[Hearthstone] Fat Warrior’s Return?

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2025


  • @clipperinokripperino7128
    @clipperinokripperino7128 8 років тому +46

    0:04 - [Talkerino]
    2:04 - quite the opening game
    11:30 - skill + luck

  • @alblaka8852
    @alblaka8852 8 років тому +2

    I only ever now realized that 'Fat Warrior' doesn't refer to 'building fat armor', but to 'fatigue'.

  • @Scriptures_K
    @Scriptures_K 8 років тому +19

    That phat Yogg had me crying with laughter.
    So fucking great.

  • @uknownada
    @uknownada 8 років тому +186

    Why is he under his desk?

    • @BlossomOfFlowers
      @BlossomOfFlowers 8 років тому +9

      lol defenetly a desk

    • @briand2521
      @briand2521 8 років тому +1

      It's the roof lol.That desk would be giant to fit a chair and Kripp

    • @tttc
      @tttc 8 років тому +29

      Maybe he's a gnome.

    • @dmitrylasarew5674
      @dmitrylasarew5674 8 років тому +15

      Hiding from mum, because she forbids him to stream and asking to get real job, lol

    • @4523167098
      @4523167098 8 років тому +1

      +Dmitry Lasarew
      Hard to believe considering the amount of money he makes

  • @_Carlos
    @_Carlos 8 років тому +99

    Is Kripp living like harry potter now?

  • @randomchicken01
    @randomchicken01 8 років тому +12

    I like how he came when Yogg ganged itself up

    • @Cashman9111
      @Cashman9111 8 років тому +6

      I like too when Kripp comes

  • @famooou5
    @famooou5 8 років тому +43

    Who else is here just to read the Kripperino's comments and laugh every day ?

    • @extreme8780
      @extreme8780 8 років тому +1


    • @Snight101
      @Snight101 8 років тому +17

      but the comments are never funny

    • @tohnic441
      @tohnic441 8 років тому

      I only came here for Mike Hunt.

  • @SkipperinoHS
    @SkipperinoHS 8 років тому +213


  • @maxpush-up
    @maxpush-up 8 років тому +78

    it's my favorite deck actually. don't hate me now ResidentSleeper

    • @cuckerinokripperino4216
      @cuckerinokripperino4216 8 років тому +18

      Hang en high my friend, hang em high

    • @Menegoroth1
      @Menegoroth1 8 років тому +2

      yo moonman kkk

    • @mineradce
      @mineradce 8 років тому +3


    • @Modifacation1
      @Modifacation1 8 років тому +6

      you feed them spaghetti?

    • @mikehunt3426
      @mikehunt3426 8 років тому

      shoudn't it be Haramberino Kripperino TriHard

  • @randomchicken01
    @randomchicken01 8 років тому +1

    8pm (GMT) is my favourite time in the day :D thank you Kripp

  • @duckerinokripperino7067
    @duckerinokripperino7067 8 років тому +231


  • @moldyendsend
    @moldyendsend 8 років тому +3

    That last game was pure skill, kripp chose the targets for rag, and he picked the spells with yogg, complete skill

  • @faustino6783
    @faustino6783 8 років тому

    thx krip the background doesn't bug me as much as before :D

  • @TheProgenitor
    @TheProgenitor 8 років тому

    Wow that's actually a really creative use for Violet Illusionist. I love when people put on their thinkin caps and innovate like this.

  • @BlastPKMN
    @BlastPKMN 8 років тому

    kripp shaving is like him clicking the disenchant button

  • @haingis
    @haingis 8 років тому +2

    18:04 "ooh yes! dad is good"

  • @me_hanics
    @me_hanics 8 років тому +1

    I swear to God from the start of the expansion's last wing coming out I was saying Violet Illusionist is the most underrated card and was playing this kind of warrior

  • @omranemeddas2724
    @omranemeddas2724 8 років тому +3

    I've not watched Kripp for like 1 month and he's already living in a bell tower.FUCKING A!!!!!!!!!!

