When I was a child ( a LONG time ago) there were often cartoons set to classical music. It was funny to hear you say that that was your intro to classical music as well. This is a modern version of that! (One of my favorites was Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny and the Barber of Seville).
When I was a child ( a LONG time ago) there were often cartoons set to classical music. It was funny to hear you say that that was your intro to classical music as well. This is a modern version of that!
(One of my favorites was Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny and the Barber of Seville).
Exactly hahahahhaha
In the BTS, Tony and Layne told the others they were going for a ‘Loony Tunes’ feel with everyone grabbing the book.
I just noticed that after Layne swipes the book from Geoff and Geoff gives a "How did he do that?" look, Layne does a little laugh.
Good call
I mean, if they wanted to give us Loony Toons vibes, they forgot to include the Anvil Chorus, and Camptown Races.
True, true
Who but VP could pull this off. After last year's In The Hall of the Mountain King, they decided to follow up with this.
Is amazing
So much fun!!!! For my sake, I'm sure, they included the list of all of the pieces that they included.
That was a masterpiece
The Grundels are back from The Hall of the Mountain King and Rachel doesn't seem to happy with them.
That was awesome