Don’t forget to Like & Subscribe for more videos, it helps the channel a lot! Do you want to use my instrumental in a cover? Watch This - Do you want the Multitracks to my songs PLUS extra content? Support me on Patreon today at
I tried to practice using this, today is the day we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and I choose this song. But was not able to finish the song. I burst out crying, i feel so undeserving of His love. His love is soooo great to the point that He has to give His life for us(sinners). Praise the Father. Praise the Son. 🙌🙏😭
VERSE 1 In the darkness we were waiting Without hope without light Till from heaven You came running There was mercy in Your eyes To fulfil the law and prophets To a virgin came the Word From a throne of endless glory To a cradle in the dirt CHORUS Praise the Father Praise the Son Praise the Spirit three in one God of glory Majesty Praise forever to the King of Kings VERSE 2 To reveal the kingdom coming And to reconcile the lost To redeem the whole creation You did not despise the cross For even in Your suffering You saw to the other side Knowing this was our salvation Jesus for our sake You died VERSE 3 And the morning that You rose All of heaven held its breath Till that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death And the dead rose from their tombs And the angels stood in awe For the souls of all who’d come To the Father are restored VERSE 4 And the Church of Christ was born Then the Spirit lit the flame Now this gospel truth of old Shall not kneel shall not faint By His blood and in His Name In His freedom I am free For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me
Thank you for this! I've been leading this song for worship at my church a few times, but it's nice to have a really nice track to practice to since I can obviously only practice with one instrument at a time by myself (I play the piano and guitar, but piano is my forte.. pun maybe intended) I know I'm finding this late but I also just heard this song when I started learning it a few weeks ago haha!
Ku menanti dalam gelap Tiada t'rang dan harapan Dari Surga Engkau datang Di mata-Mu anug'rah Menggenapi nubuatan Firman lahir ke dunia Dari tahta kemuliaan Ke palungan yang hina Puji Dia Allah Bapa Putra, Roh Kudus Tritunggal Allah mulia Berkuasa. Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja 'Tuk k'rajaan yang 'kan datang Dan menyambut yang hilang 'Tuk s'lamatkan s'mua ciptaan 'Kau rela disalibkan Meski dalam derita-Mu 'Kau melihat kem'nangan Agar kita dis'lamatkan Yesus Dia dikorbankan Puji Dia Allah Bapa Putra, Roh Kudus Tritunggal Allah mulia Berkuasa. Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja Di fajar saat 'Kau bangkit Surga hening menunggu Batu kubur-Mu terbuka 'Kau t'lah kalahkan maut Dan yang mati dibangkitkan S'luruh surga terkagum Sebab semua yang datang Pada Bapa…
Na escuridão estava A humanidade a esperar Até que dos céus vieste Com perdão em teu olhar Pra cumprir a profecia Uma virgem concedeu Desde um trono de glória A manjedoura Ele nasceu Chorus Louve a Deus Pai e a Jesus Louve o Santo Espirito Majestade Rei dos Reis Para sempre eu o Louvarei Verse 2 Para revelar o Reino E o perdido encontrar A redimir a criação Foste de cruz se entregar Mesmo em seu sofrimento Viu o que ia conquistar Pela minha salvação Se entregou em meu lugar Chorus Louve a Deus Pai e a Jesus Louve o Santo Espirito Majestade Rei dos Reis Para sempre eu o Louvarei Verse 3 Na manhã que ressurgiste Todo o céu atento olhou Pois a morte para sempre O cordeiro conquistou E os mortos levantaram Os anjos a se impressionar Mas as almas aos que creram Ao Pai hão de retornar 1 King Of Kings - Intro, V1, Turnaround, C, Turnaround, V2, Turnaround, C, Turnaround, V3, V4, Turnaround, C, Tag, Outro, E Verse 4 E a igreja ali nasceu Com o espirito a queimar E a verdade do evangelho Nunca se apagará Por seu sangue e em Seu nome A liberdade conquistou E o amor de Jesus Cristo Com Ele me ressuscitou Chorus Louve a Deus Pai e a Jesus Louve o Santo Espirito Majestade Rei dos Reis Para sempre eu o Louvarei