  • @lnv4si0n
    @lnv4si0n 8 років тому +1

    Classic Kripp! Won a couple games @Rank 11 and didn't really test it that much but it's '' preeeeetty good and viable, trust me ! ''

  • @sturmir15
    @sturmir15 8 років тому +1

    I tried the deck. So after getting obliterated by random zoolocks, hunters and shamans I finally faced a Priest. Surprisingly, I managed to make it to a fatigue game with 1 violet Illusionist and 2 Oracles in hand. The moment I played my combo and killed off a full health priest with fatigue damage without taking any damage on my own made it absolutely worth it losing those 5 ranks and droping to 16.

  • @Ninjaman195
    @Ninjaman195 8 років тому +19

    Why is Kripp in an attic?

    • @natehicks8000
      @natehicks8000 8 років тому +1

      he moved. that's his new recording place

  • @rasecz333
    @rasecz333 8 років тому +2

    now waiting for the balderino kripperino to come up

  • @York72
    @York72 8 років тому

    That 10 mana snipe was insane value.

  • @Eclipse8502
    @Eclipse8502 8 років тому +4

    17:50 Kripp sounds... very pleased.
    Bow down before the god of death...
    Very Nice...O-oh Yes, yes that is good, holy crap... hoooly crap! Mhmm.

  • @AZCaveMan480
    @AZCaveMan480 8 років тому +4

    I don't always fatigue, but when I do, I play FAT.

  • @VORP125
    @VORP125 8 років тому

    Such skill at the end.

  • @the4xshow67
    @the4xshow67 8 років тому

    Can we bring back the tree picture for the background?

  • @Aihana_Etsu
    @Aihana_Etsu 8 років тому +1

    Considering this is a fatigue deck, why not add in reno for some emergency fatigue healing?

    • @nritsch
      @nritsch 8 років тому +2

      The goal is to put them into fatigue first, you are not supposed to be in fatigue.

    • @Aihana_Etsu
      @Aihana_Etsu 8 років тому +1

      Sometimes that isn't possible. Sometimes you have to use slam in order to activate execute and thus draw cards, sometimes your opponent won't draw cards. Sometimes you have to dig for answers and if you don't find them you will be in a bad spot. Adding Reno doesn't require you to build the deck around him, as the deck is designed to fatigue you will nearly always have only 1 ofs left in your deck when you need him.

    • @maxlot345
      @maxlot345 8 років тому +2

      How does this deck have anything that puts the opponent into fatigue faster than itself?

  • @FinnishPatriot
    @FinnishPatriot 8 років тому +18

    The first guy would have won if he traded Grommash into elise instead of smorcing

    • @vigge111111
      @vigge111111 8 років тому +12

      His biggest miss play was playing loot hoarders vs a fatigue deck when he also has n'zoth

    • @FinnishPatriot
      @FinnishPatriot 8 років тому +11

      Bad player overall, I agree

    • @kresovk5
      @kresovk5 8 років тому +5

      What? Even if he did play Loot Hoarder after he saw Oracles, You still don't aim to beat him in fatigue, you aim to beat him with minions, which he almost did.

  • @XBLonTwitch
    @XBLonTwitch 8 років тому

    15:08 Why would he not hit the Highmane then brawl AFTER? Am I missing something here?

    • @kresovk5
      @kresovk5 8 років тому +1

      Because he takes 7 damage that way?

  • @ribenasquash
    @ribenasquash 8 років тому +4

    Your background is very 2-tone now Krip. Maybe you should get a screen. Also your camera colour settings see, a bit blue/cold. Keep up the videos tho'!

  • @sorinnorris
    @sorinnorris 8 років тому +5

    where's skipperino kripperino at?

  • @DavidWKimber
    @DavidWKimber 8 років тому +4

    I like how Kripp decided that the best hair care method would be to just get rid of it. Problem solved!

  • @Catsum0
    @Catsum0 8 років тому +6

    Kripparrian is my fat warrior

  • @aesen161
    @aesen161 8 років тому

    Biscuit at 11:48? As in TotalBiscuit?

  • @augratinpotatoes0
    @augratinpotatoes0 8 років тому

    17:53 PRAISE!

  • @aaronh248
    @aaronh248 8 років тому +3

    oh so this is the warrior deck i recently played. My dragon pally just laughed it off, thanked for the cards and won easily. i like illusionist though great card

    • @grantmiller7257
      @grantmiller7257 8 років тому

      pally hero power just wins against fatigue warrior. Match up is just bad.

