Private Auras are Coming to M+?? - Blizzard's Attempt to Stop Weakauras

  • Опубліковано 16 тра 2024
  • Yesterday we learned that Private Auras are returning in TWW. These are generally very disliked by players and make mechanics in raid much worse. There is also some M+ mechanics that are private auraed and leads to the question of "does this matter?" (it doesnt).
    Priv Aura Post:
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  • @szitastamas
    @szitastamas 2 місяці тому +24

    I guess TL:DR is: if you want to use private auras, don't make your mechanics undoable with private auras.

    • @Tettles
      @Tettles  2 місяці тому +10

      Pretty good tldr

  • @ne0n_black
    @ne0n_black 2 місяці тому +8

    Thank you for calling out the bs charge abilities! Wasn't fun having to essentially cheese the mechanic with jade statue or a glitch spot (AD) or just get rolled. Blizzard has this weird fixation in general with unclear mechanics. Even things that should be telegraphed are marred by unclear animations with fuzzy borders or ones that even get overlayed by things on the ground (looking at you lancer swirlies on BRH). I don't get what's so hard about making mechanics clear and telegraphed so that players have the information needed to succeed. I don't like the difficulty of a mechanic being "Do I get to know what's happening in a clear and concise way".
    This isn't even just mechanics. The base UI is garbage and lacks basic information. It took until last patch for a MAJOR buff for fire mage (SKB) to even have a ui element at all! And the one they gave is hardly even good because it only triggers once you have max stacks and doesn't tell you when it's going to fall off. It's clear blizzard designs the game for the most casual of casual players and lets the community work out the jank for themselves.

    • @tylerchapman8856
      @tylerchapman8856 2 місяці тому

      How does lacking information in the ui translate to the game being designed for casual players. Because if they were trying to make the game easier they would have more information to make it way easier.. so what the hell does that have do with being a casual player

  • @Jay-407
    @Jay-407 2 місяці тому +19

    I want to see blizzard devs do these fights without weak auras at the beginning of each tier, and then we can talk

    • @champboehm7863
      @champboehm7863 2 місяці тому +2

      Get good

    • @RhodesianSuperiority
      @RhodesianSuperiority Місяць тому

      Blizz devs struggle on +5s and normal raid man, they put this shit in the game because they will never experience it. Why do you think sanguine still exists when its universally hated

  • @kahlg2265
    @kahlg2265 2 місяці тому +7

    Players: The game is overcomplicated and the mechanics are too overwhelming. We hate having to spend hours making weakauras to reduce the cognitive load and be better players for the sake of our teams/guilds. Can something be done to reduce combat addons, or just frankly make the game and mechanics simpler?
    Blizzard: You guys like using macros so you can use your weakauras right?

    • @Crisalpha
      @Crisalpha 2 місяці тому

      Very Blizzard tbh.
      When players complained they can't kill the rares in Zaralek for collectibles because they have too much health and nobody groups up for them, their solution was to make them spawn less. Supposedly if there are less rares up, there will be more people grouped up but the reality is that not many people farm them so there's no grouping up now either.
      So bottom line, people complained that it's hard to farm something and Blizz "solved" it by making it even harder.

    • @bucket936
      @bucket936 2 місяці тому

      I think the mechanics got overwhelming to counter how easy Weak Aura's made it. That's my opinion

    • @RatelRegalement
      @RatelRegalement 2 місяці тому

      Blizzard: 'so we have this new idea: your display turns off during position mechanics! Simple!'

  • @eXpr3s
    @eXpr3s 2 місяці тому +1

    To sum it al up for everyone. blizzard needs to make mchanics that work that does not NEED third party services to work. imagion getting into your car and you need to download 2-5 seperate apps to drive your car, thats basicly waht blizzard is doing with dungeons and raiding right now

  • @AndrewNajash
    @AndrewNajash 2 місяці тому +2

    I think a lot of the assignment stuff is easily fixed by changing who gets targeted and adding consistency between pulls. Instead of 4 random players make it the 4 closest or 1 per group. So at least you can say group 1 goes north corner group 2 goes south etc. then the person who gets it still changes but they know where to go without addons having to assign it on the fly

    • @okkipooky8612
      @okkipooky8612 2 місяці тому

      i like your idea...however i would prefer the 1 random player per group rather than "the closest X players".....cause you know dam well the same 4-6 guys that do every boss mechanic for your guild will be doing that job always....reminds me of broodkeeper egg popping groups...if your guild didnt have the normal popping team every would literally regress....i rather everyone knew how to play each boss...than to be handicapped by the same 4-6 players then suffer when they leave/arent there for w/e reason.