Ku menanti dalam gelap Tiada t'rang dan harapan Dari Surga Engkau datang Di mata-Mu anug'rah Menggenapi nubuatan Firman lahir ke dunia Dari tahta kemuliaan Ke palungan yang hina Puji Dia Allah Bapa Putra, Roh Kudus Tritunggal Allah mulia Berkuasa. Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja 'Tuk k'rajaan yang 'kan datang Dan menyambut yang hilang 'Tuk s'lamatkan s'mua ciptaan 'Kau rela disalibkan Meski dalam derita-Mu 'Kau melihat kem'nangan Agar kita dis'lamatkan Yesus Dia dikorbankan Puji Dia Allah Bapa Putra, Roh Kudus Tritunggal Allah mulia Berkuasa. Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja Di fajar saat 'Kau bangkit Surga hening menunggu Batu kubur-Mu terbuka 'Kau t'lah kalahkan maut Dan yang mati dibangkitkan S'luruh surga terkagum Sebab semua yang datang Pada Bapa dis'lamatkan Dan G'reja Kristus lahir Api Roh Kudus turun Injil kebenaran-Nya 'Takkan padam tak sirna Oleh darah dan nama-Nya Di dalam Dia 'ku bebas Kar'na Kasih Kristus Yesus Yang t'lah membangkitkanku Puji Dia Allah Bapa Putra, Roh Kudus Tritunggal Allah mulia Berkuasa. Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
Hello there. Thank you for your efforts to make this different type of chord in every song that you made. Just wanna know if you can do "Another In The Fire" by Hillsong with different chord? Thanks and God bless
That’s a great song! As you can imagine I get a lot of requests so I’m trying to bring them all together into one place. I’m asking that you post a youtube link to the song in the #song-requests channel on Discord Server. That’s where I’ll be looking when considering songs! Here is the link - - and thanks for the comment!
Așteptam în întuneric Fără de lumina Ta Când din cer Tu ai venit Plin de milă m-ai privit Să-mplinești profeții, Legea Prin fecioară întrupat De pe tronul slavei Tale Jos în iesle Te-ai plecat REFREN: Glorie Tată Fiu și Duh Glorie Ție ne-ncetat Domn al slavei Împărat Glorie Ție Rege-al Regilor STROFA 2: Să aduci Împărăția Și să-mpaci pe cel pierdut Să salvezi creața-ntreagă Crucea nu ai refuzat Mai presus de suferință Ai văzut victoria Cunoscând, Isuse, calea Viața pentru noi Ți-ai dat STROFA 3: Iar în zorii Învierii Ceru-ntreg a așteptat Până piatr-a fost mișcată Mielul moartea a călcat Chiar și morții au înviat Îngerii au fost uimiți Cei ce se întorc la Tatăl Prin Isus ei sunt primiți STROFA 4: S-a născut Biserica Duhul Sfânt a coborât Adevaru-acesta veșnic Neclintit mereu va sta Și prin sângele Lui sfânt Libertate mi s-a dat Căci iubirea lui Cristos Pe vecie m-a-nviat
Na escuridão estava A humanidade a esperar Até que dos céus vieste Com perdão em Teu olhar Pra cumprir a profecia Uma virgem concebeu Desde um trono de glória À manjedoura Ele nasceu Louve a Deus Pai E a Jesus Louve o Santo Espírito Majestade Rei dos reis Para sempre eu O louvarei Remover anúncios Para revelar o Reino E o perdido encontrar A redimir a criação Foste à cruz se entregar Mesmo em Seu sofrimento Viu o que ia conquistar Pela minha salvação Se entregou em meu lugar Na manhã que ressurgiste Todo o céu atento olhou Pois a morte para sempre O Cordeiro conquistou E os mortos levantaram E os anjos a se impressionar Pois as almas dos que creram Ao Pai hão de retornar E a Igreja ali nasceu Com o Espírito a queimar E a verdade do evangelho Nunca se apagará Por Seu sangue e em Seu nome A liberdade conquistou E o amor de Jesus Cristo Com Ele me ressuscitou
En la oscuridad estaba Toda la humanidad Hasta que desde los cielos Nos viniste a rescatar A través de una virgen Elegiste tú nacer Y del trono descendiste A un pesebre siendo Rey Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador Gloria al Santo Espíritu Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú Para revelar tu Reino Y alcanzar al pecador A la cruz no te negaste Para darnos salvación Aún en tu sufrimiento Tú veías más allá No pensaste en el precio Te entregaste en mi lugar Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador Gloria al Santo Espíritu Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú Al tercer amanecer Todo el cielo resonó Pues la muerte para siempre El Cordero conquistó Y la tumba se abrió Y vacía ahora está Todas las generaciones Esperanza encontrarán Y la iglesia comenzó Por su espíritu nació Buenas nuevas por los siglos Para toda la creación Por su sangre y por su nombre Libres somos por la fe Jesucristo ha vencido Nos resucitó con Él, oh Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador Gloria al Santo Espíritu Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú
Hello can i make a request? can u please make an instrumental for this song.. WE WILL WORSHIP by JADE's a beautiful worship song..thank u so much..God bless🙏❤ Subscribed!
