 2 роки тому +1

    This was really helpful, thank you!

  • @cooga55
    @cooga55 Рік тому +1

    I think your paintings and techniques are really wonderful. I only understand Japanese, but I watch your videos all the time. If you could please support Japanese subtitles, I would be much happier!

  • @DavyGoestoHollywood
    @DavyGoestoHollywood 2 роки тому

    So useful thank you

  • @edernunez3103
    @edernunez3103 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent video. Would it be possible to make a video on how to paint from life or one on how to choose a good reference photograph? Thanks

  • @jilliancrawford7577
    @jilliancrawford7577 Рік тому

    5:09 this is my exact reaction every time I see my reflection and why I don't do self-portraits and don't like using myself as a reference lmao!

  • @michaeljohnangel6359
    @michaeljohnangel6359 2 роки тому +1

    Bravo, maestro! Really well done, as always!!!!

  • @ytmm11
    @ytmm11 2 роки тому

    Words to live by. Do this not only with one's art, but with everything.

  • @tumblingrosesstudio
    @tumblingrosesstudio 2 роки тому

    Thank you, this is SO GOOD!!!!

  • @ih4286
    @ih4286 Рік тому

    Every time I stop I take a photo on my phone and I'll look at it to find problems, I get a bunch of photos to show my progress as well. Like you say though the colours never look the same.

  • @sp9138
    @sp9138 2 роки тому

    Dude you are sooooo right

  • @rodolflum3444
    @rodolflum3444 2 роки тому

    thats an intense breakdown, satisfying even from a digital guy from me.

  • @evandroluz6140
    @evandroluz6140 Рік тому +4

    É realmente uma pena que seus vídeos maravilhosos não aceitem legendas de tradução! Mas assisto mesmo assim, pq traduzo algumas palavras e, na maioria das vezes, entendo a mensagem, obrigado pelo conteúdo!

  • @grysharp3137
    @grysharp3137 Рік тому

    I'm sure you're doing a study of Waterhouse's The Lady of Shallott in one of these examples here. My absolute favourite painting ever. I'm doing a study of that painting myself at the moment and I'm really struggling with her face. Managed to get a screenshot of your unfinished version. Hopefully it will help me out a bit.

  • @reginafromrio
    @reginafromrio 2 роки тому

    FANTASTIC! Thank you for sharing! I really don't see any flaws, but we are our own best or worst critics!

  • @rodolflum3444
    @rodolflum3444 2 роки тому

    wow as i savor all your past video 11 yrs ago. and see the live models you got. what if you can go back and paint them live in all thier aging again, would be amazing. ...

  • @nnebundoannaobi1386
    @nnebundoannaobi1386 Рік тому

    Thanks for the video, where did you get the brush that you were using for the eye detail in the painted? Thank you!

  • @BH-wj9lx
    @BH-wj9lx Рік тому

    Cool dude

  • @wierdo225
    @wierdo225 2 роки тому +1

    I use a mirror, flip it upside down, step back, take photos, if im copying from a photo i might even paint upside down, take breaks or turn the canvas against a wall and do somthing else for a while.

  • @Treeink1
    @Treeink1 2 роки тому

    I love your work

  • @pisokarobedil
    @pisokarobedil 2 роки тому

    5:09 yeah, obviously. 😅

  • @nikkiswenson54
    @nikkiswenson54 2 роки тому

    Great tutorial! Fun!

  • @ingridcarmak4268
    @ingridcarmak4268 2 роки тому

    Very useful tips Scott,this really helps me to look at my own work and find the flaws ..looking forward to the next video..😃Stay safe..👋

  • @WilliamElston
    @WilliamElston 8 місяців тому

    A minor correction: Simultaneous contrast, discovered in the 19th century by Michel Eugène Chevreul, relates to the influence that colors have on other colors. It is the foundation of Impressionist color theory. A simple example would be the way identical patches of neutral gray will appear in a field of red or of green. The effect is unrelated to value. What you refer to as "simultaneous contrast" in the video is simply contrast.

  • @سونیاباقری
    @سونیاباقری 2 роки тому

    Please include Persian subtitles. Thank you
    Do you have a virtual drawing tutorial?💙💙💙✋

  • @k.k8791
    @k.k8791 2 роки тому

    It's a weird feeling when u watch a video and the person start describing u and all of your experience accurately .

  • @DelmanilaArtPainting
    @DelmanilaArtPainting 2 роки тому

    Thanks for discussing about this art . I learn more on this channel i like the tips you shared. I'm your new friend with the same hobby

  • @mattmcdonald3845
    @mattmcdonald3845 2 роки тому +9

    You could do stand up comedy if you weren’t such a great painter/ teacher!👍

  • @Superflow66
    @Superflow66 2 роки тому

    Very helpful video 👍

  • @migueart2011
    @migueart2011 Рік тому

    the intro 😂😂

  • @edgaraugustosernagomez6379
    @edgaraugustosernagomez6379 2 роки тому +1

    Hello, my name is Edgar.
    Im from medellin Colombia.
    For your videos is posibility in lenguage spanish?

  • @edgaraugustosernagomez6379
    @edgaraugustosernagomez6379 2 роки тому


  • @jennawolf9873
    @jennawolf9873 Рік тому


  • @ohiorn34
    @ohiorn34 2 роки тому

    I can see what is wrong but have no clue of how to fix it. I try this or that and it seems worse. I think I may be the person who shouldn’t be allowed to touch art materials ever.
    But I won’t give up.

  • @hanschristiansen1502
    @hanschristiansen1502 4 місяці тому


  • @10zarita
    @10zarita 2 роки тому

    Damn you! you made me laugh like an idiot. 😆

  • @ghuntressart669
    @ghuntressart669 2 роки тому

    Thank you very much, sir, for another helpful and insightful (and entertaining 😄) video. I truly appreciate all the work you put into these and always come away with useful and memorable information I can implement in my own work 😊. Thanks again!

  • @zekidan8284
    @zekidan8284 2 роки тому

    what about people who are too critical of there work and wanna give up as soon as they draw there first line.

  • @AngeloBonaveraArt
    @AngeloBonaveraArt 2 роки тому +1

    30 min? I can't do that... wish I had that much free time.

  • @imog3nio
    @imog3nio 2 роки тому

    add subtitles to your videos please to Portuguese BR if possible

  • @digi_edits
    @digi_edits 2 роки тому +1


  • @michael13419
    @michael13419 2 роки тому


  • @ytmm11
    @ytmm11 2 роки тому

    lol.. opening rules.