  • @slaintwice
    @slaintwice 2 місяці тому +1

    Tettles, any plans for a new podcast in the future?

  • @Crisalpha
    @Crisalpha 2 місяці тому +1

    I want them to fix Mist of Tirna Scythe. The aura makes it much easier than all that movement crap and it's unfair in an instance where time matters.

  • @dulago
    @dulago 2 місяці тому +2

    Let's be honest: if raid mechanics would be made simpler or better telegraphed people would still use weak auras to make them even simpler. Not defending that some of the mechanics mentioned are good or that hiding them behind private auras solves anything, but saying that people use dozens of weak auras every raid because some mechanics are bad is not the reality. Terrors, for example, has a fairly simple mechanic to spawn pillars and people still used weakauras to automatically assign sides for each person with the debuff. If there's ANY opportunity of using a weak aura to simplify an encounter people will use it. The only difference between complex and simple mechanics is that they'll require more complex auras as well.

    • @Tettles
      @Tettles  2 місяці тому +1

      That’s honestly pretty valid.

  • @bertsvello
    @bertsvello 2 місяці тому

    Can we use Private Auras to cheese the Labirinth mini-game in MOTS for TWW S01 M+???

  • @kenny82910
    @kenny82910 2 місяці тому +1

    WAs that solves mechanics that actually matter a lot: mist maze. If they somehow private aura that, ooo boi.

  • @IronBorn-WarriorFitnessChannel
    @IronBorn-WarriorFitnessChannel 2 місяці тому

    totally agree with this move as the Weak Auras have literally made it to easy... Mythic raiding should be hard and mechanics like this should be dealt with on the FLY by the Team..not a bloody addon :) although i do use it and i find it very helpfull... but for things like worlds first kills private auras in Mythic should be utilised

  • @joshualuttrell7269
    @joshualuttrell7269 2 місяці тому

    Weakauras solving mechanics doesn’t really happen in M+, more often dungeon weakauras are just a bunch of debuff icons. Really seems like they just want to put private auras in just for the sake of putting them in

  • @Navi_xoo
    @Navi_xoo 2 місяці тому

    The idea shouldn't be to yolo assignment style mechanics. It should be a complex mechanic you can plot and create assignments for. I do agree telegraphing can be pretty terrible but players are also used to having timers set for them. As for M+ problems it's usually simply overtuning or mechanics favoring one class over others. At least now that they've made affixes way simpler. I'm not a fan of weakauras in general but some classes feel necessary to track buffs with it, blizzard gives you barely any control over buff tracking.
    And as you mentioned some mechanics are simply absurd in raids but that's almost always an easy fix. Ignoring raw numbers overtuning, mechanical complexity should be something that is based on planning not something based on purely reactive gameplay. Does any mythic raider actually enjoy using a weakaura to play the mechanics for you? I never enjoyed it and the times I felt satisfaction on a boss were when mechanics are plotted and practiced, not gamified by a script. In FFXIV for example ultimate raids are almost entirely praised because all of the mechanics are solvable but take a long time to practice and memorize your timings, foot placement, assignments. Ultimate raids are different of course but the principle should still apply in WoW raids just tweaked for 8-11 boss raids and 20 players.

  • @SaltyKeldion
    @SaltyKeldion 2 місяці тому +2

    Private auras have been used as a crutch for badly designed mechanics. I can't support them spreading into dungeons.

  • @bojnebojnebojne
    @bojnebojnebojne 2 місяці тому +1

    I'd prefer to not have to use addons all together.
    Unfortunately, that is not doable when doing content on the higher difficulties.
    After 20 years blizzards normal UI still have important and relevant information tucked away at the edge of the screen... lite wtf

    • @quintit
      @quintit 2 місяці тому

      I agree, but I do wish more people would just say bigwigs and weakauras (spell cds on nameplates and various debuff trackers) because those are the actual required addons that everyone is referring to.