    • @TheSquareOnes
      @TheSquareOnes 8 років тому

      Plus dragons are a value tribe that can play on curve, fatigue struggles against both high-value decks and people curving out well so dragons are naturally one of the worst matchups even when not paired with the best class counter. It would be notable if you lost, not so much when you win.

    • @grantmiller7257
      @grantmiller7257 8 років тому

      Usually Ysera will be overkill. But, a warrior would be dumb or desperate to waste a shield slam.

    • @Majician69
      @Majician69 8 років тому

      Wha? Fat Warrior destroys Dragon Pally haha. RNGesus saves though.

    • @grantmiller7257
      @grantmiller7257 8 років тому

      Marntuga Control paladin wins purely over hero power. A passive 7 damage per turn is greater than at most 4 armor per turn.

  • @Hallam989
    @Hallam989 8 років тому +1

    Who thinks Kripp should decorate the wall behind him with cool Merch and Fan stuff? :D

  • @nnapstyy
    @nnapstyy 8 років тому

    that intense first match tho

  • @Serenity23582
    @Serenity23582 8 років тому

    Turn 10 combo: Illusionist, Fools bane and heroic strike. 3 cards and 7 dmg 4 times to minions without taking dmg.

    • @gottwyCZ
      @gottwyCZ 8 років тому +4

      Or you could just use Brawl.

    • @Serenity23582
      @Serenity23582 8 років тому

      Lol thats not that tricky 😂

  • @Turkiyafan1
    @Turkiyafan1 8 років тому +2

    I have no time for games, but I do have time for fat warrior

  • @ScubaDiverMan408
    @ScubaDiverMan408 8 років тому +1

    title should have been The Return of Rngeesus

  • @nozdormurinokripperino8041
    @nozdormurinokripperino8041 8 років тому +4


  • @Aflay1
    @Aflay1 8 років тому

    I would have kept violet illusionist in case Yogg does something like pyroblast or lavaburst your face.

  • @cesarespana2754
    @cesarespana2754 8 років тому

    At 15:50 couldn't kripp have shield slammed Sylvanas for 2 and traded with the cat to steal Rag?

    • @MrRipYourHeadOff
      @MrRipYourHeadOff 8 років тому

      no because he just played sylvanas that turn. come on man, this is basic shit

    • @cesarespana2754
      @cesarespana2754 8 років тому

      MrRipYourHeadOff oh yeah, sorry lol I'm pretty ignorant

  • @treygrosvenor2079
    @treygrosvenor2079 8 років тому

    Why would you not put Malchezaar in there (sorry for spelling)? 5 more cards in your deck for fatigue?

  • @bigbudha7508
    @bigbudha7508 8 років тому

    5:38 this will be the average yogg in the future i guess

  • @KennyKiller3000
    @KennyKiller3000 8 років тому

    krip now sits under his table.

  • @Leonar12345
    @Leonar12345 8 років тому +2

    how did you squeeze a Fat Warrior game into 19 minutes? Usually need 2 weeks for one of those

  • @fahadolight
    @fahadolight 8 років тому

    Warriors matches are somehow majestic

  • @howdy3751
    @howdy3751 8 років тому +5

    Decklist doesn't work from under the stairs

  • @clickpwn
    @clickpwn 8 років тому +2

    Hey Kripp, you should get a poster at the back or something to make backdrop of these videos more interesting and less barren.

    • @CDexie
      @CDexie 8 років тому

      He just fucking moved in, he has more important things to do this moment, and he just hopes his viewers understand that for a short while this is how it's going to be.

    • @forgloryscrubs7571
      @forgloryscrubs7571 8 років тому


  • @Pierre-gk5ky
    @Pierre-gk5ky 8 років тому

    Hey Kripp, why not Malchezar in your fatigue warrior for extra cards?

    • @_skud
      @_skud 8 років тому

      It's super shit that's why xD

    • @kresovk5
      @kresovk5 8 років тому

      No need for extra cards, if you get to fatigue with Brann/Oracle/Violet, you will win.

  • @haterde2505
    @haterde2505 8 років тому

    kripp is now making his videos under his desk

  • @Falconpunch2
    @Falconpunch2 8 років тому

    yo kripparino you gonna put some foam up in that room ? it stops eco....mostly

  • @TheThezenith
    @TheThezenith 8 років тому

    i dont know why i havent seen an illusionist fools bane board clear before
    i really fucking like it xD

  • @Matiasss200
    @Matiasss200 8 років тому +1

    Camera is turning more and more to the left

  • @qwertycal1707
    @qwertycal1707 8 років тому +38

    Can any of the plebs gift us with the decklist?