That’s a great song! As you can imagine I get a lot of requests so I’m trying to bring them all together into one place. I’m asking that you post a youtube link to the song in the #song-requests channel on Discord Server. That’s where I’ll be looking when considering songs! Here is the link - - and thanks for the comment!
@The Worship Portal - Where could I buy / download a file to this song? I would love to sing along with this track on Sunday, but we are a small rural church and do not have internet there.
This is Amazing 👏Thank you so much for sharing this ❤ I will be singing this song for ABBA Yeshua Ruach HaKodesh at church this Sunday 🙏👣💜 Do you mind if I use this for the track? You definitely are blessed with musical skills 😇 God bless
Yes you can cover this. I made a video showing what you need to do in order to not have copyright issues on UA-cam: - Please go to my Discord if you have any questions!
I made a video showing what you need to do in order to not have copyright issues on UA-cam: - Please go to my Discord if you have any questions!
Don’t forget to Like & Subscribe for more videos, it helps the channel a lot!
Do you want to use my instrumental in a cover? Watch This -
Do you want the Multitracks to my songs PLUS extra content? Support me on Patreon today at
I tried to practice using this, today is the day we remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and I choose this song. But was not able to finish the song. I burst out crying, i feel so undeserving of His love. His love is soooo great to the point that He has to give His life for us(sinners). Praise the Father. Praise the Son. 🙌🙏😭
In the darkness we were waiting
Without hope without light
Till from heaven You came running
There was mercy in Your eyes
To fulfil the law and prophets
To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory
To a cradle in the dirt
Praise the Father
Praise the Son
Praise the Spirit three in one
God of glory
Praise forever to the King of Kings
To reveal the kingdom coming
And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation
You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering
You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation
Jesus for our sake You died
And the morning that You rose
All of heaven held its breath
Till that stone was moved for good
For the Lamb had conquered death
And the dead rose from their tombs
And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who’d come
To the Father are restored
And the Church of Christ was born
Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old
Shall not kneel shall not faint
By His blood and in His Name
In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ
Who has resurrected me
Thank you for this! I've been leading this song for worship at my church a few times, but it's nice to have a really nice track to practice to since I can obviously only practice with one instrument at a time by myself (I play the piano and guitar, but piano is my forte.. pun maybe intended) I know I'm finding this late but I also just heard this song when I started learning it a few weeks ago haha!
graceful, I also lead worship and play ZERO instruments! These are helpful for me to find the keys that I need the musicians to play
It's so blessing...
God bless uss
This is great! Thank you for sharing these!
Ku menanti dalam gelap
Tiada t'rang dan harapan
Dari Surga Engkau datang
Di mata-Mu anug'rah
Menggenapi nubuatan
Firman lahir ke dunia
Dari tahta kemuliaan
Ke palungan yang hina
Puji Dia Allah Bapa
Putra, Roh Kudus
Allah mulia
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
'Tuk k'rajaan yang 'kan datang
Dan menyambut yang hilang
'Tuk s'lamatkan s'mua ciptaan
'Kau rela disalibkan
Meski dalam derita-Mu
'Kau melihat kem'nangan
Agar kita dis'lamatkan
Yesus Dia dikorbankan
Puji Dia Allah Bapa
Putra, Roh Kudus
Allah mulia
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
Di fajar saat 'Kau bangkit
Surga hening menunggu
Batu kubur-Mu terbuka
'Kau t'lah kalahkan maut
Dan yang mati dibangkitkan
S'luruh surga terkagum
Sebab semua yang datang
Pada Bapa…
Thank you so much for sharing this song. Stay blessed^^
Happy Easter! I love the Jesus Christ, the King of kings!