    • @bojnebojnebojne
      @bojnebojnebojne 2 місяці тому

      @@quintit totally agree

  • @technicolorsoultheory3924
    @technicolorsoultheory3924 2 місяці тому

    sucks there is probably no way for them to gut weakauras without ruining lots of addons we like.

  • @cenat2
    @cenat2 2 місяці тому

    they have no any idea what to do with their own game, its just the worst way to increase difficulty

  • @budlifegreenhouse
    @budlifegreenhouse 2 місяці тому

    This is anti shadowmeld tech so ppl can meld boss mechanics?😊

  • @Corpo2077
    @Corpo2077 2 місяці тому

    Blizzard should redirect these efforts towards fixing the hunter class and its talents

  • @sleshflex4170
    @sleshflex4170 2 місяці тому

    Imagine either remove gcd from utility/stops abaility or increase the cast time of stoppable abilities instead of the need to have a wa that tells you what is going to be cast because u need to hold globals and cant play reactivly.

    • @Meisbear
      @Meisbear 2 місяці тому

      Honestly, I have been saying this and agreeing for soooo long. Being able to react would be awesome off the gcd because sometimes it comes down to that single second. In my opinion i think in pvp it should be on the gcd but in m+ it should not.

  • @painfullyavarage4316
    @painfullyavarage4316 2 місяці тому

    I don’t think this really matters for m+ realistically. I can’t even really think of a recent m+ mechanic that it being private would effect, mechanics are just not that complex in m+. It might be annoying and break some QOL addons which would suck but I’d be shocked if any private mechanics actually end up being treated like raid ones and have the macro workaround used.

    • @Tettles
      @Tettles  2 місяці тому +1

      Yep. I 100% agree. If they made any mechanic in the past 2 expansions a private aura I’m like “yeah sure”

    • @Tettles
      @Tettles  2 місяці тому +1

      It’s just like a 5 vs 20 player thing

  • @FSDraconis
    @FSDraconis 2 місяці тому

    tldr - It would be nice if Blizzard pointed out positive gameplay mechanics at the end of dungeons and raids for the group. Sorry for the wall of text below.
    Personally, I think it could be good to take an idea from Overwatch. At the end of a dungeon/raid throw out some banners to highlight players for positive game play mechanics and an MVP position for the person that provided the most points towards those metrics. I do not mean highest dps. I do not mean the least deaths. I actually mean along the lines of most valuable interrupts versus their timer. Someone with a 30 second cool down interrupt would score more than someone with a 15 second cool down getting the same number of interrupts. Avoiding the most avoidable damage. Using defensives to mitigate damage that you can't avoid. Everyone has a kit of skills and using them well lends to better group performance. We don't need to keep a score or tally of these metrics past each dungeon or raid. I have lost track of how many times I have seen pugs that won't interrupt. The amount of people not paying attention to when they could use a health pot of health stone in raid is notable. You can't always get people to learn. But a little incentive could help spark some player interest to be better. There are a lot of ways the banners could display the metrics. Most interrupts could show the group interrupts based on the party members with an interrupt and their score based on their cool down and importance of the spell interrupted.

    • @Essjaybee2934
      @Essjaybee2934 2 місяці тому

      i've been saying this for months now, but not quite as well as you did. i would go as far as to say, the two or three players with the best 'score' at the end of the dungeon are the ones who get the treasure, or the option to pass for someone else to roll on the loot table. it sucks so hard when the shittiest player or even the one that dipped so we had to four man the rest is the one who gets loot

    • @FSDraconis
      @FSDraconis 2 місяці тому

      @@Essjaybee2934 I exclusively play in groups with players in discord and maybe one pug. Random player is random skilled. Some are great. Some are some where in the middle. Some can certainly be a burden.
      When everyone in your group is skilled in your suggestion though. It won't look any different than it is now. Careful gameplay will avoid overlapping interrupts.
      I wouldn't want the system to impact gameplay directly personally. Just to lightly nudge players to be interested in learning to do better.
      I have known some guild members that felt it wasn't worth their time to learn what spells to interrupt. Then they complain why the dungeons are so difficult. Team work and knowing your class kit helps a lot.