    • @qwertycal1707
      @qwertycal1707 8 років тому +3

      Cuckerino Kripperino
      thanks bro *cuts off penis*

    • @hithereyouwanderingstrange1635
      @hithereyouwanderingstrange1635 8 років тому +45

      2x execute
      2x shield slam
      1x Doomsayer
      2x Fiery War Axe
      2x Slam
      2x Acolyte of Pain
      1x Brann Bronzebeard
      2x Coldlight Oracle
      2x ravaging ghoul
      2x shield block
      2x Violet Illusionist
      2x Bloodhoof Brave
      1x Elise Starseeker
      2x Brawl
      1x Fools Bane
      1x Harrison Jones
      1x Justicar Trueheart
      1x Sylvanas Windrunner
      1x Yogg-Saron, Hopes End

    • @ProfibobWot
      @ProfibobWot 8 років тому

      xd turns out, its preety bad

    • @qwertycal1707
      @qwertycal1707 8 років тому +2

      Ancient Magearino Kripparino
      ancient mages always know it, thanks :D

    • @cosmicstariight966
      @cosmicstariight966 8 років тому +1

      But I thought you "Sometimes forget things"

  • @Szafirprince
    @Szafirprince 8 років тому +1

    Where is deck tracker?

  • @edcellwarrior
    @edcellwarrior 8 років тому

    Skip the Kripp: 2:04

  • @Chuckdrums11
    @Chuckdrums11 8 років тому

    That look @ 11:25

  • @pook149
    @pook149 8 років тому

    11:17 Smug Kripp

  • @olivierga
    @olivierga 8 років тому

    The DECK LIST!!!!

  • @PerunsZGRevenge
    @PerunsZGRevenge 8 років тому

    Where is the list Kripp??

  • @whygod2880
    @whygod2880 8 років тому +80


    • @extreme8780
      @extreme8780 8 років тому

      Stfu I thought baa was baa holy crap

    • @thomazk2507
      @thomazk2507 8 років тому +8

      3/10 worse than duckerino

    • @2011carp
      @2011carp 8 років тому +7

      ripoff of quackerino 1/10

    • @rmartinlopez98
      @rmartinlopez98 8 років тому +5

      I believe he arrived before quackerino

  • @Einherier1994
    @Einherier1994 8 років тому

    can you negate fatigue dmg with the one card that says "during your turn you are immune"?

    • @certifiedgyrltheinnocentgo5115
      @certifiedgyrltheinnocentgo5115 8 років тому


    • @libertyprime9307
      @libertyprime9307 8 років тому

      Since fatigue happens during your turn, yes.

    • @josuecosta1399
      @josuecosta1399 8 років тому

      Remember that you take fatigue at the start of your turn, but if you draw in your opponents turn. "Oracle/Acolite." You will still take it.

  • @MisterBork
    @MisterBork 8 років тому

    That suicidal yogg saron tho

  • @sheilgrandhi4375
    @sheilgrandhi4375 8 років тому +4

    Deck list ?

    • @Tale77777
      @Tale77777 8 років тому +1


    • @SempreAtivo12
      @SempreAtivo12 8 років тому +1

      Deck List?

    • @Luminari743
      @Luminari743 8 років тому +1


  • @danielsecara
    @danielsecara 8 років тому

    How about some Faeria videos?!

  • @paarahful
    @paarahful 8 років тому

    Aww didn't even show off the bread and butter of the combo

  • @Shmiam
    @Shmiam 8 років тому +2

    wheres the deck list?

  • @TheHe4moud
    @TheHe4moud 8 років тому

    Skipperino Kripperino is absent : 2:05

  • @StickAndMove18
    @StickAndMove18 8 років тому

    That 10 mana snipe lmao

  • @demnachos9576
    @demnachos9576 8 років тому +3

    Does that door fucking anyone else up

  • @KuQiells
    @KuQiells 8 років тому +2

    Hey, ligth's up! ;)

  • @darkomen1290
    @darkomen1290 8 років тому

    Kripp's eyelashes look stunning in this video

  • @forgloryscrubs7571
    @forgloryscrubs7571 8 років тому

    Can we get a Confesserino Krippereno? Please

  • @MistaKoD
    @MistaKoD 8 років тому +27

    Fat Warrior too slow, I don't approve.