Na escuridão estava
A humanidade a esperar
Até que dos céus vieste
Com perdão em teu olhar
Pra cumprir a profecia
Uma virgem concedeu
Desde um trono de glória
A manjedoura Ele nasceu
Louve a Deus Pai
e a Jesus
Louve o Santo Espirito
Rei dos Reis
Para sempre eu o Louvarei
Verse 2
Para revelar o Reino
E o perdido encontrar
A redimir a criação
Foste de cruz se entregar
Mesmo em seu sofrimento
Viu o que ia conquistar
Pela minha salvação
Se entregou em meu lugar
Louve a Deus Pai
e a Jesus
Louve o Santo Espirito
Rei dos Reis
Para sempre eu o Louvarei
Verse 3
Na manhã que ressurgiste
Todo o céu atento olhou
Pois a morte para sempre
O cordeiro conquistou
E os mortos levantaram
Os anjos a se impressionar
Mas as almas aos que creram
Ao Pai hão de retornar
King Of Kings - Intro, V1, Turnaround, C, Turnaround, V2, Turnaround, C, Turnaround, V3, V4, Turnaround, C, Tag, Outro, E
Verse 4
E a igreja ali nasceu
Com o espirito a queimar
E a verdade do evangelho
Nunca se apagará
Por seu sangue e em Seu nome
A liberdade conquistou
E o amor de Jesus Cristo
Com Ele me ressuscitou
Louve a Deus Pai
e a Jesus
Louve o Santo Espirito
Rei dos Reis
Para sempre eu o Louvarei
Beautiful song ❤️👍🎧🎤🎤
Ku menanti dalam gelap
Tiada t'rang dan harapan
Dari Surga Engkau datang
Di mata-Mu anug'rah
Menggenapi nubuatan
Firman lahir ke dunia
Dari tahta kemuliaan
Ke palungan yang hina
Puji Dia Allah Bapa
Putra, Roh Kudus
Allah mulia
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
'Tuk k'rajaan yang 'kan datang
Dan menyambut yang hilang
'Tuk s'lamatkan s'mua ciptaan
'Kau rela disalibkan
Meski dalam derita-Mu
'Kau melihat kem'nangan
Agar kita dis'lamatkan
Yesus Dia dikorbankan
Puji Dia Allah Bapa
Putra, Roh Kudus
Allah mulia
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
Di fajar saat 'Kau bangkit
Surga hening menunggu
Batu kubur-Mu terbuka
'Kau t'lah kalahkan maut
Dan yang mati dibangkitkan
S'luruh surga terkagum
Sebab semua yang datang
Pada Bapa dis'lamatkan
Dan G'reja Kristus lahir
Api Roh Kudus turun
Injil kebenaran-Nya
'Takkan padam tak sirna
Oleh darah dan nama-Nya
Di dalam Dia 'ku bebas
Kar'na Kasih Kristus Yesus
Yang t'lah membangkitkanku
Puji Dia Allah Bapa
Putra, Roh Kudus
Allah mulia
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
Puji Dia Raja s'gala Raja
Hello there. Thank you for your efforts to make this different type of chord in every song that you made. Just wanna know if you can do "Another In The Fire" by Hillsong with different chord? Thanks and God bless
That’s a great song! As you can imagine I get a lot of requests so I’m trying to bring them all together into one place. I’m asking that you post a youtube link to the song in the #song-requests channel on Discord Server. That’s where I’ll be looking when considering songs! Here is the link - - and thanks for the comment!