  • @Liratan
    @Liratan 2 місяці тому

    Seeing Blizzards track record on what mechanics they put on private auras in the past I don't trust them to not do something stupid here. Their whole game has been held together by the community so making them not be able to fix Blizzards stupid game design decisions generally goes poorly.

  • @tegridyfarmer2581
    @tegridyfarmer2581 2 місяці тому

    Let's make private auras and at the same time design mechanics who are hell to solve without a weakaura...
    If the solution to a mechanic isn't a weakaura it shouldn't be some annoying or degenerate thing either.
    For example the smolderon orbs instead of a weakaura making assignments u want what?
    The raidlead calling people 1 by 1 to soak them for 4 hours straight while playing the game himself?
    In which world would this solution be better than a weakaura?

  • @TheRealGrimpaw
    @TheRealGrimpaw 2 місяці тому +1

    Oh great, now i'm gonna need an extra addon for each mechanic that hard enough not to wing

  • @zinkist
    @zinkist 2 місяці тому +1

    Tettles you good man? Allergies bugging you? You seemed legitimately distraught in this video. ... Regardless, I mostly agree with your points except for one: I think this absolutely DOES change things for Mythic+, and by that I mean that I think adding Private Auras to Mythic+ is an extremely NEGATIVE change, tremendously haphazard & foolish Game Design, and one of the worst changes Blizzard has ever made to WoW.
    It's also a bigoted and Ableist change. A huge reason that I play WoW is because I can fully customize the UI to work with my Disabilities, and by taking that away Blizzard is saying: "Oh you can't see well or get distracted very easily? Well sucks to be you, cause you get to play WoW on Ultra-Hard-Mode where half the mechanics become invisible!".
    Even something like the Shadow Orb is a negative change because now I can't have the nice BigWigs lady tell me "SHADOW ORB!" in her pleasant robot voice. Now I gotta just hope I can see the low-contrast marker over my head and pray I don't wipe my group.
    Private Auras is Blizzard's greatest error since deciding to block Mounts in the Maw and adding a cooldown to swapping Covenant Talents in Shadowlands.
    This is an egregiously bad change that demonstrates that Blizzard Developers are woefully out of touch with reality & fun, and that some Blizzard Dev(s) in charge of making these decisions might actually be an Ableist Bigot, can't rule out cruelty after all, cruelty ruled Blizzard not that long ago, remember the lawsuits?
    But I'm also a passionate person who prefers to make it VERY clear how I feel about things. Normal people might consider this an overreaction. I consider it making my point clear.
    I will still play TWW, for now at least, but changes like this just serve to embitter and spoil the entire experience. Changes like this are Sadistic levels of "Friction". If Ion is so obsessed with Friction then he can put on some Sandpaper-Underwear and stop making WoW worse just because he learned a new Game Design concept.

  • @Chaotisch
    @Chaotisch 2 місяці тому

    Meanwhile on M+ 10+ keys are made a joke easy now .

  • @bucket936
    @bucket936 2 місяці тому

    No more weak aura's would be amazing. tbh.

  • @wowsew
    @wowsew 2 місяці тому

    Private Auras in dungeons don't seem like a issue to me at all, especially if you just run a guild group, and this is coming from someone that had to macro on smolderon & soak orbs in m fyrakk lol. Raid are deff another story, since they got solved in a weird way anyways, lame af

    • @Crisalpha
      @Crisalpha 2 місяці тому

      I call out stuff for my guild groups. You'd be surprised how little awareness your average group has.

  • @drugzarebad
    @drugzarebad 2 місяці тому

    "Oh no, my weakaura / addon cannot tell me where to move or to not stand in shit or what button i need to press next" vibe. I agree some are shit and need to be nerfed, neltharion, fyrakk orbs but this won't solve why players are dependent on addons telling them what to do

  • @DeuterJog
    @DeuterJog 2 місяці тому +2

    I want blizzard to weaken the auras efficiency as much as they can. Addons are the worst thing of retail. Asmongold was right.