  • @alisterroquer2899
    @alisterroquer2899 8 років тому

    Where is the deck tracker?

  • @Edgar-sp6po
    @Edgar-sp6po 8 років тому +17

    0:04 Watch Kripp fuckers.(This comment is part of a paid promotion.)

  • @twikxtwikxx1298
    @twikxtwikxx1298 8 років тому

    I came face to face with this deck about an hour ago I didn't know what demon spawn made this deck but I was playing tempo mage and at the end he made me do 21 fatigue damage to myself then extra past the iceblock I had from yog. Ehhhhh

    • @kresovk5
      @kresovk5 8 років тому

      Am I supposed to feel sad for you? Because I'm having hard time doing so.

    • @twikxtwikxx1298
      @twikxtwikxx1298 8 років тому

      YO tf your deal?
      you premature adoption child.

    • @kresovk5
      @kresovk5 8 років тому

      Twikx Twikxx So what you are saying is this: You don't run Ice Block in your deck,so you obtain it through RNG of Yogg, and then complain about him actually using combo he put in deck precisely to kill you, combo that is always same, unlike your Yogg BS? All that while playing that awfully boring Tempo Mage? You seriously expect that I should I feel sad for you?

    • @twikxtwikxx1298
      @twikxtwikxx1298 8 років тому


  • @ImSiggi
    @ImSiggi 8 років тому

    what a nice control game

  • @david__8581
    @david__8581 8 років тому

    Replace for harrison?

  • @ГеоргиВасилев-б3т
    @ГеоргиВасилев-б3т 8 років тому +3


  • @fodonzor6847
    @fodonzor6847 8 років тому

    @kripparian Why u no do "How good is"

  • @jl3977
    @jl3977 8 років тому

    But the question is... will Thin Kripparrian return?

  • @Nero1511
    @Nero1511 8 років тому

    can you paint the wood behind you in the same colour as your wall? this annoyed me so hard :D

  • @FogellofDot
    @FogellofDot 8 років тому

    why is kripp in the attic?

  • @Dadik2580
    @Dadik2580 7 років тому +1

    This isn't one year ago yet tho...

  • @kekec77
    @kekec77 8 років тому

    @18:04 Krippgasm :D

  • @thierryderp1409
    @thierryderp1409 8 років тому +1

    where is the deck list i?

  • @algöwcä
    @algöwcä 8 років тому

    I love the legendary card; 10 mana Snipe !

  • @Mathmachine
    @Mathmachine 8 років тому

    Someone took Magni off his diet again.

  • @Woodshadow
    @Woodshadow 8 років тому

    that yogg. sickkkk

  • @illusion3065
    @illusion3065 8 років тому +3

    Needs more value 1/1s

  • @duckerino5691
    @duckerino5691 8 років тому

    What's the deck list?

  • @henriquesantanna6566
    @henriquesantanna6566 8 років тому

    why anyone use the combo fools bane plus double upgrade? this is equivalent to 30 damage on turn 7

    • @edwingaleana2085
      @edwingaleana2085 8 років тому

      It looks like you have no idea of what fools bane is used for.

    • @Armegeothm
      @Armegeothm 8 років тому

      Because a 3 card combo that is roughly equivalent to a single flamestrike isn't worth most of your health

    • @zisker1997
      @zisker1997 8 років тому

      If you're talking against minions, sure. Pair it with violet illusionist and it's a board clear. It can't go face though, obviously, so it limits the usage to fighting minion based decks.

    • @edwingaleana2085
      @edwingaleana2085 8 років тому

      Yeah, but playing 4 cards to achieve a semi clear board maybe it's not really effective.
      I'll stick with brawl.

  • @markchang2964
    @markchang2964 4 роки тому

    7:55 OOOF

  • @bkpedroxrojobk6856
    @bkpedroxrojobk6856 8 років тому +1

    this deck is so enjoyable

  • @TreeImmortal
    @TreeImmortal 8 років тому

    Basement Kripp > Attic Kripp