Așteptam în întuneric
Fără de lumina Ta
Când din cer Tu ai venit
Plin de milă m-ai privit
Să-mplinești profeții, Legea
Prin fecioară întrupat
De pe tronul slavei Tale
Jos în iesle Te-ai plecat
Glorie Tată
Fiu și Duh
Glorie Ție ne-ncetat
Domn al slavei
Glorie Ție Rege-al Regilor
Să aduci Împărăția
Și să-mpaci pe cel pierdut
Să salvezi creața-ntreagă
Crucea nu ai refuzat
Mai presus de suferință
Ai văzut victoria
Cunoscând, Isuse, calea
Viața pentru noi Ți-ai dat
Iar în zorii Învierii
Ceru-ntreg a așteptat
Până piatr-a fost mișcată
Mielul moartea a călcat
Chiar și morții au înviat
Îngerii au fost uimiți
Cei ce se întorc la Tatăl
Prin Isus ei sunt primiți
S-a născut Biserica
Duhul Sfânt a coborât
Adevaru-acesta veșnic
Neclintit mereu va sta
Și prin sângele Lui sfânt
Libertate mi s-a dat
Căci iubirea lui Cristos
Pe vecie m-a-nviat
Na escuridão estava
A humanidade a esperar
Até que dos céus vieste
Com perdão em Teu olhar
Pra cumprir a profecia
Uma virgem concebeu
Desde um trono de glória
À manjedoura Ele nasceu
Louve a Deus Pai
E a Jesus
Louve o Santo Espírito
Rei dos reis
Para sempre eu O louvarei
Remover anúncios
Para revelar o Reino
E o perdido encontrar
A redimir a criação
Foste à cruz se entregar
Mesmo em Seu sofrimento
Viu o que ia conquistar
Pela minha salvação
Se entregou em meu lugar
Na manhã que ressurgiste
Todo o céu atento olhou
Pois a morte para sempre
O Cordeiro conquistou
E os mortos levantaram
E os anjos a se impressionar
Pois as almas dos que creram
Ao Pai hão de retornar
E a Igreja ali nasceu
Com o Espírito a queimar
E a verdade do evangelho
Nunca se apagará
Por Seu sangue e em Seu nome
A liberdade conquistou
E o amor de Jesus Cristo
Com Ele me ressuscitou
I will sing on Sunday school 😁
Ok great! Patreon is where you can download the song from, I’ll see you there 🙂
Same :D
I’m doing keyboards for my church
En la oscuridad estaba
Toda la humanidad
Hasta que desde los cielos
Nos viniste a rescatar
A través de una virgen
Elegiste tú nacer
Y del trono descendiste
A un pesebre siendo Rey
Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios
Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador
Gloria al Santo Espíritu
Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú
Para revelar tu Reino
Y alcanzar al pecador
A la cruz no te negaste
Para darnos salvación
Aún en tu sufrimiento
Tú veías más allá
No pensaste en el precio
Te entregaste en mi lugar
Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios
Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador
Gloria al Santo Espíritu
Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú
Al tercer amanecer
Todo el cielo resonó
Pues la muerte para siempre
El Cordero conquistó
Y la tumba se abrió
Y vacía ahora está
Todas las generaciones
Esperanza encontrarán
Y la iglesia comenzó
Por su espíritu nació
Buenas nuevas por los siglos
Para toda la creación
Por su sangre y por su nombre
Libres somos por la fe
Jesucristo ha vencido
Nos resucitó con Él, oh
Gloria al Padre, nuestro Dios
Gloria al Hijo, El Salvador
Gloria al Santo Espíritu
Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú
Rey de reyes, nadie hay como tú
Hello can i make a request? can u please make an instrumental for this song.. WE WILL WORSHIP by JADE's a beautiful worship song..thank u so much..God bless🙏❤
That’s a great song! As you can imagine I get a lot of requests so I’m trying to bring them all together into one place. I’m asking that you post a youtube link to the song in the #song-requests channel on Discord Server. That’s where I’ll be looking when considering songs! Here is the link - - and thanks for the comment!
@The Worship Portal - Where could I buy / download a file to this song? I would love to sing along with this track on Sunday, but we are a small rural church and do not have internet there.
Hey Ashley, you can purchase my audio files/multitracks from my Patreon, link is in the description. Thanks!
This is Amazing 👏Thank you so much for sharing this ❤ I will be singing this song for ABBA Yeshua Ruach HaKodesh at church this Sunday 🙏👣💜 Do you mind if I use this for the track? You definitely are blessed with musical skills 😇 God bless
Yes you can cover this. I made a video showing what you need to do in order to not have copyright issues on UA-cam: - Please go to my Discord if you have any questions!
@@TheWorshipPortal Thank you so much 💓🙏💖
Can I use this instrumental to cover this song?
I made a video showing what you need to do in order to not have copyright issues on UA-cam: - Please go to my Discord if you have any questions!
If I wanted to sing with this backing at the Church fete is that ok? 🙏
Please purchase from my website for proper licensing. Thanks!
Sis, permission for me to use the music for my video
Please watch the video at the top of my channel “4 steps to use my music”